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Curtis RW 《Plant physiology》1981,68(6):1249-1252
To obtain information regarding the antiethylene properties and binding site of Ag+, studies were initiated to define conditions under which Ag+ does or does not inhibit ethylene action. AgNO3, applied as a leaf spray, inhibited 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (Ethrel)-induced leaf abscission from green cuttings of Vigna radiata in white light but lost considerable activity in the dark. In the absence of Ethrel, AgNO3 stimulated abscission in the dark. When cuttings were dark-aged for 24 hours prior to treatment with AgNO3 and aged for an additional 24 hours in the dark after treatment, good inhibition of subsequent Ethrel-induced abscission was restored by returning the cuttings to light. However, when dark aging was preceded by far-red irradiation, considerably less inhibition of Ethrel-induced abscission was restored in the light. AgNO3 was completely inactive on cuttings aged in the dark and treated with Ethrel in the dark. Light is required for the antiethylene activity of AgNO3 with regard to leaf abscission of Vigna.  相似文献   

Factors influencing induction of resistance to dark abscissionby malformin on cuttings of Vigna radiata during treatment inlight were examined. When light duration (13.5 W m–2)increased from 0 to 48 h, the effect of malformin on subsequentdark abscission changed from stimulation only (0 to 4 h), stimulationfollowed by inhibition (8 to 12 h), to inhibition only (24 to48 h). Maximum abscission resistance occurred after 48 h whenirradiance was 6.6 W m–2. Kinetin treatment in light reducedsubsequent dark abscission by controls but did not reduce abscissionon malformintreated cuttings. Hadacidin had no effect on inductionof abscission resistance by malformin. IAA, hydroxyproline,CaCl2, sucrose, and NH4NO3 were inactive. ABA and ethephon completelyblocked induction of abscission resistance by malformin. Inhibitionof abscission induced by kinetin was also blocked by ABA. Becauseboth puromycin and malformin inhibited dark abscission followingtreatment in light, malformin may induce abscission resistanceby inhibiting protein synthesis or promoting formation of othersubstances which inhibit protein synthesis. Leaf blade removalfrom the distal end of the petioles abolished malformin-inducedabscission resistance. It is suggested that in light malformininduces formation of abscission-inhibiting compounds in leaveswhich are responsible for development of abscission resistance. (Received May 17, 1983; Accepted November 8, 1983)  相似文献   

Ethylene-induced Leaf Abscission Is Promoted by Gibberellic Acid   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Gibberellic acid (GA3) promoted leaf abscission from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants exposed to ethylene. With mature plants, only the rate of abscission was increased, but when vegetative plants were exposed to ethylene for 4 days or less, the amount of abscission was increased markedly. Promotion of abscission occurred at near saturating ethylene levels (10 μl/liter), over a wide range of GA3 concentrations, and with both GA3 and GA7.  相似文献   

Inhibition of Abscission of Bean Petiole Explants by Lepidimoide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of lepidimoide on the process leading to abscission was studied in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Masterpiece) petiole explants. The assays, involving observations on the junction of the petiole of primary leaves and the pulvinus, were conducted in the light. Lepidimoide, at concentrations of 1 μm or higher, delayed the abscission process; however, the progression of abscission proceeded at normal rates, and complete abscission resulted. On the other hand indoleacetic acid inhibited the normal senescence resulting in greatly decreased abscission during the observation period. These observations show that lepidimoide only delays abscission, and the kinetics seem to indicate that lepidimoide and indoleacetic acid affect abscission through different mechanisms. Received March 1, 1996; accepted November 4, 1996  相似文献   

Analysis of the Auxin Control of Bean Leaf Abscission   总被引:4,自引:17,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

Li  Sijia  Liu  Ruixian  Wang  Xiaojing  Zhao  Liang  Chen  Jian  Yang  Changqin  Zhang  Guowei  Ni  Wanchao  Zhang  Li 《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》2021,40(4):1667-1673
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Thidiazuron (TDZ) has been extensively applied as chemical defoliant in cotton production, but the physiological mechanisms for its defoliating activity are...  相似文献   

Freezing sections and immunogold-silver staining were employed to the study on the localization of IAA in petioles of Syringa oblata Lind. At different stages of leaf abscission, the distribution patterns of the silver particles varied in different tissues. In the earlier period of abscission, there were many silver particles in the proximal and distal tissues, but only a few in the abscission zone. The high density of silver particles was found in the phloem of the petiole. The number of silver particles in the abscission zone increase immediately after the protective layer was formed and began to decrease along with the development of the abscission zone. The density of the silver particles became very low when abscission was completed. The formation of protective layer may be the demarcation line of the Stage Ⅰ and Stage Ⅱ during the development of the abscission zone.  相似文献   

