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Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is a highly useful fluorescent tag for studying the localization, structure, and dynamics of macromolecules in living cells, and has quickly become a primary tool for analysis of DNA and protein localization in prokaryotes. Several properties of GFP make it an attractive and versatile reporter. It is fluorescent and soluble in a wide variety of species, can be monitored noninvasively by external illumination, and needs no external substrates. Localization of GFP fusion proteins can be analyzed in live bacteria, therefore eliminating potential fixation artifacts and enabling real-time monitoring of dynamics in situ. Such real-time studies have been facilitated by brighter, more soluble GFP variants. In addition, red-shifted GFPs that can be excited by blue light have lessened the problem of UV-induced toxicity and photobleaching. The self-contained domain structure of GFP reduces the chance of major perturbations to GFP fluorescence by fused proteins and, conversely, to the activities of the proteins to which it is fused. As a result, many proteins fused to GFP retain their activities. The stability of GFP also allows detection of its fluorescence in vitro during protein purification and in cells fixed for indirect immunofluorescence and other staining protocols. Finally, the different properties of GFP variants have given rise to several technological innovations in the study of cellular physiology that should prove useful for studies in live bacteria. These include fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) for studying protein-protein interactions and specially engineered GFP constructs for direct determination of cellular ion fluxes.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) has become a valuable tool for the detection of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. To evaluate its potential for quantitation of relative promoter activity in E. coli, we have compared GFP with the commonly used reporter gene lacZ, encoding beta-galactosidase. We cloned a series of previously characterized synthetic E. coli promoters into GFP and beta-galactosidase reporter vectors. Qualitative and quantitative assessments of these constructs show that (a) both reporters display similar sensitivities in cells grown on solid or liquid media and (b) GFP is especially well suited for quantitation of promoter activity in cells grown on agar. Thus, GFP provides a simple, rapid and sensitive tool for measuring relative promoter activity in intact E. coli cells.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein as an all-purpose reporter in Petunia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Two critical attributes of a reporter gene are ease of scoring for activity and capacity for expression in all cell types. We have examined a variant of the gene encoding green fluorescent protein,mgfp5, for its ability to meet these criteria in petunia. Under regulation of the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) 35S promoter, GFP was detectable in all vegetative and most floral cell types. Promoters from petuniaadhl andadh2 allowed for production of GFP in those few cell types lacking GFP production from the CaMV 35S promoter, verifying its capacity for expression in all cell types. With the appropriate promoter, GFP fluorescence was thus readily detectable throughout the plant. A potential complication is the green autofluorescence exhibited by some plant tissues. This auto-fluorescence is for the most part distinguishable from that contributed by GFP, but under-scores the need for appropriate controls in GFP-reporter-based experiments. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Nguyen KD  Au-Young SH  Nodwell JR 《Plasmid》2007,58(2):167-173
The enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) is widely used to investigate cell type specific gene expression and protein localization in the filamentous streptomycetes. To broaden the scope of cell biological investigation in these organisms, we have adapted shuttle vectors for the construction of gene fusions to the monomeric red fluorescent protein (mRFP1) and have tested them in Streptomyces coelicolor. Using fusions of mRFP1 to the cell division proteins DivIVA and FtsZ, we show that mRFP1 is comparable to eGFP for cell biological research in this organism and suggest that this paves the way for the future use of two-color imaging and FRET.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli is one of the most widely used vehicles to overexpress membrane proteins (MPs). Currently, it is not possible to predict if an overexpressed MP will end up in the cytoplasmic membrane or in inclusion bodies. Overexpression of MPs in the cytoplasmic membrane is strongly favoured to overexpression in inclusion bodies, since it is relatively easy to isolate MPs from membranes and usually impossible to isolate them from inclusion bodies. Here we show that green fluorescent protein (GFP), when fused to an overexpressed MP, can be used as an indicator to monitor membrane insertion versus inclusion body formation of overexpressed MPs in E. coli. Furthermore, we show that an overexpressed MP can be recovered from a MP-GFP fusion using a site specific protease. This makes GFP an excellent tool for large-scale MP target selection in structural genomics projects.  相似文献   

