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In a solid state medium using yellow passion fruit waste as substrate, the basidiomycete Ganoderma lucidum produced a laccase as the main ligninolytic enzyme. This crude enzyme presented Michaelian behavior with both substrates tested, namely 3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS) and the anthraquinone dye remazol brilliant blue R (RBBR). The KM’s for these substrates were, respectively, 0.232 × 10−3 and 0.602 × 10−3 M. The actions of NaCl and Na2SO4, two important salts usually found in textile wastewaters, were investigated. The enzyme was inhibited by NaCl, but not by Na2SO4. Inhibition by NaCl was of the mixed type with two different inhibition constants. The enzyme was able to completely decolorize RBBR in the presence of 1.0 M Na2SO4 and 50% decolorization was found in the presence of 0.1 M NaCl. Such properties certainly make the enzyme a good agent for textile dye effluent treatment considering the fact that wastewaters of this industry usually contain high concentrations of NaCl and Na2SO4.  相似文献   

The response of Suaeda aegyptiaca (Hasselq.) Zoh. to various salinity treatments was tested in sand culture. Growth was promoted by NaCl and by Na2SO4 at all tested concentrations, but not by KCl. The effect of NaCl on growth was stronger than that of Na2SO4 and it increased gradually up to a 125 eq. m−3 optimum. Ion uptake was also affected by the different salts. Cl was taken up in similar quantities from KCl and from NaCl solutions and the content of the respective cations was also similar to one another. The presence of Na+ in the medium lowered the content of K+ in the plants and at the same time increased growth by as much as 900%. Transpiration was reduced and water use efficiency increased by Na+-salts. Highest water use efficiency was exhibited by plants which were treated with 125 eq. m−3 NaCl. It is concluded that Na+ at the macronutrient level has a specific promotive effect on the physiological processes of S. aegyptiaca. This effect is not due to replacement of K+ by Na+; neither can it be achieved by increasing the K+ concentration. Cl has an additional positive effect on growth of S. aegyptiaca. This effect is only expressed in the presence of Na+.  相似文献   

NaCl和Na2SO4胁迫下两种刺槐叶肉细胞叶绿体超微结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
二倍体刺槐(diploid Robinia pseudoacacia)是我国水土保持林的先锋树种,具有较强的适应性和抗逆性,对改善生态环境、防治水土流失、调节水文状况有重要作用。四倍体刺槐(tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia)是二倍体刺槐的加倍品种,也称多倍体刺槐,由韩国引进,具有速生、耐盐碱、耐干旱和耐烟尘等特点。目前,关于四倍体刺槐的研究,主要集中于栽培技术和繁殖技术方面,而关于四倍体刺槐叶片超微结构与其耐盐性的关系尚缺乏报道。比较了二倍体刺槐和四倍体刺槐在NaCl和Na2SO4胁迫下,叶片叶绿体超微结构的变化特点,一方面可以对二者的耐盐性进行鉴定,同时也可以探讨不同盐分胁迫条件下的作用机制。利用NaCl和Na2SO4进行20d的盐胁迫处理,观察叶绿体超微结构的变化特点,发现:NaCl处理前,二者叶肉细胞叶绿体为梭形、形态饱满、结构完整,NaCl处理后10d时,二倍体刺槐的叶绿体出现变形、膜模糊、基粒片层松散、类囊体解体、脂质球增多等现象,NaCl处理后20d时,叶绿体肿胀、变形,基粒片层断裂,膜系统解体。Na2SO4处理后10d时,二倍体刺槐的叶绿体肿胀,膜模糊,基粒片层松散、类囊体解体,Na2SO4盐胁迫处理后20d时,膜系统全部解体,结构破坏更为严重。总体来说,四倍体刺槐在盐胁迫后叶绿体结构变化不明显,只是在Na2SO4处理20d时,四倍体刺槐的叶绿体出现中空、基粒片层松散、膜边缘模糊现象。在处理前,两种刺槐的叶绿体均紧贴细胞壁,分布于细胞壁边缘。在NaCl处理后10d时,二倍体刺槐的叶绿体仍呈有序排列,紧贴细胞壁,但在处理后20d时,大部分叶绿体脱离细胞壁,呈随机分布。在Na2SO4处理后10d时,二倍体刺槐部分叶绿体脱离细胞壁,位于细胞中央。在Na2SO4处理后20d时,二倍体刺槐叶绿体大部分与细胞壁脱离。四倍体刺槐在两种盐胁迫处理前后叶绿体的排列变化不明显,均分布于细胞壁边缘,紧贴细胞壁。所以在盐胁迫下,耐盐植物叶片的叶绿体表现为结构完整,基粒片层清晰,类囊体结构完整,而不耐盐植物则表现为叶绿体超微结构松散、变形,基粒片层模糊,破坏严重时基粒片层扭曲,叶绿体解体,失去完整结构。  相似文献   

