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Some of the factors affecting penetration in living cells may be advantageously studied in models in which the organic salts KG and NaG diffuse from an aqueous solution A, through a non-aqueous layer B (representing the protoplasmic surface) into an aqueous solution C (representing the sap and hence called artificial sap) where they react with CO2 to form KHCO3 and NaHCO3. Their relative proportions in C depend chiefly on the partition coefficients and on the diffusion constants in the non-aqueous layer. But the ratio is also affected by other variables, among which are the following: 1. Temperature, affecting diffusion constants and partition coefficients and altering the thickness of the unstirred layers by changing viscosity. 2. Viscosity (especially in the non-aqueous layers) which depends on temperature and the presence of solutes. 3. Rate of stirring, which affects the thickness of the unstirred layers and the transport of electrolyte in those that are stirred. 4. Shape and surface area of the non-aqueous layer. 5. Surface forces. 6. Reactions occurring at the outer surface such as loss of water by the electrolyte or its molecular association in the non-aqueous phase. The reverse processes will occur at the inner surface and here also combinations with acids or other substances in the "artificial sap" may occur. 7. Outward diffusion from the artificial sap. The outward movement of KHCO3 and NaHCO3 is small compared with the inward movement of KG and NaG when the concentrations are equal. This is because the partition coefficients3 of the bicarbonates are very low as compared with those of NaG and KG. Since CO2 and HCO3 - diffuse into A and combine with KG and NaG the inward movement of potassium and sodium falls off in proportion as the concentration of KG and NaG is lessened. 8. Movement of water into the non-aqueous phase and into the artificial sap. This may have a higher temperature coefficient than the penetration of electrolytes. 9. Variation of the partition coefficients with concentration and pH. Many of these variables may occur in living cells. (It happens that the range of variation in the ratio of potassium to sodium in the models resembles that found in Valonia.)  相似文献   

In normal cells of Valonia the order of the apparent mobilities of the ions in the non-aqueous protoplasmic surface is K > Cl > Na. After treatment with 0.01 M guaiacol (which does not injure the cell) the order becomes Na > Cl > K. As it does not seem probable that such a reversal could occur with simple ions we may assume provisionally that in the protoplasmic surface we have to do with charged complexes of the type (KX I)+, (KX II)+, where X I and X II are elements or radicals, or with chemical compounds formed in the protoplasm. When 0.01 M guaiacol is added to sea water or to 0.6 M NaCl (both at pH 6.4, where the concentration of the guaiacol ion is negligible) the P.D. of the cell changes (after a short latent period) from about 10 mv. negative to about 28 mv. positive and then slowly returns approximately to its original value (Fig. 1, p. 14). This appears to depend chiefly on changes in the apparent mobilities of organic ions in the protoplasm. The protoplasmic surface is capable of so much change that it does not seem probable that it is a monomolecular layer. It does not behave like a collodion nor a protein film since the apparent mobility of Na+ can increase while that of K+ is decreasing under the influence of guaiacol.  相似文献   

The behavior of guaiacol resembles that of certain protoplasmic surfaces to such an extent that it can be advantageously used in models designed to imitate certain aspects of protoplasmic behavior. In these models the electrical potentials appear to consist of diffusion potentials and this may be true of certain living cells. In dealing with models we determine ionic mobilities and use these to predict potentials. In studying living cells we measure potentials and from these calculate ionic mobilities. The question arises, how far is this method justified. To test this we have treated guaiacol like a living cell, measuring potentials and from these estimating ionic mobilities. The results Justify the use of this method. This is of interest because the method is most useful in studying protoplasmic activity. In its extended form it enables us to follow changes in mobilities and in partition coefficients due to applied reagents and to metabolism.  相似文献   

