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Six new species are described from Abkhazia: Charimachilis abchasica sp. n., Lepismachilis abchasica sp. n., Trigoniophthalmus longitarsus sp. n., T. nematocerus sp. n., T. abchasicus sp. n., and T. subalpinus sp. n. Species of the genus Lepismachilis and the subgenus Trigoniophthalmus s. str. (T. longitarsus sp. n.) are described from the Caucasus for the first time. A key to the species of the genus Trigoniophthalmus from the Caucasus is given.  相似文献   

The presented contribution concerns the study of several samples of Microcoryphia and of Zygentoma obtained in Israel; an up to date of the species of these insect Orders reported from Palestine is also presented. Genus Hyperlepisma (Lepismatidae: Ctenolepismatinae) is reported for the first time from the country and one new species H. palaestinensis n. sp., is described from the northern Negev. Another new species this one of the genus Lepidospora s. s. (Nicoletiidae: Coletiniinae), L. (L.) ayyalonica n. sp., is described from the Ayyalon Cave in Western Central Israel, from where several other terrestrial and aquatic endemic arthropods were already known.  相似文献   

Abstract  Two new species of silverfish of the genus Metrinura Mendes are described from the Undara lava flow region, Queensland, Australia. Metrinura subtropica sp. nov. was collected in caves and Metrinura tropica sp. nov. from under rocks or logs. A key to all species in the genus is provided.  相似文献   

Development and fate of embryonic membranes in the silverfish Lepisma saccharina was examined throughout embryogenesis. The amnioserosal folds first arise as serosal folds that are completed by the later addition of the amnion from the embryo's margins as in archaeognaths. The close link between production of the amnion and formation of the folds should not be assigned to Dicondylia but to Pterygota as an autapomorphy. During fold formation, folding of embryonic membranes beneath the embryo is less extensive and the ventral cupping of the embryo plays a larger role comparable to that occurring in archaeognath embryos. In L. saccharina, the embryonic membrane pore (the amniopore) varies in its manner of closure, either by complete fusion of serosal folds or by formation of a serosal cuticular plug between them as in archaeognaths. Although, in many aspects of its embryogenesis, L. saccharina retains the primitiveness of archaeognaths, its amnioserosal folds persist and are well integrated into its embryogenesis as the amnioserosal fold-amniotic cavity system is established and as occurs in many pterygote embryos; this may be thus regarded as an autapomorphy of Dicondylia.  相似文献   

Commercial baits containing boric acid, hydramethynon, and indoxacarb were tested against the firebrat, Thermobia domestica (Packard), and silverfish, Lepisma saccharina L. (both Zygentoma: Lepismatidae), under laboratory conditions. Three boric acid baits were consumed in significantly smaller amounts than untreated control food and did not effectively control either species. Baits containing hydramethylnon and indoxacarb were consumed in greater amounts than boric acid baits, but were relatively ineffective, with LT50 values >9 d. Presence or absence of competitive untreated food did not consistently affect bait efficacy. A ground oat matrix was used to evaluate the potential effectiveness of abamectin, chlorfenapyr, dinotefuran, fipronil, hydramethylnon, metaflumizone, and novaluron baits. The most effective compound was chlorfenapyr. At 0.05 and 0.20% (wt:wt) rates, chlorfenapyr baits produced LT50 values, for both species, ranging from 2 to 4 d. All other compounds had LT50 values >7 d.  相似文献   

Two new bristletail species, Allopsontus (Anisoptinus) nigrus sp. n. from Southeastern Kazakhstan and A. (Kaplinilis) abkhazicus sp. n. from Abkhazia, are described. A. nigrus sp. n. differs from the only other known species of the subgenus Anisoptinus, A. borgustani Kaplin 2015, in a number of characters, namely, in more rounded paired ocelli, an extended apical segment of the labial palpus, a long articulated ovipositor, and in the absence of short appressed pigmented setulae on the maxillary and labial palpi in males. A. abkhazicus sp. n. can be easily distinguished from all the other known species of the subgenus Kaplinilis by the absence of short appressed pigmented setulae on the maxillary and labial palpi in the males, the absence of a projection with numerous spiniform setae on the male fore femur, and in shorter male genital appendages. The ocellus of the male and female is 2.8-2.9 times as wide as long; the length to width ratio of the eye is 0.9-1.0; the ovipositor consists of 60 divisions.  相似文献   

