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软壳克氏原螯虾在我国开发利用的前景   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
克氏原螫虾自本世纪30年代从日本引种到我国以来,种群发展很快,并成为我国自然水体的一个种1-3.特别是近十几年来,该螫虾已遍布我国南北,在某些地区已形成优势种群,成为我国重要的水产资源4-5.然而,我国对克氏原螫虾的开发与利用没有引起足够的重视,迄今为止没有把克氏原贷虾资源当作渔业资源看待,我国各地水产部门没有把它列为水产品进行统计,因此,从官方统计数据中查不到我国到底每年生产多少吨克氏原螫虾,资源量有多大。在某些地方,由于它喜欢掘洞以及可食部分低等原因,把它当作敌害生物而加以清除,甚至不敢把它当作肥料而加以利用。    相似文献   


 用不同浓度HgCl2、LaCl3和TEACl (Tetraethylammonium chloride)处理蚕豆(Vicia faba)叶片下表皮条,发现HgCl2能显著抑制气孔开闭,Ca2+通道阻塞剂LaCl3或K+通道阻塞剂TEACl处理也都有一定程度的抑制。三者的作用效果HgCl2>>LaCl3>TEACl。用HgCl2+LaCl3、HgCl2+TEACl或HgCl2+LaCl3+TEACl处理,则气孔开闭运动几乎完全被抑制。表明:蚕豆气孔运动中,保卫细胞胀缩主要是水通道直接参与保卫细胞与叶肉细胞间水流的调节引起的,离子通道起间接次要作用,二者共同引起保卫细胞体积变化而导致气孔开闭。  相似文献   

Physiological investigations have shown that the synaptic input to the sensory neuron of the stretch receptor in the abdominal muscles of the crayfish is purely inhibitory. This neuron was chosen, therefore, as a site in which to study the fine structure of inhibitory synaptic endings. It was hoped that this fine structure might (a) provide a morphological prototype for the study of more complex synaptic systems and (b) reflect the inhibitory mechanisms. Stretch receptors were fixed in situ in buffered OsO4, dehydrated, and embedded in Araldite. Both cross and longitudinal sections were examined after staining with phosphotungstic acid. The inhibitory endings were easily identified by their great similarity to previously described excitatory endings. Small circular profiles (synaptic vesicles) about 460 A in diameter and an accumulation of mitochondria were consistently observed within the presynaptic endings. An increased osmiophilia of pre- and postsynaptic membranes, where they were in apposition, was also seen. The only observed difference between these inhibitory endings and excitatory endings, described by other authors, was the variable presence of a latticework of 230 A tubules in the connective tissue immediately adjacent to the inhibitory endings. Inhibitory endings were observed on all parts of the sensory neuron except the axon.  相似文献   

Weiss''s and Hoorweg''s laws are discussed with respect to the dynamics of the excitatory process. The former is shown to have a simple basis which is inadequate, however, because it implies a constant rate of subsidence of the state of excitation. Hoorweg''s law does not follow logically from the same basis so the two laws do not represent the same excitatory mechanism. Experimental data do not give minimal energies at 2 rheobases as predicted by each law. The experimental minima with direct currents are at 1.5 or more rheobases, while with condenser stimuli they are from 2.5 to 3.0 rheobases. These minima conform to the predictions of the writer''s equations which give the direct current minima as variable with a lower limit at 1.5 rheobases and the condenser minima as constant at e = 2.718 rheobases. The reasons for these differences are discussed and it is concluded that considerations of the quantity of electricity and the energy, per se, do not lead to any simple concepts with regard to the excitatory mechanism. The existing quantity and energy relations are, however, easily correlated in terms of the dynamics of the excitatory mechanism.  相似文献   

