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Simultaneous Recording of Input and Output of Lateral Geniculate Neurones   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
TO understand the way in which the cat dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) processes visual information it would be useful to know the number and type of retinal inputs to individual LGN neurones. Using electrical stimulation of the optic nerve Bishop et al.1concluded that an impulse in a single optic nerve fibre is sufficient to excite a single LGN neurone. From the appearance of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) recorded essentially intracellularly, Creutzfeldt suggested that LGN neurones are driven by perhaps one2 or a few3 retinal ganglion cells. Hubel and Wiesel4 proposed models of convergence of several retinal inputs on single LGN neurones based on analyses of receptive fields. Guillery5 produced anatomical evidence that some types of LGN neurones receive inputs from several different retinal fibres. Now we report direct observations which were made by recording simultaneously from single LGN neurones and from individual retinal ganglion cells which provided excitatory input to them. We shall not consider inhibitory influences, which are currently under study.  相似文献   

With the use of quantitative histological techniques, we have described, in normal mice, the formation of a system of intercellular channels within the embryonic retina and continuing without interruption into the optic stalk. The channels develop in advance of the morphological differentiation of the retinal ganglion cells and their neurites. Moreover, they appear at predictable times during gestation and are localized along the potential route to be taken by the earliest developing fibers of the optic nerve. A functional relationship may exist between the development of the channels and the subsequent outgrowth of the optic nerve from the eye. We have also examined a series of mouse embryos homozygous for the mutant gene ocular retardation (orJ), which causes optic nerve aplasia. In the orJ mutant, there is a reduction in area of these extracellular spaces and the optic nerve fails to exit from the eye. The lack of intercellular space within the mutant retina is associated with an increased number of cells which, in turn, may result from a continuing absence of normal cell death during earlier stages.  相似文献   

The formation of fine retinotopic order by growing optic fibers in the goldfish is thought to be mediated by the correlated firing of optic fibers from neighboring retinal ganglion cells. Although the activity of the tectal cells must also be important for this activity-dependent refinement, few studies have analyzed the pattern and local correlation of the intrinsic activity of tectal neurons and the effect of denervation on this activity. To address this issue, spontaneous (nonoptic driven) activity was analyzed and cross-correlograms were computed between individual tectal neurons using single and double electrode extracellular recordings. Recordings were made in normally innervated tectum in which the contribution of optic activity was eliminated by short-term intraocular blockade with tetrodotoxin and in denervated tecta in which the optic nerve had been severed several weeks prior. Several observations were relevant to activitydependent refinement: First, coupling between neighboring tectal cells is weak. Second, the time duration for local correlation is relatively long, as long as 200 ms. Third, tectal neurons exhibit spontaneous bursting. Fourth, denervation increased the level of spontaneous activity in the tectum. The increased spontaneous activity and bursting following denervation implies that tectal neurons are more excitable when optic fibers are beginning to reinnervate the tectum. This could make it possible for optic fibers to drive tectal neurons at a time when their input to individual neurons is severely weakened by a lack of spatial convergence. The weak coupling between tectal cells and the consequent long-time constant for correlated activity implies a constraint on the duration of correlated retinal activity that is used for activitydependent refinement. Since optic fibers likely need to detect the postsynaptic activity of a local group of tectal neurons, rather than that of a single neuron, the long tectal time constant means that retinal activity need not be correlated with precision much better than 200 ms because the postsynaptic circuitry cannot generate shorter correlations. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

