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Daily measurements of hypocotyl length were made on Celosia cristata seedlings cultured in darkness under aseptic conditions at six constant temperatures between 14.5° and 40.5°C. At 40.5° roots did not penetrate the agar and only the hypocotyls that were supported by the wall of the test tube could be measured. The growth curves were of the generalized logistic type, but of different degrees of skewness. The degree of symmetry of the growth curves was influenced by temperature. At the lower temperatures the maximal growth rate came relatively late in the grand period of growth; at successively higher temperatures it came progressively earlier. The mean total time rate of growth (millimeter per diem) was found to be a parabolic function of the temperature. The maximum rate of growth was found from the curve to be at 30.48°C. The maximum observed rate of growth, and the maximum yield, were found to be at 30°C. At all temperatures above 14.5° the maximum growth activity fell in the second quarter of the whole growth period. At all temperatures tested other than 30°, and at all parts of the growth cycle, the growth yield as measured by height of hypocotyl at any given equivalent point was less than at 30°. The total duration of life of the seedlings, and the duration of life after the end of the growth period (intermediate period) were inversely proportional to the mean total growth rate. The observations on Celosia cristata seedlings are thus in accord with the "rate of living" theory of life duration. The optimal temperature for life duration is the minimum temperature, within the range of these observations.  相似文献   

重金属对黄瓜籽苗发育影响的研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
选用黄瓜(Cucumis sativus)籽苗为材料,硫酸铜、醋酸铅、硫酸锌、氯化镉和氯化镍为化学处理试剂,研究它们对黄瓜籽苗的生长及其根尖细胞有丝分裂的影响。发现随着化学处理试剂浓度的增大,黄瓜籽苗根长度、苗高度、侧根数和最长侧根的长度均有所下降,其中下降最明显的是根长度。同样,根尖细胞有丝分裂的细胞数量明显减少,细胞分裂速率减慢。5种重金属盐中,硫酸铜的毒性最甚,氯化镉,醋酸铅次之。  相似文献   

1. Mackerel egg development was followed to hatching at constant temperatures of 10°, 11°, 12°, 13°, 14°, 15°, 16°, 17°, 18°, 19°, 20°, 21°, 22°, and 24°C. Experiment showed that typical development could be realized only between 11° and 21°. 2. The length of the developmental period increases from 49.5 hours to 207 hours when the temperature is lowered from 21° to 10°C. 3. The calculated µ for the development of the mackerel egg is about 19,000 at temperatures above 15° and approximately 24,900 for temperatures below 15°C. 15° is, apparently, a critical temperature for this process. 4. The calculated values of µ for eight stages of development preceding hatching, i.e. 6 somites, 12 somites, 18 somites, 24 somites, three-quarters circles, four-fifths circles, five-sixths circles, and full circles, are essentially the same as the µ''s for hatching, indicating that the rate of differentiation up to hatching is governed by one process throughout. Critical temperatures for these stages approximate 15°. 5. The total mortality during the incubation period was least at 16°C. where it amounted to 43 per cent. At temperatures above and below this there was a steady increase in the percentage of mortality which reached 100 per cent at 10° and 21°.  相似文献   

韦霄  李锋  许成琼  甘赞琼   《广西植物》1996,16(4):370-372
本文报道日本网纹甜瓜在桂北地区引种结果。夏系品种较春系品种更适应桂北地区气候条件。控制蔓枯病的发生是引种成功的关键。  相似文献   

在实验室条件下,对铜绿微囊(Microcystis aeruginosa)和四尾栅藻(Scendesmus quadricauda)分别在温度22℃、26℃和30℃下进行了纯培养和混合培养,实验结果显示温度对两种藻类的生长和竞争都有显著影响。微囊藻在22℃、26℃和30℃纯培养下的最大生物量及平均特定增长率(μ)分别为444、1180和998(×104cells/mL)及0.33、0.38和0.37/d,说明微囊藻在26℃和30℃下生长较好;混合培养下的最大生物量及平均特定增长率分别为270、778和647(×104cells/mL)及0.34、0.43和0.46/d,显示微囊藻在混合培养下受到了栅藻一定程度的竞争抑制。栅藻在22℃、26℃和30℃纯培养下的最大生物量及平均特定增长率分别为830、984和464(×104cells/mL)及0.36、0.34和0.32/d;混合培养下的最大生物及平均特定增长率分别为538、554和387(×104cells/mL)及0.43、0.40和0.39/d,说明栅藻在温度22℃、26℃下生长较好,混合培养下栅藻的生长受微囊藻影响较大。各温度下两种藻类的生长都可以用Logistic方程拟合。微囊藻对栅藻的抑制参数α分别为1.68(22℃)、0.65(26℃)和0.76(30℃),而栅藻对微囊藻的抑制参数β依次为0.43(22℃)、0.51(26℃)和0.25(30℃),三个温度下α均大于β,产生这一结果的原因可能是由于微囊藻与栅藻在竞争过程中不仅表现为资源竞争,同时还存在着明显的他感作用,且可推测微囊藻对栅藻的他感作用大于栅藻对微囊藻的,且在22℃时为最大。  相似文献   