Stomatal function mediates physiological trade‐offs associated with maintaining a favourable H2O balance in leaf tissues while acquiring CO2 as a photosynthetic substrate. The C3 and C4 species appear to have different patterns of stomatal response to changing light conditions, and variation in this behaviour may have played a role in the functional diversification of the different photosynthetic pathways. In the current study, we used gain analysis theory to characterize the stomatal conductance response to light intensity in nine different C3, C4 and C3‐C4 intermediate species Flaveria species. The response of stomatal conductance (gs) to a change in light intensity represents both a direct (related to a change in incident light intensity, I) and indirect (related to a change in intercellular CO2 concentration, Ci) response. The slope of the line relating the change in gs to Ci was steeper in C4 species, compared with C3 species, with C3‐C4 species having an intermediate response. This response reflects the greater relative contribution of the indirect versus direct component of the gs versus I response in the C4 species. The C3‐C4 species, Flaveria floridana, exhibited a C4‐like response whereas the C3‐C4 species, Flaveria sonorensis and Flaveria chloraefolia, exhibited C3‐like responses, similar to their hypothesized position along the evolutionary trajectory of the development of C4 photosynthesis. There was a positive correlation between the relative contribution of the indirect component of the gs versus I response and water use efficiency when evaluated across all species. Assuming that the C3‐C4 intermediate species reflect an evolutionary progression from fully expressed C3 ancestors, the results of the current study demonstrate an increase in the contribution of the indirect component of the gs versus I response as taxa evolve toward the C4 extreme. The greater relative contribution of the indirect component of the stomatal response occurs through both increases in the indirect stomatal components and through decreases in the direct. Increases in the magnitude of the indirect component may be related to the maintenance of higher water use efficiencies in the intermediate evolutionary stages, before the appearance of fully integrated C4 photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Abstract. Very little attention has been directed at the responses of tropical plants to increases in global atmospheric CO2 concentrations and the potential climatic changes. The available data, from greenhouse and laboratory studies, indicate that the photosynthesis, growth and water use efficiency of tropical plants can increase at higher CO2 concentrations. However, under field conditions abiotic (light, water or nutrients) or biotic (competition or herbivory) factors might limit these responses. In general, elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations seem to increase plant tolerance to stress, including low water availability, high or low temperature, and photoinhibition. Thus, some species may be able to extend their ranges into physically less favourable sites, and biological interactions may become relatively more important in determining the distribution and abundance of species. Tropical plants may be more narrowly adapted to prevailing temperature regimes than are temperate plants, so expected changes in temperature might be relatively more important in the tropics. Reduced transpiration due to decreased stomatal conductance could modify the effects of water stress as a cue for vegetative or reproductive phenology of plants of seasonal tropical areas. The available information suggests that changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations could affect processes as varied as plant/herbivore interactions, decomposition and nutrient cycling, local and geographic distributions of species and community types, and ecosystem productivity. However, data on tropical plants are few, and there seem to be no published tropical studies carried out in the field. Immediate steps should be undertaken to reduce our ignorance of this critical area.  相似文献   