A cereal transformation vector, pN1473, containing the strong constitutive rice actin promoter Act-1 , a multiple cloning site, and the nos terminator, was constructed. Fusion of a plant-optimized gfp gene to Act-1 in pN1473 resulted in the vector pN1473GFP. To assess the suitability of pN1473, and GFP as a reporter system in barley transformation, two barley cultivars (Baronesse and Golden Promise) were transformed by microprojectile bombardment. Transient gfp expression in transformed embryogenic callus material was detectable by fluorescence microscopy less than 12 h after transformation. The presence of the gfp gene in callus and regenerated plantlets was confirmed by PCR amplification and DNA gel-blot analysis.  相似文献   

Genetically engineered human osteosarcoma cells containing developmental endothelial locus-1 (del-1) gene were studied for production of Del-1, a protein that has the properties of an extracellular matrix protein and can regulate vascular morphogenesis and remodeling. Del-1 has been studied as a potential anti-angiogenesis drug targeting solid tumors. In this study, osteosarcoma cells were cultured in a fibrous-bed bioreactor (FBB) to continuously produce Del-1. The FBB was constructed by packing a polyester fibrous matrix into a 1.5-l spinner flask. The effects of media composition, including the serum content in the medium, and dilution rate on cell growth, metabolism, and Del-1 production were studied. A gradual reduction of serum content from 10% (v/v) to 0.5% (v/v) caused no loss in Del-1 production. However, the production of Del-1 decreased significantly in a serum-free medium, suggesting some nutrients present in the serum were important to culture viability and Del-1 production. The continuous FBB culture was stable for long-term production of Del-1, with a higher Del-1 titer than that normally obtained in T-flask cultures and overall productivity similar to the total production from 300 25-cm(2) T-flasks. Reducing geneticin in the medium from 250 microg ml(-1) to zero at later culturing stages had no significant effect on Del-1 production. The FBB was operated for a period of more than 4 months without any notable degeneration, and reached a final cell density of 3 x 10(8) cells ml(-1) of packing volume with >90% cell viability. The good reactor performance can be attributed to the three-dimensional environment provided by the fibrous matrix that allows for efficient mass transfer and cell immobilization and growth. Scanning electron microscopic and confocal scanning laser microscopic studies of the cell-matrix showed that cells formed large aggregates in the fibrous matrix and cell density was relatively uniform in the matrix.  相似文献   

Mucoralean fungi (Zygomycota) are used for many industrial processes and also as important model organisms for investigating basic biological problems. Their genetic analysis is severely hampered by low transformation frequencies, by their strong tendency towards autonomous replication of plasmids instead of stable integration, and by the lack of reliable genetic reporter systems. We constructed plasmids for transforming the model zygomycete Absidia glauca that carry the versatile reporter gene coding for green fluorescent protein (GFP). gfp expression is controlled either by the homologous actin promoter or the promoter for the elongation factor of translation, EF1alpha. These plasmids also confer neomycin resistance and carry one of two genetic elements (rag1, seg1) that improve mitotic stability of the plasmid. The gfp constructs were replicated extrachromosomally and could be recovered from retransformed Escherichia coli cells. gfp expression was monitored by epifluorescence microscopy. The gfp reporter gene plasmids presented here for the model zygomycete A. glauca constitute the first reliable system that allows the monitoring of gene expression in this important group of fungi.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli were transformed by electroporation to introduce a plasmid harboring a GFP gene-containing vector. The fluorescence of the purified GFP isolated from the transformant was quenched by myeloperoxidase (MPO)-generated HOCl, by peroxynitrous acid (ONOOH) and by enzymatically or radiolytically generated NO(2)(.) but not by other putative neutrophil-generated oxidants. Fluorescence from the bacterium was effectively quenched by HOCl but not peroxynitrite, oxidizing radicals derived from its O-O bond homolysis, or the other oxidants under study. Exposure of serum-opsonized bacteria to human neutrophils resulted in extensive loss of GFP fluorescence; fluorescence microscopy revealed that phagocytosed bacteria were completely quenched but that bacteria remaining in the external media were unquenched. Addition of sodium azide to the medium to inhibit MPO prevented neutrophil-mediated fluorescence quenching. Because the amount of HOCl required to inhibit bacterial fluorescence was an order of magnitude greater than required to inhibit colonial growth, these results imply that sufficient HOCl was formed within the neutrophil phagosome to kill the microbe.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is an attractive reporter for bioprocess monitoring. Although expression of GFP in plants has been widely reported, research on the use of GFP in plant cell cultures for bioprocess applications has been limited. In this study, the suitability of GFP as a secretory reporter and a useful tool in plant cell bioprocess optimization was demonstrated. GFP was produced and secreted from suspension cells derived from tobacco that was transformed with a binary vector containing mgfp5-ER cDNA, a modified GFP for efficient sorting to the endoplasmic reticulum, under control of the CaMV 35S promoter. For cell line gfp-13, extracellular and intracellular GFP accumulated to 15.4 and 29.4 mg x 1(-1), respectively. Extracellular GFP accounted for 30.9% of the total extracellular protein. The molecular mass of extracellular GFP was nearly identical to that of a recombinant GFP standard, indicating cleavage of the signal sequence. Neomycin phosphotransferase II, a cytosolic selection marker, was found almost exclusively in cellular extracts with less than 2% in the extracellular medium. These results suggest that extracellular GFP is most likely the result of secretion rather than nonspecific leakage from cells. Furthermore, medium fluorescence intensity correlated nicely with extracellular GFP concentration supporting the use of GFP as a quantitative secretory reporter. During the batch cultivation, culture GFP fluorescence also followed closely with cell growth. A medium feeding strategy was then developed based on culture GFP fluorescence that resulted in improved biomass as well as GFP production in a fed-batch culture.  相似文献   