Despite the extensive use of photographic identification methods to investigate humpback whales in the North Pacific, few quantitative analyses have been conducted. We report on a comprehensive analysis of interchange in the North Pacific among three wintering regions (Mexico, Hawaii, and Japan) each with two to three subareas, and feeding areas that extended from southern California to the Aleutian Islands. Of the 6,413 identification photographs of humpback whales obtained by 16 independent research groups between 1990 and 1993 and examined for this study, 3,650 photographs were determined to be of suitable quality. A total of 1,241 matches was found by two independent matching teams, identifying 2,712 unique whales in the sample (seen one to five times). Site fidelity was greatest at feeding areas where there was a high rate of resightings in the same area in different years and a low rate of interchange among different areas. Migrations between winter regions and feeding areas did not follow a simple pattern, although highest match rates were found for whales that moved between Hawaii and southeastern Alaska, and between mainland and Baja Mexico and California. Interchange among subareas of the three primary wintering regions was extensive for Hawaii, variable (depending on subareas) for Mexico, and low for Japan and reflected the relative distances among subareas. Interchange among these primary wintering regions was rare. This study provides the first quantitative assessment of the migratory structure of humpback whales in the entire North Pacific basin.  相似文献   

本实验使用连续单相方波脉冲(波宽:0.6ms,频率:80-150Hz,电压:1-7V)刺激麻醉兔延髓孤束核、最后区、网状结构内2/3区域的背侧部以及三叉脊束核等区域,观察对皮层诱发性下颌运动的影响。刺激孤束核、最后区以及网状结构,抑制皮层诱发性下颌运动。刺激三叉脊束核常使皮层诱发性下颌运动增强。  相似文献   

This study tracked the movements of Australian sea lion ( Neophoca cinerea ) pups, juveniles, and adult females to identify home ranges and determine if young sea lions accompanied their mothers at sea. Satellite tags were deployed on nine 15-mo-old pups, nine 23-mo-old juveniles, and twenty-nine adult female Australian sea lions at Seal Bay Conservation Park, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Females did not travel with their offspring at sea, suggesting young Australian sea lions learn foraging behaviors independently. Although home ranges increased with age, 23-mo-old juveniles had not developed adult movement capacity and their range was only 40.6% of the adult range. Juveniles traveled shorter distances (34.8 ± 5.5 km) at slower speeds (2.0 ± 0.3 km/h) than adults (67.9 ± 3.5 km and 3.9 ± 0.3 km/h). Young sea lions also stayed in shallower waters; sea floor depths of mean locations were 48 ± 7 m for juveniles and 74 ± 2 m for females. Restricted to shallow coastal waters, pups and juveniles are more likely to be disproportionately impacted by human activities. With limited available foraging habitat, young Australian sea lions appear particularly vulnerable to environmental alterations resulting from fisheries or climate change.  相似文献   

The kinetics of washout of radioactive calcium (45Ca) from nerves of the larger legs of Libinia emarginata equilibrated in various solutions of artificial sea water (ASW) containing 1, 11, 22 or 44 mM-Ca was followed. In every case two components were found when the period of washout was not more than 30 min. The washout of 14C labelled inulin and sucrose gave one and two components respectively; these substances were considered to exist in the extracellular regions of nerve fibers. Comparison of the total calcium of the nerves determined spectrophotometrically and by measurement of radioactivity indicated that the exchangeability of calcium in the nerves in ASW containing 44 and 22 mM-Ca was 100%. In the case of nerves equilibrated in 11 mM-CaASW, two groups of nerves, one (group A) containing a high concentration of Ca (13.6 μmol/g) and the other (group B) containing a low concentration (7.3 μmol/g), were detected Several factors which could account for the accumulation of Ca in nerve fibers in group A were considered. The electrolyte data relating to group A nerve fibers indicated that Ca accumulation may be due to the presence of a high concentration of sodium in those fibers. However, the exchangeability of Ca for group A was about 47%; and in group B fibers, it was 61%. The exchangeability was less than 41% in the case of nerves equilibrated in 1 mM-CaASW. The kinetic parameters of 45Ca washout from the nerve fibers have been used to develop a model for the distribution of calcium among the different compartments of the nerve fibers.  相似文献   

In Vol. 14, No. 1, September 20, 1930, page 85, in the next to the last line, under References, for Amer. J. Physiol., 1918, 14, 315; read Amer. J. Physiol., 1918, 45, 323.  相似文献   

