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S omatostatin (somatotropin release inhibiting factor, SRIF) is present in the median eminence of the hypothalamus in high concentration (K ronheim et al., 1976), is visualized in nerve endings (H ökfelt et al., 1974) and has been found to be concentrated in the synaptosome fraction of hypothalamic homogenates (E pelbaum et al., 1977; B erelowitz et al., 1978), suggesting a true neurosecretory role. To further explore this possibility we have studied the release of immunoreactive SRIF from the incubated rat hypothalamus (B radbury et al., 1974: R otsztein et al., 1977), basally and in response to depolarising concentrations of potassium, and have assessed the calcium dependence of this release.  相似文献   

Immunoreactive somatostatin (IRS) was measured in acid extracts of human gastrointestinal tissue. The highest levels were found in the duodenum, pancreas, jejunum and stomach with lower levels in the ileum and colon. In the antrum, pylorus, duodenum and pancreas the main peak of IRS (1.6K IRS) coeluted with synthetic somatostatin-14 on both gel filtration chromatography and HPLC. In the body of stomach, jejunum, ileum and colon, a large peak coeluting with synthetic somatostatin-28 (3.5K IRS) on both chromatographic systems was also identified, while minor peaks of IRS assigned molecular weights of 6000 (6K) and greater than 15 000 (15K) were seen in some extracts. The total IRS content and pattern of molecular forms were similar in tissues obtained from adults at surgery or rapid post mortem, and in tissue taken from human fetuses after prostaglandin termination of pregnancy. When tissues were divided into mucosal and muscle layers, greater than 90% of the IRS was in the mucosa with less than 10% in the muscle layer. In the muscle layer the IRS was almost entirely the 1.6K form in all tissues. Immunohistochemical studies showed the IRS in the mucosa to be localised in endocrine-type cells, while in the muscle layer the IRS is present in nerve fibres and neurones of the myenteric plexus. It is suggested that (1) different mechanisms may control the biosynthesis of somatostatin-14 and somatostatin-28 in mucosal cells in different parts of the gut, (2) different biosynthetic controls may operate in endocrine-like and neuronal cells in the same region of the gut.  相似文献   

Summary Somatostatin cells are numerous in the pancreas and digestive tract of mammals as well as birds. In the pancreas of chicken, cat and dog they occur in both the exocrine parenchyma and in the islets. In the rat and rabbit, somatostatin cells have a peripheral location in the islets, whereas in the cat, dog and man the cells are usually more randomly distributed. In the stomach of rabbits and pigs, somatostatin cells are more numerous in the oxyntic gland area than in the pyloric gland area, whereas the reverse is true for the cat, dog and man. In the cat, pig and man, somatostatin cells are fairly numerous in the duodenum, whereas in the rat, rabbit and dog they are few in this location. In the remainder of the intestines somatostatin cells are few but regularly observed. Somatostatin cells are numerous in the human fetal pancreas and gut. In the fetal rat, somatostatin cells first appear in the pancreas and duodenum (at about the 16–17th day of gestation) and subsequently in the remainder of the intestine. Somatostatin cells do not appear in the gastric mucosa until after birth. Three weeks after birth, somatostatin cells show the adult frequency of occurrence and pattern of distribution. In the chicken, somatostatin cells are numerous in the proventriculus, absent from the gizzard, abundant in the gizzard-duodenal junction (antrum), infrequent in the duodenum and virtually absent from the remainder of the intestines. No immunoreactive cells can be observed in the thyroid of any species nor in the ultimobranchial gland of the chicken. In the chick embryo, somatostatin cells are first detected in the pancreas and proventriculus (at about the 12th day of incubation). They appear in the remainder of the gut much later, in the duodenum at the 16th day, in the antrum at about the 19th day and still later in the lower small intestine. The ultrastructure of the somatostatin cells was studied in the chicken, rat, cat and man; the cells were identified by the consecutive semithin/ultrathin section technique. The somatostatin cells display the properties of the D cell. There was no difference in granule ultrastructure between somatostatin cells in the gut and the pancreas. The granules, which are the storage site of the peptide, are round, supplied with a tightly fitting membrane and have a moderately electron-dense, fine-granulated core. The mean diameter of the somatostatin granules is smallest in rat (155–170 nm) and largest in the chicken (270–290 nm).  相似文献   

