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Abstract: To characterize the mechanism(s) for targeting of phospholipids to peripheral nerve myelin, we examined the kinetics of incorporation of tritiated choline-, glycerol-, and ethanolamine-labeled phospholipids into four subfractions: microsomes, mitochondria, myelin-like material, and purified myelin at 1, 6, and 24 h after precursors were injected into sciatic nerves of 23–24-day-old rats. As validation of the fractionation scheme, a lag (> 1 h) in the accumulation of labeled phospholipids in the myelin-containing subfractions was found. This lag signifies the time between synthesis on organelles in Schwann cell cytoplasm and transport to myelin. In the present study, we find that sphingomyelin (choline-labeled) accumulated in myelin-rich subfractions only at 6 and 24 h, whereas phosphatidylserine (glycerol-labeled) and plasmalogen (ethanolamine-labeled) accumulated in the myelin-rich fractions by 1 h. The later phospholipids accumulate preferentially in the myelin-like fraction. These results are consistent with the notion that the targeting of sphingomyelin, a lipid present in the outer myelin leaflet, is different from the targeting of phosphatidylserine and ethanolamine plasmalogen, lipids in the inner leaflet. These findings are discussed in light of the possibility that sphingomyelin targeting is Golgi apparatus based, whereas phosphatidylserine and ethanolamine plasmalogen use a more direct transport system. Furthermore, the routes of phospholipid targeting mimic routes taken by myelin proteins P0 (Golgi) and myelin basic proteins (more direct).  相似文献   

Solid-Phase Immunoassay of PO Glycoprotein of Peripheral Nerve Myelin   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
To explore the immunological properties of PO protein, antibodies were elicited in rabbits against the purified chick PO protein. Peripheral nervous system protein was fractionated on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide slab gels and then transferred electrophoretically ("blotted") onto nitrocellulose sheets. The PO protein was detected by its capacity to bind its specific antibody present in the rabbit serum. The PO-specific antibody complex was then exposed to goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin G (IgG) coupled to peroxidase or labeled with 125I. The resulting PO antigen-antibody "sandwich" was visualized and quantitated by densitometry of the colored peroxidase reaction product or by autoradiography and gamma-radiation counting of the 125I-IgG complex. The methods permitted quantitation of the PO protein in various nerve extracts. The limit of detection of the PO antigen was about 1 ng of protein. The antibody was specific for the PO glycoprotein in the peripheral nerve extracts. The PO proteins from various species, including human, were also detected by the antibody to chick PO protein. Preliminary experiments indicate the solid-phase immunoassay is a useful method for monitoring PO protein levels in small quantities of tissue extracts under various physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

OsO4 solution in water, long regarded as the best fixing and staining agent for myelin sheaths, has poor penetrating power. This peculiarity has limited its use to very small pieces of tissue. The vapor from an aqueous solution is known to have a much greater penetrating power for non-neural tissues than the solution itself but nothing has been recorded about its advantages for fixing and staining myelin sheaths of nerve fibers. Difficulties in securing adequate staining of the myelin sheaths in vertebrate optic nerves were overcome largely by the use of the vapor of OsO4. The technic is carried out as follows: 1) suspend a portion of the nerve above a 2% solution of OsO4 for 12-24 hours in an air-tight container at room temperature; 2) wash 4-6 hours in distilled water, dehydrate in ethyl alcohol (50% for 2 hours, 70% for 2 hours, and finally 95% overnight), and transfer to n butyl alcohol (2 changes of 2 hours each); 3) embed in paraffin, section, mount and cover in balsam in the customary manner.  相似文献   

