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Based on a complex analysis of both morphological and molecular genetic data, a new subfamily of casebearer moths, Omphalopodinae subfam. n., is allocated. Omphalopoda Falkovitsh, 1987, the type genus of this subfamily, is well distinguished by a set of apomorphic morphological characters and is clearly clustered between two genetically well differentiated groups of the family Coleophoridae: Tolleophorinae and Coleophorinae + Augasminae + Ischnophaninae + Metriotinae.  相似文献   

The case‐bearing moths of North America are represented by a single genus, Coleophora, which contains approximately 144 described species. All are external seed or leaf miners that inhabit portable silk cases during most of the larval stage. Architectural and ecological characters from larval cases were used in cladistic analysis to investigate existing case groups for 32 North American species of Coleophora. Cladistic analysis confirmed monophyly of certain case groups, but not of others. Host‐plant preferences were also examined. The pattern of host plant use reflects more closely preference for certain plant tissues (seeds versus leaves) and growth forms (herbaceous versus woody) with exploitation of different plant taxa, rather than preference for certain plant taxa with exploitation of different plant tissues.  相似文献   

The effects of the trophic behavior of the larch casebearer Protocryptis sibiricella (Falkovitsh, 1964) on the existence of sustained outbreak sites were monitored in 1995–1998 in a forest-steppe larch forest of the Kuznetsk Alatau foothills. The trophic behavior of the larch casebearer (partial and multiple damage to needles, coincidence of intense feeding of adult larvae with active regeneration in the larch crown) facilitates stable resistance of trees to secondary pests even at maximum densities of the miner.  相似文献   

We investigated the evolution of fruit characters, animals versus abiotic dispersal modes, life forms and geographical distribution, in the large, mostly tropical, family Rubiaceae. As a basis for our analysis we used a phylogenetic tree derived from chloroplast DNA variation. Fleshy fruits have evolved independently at least 12 times in the family. Most of these originations appear to have occurred during Eocene to Oligocene, i.e. the radiation period for some animal taxa (bird families, mammal orders) comprising most extant dispersers of Rubiaceae fruits. Changes of dispersal modes may be of more recent origin in a few cases, e.g. evolution of drupes in some lineages, and shifts from drupes to nuts. The distribution of fruit characters suggested that in several lineages animal-dispersed fruits, such as berries and drupes have remained largely unaltered since the time of origination. This is in contrast to the occurrence of winged seeds in capsules, and pterophylls, i.e. enlarged calyx lobes promoting wind dispersal of fruits, which apparently have shifted more frequently during evolution, indicating a difference in 'phylogenetic plasticity' between modes of animal and wind dispersal.
Animal dispersal was over-represented among genera dominated by shrubs, whereas abiotic dispersal was most prevalent among herbaceous genera. Drupes were over-represented in groups with transoceanic distributions, and on islands, indicating dispersal over long distances, probably by birds. In contrast, no evidence was found to support the view that animal dispersal in general enhances long distance dispersal. We also analysed geographical patterns on the tribal level but these were too complex to yield any resolved area cladograms due to the occurrence of many widespread taxa and area redundancy.  相似文献   

A. G. Raske 《BioControl》1978,23(1):103-108
The birch casebearer,Coleophora fuscedinella Zeller, is the most important pest of white birch,Betula papyrifera Marsh, in Newfoundland. A total of 31 species of parasites and hyperparasites were reared from birch casebearer pupae in this study. An additional 7 species are known to parasitize this casebearer in Newfoundland. Only 3 species were numerous:Itoplectis quadricingulata (Provancher),Cirrospilus cinctithorax (Girault) andHabrocytus semotus (Walker). In western Newfoundland, there was an increase in percent parasitism by all parasites from 5.4% in 1973 to 7.5% in 1974 and to 16.3% in 1975. In central Newfoundland, percent parasitism was about 7% in 1974 and 1975.  相似文献   

