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Despite the central role suggested for regulatory mutations in many evolutionary scenarios, there is relatively little information available about the type and extent of regulatory differences between species, or to what extent differences between species are independent of variation within species. To address this issue we have studied the regulatory system of β-glucuronidase, a gene implicated in a murine androgen-inducible pheromone-signalling system. We examined the changes in β-glucuronidase hormonal regulation which have occurred during the radiation of a group of 12 closely related species of mice by assaying β-glucuronidase activity in six different tissues after treatment with estrogen, and with androgen alone and in combination with either estrogen or growth hormone. We also examined in some detail the extent of variation in regulatory responses within species. We found extensive variation in regulatory phenotypes both within and among the species surveyed, suggesting that many of the species examined are currently polymorphic for various regulatory factors that affect inducibility of β-glucuronidase. The variation we observed reflects changes in the ability of the β-glucuronidase gene to respond to hormonal influences, rather than changes in aspects of the hormonal signalling system exterior to the gene. The marked differences among species in the renal and uterine responses to hormonal induction of β-glucuronidase are not easily related to the phylogeny of the genus Mus. If hormonal induction of the gene for β-glucuronidase is subject to natural selection, it appears to be subject to widely fluctuating selective forces. We review evidence that the apparently disorderly evolution of the hormonal responsiveness of β-glucuronidase does not appear to be a unique property of this regulatory system. In contrast to the evolution of many protein sequences, which are tightly correlated with phylogeny and proceed at a relatively constant rate, some, perhaps many, regulatory phenotypes are in rapid evolutionary flux, providing an extensive range of phenotypes upon which selection can act.  相似文献   

We describe the expression of the homeobox genes orthodenticle (Otx) and distal-less (Dlx) during the larval development of seven species representing three classes of echinoderms: Holothuroidea, Asteroidea, and Echinoidea. Several expression domains are conserved between species within a single class, including Dlx expression within the brachiolar arms of asteroid larvae and Otx expression within the ciliated bands of holothuroid larvae. Some expression domains are apparently conserved between classes, such as the expression of Dlx within the hydrocoel (left mesocoel) in all three classes. However, several substantial differences in expression domains among taxa were also evident for both genes. Some autapomorphic (unique derived) features of gene expression are phylogenetically associated with autapomorphic structures, such as Dlx expression within the invaginating rudiment of euechinoids. Other autapomorphic gene expression domains are associated with evolutionary shifts in life history from feeding to nonfeeding larval development, such as Otx expression within the ciliated bands of a nonfeeding holothuroid larva. Similar associations between evolutionary changes in morphology and life history mode with changes in regulatory gene expression have also been observed in arthropods, urochordates, and chordates. We predict that recruitment of regulatory genes to a new developmental role is commonly associated with evolutionary changes in morphology and may be particularly common in clades with complex life cycles and diversity of life history modes. Caution should be used when making generalizations about gene expression and function based on a single species, which may not accurately reflect developmental processes and life histories of the phyla to which it belongs.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that differences in gene regulation have an important role in speciation and adaptation is more than 40 years old. With the advent of new sequencing technologies, we are able to characterize and study gene expression levels and associated regulatory mechanisms in a large number of individuals and species at an unprecedented resolution and scale. We have thus gained new insights into the evolutionary pressures that shape gene expression levels and have developed an appreciation for the relative importance of evolutionary changes in different regulatory genetic and epigenetic mechanisms. The current challenge is to link gene regulatory changes to adaptive evolution of complex phenotypes. Here we mainly focus on comparative studies in primates and how they are complemented by studies in model organisms.  相似文献   

Progress and challenges in studies of the evolution of development   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Plant evolutionary developmental genetics (EDG) has made considerable progress over the last decade. This is in part due to the accumulation of large amounts of sequence data that have provided robust organismal phylogenies and, increasingly, broad assessments of molecular evolution. Attempts to use primary sequence data to identify genes that have changed function in evolutionary time have not been as successful as initially hoped. The coding sequences of most genes, which are more amenable to statistical analysis than are regulatory sequences, are generally under purifying selection, as would be expected if much evolutionary change is the result of changes in cis-regulatory sequences. Sequence-based analysis of the regulatory sequences themselves remains difficult. Comparative studies of gene expression have been useful to identify genes whose developmental role may have changed in evolutionary time and will be critical to the future development of EDG. Such studies can be used to test hypotheses of gene function. Transformation experiments are often illuminating, but can be hard to interpret, particularly if genes from multiple species are all placed into a single heterologous system such as Arabidopsis. The ideal experiment would be a gene swap or promoter swap between two species, but this awaits development of good transformation systems. The immediate need for EDG is studies of gene expression on a massive scale, far broader than any studies undertaken to date.  相似文献   