分别对300mmol·L-1NaCl和100mmol·L-1Na2CO3盐碱胁迫下的羊草苗进行以不同方式施加Ca2+、ABA和H3PO4等缓解胁迫处理.结果表明,外施Ca2+、ABA和H3PO4明显缓解了盐碱对羊草生长的抑制作用.叶面喷施效果好于根部处理;施用Ca(NO3)2效果好于施用CaCl2效果;混合施用CaCl2和ABA的效果比单独施用ABA或CaCl2的效果好.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, the abundance of common reed has significantly increased in freshwater wetlands of eastern North America, and stands of this species are now commonly alternating with stands of cattails. Since these species share many characteristics, the contact zone between common reed and cattail stands may witness strong interspecific interactions. We surveyed stand dynamics in roadside ditches and freshwater marshes at these contact zones over three years, and we examined the morphological plasticity in response to neighbors. Results indicate that common reed is clearly gaining ground over time, while cattails stands are retreating. We also found annual variability in the spatial dynamics, suggesting that other factors, such as the effect of weather conditions on water level, may affect population processes. Interspecific interactions had a detrimental effect on both common reed and cattail biomass. However, common reed showed morphological plasticity in shoot height, number of nodes, and internodes length, while cattails did not. Our observations suggest that common reed has a net competitive advantage over cattails in roadside ditches and freshwater marshes.  相似文献   

外施Ca^2+,ABA及H3PO4对盐碱胁迫的缓解效应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
分别对300mmol  相似文献   

Soil salinity and alkalinity are common constraints to crop productivity in low rainfall regions of the world. However, the physiological difference of plant response to these two stresses was short of deep investigation. This study has identified a set of differentially expressed proteins of tomato root exploring to NaCl and NaHCO3 stress by iTRAQ (isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation) assay. A total of 313 proteins responsive to NaCl and NaHCO3 were observed. Among these proteins, 70 and 114 proteins were up-regulated by salt and alkali stress, respectively. While down-regulated proteins were 80 in salt treatment and 83 in alkali treatment. Only 39 up-regulated proteins and 30 down-regulated proteins were shared by salt and alkali stresses. The majority of the down-regulated proteins accounted for metabolism and energy conversion, and the up-regulated proteins were involved in signaling or transport. Compared with salt stress, alkali stress down-regulated proteins related with the respiratory metabolism, fatty acid oxidative metabolism and nitrogenous metabolism of tomato roots, and up-regulated protein with the reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging and ion transport. This study provides a novel insight into tomato roots response to salt and alkali stress at a large translation level.  相似文献   

An investigation to determine whether stomatal acclimation to [CO2] occurred in C3/C4 grassland plants grown across a range of [CO2] (200–550 µmol mol?1) in the field was carried out. Acclimation was assessed by measuring the response of stomatal conductance (gs) to a range of intercellular CO2 (a gsCi curve) at each growth [CO2] in the third and fourth growing seasons of the treatment. The gsCi response curves for Solanum dimidiatum (C3 perennial forb) differed significantly across [CO2] treatments, suggesting that stomatal acclimation had occurred. Evidence of non–linear stomatal acclimation to [CO2] in this species was also found as maximum gs (gsmax; gs measured at the lowest Ci) increased with decreasing growth [CO2] only below 400 µmol mol?1. The substantial increase in gs at subambient [CO2] for S. dimidiatum was weakly correlated with the maximum velocity of carboxylation (Vcmax; r2 = 0·27) and was not associated with CO2 saturated photosynthesis (Amax). The response of gs to Ci did not vary with growth [CO2] in Bromus japonicus (C3 annual grass) or Bothriochloa ischaemum (C4 perennial grass), suggesting that stomatal acclimation had not occurred in these species. Stomatal density, which increased with rising [CO2] in both C3 species, was not correlated with gs. Larger stomatal size at subambient [CO2], however, may be associated with stomatal acclimation in S. dimidiatum. Incorporating stomatal acclimation into modelling studies could improve the ability to predict changes in ecosystem water fluxes and water availability with rising CO2 and to understand their magnitudes relative to the past.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of stomata and water use efficiency to high CO2   总被引:17,自引:9,他引:8  
Abstract The observed responses of stomata to carbon dioxide are reviewed, and the interaction of other known factors on the sensitivity to CO2 are summarized. The role of stomatal response to CO2 is discussed, and it is argued that while the effect of the CO2 response in normal daily stomatal behaviour is presently poorly understood the stomatal response to CO2 will have major impact in improving water use efficiency in future CO2 atmospheres. However, the attenuation of this increase is emphasized so that increases at the crop level will probably be much smaller than those observed at the single leaf assimilation level.  相似文献   