Arthropod appendages are among the most diverse animal organs and have been adapted to a variety of functions. Due to this diversity, it can be difficult to recognize homologous parts in different appendage types and different species. Gene expression patterns of appendage development genes have been used to overcome this problem and to identify homologous limb portions across different species and their appendages. However, regarding the largest arthropod group, the hexapods, most of these studies focused on members of the winged insects (Pterygota), but primitively wingless groups like the springtails (Collembola) or silverfish and allies (Zygentoma) are underrepresented. We have studied the expression of a set of appendage patterning genes in the firebrat Thermobia domestica and the white springtail Folsomia candida. The expressions of Distal-less (Dll) and dachshund (dac) are generally similar to the patterns reported for pterygote insects. Modifications of gene regulation, for example, the lack of Dll expression in the palp of F. candida mouthparts, however, point to changes in gene function that can make the use of single genes and specific expression domains problematic for homology inference. Such hypotheses should therefore not rely on a small number of genes and should ideally also include information about gene function. The expression patterns of homothorax (hth) and extradenticle (exd) in both species are similar to the patterns of crustaceans and pterygote insects, but differ from those in chelicerates and myriapods. The proximal specificity of hth thus appears to trace from a common hexapod ancestor and also provides a link to the regulation of this gene in crustaceans.  相似文献   

As a starting point for the revision of the genus Ctenolepisma Escherich 1905, the status of its type-species, Ctenolepisma lineata (Fabricius 1775), is clarified. In the present study, this species (originally described from Switzerland) is redescribed by means of many samples from several European countries and a neotype is designated. The constant presence of a third pair of abdominal styli in adult C. lineata s. str. leads to abandon the obsolete name C. lineata var. pilifera (Lucas 1840) for referring to a presumed non-typical variety of this species. The status of Lepisma pilifera Lucas 1840 is discussed, concluding that this name must be treated as a new synonym of Thermobia aegyptiaca (Lucas 1840). After our redefinition of the characters of C. lineata, an examination of many specimens of Ctenolepisma that were previously identified as C. lineata reveals that some of them are actually members of different taxa. This is the case for a species occurring in the Canary Islands, Northwest Africa, the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. In this work this species is ascribed to Lepisma nicoletii Lucas 1846, which was described from Algeria and regarded as a synonym of Ctenolepisma lineata by Escherich; this species is now redescribed as Ctenolepisma nicoletii stat. res. This species differs from C. lineata in that it bears only two pairs of abdominal styli, and it also differs in the shape of the prosternum and femoral scales. Lepisma eatoni Ridley 1881, which was described from Morocco and the Canary Islands and subsequently regarded as synonym of C. lineata, is now synonymised with C. nicoletii.  相似文献   