The behavior of the cell depends to a large extent on the permeability of the outer non-aqueous surface layer of the protoplasm. This layer is immiscible with water but may be quite permeable to it. It seems possible that a reversible increase or decrease in permeability may be due to a corresponding increase or decrease in the water content of the non-aqueous surface layer. Irreversible increase in permeability need not be due primarily to increase in the water content of the surface layer but may be caused chiefly by changes in the protoplasm on which the surface layer rests. It may include desiccation, precipitation, and other alterations. An artificial cell is described in which the outer protoplasmic surface layer is represented by a layer of guaiacol on one side of which is a solution of KOH + KCl representing the external medium and on the other side is a solution of CO2 representing the protoplasm. The K+ unites with guaiacol and diffuses across to the artificial protoplasm where its concentration becomes higher than in the external solution. The guaiacol molecule thus acts as a carrier molecule which transports K+ from the external medium across the protoplasmic surface. The outer part of the protoplasm may contain relatively few potassium ions so that the outwardly directed potential at the outer protoplasmic surface may be small but the inner part of the protoplasm may contain more potassium ions. This may happen when potassium enters in combination with carrier molecules which do not completely dissociate until they reach the vacuole. Injury and recovery from injury may be studied by measuring the movements of water into and out of the cell. Metabolism by producing CO2 and other acids may lower the pH and cause local shrinkage of the protoplasm which may lead to protoplasmic motion. Antagonism between Na+ and Ca++ appears to be due to the fact that in solutions of NaCl the surface layer takes up an excessive amount of water and this may be prevented by the addition of suitable amounts of CaCl2. In Nitella the outer non-aqueous surface layer may be rendered irreversibly permeable by sharply bending the cell without permanent damage to the inner non-aqueous surface layer surrounding the vacuole. The formation of contractile vacuoles may be imitated in non-living systems. An extract of the sperm of the marine worm Nereis which contains a highly surface-active substance can cause the egg to divide. It seems possible that this substance may affect the surface layer of the egg and cause it to take up water. A surface-active substance has been found in all the seminal fluids examined including those of trout, rooster, bull, and man. Duponol which is highly surface-active causes the protoplasm of Spirogyra to take up water and finally dissolve but it can be restored to the gel state by treatment with Lugol solution (KI + I). The transition from gel to sol and back again can be repeated many times in succession. The behavior of water in the surface layer of the protoplasm presents important problems which deserve careful examination.  相似文献   

Values have been calculated for apparent mobilities and partition coefficients in the outer non-aqueous layer of the protoplasm of Nitella. Among the alkali metals (with the exception of cesium) the order of mobilities resembles that in water and the partition coefficients (except for cesium) follow the rule of Shedlovsky and Uhlig, according to which the partition coefficient increases with the ionic radius. Taking the mobility of the chloride ion as unity, we obtain the following: lithium 2.04, sodium 2.33, potassium 8.76, rubidium 8.76, cesium 1.72, ammonium 4.05, ½ magnesium 20.7, and ½ calcium 7.52. After exposure to guaiacol these values become: lithium 5.83, sodium 7.30, potassium 8.76, rubidium 8,76, cesium 3.38, ammonium 4.91, ½ magnesium 20.7, and ½ calcium 14.46. The partition coefficients of the chlorides are as follows, when that of potassium chloride is taken as unity: lithium 0.0133, sodium 0.0263, rubidium 1.0, cesium 0.0152, ammonium 0.0182, magnesium 0.0017, and calcium 0.02. These are raised by guaiacol to the following: lithium 0.149, sodium 0.426, rubidium 1.0, cesium 0.82, ammonium 0.935, magnesium 0.0263, and calcium 0.323 (that of potassium is not changed). The effect of guaiacol on the mobilities of the sodium and potassium ions resembles that seen in Halicystis but differs from that found in Valonia where guaiacol increases the mobility of the sodium ion but decreases that of the potassium ion.  相似文献   

An organic potassium salt, KG, passes from an aqueous phase, A, through a non-aqueous layer, B, into a watery solution, C. In C it reacts with CO2 to form KHCO3. The ionic activity product (K) (G) in C is thus kept at such a low level that KG continues to diffuse into C after the concentration of potassium becomes greater in C than in A. Hence potassium accumulates in C, the osmotic pressure rises, and water goes in. A steady state is eventually reached in which potassium and water enter C in a constant ratio. The rate of entrance of potassium (with no water penetrating into C) may fall off in a manner approximately exponential. But water enters and may produce an exponential decrease in concentration. This suggests that the kinetics may be treated like that of two consecutive monomolecular reactions. Calculations made on this basis agree very well with the observed values. The rate of penetration appears to be proportional to the concentration gradient of KG in the non-aqueous layer and in consequence depends upon the partition coefficients which determine this gradient. Exchange of ions (passing as such through the non-aqueous layer) does not seem to play an important rôle in the entrance of potassium. The kinetics of the model may be similar to that of living cells.  相似文献   

