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Graafian follicles obtained 9 hours after the injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) into mature rabbits were dissected into a follicular fluid component, a granulosa cell-oocyte component, and a residual wall component, (the latter containing mostly theca tissue with a small and variable amount of adhering granulosa cells). The amounts of PGE and PGF were determined for each component. The follicular fluid contained approximately 4–10 times more PGE and PGF than either the granulosa cell-oocyte component or the residual wall component. The latter two components contained approximately equal amounts of these prostaglandins. The in vitro biosynthesis of PGE and PGF was also studied and it was found that the granulosa cell-oocyte component had about 4 fold the capacity of the residual wall, and that the follicular fluid synthesized no prostaglandins. There was no significant effect of LH on either PGE or PGF synthesis in any of the components.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin (PG) levels in follicular fluid from preovulatory follicles of rabbit ovaries perfused in vitro were measured in order to compare PG changes in this model system with those that occur in vivo and in isolated, LH-treated follicles in vitro. One ovary from each rabbit was perfused without further treatment (control). The other ovary was exposed to LH (0.1 or 1 microgram/ml) beginning 1 hour (h) after initiation of perfusion. Samples of perfusion medium were taken at frequent intervals for measurement of PGE, PGF, progesterone and estradiol 17 beta. The perfusions were terminated when the first ovulation occurred or appeared imminent as judged by changes in the size and shape of the follicles. Follicular fluid was then rapidly aspirated from all large follicles on both ovaries for PGE and PGF measurement. Ovulations occurred only in the LH-treated ovaries. Progesterone and estradiol levels were significantly elevated in the perfusion medium within 1 h of LH treatment in comparison to controls. PG levels in perfusion medium from the control and LH-treated ovaries were not different throughout perfusion and increased in both groups. In contrast, PG levels measured in follicular fluid from LH-treated ovaries were 4- to 5-fold greater than in fluid from control ovaries. It is concluded that ovulation induced by LH in this experimental model is accompanied by an increase in follicular PG levels similar to that seen in other in vivo and in vitro models. This difference in follicular PG levels between the LH-treated and control ovaries is, however, not reflected in the perfusion medium.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated the capacity of isolated follicles from estrous rabbits to synthesize prostaglandins in vitro and to respond to gonadotropins added to the incubation medium with an increased accumulation of these lipids. The increase in both prostaglandins became apparent only after 5 hours of incubation. The effect was specific for hormones with LH activity and the threshold dose of LH appeared to be 0.005 μg/ml. In addition, we have shown that cyclic AMP (0.02 M) added to the incubation medium also increased prostaglandin in this in vitro system and appears to be a likely mediator of this action of LH.  相似文献   

The concentrations of prostaglandin F (PGF) and prostaglandin E (PGE) were measured by radioimmunoassay in isolated Graafian follicles of mature female rats during the pre and post ovulatory period of the estrous cycle. The levels of these prostaglandins were low and relatively constant from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the day of proestrus, but there was a marked increase at 8 p.m. of proestrus reaching an apparent maximum at midnight (PGF 18 fold, PGE 70 fold). By 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. on the morning of estrus these prostaglandins declined rapidly to levels similar to those observed between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on the day of proestrus. The increases in prostaglandin levels occurred after the LH peak and apparently before the time of ovulation. These data confirm the role of PGF and PGE in the local mechanism of ovulation in the normal adult of a spontaneously ovulating animal species.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin (PG) levels in follicular fluid from preovulatory follicles of rabbit ovaries perfused were measured in order to compare PG changes in this model system with those that occur and in isolated, LH-treated follicles . One ovary from each rabbit was perfused without further treatment (control). The other ovary was exposed to LH (0.1 or 1 ug/ml) beginning 1 hour (h) after initiation of perfusion. Samples of perfusion medium were taken at frequent intervals for measurement of PGE, PGF, progesterone and estradiol 17β. The perfusions were terminated when the first ovulation occurred or appeared imminent as judged by changes in the size and shape of the follicles. Follicular fluid was then rapidly aspirated from all large follicles on both ovaries for PGE and PGF measurement.Ovulations occurred only in the LH-treated ovaries. Progesterone and estradiol levels were significantly elevated in the perfusion medium within 1 h of LH treatment in comparison to controls. PG levels in perfusion medium from the control and LH-treated ovaries were not different throughout perfusion and increased in both groups. In contrast, PG levels measured in follicular fluid from LH-treated ovaries were 4- to 5-fold greater than in fluid from control ovaries. It is concluded that ovulation induced by LH in this experimental model is accompanied by an increase in follicular PG levels similar to that seen in other and models. This difference in follicular PG levels between the LH-treated and control ovaries is, however, not reflected in the perfusion medium.  相似文献   

