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Wilt FH 《Zoological science》2002,19(3):253-261
The formation of calcareous skeletal elements by various echinoderms, especially sea urchins, offers a splendid opportunity to learn more about some processes involved in the formation of biominerals. The spicules of larvae of euechinoids have been the focus of considerable work, including their developmental origins. The spicules are composed of a single optical crystal of high magnesium calcite and variable amounts of amorphous calcium carbonate. Occluded within the spicule is a proteinaceous matrix, most of which is soluble; this matrix constitutes about 0.1% of the mass. The spicules are also enclosed by an extracellular matrix and are almost completely surrounded by cytoplasmic cords. The spicules are deposited by primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs), which accumulate calcium and secrete calcium carbonate. A number of proteins specific, or highly enriched, in PMCs, have been cloned and studied. Recent work supports the hypothesis that proteins found in the extracellular matrix of the spicule are important for biomineralization.  相似文献   

Three skeletal tissues of the adult echinoid Paracentrotus lividus (the pedicellaria primordium, the test, and the tooth) were immunolabeled with three sera raised against the total mineralization organic matrix and two specific matrix proteins (SM30 and SM50) from the embryo of the echinoid Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Two conventional chemical fixation protocols and two high-pressure freezing/freeze-substitution protocols were tested. One conventional protocol is recommended for its good preservation of the ultrastructure, and one high-pressure freezing/freeze-substitution protocol is recommended for its good retention of antigenicity. Immunolabeling was obtained in the three adult tissues. It was confined to the active skeleton-forming cells and to the structured organic matrix. The results indicate that the matrix proteins follow the classical routes of secretory protein assembly and export and suggest that SM30 and SM50 are a part of the tridimensional network formed by the organic matrix before the onset of mineralization. They show that the genetic program of part of skeletogenesis is conserved among different calcification models and developmental stages.  相似文献   

Studies of the sea urchin larval skeleton have contributed greatly to our understanding of the process of biomineralization. In this study we have undertaken an investigation of the morphology of skeleton formation and the localization of proteins involved in the process of spicule formation at the electron microscope level. Sea urchin primary mesenchyme cells undergo a number of morphological changes as they synthesize the larval skeleton. They form a large spicule compartment that surrounds the growing spicule and, as spicule formation comes to an end, the density of the cytoplasm decreases. Inhibition of spicule formation by specific matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors or serum deprivation has some subtle effects on the morphology of cells and causes the accumulation of specific classes of vesicles. We have localized proteins of the organic matrix of the spicule and found that one protein, SM30, is localized to the Golgi apparatus and transport vesicles in the cytoplasm as well as throughout the occluded protein matrix of the spicule itself. This localization suggests that SM30 is an important structural protein in the spicule. Another spicule matrix protein, SM50, has a similar cytoplasmic localization, but in the spicule much of it is localized at the periphery of the spicule compartment, and consequently it may play a role in the assembly of new material onto the growing spicule or in the maintenance of the integrity of the matrix surrounding the spicule.  相似文献   

Summary We have used polyclonal antisera raised against vertebrate tenascin to identify and localize tenascin-like proteins in the developing sea urchin. These antisera recognize high-molecular weight proteins on immunoblots of sea urchin embryo homogenates that are similar in size and appearance to tenascin from vertebrates. These proteins appear as a doublet with an apparent molecular weight of 150 kDa and a larger, broad band with an apparent molecular weight of 350 kDa. Whole mounts of sea urchin embryos and larvae were stained with one of these antisera. The anti-tenascin stained the surface of primary mesenchyme cells during their phase of active migration. This staining was sensitive to detergent, suggesting that the protein recognized by the antiserum was associated with the cell surface. During later stages of development, the bulk of the antitenascin staining was found dispersed throughout the blastocoel matrix, and was no longer sensitive to detergent. We conclude that sea urchins express tenascin-like proteins during early stages of development, and that these proteins may play a role associated with primary mesenchyme cell morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Spicule matrix proteins are the products of primary mesenchyme cells, and are present in calcite spicules of the sea urchin embryo. To study their possible roles in skeletal morphogenesis, monoclonal antibodies against SM50, SM30 and another spicule matrix protein (29 kDa) were obtained. The distribution of these proteins in the embryo skeleton was observed by immunofluorescent staining. In addition, their distribution inside the spicules was examined by a 'spicule blot' procedure, direct immunoblotting of proteins embedded in crystallized spicules. Our observations showed that SM50 and 29 kDa proteins were enriched both outside and inside the triradiate spicules of the gastrulae, and also existed in the corresponding portions of growing spicules in later embryos and micromere cultures. The straight extensions of the triradiate spicules and thickened portions of body rods in pluteus spicules were also rich in these proteins. The SM30 protein was only faintly detected along the surface of spicules. By examination using the spicule blot procedure, however, SM30 was clearly detectable inside the body rods and postoral rods. These results indicate that SM50 and 29 kDa proteins are concentrated in radially growing portions of the spicules (normal to the c-axis of calcite), while SM30 protein is in the longitudinally growing portions (parallel to the c-axis). Such differential distribution suggests the involvement of these proteins in calcite growth during the formation of three-dimensionally branched spicules.  相似文献   

