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Weiss''s and Hoorweg''s laws are discussed with respect to the dynamics of the excitatory process. The former is shown to have a simple basis which is inadequate, however, because it implies a constant rate of subsidence of the state of excitation. Hoorweg''s law does not follow logically from the same basis so the two laws do not represent the same excitatory mechanism. Experimental data do not give minimal energies at 2 rheobases as predicted by each law. The experimental minima with direct currents are at 1.5 or more rheobases, while with condenser stimuli they are from 2.5 to 3.0 rheobases. These minima conform to the predictions of the writer''s equations which give the direct current minima as variable with a lower limit at 1.5 rheobases and the condenser minima as constant at e = 2.718 rheobases. The reasons for these differences are discussed and it is concluded that considerations of the quantity of electricity and the energy, per se, do not lead to any simple concepts with regard to the excitatory mechanism. The existing quantity and energy relations are, however, easily correlated in terms of the dynamics of the excitatory mechanism.  相似文献   

This article describes a systematic analysis of the relationship between empirical data and theoretical conclusions for a set of experimental psychology articles published in the journal Science between 2005–2012. When the success rate of a set of empirical studies is much higher than would be expected relative to the experiments'' reported effects and sample sizes, it suggests that null findings have been suppressed, that the experiments or analyses were inappropriate, or that the theory does not properly follow from the data. The analyses herein indicate such excess success for 83% (15 out of 18) of the articles in Science that report four or more studies and contain sufficient information for the analysis. This result suggests a systematic pattern of excess success among psychology articles in the journal Science.  相似文献   

Data on the electrical stimulation of sciatic-gastrocnemius preparations of the frog by both direct currents and condenser discharges at the same time are discussed in relation to the validity of the differential equation See PDF for Equation where p is the local excitatory process, V the stimulating current or voltage, and K and k are constants. It is concluded that the constant k is the same whether it is derived from the data of the one stimulus or the other when the same fibres are being stimulated.  相似文献   

Interpretation of the Repetitive Firing of Nerve Cells   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Eccentric cells of Limulus respond with repetitive firing to sustained depolarizing currents. Following stimulation with a step of current, latency is shorter than first interval and later intervals increase progressively. A shock of intensity twice threshold can evoke firing 25 msec. after an impulse. But in the same cell, a current step twice rheobase evokes a second impulse more than 50 msec. after the first, and current intensity must be raised to over five times rheobase to obtain a first interval of about 25 msec. Repetitive firing was evoked by means of trains of shocks. With stimuli of moderate intensity, firing was evoked by only some of the shocks and intervals between successive impulses increased with time. This is ascribed to accumulation of refractoriness with successive impulses. Higher frequencies of firing are obtained with shocks of intensity n x threshold than with constant currents of intensity n x rheobase. It is concluded that prolonged currents depress the processes leading to excitation and that (in the cells studied) repetitive firing is controlled both by the after-effects of firing (refractoriness) and by the depressant effects of sustained stimuli (accommodation). Development of subthreshold "graded activity" is an important process leading to excitation of eccentric cells, but is not the principal factor determining frequency of firing in response to constant currents.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the slow current carried by sodium ions through potential-dependent calcium channels after addition of EDTA to calcium-free external solution was investigated in experiments by the intracellular dialysis method on isolatedHelix pomatia neurons. The activation kinetics of this current was similar to that of the calcium current and could be described by the use of the square of the activation variable m in Hodgkin-Huxley equations. The decay (inactivation) kinetics of the induced sodium current during prolonged depolarization is biexponential in character. It is suggested that decay of the sodium currents takes place as a result of two independent processes: potential-dependent inactivation with a time constant τh~1 sec, taking place as far as a certain steady-state level h, and a decrease in current connected with Na+ accumulation inside the cell during passage of the current and a consequent change in the sodium electrochemical potential (τc~10 sec). It is concluded that modification of the calcium channels, so that they acquire the ability to conduct sodium, has no significant effect on the gating mechanisms responsible for opening and closing of the channels.  相似文献   