The effect of various electrolytes on the adsorption of poliovirus was measured in 250-cm-long soil columns with ceramic samplers at different depths. Viruses suspended in deionized water moved much farther through the soil than those suspended in tap water, whereas movement in sewage water was intermediate. The salt content of the tap water and sewage water promoted virus adsorption, but evidently the organic compounds in sewage retarded adsorption. When viruses were suspended in chloride solutions of K+, Na+, Ca+, and Mg2+, virus adsorption increased as the cation concentration and valence increased. The depth of virus penetration was related to the ionic strength of the solutions. Virus penetration data for NO3, SO42−, and H2PO4 salts of K+, Na+, and Ca2+ indicated that other anions were more effective than Cl in promoting virus adsorption. Also, NH4+ was more effective than other cations in limiting the penetration depth of viruses. It seems that ions composed of radicals are more effective than ions composed of single atoms in promoting virus adsorption. Al3+ was the most effective ion in limiting virus penetration, probably owing to flocculation of the viruses. Adding AlCl3 concentrations to secondary sewage effluent to provide an Al3+ concentration of 0.1 mM reduced the virus penetration depth to 40 cm. These studies show that the ionic composition of the suspending solutions must be considered in predicting virus penetration depths, and it may be practical to add low concentrations of a flocculating agent such as AlCl3 to sewage water to limit virus movement through very porous soils.  相似文献   

Remarkable changes are brought about by KOH in transforming negative cells of Nitella (showing dilute solution negative with KOH) to positive cells (showing dilute solution positive with KOH). NaOH is less effective as a transforming agent. This might be explained on the ground that the protoplasm contains an acid (possibly a fatty acid) which makes the cell negative and which is dissolved out more rapidly by KOH than by NaOH, as happens with the fatty acids in ordinary soaps. Part of a negative cell can be changed to positive by exposure to KOH while the untreated portion remains negative. After exposure to KOH the potential the protoplasm has when in contact with NaCl may increase. At the same time there may be an increase in the potassium effect; i.e., in the change of P.D. in a positive direction observed when 0.01 M KCl is replaced by 0.01 M NaCl. In some cases the order of ionic mobilities is u K > v OH > u Na. This shows that the protoplasmic surface cannot be a pore system: for in such a system all cations must have greater mobilities than all anions or vice versa.  相似文献   

If we apply water at one end of a Nitella cell, A, and place at the other end, B, a solution of a substance which does not penetrate, such as sucrose, water enters the cell at A, passes along inside the cell, and escapes at B. But if in place of sucrose we use a substance which penetrates such as ethyl alcohol the flow of water is lessened and this fact makes it possible to measure the amount of alcohol which enters. (An increase in the size of cells placed in solutions of alcohol does not necessarily indicate that the number of mols of alcohol entering is greater than the number of mols of water leaving the cell.) The permeability for water is more than 18 times as great as for ethyl alcohol. The behavior of the 2 substances was compared in the same individual cell with a driving force which at the start was the same for both substances. The number of mols entering per second per cm.2 of surface with a driving force of 1 atmosphere at 25°C. is 0.772 (10–6) for water and 0.042 (10–6) for ethyl alcohol. The experiments indicate that the non-aqueous substance at the surface of the protoplasm has a higher partition coefficient for water than for ethyl alcohol, although the protoplasmic surface is composed of materials not miscible with water.  相似文献   

In their influence on the P.D. across the protoplasm of Valonia macrophysa, Kütz., Li+ and Cs+ resemble Na+, while Rb+ and NH4 + resemble K+. The apparent mobilities of the ions in the external surface layer of Valonia protoplasm increase in the order: Cs+, Na+, Li+ < Cl- < Rb+ < K+ < NH4 +.  相似文献   