During regeneration of the optic nerve in goldfish, the ingrowing retinal fibers successfully seek out their correct places in the overall retinotopic projection on the tectum. Chemospecific cell-surface interactions appear to be sufficient to organize only a crude retinotopic map on the tectum during regeneration. Precise retinotopic ordering appears to be achieved via an activity-dependent stabilization of appropriate synapses and is based upon the correlated activity of neighboring ganglion cells of the same receptive-field type in the retina. Four treatments have been found to block the sharpening process: (a) blocking the activity of the ganglion cells with intraocular tetrodotoxin (TTX), (b) rearing in total darkness, (c) correlating the activation of all ganglion cells via stroboscopic illumination and (d) blocking retinotectal synaptic transmission with alpha-bungarotoxin (alphaBTX). These experiments support a role for correlated visually driven activity in sharpening the diffuse projection and suggest that this correlated activity interacts within the postsynaptic cells, probably through the summation of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs). Other experiments support the concept that effective synapses are stabilized: a local postsynaptic block of transmission causes a local disruption in the retinotectal map. The changes that occur during this disruption suggest that each arbor can move to maximize its synaptic efficacy. In development, initial retinotectal projections are often diffuse and may undergo a similar activity-dependent sharpening. Indirect retinotectal maps, as well as auditory maps, appear to be brought into register with the direct retinotopic projections by promoting the convergence of contacts with correlated activity. A similar mechanism may drive both the formation of ocular dominance patches in fish tectum and kitten visual cortex and the segregation of different receptive-field types in the lateral geniculate nucleus. Activity-dependent synaptic stabilization may therefore be a general mechanism whereby the diffuse projections of early development are brought to the precise, mature level of organization.  相似文献   

The anatomical pathways and trajectories of regenerating retinal fibers within the optic tract and tectum of adult newts were examined, 7 months after transection of the optic nerve. In spite of restoration of retinotopic ordered central connection within the tectum, the pathways of individual regenerating retinal fibers within the optic tract were greatly disorganized; the misrouted retinal fibers exhibited tortuous trajectories on the tectal surface in approach to their sites of normal innervation. These results suggest that the regenerating retinal fibers with abnormal pathways and tortuous trajectories can be maintained provided they are in contact with appropriate targets.  相似文献   

Retrograde staining of retina of Lymnaea stagnalis with neurobiotin demonstrated that most photoreceptor cells send axons to the optic nerve directly, without intermediate contacts. Some of the photoreceptors are glutamate-immunoreactive suggesting that glutamate can provide the synaptic transmission of visual signal to the central neurons. Other photoreceptors stained via optic nerve seem to have other transmitter systems. Some of the retinal cells, but not the optic nerve fibers are pigment-dispersing hormone-immunoreactive. There are many serotonin-containing fibers in the tissue surrounding the optic cup with some of them penetrating the basal lamina of retina. Some of them belong to central neurons providing efferent innervation of the pond snail eye. Serotonergic innervation as well as pigment-dispersing hormone-containing cells are supposed to be involved in mechanism of the photosensitivity regulation of the molluscan eye.  相似文献   

Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are abundant in the rat retina and at least seven heteromeric subtypes have been detected. Axons of retinal ganglion cells form the optic nerve and innervate areas of the brain important for visual processing, including the lateral geniculate nucleus, the superior colliculus, and the pretectal nucleus. Development of eye-specific layers in these projection areas are dependent upon retinal waves which are initially mediated by nAChRs [ Feller et al. , Science 272 (1996), 1182 ; Penn et al. , Science 279 (1998), 2108 ; Bansal et al. , J. Neurosci. 20 (2000), 7672 ]. Unilateral eye-enucleation studies in the rat indicate that nAChRs are on the terminals of optic nerve axons, where they may mediate influences of acetylcholine on visual pathways. In this study, we use radioligand binding and immunoprecipitation with subunit-selective antibodies to investigate the subunit composition of nAChRs in the rat optic nerve. We found multiple nAChR subtypes in the optic nerve, all of which contain the β2 subunit. Most of these receptors are mixed heteromeric subtypes, composed of at least three different subunits. Included among these subtypes is the highest percentage and density of α6- and β3-containing nAChRs of any area of the rat CNS that has been reported.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the Limulus lateral eye exhibits a pronounced circadian rhythm. At night a circadian oscillator in the brain activates efferent fibers in the optic nerve, inducing multiple changes in the physiological and anatomical characteristics of retinal cells. These changes increase the sensitivity of the retina by about five orders of magnitude. We investigated whether this increase in retinal sensitivity is accompanied by changes in the ability of the retina to process temporal information. We measured the frequency transfer characteristic (FTC) of single receptors (ommatidia) by recording the response of their optic nerve fibers to sinusoidally modulated light. We first measured the FTC in the less sensitive daytime state and then after converting the retina to the more sensitive nighttime state by electrical stimulation of the efferent fibers. The activation of these fibers shifted the peak of the FTC to lower frequencies and reduced the slope of the low-frequency limb. These changes reduce the eye's ability to detect rapid changes in light intensity but enhance its ability to detect dim flashes of light. Apparently Limulus sacrifices temporal resolution for increased visual sensitivity at night.  相似文献   