1. The writer''s older experiment, proving that equal masses of isolated sister leaves of Bryophyllum regenerate under equal conditions and in equal time equal masses (in dry weight) of shoots and roots, is confirmed. It is shown that in the dark this regeneration is reduced to a small fraction of that observed in light. 2. The writer''s former observation is confirmed, that when a piece of stem inhibits or diminishes the regeneration in a leaf, the dry weight of the stem increases by as much or more than the weight by which the regeneration in the leaf is diminished. It is shown that this is also true when the axillary bud in the stem is removed or when the regeneration occurs in the dark. 3. These facts show that the regeneration of an isolated leaf of Bryophyllum is determined by the mass of material available or formed in the leaf during the experiment and that such a growth does not occur in a leaf connected with a normal plant for the reason that in the latter case the material available or formed in the leaf flows into the stem where it is consumed for normal growth. 4. It is shown that the sap sent out by a leaf in the descending current of a stem is capable of increasing also the rate of growth of shoots in the basal parts of the leaf when the sap has an opportunity to reach the anlagen for such shoots. 5. The fact that a defoliated piece of stem forms normally no shoots in its basal part therefore demands an explanation of the polar character of regeneration which lays no or less emphasis on the chemical difference between ascending and descending sap than does Sachs'' theory of specific root- or shoot-forming substances (though such substances may in reality exist), but which uses as a basis the general mass relation as expressed in the first three statements of this summary. 6. It is suggested that the polar character of the regeneration in a stem of Bryophyllum is primarily due to the fact that the descending sap reaches normally only the root-forming tissues at the base of the stem, while the ascending sap reaches normally only the shoot-forming anlagen at the apex of the stem. 7. This suggestion is supported by the fact that when the anlagen for shoots and roots are close together as they are in the notch of a leaf, the sap of the leaf causes the growth of both roots and shoots from the same notch and the influence of the sap of the leaf on this growth increases for both roots and shoots in proportion with the mass of the leaf.  相似文献   

The initial rate of phosphorus uptake by phosphorus-limited cells ofCorynebacterium bovis grown in batch culture and in a chemostat was measured with [32P] orthophosphate. It was dependent on the external phosphorus concentration and was inversely related to the amount of intracellular phosphorus. The relationship between the initial rate of uptake, intracellular phosphorus, and phosphorus concentration in the medium can be expressed in terms of Haldane's modification of the Michaelis-Menten equation.  相似文献   

Total internal reflection fluorescence excitation (TIRF) microscopy allows the selective observation of fluorescent molecules in immediate proximity to an interface between different refractive indices. Objective‐type or prism‐less TIRF excitation is typically achieved with laser light sources. We here propose a simple, yet optically advantageous light‐emitting diode (LED)‐based implementation of objective‐type TIRF (LED‐TIRF). The proposed LED‐TIRF condenser is affordable and easy to set up at any epifluorescence microscope to perform multicolor TIRF and/or combined TIRF‐epifluorescence imaging with even illumination of the entire field of view. Electrical control of LED light sources replaces mechanical shutters or optical modulators. LED‐TIRF microscopy eliminates safety burdens that are associated with laser sources, offers favorable instrument lifetime and stability without active cooling. The non‐coherent light source and the type of projection eliminate interference fringing and local scattering artifacts that are associated with conventional laser‐TIRF. Unlike azimuthal spinning laser‐TIRF, LED‐TIRF does not require synchronization between beam rotation and the camera and can be monitored with either global or rolling shutter cameras. Typical implementations, such as live cell multicolor imaging in TIRF and epifluorescence of imaging of short‐lived, localized translocation events of a Ca2+‐sensitive protein kinase C α fusion protein are demonstrated.  相似文献   