When abscission in leaf explants from Phaseolus vulgaris, cultivar Red Kidney, was allowed to proceed while the explants were in 2H2O, a 1.25% increase in the buoyant density of cellulase in a cesium chloride gradient was observed. These data indicate that the increase in cellulase activity during abscission is a result of the synthesis of new protein. Two differentially soluble forms of cellulase are present in the abscission zone. The form which is soluble only in a high salt buffer seems more closely related to the abscission process than the form which is soluble in dilute buffer. The correlation between changes in pull force and increase in cellulase activity and the effects of several hormones on cellulase activity are discussed.  相似文献   

脱落调节物质对植物器官脱落的调控   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
器官脱落是植物生命过程中重要的生理现象.植物体内的许多激素和非激素类物质(扩展蛋白、H_2O_2、细胞壁水解酶等)都参与脱落过程的调控,而且是相互协同配合,共同发挥作用.本文综述了生长素、乙烯、脱落酸、赤霉素和茉莉酸等植物激素,以及非激素类物质扩展蛋白、H_2O_2和两种主要的细胞壁水解酶(纤维素酶和多聚半乳糖醛酸酶)在植物器官脱落过程中的调控作用,并对它们在植物器官脱落调控中的相互作用进行分析,以期为相关研究提供信息.  相似文献   

Inhibition of Light-Stimulated Leaf Expansion by Abscisic Acid   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
Abscisic acid (ABA) applied to intact bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)leaves or to isolated leaf discs inhibits light-stimulated cellenlargement This effect may be obtained with 10–4 molm–3 ABA, but is more significant at higher concentrations.The inhibition of disc expansion by ABA is greater for discsprovided with an external supply of sucrose than for discs providedwith KC1, and may be completely overcome by increasing the KC1concentration externally to 50 mol m–3. Decreased growthrate of ABA-treated tissue is not correlated with loss of solutesfrom growing cells, but is correlated with a decrease in cellwall extensibility. ABA does not prevent light-stimulated acidificationof the leaf surface, and stimulates the acidification of theexternal solution by leaf pieces. However, the capacity of thecell walls to undergo acid-induced wall loosening is diminishedby ABA-treatment. The possibility that ABA acts directly byinhibiting growth processes at the cellular level, or indirectlyby causing stomatal closure, is discussed. Key words: Phaseolus vulgaris, ABA, Inhibition, Leaf expansion  相似文献   

Determinations of pectin methylesterase in abscission zonesand surrounding parts of Phaseolus leaves have shown a relativelyhigh activity in young tissues, which decreases as the leafgrows older. The greatest fall occurs in the pulvinus. In non-senescent leaves, the enzyme activity is higher in pulvinithan elsewhere and there is a gradient of activity across theline of abscission from the pulvinus to the petiole or stem.During senescence this gradient falls, and is generally reversedat abscission. Data suggest that the advent of abscission maybe linked to the steepness of this gradient. If abscission of leaves or isolated abscission zones is acceleratedby appropriate treatments there is a more rapid decrease inpectin methylesterase activity than in the controls, and a morerapid fall in the gradient across the line of abscission. Ifabscission is retarded the enzyme activity is sustained andthe gradient is maintained or increased. The results are discussed in relation to the changes that mayoccur in the pectic constituents of cell walls during senescenceand abscission, and in relation to some of the known effectsof auxins on pectin metabolism.  相似文献   

The oxidation reaction of luminol with AgNO3 can produce chemiluminescence (CL) in the presence of silver nanoparticles (NPs) in alkaline solution. Based on the studies of UV‐vis absorption spectra, photoluminescence (PL) spectra and CL spectra, a CL enhancement mechanism is proposed. The CL emission spectrum of the luminol–AgNO3–Ag NPs system indicated that the luminophore was still 3‐aminophthalate. On injection of silver nanoparticles into the mixture of luminol and AgNO3, they catalysed the reduction of AgNO3 by luminol. The product luminol radicals reacted with the dissolved oxygen, to produce a strong CL emission. As a result, the CL intensity was substantially increased. Moreover, the influences of 18 amino acids, e.g. cystine, tyrosine and asparagine, and 25 organic compounds, including gallic acid, tannic acid and hydroquinone, on the luminol–AgNO3–Ag NPs CL system were studied by a flow‐injection procedure, which led to an effective method for detecting these compounds. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Studies on the histology and on effects of growth substancesand phenols as well as changes in activities of pectinmethylesterase indicated that the mechanism of abscission of Hevealeaflets infected with Microcyclus ulei differed from the mechanismof abscission of debladed, ethylene treated and senescent leaves.An abscission layer which was formed during abscission of debladed,ethylene-treated and senescent leaves was absent during abscissionof heavily diseased leaves. The ratio of pectinmethyl esteraseactivities in tissues distal to the abscission zone to activitiesin tissues proximal to the zone decreased in debladed and ethylenetreated leaves but such decreases were not detected during abscissionof Hevea leaves infected with M. ulei. Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg., rubber, leaf abscission, Microcyclus ulei, ethylene, indol-3-ylacetic acid, kinetin  相似文献   

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