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Zusammenfassung Nitzschia amphibia führt eine end to end-Paarung durch, obwohl — im Unterschied zu ähnlichen Fällen — die Apikalachse isopol ist. Es entwickeln sich miteinander in Kontakt stehende Kopulationspapillen, die sich zu einem Kopulationsschlauch vereinigen. In ihm fusionieren die Gameten unter dem Bild von Isogamie. Jede Mutterzelle bildet, im Unterschied zu den drei anderen vonNitzschia bisher bekannten Modi der Kopulation unter Bildung von zwei Gameten, nur einen Gameten, und zwar aus dem gesamten Protoplasten, ohne daß mit der Meiose eine abortive Zytokinese verbunden ist.Nitzschia amphibia unterscheidet sich in Besonderheiten des Paarungsverhaltens von allen anderen bisher bekannten pennaten Diatomeen. — Die Artdiagnose ist durch die erweiterte Längenvariation von 10,5–67 zu ergänzen.  相似文献   

Alfred Rieth 《Planta》1940,31(2):171-183
Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 26 Textabbildungen.Da aus äußeren Gründen nicht abzusehen ist, wann diese Untersuchungen weitergeführt werden können, werden sie veröffentlicht, obwohl der Verf. sich nicht verhehlt, daß noch manche Lücken auszufüllen sind.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine Übersicht über die verschiedenen konstitutionell festgelegten Lagebeziehungen der Achsen von Mutterzellen und Auxosporen bzw. Erstlingszellen ergibt einige ursächliche Deutungsmöglichkeiten (mechanische Auslösung, Stellung zum Substrat); es ist zu erwarten, daß ein größere Tatsachenmaterial die Zusammenhänge besser erkennen lassen wird. Dies gilt auch für die Fragestellung, warum die 1. Epitheka in einer bestimmten Lage gebildet wird. Surirella ovata bildet aus 2 Mutterzellen ohne Umlagerung der Protoplasten je 2 Gameten, die allogam und isogam 2 Zygoten bzw. Erstlingszellen mit bestimmter Orientierung und bestimmter Lage der Epitheken liefern; die 4 anderen bisher untersuchten Arten bilden nur 1 Gameten und 1 Zygote, der Paarungsmodus und die Art des Wachstums und der Orientierung der Auxosporen bleibt sich aber bei allen Arten gleich.Seinem verehrten Kollegen HelmuthGams zum 70. Geburtstag.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung BeiCymbella Cesati und einer sehr ähnlichen Sippe treten infolge ihrer naviculoiden Zellform die Partner bei der Paarung anders als bei cymbelloiden Arten zusammen: unter Wahrung gewisser für die Gattung und den Fusionstyp der Gameten wesentlichen Gesetzmäßigkeiten kommen drei verschiedene Stellungen vor, während sonst nur eine, nämlich Berührung an den Ventralseiten realisiert wird.Die ersten Epitheken entstehen bei den beiden Arten an drei in bezug auf die Mutterzellen verschiedenen Orten, während sonst bei Arten mit der gleichen Orientierung der Pervalvarachsen nur eine einzige Lage vorkommt. Cymbella Ehrenbergii bildet die Gameten und Auxosporen auf die gleiche Weise wie alle anderen allogamenCymbella-Arten und auch der Fusionstyp der Gameten ist der gleiche. Die Anzahl derCymbella-Arten, deren Formwechsel genau bekannt ist, erhöht sich dadurch auf 20, wobei sich 17 allogam, 3 apo- oder automiktisch verhalten.  相似文献   