Four new genera and eleven new species of Zygentoma thysanurans (families Protrinemuridae and Nicoletiidae) are described and some faunistic novelties reported from Oriental and Australian Regions, viz.: Protrinemura leclerci n. sp., from northern Thailand, Protrinemurella allacrotelsoides n. gen. n. sp., from southern Thailand, and Protrinemuroides celebensis n. gen. n. sp., from the Celebes islands (Protrinemuridae), Lepidospora (L.) digitata n. sp., from northern Thailand, L. (L.) deharvengi n. sp., from the Celebes, and Pseudobrinckina anempodiata n. gen. n. sp., from northern Thailand (Nicoletiidae: Coletiniinae), Gastrotheus (G.) papuanus n. sp., from Papua-New Guinea (Nicoletiidae: Atelurinae), and Metrinura celebensis n. sp., from the Celebes, Trinemurodes anomalocoxa n. sp., from southern Thailand, T. bedosae n. sp., from northern Thailand, and Allotrinemurodes thai n.gen. n. sp., from northern Thailand (Nicoletiidae: Subnicoletiinae). Bharatatelura malabarica Mendes is reported for the first time off the Indian sub-continent (in Suva). Proatelura jacobsoni Silvestri is recorded in Macao (southern China) and in the Moluccas islands and notes are presented on its male sex. Gastrotheus (Lasiotheus) nanus (Escherich) is found for the very first time in Macao, in Cook islands and in Niue. Identification keys are provided to Protrinemuridae genera and to species of Trinemurodes, and modifications are suggested to previously presented keys to Nicoletiidae genera and to Lepidospora and Metrinura species.  相似文献   

The mushroom bodies of the insect brain are sensory integration centers best studied for their role in learning and memory. Studies of mushroom body structure and development in neopteran insects have revealed conserved morphogenetic mechanisms. The sequential production of morphologically distinct intrinsic neuron (Kenyon cell) subpopulations by mushroom body neuroblasts and the integration of newborn neurons via a discrete ingrowth tract results in an age-based organization of modular subunits in the primary output neuropil of the mushroom bodies, the lobes. To determine whether these may represent ancestral characteristics, the present account assesses mushroom body organization and development in the basal wingless insect Thermobia domestica. In this insect, a single calyx supplied by the progeny of two neuroblast clusters, and three perpendicularly oriented lobes are readily identifiable. The lobes are subdivided into 15 globular subdivisions (Trauben). Lifelong neurogenesis is observed, with axons of newborn Kenyon cells entering the lobes via an ingrowth core. The Trauben do not appear progressively during development, indicating that they do not represent the ramifications of sequentially produced subpopulations of Kenyon cells. Instead, a single Kenyon cell population produces highly branched axons that supply all lobe subdivisions. This suggests that although the ground plan for neopteran mushroom bodies existed in early insects, the organization of modular subunits composed of separate Kenyon cell subpopulations is a later innovation. Similarities between the calyx of Thermobia and the highly derived fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster also suggest a correlation between calyx morphology and Kenyon cell number.  相似文献   

A new bristletail species, Pedetontus phuketi sp. n., is described from Phuket Island, Thailand. It is most similar to P. hainanensis Yu, Zhang W.-W. et Zhang J.-Y., 2010 described from Hainan Island (China). The genus Pedetontus comprises 33 described species in two subgenera: Pedetontus s. str. (6 species) and Verhoeffilis (27 species). The subgenus Verhoeffilis has originated in the southeastern part of the Palaearctic Region. Its representatives migrated to North America in the Paleocene through the Bering Land Bridge which was sunken in the Eocene, so that the Nearctic centre of Pedetontus speciation became isolated and the subgenus Pedetontus s. str. has been formed. The Bering Land Bridge was formed at the end of the Miocene, and the backward migration of bristletails of the subgenus Pedetontus s. str. from the Nearctic to the Palaearctic occurred. Pedetontus palaearcticus was formed on Kamchatka. The southward migration of bristletails of the subgenus Verhoeffilis has led to formation of 10 Indo-Malayan species.  相似文献   

The silverfish Tricholepidion gertschi is of interest in that it is the most basal representative of Zygentoma. An ultrastructural study of its spermiogenesis was performed to find out whether there are traits which resemble those of other, more advanced insects. This was found to be the case; spermiogenesis can be considered to be of a common insectan type, leading to the formation of elongated sperm cells with acrosome, nucleus, neck region and a tail with axoneme and two mitochondrial derivatives. Total cell length, 50 microm, is short for an insect. There are some specializations, which probably represent autapomorphies. The acrosome has a posterior canal or cleft that makes a U-turn. The centriole adjunct forms a prominent post-nuclear ring surrounding the centriole and have a posterior extension, and further originates nine intertubular fibers with a longitudinal periodicity and two accessory bodies. The mitochondrial derivatives have five rows of regularly spaced cristae within a crystalline matrix. The axoneme has accessory tubules consisting of 16 protofilaments, formed at the B-tubules of the doublets and placed at some distance from them in the posterior part of the sperm tail.  相似文献   

