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Summary Using cessation of movement (stop-response) as an index for light reception by the dinoflagellate Gyrodinium dorsum Kofoid, an association was shown between the blue-light action-spectrum maximum for this response and prior exposure of the organism to red and far-red light. When the light energy necessary to produce a positive stop-response (above 50%) was used as a criterion for the threshold intensity, the cells were most sensitive to light of 470 nm following an exposure to red (620 nm) light; after a far-red (700 nm) light exposure, the threshold was lowest for light of 490 nm. A second response criterion was the time in darkness until a positive response could no longer be initiated upon stimulation. The response persists longer for 490 nm than for 470 nm after both red and far-red light exposure. This result can theoretically be attributed to thermal reversion of the proposed phytochrome from the Pfr to the Pr form. A two-pigment system in which a phytochrome works in combination with a blue-absorbing pigment may be involved in the photoresponse.This study was supported by National Science Foundation grant GB5137, Demorest Davenport, principal investigator.  相似文献   

The effects of the calcium channel blockers, verapamil, diltiazem and lanthanum ions and the Ca2+ dependency on motility as well as the photophobic response (stop-response) of Gyrodinium dorsum were studied. At Ca2+ concentrations below 10-3 M, motility was inhibited. La3+ inhibits the stop-response, in contrast to verapamil and diltiazem. The only calcium channel blocker that increased the amount of non-motile cells was verapamil. The results indicate that motility are Ca2+ dependent and that the stop-responses of G. dorsum could be affected by extracellular Ca2+. Effects of the photosythesis inhibitor (DCMU) on the stop-response was also determined. With background light of different wavelength (614, 658 and 686 nm) the stop-response increased. DCMU inhibited this effect of background light. Negative results with the monoclonal antibody Pea-25 directed to phytochrome and the results with DCMU, indicate that the stop-response of G. dorsum is coupled to photosynthesis rather than to a phytochrome-like pigment. Oxygen evolution, but not cell movement, was completely inhibited by 10-6 M DCMU.Abbreviations DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-methylurea - DILT diltiazem - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - VER verapamil  相似文献   

Gyrodinium dorsum Kofoid responds photophobically to flashes of blue light. The photophobic response consists of a cessation of movement (stop-response). Without background light and after a flash fluence above 10 J m−2, 75–85% of the cells show a stop-response, while only 50% of the cells show this response at 5 J m−2. With a flash fluence of 5 J m−2, background light of different wavelengths either increases (614 nm. 5.5–18.2 μmol m−2 s−1) or decreases (700 nm, 18.4–36.0 μmol m−2 s−1) the stop-response. Two hypotheses for the mechanism of the modulation by background light of the photophobic response are discussed: an effect of light on the balance of the photosynthetic system (PS I/PS II) or an effect on a phytochrome-like pigment (Pr/Pfr). This study supports the idea that a phytochrome-like pigment works in combination with a blue light-absorbing pigment. It was also found that cells of Gyrodinium dorsum cultured in red light (39.8 μmol m−2) had a higher absorption in the red region of the absorption spectra than those cultured in white light (92.7 μmol m−2).  相似文献   

甲藻环沟藻属于一类无色素体、表面有脊的裸甲藻, 因可捕食一些重要的赤潮生物而在海洋生态系统中扮演着重要的角色。有关中国近海环沟藻属的物种多样性信息非常有限。本文报道了2个新记录种——纺锤环沟藻(Gyrodinium fusiforme)和莫氏环沟藻(G. moestrupii)。纺锤环沟藻细胞呈纺锤形, 长48.0-58.0 μm, 宽18.0-23.0 μm, 长宽比为2.4-3.0, 和模式种相比体型和长宽比都较小。莫氏环沟藻细胞也呈纺锤形, 长约30 μm, 宽约15 μm。我们测定了纺锤环沟藻和莫氏环沟藻大亚基的部分序列, 并根据大亚基序列利用最大似然法和贝叶斯法建立了系统发育树。结果显示环沟藻属是单源的, 纺锤环沟藻和裂缝环沟藻(G. fissum)聚合在一起, 但是与螺旋环沟藻(G. spirale)分离。纺锤环沟藻和莫氏环沟藻分别可以摄食米氏凯伦藻(Karenia mikimotoi)和具齿原甲藻(Prorocentrum dentatum), 前者在米氏凯伦藻赤潮中的大量出现显示它可以促进赤潮的消退。  相似文献   