不同处理对海甘蓝种子发芽和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
蓝福生   《广西植物》1995,(3):224-230
由于受种子生理休眠作用的影响和硬而厚的种皮所产生的抑制作用,使海甘蓝(CrambemaritimaL.)种子发芽慢,发芽率低。为探索加快海甘蓝种子发芽和提高种子发芽率的有效方法,我们先后进行了8种不同的种子预处理试验和6种不同次氯酸钠溶液浸种的发芽试验。结果发现:(1)种子剥皮处理可以很大程度地促进发芽和提高发芽率;(2)用浓度为0.05%的赤霉酸溶液浸种18h对海甘蓝种子发芽也有很好的促进作用;(3)用0.20%的代森锰锌45M(Diithane45M)溶液浸种20min的消毒处理对海甘蓝种子发芽产生一定程度的抑制作用,但可减少海甘蓝幼苗死亡率;(4)适宜浓度的次氯酸钠漂白水(法文名1'EaudeJavel)的溶液(10%)浸种5min对促进海甘蓝种子发芽和减少幼苗死亡均有良好效果;浓度低于10%时.不足以腐蚀种子硬而厚的种皮而促进种子发芽,也不足以杀死种子携带的病菌而减少幼苗死亡率;浓度大于10%时,对种子的胚和种子内的酶活性产生不良影响,从而抑制种子发芽和影响幼苗的正常生长。  相似文献   

新疆甜瓜子叶原生质体的培养和植株再生   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
从新疆甜瓜(Cucumts melo L.)的无菌苗子叶游离原生质体,用改良的 Miller 培养基(Ma)培养,得到了再生细胞的高频率分裂。比较了液体浅层培养、双层培养与琼脂糖珠看护培养等方法,发现由烟草瘤细胞 B_6S_3看护的琼脂培珠培养,最宜于新疆甜瓜子叶的原生质体。再生的愈伤组织经液体与固体两步培养程序分化出完整的小植株。  相似文献   

互花米草幼苗在不同浓度NaCl溶液中的生长和溶质的积累   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
互花米草在NaCl营养液中能够大量积累Na~+和Cl~-,并对K~+、可溶性糖和游离脯氨酸的积累也有一定的促进作用,同时抑制了Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)和Pi的吸收。幼苗积累Na~+和Cl~-作为主要渗透剂。Na~+/K~+比值随着培养基NaCl浓度增大而提高。根部无机离子的总量明显高于地上部。NaCl明显降低幼苗地上部的渗透势,其变化随培养基渗透势的下降而降低。在NaCl营养液中培养的幼苗鲜重和含水置下降,但对于重影响不大,鲜重/干重比值随培养基NaCl浓度增大而降低。  相似文献   

In this paper it is shown that if the dry seeds of the cantaloupe (Cucumis melo) are soaked for 3 hours in solutions of ethyl alcohol of concentration ranging from 2 to 16 per cent by volume, and then germinated and grown in distilled water in the dark, the total growth attained is greater by amounts ranging from 9 to 35 per cent than is that made by seeds treated in every way identically except that they are initially soaked in distilled water instead of alcohol. It is shown that this result is not due simply to differences in osmotic pressure in the different alcohol solutions. It is probably due to a simple selective action of the alcohol which eliminates the constitutionally weak and defective seeds.  相似文献   

The cell kinetics of the murine JB-1 ascites tumour have been investigated on days 4, 7 and 10 after transplantation of 2·5 × 106 cells. The experimental data, growth curve, percentage of labelled mitoses curves, continuous labelling curves and cytophotometric determination of single-cell DNA content have been analysed by means of a mathematical model for the cell kinetics. The important result was the existence of 8% non-cycling cells with G2 DNA content in the 10-day tumour, while only 0·2 and 0% were observed in the 7- and 4-day tumours, respectively. The doubling times determined from the growth curve were 22·8, 70 and 240 hr, respectively, in the 4-, 7- and 10-day tumours. Growth fractions of 76, 67 and 44% were calculated for the same tumour ages. The mean cell cycle time increased from 14 to 44 hr from day 4 to 7 due to a proportional increase in the mean transit time of all phases in the cell cycle. In the 10-day tumour, the mean cell cycle changed to 41 hr and T G1 decreased to 0·5 hr. The cell production rate was 4·3%/hr in the 4-day tumour, 1·2%/hr in the 7-day tumour and 1·0%/hr in the 10-day tumour. The cell loss rates in the same tumours were 1·3, 0·2 and 0·7%/hr, respectively. The analysis made it probable that the mode of cell loss was an age-specific elimination of non-cycling cells with postmitotic DNA content.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The germination in nutrient media of the spores of several strains of Bacillus subtilis and B. licheniformis at temperatures too low to permit vegetative growth has been investigated. Germination occurred with only 11 of 54 strains of B. subtilis and with none of 35 strains of B. licheniformis .  相似文献   

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