After fertilization, sea urchin embryos surround themselves with an extracellular matrix, or hyaline layer, to which cells adhere during early development. Hyalin, the major protein component of the hyaline layer has been isolated and partially characterized in several laboratories. Although other proteins are present in the hyaline layer, little is known about their origin, distribution, or functions. The present report characterizes a set of hyaline layer proteins that are secreted after fertilization from a class of vesicles that are distinct from cortical granules. The group of proteins in these vesicles were identified by a monoclonal antibody (8d11) which recognizes a carbohydrate epitope common to each of these molecules. 8d11 polypeptides range in molecular weight from 105 to 225 kDa. Oogonia and oocytes in early stages of vitellogenesis do not express the antigen. The proteins are first observed by immunofluorescence during oogenesis as a peripheral band in mid-vitellogenic oocytes. Following germinal vesicle breakdown 8d11 moves to be distributed evenly throughout the cytoplasm. The proteins are transported to the egg surface by a cytochalasin-sensitive mechanism after fertilization, and secreted predominately within the first 30 min of development. 8d11 proteins are depleted in areas of cell contact during early embryogenesis, and become concentrated on the apical surface of ectoderm cells where they are assembled into high-molecular-weight aggregates. Three of the molecules in this group may be proteins previously described as "apical lamina" proteins. These observations provide evidence of a third pathway (cortical granules and basal lamina granules being the other two) for synthesis, storage, and exocytosis of matrix proteins that are release after fertilization.  相似文献   

An in vitro culture system for primary mesenchyme cells of the sea urchin embryo has been used to study the cellular characteristics of skeletal spicule formation. As judged initially by light microscopy, these cells attached to plastic substrata, migrated and fused to form syncytia in which mineral deposits accumulated in the cell bodies and in specialized filopodial templates. Subsequent examination by scanning electron microscopy revealed that the cell bodies and the filopodia and lamellipodia formed spatial associations similar to those seen in the embryo and indicated that the spicule was surrounded by a membrane-limited sheath derived by fusion of the filopodia. The spicules were dissolved from living or fixed cells by a chelator of divalent cations or by lowering the pH of the medium. However, granular deposits found in the cell bodies appeared relatively refractory to such treatments, indicating that they were inaccessible to agents that dissolved the spicules. Use of rapid freezing and an anhydrous fixative to preserve the syncytia for transmission electron microscopy and X-ray microprobe analysis, indicated that electron-dense deposits in the cell bodies contain elements (Ca, Mg and S) common to the spicule. Examination of the spicule cavity after dissolution of the spicule mineral revealed openings in the filopodia-derived sheath, coated pits within the limiting membrane and a residual matrix that stained with ruthenium red. Concanavalin A--gold applied exogenously entered the spicule cavity and bound to matrix glycoproteins. Based on these observations, we conclude that components of the spicule initially are sequestered intracellularly and that spicule elongation occurs in an extracellular cavity. Ca2+ and associated glycoconjugates may be routed in this cavity via a secretory pathway.  相似文献   

Summary Ribosomal proteins from unfertilized eggs of three sea urchin species, Pseudocentrotus depressus, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, and Anthocidaris crassispina, were analyzed. Species-specific differences were observed in the profiles of large subunit proteins on two-dimensional slab gels, though the number of ribosomal proteins and the molecular weights of their counterparts were the same. The small subunit proteins revealed similarities in the electrophoretic profiles and in the phosphorylation patterns among these three species.  相似文献   

The growth of spicules of the sea urchin embryo was studied in a simple in vitro system in which primary mesenchymal cells attach to the substrata, migrate and fuse via filopodia, and subsequently deposit CaCO3, which in most cases is in the form of linear rods. The use of autoradiographs following 45Ca2+ pulse-chase labeling revealed that in such a system linear spicules that formed had two focal points of growth. Elongation occurred by addition of approximately equivalent amounts of Ca2+ to both ends of each rod. Multiform spicules having variable numbers of elongation sites (tips) also showed a similar pattern of Ca2+ deposition. Thus, the growth of both linear and relatively complex skeletal forms is apparently accomplished by the same basic mechanism.  相似文献   

Activation of the dopamine type-D2 receptor in late gastrula of sea urchins is known to decrease the growth rate of post-oral arms of larvae, and, as a result, the phenotype of these larvae mimics that of larvae developing in the abundance of food. Our data indicate that the effect of dopamine on sea urchin larvae is stage-dependent. In our experiment, the early four-armed plutei (96 hours post fertilization, hpf) of Strongylocentrotus intermedius had substantially shorter post-oral arms if they developed from the larvae treated with dopamine at the early pluteus stage (48 hpf), when they had already formed the first dopaminergic neurons, as compared to the plutei from the larvae treated with dopamine at the mid to late gastrula stage (24 hpf), when they did not have any neurons yet. The pre-treatment of larvae in 6-hydroxydopamine, a neurotoxic analog of dopamine that specifically disrupts activity of dopaminergic neurons, prevented the development of the short post-oral arms phenotype in larvae. These results confirm the assumption that dopaminergic neurons play an important role in the development of the short post-oral arms phenotype in sea urchin larvae. Another finding of our study is that the dopamine treatment also affects the growth of the body rods and the overall larval body growth. Based on these observations, we suggest researchers to carefully select the developmental stage, pharmacological agents, and incubation time for experimental manipulation of sea urchin larvae phenotypes through dopaminergic nervous system.  相似文献   