Summary In order to identify clearly the nervous structures containing somatostatin in the human hypothalamus, an immunohistochemical localization of this neurohormone was performed at light-microscopic level. Using a antiserum specific to somatostatin and the unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique, we have found somatostatin in neurons with cell bodies in an area in the anterior hypothalamus corresponding to the infundibular nucleus. Somatostatin-containing fibers were also detected in the neurovascular zone of the pituitary stalk, suggesting that somatostatin is released in that region to reach the capillaries in the pituitary portal plexus. A large bundle of somatostatin fibers extending from the anterior part of the paraventricular nucleus up to the posterior portion of the mammillary bodies has also been detected. The role of these fibers still remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

Perfusion of isolated dog pancreases with arginine (20 mM) was associated with a prompt and sustained increase in immunoreactive somatostatin (IRS) in the venous effluent while insulin and glucagon rose promptly but soon receded from their peak levels. These results are compatible with a postulated feedback relationship between somatostatin-, glucagon-, and perhaps insulin-secreting cells of the islets in which somatostatin, stimulated by local glucagon, restrains glucagon secretion and perhaps glucagon-mediated insulin release as well.The demonstration that D-cells of the pancreatic islets contain immunoreactive somatostatin (1, 2, 3) which is probably biologically active (4), and are situated topographically between the A-cells and B-cells in the heterocellular region of the islet (5) has suggested a functional role for these components of the islet of Langerhans (6). In view of the inhibitory action of somatostatin upon both insulin and glucagon secretion (7, 8, 9), it was postulated that the D-cell might serve to restrain glucagon and/or insulin secretion (6). We have since reported that the release of IRS from the isolated dog pancreas increases promptly during the perfusion of high concentrations of glucagon whereas high concentrations of insulin do not appear to stimulate IRS release (10). In this study we examine the effect of perfusion with arginine, a potent stimulus of both glucagon and insulin secretion, upon pancreatic IRS release.  相似文献   

Summary Ontogenetic development of GRF-containing neurons in the rat hypothalamus was studied employing antisera which were generated against hpGRF (1–44)NH2 and rhGRF(1–43)OH: anti-hpGRF-C and -rhGRF sera recognize the species-specific C-terminal portions of the peptides, and anti-hpGRF-MC and -N sera recognize hpGRF(27–44)NH2 and the N-terminal portion of hpGRF(1–44)NH2, respectively. The anti-hpGRF-C and-rhGRF sera stained different neuronal cell bodies, which were localized in distinct hypothalamic areas. The former serum did not stain the axonal terminals in the median eminence, but the latter stained them strongly. The antihpGRF-MC and -N sera stained neuronal cell bodies, some of which corresponded to those immunolabelled with antihpGRF-C or -rhGRF serum. The anti-rhGRF serum first demonstrated immunoreactive perikarya in the ventral-lateral border of the arcuate nucleus of 19.5-day-old fetuses that had received an intraventricular colchicine administration 24 h previously. The immunoreactive fibers were recognized first in the external layer of the median eminence of untreated fetuses on day 19.5 of gestation, and then they increased in amount with development. No immunore-active fibers, however, were found in the median eminence of colchicine-treated animals during the fetal period. It is concluded that in rats GRF may be synthesized in the perikarya on day 18.5 of gestation and conveyed to the median eminence without delay via axonal flow.  相似文献   

Stress in rats causes acute release of hypothalamic somatostatin (SS) in median eminence (ME) that induces a marked and prolonged suppression of growth hormone (GH) secretion. This was evidenced by immunocytochemistry (ICC) and radioimmunoassay (RIA) in the present study. Adult female rats were decapitated under nonstress or for 30, 60, 120 and 180 min after 15 min leg restraint stress. The rabbit anti-SS was used to detect SS-14 and SS-28 containing cell bodies with ICC in preoptic-anterior hypothalamus (PO-AH). At 30, 60, 120 min after stress, there was marked decrease in the number and size of subsets of SS cell bodies. RIA demonstrated striking increase in SS in ME and significant decrease in GH of the portal blood. The most reproducible changes in cell bodies involved subsets of PeV neurons. Interestingly, these changes were largely reversed by 180 min. The results of the study demonstrate that stress cause acute changes in PO-AH, SS system and it appears that stress affects both SS synthesis and the secretion.  相似文献   

Levels of immunoreactive somatostatin (IRS) were measured in extracts of hypothalamic tissue from human fetuses of 12–26 weeks gestation. The IRS contents (0.7–22.5 ng) and concentrations (2.7–118.0 pg/mg wet weight tissue) both increased slightly with gestation. Sephadex G-50 chromatography of 11 extracts showed up to four peaks of IRS, one co-eluting with synthetic somatostatin-14 (S14), a second co-eluting with synthetic somatostatin-28 (S28) and two other peaks having approximate molecular weights of 6000 and 10 000, respectively. The levels of S14 and S28 increased significantly during gestation, while the levels of 6000 molecular weight IRS decreased with age. We suggest that the increase in S14 and S28 levels may be the cause of the fall in circulating growth hormone (GH) in the fetus in later gestation.  相似文献   