The hero shrew''s (Scutisorex somereni) massive interlocking lumbar vertebrae represent the most extreme modification of the vertebral column known in mammals. No intermediate form of this remarkable morphology is known, nor is there any convincing theory to explain its functional significance. We document a new species in the heretofore monotypic genus Scutisorex; the new species possesses cranial and vertebral features representing intermediate character states between S. somereni and other shrews. Phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences support a sister relationship between the new species and S. somereni. While the function of the unusual spine in Scutisorex is unknown, it gives these small animals incredible vertebral strength. Based on field observations, we hypothesize that the unique vertebral column is an adaptation allowing these shrews to lever heavy or compressive objects to access concentrated food resources inaccessible to other animals.  相似文献   

In order to interpret the behaviour of the oxygen evolving system, a complete analysis of the model of Forbush et al. (1971) led Lavorel (1976) to characterize the period four oscillations by four coefficients obeying the relation δ1 ? δ2 + δ3 ? δ4 = 1. A critical examination of the analysis method showed that the model was extremely sensitive to experimental inaccuracy. From this fact, the δ1's have to be considered as free variables: in this case, the above relation which is a consequence of the model, was verified by better than 3 %. Furthermore the matrix on which the δ1's calculation is based is an ill-conditioned matrix, a property of which is to amplify the errors. Consequently, Lavorel's conclusions must be accepted with care.A new δ1's calculation method is presented. It shows that the first flash after following a period of darkness, acts in a specific way which is not consistent with the model. On the contrary the effects of the following flashes are in good agreement with those forecasted by the model and with the homogeneous hypothesis of Kok where the transition probabilities are equal for all the states Si. The quadratic deviation between theoretical and experimental sequences is better than 1 %. It has been verified that the misses are largely smaller with chloroplasts than with Chlorella and that the double hits are strongly dependent on the flash duration.  相似文献   

In the antennal lobe of the noctuid moth Agrotis ipsilon, most pheromone-sensitive projection neurons (PNs) exhibit a triphasic firing pattern of excitation (E1)-inhibition (I)-excitation (E2) in response to a pulse of the sex pheromone. To understand the mechanisms underlying this stereotypical discharge, we developed a biophysical model of a PN receiving inputs from olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) via nicotinic cholinergic synapses. The ORN is modeled as an inhomogeneous Poisson process whose firing rate is a function of time and is fitted to extracellular data recorded in response to pheromone stimulations at various concentrations and durations. The PN model is based on the Hodgkin-Huxley formalism with realistic ionic currents whose parameters were derived from previous studies. Simulations revealed that the inhibitory phase I can be produced by a SK current (Ca2+-gated small conductance K+ current) and that the excitatory phase E2 can result from the long-lasting response of the ORNs. Parameter analysis further revealed that the ending time of E1 depends on some parameters of SK, Ca2+, nACh and Na+ currents; I duration mainly depends on the time constant of intracellular Ca2+ dynamics, conductance of Ca2+ currents and some parameters of nACh currents; The mean firing frequency of E1 and E2 depends differentially on the interaction of various currents. Thus it is likely that the interplay between PN intrinsic currents and feedforward synaptic currents are sufficient to generate the triphasic firing patterns observed in the noctuid moth A. ipsilon.  相似文献   

To identify the chromosome carrying the factor for resistance to Meloidogyne incognita in tobacco, crosses were made between resistant tobacco ''NC95'' as pollen parent and each of the 12 tobacco monosomics (A-L) representative of the Tomentosae half of the Nicotiana tabacum chromosome complement. Of the F₁ seedlings, 927 plants were grown for observation. From these, 223 plants were selected as possible monosomics on the basis of morphological characteristics. These plants were self-pollinated, and the resulting F₂ plants were inoculated with both M. incognita acrita and M. incognita incognita. Sixteen F₂ populations, derived from the haplo-G monosome, were completely resistant. All of the F₂ populations derived from the other 11 monosomic crosses segregated into a 3:1 (resistant:susceptible) ratio. These results indicate that the factor for resistance to M. incognita is located on the G chromosome of N. tabacum. This is the first report establishing the N. tabacum chromosome that carries the factor for root-knot resistance. The results are consistant with our earlier evidence that M. incognita resistance in tobacco is derived from N. tomentosa, a species in the section Tomentosae of the subgenus Tabacum, genus Nicotiana. The other 12 chromosomes of N. tabacum have affinities with N. sylvestris, section Alatae, subgenus Petunoides, genus Nicotiana.  相似文献   