When a compound enters a living cell until its activity becomes greater inside than outside, it may be said to accumulate. Since it moves from a region where its activity is relatively low to a region where its activity is relatively high, it is evident that work must be done to bring this about. The following explanation is suggested to account for accumulation. The protoplasmic surface is covered with a non-aqueous layer which is permeable to molecules but almost impermeable to ions. Hence free ions cannot enter except in very small numbers. The experiments indicate that ions combine at the outer surface with organic molecules (carrier molecules) and are thus able to enter freely. If upon reaching the aqueous protoplasm these molecules are decomposed or altered so as to set the ions free, the ions must be trapped since they cannot pass out except in very small numbers. If we adopt this point of view we can suggest answers to some important questions. Among these are the following: 1. Why accumulation is confined to electrolytes. This is evident since only ions will be trapped. 2. Why ions appear to penetrate against a gradient. Actually there is no such penetration since the ions enter in combination with molecules. The energy needed to raise the activity of entering compounds is furnished by the reactions involved in the process of accumulation. 3. Why, in absence of injury, ions do not come out when the cell is placed in distilled water. Presumably the outgoing ions will combine at the outer surface with carrier molecules and then move inward in the same way as ions coming from without. 4. Why the relative rate of penetration falls off as the external concentration increases. This is because the entrance of ions is limited by the number of carrier molecules but no such limitation exists when ions move outward since they can do so without combining with carrier molecules. 5. Why accumulation is promoted by constructive metabolism which is needed to build up the organic molecules and by destructive metabolism which brings about their decomposition. 6. Why measuring the mobilities of ions in the outer protoplasmic surface does not enable us to predict the relative rate of entrance of ions. We find for example in Nitella that K+ has a much higher mobility than Na+ but the accumulation of these ions does not differ greatly. This is to be expected if they enter by combining with molecules at the surface. Only if K+ is able to combine preferentially will it accumulate preferentially. 7. Why ions may come out in anoxia and at low temperatures. If these conditions depress the formation of carrier molecules and their decomposition in the protoplasm, the balance between intake and outgo of ions will be disturbed and relatively more may come out. 8. Why the excess of internal over external osmotic pressure is less in sea water than in fresh water. As the external concentration of ions increases the rate of intake does not increase in direct proportion since the number of carrier molecules does not increase and this slows down the relative rate of intake of ions. But it does not slow down the rate of exit of ions since they need not combine with carrier molecules in order to pass out. Hence the excess of ions inside will be relatively less as the concentration of external ions increases. 9. How water is pumped from solutions of higher to solutions of lower osmotic pressure. If metabolism and consequently accumulation is higher at one end of a cell than at the other, the internal osmotic pressure will be higher at the more active end and this makes it possible for the cell to pump water from solutions of higher osmotic pressure at the more active end to solutions of lower osmotic pressure at the less active, as shown experimentally for Nitella. This might help to explain the action of kidney cells and the production of root pressure in plants.  相似文献   

Experiments on Nitella indicate that the resting potential is due chiefly to the outwardly directed diffusion potential of electrolytes which is set up at the inner, non-aqueous, protoplasmic surface surrounding the vacuole. We might therefore expect that any change in the concentration of these electrolytes would affect the resting potential. The experiments described here indicate that this expectation is justified. When a sucrose solution is applied at one end of the cell and water is placed at another spot, water enters at the latter, passes along inside the cell, and escapes into the sucrose solution, but the electrolytes are unable to escape into the sucrose solution (except very slowly) so that the concentration of electrolytes increases in the region in contact with the sucrose solution. Hence the potential at this spot increases. At the other spot where the water enters, the concentration of electrolytes decreases and the potential at this spot falls off. The changes can be carried out reversibly without injury to the cell.  相似文献   