Cyprinidae is the biggest family of freshwater fish, but the phylogenetic relationships among its higher-level taxa are not yet fully resolved. In this study, we used the nuclear recombination activating gene 2 and the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome b genes to reconstruct cyprinid phylogeny. Our aims were to (i) demonstrate the effects of partitioned phylogenetic analyses on phylogeny reconstruction of cyprinid fishes; (ii) provide new insights into the phylogeny of cyprinids. Our study indicated that unpartitioned strategy was optimal for our analyses; partitioned analyses did not provide better-resolved or -supported estimates of cyprinid phylogeny. Bayesian analyses support the following relationships among the major monophyletic groups within Cyprinidae: (Cyprininae, Labeoninae), ((Acheilognathinae, ((Leuciscinae, Tincinae), Gobioninae)), Xenocyprininae). The placement of Danioninae was poorly resolved. Estimates of divergence dates within the family showed that radiation of the major cyprinid groups occurred during the Late Oligocene through the Late Miocene. Our phylogenetic analyses improved our understanding of the evolutionary history of this important fish family.  相似文献   

Oceanic dispersal has emerged as an important factor contributing to biogeographic patterns in numerous taxa. Chameleons are a clear example of this, as they are primarily found in Africa and Madagascar, but the age of the family is post-Gondwanan break-up. A Malagasy origin for the family has been suggested, yet this hypothesis has not been tested using modern biogeographic methods with a dated phylogeny. To examine competing hypotheses of African and Malagasy origins, we generated a dated phylogeny using between six and 13 genetic markers, for up to 174 taxa representing greater than 90 per cent of all named species. Using three different ancestral-state reconstruction methods (Bayesian and likelihood approaches), we show that the family most probably originated in Africa, with two separate oceanic dispersals to Madagascar during the Palaeocene and the Oligocene, when prevailing oceanic currents would have favoured eastward dispersal. Diversification of genus-level clades took place in the Eocene, and species-level diversification occurred primarily in the Oligocene. Plio-Pleistocene speciation is rare, resulting in a phylogeny dominated by palaeo-endemic species. We suggest that contraction and fragmentation of the Pan-African forest coupled to an increase in open habitats (savannah, grassland, heathland), since the Oligocene played a key role in diversification of this group through vicariance.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of 25 New Zealand scincid lizards in the endemic genera Oligosoma and Cyclodina was examined using 12S rRNA sequence data. Phylogenetic resolution was poor, despite there being up to 9% sequence divergence between taxa. Lack of resolution was not attributable to biases in the data, such as site saturation or differences in sites free to vary, so we infer that New Zealand skinks underwent two relatively rapid phases of divergence. The rate of substitution for the skink sequences appears to be similar to some bird and mammal groups for which times of divergence have been estimated. Using fhese calibrations diversification of Oligosoma skinks probably began at least 23 million years ago (Mya). The pattern of relationships and the timing of this diversification are interpreted as resulting from rapid allopatric speciation during the Oligocene (25–35 Mya) when New Zealand was fragmented into many low lying islands. A second major phase of speciation involving the Cyclodina seems to have occurred during the Miocene (15–24 Mya), probably as a consequence of increasing land area and habitat diversity. This pattern of skink evolution contrasts with the Oligocene 'environmental crisis' hypodiesis of Cooper & Cooper (Proc. R. Soc. Land. B. 261, 293–302), but can be attributed to differences in the ecology of different taxa. This can be tested by examination of other groups, such as land snails and geckos. The large number of lizard species in New Zealand can be considered a legacy both of past geography as well as the absence of small mammals which would have been both competitors and predators.  相似文献   

Pollinating insects are declining due to habitat loss and climate change, and cities with limited habitat and floral resources may be particularly vulnerable. The effects of urban landscapes on pollination networks remain poorly understood, and comparative studies of taxa with divergent niches are lacking. Here, for the first time, we simultaneously compare nocturnal moth and diurnal bee pollen-transport networks using DNA metabarcoding and ask how pollination networks are affected by increasing urbanisation. Bees and moths exhibited substantial divergence in the communities of plants they interact with. Increasing urbanisation had comparable negative effects on pollen-transport networks of both taxa, with significant declines in pollen species richness. We show that moths are an important, but overlooked, component of urban pollen-transport networks for wild flowering plants, horticultural crops, and trees. Our findings highlight the need to include both bee and non-bee taxa when assessing the status of critical plant-insect interactions in urbanised landscapes.  相似文献   