Hexapods possess a tracheal system that enables the transport of oxygen to the inner organs. Although respiratory proteins have been considered unnecessary in most Hexapoda for this reason, we recently showed the presence of a functional hemocyanin in the stonefly Perla marginata. Here we report the identification and molecular characterization of a hemocyanin from Zygentoma (Thysanura). We obtained the full length cDNA of two distinct subunit types from the firebrat Thermobia domestica, and partial sequences of the orthologs from the silverfish Lepisma saccharina. The native T. domestica hemocyanin subunits both consist of 658 amino acids, but a signal peptide for transmembrane transport is missing in subunit 2. In adult firebrats both hemocyanin subunits represent a substantial proportion of the total hemolymph proteins. Phylogenetic analyses show that the subunit types are orthologous to subunits 1 and 2 of the stonefly Perla marginata. We further identified and sequenced a hexamerin subunit from T. domestica (689 amino acids), which suggests an early emergence of this type of proteins in hexapod evolution. In contrast to most other hexamerins, it does not reveal a high content in phenylalanine and tyrosine, which may be interpreted that the accumulation of aromatic amino acids commenced later in hexamerin evolution. Molecular clock calculations using hexamerins suggest that the divergence of Zygentoma and Pterygota occurred around 387 million years ago, which is in excellent agreement with the available fossil record.  相似文献   

Seven new species and a new subspecies of the families Brachychthoniidae Thor, 1934 and Phthiracaridae Perty, 1841 from the Caucasus are described: Liochthonius murtazalievi sp. n., Sellnickochthonius ilyinae sp. n., Atropacarus achmedovi sp. n., A. kremenitsai sp. n., A. yarovenkoi sp. n., A. chernovae sp. n., A. obesus minimus ssp. n., and Steganacarus (Tropacarus) adelaidae sp. n., and also the species Synchthonius elegans Forsslund, 1957, Atopochthonius maimaensis Grishina, 1971, and Atopochthonius artiodactylus Grandjean, 1949 from the Caucasus are figured.  相似文献   

Leucocytozoon coracinae sp. nov. is described from the avian family Campephagidae and Hepatozoon apodis sp. nov. from the Apodidae. The distribution of these parasites within their respective families is discussed.  相似文献   

New species of the genera Gymnothorax (fam. Muraenidae) and Parapercis (fam. Mugiloididae) are described from coastal waters of central Vietnam. G. emmae sp. n. is a common species all along the coast from the Van Phong Bay to the Phan Thiet Bay and differs from other species of this genus in characters of coloration, dentition, and the vertebral formula. P. bicoloripes sp. n. is common in the Phan Thiet Bay and is also know from one specimen from the Nha Trang Bay; from other species of the genus, it differs in coloration and meristic characters.  相似文献   

Microbiology - Nine chitin-degrading isolates of moderately thermophilic bacteria with temperature optimum for growth and chitin destruction at 50–55°C were isolated from soils of the...  相似文献   


Seven new taxa of marine mites (Halacaridae) are described from the marine littoral zone of northern and southern New Zealand: Agauopsis novaezelandiae, A. luxtoni, Halacarellus lubricus, Copidognathus lubricus, Simognathus glaber, S. glareus, and Rhombognathus novaezelandicus. A list of halacarid species known from New Zealand waters is added.  相似文献   

Four new species,Justicia oldemanii, J. mcdowellii, J. wilhelminensis, andJ. prevostiae are described, illustrated, and compared with their closest relatives. A key to species ofJusticia from the Guianas is also provided.  相似文献   

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