1. Measurements on the densities, viscosities, dielectric constants, and specific conductances of pure anhydrous and water-saturated guaiacol at 25°C. are reported. 2. The solubility of water in guaiacol at 25°C., and its effect on the electrical conductivity of a sodium guaiacolate solution is given. 3. Electrical conductivity measurements are reported on solutions of sodium and potassium guaiacolates in water-saturated guaiacol at 25°C. 4. The decrease of electrical conductivity with increasing concentration for these salts is explained on the basis of an ionic equilibrium combined with the interionic attraction theory of Debye and Hückel. 5. The limiting equivalent conductances of sodium and potassium guaiacolates in water-saturated guaiacol at 25°C., the corresponding limiting ionic mobilities, and the dissociation constants are computed from the conductivity measurements. The salts are found to be weak electrolytes with dissociation constants of the order of 5 x 10–6.  相似文献   

This paper reports the application of an anionic cyclodextrin (CD), sulfated β-cyclodextrin with a degree of substitution of four (β-CD-(SO4)4, in chiral separations of pharmaceutical enantiomers by non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis (NACE). Upon complexation with the anionic CD, electrophoretic mobilities of the basic enantiomers decreased, however, both separation selectivity and resolution were enhanced. The advantage of NACE chiral separations over the aqueous CE with the charged CD is that higher electric field strength and higher ionic strength could be applied due to the characteristics of the solvent formamide. The higher ionic strength leads to stacking of peaks and reduces the electrodispersion caused by the mobility mismatch between β-CD-(SO4)4–analyte complexes and the co-ions in the running buffer. As a result, better peak shapes and higher separation efficiency were obtained. Comparing with NACE chiral separations with neutral CDs, lower concentration of β-CD-(SO4)4 was needed due to the fact that the electrostatic attraction caused stronger binding between β-CD-(SO4)4 and the enantiomers. The effects of the experimental parameters, such as concentration of the CD, apparent pH (pH*), degree of substitutions of the CDs, percentage of water in mixed solvent systems, and type of solvents were also studied.  相似文献   

The rate of diffusion through the non-aqueous layer of the protoplasm depends largely on the partition coefficients mentioned above. Since these cannot be determined we have employed an artificial system in which chloroform is used in place of the non-aqueous layer of the protoplasm. The partition coefficients may be roughly determined by shaking up the aqueous solutions with chloroform and analyzing with the spectrophotometer (which is necessary with methylene blue because we are dealing with mixtures). This will show what dyes may be expected to pass through the protoplasm into the vacuole in case it behaves like the artificial system. From these results we may conclude that the artificial system and the living cell act almost alike toward methylene blue and azure B, which supports the notion of non-aqueous layers in the protoplasm. There is a close resemblance between Valonia and the artificial system in their behavior toward these dyes at pH 9.5. In the case of Nitella, on the other hand, with methylene blue solution at pH 9.2 the sap in the artificial system takes up relatively more azure B (absorption maximum at 650 mµ) than the vacuole of the living cell (655 mµ). But both take up azure B much more rapidly than methylene blue. A comparison cannot be made between the behavior of the artificial system and that of the living cell at pH 5.5 since in the latter case there arises a question of injury to cells before enough dye is collected in the sap for analysis.  相似文献   

Over a wide range of water contents, aqueous lecithin-water mixtures are mesophases in which lecithin bilayers alternate with water layers. This paper reports on low-angle X-ray diffraction measurements of the effects of electrolytes, at 1.0 N concentration, on the thicknesses of the bilayers in mesophases formed by the synthetic lecithin: 1-octadec-9-enyl-2-hexadecylglycerophosphocholine. With solutions of LiCl, NaCl, Na2SO4, KCl, and CsCl, the bilayer thicknesses are less than with pure water. The maximum reduction in bilayer thickness with these electrolytes is about 10% and occurs with mesophases of high content of KCl and CsCl solutions. With HCl solutions the bilayer thicknesses are about 5% greater than with pure water, and with CaCl2 solutions the bilayer thicknesses are about the same as with pure water. The maximum amount of solution which can be mixed with lecithin before a second, purely aqueous phase is formed is also affected by electrolytes, the order for the various 1.0 N solutions being CsCl = KCl > NaCl > Na2SO4 > (pure water) = LiCl > CaCl2.  相似文献   