Small subunit rRNA gene sequences were determined for four unarmored heterotrophic dinoflagellates (Gyrodinium spirals, the type species of the genus Gyrodinium, as well as G. fusiforme, Gymnodinium rubrum and the freshwater species G. helveticum) using a single‐cell polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. For identification and record keeping, each cell was carefully observed and photographed using a light microscope under high magnification, prior to single‐cell PCR. G. rubrum and G. helveticum possess an elliptical apical groove and longitudinal striations similar to those of G. spirale and G. fusiforme, and molecular phylogenetic studies reveal that the four species form a single clade. We therefore propose the following new combinations: Gyrodinium rubrum (Kofoid et Swezy) Takano et Horiguchi comb. nov. and Gyrodinium helveticum (Penard) Takano et Horiguchi comb. nov.  相似文献   

Hansen G  Daugbjerg N 《Protist》2004,155(3):271-294
A detailed ultrastructural analysis of the type species of Gyrodinium, G. spirale, was made based on cells collected from Skagerrak and southern Kattegat (Denmark). This material is considered very similar to the type material studied by Bergh from southern Kattegat. The analysis revealed many characters typical for dinoflagellates as well as a number of previously undescribed features. Here, emphasis was given to a three-dimensional configuration of the flagellar apparatus, the surface ridges, and the nuclear capsule. The latter had a rather complex ultrastructure consisting of two wall-like layers surrounded by membranes, with nuclear pores restricted to globular invaginations of these layers. To overcome difficulties with culturing of many auto- and heterotrophic dinoflagellates, we designed a specific reverse primer to amplify ca. 1800 base pairs of nuclear-encoded LSU rDNA. Using this approach, LSU rDNA sequences were determined from three heterotrophic species of Gyrodinium, including the type species. Using other alveolates (i.e. ciliates and Apicomplexa) as outgroup species, phylogenetic analyses based on Maximum Likelihood, Maximum Parsimony, and Neighbor-Joining supported Gyrodinium as a separate lineage. Unfortunately, the nearest sister group to Gyrodinium could not be established due to low bootstraps support for the deep branching pattern.  相似文献   

The sulfated exopolysaccharide p-KG03, which is produced by the marine microalga Gyrodinium impudicum strain KG03, exhibited impressive antiviral activity in vitro (EC50 = 26.9 µg/ml) against the encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV). Depending on the p-KG03 concentration, the development of cytopathic effects in EMCV-infected HeLa cells was either inhibited completely or slowed. Moreover, p-KG03 did not show any cytotoxic effects on HeLa cells, even at concentrations up to 1000 µg/ml. The polysaccharide was purified by repeated precipitation in ethanol, followed by gel filtration. The p-KG03 polysaccharide had a molecular weight of 1.87 × 107, and was characterized as a homopolysaccharide of galactose with uronic acid (2.96% wt/wt) and sulfate groups (10.32% wt/wt). The biological activities of p-KG03 suggest that sulfated metabolites from marine organisms are a rich source of antiviral agents. This is the first reported marine source of antiviral sulfated polysaccharides against EMCV. The p-KG03 polysaccharide may be useful in the development of marine bioactive exopolysaccharide for biotechnological and pharmaceutical products.  相似文献   

We measured in situ grazing rates of the mixotrophic dinoflagellateGyrodinium galatheanum (Braarud) Taylor 1995 on populationsof phycoerythrin-containing cryptophytes in Chesapeake Bay.Rates were estimated from instantaneous food vacuole contents,in situ temperatures, cryptophyte abundances and experimentallydetermined digestion rates. Laboratory digestion experimentsshowed that specific digestion rate constants increased sigmoidallywith temperature, but were unrelated to the initial food vacuolecontent when it was <0.46 cryptophytes dinoflagellate–1.These results allowed us to establish an empirical model toestimate in situ ingestion of cryptophyte prey by G. galatheanum.The estimated rates ranged from 0 to 0.26 cryptophytes dinoflagellate–1day–1, corresponding to daily ingestion of 0–12.29pg carbon, 0–2.48 pg nitrogen and 0–0.34 pg phosphorusdinoflagellate–1. Estimated daily consumption of cryptophytebiomass by G. galatheanum was equivalent to 0–12% of bodycarbon, 0–13% of body nitrogen and 0–21% of bodyphosphorus. Estimated in situ clearance rates for cryptophytesranged from 0 to 0.27 µl dinoflagellate–1 day–1,representing daily removal of 0–4% of the cryptophytestanding stock. Although G. galatheanum may increase its growthrate through phagotrophy, it appears to have little grazingimpact on cryptophyte prey populations.  相似文献   

