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Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes Reduces Brain Serotonin Synthesis in Rats   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
The rate of brain 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) synthesis and turnover in streptozotocin-diabetic rats was assessed using three separate methods: the rate of 5-hydroxytryptophan accumulation following decarboxylase inhibition with Ro 4-4602; the decline in 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid levels following monoamine oxidase inhibition with pargyline; and the rate of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid accumulation following blockade of acid transport with probenecid. Each of the three methods revealed that 5-hydroxytryptamine synthesis and turnover is decreased by 44-71% in diabetic rats with plasma glucose levels of between 500 and 600 mg%. In addition, the levels of free and bound plasma tryptophan were measured and the levels of the free amino acid were found to be the same in control and diabetic rats. Since diabetic rats exhibit a 40% decrease in brain tryptophan, the free tryptophan level in plasma does not predict brain tryptophan levels in diabetic rats. These data are discussed within the context of psychiatric disturbances experienced by diabetic patients.  相似文献   

Abstract: Galanin is a 29- or 30-amino acid peptide with wide-ranging effects on hormone release, feeding behavior, smooth muscle contractility, and somatosensory neuronal function. Three distinct galanin receptor (GALR) subtypes, designated GALR1, 2, and 3, have been cloned from the rat. We report here the cloning of the human GALR2 and GALR3 genes, an initial characterization of their pharmacology with respect to radioligand binding and signal transduction pathways, and a profile of their expression in brain and peripheral tissues. Human GALR2 and GALR3 show, respectively, 92 and 89% amino acid sequence identity with their rat homologues. Radioligand binding studies with 125I-galanin show that recombinant human GALR2 binds with high affinity to human galanin (KD = 0.3 nM). Human GALR3 binds galanin with less affinity (IC50 of 12 nM for porcine galanin and 75 nM for human galanin). Human GALR2 was shown to couple to phospholipase C and elevation of intracellular calcium levels as assessed by aequorin luminescence in HEK-293 cells and by Xenopus melanophore pigment aggregation and dispersion assays, in contrast to human GALR1 and human GALR3, which signal predominantly through inhibition of adenylate cyclase. GALR2 mRNA shows a wide distribution in the brain (mammillary nuclei, dentate gyrus, cingulate gyrus, and posterior hypothalamic, supraoptic, and arcuate nuclei), and restricted peripheral tissue distribution with highest mRNA levels detected in human small intestine. In comparison, whereas GALR3 mRNA was expressed in many areas of the rat brain, there was abundant expression in the primary olfactory cortex, olfactory tubercle, the islands of Calleja, the hippocampal CA regions of Ammon's horn, and the dentate gyrus. GALR3 mRNA was highly expressed in human testis and was detectable in adrenal gland and pancreas. The genes for human GALR2 and 3 were localized to chromosomes 17q25 and 22q12.2–13.1, respectively.  相似文献   

This study was planned to investigate the pretreatment effect of resveratrol on streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. The control group consisted of 10 male albino Sprague–Dawley rats, 10–12 weeks of age, weighing approximately 295 g. The first experimental group consisted of 15 albino Sprague–Dawley rats, 10–12 weeks of age, weighing approximately 305 g. This group was administered streptozotocin (55 mg/kg, intraperitoneally). The second experimental group (n = 15) was administered resveratrol (0.5 ml/day) 10 days before streptozotocin induction. A training period was performed for all groups before the experimental procedure, and systolic arterial blood pressures and heart rates were recorded daily. At the end of the 10th day, blood samples of control and experimental groups were drawn. Total nitrite, nitrite, nitrate, malondialdehyde (MDA), copper, and zinc concentrations in plasma were measured both in control and experimental groups. Additionally, superoxide dismutase, catalase activities, and copper and zinc concentrations in red cell were determined in each group. At the end of the study, increases in catalase activity, nitric oxide level, and zinc concentrations and decreases in lipid peroxidation product MDA and copper concentrations were found in the resveratrol-pretreated diabetic group when compared to the diabetic group. This study was presented at “The 5th International Congress of Pathophysiology (ISP2006)” June 28–July 1, 2006, Beijing, China.  相似文献   