Abstract: Following nerve crush, cholesterol from degenerating myelin is conserved and reutilized for new myelin synthesis during nerve regeneration. The possibility that other myelin lipids are salvaged and reutilized has not been investigated previously. We examined the fate of myelin phospholipids and their fatty acyl moieties following nerve crush by electron microscopic autoradiography of myelin lipids prelabeled with [3H]oleate or [2-3H]-glycerol. Both precursors were incorporated predominantly (>90%) into phospholipids; >85% of the [3H]oleate was incorporated as oleate, with the remainder in longer-chain fatty acids. Before nerve crush, both labels were restricted to myelin sheaths. Following nerve crush and subsequent regeneration, over half the label from [3H]oleate, but little from [2-3H]glycerol, remained in nerve. The oleate label was present as fatty acyl moieties in phospholipids and was localized to newly formed myelin sheaths. Among the extracellular soluble lipids within the degenerating nerve, the bulk of the labeled phospholipids floated at the same density as lipoprotein particles. These data indicate that myelin phospholipids are completely hydrolyzed during nerve degeneration, that at least half the resultant free fatty acids are salvaged and reutilized for new myelin synthesis, and that these salvaged fatty acids are transported by a lipoprotein-mediated mechanism similar to that functioning in cholesterol reutilization.  相似文献   

The influence of action potential conduction in myelinated axons on the state of phosphorylation of myelin basic protein was studied in rat optic nerve incubated in vitro. For this purpose we used a technique that permits continuous recording of the responses of nerves to electrical stimulation together with the "back-phosphorylation" assay. Our results indicate that action potential conduction, but not electrical stimulation, increased the state of phosphorylation of myelin basic protein. The increment in basic protein phosphorylation was related to the number of impulses conducted, up to a maximal change which occurred after 12 X 10(3) impulses. Also, the effect of action potential conduction was reversible, since the state of myelin basic protein phosphorylation returned to control levels within 5 min of stopping stimulation. These findings raise the interesting possibility that myelin basic protein phosphorylation plays a role in some dynamic function of myelin, perhaps related to ion transport or to the process of recovery of ionic gradients.  相似文献   

Peripheral nervous system (PNS) myelin from the rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) banded at a density of 0.38 M sucrose. The main myelin proteins consisted of (1) two basic proteins, BPa and BPb (11,500 and 13,000 MW, similar to those of trout central nervous system (CNS) myelin proteins BP1 and BP2), and (2) two glycosylated components, IPb (24,400 MW) and IPc (26,200 MW). IPc comigrated with trout CNS myelin protein IP2 in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, whereas trout CNS myelin protein IP1 had a lower molecular weight (23,000). Following two-dimensional separation, however, both IPb and IPc from PNS showed two components; the more acidic component of IPc comigrated with IP2 from CNS. PNS tissue autolysis led to the formation of IPa (20,000 MW), consisting of two components in isoelectric focusing of which again the more acidic one comigrated with the CNS autolysis product IP0. Limited enzymatic digestion of isolated IP proteins from PNS and CNS led to closely similar degradation patterns, being most pronounced in the case of IP2 and IPc. Immunoblotting revealed that all IP components from trout PNS and CNS myelins reacted with antibodies to trout IP1 (CNS) and bovine P0 protein (PNS) whereas antibodies to rat PLP (CNS) were entirely unreactive. All BP components from trout PNS and CNS myelins bound to antibodies against human myelin basic protein. On the basis of these studies trout PNS and CNS myelins contain at least one common IP glycoprotein, whereas other members of the IP myelin protein family appear closely related. In the CNS myelin of trout the IP components appear to replace PLP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Although there are many histological techniques for assessing myelin sheaths and axons in paraffin embedded or frozen sections of the peripheral nervous system, modern approaches usually use plastic embedded material. Although plastic embedding is superior for small cutaneous branches, this method has limited value for histological assessment of nerve trunks. We report three methods which together yield a comprehensive approach for thorough and detailed investigation of human nerve trunks. The rapid osmication method permitted assessment of myelinated nerve fibers from frozen sections at operation, thus providing the surgeon with guidance on the extent of nerve resection. The modification presented here resulted in permanent slides, allowing comparison of results with those of the other two procedures. The new osmium-hematoxylin technique could be performed on paraffin embedded nerves. Paraffin, unlike plastic, permitted the study of the whole cross sectional area of the nerve in single sections. Moreover, the sharp image of the myelin permitted computerized morphometry. The significantly modified axonal silver impregnation technique was performed on frozen sections mounted on glass slides, as opposed to the time-consuming impregnation of free-floating sections. The latter technique had a high success rate and permitted semiquantitative assessment of axons in nerve trunks. These methods can be performed in any routine histology laboratory and resulted in greater accuracy compared to conventional methods.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E is synthesized and secreted by rat sciatic nerve consequent to several types of injury. It has been proposed that endoneurial apolipoprotein E, in analogy to its role in systemic cholesterol transport, is involved in the salvage and reutilization of myelin cholesterol during degeneration and regeneration. To test this hypothesis, nerve lipids were prelabeled via intraneural injection of [3H]acetate. Four weeks later the nerves were crushed. From 1 to 12 weeks later, crushed nerves were examined for extracellular lipoprotein-bound cholesterol label. By 2 weeks after injury, 10% of the endoneurial lipid label was in a soluble form that was releasable into incubation medium. This released fraction was enriched in labeled cholesterol, and its labeled lipid composition was constant, in contrast to the changing distribution of label in the nerve with time after injury. On a KBr gradient, the released lipid label cofractionated with the released apolipoprotein E at densities similar to that of lipoproteins. These data indicate that at least some myelin cholesterol in injured nerve becomes associated with apolipoprotein E-containing lipoproteins and thus is available for reutilization via the hypothesized model.  相似文献   