Four unarmored heterotrophic dinoflagellates were isolated from the coastal waters of southern Korea. The rDNA sequences of four clonal cultures were determined, and the morphology of one of the four strains was examined using light and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The large subunit (LSU) and small subunit (SSU) rDNA sequences of each of the strains differed by 0–0.9% from those of the other strains, and the SSU rDNA sequence of the strain differed by 1.8–4.4% from those of other Gyrodinium species, whereas the LSU (D1–D2) rDNA sequence differed by 12.4–22.2%. Furthermore, phylogenetic trees showed that Gyrodinium jinhaense n. sp. formed a distinctive clade among the other Gyrodinium species. Meanwhile, microscopy revealed an elliptical bisected apical structure complex and a cingulum that was displaced by approximately one‐quarter of the cell length, which confirmed that the dinoflagellate belonged to the genus Gyrodinium. However, the cell surface was ornamented with 16 longitudinal striations, both on the episome and hyposome, unlike other Gyrodinium species. Furthermore, the cells were observed to have pusule systems and trichocysts but lacked mucocysts. Based on morphology and molecular data, we consider this strain to be a new species in the genus Gyrodinium and thus, propose that it be assigned to the name Gjinhaense n. sp.  相似文献   

The germination of dinoflagellate cysts isolated from the surface sediment from Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan) provided motile cells of Gyrodinium instriatum. This is the first report on this species for the seas of Russia. The morphology of both collected and germinated cysts and motile cells is described, and data on the ecology and distribution of the species are provided.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopy, nuclear-encoded LSU rDNA sequences, and pigment analyses were performed on five geographically separate isolates of Gymnodinium mikimotoi. The morphological variation between the isolates equals that found within the isolates. The nuclear-encoded LSU rDNA sequences were nearly identical in all isolates, and molecular analyses using maximum likelihood, parsimony, and neighbor joining showed the geographical isolates as an unresolved clade. Based on the available data it is concluded that the European isolates, formerly identified as Gyrodinium aureolum , Gyrodinium cf. aureolum , or Gymnodinium cf. nagasakiense , are conspecific with the Japanese Gymnodinium mikimotoi. An isolate from the Pettaquamscutt River, USA, is suggested to represent what Hulburt (1957) described as Gyrodinium aureolum. The LSU rDNA sequence data and ultrastructural characters in this isolate closely resemble those of Gymnodinium fuscum , the type species of Gymnodinium , and Gyrodinium aureolum Hulburt is therefore renamed Gymnodinium aureolum (Hulburt) G. Hansen, comb. nov.  相似文献   

The presence of intracellular bacteria in the dinoflagellate Gyrodinium instriatum Freudenthal & Lee has previously been described but the bacterial flora associated with this species has not been characterized. In this study, new results of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and in situ hybridization using several bacterial group-specific oligonucleotide probes are presented. The long-term association of endocytoplasmic and endonuclear bacteria with G. instriatum has been confirmed. All endonuclear and most of the endocytoplasmic bacteria labelled were identified as belonging to the betaproteobacteria. Large clusters of Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides (CFB) were labelled and observed in the cytoplasm of the dinoflagellate cells, but were absent from the nucleus. Gammaproteobacteria were only observed outside the dinoflagellates. No alphaproteobacteria were detected either free-living or intracellular. Empirical observation of intracellular CFB reflected a degradation process of moribund dinoflagellate cells, whereas the systematic colonization of dinoflagellate nucleoplasm by betaproteobacteria suggested a true symbiotic relationship. Natural colonization may have occurred, perpetuated by vertical transmission of intracellular bacteria to the dinoflagellate daughter cells, via a pool of bacteria sequestered within the nucleus. Dividing bacteria were observed in the nucleus and equilibrium may be maintained by release of endonuclear bacteria to the cytoplasm through nuclear envelope constrictions.  相似文献   