The possibility that prostaglandins might be responsible for the development of the pre-ovulatory refractoriness to the stimulation by LH of cyclic AMP accumulation in the Graafian follicle was examined. Isolated rabbit Graafian follicles were obtained at estrus and at 0.5, 5 and 9 hours after an ovulatory dose of LH. The follicles were incubated in the presence of [8-3H]adenine and the accumulation of [8-3H]cyclic AMP measured. Follicles from estrous animals responded to the addition of LH with a marked increase of cyclic AMP accumulation and lost this response as the time of ovulation approached. Animals pretreated with indomethacin, which inhibits the usual pre-ovulatory rise of follicular prostaglandin levels, showed essentially the same loss of responsiveness. Indomethacin alone was without effect. It is concluded that prostaglandins are not the major factor in the development of refractoriness to LH stimulation which has been observed in pre-ovulatory follicles.  相似文献   

Goldfish preovulatory ovarian follicles (prior to germinal vesicle breakdown) were utilized for studies investigating the actions of activators of different signal transduction pathways on prostaglandin (PG) production. The protein kinase C (PKC) activators phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA; 100-400 nM), 1-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol (5 and 25 micrograms/ml), and 1,2-dioctanoylglycerol (10 and 50 micrograms/ml) stimulated PGE production; the inactive phorbol 4 alpha-phorbol didecanoate, which does not activate PKC, had no effect. Calcium ionophore A23187 (0.25-4.0 microM) stimulated PGE production and acted in a synergistic manner with activators of PKC. Although produced in lower amounts than PGE, PGF was stimulated by PMA and A23187. The direct activator of phospholipase A2, melittin (0.1-1.0 microM), stimulated a dose-related increase in PGE production, whereas chloroquine (100 microM), a putative inhibitor of phospholipase A2, blocked basal and PMA + A23187-stimulated PGE production. Several drugs known to elevate intracellular levels of cAMP including the phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (0.1-1.0 mM), forskolin (10 microM), and dibutyryl cAMP (dbcAMP; 5 mM) attenuate PMA + A23187-stimulated PGE production. Melittin-stimulated production of PGE was inhibited by dbcAMP, suggesting that the action of cAMP was distal to the activation of phospholipase A2. In summary, these studies demonstrate that activation of PKC and elevation of intracellular calcium levels stimulate PG production, in part, through activation of phospholipase A2. The adenylate cyclase/cAMP signalling pathway is inhibitory to PG production by goldfish ovarian follicles.  相似文献   

The concentrations of prostaglandins F-2 alpha, E, D-2 and 13,14-dihydro-15-keto PGE were measured in follicular fluid collected from women undergoing routine laparoscopy following induction of follicular development with clomiphene and hCG. Laparoscopy was performed before, or at 12, 24 or 36 h after administration of hCG. Prostaglandins were measured as the methyloxime derivative by radioimmunoassay. Peaks in PGE and PGF-2 alpha concentration occurred at 12 and 36 h with a significant nadir at 24 h, whereas PGD-2 production was very low at 36 h. The concentration of PGF-2 alpha rose significantly between 0 and 36 h and was greatest in follicles yielding oocytes, suggesting a possible role for this prostaglandin in the mechanism of follicle rupture.  相似文献   