Even though mRNA expression levels are commonly used as a proxy for estimating functional differences that occur at the protein level, the relation between mRNA and protein expression is not well established. Further, no study to date has tested whether the evolutionary differences in mRNA expression observed between species reflect those observed in protein expression. Since a large proportion of mRNA expression differences observed between mammalian species appears to have no functional consequences for the phenotype, it is conceivable that many or most mRNA expression differences are not reflected at the protein level. If this is true, then differences in protein expression may largely reflect functional adaptations observed in species phenotypes. In this paper, we present the first direct comparison of mRNA and protein expression differences seen between humans and chimpanzees. We reproducibly find a significant positive correlation between mRNA expression and protein expression differences. This correlation is comparable in magnitude to that found between mRNA and protein expression changes at different developmental stages or in different physiological conditions within one species. Noticeably, this correlation is mainly due to genes with large expression differences between species. Our study opens the door to a new level of understanding of regulatory evolution and poses many new questions that remain to be answered.  相似文献   

The evolutionary origin of complex organs challenges empirical study because most organs evolved hundreds of millions of years ago. The placenta of live-bearing fish in the family Poeciliidae represents a unique opportunity to study the evolutionary origin of complex organs, because in this family a placenta evolved at least nine times independently. It is currently unknown whether this repeated evolution is accompanied by similar, repeated, genomic changes in placental species. Here, we compare whole genomes of 26 poeciliid species representing six out of nine independent origins of placentation. Evolutionary rate analysis revealed that the evolution of the placenta coincides with convergent shifts in the evolutionary rate of 78 protein-coding genes, mainly observed in transporter- and vesicle-located genes. Furthermore, differences in sequence conservation showed that placental evolution coincided with similar changes in 76 noncoding regulatory elements, occurring primarily around genes that regulate development. The unexpected high occurrence of GATA simple repeats in the regulatory elements suggests an important function for GATA repeats in developmental gene regulation. The distinction in molecular evolution observed, with protein-coding parallel changes more often found in metabolic and structural pathways, compared with regulatory change more frequently found in developmental pathways, offers a compelling model for complex trait evolution in general: changing the regulation of otherwise highly conserved developmental genes may allow for the evolution of complex traits.  相似文献   

Chabot A  Shrit RA  Blekhman R  Gilad Y 《Genetics》2007,176(4):2069-2076
Most phenotypic differences between human and chimpanzee are likely to result from differences in gene regulation, rather than changes to protein-coding regions. To date, however, only a handful of human-chimpanzee nucleotide differences leading to changes in gene regulation have been identified. To hone in on differences in regulatory elements between human and chimpanzee, we focused on 10 genes that were previously found to be differentially expressed between the two species. We then designed reporter gene assays for the putative human and chimpanzee promoters of the 10 genes. Of seven promoters that we found to be active in human liver cell lines, human and chimpanzee promoters had significantly different activity in four cases, three of which recapitulated the gene expression difference seen in the microarray experiment. For these three genes, we were therefore able to demonstrate that a change in cis influences expression differences between humans and chimpanzees. Moreover, using site-directed mutagenesis on one construct, the promoter for the DDA3 gene, we were able to identify three nucleotides that together lead to a cis regulatory difference between the species. High-throughput application of this approach can provide a map of regulatory element differences between humans and our close evolutionary relatives.  相似文献   

Unraveling how regulatory divergence contributes to species differences and adaptation requires identifying functional variants from among millions of genetic differences. Analysis of allelic imbalance (AI) reveals functional genetic differences in cis regulation and has demonstrated differences in cis regulation within and between species. Regulatory mechanisms are often highly conserved, yet differences between species in gene expression are extensive. What evolutionary forces explain widespread divergence in cis regulation? AI was assessed in Drosophila melanogaster-Drosophila simulans hybrid female heads using RNA-seq technology. Mapping bias was virtually eliminated by using genotype-specific references. Allele representation in DNA sequencing was used as a prior in a novel Bayesian model for the estimation of AI in RNA. Cis regulatory divergence was common in the organs and tissues of the head with 41% of genes analyzed showing significant AI. Using existing population genomic data, the relationship between AI and patterns of sequence evolution was examined. Evidence of positive selection was found in 30% of cis regulatory divergent genes. Genes involved in defense, RNAi/RISC complex genes, and those that are sex regulated are enriched among adaptively evolving cis regulatory divergent genes. For genes in these groups, adaptive evolution may play a role in regulatory divergence between species. However, there is no evidence that adaptive evolution drives most of the cis regulatory divergence that is observed. The majority of genes showed patterns consistent with stabilizing selection and neutral evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