Snell dwarf mice (dw/dw) are characterized by a genetically determined, congenital lack of pituitary GH, TSH and prolactin. Given that hypothalamic somatostatin is involved in the regulation of pituitary GH and TSH release, it was decided to investigate the content of immunoreactive somatostatin (IRS) in the median eminence of dw/dw and phenotypically normal mice of the same strain. The content of IRS in the pyloric antrum and pineal gland of these animals was also examined. The effects of ovariectomy and of hyperprolactinemia (induced by a pituitary graft under the kidney capsule) on the median eminence content of IRS were also studied in both normal and dwarf mice. Median eminence IRS content was significantly lower in the dw/dw (23.6 +/- 1.8 ng) than in normal mice (57.4 +/- 7.1 ng); no difference was found in the pyloric IRS content of dw/dw (16.9 +/- 1.6 ng/mg of protein) and normal animals (13.8 +/- 1.9 ng/mg of protein), nor in the pineal content of IRS (639.4 +/- 64.4 pg/gland in the dw/dw; 732 +/- 265 pg/gland in normals). Neither ovariectomy nor hyperprolactinemia were found to affect the IRS content in the tissues studied in normal or dwarf mice. Treatment of an additional group of 9 dwarf mice with L-thyroxine (L-T4 2 micrograms/48 h. s.c. for 2 weeks) significantly increased the animals weight (10.2 +/- 0.4 g versus 7.4 +/- 0.3 g) and produced maturation of facial features; however, it did not change the IRS content in any of the tissues studied. It is concluded that the content of IRS in the median eminence of mice with a congenital lack of GH, TSH and prolactin is significantly reduced and that this is unlikely to be related to the deficiency of thyroid hormones in these animals.  相似文献   

Harderian glands of Syrian hamsters contained measurable levels of immunoreactive somatostatin. After an extraction procedure, serial dilutions of tissue were assayed and showed parallelism in the displacement curve with dilutions of purified somatostatin standard in the radioimmunoassay. Somatostatin concentrations were higher in female hamsters (10.0 +/- 2.1 ng/mg protein) than in males (2.6 +/- 0.4 ng/mg protein). Castrated males had somatostatin values in the range of females (12.4 +/- 2.3 ng/mg protein) at 1 month after gonadectomy. Testosterone implants prevented the rise of Harderian gland somatostatin in castrated males. Gonadectomized males had lower somatostatin content in the gland than did control males (1.0 +/- 0.2 ng/mg protein) at 2 months after castration. Somatostatin values in females were unaffected by gonadectomy, but there were variations during the oestrous cycle, with a nadir detected at dioestrus-1 and maximal values coincident with the day of the ovulation.  相似文献   

Summary In connection with our previous finding that an intense immunoreaction to somatostatin transiently appears in thyroid C cells of the dog during early fetal periods, the present study investigated C-cell complexes in thyroid glands from early fetuses to adults in an attempt to clarify whether the transient appearance of immunoreactivity to somatostatin is dependent on the degree of differentiation of C cells. C-cell complexes retain their fetal characteristics; even in the complexes of postnatal dogs, there are numerous undifferentiated cells, immature C cells and primitive follicular cells, which are not yet organized into follicles. Neither the degree of differentiation of C cells nor that of other constituent elements of the complexes affected the developmental pattern of somatostatin immunoreactivity in C cells. The C cells located in complexes displayed the same pattern of developmental changes in immunoreactivity to somatostatin as the cells in thyroid parenchyma. In the C-cell complexes of early fetal dogs a very intense immunoreactivity for somatostatin was observed; almost all calcitonin-positive cells were also somatostatin positive. The immunoreactivity to somatostatin progressively decreased with age. In the postnatal complexes the number of somatostatin-positive cells was very small compared with that of calcitoninpositive cells.  相似文献   

Distribution of immunoreactive cholecystokinin in the human hippocampus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution of cholecystokinin immunoreactive (CCK-IR) nerve cell bodies and processes is reported in the human hippocampus by using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique of Sternberger. The CCK-immunoreactivity occurs in three major classes of interneurons: small (10-20 microns) horizontal multipolar neurons of the alveus and stratum oriens; small vertically oriented bipolar or multi-polar neurons in the stratum oriens and stratum pyramidale of Ammon's horn, layers II and III of the subicular system and the entorhinal area; large (20-35 microns) bipolar neurons in the hilus. Each region of the hippocampus is distinct in its CCK-IR nerve fibers content. Those fibers are particularly abundant around pyramidal cells of the CA2 and CA3 subfields of the Ammon's horn and around granular cells suggesting synaptic interaction between the CCK nerve terminals and glutamate neurons of these two regions. No CCK-IR fiber is detected in the fimbria and only a few number of CCK-IR beaded fibers are seen in the angular bundle. These anatomical data suggest that CCK interacts in the functional circuitry of the human hippocampus.  相似文献   

