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In addition to endocytosing molecules via clathrin-coated pits, cells also internalize membrane and fluid by a clathrin-independent endocytic mechanism. In this article we search for the equivalent of clathrin-coated pits in clathrin-independent endocytosis, and discuss some pitfalls in the interpretation of electron micrographs. We also discuss how the early steps in clathrin-independent endocytosis might be analysed morphologically, and we argue that caveolae are not involved in clathrin-independent endocytosis.  相似文献   

The AP-1 adaptor complex has been cast as the major player in clathrin coat formation for vesicular transport from the trans-Golgi to the endocytic pathway. But new results on 'GGA' proteins have raised doubts about this paradigm and suggest both a new sorting mechanism and an unexpected complexity in the roles of clathrin.  相似文献   

The evidence and arguments for and against the occurrence of endocytosis in fungal hyphae are summarized. The balance of evidence is in favour of the existence of endocytosis. This is supported by an analysis of the recently sequenced Neurospora genome which strongly suggests that this fungus possesses the complex protein machinery required to conduct endocytosis.  相似文献   

β-Arrestins are not only well-known negative regulators of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling, but also important adaptors in modulating the strength and duration of cellular signaling by scaffolding and interacting with a lot of cytoplasmic proteins. While β-arrestins are rather well described signal-mediated molecules, they are not generally associated with insulin signaling. But recent work has confirmed the difference from original thought. The current review aims to explore the emerging roles for β-arrestins in regulating insulin action, inflammatory signal pathway and other cellular signaling which are associated with type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

The structure and transport properties of pit membranes at the interface between the metaxylem and xylem parenchyma cells and the possible role of these pit membranes in solute transfer to the phloem were investigated. Electron microscopy revealed a fibrillar, almost tubular matrix within the pit membrane structure between the xylem vessels and xylem parenchyma of leaf blade bundles in rice (Oryza sativa). These pits are involved primarily with regulating water flux to the surrounding xylem parenchyma cells. Vascular parenchyma cells contain large mitochondrial populations, numerous dictyosomes, endomembrane complexes, and vesicles in close proximity to the pit membrane. Taken collectively, this suggests that endocytosis may occur at this interface. A weak solution of 5,6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate (5,6-CFDA) was applied to cut ends of leaves and, after a minimum of 30 min, the distribution of the fluorescent cleavage product, 5,6-carboxyfluorescein (5,6-CF), was observed using confocal microscopy. Cleavage of 5,6-CFDA occurred within the xylem parenchyma cells, and the non-polar 5,6-CF was then symplasmically transported to other parenchyma elements and ultimately, via numerous pore plasmodesmata, to adjacent thick-walled sieve tubes. Application of Lucifer Yellow, and, separately, Texas Red-labelled dextran (10 kDa) to the transpiration stream, confirmed that these membrane-impermeant probes could only have been offloaded from the xylem via the xylem vessel-xylem parenchyma pit membranes, suggesting endocytotic transmembrane transfer of these membrane-impermeant fluorophores. Accumulation within the thick-walled sieve tubes, but not in thin-walled sieve tubes, confirms the presence of a symplasmic phloem loading pathway, via pore plasmodesmata between xylem parenchyma and thick-walled sieve tubes, but not thin-walled sieve tubes.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated L-type calcium channels (LTCCs) are expressed in adrenal chromaffin cells. Besides shaping the action potential (AP), LTCCs are involved in the excitation-secretion coupling controlling catecholamine release and in Ca (2+) -dependent vesicle retrieval. Of the two LTCCs expressed in chromaffin cells (CaV1.2 and CaV1.3), CaV1.3 possesses the prerequisites for pacemaking spontaneously firing cells: low-threshold, steep voltage-dependence of activation and slow inactivation. By using CaV1 .3 (-/-) KO mice and the AP-clamp it has been possible to resolve the time course of CaV1.3 pacemaker currents, which is similar to that regulating substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons. In mouse chromaffin cells CaV1.3 is coupled to fast-inactivating BK channels within membrane nanodomains and controls AP repolarization. The ability to carry subthreshold Ca (2+) currents and activate BK channels confers to CaV1.3 the unique feature of driving Ca (2+) loading during long interspike intervals and, possibly, to control the Ca (2+) -dependent exocytosis and endocytosis processes that regulate catecholamine secretion and vesicle recycling.  相似文献   