Pyrodinium bahamense is a dinoflagellate of concern in subtropical and tropical coastal environments. To date, there is only a single published study on its fatty acids, but no published data on its sterol composition. Sterols, which are membrane‐reinforcing lipids in eukaryotes, display a great diversity of structures in dinoflagellates, with some serving as chemotaxonomic markers. We have examined the sterol compositions of two isolates of P. bahamense from Indian River Lagoon and Tampa Bay, Florida, and have found both to produce three sterols: cholesterol, dinosterol, and 4α‐methylgorgostanol. All three sterols are found in closely related, armored taxa.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are some of the most diverse and productive ecosystems on the planet, but are threatened by global and local stressors, mandating the need for incorporating ex situ conservation practices. One approach that is highly protective is the development of genome resource banks that preserve the species and its genetic diversity. A critical component of the reef are the endosymbiotic algae, Symbiodinium sp., living within most coral that transfer energy-rich sugars to their hosts. Although Symbiodinium are maintained alive in culture collections around the world, the cryopreservation of these algae to prevent loss and genetic drift is not well-defined. This study examined the quantum yield physiology and freezing protocols that resulted in survival of Symbiodinium at 24 h post-thawing. Only the ultra-rapid procedure called vitrification resulted in success whereas conventional slow freezing protocols did not. We determined that success also depended on using a thin film of agar with embedded Symbiodinium on Cryotops, a process that yielded a post-thaw viability of >50% in extracted and vitrified Symbiodinium from Fungia scutaria, Pocillopora damicornis and Porites compressa. Additionally, there also was a seasonal influence on vitrification success as the best post-thaw survival of F. scutaria occurred in winter and spring compared to summer and fall (P < 0.05). These findings lay the foundation for developing a viable genome resource bank for the world’s Symbiodinium that, in turn, will not only protect this critical element of coral functionality but serve as a resource for understanding the complexities of symbiosis, support selective breeding experiments to develop more thermally resilient strains of coral, and provide a ‘gold-standard’ genomics collection, allowing for full genomic sequencing of unique Symbiodinium strains.  相似文献   

The response of individual Cryptomonas cells to continuous lightwas recorded using infrared video-micrography. Swimming directionsand temporal shifts in swimming direction of each cell weremeasured. White light of 0.1–1 W m–2 elicited apositive phototactic orientation, but did not induce any photophobicresponse. Light of 100 W m–2 induced a photophobic responseat the onset of actinic irradiation, but did not induce positivephototactic orientation. No correlation between positive phototacticorientation and photophobic response was found in this species.The direction toward the light source was defined as 0°,and the direction away from the source as 180°. Within 2s after the onset of lateral monochromatic light of 570 nm at0.1 W m–2, cells which were swimming in a direction ofless than 120° predominantly shifted their course towardthe light source. Cells swimming in directions of larger than120° shifted their course as randomly as those in the dark.Thus, for phototactic orientation, the cells must perceive thelight from their anterior side. (Received July 29, 1985; Accepted November 4, 1985)  相似文献   

Growth of cultures of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum micans Ehrbg. was slowed by parathion >1 ppm. Parathion also decreased chlorophyll content and perturbed cellular ultrastructure, eliciting especially plastoglobuli in their chloroplasts. Toxicity of this organophosphorous insecticide is unlikely to be due to its anticholinesterase activity since P. micans appears not to contain cholinesterase. Fluorescence kinetics show that parathion affects the photosynthetic system, particularly photosystem II.  相似文献   