Summary Using an antibody against somatostatin (antiserum F), two somatostatin-immunoreactive systems, (i) a hypothalamic and (ii) an extrahypothalamic cortical system, are demonstrated in the rat. Another antiserum raised against somatostatin (antiserum BS 102) stains only the axons but not the perikarya of the hypothalamic system; the cortical somatostatin system does not react with this antiserum. The electron microscopic findings do not allow decision whether the above-mentioned hypothalamic and cortical neurons possess a common prohormonal form of somatostatin, immunoreactive only with antiserum F. They show, however, that the granules in both neuronal systems differ considerably; in the cortical neurons they measure approximately 65 nm in diameter, in the hypothalamic neurons 90–120 nm in diameter. Thus, both somatostatin systems are different and independent from one another.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr 569/3) and the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk  相似文献   

Cell bodies of small to moderate-sized neurons in the female rat hypothalamus were stained specifically for somatostatin (SRIF) by means of the unlabeled antibody-peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical method. SRIF-positive perikarya were scattered throughout the periventricular nucleus in a limited region extending from the middle of the optic chiasm to the rostral margin of the median eminence. The same neurons were revealed with either rabbit (R) or guinea pig (GP) anti-SRIF antisera. Positive cell bodies were more readily assessed with GP antibodies because nonspecific background staining was much less with these than with R anti-SRIF. Positive perikarya were not observed in other hypothalamic nuclei and ependymal elements were also immunocytochemically negative.  相似文献   

The median eminence content of immunoreactive somatostatin (IRS) was measured by radioimmunoassay in 107 male albino rats, who were either hypothyroid after surgical thyroidectomy (N = 38), hyperthyroid following a subcutaneous implant of 5 mg of L-thyroxine (N = 36), or otherwise untreated (N = 33). Thyroid function was assessed by determining plasma levels of T4 and TSH from trunk blood obtained at the time of decapitation. Subgroups of animals from the 3 groups were killed either before (1800 hr), during (2200, 0200, 0400 hr), or after the dark portion of their 14:10 LD photoperiod. Although no changes in median eminence IRS content were found throughout the period of study within any of the 3 groups, hypothyroid animals (297.23 +/- 13.47 ng per ME; 620.41 +/- 58 ng IRS/mg protein) had a significantly lower median eminence IRS concentration than untreated rats (355.86 +/- 16.55 ng of IRS per ME, P less than 0.01; 906.86 +/- 96.38 ng IRS/mg protein, P less than 0.05) and hyperthyroid animals (384.12 +/- 14.67 ng per ME, P less than 0.001; 874.1 +/- 104.5 ng IRS@mg protein, P less than 0.05). It is concluded, that the feedback of thyroid hormones on the hypothalamic-pituitary axis during thyroid hormone excess in vivo, contrary to what occurs in hypothyroidism, is probably independent of hypothalamic somatostatin.  相似文献   

Summary GnRH-associated peptide (GAP)-like immunoreactive elements located in the human hypothalamus were investigated by PAP immunocytochemistry using specific antiserum against [pro-GnRH (14–69) OH]. Immunoreactive neuronal perikarya were distributed in the MPOA, PVN and infundibular nucleus, with the largest numbers of GAP-like immunoreactive perikarya found in the infundibular nucleus. We also detected the coexistence of GAP-like and GnRH-like immunoreactivities in the same neuronal perikarya in the MPOA by using a double immunolabelling procedure. In addition to the above regions immunoreactive neuronal perikarya were present in the region dorsal to the medial mammillary nucleus. GAP-like immunoreactive fibers were distributed in same areas that immunoreactive perikarya were observed. Many immunoreactive terminals were found adjacent to capillaries in the infundibulum. Immunoreactive dots, presumably terminals, were observed in the posterior pituitary and these were particularly evident along the margin adjacent to the anterior pituitary. The distribution pattern and density of GAP-like immunoreactive neuronal elements are compared with those of other mammalian species. We also compared GAP-like immunoreactive elements with that of GnRH as has been previously observed in the human hypothalamus.  相似文献   

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