Evolution of regulatory interactions controlling floral asymmetry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A key challenge in evolutionary biology is to understand how new morphologies can arise through changes in gene regulatory networks. For example, floral asymmetry is thought to have evolved many times independently from a radially symmetrical ancestral condition, yet the molecular changes underlying this innovation are unknown. Here, we address this problem by investigating the action of a key regulator of floral asymmetry, CYCLOIDEA (CYC), in species with asymmetric and symmetric flowers. We show that CYC encodes a DNA-binding protein that recognises sites in a downstream target gene RADIALIS (RAD) in Antirrhinum. The interaction between CYC and RAD can be reconstituted in Arabidopsis, which has radially symmetrical flowers. Overexpression of CYC in Arabidopsis modifies petal and leaf development, through changes in cell proliferation and expansion at various stages of development. This indicates that developmental target processes are influenced by CYC in Arabidopsis, similar to the situation in Antirrhinum. However, endogenous RAD-like genes are not activated by CYC in Arabidopsis, suggesting that co-option of RAD may have occurred specifically in the Antirrhinum lineage. Taken together, our results indicate that floral asymmetry may have arisen through evolutionary tinkering with the strengths and pattern of connections at several points in a gene regulatory network.  相似文献   

The sea lamprey is an important model organism for investigating the evolutionary origins of vertebrates. As more vertebrate genome sequences are obtained, evolutionary developmental biologists are becoming increasingly able to identify putative gene regulatory elements across the breadth of the vertebrate taxa. The identification of these regions makes it possible to address how changes at the genomic level have led to changes in developmental gene regulatory networks and ultimately to the evolution of morphological diversity. Comparative genomics approaches using sea lamprey have already predicted a number of such regulatory elements in the lamprey genome. Functional characterisation of these sequences and other similar elements requires efficient reporter assays in lamprey. In this report, we describe the development of a transient transgenesis method for lamprey embryos. Focusing on conserved non-coding elements (CNEs), we use this method to investigate their functional conservation across the vertebrate subphylum. We find instances of both functional conservation and lineage-specific functional evolution of CNEs across vertebrates, emphasising the utility of functionally testing homologous CNEs in their host species.  相似文献   

Differences in brain structure between species have long fascinated evolutionary biologists. Understanding how these differences arise requires knowing how they are generated in the embryo. Growing evidence in the field of evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo) suggests that morphological differences between species result largely from changes in the spatiotemporal regulation of gene expression during development. Corresponding changes in functional cellular behaviors (morphogenetic mechanisms) are only beginning to be explored, however. Here we show that spatiotemporal patterns of tissue contractility are sufficient to explain differences in morphology of the early embryonic brain between disparate species. We found that enhancing cytoskeletal contraction in the embryonic chick brain with calyculin A alters the distribution of contractile proteins on the apical side of the neuroepithelium and changes relatively round cross-sections of the tubular brain into shapes resembling triangles, diamonds, and narrow slits. These perturbed shapes, as well as overall brain morphology, are remarkably similar to those of corresponding sections normally found in species such as zebrafish and Xenopus laevis (frog). Tissue staining revealed relatively strong concentration of F-actin at vertices of hyper-contracted cross-sections, and a finite element model shows that local contraction in these regions can convert circular sections into the observed shapes. Another model suggests that these variations in contractility depend on the initial geometry of the brain tube, as localized contraction may be needed to open the initially closed lumen in normal zebrafish and Xenopus brains, whereas this contractile machinery is not necessary in chick brains, which are already open when first created. We conclude that interspecies differences in cytoskeletal contraction may play a larger role in generating differences in morphology, and at much earlier developmental stages, in the brain than previously appreciated. This study is a step toward uncovering the underlying morphomechanical mechanisms that regulate how neural phenotypic differences arise between species.  相似文献   

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