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Previous work from this laboratory [Dompenciel,R.E., Garnepudi,V.R. and Schoenberg,D.R. (1995)J. Biol. Chem.270, 6108-6118] described the purification and properties of an estrogen-regulated endonuclease isolated from Xenopus liver polysomes that is involved in the destabilization of albumin mRNA. The present study mapped cleavages made by this enzyme onto the secondary structure of the portion of albumin mRNA bearing the major cleavage sites. The predominant cleavages occur in the overlapping APyrUGA sequence AUUGACUGA present in a single-stranded loop region, and in AUUGA located within a bulged AU-rich stem. A structural mutation which converted the major loop cleavage site to a hairpin bearing one APyrUGA element eliminated cleavage at the intact site. This confirms that the polysomal RNase is specific for single-stranded RNA. Additional point mutations in the major loop characterized the nucleoside sequence requirements for cleavage. Finally, snake venom exonuclease was used to demonstrate the polysomal RNase generates products with a 3' hydroxyl. Binding of an estrogen-induced protein to a portion of the 3'UTR of vitellogenin mRNA may be involved in its stabilization by estrogen [Dodson,R.E. and Shapiro,D.J. (1994)Mol. Cell. Biol.14, 3130-3138]. The core binding site for this protein bears the sequence APyrUGA, suggesting that stabilization may be accomplished by occlusion of a cleavage site for the polysomal RNase.  相似文献   

Rabies mRNA translation in Xenopus laevis oocytes.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Two rabies virus-specific mRNA species were identified by analysis of their encoded proteins after translation of the partially purified species in Xenopus laevis oocytes. One of these coded for the virion surface glycoprotein (G protein), and the other coded for the major structural protein of the virion nucleocapsid (N protein). The G-mRNA sedimented in a sucrose density gradient at about 18S, and the N-mRNA had a sedimentation coefficient of approximately 16S. Their respective translation products were identified in a radioimmunoassay with specific monoclonal antibody probes that recognized only G or N proteins. Immunoprecipitates formed between the radiolabeled viral antigens synthesized in programmed oocytes and their respective monoclonal antibodies were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The glycoprotein antigen translated from G-mRNA in oocytes migrated in the gel ahead of the virion G protein with a migration rate that was similar to that of nonglycosylated intracellular glycoproteins from virus-infected cells. The results suggested that the branched-chain carbohydrate of G protein was not required for recognition by the particular monoclonal antibody used. The nucleocapsid antigen translated from N-mRNA in oocytes migrated to the same position in the gel as marker virion N protein. Both the electrophoretic mobility of virus-specific antigens in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel and the antibody concentration dependence for immunoprecipitations were criteria for identifying the individual viral proteins encoded by the two rabies mRNA's.  相似文献   

Accurate quantitation of concentrations of albumin mRNA by hybridization to albumin cDNA allows analysis of the estrogen effect on the Xenopus laevis albumin mRNA levels in the liver cytoplasm during the primary stimulation. Administration of estradiol-17 beta to male Xenopus laevis increases the amount of both total cellular RNA and poly(A)-RNA but has no effect on the albumin mRNA level and the amount of albumin mRNA per cell is constant.  相似文献   

The regulation of albumin mRNA levels by steroid hormones was examined in a primary Xenopus liver culture system. In the absence of exogenous steroid hormone, albumin mRNA levels declined rapidly in culture. Dexamethasone is required for preservation of albumin mRNA levels in culture and effects a greater than 10 fold induction of albumin mRNA in cultures maintained in steroid hormone-free medium. Estrogen can override the effect of dexamethasone and elicits a decline of greater than 80% in albumin mRNA levels. Our cDNA clones of the mRNAs encoding the two 74,000 dalton and one 72,000 dalton cellular albumins allowed us to show that all three albumin mRNAs were down regulated by estrogen.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis Vg1 mRNA undergoes both localization and translational control during oogenesis. We previously characterized a 250-nucleotide AU-rich element, the Vg1 translation element (VTE), in the 3'-untranslated region (UTR) of this mRNA that is responsible for the translational repression. UV-cross-linking and immunoprecipitation experiments, described here, revealed that the known AU-rich element binding proteins, ElrA and ElrB, and TIA-1 and TIAR interact with the VTE. The levels of these proteins during oogenesis are most consistent with a possible role for ElrB in the translational control of Vg1 mRNA, and ElrB, in contrast to TIA-1 and TIAR, is present in large RNP complexes. Immunodepletion of TIA-1 and TIAR from Xenopus translation extract confirmed that these proteins are not involved in the translational repression. Mutagenesis of a potential ElrB binding site destroyed the ability of the VTE to bind ElrB and also abolished translational repression. Moreover, multiple copies of the consensus motif both bind ElrB and support translational control. Therefore, there is a direct correlation between ElrB binding and translational repression by the Vg1 3'-UTR. In agreement with the reporter data, injection of a monoclonal antibody against ElrB into Xenopus oocytes resulted in the production of Vg1 protein, arguing for a role for the ELAV proteins in the translational repression of Vg1 mRNA during early oogenesis.  相似文献   