In recent studies, we have shown that the smallest preantral follicles in the cyclic hamster increase DNA synthesis in the periovulatory period in response to surge levels of FSH. The current investigation was designed to determine whether the same phenomenon occurs in the cyclic mouse. Intact mouse follicles were isolated with watchmaker forceps (stages 4-6) or by enzymatic digestion (stages 1-4) at 0900 h and 1500 h on each day of the 5-day estrous cycle. The isolated follicles were classified into 6 stages: stages 1 and 2: follicles with 1 and 2 layers of granulosa cells; stage 3: follicles with 3 or more layers of granulosa cells and formation of theca; stages 4-6: incipient, small, and preovulatory antral follicles. The follicles at each stage were incubated for 3 h with [3H]thymidine. DNA content in stages 1-4 of follicles remained unchanged during the estrous cycle; for stages 5 and 6, DNA content was higher on the afternoon of proestrus than on other days of the cycle. Incorporation of [3H]thymidine for stages 1-3 (preantral follicles) started to increase at 1500 h of proestrus and peaked at 0900 h on estrus, whereas for stages 4-6, DNA synthesis peaked on proestrus (1500 h) and then fell by the morning of estrus. Thus, the rate of DNA replication in preantral and antral mouse follicles were different. Similarities and differences in folliculogenesis between mouse and hamster are discussed. These results suggest that DNA synthesis and the growth of all stages of follicles in the cyclic mouse may be associated with changing levels of periovulatory gonadotropins.  相似文献   

It is considered a dogma that a secretory peak of LH is indispensable as the trigger of ovulation. However, earlier studies on hypophysectomized rodents have shown that stimulation with recombinant FSH, devoid of any LH activity, is able to boost the final stages of follicular maturation and trigger ovulation. As the expression of ovarian LH receptors (LHRs) still persists after hypophysectomy, such studies cannot totally exclude the possibility that LHR activation is involved in the apparently pure FSH effects. To revisit this question, we analyzed in LHR knockout (LuRKO) mice the progression of folliculogenesis and induction of ovulation by human chorionic gonadotropin and human recombinant FSH treatments. The results provide clear evidence that follicular development and ovulation could not be induced by high doses of FSH in the absence of LHR expression. Ovarian histology and oocyte analyses indicated that follicular maturation did not advance in LuRKO mice beyond the antral follicle stage. Neither were ovulations detected in LuRKO ovaries after any of the gonadotropin treatments. The ovarian resistance to FSH treatment in the absence of LHR was confirmed by real-time RT-PCR and immunohistochemical analyses of a number of gonadotropin-dependent genes, which only responded to the treatments in wild-type control mice. Negative findings were not altered by estradiol priming preceding the gonadotropin stimulations. Hence, the present study shows that, in addition to ovulation, the expression of LHR is essential for follicular maturation in the progression from antral to preovulatory stage.  相似文献   

Luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates prostaglandin biosynthesis and steroidogenesis in preovulatory (PO) follicles prior to ovulation. Since the ovulatory process shares many similarities with an inflammatory reaction, mediators of the inflammatory response, such as bradykinin (BK) have been suggested to modulate the effects of LH. In the present study the effect of BK (5 microM) on: 1) prostaglandin biosynthesis (PGE2, PGF2 alpha and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha), 2) the levels of two enzymes in the cyclo-oxygenase pathway, prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase (PGS) and prostacyclin synthase (PCS), and 3) cyclic adenosine 3'5'-monophosphate (cAMP) and progesterone response of PO follicles incubated in vitro were examined. LH (0.1 microgram/ml) stimulated the accumulation of cAMP and progesterone in the medium, while BK had no effect on these parameters. BK exerted a slight stimulatory effect on PGE2, and PGF2 alpha, (p less than or equal to 0.01) but not on 6-keto-PGF1 alpha synthesis, but no changes in PGS or PCS levels could be detected. The effect of LH on prostaglandin biosynthesis was much more pronounced, with an increase of PGE2, PGF2 alpha and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha. LH also induced PGS. The combination of LH and BK did not alter these responses compared to that of LH alone. This study demonstrates that BK stimulates prostaglandin biosynthesis in PO follicles. In contrast to LH, this effect of BK does not seem to involve the adenylate cyclase system, since BK did not stimulate cAMP production. BK did not affect the levels of PGS or PCS, and the stimulatory effect of BK is suggested to involve an increase in the availability of substrate for the cyclo-oxygenase pathway.  相似文献   

In previous studies we have demonstrated that prior to hCG induced ovulation the levels of PGF and PGE in rabbit Graafian follicles increase markedly as ovulation approaches. We have now extended the study to include follicles obtained from animals at ovulation time and up to 48 hours after hCG injection. We have found that PGF reaches a maximum in ovulated follicles at the time of ovulation and then quickly decreases, whereas PGE continues to rise for several hours and then declines. The increase in both prostaglandins is limited to the follicles that actually ovulate. These data further document the proposed role for prostaglandins in the ovulatory process.  相似文献   

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