Based on ecospectra of 66 published carpofloras we study dynamics and evolution of Turgay vegetation in Western Siberia during the early Oligocene to earliest Miocene. The ecospectra are obtained using a Plant Functional Type (PFT) classification system comprising 26 herbaceous to arboreal PFTs. The carpofloras originate from seven floristic levels covering the time‐span from the Rupelian to early Aquitanian. Key elements of these levels are documented based on original collection materials. Although impacted by local edaphic conditions, the ecospectra can be interpreted in terms of changing vegetation. Our data show that warm temperate mesophytic, mixed conifer‐broad‐leaved deciduous forest assemblages persisted throughout the Oligocene and earliest Miocene in this core area of Turgai type vegetation. This is in line with comparatively stable climate conditions persisting in the studied time‐span, showing a minor temperature decline and coeval moderate increase in seasonality and precipitation. Concurrently, the reconstructed ecospectra contradict significant continental drying throughout the Oligocene and earliest Miocene. Spatial variability of the proportions of PFTs within the single floristic horizons primarily reflects local edaphic conditions. High diversities of PFTs characteristic for swamp vegetation are mainly confined to the early Oligocene and have a regional focus. Our results indicate that taxonomical diversity, particularly concerning mesic herbs and deciduous shrubs and trees, increased towards the end of the Oligocene. This increase in biodiversity probably can be attributed to an increase in rainfall and extension of terrestrial habitats after the final retreat of the Paratethys.  相似文献   

Orthotrichum Hedw. s.l. and Ulota Mohr s.l. are two of the most speciose genera of the xerophytic moss family Orthotrichaceae. We reconstructed the phylogeny of these two genera using three data matrices: (i) organellar genomes and 33 taxa; (ii) six loci from three genomes and 144 taxa; and (iii) two plastid loci and 163 taxa. The present phylogeny, based on the maximum sampling of genes or taxa to date, generally confirms the new classification of Orthotrichum and Ulota, and indicated that all Ulota species, except Ulota phyllantha Brid., form a clade and three lineages comprise the cryptoporous Orthotrichum clade. We provided new morphological characters that support the present division of the two genera. Ancestral state reconstruction of stoma indicates that superficial stomata in Orthotrichum represent a plesiomorphic character and semi-immersed stomata were derived from immersed stomata. The results also suggest that immersed stomata independently arose once in Orthotrichum, whereas semi-immersed stomata probably arose more than once. Molecular dating analysis reveals that the occurrence of immersed stomata is probably related to arid environments during the early Oligocene to late Miocene, whereas the appearance of semi-immersed stomata might be associated with the mesic–xeric or semiarid environments during the middle Miocene to Pliocene. Ancestral state reconstruction of habitat indicates that the saxicolous habitat is apomorphic and independently evolved multiple times in Orthotrichum and Ulota, which supports the former hypothesis. Considering morphological statistics, the development of the cryptopore in Orthotrichum could provide increased resilience to dry habitats, and might promote their habitat shift during evolution.  相似文献   

During a study of the larch casebearer Protocryptis sibiricella (Falkovitsh, 1964) in a forest-steppe larch forest of the Kuznetsk Alatau foothills, the existence of its sustained outbreaks was for the first time shown to depend on the behavior of adults during oviposition. The dispersal distance of the adults was experimentally assessed. The females preferred to lay eggs on the larch needles already damaged by the same species. The attractivity of needles damaged naturally by the pest and artificially was compared.  相似文献   