Cell patterning in the vertebrate CNS reflects the combination of localized cell induction, migration and differentiation. A striking example of patterning is the myelination of visual system. In many species, retinal ganglion cell axons are myelinated in the optic nerve but are unmyelinated in the retina. Here, we confirm that rat and mouse retina lack oligodendrocytes and their precursors and identify multiple mechanisms that might contribute to their absence. Soluble cues from embryonic retina inhibit the induction of oligodendrocytes from neural stem cells and their differentiation from optic nerve precursors. This inhibition is mediated by retinal-derived BMPs. During development BMPs are expressed in the retina and addition of the BMP antagonist Noggin reversed retinal inhibition of oligodendrocyte development. The lack of retinal oligodendrocytes does not simply reflect expression of BMPs, since no oligodendrocytes or their precursors developed when embryonic retinal cells were grown in the presence of Noggin and/or inductive cues such as Shh and IGF-1. Similarly, injection of Noggin into the postnatal rat eye failed to induce oligodendrocyte differentiation. These data combined with the proposed inhibition of OPC migration by molecules selectively expressed at the nerve retina junction suggest that multiple mechanisms combine to suppress retinal myelination during development.  相似文献   

How does each ingrowing retinal fiber select the right spot in the overall retinotopic projection? Chemospecific surface interactions appear to be sufficient only to organize a crude retinotopic map on the tectum during regeneration of the optic nerve of goldfish. Precise retinotopic ordering is achieved via an activity-dependent stabilization of appropriate synapses, based on the correlated activity of neighboring ganglion cells of the same receptive field type in the retina. Four treatments have been found to block the sharpening process: 1) blocking activity of the ganglion cells with intraocular tetrodotoxin (TTX); 2) rearing in total darkness; 3) correlated activation of all ganglion cells via stroboscopic illumination in a featureless environment; 4) block of retinotectal synaptic transmission with alpha-bungarotoxin. These experiments support a role for normal visually driven activity in sharpening the diffuse projection, and demonstrate that the correlated activity of the optic fibers interacts within the postsynaptic cells, probably through the summation of excitatory postsynaptic potentials. Intraocular TTX experiments suggest that a similar mechanism may drive both the formation of ocular dominance patches in fish tectum and kitten visual cortex and the segregation of different receptive field types in the lateral geniculate nucleus. Thus, it may be a general mechanism whereby the diffuse projections of early development are brought to a mature level of organization.  相似文献   

Retinal ganglion cells represent the output neurons of the retina. They are responsible for integrating electrical signals that originate with the photoreceptors and, via their axons that comprise the optic nerve, transmit that information to higher visual centers of the brain. The retinal ganglion cells reside on the inner surface of the retina and their axons course across the inner surface to exit at the back of the eye through a region known as the optic nerve head. Within this region, initiation of the degenerative processes associated with glaucoma are thought to occur, leading to degeneration of not only the optic nerve but also the retinal ganglion cells themselves. Studies aimed at understanding the mechanisms behind glaucoma have identified diverse cellular components and molecular events that occur in response to nerve injury. The challenge to date has been to identify and promote pro-survival events while suppressing those that support further degradation and loss of vision. Complicating this process is the fact that the cells and molecules involved can play multiple roles. An understanding of the players and their complex relationships is central to the development of a successful treatment strategy.  相似文献   