The interaction of rising CO2 and temperatures with water use efficiency   总被引:14,自引:10,他引:4  
Abstract. Recent data concerning the impact of elevated atmospheric CO2 upon water use efficiency (WUE) and the related measure, instantaneous transpiration efficiency (ITE), are reviewed. It is concluded from both short and long-term studies that, at the scale of the individual leaf or plant, an increase in WUE or ITE is generally observed in response to increased atmospheric CO2 levels. However, the magnitude of this increase may decline with time. The opinion that elevated CO2 may substantially decrease transpiration at the regional scale is discussed. The mechanisms by which elevated CO2 may cause a change in these measures are discussed in terms of stomatal conductance, assimilation and respiration responses to elevated CO2. Finally, recent experimental data and model outputs concerning the impact of the interaction of increased temperature with elevated CO2 on WUE, ITE and yield are reviewed. It is concluded that substantially more data is required before reliable predictions about the regional scale response of WUE and catchment hydrology can be made.  相似文献   

水分胁迫对冬小麦叶片CO2/H2O交换参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changes of CO2/H2O exchange parameters were continually measuredin winter wheat under different water stress stages.The results showed that photosynthesis rate and transpiration rate of winter wheat in water stress conditions were obviously lower than that in non-stress conditions.After water stress,both of them slowly increased and even overtook that on sufficient irrigation treatment. Responses of winter wheat to water stress in different growth stages were different.To some extent, water stress can improve crop water use efficiency,speed up the process of milking.Under water stress condition,stomatal conductance limited diurnal changes of photosynthesis and transpiration in the morning but not in the afternoon.Transpiration is more sensitive to water stress than photosynthesis.  相似文献   

采用营养液培养方法,以耐盐性较弱的‘津春2号’黄瓜品种为试材,研究了等渗Ca(NO3)2和NaCl胁迫对黄瓜幼苗生长、根系电解质渗透率、根系活力、Na+和K+含量及渗透调节物质含量的影响。结果显示:(1)在84mmol.L-1 NaCl和56mmol.L-1 Ca(NO3)2等渗胁迫下,黄瓜幼苗鲜重和干重均显著下降,且NaCl处理下降的幅度大于等渗Ca(NO3)2处理。(2)NaCl主要通过对黄瓜根系的伤害来抑制植株生长,表现为根系活力下降、根系质膜透性增大、Na+大量积累、K+含量显著下降、Na+/K+明显上升,最终导致根冠比下降;而Ca(NO3)2处理对根系质膜透性、K+含量、Na+/K+的影响均小于NaCl胁迫,且根系活力和根冠比上升,但Ca(NO3)2胁迫后叶片含水量和渗透调节能力均小于NaCl胁迫。(3)NaCl胁迫条件下,黄瓜幼苗内渗透调节物质以可溶性糖为主,而Ca(NO3)2胁迫以可溶性蛋白为主。研究表明,NaCl胁迫对黄瓜幼苗的伤害大于等渗Ca(NO3)2,NaCl主要通过破坏根系质膜结构影响植株生长,而Ca(NO3)2主要通过引起地上部生理干旱来影响植株生长。  相似文献   

Six-months-old, uniform sized seedlings of two citrus rootstocks; Cleopatra mandarin (Citrus reshni Hort. ex Tan) and Troyer citrange (Poncirus trifoliata × Citrus sinensis) were irrigated with half-strength Hoagland nutrient solution containing 0, 40 or 80 mM NaCl for 12 weeks. Shoot height, leaf number and fresh weights of the seedlings, and relative chlorophyll contents, chlorophyll fluorescence yields (Fv/Fm), net photosynthetic and respiration rates in the leaves decreased with the increase in salinity level in the irrigation water. The decrease was greater in Troyer citrange as compared to Cleopatra mandarin. The concentrations of sugars i.e. fructose, glucose and sucrose in the leaves of Cleopatra mandarin and both leaves and roots of Troyer citrange decreased with the increase in salinity level. However, the concentrations in the roots of Cleopatra mandarin increased with the increase in salinity level. Free proline content in the leaves of Troyer citrange and root tissue of Cleopatra mandarin also increased with the increased salinity level. Among the polyamines, spermine titer increased in the leaves of both rootstocks as a response to salinity treatments. Na+ concentrations were higher in leaf and root tissue of Cleopatra mandarin, while that of Cl were higher in Troyer citrange.  相似文献   

