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Linkage analysis in 19 families with autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) has shown that ARPKD is not linked to the recently assigned second gene locus for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) on chromosome 4q (PKD2). Thus, there is strong evidence that ADPKD and ARPKD have different gene loci.  相似文献   

The localization of the autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease locus (PKD1) within an array of anonymous polymorphic DNA sequences on chromosome 16 band p13 was determined by multipoint mapping. Nine polymorphic DNA markers, including two hypervariable sequences, were used to study 19 PKD1 and 21 reference families. PKD1 was found to lie proximal to the 3' and 5' hypervariable regions of alpha-globin and distal to the anonymous sequence CRI-0327. Somatic cell hybrid mapping places PKD1 within the region 16p13.11-16pter. The availability of an array of linked markers which bracket the PKD1 locus provides a framework for further attempts to identify the PKD1 gene and offers an improved method of presymptomatic diagnosis of the disease.  相似文献   

Polycystic liver disease (PCLD) is characterized by the growth of fluid-filled cysts of biliary epithelial origin in the liver. Although the disease is often asymptomatic, it can, when severe, lead to complications requiring surgical therapy. PCLD is most often associated with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD); however, families with an isolated polycystic liver phenotype without kidney involvement have been described. The clinical presentation and histological features of polycystic liver disease in the presence or absence of ADPKD are indistinguishable, raising the possibility that the pathogenetic mechanisms in the diseases are interrelated. We ascertained two large families with polycystic liver disease without kidney cysts and performed a genomewide scan for genetic linkage. A causative gene, PCLD, was mapped to chromosome 19p13.2-13.1, with a maximum LOD score of 10.3. Haplotype analysis refined the PCLD interval to 12.5 cM flanked by D19S586/D19S583 and D19S593/D19S579. The discovery of genetic linkage will facilitate diagnosis and study of this underdiagnosed disease entity. Identification of PCLD will be instrumental to an understanding of the pathogenesis of cyst formation in the liver in isolated PCLD and in ADPKD.  相似文献   

A novel human gene (sazD) that maps to the autosomaldominant polycystic kidney disease region shares sequence similarity with members of the β-transducin superfamily. The cDNA sazD-c predicts an 58-kDa protein (sazD) with seven internal repeats, similar to the WD-40 motif of the transducin family. The size of this protein family has been expanding rapidly; however, neither the structure nor the function of this repeated motif is known. Preliminary data do not suggest that sazD is mutated in patients with polycystic kidney disease.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is one of the commonest inherited human disorders yet remains relatively unknown to the wider medical, scientific and public audience. ADPKD is characterised by the development of bilateral enlarged kidneys containing multiple fluid-filled cysts and is a leading cause of end-stage renal failure (ESRF). ADPKD is caused by mutations in two genes: PKD1 and PKD2. The protein products of the PKD genes, polycystin-1 and polycystin-2, form a calcium-regulated, calcium-permeable ion channel. The polycystin complex is implicated in regulation of the cell cycle via multiple signal transduction pathways as well as the mechanosensory function of the renal primary cilium, an enigmatic cellular organelle whose role in normal physiology is still poorly understood. Defects in cilial function are now documented in several other human diseases including autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, nephronophthisis, Bardet-Biedl syndrome and many animal models of polycystic kidney disease. Therapeutic trials in these animal models of polycystic kidney disease have identified several promising drugs that ameliorate disease severity. However, elucidation of the function of the polycystins and the primary cilium will have a major impact on our understanding of renal cystic diseases and will create exciting new opportunities for the design of disease-specific therapies.  相似文献   

We report the identification of a new locus for autosomal dominant limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD1) on 7q. Two of five families (1047 and 1701) demonstrate evidence in favor of linkage to this region. The maximum two-point LOD score for family 1047 was 3.76 for D7S427, and that for family 1701 was 2.63 for D7S3058. Flanking markers place the LGMD1 locus between D7S2423 and D7S427, with multipoint analysis slightly favoring the 9-cM interval spanned by D7S2546 and D7S2423. Three of five families appear to be unlinked to this new locus on chromosome 7, thus establishing further heterogeneity within the LGMD1 diagnostic classification.  相似文献   

We have mainly used 3 highly polymorphic DNA markers, 3HVR (D16S85), 16AC2.5 (D16S291) and SM7 (D16S283), flanking the PKD1 region on chromosome 16p13.3 to establish linkage status in seven Icelandic families with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). In four families, the disease locus is in the PKD1 region, and three families are unlinked to chromosome 16p13.3. In one of the unlinked families, the disease locus is excluded from a part of the long arm of chromosome 2, and we support a theory of more than 2 loci being responsible for ADPKD. Our data confirm the location of the locus YNH24 (D2S44) to chromosome 2q13-q24.  相似文献   