Jellyfish green fluorescent protein as a reporter for virus infections   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:29  
The gene encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP) of Aequorea victoria was introduced into the expression cassette of a virus vector based on potato virus X (PVX). Host plants of PVX inoculated with PVX.GFP became systemically infected. Production of GFP in these plants was detected initially between 1 and 2 days postinoculation by the presence of regions on the inoculated leaf that fluoresced bright green under UV light. Subsequently, this green fluorescence was evident in systemically infected tissue. The fluorescence could be detected by several methods. The simplest of these was by looking at the UV-illuminated plants in a darkened room. The PVX.GFP-infected tissue has been analysed either by epifluorescence or confocal laser scanning microscopy. These microscopical methods allow the presence of the virus to be localized to individual infected cells. It was also possible to detect the green fluorescence by spectroscopy or by electrophoresis of extracts from infected plants. To illustrate the potential application of this reporter gene in virological studies a derivative of PVX.GFP was constructed in which the coat protein gene of PVX was replaced by GFP. Confocal laser scanning microscopy of the inoculated tissue showed that the virus was restricted to the inoculated cells thereby confirming earlier speculation that the PVX coat protein is essential for cell-to-cell movement. It is likely that GFP will be useful as a reporter gene in transgenic plants as well as in virus-infected tissue.  相似文献   

The enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene (egfp) was used as a reporter of gene expression driven by the glyceraldehyde-p-dehydrogenase (gpd) gene promoter and the manganese peroxidase isozyme 1 (mnp1) gene promoter in Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Four different constructs were prepared. pUGGM3' and pUGiGM3' contain the P. chrysosporium gpd promoter fused upstream of the egfp coding region, and pUMGM3' and pUMiGM3' contain the P. chrysosporium mnp1 promoter fused upstream of the egfp gene. In all constructs, the egfp gene was followed by the mnp1 gene 3' untranslated region. In pUGGM3' and pUMGM3', the promoters were fused directly with egfp, whereas in pUGiGM3' and pUMiGM3', following the promoters, the first exon (6 bp), the first intron (55 bp), and part of the second exon (9 bp) of the gpd gene were inserted at the 5' end of the egfp gene. All constructs were ligated into a plasmid containing the ura1 gene of Schizophyllum commune as a selectable marker and were used to transform a Ural1 auxotrophic strain of P. chrysosporium to prototrophy. Crude cell extracts were examined for GFP fluorescence, and where appropriate, the extracellular fluid was examined for MnP activity. The transformants containing a construct with an intron 5' of the egfp gene (pUGiGM3' and pUMiGM3') exhibited maximal fluorescence under the appropriate conditions. The transformants containing constructs with no introns exhibited minimal or no fluorescence. Northern (RNA) blots indicated that the insertion of a 5' intron resulted in more egfp RNA than was found in transformants carrying an intronless egfp. These results suggest that the presence of a 5' intron affects the expression of the egfp gene in P. chrysosporium. The expression of GFP in the transformants carrying pUMiGM3' paralled the expression of endogenous mnp with respect to nitrogen and Mn levels, suggesting that this construct will be useful in studying cis-acting elements in the mnp1 gene promoter.  相似文献   