The patterns of Patagonian vegetation change suggest a strong relationship between the major thermal characters of the flora and the global paleoclimatic trends during Tertiary times. This conclusion was reached from the assessment of fossil pollen data from Patagonia throughout the Paleogene and Early Neogene periods and the subsequent comparison of palynological data to the global deep-sea oxygen isotope record. Four main time intervals were recognized based on the temporal distribution of selected angiosperm key taxa. (1) Paleocene to Early Eocene: presence of megatherm elements (e.g. Nypa, Pandanus), probably integrating mangrove communities in Patagonian lowlands. (2) Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene: rise to dominance of mesotherm and microtherm Nothofagus species. Megatherm taxa were well recorded at the beginning of this interval (e.g. Ilex) but were shown to disappear towards the end. (3) Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene: new increases of megatherm taxa such as palms, Cupania and Alchornea. First occurrences of mesotherm Asteraceae, represented by trailing Mutisieae, were reported. (4) Late Miocene: dispersal of meso-microtherm and arid adapted taxa (e.g. Ephedraceae and Asteraceae) across the non-Andean region of Patagonia. Microtherm Nothofagacean forests probably occurred on the higher rainfall regions of western Patagonia. The current vegetation was most likely reached during this last stage with the forest development under wetter conditions on the Andean sectors, and the steppe throughout the non-Andean region of Patagonia.  相似文献   

Bandicoots (Peramelemorphia) are a major order of australidelphian marsupials, which despite a fossil record spanning at least the past 25 million years and a pandemic Australasian range, remain poorly understood in terms of their evolutionary relationships. Many living peramelemorphians are critically endangered, making this group an important focus for biological and conservation research. To establish a phylogenetic framework for the group, we compiled a concatenated alignment of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences, comprising representatives of most living and recently extinct species. Our analysis confirmed the currently recognised deep split between Macrotis (Thylacomyidae), Chaeropus (Chaeropodidae) and all other living bandicoots (Peramelidae). The mainly New Guinean rainforest peramelids were returned as the sister clade of Australian dry-country species. The wholly New Guinean Peroryctinae was sister to Echymiperinae. The poorly known and perhaps recently extinct Seram Bandicoot (Rhynchomeles) is sister to Echymipera. Estimates of divergence times from relaxed-clock Bayesian methods suggest that living bandicoots originated in the late Oligocene or early Miocene, much earlier than currently thought based on fossils. Subsequent radiations within Peramelemorphia probably took place on the Australian mainland during the Miocene, with diversification of rainforest taxa on the newly emergent New Guinean landmasses through the middle-late Miocene and complete establishment of modern lineages by the early Pliocene.  相似文献   

  1. The Spalacidae is a family of strictly subterranean rodents with a long evolutionary history. It is unclear how ecological changes have influenced the evolutionary history of these mammals, and the phylogenetic relationship of the subfamilies within Spalacidae is controversial.
  2. Through compiling fossil records, reconstructing molecular phylogeny from molecular data, determining the date of divergence, and analysing their geographical evolution based on molecular data and fossil taxa, we explore the origin and evolutionary process of Spalacidae in detail. Diversification within Spalacidae dates to the Late Oligocene, approximately 25 million years ago, based on molecular data.
  3. This family originated in South and East Asia in the Late Oligocene, and then split into four clades. The first clade includes Rhizomyinae, which was highly diversified in South Asia in the Early-to-Middle Miocene. Then Rhizomyinae from Asia migrated to northern Africa in multiple waves through the Afro-Eurasian land bridge. Its range largely contracted in the Late Miocene, notably in Central Asia. The second clade includes the extinct Tachyoryctoidinae, which was confined to East and Central Asia, and survived from the Late Oligocene to the Late Miocene. The third clade includes Spalacinae, which have remained around the Mediterranean region since the Late Oligocene with slight trend of northward expansion. The fourth clade is Myospalacinae. Ancient genera of this subfamily in East Asia dispersed eastward during the Late Miocene and reached northern China and south-east Russia.
  4. The general distribution pattern of Spalacidae has persisted since the Late Miocene. Extinction of Tachyoryctoidinae and clear range contraction of Rhizomyinae in Central and East Asia are likely to have resulted from increased aridification, while the slight northward expansion of Myospalacinae and Spalacinae since the Quaternary was probably a response to a similar northward expansion of suitable vegetation for these animals.