To investigate the potential of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) parameters as in-vivo biomarkers of axon and myelin sheath integrity of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel as validated by correlation with electrophysiology.


MRI examinations at 3T including DTI were conducted on wrists in 30 healthy subjects. After manual segmentation of the median nerve quantitative analysis of fractional anisotropy (FA) as well as axial, radial and mean diffusivity (AD, RD, and MD) was carried out. Pairwise Pearson correlations with electrophysiological parameters comprising sensory nerve action potential (SNAP) and compound muscle action potential (CMAP) as markers of axon integrity, and distal motor latency (dml) and sensory nerve conduction velocity (sNCV) as markers of myelin sheath integrity were computed. The significance criterion was set at P=0.05, Bonferroni corrected for multiple comparisons.


DTI parameters showed a distinct proximal-to-distal profile with FA, MD, and RD extrema coinciding in the center of the carpal tunnel. AD correlated with CMAP (r=0.50, p=0.04, Bonf. corr.) but not with markers of myelin sheath integrity. RD correlated with sNCV (r=-0.53, p=0.02, Bonf. corr.) but not with markers of axon integrity. FA correlated with dml (r=-0.63, p=0.002, Bonf. corr.) and sNCV (r=0.68, p=0.001, Bonf. corr.) but not with markers of axon integrity.


AD reflects axon integrity, while RD (and FA) reflect myelin sheath integrity as validated by correlation with electrophysiology. DTI parameters consistently indicate a slight decrease of structural integrity in the carpal tunnel as a physiological site of median nerve entrapment. DTI is particularly sensitive, since these findings are observed in healthy participants. Our results encourage future studies to evaluate the potential of DTI in differentiating axon from myelin sheath injury in patients with manifest peripheral neuropathies.  相似文献   

Myelins of the PNS were isolated from human motor and sensory nerves of cauda equina, and their ganglioside compositions were compared. The predominant ganglioside in the human PNS myelins, both from motor and sensory nerves, was LM1 (sialosylneolactotetraosylceramide). Sialosyl-nLc6Cer and disialosyl-nLc4Cer, GD3, GM3, and GD1b were detected as common components of the two nerve myelins. Furthermore, it was revealed that the motor nerve myelin contained GM1 (about 15% of total gangliosides), whereas sensory nerve myelin contained only a trace amount of GM1 (less than 5%), by TLC analyses together with TLC immunostaining using anti-GM1 antibody. As for the disialoganglioside fraction, the content of GD1a, as well as that of GM1, differed in motor and sensory nerves. Thus, the different contents of the ganglioseries gangliosides in human motor and sensory nerve myelins were demonstrated.  相似文献   