The formation of transport carriers (spherical vesicles and tubules) involves membrane budding, growth, and ultimately fission. We propose a mechanism of membrane budding, wherein the tilt and chirality of constituent molecules, confined to a patch of area A, induces buds of approximately 50-100 nm that are comparable to vesicles involved in endocytosis. Because such chiral and tilted lipid molecules are likely to exist in "rafts", we suggest the involvement of this mechanism in generating membrane buds in the clathrin and dynamin-independent, raft-component mediated endocytosis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins. We argue that caveolae, permanent cell surface structures with characteristic morphology and enriched in raft constituents, are also likely to be formed by this mechanism. Thus, molecular chirality and tilt, and its expression over large spatial scales may be a common organizing principle in membrane budding of transport carriers.  相似文献   

Our primary objective was to determine if rates of fluid-phase endocytosis (FPE) were conserved in hepatocytes from organisms acclimated and adapted to different temperatures. To this aim, the fluorescent dye Lucifer yellow was employed to measure FPE at different assay temperatures (AT) in hepatocytes from 5 degrees C- and 20 degrees C-acclimated trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (at 5 and 20 degrees C AT), 22 degrees C- and 35 degrees C-acclimated tilapia, Oreochromis nilotica (at 22 and 35 degrees C AT), and the Sprague-Dawley rat (at 10, 20, and 37 degrees C AT). FPE was also studied in rats fed a long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)-enriched diet (at 10 degrees C AT). Despite being temperature dependent, endocytic rates (values in pl. cell(-1). h(-1)) in both species of fish were compensated after a period of acclimation. For example, in 20 degrees C-acclimated trout, the rate of endocytosis declined from 1.84 to 1.07 when the AT was reduced from 20 to 5 degrees C; however, after a period of acclimation at 5 degrees C, the rate (at 5 degrees C AT) was largely restored (1.80) and almost perfectly compensated (95%). In tilapia, endocytic rates were also temperature compensated, although only partially (36%). Relatively similar rates obtained at 5 degrees C in 5 degrees C-acclimated trout (1.8), at 20 degrees C in 20 degrees C-acclimated trout (1.84), and at 22 degrees C in 22 degrees C-acclimated tilapia (2.2) suggest that endocytic rates are somewhat conserved in these two species of fish. In contrast, the rate in rat measured at 37 degrees C (16.83) was severalfold greater than in fish at their respective body temperatures. A role for lipids in determining rates of endocytosis was supported by data obtained at 10 degrees C in hepatocytes isolated from rats fed a long-chain PUFA-enriched diet: endocytic rates were higher (5.35 pl. cell(-1). h(-1)) than those of rats fed a standard chow diet (2.33 pl. cell(-1). h(-1)). The conservation of endocytic rates in fish may be related to their ability to conserve other membrane characteristics (i.e., order or phase behavior) by restructuring their membrane lipid composition or by modulating the activities of proteins that regulate endocytosis and membrane traffic, whereas the lack of conservation between fish and rat may be due to differences in metabolic rate.  相似文献   

Injury to the glomerular podocyte is a key mechanism in human glomerular disease and podocyte repair is an important therapeutic target. In Fabry disease, podocyte injury is caused by the intracellular accumulation of globotriaosylceramide. This study identifies in the human podocyte three endocytic receptors, mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth II receptor, megalin, and sortilin and demonstrates their drug delivery capabilities for enzyme replacement therapy. Sortilin, a novel α-galactosidase A binding protein, reveals a predominant intracellular expression but also surface expression in the podocyte. The present study provides the rationale for the renal effect of treatment with α-galactosidase A and identifies potential pathways for future non-carbohydrate based drug delivery to the kidney podocyte and other potential affected organs.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated L-type calcium channels (LTCCs) are expressed in adrenal chromaffin cells. Besides shaping the action potential (AP), LTCCs are involved in the excitation-secretion coupling controlling catecholamine release and in Ca2+-dependent vesicle retrieval. Of the two LTCCs expressed in chromaffin cells (CaV1.2 and CaV1.3), CaV1.3 possesses the prerequisites for pacemaking spontaneously firing cells: low-threshold, steep voltage-dependence of activation and slow inactivation. By using CaV1 .3-/- KO mice and the AP-clamp it has been possible to resolve the time course of CaV1.3 pacemaker currents, which is similar to that regulating substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons. In mouse chromaffin cells CaV1.3 is coupled to fast-inactivating BK channels within membrane nanodomains and controls AP repolarization. The ability to carry subthreshold Ca2+ currents and activate BK channels confers to CaV1.3 the unique feature of driving Ca2+ loading during long interspike intervals and, possibly, to control the Ca2+-dependent exocytosis and endocytosis processes that regulate catecholamine secretion and vesicle recycling.  相似文献   