1. The stimulating efficiencies of some normal primary aliphatic alcohols have been determined for the barnacle, the frog, and Planaria, under conditions which do not involve narcosis or simultaneous stimulation by other agents. 2. Concentrations of the successive alcohols necessary to produce a given stimulatory effect vary according to the following geometrical series: 1: a –1: a –2: a –3: a –4: . . . ., where a represents some real number. 3. Within certain limits the relationship between the logarithm of the concentration necessary to produce a given effect and the reciprocal of the reaction time is linear in the frog and in Planaria. 4. The concentration effect may be expressed by an equation which contains one constant characteristic of the alcohol series, and another one characteristic of each member. The ratio of the latter constants for successive alcohols represents a in the above series. 5. The stimulation by alcohols in these animals is considered to be due to energy changes at the receptive surfaces, brought about by a definite orientation of the respective alcohol molecules. Increase in stimulating efficiency as the number of CH2 groups increase must be due to the rôle of the non-polar portion of the alcohol molecule, since the polar group remains practically constant throughout the series. 6. In homologous series of organic compounds it is conceived that stimulating effects will be produced either by the polar group or the non-polar group, according to which one becomes dominant in effect, or to a combination of the two.  相似文献   

The blastoporal groove of the early gastrula of the treefrog, Hyla regilla, was examined with the electron microscope. The innermost extension of the groove is lined with invaginating flask- and wedge-shaped cells of entoderm and mesoderm. The distal surfaces of these cells bear microvilli which are underlain with an electron-opaque layer composed of fine granular material and fibrils. The dense layer and masses of vesicles proximal to it fill the necks of the cells. In flask cells bordering the forming archenteron the vesicles are replaced by large vacuoles surrounded by layers of membranes. The cells lining the groove are tightly joined at their distal ends in the region of the dense layer. Proximally, the cell bodies are separated by wide intercellular spaces. The cell body, which is migrating toward the interior of the gastrula, contains the nucleus plus other organalles and inclusions common to amphibian gastrular cells. A dense layer of granular material, vesicles, and membranes lies beneath the surface of the cell body and extends into pseudopodium-like processes and surface undulations which cross the intercellular spaces. A special mesodermal cell observed in the dorsal lining of the groove is smaller and denser than the surrounding presumptive chordamesodermal cells. A long finger of cytoplasm, filled with a dense layer, vesicles and membranes, extends from its distal surface along the edge of the groove, ending in a tight interlocking with another mesodermal cell. Some correlations between fine structure and the mechanics of gastrulation are discussed, and a theory of invagination is proposed, based on contraction and expansion of the dense layer and the tight junctions at distal cell surfaces.  相似文献   

The latent period in the response of Mya to illumination varies inversely as the duration of the exposure to which it is subjected. The reciprocal of the latent period, measuring the velocity of the process which underlies it, is a linear function of the exposure period. Since the duration of the exposure represents the amount of photochemical activity, it is concluded that the substances formed at that time act to catalyze a chemical reaction which determines the duration of the latent period. This explanation is in accord with the previous work on the photochemical reaction and with the effect of temperature on the latent period. As a result of the combined investigations there is presented a concrete hypothesis for the mechanism of photic reception in Mya.  相似文献   

1. Stimulation in the rock barnacle Balanus balanoides by hydrochloric, sulfuric, and nitric acids, and by the first seven members of the normal aliphatic acid series has been studied. The hydrogen ion concentrations of the solutions tested varied from 3.2 x 10–8 to 5.889 x 10–6. The criterion of response was percentage closure in groups of individuals, recorded at 1 minute intervals until maximum closure occurred. 2. The intensity of stimulation by these acids is proportional to the effects of two forces, one related to the change in the (H+), and the other to the field of force around the anion of the acid added to the environment. 3. A preliminary interpretation of the results led to the development of the following expression which fits approximately the data obtained at the end of 4 minutes: Per cent closure = 100 – 100e –0.1z+(0.003125)2–0.1z+(0.003125)2n(z–0.4) where z is the (H+) x 107 and n is the number of carbon atoms (if present) in the anion of the acid. This equation assumes that the anions of the mineral acids enter into the reaction stoichiometrically, and emphasizes the difference in the fields of force around the anion of the fatty acids, a difference which is correlated with the length of the carbon chain. 4. A further analysis of the data revealed the presence of three or more receptor groups which appeared to be differentially affected by forces originating from the anions of the acids. 5. The order of stimulating efficiency for the mineral acids was found to be: HCl>H2SO4>HNO3. 6. The order of stimulating efficiency for the fatty acids was found to be: heptylic>caproic>valeric>butyric = acetic>propionic = formic.  相似文献   


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