Abstract: The PO protein of the myelin of chick sciatic nerve was isolated and purified by propanoic acid extraction of peripheral nervous system (PNS) myelin, delipidation, Sepharose CL-6B chromatography in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and preparative SDS-polyacrylamide gel electro-phoresis (PAGE). Approximately 15% of the PO protein in the sciatic nerve myelin was recovered in a homogeneous state. The purified protein monomer has an apparent molecular weight of 32.1K as determined by gel electrophoresis. The PO protein undergoes extensive aggregation during exhaustive dialysis and freeze-drying and yields stable dimers, trimers, and tetramers. The aggregation of the PO protein after freeze-drying is independent of the presence of a reducing agent (2-mercaptoethanol) in the solubilizing medium. The PO protein is a glycoprotein. The amino acid composition of the chick PO protein indicates a definite species difference when compared with mammalian PO proteins although the NH2-terminal isoleucine residue seems to have been retained during evolution.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of myelin-associated glycolipids during various stages of myelination was studied by in vitro incorporation of [3H]Gal, [3H]Glc, or [35S]sulfate into the endoneurium of rat sciatic nerve. In the normal adult nerve, where the level of myelin assembly is substantially reduced and Schwann cells are principally involved in maintaining the existing myelin membrane, [3H]Gal was primarily incorporated into monogalactosyl diacylglycerol (MGDG) and the galactocerebrosides (GalCe) with lower levels of incorporation into the sulfatides. Such incorporation was enhanced 35 days after crush injury of the adult rat sciatic nerve, which is characterized by active myelin assembly. In contrast, at 35 days after permanent nerve transection where there is no axonal regeneration or myelin assembly, the incorporation of [3H]Gal or [3H]Glc into GalCe was nearly undetected whereas the incorporation of [3H]Gal into MGDG was completely inhibited. Instead, the 3H-labeled glycolipids in transected nerve were identified as the glucocerebrosides (GlcCe) and oligohexosylceramide derivatives with tetrahexosylceramide being a major product. In contrast, [35S]sulfate was incorporated into endoneurial sulfatides in the transected nerve, which suggests that endogenous GalCe rather than newly synthesized GalCe served as the substrate for the sulfotransferase reaction. The GlcCe homologues are not considered as constituents of the myelin membrane but are likely plasma membrane components synthesized in the absence of myelin assembly. It is likely that the cells responsible for GlcCe biosynthesis are Schwann cells, since they comprise 90% of the total endoneurial cell area in the distal nerve segment at 35 days after transection.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The P0 protein in mammalian PNS myelin is known to undergo several posttranslational modifications, such as glycosylation, acylation, sulfation, and phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of purified P0 protein in vitro was studied comparatively using three enzymes, i.e., calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C), calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM kinase II), and the catalytic subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (A kinase). The phosphorylation of P0 protein by CaM kinase II was the greatest, followed by that by protein kinase C; phosphorylation by A kinase, however, was much lower. In order to identify phosphorylation sites, P0 protein was phosphorylated with [32P]ATP and each kinase and then digested with lysylendopeptidase. The resulting phosphopeptides were isolated by HPLC. Subsequent amino acid sequence analysis and comparison with the known sequence of P0 protein revealed that Ser181 and Ser204 were strongly phosphorylated by both protein kinase C and CaM kinase II. In addition, Ser214 was also phosphorylated by protein kinase C, but not by CaM kinase II. Because all of these sites are located in the cytoplasmic domain of P0 protein, phosphorylation may be important for maintenance of the major dense line of PNS myelin.  相似文献   