Neurochemical alterations, which may be associated with the development of diabetic retinal dysfunction, were investigated using streptozotocin (STZ)-induced hyperglycemia in rats. Young male Wistar rats, weighing 100-150 g, were made diabetic with daily intraperitoneal injections of STZ (30 mg/kg) for 5 days. This treatment caused a continuous hyperglycemia (400-600 mg/dl) and suppressed gain in body weight. Nine weeks after the STZ treatment, a significant increment in retinal valine and a decline in phenylalanine were noted, while the concentrations of other neuroactive amino acids, such as gamma-aminobutyric acid and aspartic acid, in the retina remained unchanged. On the other hand, the concentration of retinal dopamine (DA) was found to decrease significantly from the third week of hyperglycemia, when [3H]spiperone binding showed a tendency to increase in the retinal particulate fraction. However, the activities of tyrosine hydroxylase and aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) and the uptake of [3H]tyrosine showed no alteration in the retina of diabetic rats. The accumulation rate of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) in vivo in the retina of diabetic rats, measured following the administration of the AADC inhibitor m-hydroxybenzyl-hydrazine (100 mg/kg i.p.), was also unchanged. Although [3H]DA uptake by retinal tissue was similar in control and diabetic animals, the spontaneous efflux of [3H]DA from the retina was found to be significantly accelerated in STZ-treated animals. In addition, the release of preloaded [3H]DA, elicited by repeated photic stimulation, was significantly attenuated in retina from diabetic rats. These results suggest that an accelerated efflux of DA, possibly leading to the depletion of DA from the retinal DA system, may account for early retinal dysfunctions known to occur in diabetic subjects.  相似文献   



The paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus plays an important role in the progression of heart failure (HF). We investigated whether cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibition in the PVN attenuates the activities of sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in rats with adriamycin-induced heart failure.

Methodology/Principal Finding

Heart failure was induced by intraperitoneal injection of adriamycin over a period of 2 weeks (cumulative dose of 15 mg/kg). On day 19, rats received intragastric administration daily with either COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib (CLB) or normal saline. Treatment with CLB reduced mortality and attenuated both myocardial atrophy and pulmonary congestion in HF rats. Compared with the HF rats, ventricle to body weight (VW/BW) and lung to body weight (LW/BW) ratios, heart rate (HR), left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP), left ventricular peak systolic pressure (LVPSP) and maximum rate of change in left ventricular pressure (LV±dp/dtmax) were improved in HF+CLB rats. Angiotensin II (ANG II), norepinephrine (NE), COX-2 and glutamate (Glu) in the PVN were increased in HF rats. HF rats had higher levels of ANG II and NE in plasma, higher level of ANG II in myocardium, and lower levels of ANP in plasma and myocardium. Treatment with CLB attenuated these HF-induced changes. HF rats had more COX-2-positive neurons and more corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) positive neurons in the PVN than did control rats. Treatment with CLB decreased COX-2-positive neurons and CRH positive neurons in the PVN of HF rats.


These results suggest that PVN COX-2 may be an intermediary step for PVN neuronal activation and excitatory neurotransmitter release, which further contributes to sympathoexcitation and RAS activation in adriamycin-induced heart failure. Treatment with COX-2 inhibitor attenuates sympathoexcitation and RAS activation in adriamycin-induced heart failure.  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) has caused a high mortality rate since its emergence in 2012 in the Middle East....  相似文献   