PKD1, the locus most commonly affected by mutations that produce autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), has previously been localized to chromosome 16p13.3. Since no cytogenetic abnormalities have been found in association with ADPKD, flanking genetic markers have been required to define an interval--the PKD1 region--that contains the PKD1 gene. In this report we demonstrate, through the construction of a long-range restriction map that links the flanking genetic markers GGG1 (D16S84) and 26.6PROX (D16S125), that the PKD1 gene lies within an extremely CpG-rich 750-kb segment of chromosome 16p13.3. Approximately 90% of this region has been cloned in three extensive cosmid/bacteriophage contigs. The cloned DNA is a valuable resource for identifying new closer flanking genetic markers and for isolating candidate genes from the region.  相似文献   



Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is responsible for 10% of cases of the end stage renal disease. Early diagnosis, especially of potential fast progressors would be of benefit for efficient planning of therapy. Urine excreted proteome has become a promising field of the search for marker patterns of renal diseases including ADPKD. Up to now however, only the low molecular weight fraction of ADPKD proteomic fingerprint was studied. The aim of our study was to characterize the higher molecular weight fraction of urinary proteome of ADPKD population in comparison to healthy controls as a part of a general effort aiming at exhaustive characterization of human urine proteome in health and disease, preceding establishment of clinically useful disease marker panel.


We have analyzed the protein composition of urine retentate (>10 kDa cutoff) from 30 ADPKD patients and an appropriate healthy control group by means of a gel-free relative quantitation of a set of more than 1400 proteins. We have identified an ADPKD-characteristic footprint of 155 proteins significantly up- or downrepresented in the urine of ADPKD patients. We have found changes in proteins of complement system, apolipoproteins, serpins, several growth factors in addition to known collagens and extracellular matrix components. For a subset of these proteins we have confirmed the results using an alternative analytical technique.


Obtained results provide basis for further characterization of pathomechanism underlying the observed differences and establishing the proteomic prognostic marker panel.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is a genetically heterogeneous disorder. At least two distinct forms of ADPKD are now well defined. In approximately 86% of affected European families, a gene defect localized to 16p13.3 was responsible for ADPKD, while a second locus has been recently localized to 4q13-q23 as candidate for the disease in the remaining families. We present confirmation of linkage to microsatellite markers on chromosome 4q in eight Spanish families with ADPKD, in which the disease was not linked to 16p13.3. By linkage analysis with marker D4S423, a maximum lod score of 9.03 at a recombination fraction of .00 was obtained. Multipoint linkage analysis, as well as a study of recombinant haplotypes, placed the PKD2 locus between D4S1542 and D4S1563, thereby defining a genetic interval of approximately 1 cM. The refined map will serve as a genetic framework for additional genetic and physical mapping of the region and will improve the accuracy of presymptomatic diagnosis of PKD2.  相似文献   

The gene for the most common form of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), PKD1, has recently been characterized and shown to encode an integral membrane protein, polycystin-1, which is involved in cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. Until now, approximately 30 mutations of the 3' single copy region of the PKD1 gene have been reported in European and American populations. However, there is no report of mutations in Asian populations. Using the polymerase chain reaction and single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis, 91 Korean patients with ADPKD were screened for mutation in the 3' single copy region of the PKD1 gene. As a result, we have identified and characterized six mutations: three frameshift mutations (11548del8bp, 11674insG and 12722delT), a nonsense mutation (Q4010X), and two missense mutations (R3752W and D3814N). Five mutations except for Q4010X are reported here for the first time. Our findings also indicate that many different mutations are likely to be responsible for ADPKD in the Korean population. The detection of additional disease-causing PKD1 mutations will help in identifying the location of the important functional regions of polycystin-1 and help us to better understand the pathophysiology of ADPKD.  相似文献   

PKD1, the gene for the chromosome 16-linked form of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, has previously been genetically mapped to an interval bounded by the polymorphic loci Fr3-42/EKMDA2 distally and O327hb/O90a proximally. More recently, 26.6PROX was identified as the closest proximal flanking locus. We set out to refine the localization of PKD1 by identifying a series of single recombinant events between the flanking markers Fr3-42/EKMDA2 and O327hb/O90a and analyzing them with a new set of polymorphic loci that have been physically mapped within the PKD1 interval. We identified 11 such crossovers in eight families; 6 of these fell into the interval between GGG1 and 26.6PROX, a distance of less than 750 kb. Three of these crossovers placed PKD1 proximal to GGG1 and two crossovers placed PKD1 distal to 26.6PROX. Both of the latter also placed PKD1 telomeric to a locus 92.6SH1.0, which lies 200-250 kb distal to 26.6PROX. The sixth recombinant, however, placed the disease mutation proximal to the locus 92.6SH1.0. Several possible explanations for these observations are discussed. An intensive study to locate deletions, insertions, and other chromosomal rearrangements associated with PKD1 mutations failed to detect any such abnormalities. Thus we have defined, in genetic and physical terms, the segment of 16p13.3 where PKD1 resides and conclude that a gene-by-gene analysis of the region will be necessary to identify the mutation(s).  相似文献   