Abstract: Proteins of the paniculate fraction of sciatic nerve of rats ranging from 1 to 55 days of age were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The major myelin protein, P0, could not be detected at 1 day of age, but by 10 days it comprised from 15 to 20% of the particulate protein, the same proportion as in adult rats. Growth of nerve continued throughout the period studied. Rat sciatic nerves were incubated with [32P]orthophosphate or [3H]fucose. Particulate matter proteins from sciatic nerve (and in certain cases proteins of myelin purified from sciatic nerve) were separated by polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis and the distribution of protein and of radioactivity along the gels was determined. [32P]Phosphate appeared to label all myelin proteins. Labeling with fucose was more specific; myelin basic proteins were not fucosylated. A developmental study showed that sciatic nerves from 2-day-old rats could incorporate radioactive fucose and [32P]-phosphate into several proteins at the P0 region of polyacrylamide gels. Specific radioactivity of [3H]fucose in P0 protein was highest in preparations from 5-day-old rats and declined by 80% over the next 5 days as it was diluted by accumulating myelin. The specific radioactivity of incorporated [32P] phosphate was high at the early age points and declined as a result of the accumulation of compact myelin. The results indicate an association of fucosylation and/or phosphorylation with some step in the formation of myelin.  相似文献   

神经生长因子 (never growth factor,NGF)可促进损伤外周神经的修复并加速轴突和髓鞘的再生,但对外周神经损伤前期作用的研究报道较少。本研究主要探究在损伤外周神经前期,NGF能否加速施旺细胞 (Schwann cells, SCs) 对髓鞘碎片的清除及其调控机制。将坐骨神经损伤的Wistar雄性大鼠连续5 d给予NGF治疗,并运用分子生物学检测手段分析损伤坐骨神经内部髓鞘碎片的清除,细胞的凋亡及内质网应激 (endoplasmic reticulum stress, ERS) 的表达和变化。免疫荧光分析结果显示,与模型组相比,NGF给药组显著加速髓鞘碎片的清除,并促进SCs的增殖 (46.33 ± 5.68 vs. 66.69 ± 8.76, P< 0.05 for MPZ; 47.58 ± 4.52 vs. 37.69 ± 2.50, P< 0.01 for GFAP)。TUNEL免疫组化证实,NGF可有效抑制SCs的凋亡(25 ± 4 vs. 37 ± 6, P< 0.05),Western印迹结果显示,模型组坐骨神经内部内质网应激水平被过度激活,给予NGF治疗后,相关蛋白质表达被逆转 (1.03 ± 0.03 vs. 1.24 ± 0.07, P< 0.01 for PDI; 1.16 ± 0.16 vs. 1.48 ± 0.10, P< 0.05 for GRP-78; 1.33 ± 0.11 vs. 1.76 ± 0.17, P< 0.01 for Caspase-12; 1.01 ± 0.05 vs. 1.39 ± 0.16, P< 0.01 for CHOP)。上述结果证实,NGF可通过抑制内质网应激减少神经组织内细胞的凋亡,并加速髓鞘碎片的清除,促进外周神经损伤的修复。  相似文献   

Myelin-Deficient Rat: Analysis of Myelin Proteins   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
Myelin basic protein (BP), proteolipid protein (PLP), myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG), and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNPase) activity were quantitated in the brains and spinal cords of normal and myelin-deficient (md) rats at 8, 12, 18, and 25 days of age. The levels of BP, MAG, and CNP in 25-day-old md brain were 1.1, 1.8, and 11% of those in controls, respectively. In spinal cord, the levels were higher, at 9, 15, and 12% of control values, respectively. Although BP content in the mutant rats was a lower percentage of the control level than MAG and CNPase contents at all ages, the absolute level of BP increased steadily between 8 and 25 days of age in both brain and spinal cord, whereas there was little change in the amounts of MAG and CNPase during this period. Immunoblotting analysis did not reveal an increased apparent Mr for MAG, as has been observed in quaking and trembler mice. There was little difference in the relative distributions of the 14K, 17K, 18.5K, and 21.5K forms of BP between control and md rat spinal cord homogenates at the ages examined. PLP content was reduced more than that of the other proteins in the md mutants, because it could not be detected by a technique capable of detecting 0.2% of the control brain level and 0.1% of control spinal cord level. This suggests that the expression of PLP may be preferentially affected in the md mutation.  相似文献   

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