Administration of insulin (2 IU/kg, i.p.) produced a significant decrease (18%) in forebrain norepinephrine and a significant increase in the major metabolite of norepinephrine, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol-sulfate (MOPEG-SO4, +19%) in rats. Streptozotocin-induced diabetes produced the opposite effects, resulting in an increase in forebrain norepinephrine (+17%) and a decrease in MOPEG-SO4 (-26%). In addition, insulin increased (+143%) and diabetes decreased (-41%) the turnover rate of norepinephrine, as measured by the rate of decrease of norepinephrine following inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase by alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine. All of these effects in diabetic rats were reversed by insulin replacement therapy. These data are discussed within the context of mood disorders characteristic of diabetic patients.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to map the microbiota distribution along the gut and establish whether colon/faecal samples from diabetic rats adequately reflect the diabetic alterations in the microbiome. Streptozotocin-treated rats were used to model type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D). Segments of the duodenum, ileum and colon were dissected, and the microbiome of the lumen material was analysed by using next-generation DNA sequencing, from phylum to genus level. The intestinal luminal contents were compared between diabetic, insulin-treated diabetic and healthy control rats. No significant differences in bacterial composition were found in the luminal contents from the duodenum of the experimental animal groups, whereas distinct patterns were seen in the ileum and colon, depending on the history of the luminal samples. Ileal samples from diabetic rats exhibited particularly striking alterations, while the richness and diversity obscured some of the modifications in the colon. Characteristic rearrangements in microbiome composition and diversity were detected after insulin treatment, though the normal gut flora was not restored. The Proteobacteria displayed more pronounced shifts than those of the predominant phyla (Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes) in the rat model of T1D. Diabetes and insulin replacement affect the composition of the gut microbiota in different, gut region-specific manners. The luminal samples from the ileum appear more suitable for diagnostic purposes than the colon/faeces. The Proteobacteria should be at the focus of diagnosis and potential therapy. Klebsiella are recommended as biomarkers of T1D.  相似文献   

Administration of high doses of fluoride (F) can alter glucose homeostasis and lead to insulin resistance (IR). This study determined the profile of protein expression in the gastrocnemius muscle of rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes that were chronically exposed to F. Male Wistar rats (60 days old) were randomly distributed into two groups of 18 animals. In one group, diabetes was induced through the administration of streptozotocin. Each group (D-diabetic and ND-non-diabetic) was further divided into 3 subgroups each of which was exposed to a different F concentration via drinking water (0 ppm, 10 ppm or 50 ppm F, as NaF). After 22 days of treatment, the gastrocnemius muscle was collected and submitted to proteomic analysis (2D-PAGE followed by LC-MS/MS). Protein functions were classified by the GO biological process (ClueGO v2.0.7+Clupedia v1.0.8) and protein-protein interaction networks were constructed (PSICQUIC, Cytoscape). Quantitative intensity analysis of the proteomic data revealed differential expression of 75 spots for ND0 vs. D0, 76 for ND10 vs.D10, 58 spots for ND50 vs. D50, 52 spots for D0 vs. D10 and 38 spots for D0 vs. D50. The GO annotations with the most significant terms in the comparisons of ND0 vs. D0, ND10 vs. D10, ND50 vs. D50, D0 vs. D10 and D0 vs. D50, were muscle contraction, carbohydrate catabolic processes, generation of precursor metabolites and energy, NAD metabolic processes and gluconeogenesis, respectively. Analysis of subnetworks revealed that, in all comparisons, proteins with fold changes interacted with GLUT4. GLUT4 interacting proteins, such as MDH and the stress proteins HSPB8 and GRP78, exhibited decreased expression when D animals were exposed to F. The presence of the two stress proteins indicates an increase in IR, which might worsen diabetes. Future studies should evaluate whether diabetic animals treated with F have increased IR, as well as which molecular mechanisms are involved.  相似文献   