From experiments on such membranes as apple skin, parchment paper membrane, and a membrane of completely dry collodion, results have been obtained which could be interpreted by the assumption that these membranes are less permeable for anions than for cations. In parchment paper there is only a relative diminution of the mobility of the anions, in the apple skin and in the dry collodion membrane there is practically no permeability for anions at all. The theory is developed which explains how the decrease or complete lack of mobility of anions influences the electromotive effects of the membrane and the diffusibility of electrolytes across a membrane. The results of the theory are compared with the experimental results. In membranes impermeable for anions the permeability for cations gives the same order of cations as for the mobilities in a free aqueous solution. But the differences of the mobilities are enormously magnified, e.g. the mobilities of H and Li, which are in the proportion of about 1:10 in aqueous solution, are in proportion of about 1:900 in the collodion membrane. The general cause for the retardation of ionic mobility within the membrane may be supposed to be the increased friction of the water envelope dragged along by the ion in the capillary canals of the membrane. The difference of the effect on the cations and on the anions may be attributed to the electric charge of the walls of the canals.  相似文献   

When protoplasm dies it becomes completely and irreversibly permeable and this may be used as a criterion of death. On this basis we may say that when 0.2 M formaldehyde plus 0.001 M NaCl is applied to Nitella death arrives sooner at the inner protoplasmic surface than at the outer. If, however, we apply 0.17 M formaldehyde plus 0.01 M KCl death arrives sooner at the outer protoplasmic surface. The difference appears to be due largely to the conditions at the two surfaces. With 0.2 M formaldehyde plus 0.001 M NaCl the inner surface is subject to a greater electrical pressure than the outer and is in contact with a higher concentration of KCl. In the other case these conditions are more nearly equal so that the layer first reached by the reagent is the first to become permeable. The outer protoplasmic surface has the ability to distinguish electrically between K+ and Na+ (potassium effect). Under the influence of formaldehyde this ability is lost. This is chiefly due to a falling off in the partition coefficient of KCl in the outer protoplasmic surface. At about the same time the inner protoplasmic surface becomes completely permeable. But the outer protoplasmic surface retains its ability to distinguish electrically between different concentrations of the same salt, showing that it has not become completely permeable. After the potential has disappeared the turgidity (hydrostatic pressure inside the cell) persists for some time, probably because the outer protoplasmic surface has not become completely permeable.  相似文献   

The experiments indicate that the protoplasm of Nitella consists of an aqueous layer W with an outer non-aqueous surface layer X and an inner non-aqueous surface layer Y. The potential at Y is measured by the magnitude of the action curve and the potential at X by the distance from the top of the action curve to the zero line. These potentials appear to be due chiefly to diffusion potentials caused by the activity gradients of KCl across the non-aqueous layers X and Y. The relative mobilities of K+ and Cl- in X and in Y can be computed and an estimate of the activity of KCl in W can be made. In the complete resting state the mobilities of K+ and Cl- in X are not very different from those in Y. The action curve is due to changes in Y which suddenly becomes very permeable, allowing potassium to move from the sap across Y into W, and thus losing its potential. A gradual loss may be due to changes in ionic mobility in Y. When recovery is incomplete and Y has not yet regained its normal potential a stimulus may cause a loss of the potential at Y giving an action curve of small magnitude. The magnitude may vary in successive action curves giving what is called a complex pattern in contrast to the simple pattern observed when recovery is complete and all the action curves are alike. Complex patterns occur chiefly in cells treated with reagents. Untreated cells usually give simple patterns. A variety of complex action patterns is discussed. It is evident that the cells of Nitella show much more variation than such highly specialized cells as muscle and nerve which give stereotyped responses. In some cases it may be doubtful whether the all-or-none law holds.  相似文献   

In Nitella the action curve has two peaks, apparently because both protoplasmic surfaces (inner and outer) are sensitive to K+. Leaching in distilled water makes the outer surface insensitive to K+. We may therefore expect the action curve to have only one peak. This expectation is realized. The action curve thus obtained resembles that of Chara which has an outer protoplasmic surface that is normally insensitive to K+. The facts indicate that the movement of K+ plays an important part in determining the shape of the action curve.  相似文献   

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