Xylanase production by Thermomonospora curvata   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
F.J. STUTZENBERGER AND A.B. BODINE. 1992. The thermophilic actinomycete, Thermomonospora curvata , produced <1 xylanase U/mg dry cell weight during growth in minimal medium with soluble sugars, 3–7 U/mg on purified xylan or cellulose and 28 U/mg on cotton fibres. The optimal growth temperature for xylanase production was 55°C. Cell-bound xylanase decreased from about 30% of total activity in early culture to about 2% in stationary phase. Fractionation of extracellular proteins by isoelectric focusing and size exclusion chromatography yielded three endoxylanases (XI, X2 and X3) with pI and mol. wts of pH 4.2, 7.1 and 8.4 and 36, 19 and 15 kDa respectively. X1, X2 and X3 had similar pH optima (7.8, 7.2 and 6.8) and Km for xylan (2.5, 1.4 and 2.0 mg/ml) respectively, but differed in their thermostability; half-lives at 75°C were 21 h for X1, 151 h for X2 and 302 h for X3.  相似文献   

Thermomonospora curvata produces an extracellular inducible amylase which does not accumulate products repressive to cellulase production during growth on starch-cellulose ratios similar to those of compost.  相似文献   

Summary Six sterols were extracted from lipids produced by Candida curvata yeast. Ergosterol (main component) and five minor compounds: ergosta-7, 24(28)-dien-3 -ol, ergosta-5, 7-dien-3 -ol, ergosta-5, 7, 9, (11), 22-tetraen-3 -ol, ergosta 7, 22-dien-3 -ol, ergost-7-en-3 -ol were identified by gas chromafography/mass spectrometry (GCMS) and quantitated by GLC.  相似文献   

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Auxospore formation and systematics in pennate diatoms and the cytology ofCocconeis races

Zusammenfassung Die Auxosporenbildung vonDiatoma elongatum, die trotz häufigen Vorkommens von dieser und verwandten Arten nicht bekannt war, geht unter Paarung einer im Fadenverband verbleibenden und einer hinzukommenden, sich nicht anheftenden Mutterzelle vor sich; in jeder von ihnen entstehen zwei Gameten und im Bereich der stationären schließlich zwei Zygoten bzw. Auxosporen. Eine deutlich abgegrenzte, färbbare Kopulationsgallerte fehlt.
Summary Auxospore formation inDiatoma elongatum, hitherto unknown in this and allied species, is brought about in the following manner. One of the two mother cells remains in its zigzag chain, whilst the other gets free from another chain and actively joins it without fixing by a mucilage stalk or cushion. Both furnish two gametes, those of the active mother cell appearantly beeing active in fusion which results in the formation of two zygotes. These enlarge into rod shaped auxospores. No distinct mucilageous envelope is secreted during copulation.

Cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase in Thermomonospora curvata.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase (PDE; EC in Thermomonospora curvata was purified and characterized. Fractionation of cell extracts by ion-exchange and size-exclusion chromatography revealed four PDE isozymes, which differed markedly in molecular weight, theophylline sensitivity, pH optima, and substrate affinity. Although the enzyme was labile after purification, total recovery of PDE activity was fivefold that of the crude extract. PDE biosynthesis appeared sensitive to the growth phase, growth rate, and carbon source. PDE levels in batch cultures peaked and declined rapidly during mid-exponential-phase growth. In continuous culture, maximal PDE and cellulase production occurred at dilution rates yielding mean cell generation times of about 5 and 17 h, respectively. The addition of glucose to cellulose-grown cells caused declines in both cyclic AMP and PDE levels, suggesting that the enzyme was subject to, rather than the agent of, catabolite repression.  相似文献   

Preferential Utilization of Cellobiose by Thermomonospora curvata   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Thermomonospora curvata was cultivated on mineral salts medium containing glucose and cellobiose under conditions that increasingly favored the uptake of glucose. In each case cellobiose was utilized in preference to glucose and induced β-glucosidase and endoglucanase activity. [14C]glucose metabolism studies indicated that cellobiose was not cleaved by extracellular β-glucosidase and transported as glucose. No evidence of cellobiose phosphorylase or a cellobiose-specific phosphoenolpyruvate-phosphotransferase system was observed.  相似文献   