Background:Cannabinoids (CBs) have been found to regulate the immune system, affect innate and adaptive immune responses, and reduce inflammatory reactions. This study assessed the therapeutic effects of GW-405833 synthetic CB2 agonist on inflammatory factors as well as locomotor activity in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE).Methods:In this experimental study, 48 adult male C57BL/6 mice were randomly and equally assigned to eight groups. By injecting 250 mg of MOG35-55 peptide, EAE was induced. Every other day for 17 days after EAE onset, EAE-afflicted mice in groups 1–3 received an intraperitoneal injection of GW-405833 at a dose of 3, 10, and 30 mg/kg, respectively. Clinical status and locomotor activity, measured using the beam walking assay, were assessed every other day during the first 17 days after EAE onset. Mice were euthanized in day 17th of treatment and the serum levels of the IL-1β, IL-12, CRP, and TNF-α proinflammatory cytokines as well as IL-4 and TGF-β anti-inflammatory cytokines were measured by ELISA method.Results:Clinical manifestations of EAE in groups 2 and 3 were significantly milder than group 4 and locomotor activity in groups 1–3 was significantly better than group 4 in days 5–17 (p< 0.05). GW-405833 also significantly decreased the levels of IL-12, TNF-α, and CRP and significantly increased the levels of IL-4 and TGF-β but had no significant effects on the level of IL-1β. GW-405833 was not associated with significant side effects.Conclusion:The CB2 receptor agonist GW-405833, improves clinical conditions and reduces inflammation in mice with EAE.Key Words: Clinical evaluation, Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, GW-405833, Locomotor activity, Multiple sclerosis, Proinflammatory cytokines  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus manifests itself in a wide variety of complications and the symptoms of the disease are multifactorial. The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of vanadyl sulfate on biochemical parameters, enzyme activities and brain lipid peroxidation, glutathione and nonenzymatic glycosylation of normal- and streptozotocin-diabetic rats. Streptozotocin (STZ) was administered as a single dose (65 mg/kg) to induce diabetes. A dose of 100 mg/kg vanadyl sulfate was orally administered daily to STZ-diabetic and normal rats, separately until the end of the experiment, at day 60. In STZ-diabetic group, blood glucose, serum sialic and uric acid levels, serum catalase (CAT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities, brain lipid peroxidation (LPO) and nonenzymatic glycosylation (NEG) increased, while brain glutathione (GSH) level and body weight decreased. In the diabetic group given vanadyl sulfate, blood glucose, serum sialic and uric acid levels, serum CAT and LDH activities and brain LPO and NEG levels decreased, but brain GSH and body weight increased.The present study showed that vanadyl sulfate exerted antioxidant effects and consequently may prevent brain damage caused by streptozotocin-induced diabetes.  相似文献   



Damage to intestinal epithelial tight junctions plays an important role in sepsis. Recently we found that Carbon Monoxide-Releasing Molecule-2 (CORM-2) is able to protect LPS-induced intestinal epithelial tight junction damage and in this study we will investigate if CORM-2 could protect intestinal epithelial tight junctions in the rat cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) model.

Materials and Methods

The CLP model was generated using male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats according to standard procedure and treated with CORM-2 or inactive CORM-2 (iCORM-2), 8 mg/kg, i.v. immediately after CLP induction and euthanized after 24h or 72h (for mortality rate only). Morphological changes were investigated using both transmission electron and confocal microscopy. The levels of important TJ proteins and phosphorylation of myosin light chain (MLC) were examined using Western blotting. Cytokines, IL-1β and TNF-α were measured using ELISA kits. The overall intestinal epithelial permeability was evaluated using FD-4 as a marker.


CORM-2, but not iCORM-2, significantly reduced sepsis-induced damage of intestinal mucosa (including TJ disruption), TJ protein reduction (including zonula occludens-l (ZO-1), claudin-1 and occludin), MLC phosphorylation and proinflammatory cytokine release. The overall outcomes showed that CORM-2 suppressed sepsis-induced intestinal epithelial permeability changes and reduced mortality rate of those septic rats.


Our data strongly suggest that CORM-2 could be a potential therapeutic reagent for sepsis by suppressing inflammation, restoring intestinal epithelial barrier and reducing mortality.  相似文献   



In the treatment of patients with diabetes, one objective is an improvement of cardiac metabolism to alleviate the left ventricular (LV) function. For this study, we compared the effects of acetyl-l-carnitine (one of the carnitine derivatives) and of oxfenicine (a carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 inhibitor) on cardiac pumping mechanics in streptozotocin-induced diabetes in male Wistar rats, with a particular focus on the pressure-flow-volume relationship.


