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The authors report on their investigations of the differentiation between neutrophilic and eosinophilic granulocytes of the peripheral blood in healthy rabbits. By varying the pH-value and the incubation time it is possible to achieve a reliable differentiation between neutrophilic and eosinophilic granulocytes of the rabbit by means of 6 different cytochemical methods which could only be made incompletely with the routine methods used up till now (Eosin-, Giemsa-, Wright's-colouring etc.). Moreover, monocytes and lymphocytes can also be identified reliably.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of local temperature changes within the posterior portion of the body on dorsal aorta blood flow ( ), femoral arterial pressure (P a ), peripheral resistance (R), skin blood flow ( ) and skeletal muscle blood flow ( ) was examined in unanesthetized lizards (Iguana iguana andTubinambis nigropunctatus). In response to local heating of the hind legs and tail and increased,P a was generally unchanged,R decreased and decreased or was unchanged (Fig. 2). It is suggested that the acquisition of heat may be favored by diverting the increase in away from the muscle to the warmer skin. In response to cooling and decreased,P a was generally unchanged, R increased and increased or was unchanged. Hence, during cooling the retention of heat may be favored by diverting blood away from the skin to the deeper muscle. The muscle-skin shunt is under sympathetic control since following blockade with phenoxybenzamine HCL (Dibenzyline) muscle blood flow changes in response to temperature were qualitatively similar to those of skin (Fig. 4). These changes in peripheral circulatory patterns are independent of changes in heart rate or deep body temperature.Baker and Weathers were predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees, respectively, under USPHS Grant HE-05696. This study was also supported by NSF Grant GB-8523 and Los Angeles County Heart Association Grant 437IG.  相似文献   

李红东  洪贵妮  郭政 《遗传》2015,37(2):165-173
机体老化与癌症、神经退行性疾病等许多复杂疾病相关。目前,研究者已在外周全血中识别了大量的与老化相关的DNA甲基化标记,这些标记可能反映外周血白细胞在机体老化过程中发生的变化,也可能反映外周血中与年龄相关的细胞构成比例的变化。文章利用3组正常个体外周全血DNA甲基化谱,采用Spearman秩相关分析识别了与老化相关的CpG甲基化位点(age-related DNA methylation CpG sites, arCpGs)并评价了其可重复性;利用去卷积算法估计了各外周血样本中髓性和淋巴性细胞的比例并分析了其与年龄的相关性;比较了在外周全血、CD4+T细胞和CD14+单核细胞中识别的arCpGs的一致性。结果显示,在独立外周全血数据中识别的arCpGs具有显著的可重复性(超几何检验,P=1.65×10-11)。外周血髓性和淋巴性细胞的比例分别与年龄显著正、负相关(Spearman秩相关检验,P<0.05,r≤0.22),它们间DNA甲基化水平差异较大的CpG位点倾向于在外周全血中被识别为arCpGs。在CD4+T细胞中识别的arCpGs与在外周全血中识别的arCpGs显著交叠(超几何检验,P=6.14×10-12),且99.1%的交叠位点在CD4+T细胞及外周全血中的DNA甲基化水平与年龄的正、负相关性一致。尽管在CD14+单核细胞中识别的arCpGs与在外周全血中识别的arCpGs并不显著交叠,但是在交叠的51个arCpGs中,有90.1%的位点在CD14+单核细胞、外周全血以及CD4+T细胞中的DNA甲基化水平与年龄的正、负相关性一致,提示它们可能主要反映细胞间共同的改变。在外周全血中识别的arCpGs主要反映某些白细胞共同或特异的DNA甲基化改变,但是也有一部分反映外周血细胞比例构成的变化。  相似文献   