Abstract:  New specimens of Peratherium africanum from Early Oligocene deposits of the Fayum, Egypt, provide key information on the relationships of the species. These include the first maxilla to be found and two additional dentaries. The maxilla can be demonstrated to belong to the same species as the holotype dentary by study of the occlusal relationships of upper and lower molars. It can be shown by several synapomorphies that P. africanum is the sister species to European Bartonian–Rupelian Peratherium lavergnense . P. africanum therefore belongs to the 'didelphimorph' family Herpetotheriidae, not to the peradectimorph family Peradectidae. The genus Qatranitherium , previously erected for this species alone, is here synonymized with Peratherium . Comparison with 'didelphimorphian' taxa from early Paleogene deposits of South America suggests more remote relationships, indicating an origin for P. africanum by dispersal from Europe as originally envisaged. The more precise relationships deduced here help to constrain the time interval for dispersal to Afro-Arabia, probably during the earliest Oligocene sea-level low.  相似文献   

Studies of adaptation and speciation have greatly benefited from rapid progress of DNA sequencing and genotyping technologies. Comparative genomics of closely related taxa has great potential to advance evolutionary research on genetic architecture of adaptive traits and reproductive isolation. Such studies that utilized closely related plant species and ecotypes have already provided some important insights into genomic regions and/or genes that are potentially involved in local adaptation and speciation. The choice of an appropriate species model for such research is crucial. The paper discusses current approaches used to reveal the patterns of intra‐ and interspecific divergence due to natural selection. Its outcomes in herbaceous plants and forest trees are briefly summarized and compared to reveal general regularities concerning evolutionary processes. We then highlight the importance of multispecies studies and discuss the utility of several related pine taxa as fine candidates for evolutionary inferences. Genetically similar but ecologically and phenotypically diverged taxa seem a promising study system to search for genomic patterns of speciation and adaptive variation.  相似文献   

Zygaenid moths are capable of releasing hydrogen cyanide in their defense by enzymatic break-down of cyanoglucosides, but only larvae of chalcosiine and zygaenine moths store cyanogenic compounds in cuticular cavities and thus are able to discharge defense droplets, which effectively deter potential predators. A previously proposed phylogeny of Zygaenidae hypothesized a sister group relationship of chalcosiine and zygaenine moths because of their similar larval defense system. Not all chalcosiine taxa possess cuticular cavities, however, and a comparable defense mechanism has been reported in larvae of the zygaenoid family Heterogynidae. Considering sequence data of seven molecular loci, the present study estimates the posterior probability of phylogenetic hypotheses explaining the occurrence of larval cuticular cavities. The molecular data confirm the previous exclusion of Himantopteridae from Zygaenidae and suggest their close affinity to Somabrachyidae. The sequence data also corroborate the recently proposed exclusion of the Phaudinae from the Zygaenidae, because this subfamily is recovered in a reasonably well supported species cluster consisting of members of the families Lacturidae, Limacodidae, Himantopteridae, and Somabrachyidae. We consequently agree to raise Phaudinae to family rank. Within Zygaenidae, the subfamilies Callizygaeninae, Chalcosiinae, and Procridinae most likely constitute a monophyletic group, which is sister to the Zygaeninae. Our results imply that cuticular cavities were probably present in the larvae of the most recent common ancestor of Zygaenidae. Heterogynidae cannot be confirmed as sister taxon to this family, but appear at the very first split of the Zygaenoidea, although with poor support. The specific pattern of taxa in the molecular phylogeny showing larval cuticular cavities opens the possibility that these structures could have been already present in the most recent common ancestor of the Zygaenoidea.  相似文献   

Two synthetic sex pheromones have been developed and are currently used to detect the flight of the pecan nut casebearer, Acrobasis nuxvorella Neunzig, the most damaging pest of pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch]. One pheromone (referred to as standard) is attractive to moths in the southern United States, but not in Mexico. The other pheromone (referred to as Mexican) is attractive to moths in the southern United States and in Mexico. These two pheromones have been implemented by producers as an important tool in monitoring the activity of this pest and have allowed for more efficient pesticide use. In the future, these pheromones could be used as a means of population reduction through pheromone based control methods. Trapping data taken over a 3-yr period were used to determine if phenological differences exist between pheromone types of pecan nut casebearer. The relative abundance of each pheromone type at several locations in the United States also was evaluated. Results of this study indicate that no phenological differences exist between the two pheromone types studied in the United States and that significantly more males are attracted to field-deployed pheromone traps baited with the standard pheromone than to traps baited with the Mexican pheromone.  相似文献   

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