Diabetes was induced by a single tail vein injection of 55 mg kg−1 streptozotocin. The diabetic animals were treated on a daily basis with either acetyl-L-carnitine (1 g L−1 in drinking water) or oxfenicine (150 mg kg−1 by oral gavage) for 8 wk. They were also compared with untreated age-matched diabetic controls. LV pressure and ascending aortic flow signals were recorded to calculate the maximal systolic elastance (E max) and the theoretical maximum flow (Q max). Physically, E max reflects the contractility of the myocardium as an intact heart, whereas Q max has an inverse relationship with the LV internal resistance.


When comparing the diabetic rats with their age-matched controls, the cardiodynamic condition was characterized by a decline in E max associated with the unaltered Q max. Acetyl-l-carnitine (but not oxfenicine) had reduced cardiac levels of malondialdehyde in these insulin-deficient animals. However, treating with acetyl-l-carnitine or oxfenicine resulted in an increase in E max, which suggests that these 2 drugs may protect the contractile status from deteriorating in the diabetic heart. By contrast, Q max showed a significant fall after administration of oxfenicine, but not with acetyl-L-carnitine. The decrease in Q max corresponded to an increase in total vascular resistance when treated with oxfenicine.


Acetyl-l-carnitine, but not oxfencine, optimizes the integrative nature of cardiac pumping mechanics by preventing the diabetes-induced deterioration in myocardial intrinsic contractility associated with unaltered LV internal resistance.  相似文献   

Wang  Xiaona  Guo  Zhiyue  Mei  Daoqi  Zhang  Yaodong  Zhao  Shuai  Hu  Shunan  Luo  Shuying  Wang  Qi  Gao  Chao 《Neurochemical research》2022,47(6):1588-1597
Neurochemical Research - Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition with core clinical features of abnormal communication, social interactions, atypical intelligence, and a...  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that orexins play a critical role in the regulation of sleep/wake states, feeding behaviour, and reward processes. The exocrine and endocrine pancreas are involved in the regulation of food metabolism and energy balance. This function is deranged in diabetes mellitus. This study examined the pattern of distribution of orexin-1 receptor (OX1R) in the endocrine cells of the pancreas of normal and diabetic Wistar (a model of type 1 diabetes), Goto-Kakizaki (GK, a model of type 2 diabetes) rats and in orexin-deficient (OX−/−) and wild type mice. Diabetes mellitus (DM) was induced in Wistar rats and mice by streptozotocin (STZ). At different time points (12 h, 24 h, 4 weeks, 8 months and 15 months) after the induction of DM, pancreatic fragments of normal and diabetic rats were processed for immunohistochemistry and Western blotting. OX1R-immunoreactive nerves were observed in the pancreas of normal and diabetic Wistar rats. OX1R was also discernible in the pancreatic islets of normal and diabetic Wistar and GK rats, and wild type mice. OX1R co-localized with insulin (INS) and glucagon (GLU) in the pancreas of Wistar and GK rats. The number of OX1R-positive cells in the islets increased markedly (p<0.0001) after the onset of DM. The increase in the number of OX1R-positive cells is associated with a high degree of co-localization with GLU. The number of GLU- positive cells expressing OX1R was significantly (p<0.0001) higher after the onset of DM. The tissue level of OX1R protein increased with the duration of DM especially in type 1 diabetes where it co-localized with cleaved caspase 3 in islet cells. In comparison to STZ-treated wild type mice, STZ-treated OX−/− animals exhibited reduced hyperglycemia and handled glucose more efficiently in glucose tolerance test. The findings suggest an important role for the OX-OX1R pathway in STZ-induced experimental diabetes.  相似文献   



The precise mechanisms of the neuroprotective effects of insulin in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic animals remain unknown, but altered peripheral nerve insulin receptor signaling due to insulin deficiency might be one cause.