The dermatan sulfate isomer was isolated from the larvae of a sea urchin, Pseudocentrotus depressus. Its repeating unit was characterized as 2-acetamide-2-deoxy-3-O-(β-D-idopyranosyluronic acid)-4,6-O-disulfo-galactose. This report is the first one to show the occurrence of a dermatan sulfate in invertebrates.  相似文献   

《Cell differentiation》1986,18(4):257-262
Eggs and embryos of the sea urchins Anthocidaris crassispina and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus did not exhibit significant changes in carbonic anhydrase activity during early development. Acetazolamide inhibited enzyme activity in homogenates of embryos and inhibited the formation of calcified spicules in a culture of micromeres at concentrations between 40 and 100 μM. Acetazolamide allowed intact embryos to develop to quasi-normal plutei but inhibited calcium deposition in the spicules. It is suggested that carbonic anhydrase contributes to CaCO3 deposition in the spicule.  相似文献   

Replacement of H2O with D2O in seawater causes exogastrulation in larvae of the sea urchins, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, Strongylocentrotus intermedius and S. nudus. When larvae at any stages before mesenchymal blastula stage are transferred to 40% D2O-seawater all of them develop gradually to exogastrulae and finally up to plutei with evaginated archenterons. Effects of D2O are partly reversible at limited steps of the way to exogastrulation. Fertilisation and cleavage are not affected appreciably by D2O (50% or less) except for the delay of cleavage.  相似文献   

A tissue-specific, high molecular weight, calcium-binding protein from the sea urchin embryo is described. This protein, designated as CBP 180, has a molecular weight of 180,000 under reducing conditions, and is extractable with 1% Triton X-100. It accumulates rapidly during development, starting roughly at the onset of spiculogenesis. When embryos are cultured in the presence of inhibitors of spicule formation, such as tunicamycin and zinc ions, accumulation of CBP180 is depressed or stopped. By immunofluorescence technique and by using an antibody specifically generated against this protein, CBP180 is mainly localized in primary mesenchyme cells and spicular syncytium of the pluteus larva. Little or none is detectable in ectoderm, endoderm or blastocoelar extracellular matrix. These results suggest that the protein is involved in calcium sequestration in the differentiation of larval spicules.  相似文献   

Larvae of the sea urchin, Evechinus chloroticus, at varying stages of development, were assessed for their potential to survive cryopreservation. Ethylene glycol (EG) and dimethyl sulphoxide (Me2SO), at concentrations of 1-2 M, were evaluated as cryoprotectants (CPAs) in freezing regimes initially based on methods established for freezing larvae of other sea urchin species. Subsequent work varied cooling rate, holding temperature, holding time, and plunge temperature. Ethylene glycol was less toxic to larvae than Me2SO. However, no larvae survived freezing and thawing in EG. Larvae frozen in Me2SO at the gastrula stage and 4-armed pluteus stage regained motility post-thawing. The most successful freezing regime cooled straws containing larvae in 1.5 M Me2SO from 0 to -35 degrees C at 2.5 degrees C min(-1), held at -35 degrees C for 5 min, then plunged straws into liquid nitrogen. Motility was high 2-4 h post-thawing using this regime but decreased markedly within 24 h. Some 4-armed pluteus larvae that survived beyond this time developed through to metamorphosis and settled. Different Me2SO concentrations and supplementary trehalose did not improve long-term survival. Large variation in post-thaw survival was observed among batches of larvae produced from different females.  相似文献   

Paracentrotus lividus embryos at the early pluteus stage undergo spontaneous apoptosis. Using a TUNEL (TdT-mediated dUTP Nick-End Labelling) assay on whole mount embryos, we showed that there was a different distribution of the apoptotic cells in different optical sections. Not more than 20% of cells in plutei were spontaneously apoptotic, as confirmed by the counts of dissociated ectoderm and intestine cells. Observation of larva stages closer to metamorphosis confirmed that apoptosis is a physiological event for the development of the adult. In particular, larvae at different developmental stages showed apoptotic cells in the oral and aboral arms, intestine, ciliary band and both apical and oral ganglia. Moreover, we found that the number of apoptotic cells decreased in later larva stages, possibly because in the organism approaching metamorphosis, a smaller number of cells needs to be eliminated. Furthermore, combined phorbol ester (TPA) and heat shock treatment enhanced apoptosis by increasing the number of cells involved in the phenomenon.  相似文献   

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