The aimThe aim of this study was to assess the severity of depression, vasomotor symptoms, changes in peripheral blood cell count, and selected biochemical parameters in relation to the concentration of lead in whole blood of women in the perimenopausal period.MethodsThe study sample consisted of 233 women from the general population of the West Pomeranian Province (Poland) in age between 44–65 years. The intensity of menopausal symptoms was examined using the Blatt-Kupperman Index, and the severity of depression using the Beck Depression Inventory. The following biochemical data were evaluated: concentrations of glucose, triglycerides, HDL, C-reactive protein, glycated haemoglobin, cortisol, insulin, blood cell count, and lead concentration in whole blood (Pb-B).ResultsA whole blood Pb concentration below 5 μg/dl was found in 55 subjects (23.61 %), in 142 women (60.94 %) it ranged from 5 to 10 μg/dl, while in 36 women (15.45 %) was higher than 10 μg/dl. There was a strong positive correlation between Pb concentration in the blood of the examined women and the severity of depressive symptoms (Rs=+0.60, p = 0.001). The lowest mean values for total leukocytes (5.07 ± 1.22 thousand/μl) and neutrophils (2.76 ± 0.86 thousand/μl) were found in women with Pb concentration above 10 μg/dl (p < 0.05). There was a significant negative correlation between the number of total leukocytes (r=-0.45, p = 0.002) and neutrophils (r=-0.50, p = 0.001) and blood Pb concentration. Analysis showed statistically significant differences in glucose concentration (p < 0.05) between groups. Blood glucose was higher in women with Pb-B <5 and between 5−10 μg/dl than in women with Pb-B >10 μg/dl.ConclusionExposure to Pb may be a factor playing a significant role in the development of depressive symptoms in menopausal women. It may also be associated with glucose metabolism disorders and immunosuppression in women during this period of life.  相似文献   

Analysis of home and foreign literature underlies the discussion of the significance of cytogenetic variations (frequency of aberrant cells and SCE-heteromorphism of C-chromatin and brittleness of chromosomes as indices of chromosome instability in oncological patients.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the study of the influence of changes of glucose blood concentration in rabbits on the standing potential of the eye, which reflects the functioning of the retinal pigment epithelium and photoreceptors. Recordings of the electrooculogram (EOG), determination of glucose blood level and ophthalmoscopic and histological examinations of the eye were performed in 48 rabbits. Short-term increase of glucose concentration was accompanied by the increase in the standing potential and Arden EOG ratio, with hypoglycemia evoking the opposite effect. A long-term (4 month) hyperglycemia was accompanied by the reversible decrease of both parameters studied. No ophthalmoscopic and histological changes were observed.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte-based micronucleus tests have traditionally been performed with bone marrow specimens, since, in most preclinical animal models, the spleen can efficiently remove aberrant erythrocytes from the circulation. Even so, evidence is mounting that by examining tens of thousands of young (CD71-positive) circulating reticulocytes for the presence of micronuclei via flow cytometry, a sensitive assay of cytogenetic damage is realized. The work described herein was designed to test this hypothesis further, using an important preclinical toxicology model, the beagle dog. In these experiments, purebred male beagles were treated for five consecutive days with cyclophosphamide (0, 6.25, 12.5 or 25mg/m(2)/day) or for two consecutive days with etoposide (0, 1.56, 6.25 or 12.5mg/m(2)/day). Before treatment, and on each day of administration, blood specimens were collected and processed for flow cytometric scoring of micronucleated reticulocyte (MN-RET) frequency. Twenty-four hours after the final administration, blood MN-RET frequencies were determined via flow cytometry, and frequencies of micronucleated bone marrow polychromatic erythrocytes (MN-PCE) were determined using acridine orange and May-Grunwald Giemsa staining. In the case of cyclophosphamide, elevated blood MN-RET frequencies were observed 2 days after treatment began, and the maximal frequency was achieved 1 day later. Similarly, etoposide-induced blood MN-RET were not evident 1 day after administration began, but a robust effect was apparent 2 days after treatments were initiated. Twenty-four hours after the final administrations, dose-related micronucleus responses were evident for both agents and in both blood and bone marrow compartments. Good overall agreement between MN-RET and MN-PCE frequencies was evidenced by high Spearman's correlation coefficients-0.89 for blood flow cytometry versus bone marrow acridine orange staining and 0.83 for blood flow cytometry versus bone marrow May-Grunwald Giemsa staining. Taken together, these results provide further support for the cross-species utility of flow cytometry-based blood MN-RET measurements.  相似文献   

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