Methodology and Principal Findings

Diabetes was induced in 10-week-old, male Wistar rats by injecting them with STZ (45 mg/kg). They were assigned to one group that received half of an insulin implant (∼1 U/day; I-group, n = 11) or another that remained untreated (U-group, n = 10) for 6 weeks. The controls were age- and sex-matched, non-diabetic Wistar rats (C-group, n = 12). Low-dose insulin did not change haemoglobin A1c, which increased by 136% in the U-group compared with the C-group. Thermal hypoalgesia and mechanical hyperalgesia developed in the U-group, but not in the I-group. Sensory and motor nerve conduction velocities decreased in the U-group, whereas sensory nerve conduction velocity increased by 7% (p = 0.0351) in the I-group compared with the U-group. Western blots showed unaltered total insulin receptor (IR), but a 31% decrease and 3.1- and 4.0-fold increases in phosphorylated IR, p44, and p42 MAPK protein levels, respectively, in sciatic nerves from the U-group compared with the C-group. Phosphorylated p44/42 MAPK protein decreased to control levels in the I-group (p<0.0001).

Conclusions and Significance

Low-dose insulin deactivated p44/42 MAPK and ameliorated peripheral sensory nerve dysfunction in rats with STZ-induced diabetes. These findings support the notion that insulin deficiency per se introduces impaired insulin receptor signaling in type 1 diabetic neuropathy.  相似文献   



In this study, the neuroprotective effect of a novel nonpeptide AT2R agonist, C21, was examined in a conscious model of stroke to verify a class effect of AT2R agonists as neuroprotective agents.

Methods and Results

Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were pre-treated for 5 days prior to stroke with C21 alone or in combination with the AT2R antagonist PD123319. In a separate series of experiments C21 was administered in a series of 4 doses commencing 6 hours after stroke. A focal reperfusion model of ischemia was induced in conscious SHR by administering endothelin-1 to the middle cerebral artery (MCA). Motor coordination was assessed at 1 and 3 days after stroke and post mortem analyses of infarct volumes, microglia activation and neuronal survival were performed at 72 hours post MCA occlusion. When given prior to stroke, C21 dose dependently decreased infarct volume, which is consistent with the behavioural findings illustrating an improvement in motor deficit. During the pre-treatment protocol C21 was shown to enhance microglia activation, which are likely to be evoking protection by releasing brain derived neurotrophic factor. When drug administration was delayed until 6 hours after stroke, C21 still reduced brain injury.


These results indicate that centrally administered C21 confers neuroprotection against stroke damage. This benefit is likely to involve various mechanisms, including microglial activation of endogenous repair and enhanced cerebroperfusion. Thus, we have confirmed the neuroprotective effect of AT2R stimulation using a nonpeptide compound which highlights the clinical potential of the AT2R agonists for future development.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor (GPR) 30 is a novel estrogen receptor. Recent studies suggest that activation of the GPR30 confers rapid cardioprotection in isolated rat heart. It is unknown whether chronic activation of GPR30 is beneficial or not for heart failure. In this study we investigated the cardiac effect of sustained activation or inhibition of GPR30. Female Sprague–Dawley rats were divided into 7 groups #2Q1: sham surgery (Sham), bilateral ovariectomy (OVX), OVX+estrogen (E2), OVX+isoproterenol (ISO), OVX+ISO+G-1, OVX+ISO+E2+G15, OVX+ISO+E2. ISO (85 mg/kg×17 day, sc) was given to make the heart failure models. G-1(120 µg/kg·d×14 day) was used to activate GPR30 and G15 (190 µg/kg·d×14 day) was used to inhibit GPR30. Concentration of brain natriuretic peptide in serum, masson staining in isolated heart, contractile function and the expression of β1 and β2- adrenergic receptor (AR) of ventricular myocytes were also determined. Our data showed that ISO treatment led to heart failure in OVX rats. G-1 or E2 treatment decreased concentration of brain natriuretic peptide, reduced cardiac fibrosis, and enhanced contraction of the heart. Combined treatment with β1 (CGP20712A) and β2-AR (ICI118551) antagonist abolished the improvement of myocardial function induced by G-1. We also found that chronic treatment with G-1 normalized the expression of β1-AR and increased the expression of β2-AR. Our results indicate that chronic activation of the GPR30 with its agonist G-1 attenuates heart failure by normalizing the expression of β1-AR and increasing the expression of β2-AR.  相似文献   

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