Summary We describe a large three generation family with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Ultrasonographic screening of 60 family members revealed 20 individuals, whose age ranged from ten to eighty years, with one or several cysts in only one kidney and 7 individuals with cysts in both kidneys. Transmission of unilateral cysts seems to be autosomal dominant, although there are some generation gaps. Linkage studies with several markers of the PKD1 locus on the short arm of chromosome 16 showed no linkage with the disease. Lod scores for linkage between the disease and the most informative marker 3HVR were computed using different penetrance models and several hypotheses concerning the clinical status of individuals with unilateral renal cysts. Results varied from Z = 1.31 to Z =-21.47 ( = 0). Smith's test of heterogeneity gave a conditional probability of non-linkage between 0.9 and 1.0. We conclude that this family presents a form of autosomal dominant PKD with reduced penetrance and no linkage to the PKD1 locus on the short arm of chromosome 16. Other hypotheses, such as the existence of two distinct hereditary diseases in this large family, or neomutation in one branch of the family associated with a high frequency of isolated renal cysts, are also considered.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In a majority of cases, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is caused by mutations within a putative open reading frame of the PKD1 gene. The encoded protein, polycystin, is predicted to span the plasma membrane several times and contains extracellular domains, suggestive of a role in cell adhesion. The cellular distribution and function of polycystin is not known. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We selected as immunogens two conserved 15 amino acid peptides: P1, located in a predicted extracellular region of polycystin, and P2, located in the C-terminal putative cytoplasmic tail. The anti-peptide antibodies from immunized rabbits were affinity purified on peptide-coupled resins and their specificity confirmed by their selective binding to recombinant polycystin fusion proteins. Western blotting and immunohistochemistry were used to characterize the size, tissue, and cell distribution of polycystin. RESULTS: A high-molecular mass protein (about 642 kD) was detected by Western blotting in rat brain tissue. A few additional bands, in the 100- to 400-kD range, probably representing tissue-specific variants and/or proteolytic fragments, were recognized in human and rat tissues. Polycystin was abundantly expressed in fetal kidney epithelia, where it displayed basolateral and apical membrane distribution in epithelial cells of the ureteric buds, collecting ducts, and glomeruli. In normal human adult kidney, polycystin was detected at moderate levels and in a cell surface-associated distribution in cortical collecting ducts and glomerular visceral epithelium. Expression of polycystin was significantly increased in cyst-lining epithelium in ADPKD kidneys, but was primarily intracellular. CONCLUSIONS: Polycystin appears to be a developmentally regulated and membrane-associated glycoprotein. Its intracellular localization in the cyst-lining epithelium of ADPKD kidneys suggests an abnormality in protein sorting in this disease.  相似文献   

After several decades of research, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is still incurable and imposes enormous physical, psychological, and economic burdens on patients and their families. Murine models of ADPKD represent invaluable tools for studying this disease. These murine forms of ADPKD can arise spontaneously, or they can be induced via chemical or genetic manipulations. Although these models have improved our understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of ADPKD, they have not led to effective treatment strategies. The mini-pig represents an effective biomedical model for studying human diseases, as the pig’s human-like physiological processes help to understand disease mechanisms and to develop novel therapies. Here, we tried to generate a transgenic model of ADPKD in pigs by overexpressing c-Myc in kidney tissue. Western-blot analysis showed that c-Myc was overexpressed in the kidney, brain, heart, and liver of transgenic pigs. Immunohistochemical staining of kidney tissue showed that exogenous c-Myc predominantly localized to renal tubules. Slightly elevated blood urea nitrogen levels were observed in transgenic pigs 1 month after birth, but no obvious abnormalities were detected after that time. In the future, we plan to subject this model to renal injury in an effort to promote ADPKD progression.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is a common genetic disorder characterized by the formation of fluid-filled cysts in the kidney and progressive renal failure. Other manifestations of ADPKD include the formation of cysts in other organs (liver, pancreas, and spleen), hypertension, cardiac defects, and cerebral aneurysms. The loss of function of the polycystin -1 and -2 results in the formation of epithelium-lined cysts, a process that depends on initial epithelial proliferation. cDNA microarrays powerfully monitor gene expression and have led to the discoveries of pathways regulating complex biological processes. We undertook to profile the gene expression patterns of epithelial cells derived from the cysts of ADPKD patients using the cDNA microarray technique. Candidate genes that were differently expressed in cyst tissues were identified. 19 genes were up-regulated, and 6 down-regulated. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR results were consistent with the microarray findings. To distinguish between normal and epithelial cells, we used the hierarchical method. The results obtained may provide a molecular basis for understanding the biological meaning of cytogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary The autosomal dominant form of polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) has been linked to the -globin gene locus on 16p. Linkage studies between the autosomal recessive type (ARPKD) and the 3 HVR of the -globin gene cluster showed that the ARPKD and ADPKD are not allelic.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is a leading cause of end-stage renal disease. The vasopressin V2 receptor (VPV2R) antagonist OPC31260 has been effective in two animal models of PKD with pathologies that are probably related. Here we show, in a mouse model of ADPKD (Pkd2(-/tm1Som)), a similar cellular phenotype and response to OPC31260 treatment, with reduction of renal cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels, prevention of renal enlargement, marked inhibition of cystogenesis and protection of renal function.  相似文献   

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