The concentration of serotonin within the pineal gland of the monkey exhibits a 24-hour rhythm, being higher during the hours of light and falling during the hours of darkness. Chiasmotomies were performed upon male cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca irus) to ascertain whether the intrapineal concentration of serotonin is dependent upon information passing from the eyes by means of nerve fibers that cross in the optic chiasma. After two weeks, the operated animals, whether killed in the light or the dark, showed a significant reduction in intrapineal serotonin compared with controls; however, the concentration of serotonin in operated animals killed during hours of light was comparable with that of control animals killed during the corresponding hours of darkness. The results indicate that the intrapineal concentration of serotonin is dependent upon information transmitted from the eyes by means of nerve fibers which cross in the optic chiasma; it is possible that these fibers are also components of the accessory optic tracts. It also is suggested that during hours of light, uncrossed fibers of retinal origin may participate in the regulation of the intrapineal serotonin concentration of this monkey.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The neurotrophins, which include nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), NT-4/5 and NT-6, are a family of proteins that play fundamental roles in the differentiation, survival and maintenance of peripheral and central neurons. Much research has focused on the role of neurotrophins as target-derived, retrogradely transported trophic molecules. Although there is recent evidence that BDNF and NT-3 can be transported in an anterograde direction along peripheral and central axons, there is as yet no conclusive evidence that these anterograde factors have direct post-synaptic actions. RESULTS: We report that BDNF travels in an anterograde direction along the optic nerve. The anterogradely transported BDNF had rapid effects on retinal target neurons in the superior colliculus and lateral geniculate nucleus of the brain. When endogenous BDNF within the developing superior colliculus was neutralised, the rate of programmed neuronal death increased. Conversely, provision of an afferent supply of BDNF prevented the degeneration of geniculate neurons after removal of their cortical target. CONCLUSIONS: BDNF released from retinal ganglion cells acts as a survival factor for post-synaptic neurons in retinal target fields.  相似文献   

A neural model is described of how spontaneous retinal waves are formed in infant mammals, and how these waves organize activity-dependent development of a topographic map in the lateral geniculate nucleus, with connections from each eye segregated into separate anatomical layers. The model simulates the spontaneous behavior of starburst amacrine cells and retinal ganglion cells during the production of retinal waves during the first few weeks of mammalian postnatal development. It proposes how excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms within individual cells, such as Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels, and cAMP currents and signaling cascades, can modulate the spatiotemporal dynamics of waves, notably by controlling the after-hyperpolarization currents of starburst amacrine cells. Given the critical role of the geniculate map in the development of visual cortex, these results provide a foundation for analyzing the temporal dynamics whereby the visual cortex itself develops.  相似文献   

D T Yew 《Acta anatomica》1979,104(3):332-334
Aging of the retina and optic nerve was studied in 2.5- to 9-month-old albino mice. A change was found in the number of visual cells and in the distribution of large versus small optic nerve fibers. No significant change was found in the number of retinal phagosomes and in the total number of optic nerve fibers.  相似文献   

The role of dying cells in the optic stalk in relation to retinal fiber migration was investigated in the chick embryo. Cell death was analysed at various stages of development by counting pycnotic nuclei and also by the Gomori acid phosphatase reaction, while nerve fibers were visualised by the Bodian method. A wave of cell death, beginning in the neural retina at stage 18 and advancing with time through the stalk towards the diencephalon, occurred simultaneously or slightly prior to differentiation and migration of ganglion cell axons. Cell death stopped and gliogenesis occurred in the stalk after penetration by retinal fibers. Cell death occurred in the stalk even when fiber penetration was prevented by optic cup ablation. In this case, necrosis ensued until almost complete degeneration of the stalk, usually within three days after the operation, and gliogenesis did not occur. As the stalk degenerated, its cells became heavily pigmented. These observations suggest that the onset of cell death in the optic stalk is determined prior to and independently of retinal fiber penetration. On the other hand, cessation of cell death and subsequent gliogenesis occur only in the presence of ingrowing optic fibers.  相似文献   