Large populations of Criconemella curvata and extended experimental periods were required to adversely affect yield of ''Moapa 69'' alfalfa. C. curvata ectoparasitic feeding caused a reduction in feeder root numbers and tap root size and small lesions on tap and secondary roots. Greater reproduction occurred at 27 C than at 22 C, but the effect of the nematode on alfalfa growth was the same at both temperatures.  相似文献   

Summary Extracellular enzyme production by the actinomycete,Thermomonospora curvata, was characterized during growth at 55°C on bagasse as sole carbon source. Mycelia adhered to the bagasse fibers during early growth and were released in mature cultures. Extracellular protein reached a maximum on 4% (w/v) bagasse and yielded an electrophoretic profile similar to those produced on purified cellulose. Cellulase production on bagasse exceeded that observed forT. curvata on any previously employed substrate. Amylase and pectinase, which were diminished by their instability in culture fluid at growth temperature and by the lack of inducing substrate, were readily inducible by addition of starch or pectin, respectively. Extracellular activities of -glucosidase and -xylosidase remained insignificant throughout growth. Xylanase production equaled or exceeded that observed on a variety of other substrates. The combined activity of extracellular enzymes from bagasse-grownT. curvata caused a 27% solubilization of the fiber, yielding a mixture of cellooligosaccharides, cellobiose, xylobiose, glucose, xylose, fructose, arabinose and mannitol. Fractionation of concentrated extracellular proteins by size exclusion chromatography yielded single peaks for amylase and pectinase (estimated molecular weights of 58 K and 34 K respectively), while cellulase and xylanase activities were distributed throughout a series of multiple unresolved peaks spanning a molecular weight range of 26–180 K.  相似文献   

Production of depolymerlzing exoenzymes in the thermophilic actinomycete, Thermomonospora curvata, grown at 40°, 50° and 61°C, were compared. Cellulase-specific activities were similar at the three growth temperatures. Amylase-and pectinase-specific activities decreased with increasing growth temperature, while xylanase had the reverse pattern. This pattern of thermodependence correlated with ability of the actinomycete to use the product of each exoenzyme as sole carbon source. Therefore the activities of depolymerizing enzymes produced by the actinomycete during the composting temperature ascent are influenced by its ability to utillize each depolymerization product at that temperature.F. Stutzenberger is with the Department of Microbiology and T. Jenkins is with the Department of Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Science, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-1909 USA.  相似文献   

Cellulosic substrates were tested for their ability to bind the cellulases of Thermomonospora curvata . Protein-extracted lucerne fibres had the highest adsorptive capacity while native cotton fibres had the least. Analysis of binding as a Langmuir adsorption isotherm yielded maximal binding capacities of 0.012 filter paper units and 0.51 endoglucanase units/mg lucerne fibre at enzyme saturation. This capacity was increased about 12-fold by fibre pre-treatment in hot NaOH solution.  相似文献   

DNA-Dependent RNA polymerase (EC was isolated fromThermomonospora curvata. The purification steps included precipitation with Polymin P, elution of the precipitate with 0.3 mol/L KCl, precipitation with ammonium sulfate, affinity chromatography on heparin-agarose and molecular filtration on Biogel A 1.5m.  相似文献   

Thermomonospora curvata, a thermophilic actinomycete, secretes multiple forms of endo-beta 1-4-glucanase (EG)when grown on cellulose-mineral salts liquid medium. The EG activity(measured as carboxymethyl cellulose hydrolysis) was separated by ion exchange chromatography into three distinct components which differ in their kinetic properties. Exposure of Thm. curvata to ultraviolet light, N-nitrosoguanidine, or ethane methyl sulfonate produced mutants with enhanced EG production. Selection of colonies which cleared cellulose agar plant containing 2-deoxtglucose of glycerol yielded mutants having 1.5 to 2.6 times the extracellular EG and saccharifying activity (measured by filter-paper and cotton-fiber hydrolysis). The secretion of extracellular protein was increased proportionally in mutant cultures.  相似文献   

Lothar Geitler 《Planta》1939,30(3):551-566
Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 6 Textabbildungen (30 Einzelbildern).  相似文献   

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