The heterotrophic dinoflagellate Gyrodinium moestrupii n. sp. is described based on live cells and cells prepared for light, scanning electron, and transmission electron microscopy. In addition, sequences of the small subunit (SSU), internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2), 5.8S, and the large subunit (LSU) of the rDNA were analyzed. The cells have a slender, fusiform body, taper to a sharp point at both apices, and are widest in the middle. The conical episome and hyposome are equal in size. A distinct elliptical bisected apical groove (AG) is present. Gyrodinium moestrupii has longitudinal surface striations (LSS) containing 14 and 23 lines in the episome and hyposome, respectively, whereas Gyrodinium dominans, morphologically the most similar species, has 14 and 18 lines, respectively. In addition, the episome and hyposome of G. moestrupii show distinct twists to the right and left, respectively, unlike those of Gyrodinium gutrula or G. dominans, which are not markedly twisted. The cingulum is displaced by 0.3–0.4 × cell length. Length and width of cells starved for 2 d were 23.9–38.2 and 12.0–18.6 μm, respectively, whereas those of cells satiated with Alexandrium minutum were 30.1–61.4 and 20.7–35.6 μm, respectively. The cells contain a pusule system, trichocysts, a lamellar‐like structure, and a fibrous bundle, but lack chloroplasts. The SSU rDNA sequence differed by 0.2–3.9% from those of the three most closely related sequenced species for which data are currently available: G. cf. gutrula ( FN669511 ), G. dominans ( FN669510 ), and Gyrodinium rubrum ( AB120003 ). The LSU rDNA was 3.2–13.9% different from G. dominans ( AY571370 ), Gyrodinium spirale ( AY571371 ), and G. rubrum ( AY571369 ). The phylogenetic trees demonstrated that this novel species belongs within the Gyrodinium clade. Based on the morphological and molecular data, we propose to name it G. moestrupii n. sp.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The protist Prorocentrum lima , a primary producer of the tumour promoter okadaic acid, is a member of the dinoflagellate class of marine microorganisms. Herein, we have identified and characterized a protein tyrosine kinase (designated PLIK 1A) in P. lima that autophosphorylates almost exclusively on tyrosine residues. PLIK 1A was shown to have an approximate molecular mass of 38 kDa by SDS-PAGE and a native molecular mass within the range of 47–55 kDa by Superdex-75 gel filtration. Phosphoamino acid analysis of autophosphorylated PLIK 1A revealed the presence of phosphotyrosine and autophosphorylated PLJK 1A reacted with monoclonal anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies in a Western immunoblot. In addition, two protein tyrosine phosphatases were identified in P. lima that had apparent molecular masses within the ranges of 150–168 kDa and 73–82 kDa as determined by Superdex-200 gel filtration. These P. lima phosphatases, termed PLPTP-I and PLPTP-II, efficiently dephosphorylated tyrosine phosphorylated myelin basic protein. owever, only PLPTP-I was capable of dephosphorylating the tyrosine phosphorylated substrate angiotensin. Both PLPTP-I and PLPTP-II were able to dephosphorylate tyrosine autophosphorylated PLIK 1A. These data provide the first evidence for reversible tyrosine protein phosphorylation in P. lima by protein tyrosine kinases and phosphatases  相似文献   

The toxic dinoflagellate Karenia mikimotoi has been well-known for causing large-scale and dense harmful algal blooms (HABs) in coastal waters worldwide and serious economic loss in aquaculture and fisheries and other adverse effects on marine ecosystems. Whether K. mikimotoi forms resting cysts has been a puzzling issue regarding to the mechanisms of bloom initiation and geographic expansion of this species. We provide morphological and molecular confirmation of sexually produced thin-walled resting cysts by K. mikimotoi based on observations of laboratory cultures and their direct detection in marine sediments. Light and scanning electron microscopy evidences for sexual reproduction include attraction and pairing of gametes, gamete fusion, formation of planozygote and thin-walled cyst, and the documentation of the thin-walled cyst germination processes. Evidence for cysts in marine sediments was in three aspects: positive PCR detection of cysts using species-specific primers in the DNA extracted from whole sediments; fluorescence in situ hybridization detection of cysts using FISH probes; and single-cell PCR sequencing for cysts positively labeled with FISH probes. The existence of sexually produced, thin-walled resting cysts by K. mikimotoi provides a possible mechanism accounting for the initiation of annually recurring blooms at certain regions and global expansion of the species during the past decades.  相似文献   

Visual and nonpheromone olfactory orientation processes of the giant tropical ant Paraponera clavata were investigated in homing foragers which had been previously trained to visit a food source. Experienced foragers can select directions visually, with pheromone trails (Breed et al., 1987), or with environmental odors. High-contrast canopy cues, but not low-contrast lateral landmarks, serve as strong visual orientation cues.  相似文献   

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