Transgenic Phytophthora palmivora strains that produce green fluorescent protein (GFP) or beta-glucuronidase (GUS) constitutively were obtained after stable DNA integration using a polyethylene-glycol and CaCl2-based transformation protocol. GFP and GUS production were monitored during several stages of the life cycle of P. palmivora to evaluate their use in molecular and physiological studies. 40% of the GFP transformants produced the GFP to a level detectable by a confocal laser scanning microscope, whereas 75% of the GUS transformants produced GUS. GFP could be visualised readily in swimming zoospores and other developmental stages of P. palmivora cells. For high magnification microscopic studies, GFP is better visualised and was superior to GUS. In contrast, for macroscopic examination, GUS was superior. Our findings indicate that both GFP and GUS can be used successfully as reporter genes in P. palmivora.  相似文献   

To develop a rapid reporter system for the screening of stationary-phase promoters in Escherichia coli, the expression pattern of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) during bacterial cultivation was compared with that of the commonly used β-galactosidase. Using GFP with enhanced fluorescence, the expression pattern of both reporter systems GFP and β-galactosidase were similar and showed a typical induction of gene activity of the reporter genes, i.e. increase of expression at the transition from exponential to stationary phase. The expression was affected by the culture medium, i.e. in contrast to the complex medium (LB medium), the stationary-phase specific induction was only observed in synthetic medium (M9) when amino acids were added, whereas there was generally no induction in MOPS medium. To develop a rapid screening method on agar plates for stationary-phase promoters, a photographic approach was used, continued with computational image treatment. A screening method is presented which enables an on-line monitoring of gene activity.  相似文献   

A signal peptide (SP)-probe vector pNICE-gfpSP, which employed a green fluorescent protein (Gfp) as the SP-selection marker, was constructed for use in Lactobacillus reuteri. This chimerical plasmid allowed cloning and screening DNA fragments with the SP function by direct visualization of the expressed fluorescence activity around cells. Assay of fluorescent intensity in their culture supernatant with spectrofluorometry further enabled quantifying the secretion efficiency of the identified SP fragment.  相似文献   

[目的]在酵母细胞中蛋白质的糖基磷酸肌醇化(GPI)修饰是将GPI定位于细胞膜或细胞壁的信号.目前已对酵母GPI蛋白的细胞定位信号有一定了解,但对丝状真菌GPI蛋白的定位则了解甚少.AfPhoA是丝状真菌烟曲霉(Aspergillus fumigatus)的酸性磷酸酯酶,是GPI修饰的蛋白.该蛋白首先分离自细胞膜,随后又发现该蛋白与细胞壁结合.分析其C-端序列也未发现已知的定位信号,因此目前还不能确定其细胞定位.[方法]我们以绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)作为报告分子,将AfPhoA的C-端序列与GFP的C-端融合后检测融合GFP的细胞定位.[结果]我们用烟曲霉几丁质酶AfChiB1的启动子和N-端信号肽构建了可在烟曲霉中分泌表达GFP的表达载体pchiGFP.在此基础上将AfPhoA的C-端与GFP融合,融合质粒与pCDA14共转化烟曲霉后筛选到一株转化子.该转化子可表达融合GFP,在诱导和非诱导条件下,融合GFP均主要分布在细胞膜上,随培养时间的延长,融合GFP在细胞壁上也有少量分布;在培养上清液中只能检出约30KD的GFP融合蛋白,而没有完整的GFP融合蛋白,推测为从GPI锚上水解释放的.[结论]我们的研究结果表明,AfPhoA蛋白GPI修饰的作用是使该蛋白定位于细胞膜.本研究不仅初步确定了AfPhoA蛋白GPI修饰的细胞膜定位功能,而且为烟曲霉基因与蛋白质功能的研究建立了一个有效表达系统.  相似文献   

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