Two succulents with similar growth forms but different types of photosynthesis, Cotyledon orbiculata (crassulacean acid metabolism, CAM) and Othonna opima (C3 pathway), were investigated with respect to the modulation of water use efficiency (WUE) during the transition from the rainy season to subsequent drought. Environmental conditions were simulated in a controlled-environment experiment on the basis of data collected in the habitat of the two species in the southern Namib desert. Experiments included one or more periods of hot bergwind, which frequently occurs in this region. When water was readily available, daily net CO2 fixation was similar in the two species. This result confirms that the daily CO2 fixation of CAM plants is as high as that of morphologically similar C3 plants adapted to the same habitat. As expected, both species reduced CO2 fixation and water loss through transpiration during simulated hot bergwind periods and their WUE values increased. However, after the second hot bergwind period, nearly identical WUEs were recorded: 41.0 and 40.0 mmol mol?1 for C. orbiculata and O. opima, respectively. Therefore the statement that a CAM plant is a better ‘water saver’ than a C3 plant does not necessarily hold for CAM and C3 plants with similar growth forms growing under the same environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis in cacao is difficult and this species is considered as recalcitrant. Therefore, reformulation of culture media might be a breakthrough to improve its somatic embryogenesis. In cacao, acquisition of somatic embryogenesis competence involves three main stages: induction of primary callus, induction of secondary callus and embryo development. Screening for MgSO4 and K2SO4 concentrations for somatic embryo differentiation was conducted on three genotypes (Sca6, IMC67 and C151-61) at the three stages. The effect of these two salts in culture media appears to be most efficient at the embryo development stage. At this stage, high MgSO4 (24 mM) and K2SO4 (71.568 mM) in the culture media induced direct somatic embryos on staminodes and petals of the Sca6 and IMC67 genotypes. Media supplemented with 6.0 mM and 12.0 mM MgSO4 enabled high responsive of explants and produced high proportion of embryos. The positive effect of MgSO4 and K2SO4 on the acquisition of embryogenesis competence was further tested on seven cacao genotypes reputed as non embryogenic: SNK12, ICS40, POR, IMC67, PA121, SNK64 and SNK10. All these genotypes were able to produce somatic embryos depending on the MgSO4 concentration. Thus, our results showed that the recalcitrance of cacao to somatic embryo differentiation can be overcome by screening for the suitable MgSO4 or K2SO4 concentration. Studies of the influence of different K+/Mg2+ ratios (at normal sulphate concentration) on somatic embryo differentiation revealed that sulphate supply was the main factor promoting responsive explants and the proportion of embryos. Cysteine synthase isoforms showed patterns related to morphogenetic structures sustaining that sulphur supply and its assimilation improve somatic embryogenesis in cacao.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore clonal integration of Spartina alterniflora under gradually changing substrate salinity conditions. We hypothesized that there might be a trade-off between growth and sexual reproduction influenced by soil salinity and, that clonal integration would change this trade-off. The experiment consisted of three levels of substrate salinity (5‰, 20‰ and 35‰), two clonal integration treatments (rhizomes severed or not), and three growth stages of daughter ramets (21, 40 and 60 cm tall). Both growth and sexual reproduction of S. alterniflora greatly decreased with increasing salinity. Clonal integration enhanced the survival, growth and sexual reproduction of daughter ramets experiencing salt stress, especially for young ramets, whereas the performance of mother ramets was reduced by clonal integration. Therefore, clonal integration did not affect performance of the whole clones. Contrary to expectations, there was no evidence for a trade-off between growth and sexual reproduction associated with salinity. In addition, clonal integration did not change the effect of salinity on the growth and sexual reproduction of mother and daughter ramets nor of the whole clones.  相似文献   

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