1. The characteristics of the threshold excitation behavior of the squid giant axon were investigated with condenser discharges, exponentially blunted D. c. shocks, sinusoidal currents, and brief condenser-discharge test shocks superimposed at either electrode at controlled brief intervals following the closing of a constant current. 2. Data obtained by the use of condenser discharges and exponentially blunted currents followed theoretical patterns separately, but could not be mutually reconciled, under the system of the two-factor theories of excitation, since the accommodation was so rapid that the apparent ratio between the two time factors was incompatible with certain previously neglected theoretical limitations. 3. Data obtained with the other procedures indicated similarly rapid accommodation, but usually showed an imaginary component in the values of the time constants, associated with a capacity of the threshold to exhibit damped oscillatory behavior. 4. The anodal threshold behavior did not parallel that at the cathode, showing neither oscillation nor accommodation at ordinary current intensities. 5. The digressions from predictions of the two-factor theories of excitation are partly analyzed and compared with other reported deviations.  相似文献   

Experimental data elucidating mechanisms for halo formation in θ-pinch discharges are presented and discussed. The experiments were performed with different gases (H2, D2, He, and Ar) in a theta-pinch device with a porcelain vacuum chamber and an excitation coil 15 cm in diameter and 30 cm in length. The stored energy, the current in the excitation coil, and the current half-period were W = 10 kJ, I = 400 kA, and T/2 = 14 μs, respectively. It is found that the plasma rings (halos) surrounding the pinch core arise as a result of coaxial pinch stratification due to both the excitation of closed currents (inductons) inside the pinch and the radial convergence of the plasma current sheaths produced after the explosion of T-layers formed near the wall in the initial stage of the discharge. It is concluded that halo structures observed in pinches, tokamaks, and other high-current devices used in controlled fusion research have the same nature.  相似文献   

Dipole Theory of Heat Production and Absorption in Nerve Axon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Exact formulas are derived for the energy change of a dipole system with two energy states (or bands) in a changing field in two cases: (a) no dipole flip-flop and (b) dipole flip-flop caused by stimulation. Based on these formulas, the positive and negative heats are calculated. The results are in good agreement with experiment in case b but are 60-180% larger in case a. Furthermore, the theory shows that the negative heat cannot be less than the positive heat in case a but can be either way in case b, the latter result being found prevalent in experiment. It is concluded that nerve excitation is most likely to involve dipole flip-flop at the membrane surface. The theory is consistent in the interpretations and correlations of the electrical, optical, and thermal effects observed in nerve axon.  相似文献   