The mRNA translational control protein, Musashi, plays a critical role in cell fate determination through sequence‐specific interactions with select target mRNAs. In proliferating stem cells, Musashi exerts repression of target mRNAs to promote cell cycle progression. During stem cell differentiation, Musashi target mRNAs are de‐repressed and translated. Recently, we have reported an obligatory requirement for Musashi to direct translational activation of target mRNAs during Xenopus oocyte meiotic cell cycle progression. Despite the importance of Musashi in cell cycle regulation, only a few target mRNAs have been fully characterized. In this study, we report the identification and characterization of a new Musashi target mRNA in Xenopus oocytes. We demonstrate that progesterone‐stimulated translational activation of the Xenopus Musashi1 mRNA is regulated through a functional Musashi binding element (MBE) in the Musashi1 mRNA 3′ untranslated region (3′ UTR). Mutational disruption of the MBE prevented translational activation of Musashi1 mRNA and its interaction with Musashi protein. Further, elimination of Musashi function through microinjection of inhibitory antisense oligonucleotides prevented progesterone‐induced polyadenylation and translation of the endogenous Musashi1 mRNA. Thus, Xenopus Musashi proteins regulate translation of the Musashi1 mRNA during oocyte maturation. Our results indicate that the hierarchy of sequential and dependent mRNA translational control programs involved in directing progression through meiosis are reinforced by an intricate series of nested, positive feedback loops, including Musashi mRNA translational autoregulation. These autoregulatory positive feedback loops serve to amplify a weak initiating signal into a robust commitment for the oocyte to progress through the cell cycle and become competent for fertilization.Mol. Reprod. Dev. 79: 553‐563, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The levels of albumin mRNA in Xenopus laevis liver were measured at various times after injection of estradiol using two different methods involving hybridization of cloned albumin cDNA to total liver RNA. The absolute levels of albumin mRNA fell by more than 95% during the first 4 days following estrogen treatment, then slowly returned to normal levels over the following 12 days. Albumin synthesis paralleled the albumin mRNA levels during the first 8 days after injection; but, 16 and 32 days after injection, albumin synthesis again decreased while albumin mRNA remained at normal levels. The time courses of the effects of estrogen on albumin and vitellogenin mRNA levels were different. Whereas albumin mRNA levels were minimal 4 days after estradiol injection, vitellogenin mRNA levels were maximal 8 days after injection.  相似文献   

Individual mRNAs are translated by multiple ribosomes that initiate translation with an interval of a few seconds. The ribosome speed is codon dependent, and ribosome queuing has been suggested to explain specific data for translation of some mRNAs in vivo. By modeling the stochastic translation process as a traffic problem, we here analyze conditions and consequences of collisions and queuing. The model allowed us to determine the on-rate (0.8 to 1.1 initiations/s) and the time (1 s) the preceding ribosome occludes initiation for Escherichia coli lacZ mRNA in vivo. We find that ribosome collisions and queues are inevitable consequences of a stochastic translation mechanism that reduce the translation efficiency substantially on natural mRNAs. The cells minimize collisions by having its mRNAs being unstable and by a highly selected codon usage in the start of the mRNA. The cost of mRNA breakdown is offset by the concomitant increase in translation efficiency.  相似文献   

We have purified an approximately 60 kDa endoribonuclease from Xenopus liver polysomes with properties expected for a messenger RNase involved in the estrogen-regulated destabilization of serum protein mRNAs (Dompenciel et al., 1995, J Biol Chem 270:6108-6118). The present report describes the cloning of this protein and its identification as a novel member of the peroxidase gene family. This novel enzyme, named polysomal RNase 1, or PMR-1 has 57% sequence identity with myeloperoxidase, and like that protein, appears to be processed from a larger precursor. Unlike myeloperoxidase, however, PMR-1 lacks N-linked oligosaccharide, heme, and peroxidase activity. Western blot and immunoprecipitation experiments using epitope-specific antibodies to the derived protein sequence confirm the identity of the cloned cDNA to the protein originally isolated from polysomes. The 80 kDa pre-PMR-1 expressed in a recombinant baculovirus was not processed to the 60 kDa form in Sf9 cells and lacks RNase activity. However, the baculovirus-expressed mature 60-kDa form of the enzyme has RNase activity. The recombinant protein is an endonuclease that shows selectivity for albumin versus ferritin mRNA. While it does not cleave at consensus APyrUGA elements, recombinant PMR-1 generates the same minor cleavage products from albumin mRNA as PMR-1 purified from liver. Finally, we show estrogen induces only a small increase in the amount of PMR-1. This result is consistent with earlier data suggesting estrogen activates mRNA decay through a posttranslational pathway.  相似文献   