At various times after unilateral division of the optic nerve in the frogRana temporaria L. evoked potentials in response to electrical stimulation of the optic nerve were investigated in a segment distal to the site of operation, spike activity was recorded from endings of regenerating and intertectal axons when stimuli of different shapes were placed in the field of vision, and the distribution of axonal bulbs of growth by depth in the tectum mesencephal was studied electron-microscopically. During regeneration of the axons the responses of the retinal ganglionic cells to visual stimuli retained most of their individual features. Myelinated axons of the retinal ganglionic cells regenerate first (starting on the 21st day after operation). Myelination of these fibers lags significantly behind their growth and is complete more than 100 days after the operation. Unmyelinated axons of the retinal ganglionic cells grow up toward the tectum mesencephali after myelinated axons (80 or more days after the operation). Axonal bulbs of growth in the initial periods after the operation are located close to the pial surface and the level of spread of the myelinated axons of the retinal ganglionic cells differs significantly from their normal level of localization. Intertectal connections persist after division of the nerve and are activated by visual stimuli during regeneration of the axons of the retinal ganglionic cells. Connections were found mainly between intertectal fibers terminating superficially and retinal ganglionic cells belonging to class 1 and 2 detectors. Axons of the retinal ganglionic cells grow up toward the caudal region of the tectum mesencephali later than toward the rostral region.A. N. Severtsov Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of Animals, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 611–620, November–December, 1973.  相似文献   

Ganglion cell axon pathfinding in the retina and optic nerve   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The eye is a highly specialized structure that gathers and converts light information into neuronal signals. These signals are relayed along axons of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) to visual centers in the brain for processing. In this review, we discuss the pathfinding tasks RGC axons face during development and the molecular mechanisms known to be involved. The data at hand support the presence of multiple axon guidance mechanisms concentrically organized around the optic nerve head, each of which appears to involve both growth-promoting and growth-inhibitory guidance molecules. Together, these strategies ensure proper optic nerve formation and establish the anatomical pathway for faithful transmission of information between the retina and the brain.  相似文献   

The patterned neural projection from the eye to the optic tectum of lower vertebrates (the retinotectal projection) has been proposed to be ordered by interactions between the optic nerve fibers and their surrounding tissues. To investigate the role of one such defined cell interaction, agarose implants containing antibodies to the neural cell adhesion molecule, N-CAM, were inserted into the tectum of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. Both monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against N-CAM reversibly and specifically distorted the pattern of the retinotectal projection, decreasing the precision of the projection as determined by electrophysiological techniques as well as decreasing the density of retinal innervation of the tectum and the branching of single axons as determined by horseradish peroxidase tracing. The anatomical effects became maximal at 4 to 6 days after implantation and returned to undetectable levels by 2 weeks, whereas the physiological effects became maximal by 8 to 10 days and a normal physiological map was reestablished within 4 weeks. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that anti-N-CAM antibodies perturb the ongoing growth and retraction of the terminal arbors of the optic nerve fibers, such that a region of the tectum becomes largely denuded of fibers. The physiological defects may then be a consequence both of the initial retraction of optic nerve terminals and of the rapid ingrowth of the perturbed and neighboring optic nerve fibers into the denuded region after the antibodies were cleared from the tectum. These results support the concept of a major role for N-CAM-mediated adhesion during map regeneration and maintenance.  相似文献   

Retinal connections were studied in Eptesicus fuscus and Artibeus jamaicensis using anterograde axonal degeneration and autoradiographic techniques following unilateral enucleations and uniocular injections of radioactive amino acids. Although each retina projected bilaterally to the brainstem, the number of silver grains in the emulsion of autoradiographs indicated that nearly all fibers in the optic nerve entered the contralateral optic tract. Ipsilaterally, a major portion of the projection ended in the suprachiasmatic nucleus; caudal to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the amount of label was so small that individual silver grains were counted to determine the location and quantity of label in other ipsilateral nuclei. In both species the retinal projection terminated bilaterally in the suprachiasmatic, dorsal lateral geniculate, ventral lateral geniculate, and pretectal olivary nuclei and contralaterally in the posterior pretectal nucleus, superficial gray layers of the superior colliculus, and nuclei of the accessory optic system. In Eptesicus the projection to the nucleus of the optic tract ended contralaterally, and in Artibeus it ended in this nucleus bilaterally. The results of this study revealed a basic theme in the optic projection of the two ecologically different microchiropterans. The results differed, however, in that the projection was larger and visually related nuclei were better developed in Artibeus. Such variations are presumed to relate to eye size and the relative use of vision by the two chiropterans.  相似文献   

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