This paper presents for the first time the inventory of the Paleocene and Lower Eocene foraminifers located in the North Pyrenean trough, between the Atlantic Ocean and the neighbourhood of the town Pau. They have been studied from three outcrops. The Bidart Beach section shows the Lasseube Formation from the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary to the base of the P 3a zone. The Loubieng Quarry section, near Orthez, represents the upper P 3a zone and the lower P 3b zone as well as the Lasseube Formation / Pont Labau Formation boundary. The interval between the upper part of the P 3b zone and the upperest part of the P 5 zone crops out along the Gan - Rébénacq road with a hiatus located at the Paleocene / Eocene boundary, the whole interval belonging to the Pont Labau Formation. 394 taxons of foraminifers are present in this formations: 349 benthic and 45 planktonic species. The Velasco type benthic foraminifers show a middle bathyal depositional environment, with a paleobathymetry included between 500-600 m and 1000 m: Nuttallides truempyi, Osangularia velascoensis, Bulimina trinitatensis. The Midway type species which were transported by the turbidite currents from the lower to middle neritic environments are frequent as well as the Cretaceous reworked species. The species number is low: 29 in the iridium layer of the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary (P 0 zone). Fauna grows rich quickly in the Pα zone reaching 129 species. The diversity grows up progressively from P α to the P 4a zone (NP 8). The disappearances are rare until his horizon, but their number is bigger than the number of appearances from the P 4b zone. It reaches their maximum between the P 4c zone and the P 5 zone. It shows that the decline of the Paleocene fauna begins around 2 million years before the thermal event of the Paleocene / Eocene boundary in the Aquitaine sections. The disappearances stay important in the Lower Eocene - Ypresian, but the appearance of lots of Eocene species show that the fauna renewal is located in this stage. The Cretaceous taxa dominate in the Paleocene benthonic fauna. The appearance or the disappearance of some species has a stratigraphic value in the Aquitaine region: the disappearance of Coryphostoma incrassata in the P 1b zone, the appearances of Plectina dalmatina, Elongobula grata (P α); Bulimina tuxpamensis (P 2); Tritaxilina cubensis, Thalmannita madrugaensis (P 3a); Svenia bulbosa (P 3b); Discorbis perovalis (P 4a/NP 7); Elongobula pulchra, E. pupa, Asterigerina bartoniana, Neorotalia gr. tuberculata (P 4a/NP 8); Bigenerina pannonica, Pentellina pseudosaxorum (P 5/NP 9-10).  相似文献   

A neuron that is stimulated by rectangular current injections initially responds with a high firing rate, followed by a decrease in the firing rate. This phenomenon is called spike-frequency adaptation and is usually mediated by slow K+ currents, such as the M-type K+ current (I M ) or the Ca2+-activated K+ current (I AHP ). It is not clear how the detailed biophysical mechanisms regulate spike generation in a cortical neuron. In this study, we investigated the impact of slow K+ currents on spike generation mechanism by reducing a detailed conductance-based neuron model. We showed that the detailed model can be reduced to a multi-timescale adaptive threshold model, and derived the formulae that describe the relationship between slow K+ current parameters and reduced model parameters. Our analysis of the reduced model suggests that slow K+ currents have a differential effect on the noise tolerance in neural coding.  相似文献   

The ligand field density functional theory (LFDFT) algorithm is extended to treat the electronic structure and properties of systems with three-open-shell electron configurations, exemplified in this work by the calculation of the core and semi-core 1s, 2s, and 3s one-electron excitations in compounds containing transition metal ions. The work presents a model to non-empirically resolve the multiplet energy levels arising from the three-open-shell systems of non-equivalent ns, 3d, and 4p electrons and to calculate the oscillator strengths corresponding to the electric-dipole 3d m  → ns 13d m 4p 1 transitions, with n = 1, 2, 3 and m = 0, 1, 2, …, 10 involved in the s electron excitation process. Using the concept of ligand field, the Slater-Condon integrals, the spin-orbit coupling constants, and the parameters of the ligand field potential are determined from density functional theory (DFT). Therefore, a theoretical procedure using LFDFT is established illustrating the spectroscopic details at the atomic scale that can be valuable in the analysis and characterization of the electronic spectra obtained from X-ray absorption fine structure or electron energy loss spectroscopies.  相似文献   

It is shown that Blair's theory of excitation is independent of, and consequently valid for, any possible relationship between the threshold and the magnitude of the stimulus. It is pointed out that if a dependence of threshold on stimulus is assumed, the concept of rheobase becomes meaningless. Consequently contrary to Blair's impression, the disagreement between his theory in its original form and the experimental data on the time of incipient excitation with constant stimulus (response time) cannot be explained by assuming a dependence of the threshold on the magnitude of the stimulus. It is shown that a modification of Blair's interpretation, obtained by taking into account effects of internal energy sources released by the stimulus, eliminates the disagreement mentioned above between theory and experiment. The role of such modification in connection with propagation of excitation is discussed.  相似文献   

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