Endocytosis is vital for hyphal tip growth in filamentous fungi and is involved in the tip localization of various membrane proteins. To investigate the function of a Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) in endocytosis of filamentous fungi, we identified a WASP ortholog-encoding gene, wspA, in Aspergillus nidulans and characterized it. The wspA product, WspA, localized to the tips of germ tubes during germination and actin rings in the subapical regions of mature hyphae. wspA is essential for the growth and functioned in the polarity establishment and maintenance during germination of conidia. We also investigated its function in endocytosis and revealed that endocytosis of SynA, a synaptobrevin ortholog that is known to be endocytosed at the subapical regions of hyphal tips in A. nidulans, did not occur when wspA expression was repressed. These results suggest that WspA plays roles in endocytosis at hyphal tips and polarity establishment during germination.  相似文献   

正Vesicular exocytosis is a key process involved in neurotransmitter release, whereas vesicle recycling is critical for the homeostasis of plasma membrane structures and the maintenance of neurotransmission. Ca~(2+)regulates several fundamental cellular processes (Zhu et al., 2016; Xiong and Zhu, 2016). Especially, Ca~(2+)influx plays a dual role of triggering vesicular exocytosis and modulating compensatory endocytosis in neurons and endocrine cells. Vesicular exocytosis occurs either by Ca~(2+)-dependent or Ca~(2+)-independent mechanisms (Chai et al., 2017), and local Ca~(2+)signals beneath the plasma membrane plays a critical role in the determination of the fusion pore dilation and fusion  相似文献   

Methylation of histone tails is a key determinant in forming active and silent states of chromatin. Histone methylation was regarded as irreversible until the recent identification of a lysine-specific histone demethylase (LSD1), which acts specifically on mono- and dimethylated histone H3 lysine 4. Here, we propose that the fission yeast protein Epe1 is a putative histone demethylase that could act by oxidative demethylation. Epe1 modulates the stability of silent chromatin and contains a JmjC domain. The Epe1 protein can be modelled onto the structure of the 2-oxoglutarate-Fe(II)-dependent dioxygenase, factor inhibiting hypoxia inducible factor (FIH), which is a protein hydroxylase that also contains a JmjC domain. Thus, Epe1 and certain other chromatin-associated JmjC-domain proteins may be protein hydroxylases that catalyse a novel histone modification. Another intriguing possibility is that, by hydroxylating the methyl groups, Epe1 and certain other JmjC-domain proteins may be able to demethylate mono-, di- or trimethylated histones.  相似文献   

CNB: requiescat in pace?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Despite its failure to predict variation in secondary chemistry for many metabolites and taxa, the Carbon/Nutrient Balance (CNB) hypothesis continues to be invoked with regularity. According to Lerdau and Coley (2002) , the value of the hypothesis is that it explains phytochemical phenotypic plasticity outside of an evolutionary context. We contend that the CNB hypothesis impedes a more comprehensive understanding of plant biology and that an approach divorcing plant chemistry from function is inherently limited in its ability to predict responses of plants to the environmental conditions in which they have evolved. Although it is possible for a mechanistically flawed hypothesis to predict phenomena, such hypotheses almost always suffer a lack of generality. Lerdau and Coley argue that the limitations of the CNB model are its strengths, not its weaknesses, and set forth refinements that, in essence, further limit its applicability. We address these refinements and explore alternative adaptive explanations for adjustments of secondary metabolism in relation to resource availability and environmental variation. In view of its flawed nature and the existence of alternative approaches, CNB no longer warrants consideration as a viable hypothesis.  相似文献   

For centuries scientists have been fascinated with the question of how the brain works. Investigators have looked at both where different functions are localized and how the anatomical microstructure varies across the brain surface. Here we discuss how advances in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have allowed in vivo visualization of the fine structure of the brain that was previously only visible in post-mortem brains. We present data showing the correspondence between definitions of the primary visual cortex defined anatomically using very high-resolution MRI and functionally using functional MRI. We consider how this technology can be applied to allow the investigation of brains that differ from normal, and what this ever-evolving technology may be able to reveal about in vivo brain structure in the next few years.  相似文献   

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