A strict temporal order of maternal mRNA translation is essential for meiotic cell cycle progression in oocytes of the frog Xenopus laevis. The molecular mechanisms controlling the ordered pattern of mRNA translational activation have not been elucidated. We report a novel role for the neural stem cell regulatory protein, Musashi, in controlling the translational activation of the mRNA encoding the Mos proto-oncogene during meiotic cell cycle progression. We demonstrate that Musashi interacts specifically with the polyadenylation response element in the 3' untranslated region of the Mos mRNA and that this interaction is necessary for early Mos mRNA translational activation. A dominant inhibitory form of Musashi blocks maternal mRNA cytoplasmic polyadenylation and meiotic cell cycle progression. Our data suggest that Musashi is a target of the initiating progesterone signaling pathway and reveal that late cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-directed mRNA translation requires early, Musashi-dependent mRNA translation. These findings indicate that Musashi function is necessary to establish the temporal order of maternal mRNA translation during Xenopus meiotic cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

Summary Albumin complementary DNA (cDNA) was transcribed from purified albumin mRNA from the liver of Xenopus laevis. The resultant cDNA was an almost full length copy as defined by denaturing gel electrophoresis; was hybridized specifically to albumin mRNA with pseudo-first-order reaction kinetics and the mRNA · cDNA hybrid exhibited a sharp melting profile with a Tm of 83 °C. The identity of the cDNA was confirmed by gel electrophoresis following hybridization-arrested translation.  相似文献   

Cell cycle progression during oocyte maturation requires the strict temporal regulation of maternal mRNA translation. The intrinsic basis of this temporal control has not been fully elucidated but appears to involve distinct mRNA 3′ UTR regulatory elements. In this study, we identify a novel translational control sequence (TCS) that exerts repression of target mRNAs in immature oocytes of the frog, Xenopus laevis, and can direct early cytoplasmic polyadenylation and translational activation during oocyte maturation. The TCS is functionally distinct from the previously characterized Musashi/polyadenylation response element (PRE) and the cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE). We report that TCS elements exert translational repression in both the Wee1 mRNA 3′ UTR and the pericentriolar material-1 (Pcm-1) mRNA 3′ UTR in immature oocytes. During oocyte maturation, TCS function directs the early translational activation of the Pcm-1 mRNA. By contrast, we demonstrate that CPE sequences flanking the TCS elements in the Wee1 3′ UTR suppress the ability of the TCS to direct early translational activation. Our results indicate that a functional hierarchy exists between these distinct 3′ UTR regulatory elements to control the timing of maternal mRNA translational activation during oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

Estrogen causes the cytoplasmic destabilization of albumin and gamma-fibrinogen mRNA in Xenopus laevis liver. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether mRNA destabilization is a generalized phenomenon in response to estrogen, or whether this process is restricted to a particular class of mRNAs. To address this, we have expanded our bank of serum protein-coding cDNA clones to include transferrin, the second protein of inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor and clone 12B, for which there is no mammalian homolog. Together with albumin and gamma-fibrinogen, these represent more than 85% of the mRNAs encoding liver secreted proteins. Estrogen administration to male Xenopus or to liver explant cultures causes the generalized disappearance of all of these mRNAs. In contrast, estrogen has no effect on actin, ferritin, or poly(A)-binding protein mRNA, all of which encode intracellular proteins. We have previously demonstrated that albumin mRNA is degraded in both messenger ribonucleoprotein and polysome fractions. Sucrose gradient analysis demonstrates the same pattern for degradation of all other serum protein-coding mRNAs. Estrogen has no effect on the amounts or gradient distribution of actin, ferritin, or poly(A)-binding protein mRNA. We conclude that regulated destabilization of mRNAs encoding secreted proteins is a generalized phenomenon in response to estrogen stimulation of Xenopus liver.  相似文献   

The Wee1 protein tyrosine kinase is a key regulator of cell cycle progression. Wee1 activity is necessary for the control of the first embryonic cell cycle following the fertilization of meiotically mature Xenopus oocytes. Wee1 mRNA is present in immature oocytes, but Wee1 protein does not accumulate in immature oocytes or during the early stages of progesterone-stimulated maturation. This delay in Wee1 translation is critical since premature Wee1 protein accumulation has been shown to inhibit oocyte maturation. In this study we provide evidence that Wee1 protein accumulation is regulated at the level of mRNA translation. This translational control is directed by sequences within the Wee1 mRNA 3'-untranslated region (3' UTR). Specifically, cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE) sequences within the Wee1 3' UTR are necessary for full translational repression in immature oocytes. Our data further indicate that while CPE-independent mechanisms may regulate the levels of Wee1 protein accumulation during progesterone-stimulated oocyte maturation, the timing of Wee1 mRNA translational induction is directed through a CPE-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

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