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The first-generation male offsprings of female rats treated with allylestrenol on days 7 and 14 of the pregnancy showed in adulthood a considerable decrease in thymic dexamethasone binding. The diminution of binding capacity was due to an about 50% decrease in the number of the thymic dexamethasone receptors, since receptor affinity for the hormone was not altered by the applied treatment. This experimental observation has called attention to the possible hazards of allylestrenol treatment commonly applied to pregnant women for averting imminent abortions.  相似文献   

Steroid hormones, particularly 17beta-estradiol (E2), regulate the development and expression of neural structures and sexual behavior. Recently, we demonstrated that E2-regulated responses are controlled by quantitative trait loci. In this study, we quantified 1) volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN) of the preoptic area (POA); 2) medial basal hypothalamic (MBH)-POA aromatase and 5alpha-reductase enzyme activities during prenatal development and in adults; 3) serum LH, testosterone, FSH, E2, prolactin (PRL), and corticosterone levels; 4) reproductive organ (i.e., testis and ventral prostate) weights; and 5) male mating behavior in Noble (NB/Cr) and Wistar-Furth (WF/NCr) rat strains to determine the genetic influence on the measured parameters. Maximal phenotypic divergence in male SDN-POA volumes was seen between NB/Cr versus WF/NCr and BDIX/Cr rats (among nine rat strains initially examined), with the average SDN-POA volume of NB/Cr male rats being significantly greater ( approximately 30%) than that of either WF/NCr or BDIX/Cr males. Subsequent experiments investigated WF/NCr versus NB/Cr male rats in further detail. Significantly higher MBH-POA aromatase activity was seen in adult WF/NCr versus NB/Cr males, while MBH-POA 5alpha-reductase rates were not significantly different (within or between sex) for the two rat strains assayed. Serum LH levels were significantly higher (by greater than sixfold) in WF/NCr versus NB/Cr males, whereas testis organ:body weight and ventral prostate:body weight ratios in WF/NCr versus NB/Cr males were significantly smaller (by approximately 6-fold for testis and approximately 1.5-fold for prostate values). Serum FSH levels were significantly higher (by twofold) in WF/NCr versus NB/Cr males. However, serum testosterone levels were not significantly different, whereas E2 levels were approximately twofold higher (but not significantly different) in WF/NCr versus NB/Cr animals. No significant differences were found in basal (i.e., nonstress) serum PRL or corticosterone levels between the WF/NCr and NB/Cr males. In male copulatory tests, NB/Cr males exhibited significantly more aggressive sexual behavior (e.g., in mounting, intromission, and ejaculation parameters) compared with WF/NCr males. Taken together, these findings indicate that WF/NCr males are, in general, low responders, whereas NB/Cr males are high responders to hormonal signals. The obtained data suggest that the correlative, phenotypic variation in SDN-POA volume (i.e., structure) and reproductive hormone patterns and mating behavior (i.e., function) of WF/NCr versus NB/Cr males is regulated by potentially E2-mediated mechanisms that are genetically controlled.  相似文献   

Prenatally testosterone (T)-treated female sheep exhibit ovarian and endocrinological features that resemble those of women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which include luteinizing hormone excess, polyfollicular ovaries, functional hyperandrogenism, and anovulation. In this study, we determined the developmental impact of prenatal T treatment on insulin sensitivity indexes (ISI), a variable that is affected in a majority of PCOS women. Pregnant ewes were treated with 60 mg testosterone propionate intramuscularly in cottonseed oil two times a week or vehicle [control (C)] from days 30 to 90 of gestation. T-females weighed less than C-females or males (P < 0.05) at birth and at 5 wk of age. T-females had an increased anogenital ratio. An intravenous glucose tolerance test followed by an insulin tolerance test conducted after an overnight fast at 5, 20, and 30 wk of age (n = 7-8/group) revealed that ISI were higher at 5 than 30 wk of age in C-females, reflective of a developing insulin resistance associated with puberty. T-females had higher basal insulin levels, higher fasting insulin-to-glucose ratio, and higher incremental area under the insulin curve to the glucose challenge. The ISI of T-females was similar to that of males. No differences in ISI were evident between groups at 20 and 30 wk of age. Mean basal plasma glucose concentrations and glucose disappearance and uptake did not differ between groups at any age. Our findings suggest that prenatal T treatment leads to offspring with reduced birth weight and impaired insulin sensitivity in early postnatal life.  相似文献   

Oestrogens organize and activate circuits within the vertebrate central nervous system. Oestrogen synthesis occurs via the expression of aromatase, a P450 enzyme detected in microsomes and more recently in pre-synaptic boutons. Synaptic aromatase has only been described in brain regions that express aromatase in many subcellular compartments, so its function remains poorly understood. To more thoroughly study the role of oestrogen synthesis at synaptic terminals, we examined the ultrastructural compartmentalization of aromatase in the zebra finch; a species in which high aromatase activity can be measured in brain areas that do not contain somal aromatase. Here, we report the presence of aromatase in pre-synaptic boutons in the hippocampus and the high vocal centre brain areas with low and undetectable somal aromatase, respectively, in addition to areas with abundant somal aromatase such as the preoptic area and caudomedial nidopallium. At these brain areas, males had more total synapses, more aromatase pre-synaptic boutons and importantly, the proportion of total synaptic profiles that expressed aromatase was significantly higher in males relative to females. Aromatase-positive pre-synaptic boutons were always observed innervating aromatase-negative post-synaptic elements. We conclude that oestrogen may be provided to discrete oestrogen-sensitive targets by synaptic aromatization. Further, some targets may be exposed to more oestrogen in males. The expression of aromatase in individual synapses of projection neurons represents a unique mechanism of neuroendocrine action. Neurons with steroidogenic capability may modulate distant targets with the specificity of axonal innervation.  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2022,22(3):100683
Phytoestrogens are considered to be endocrine disruptors, since they can alter the endocrine system, thus disturbing many reproductive events. The intake of diets containing a high content of phytoestrogens has increased worldwide in human populations and in domestic animals. Phytoestrogens in maternal blood can pass through the placenta to the fetus in high amounts and can have long-term organizational effects. Mesquite (Prosopis sp) is a leguminous plant widely used to feed several livestock species, and is also used in the human diet. In this study we assessed the effects of exposure to mesquite pod extract during the periconception and pregnancy periods on the reproduction of male and female descendants. The females of three experimental groups received one of the following treatments: 1) vehicle injection; 2) mesquite pod extract or 3) the isoflavone daidzein during the periconception and pregnancy periods. Estrous cyclicity, sexual behavior and hormones, as well as uterine and vaginal epithelia were evaluated in the female descendants. In the males, sexual behavior and hormones, apoptosis in testicular cells and sperm quality were evaluated. In females the following was observed: alterations in estrous cycles, decreased sexual behavior, estradiol and progesterone levels, increased uterine and vaginal epithelia. In males, we observed a decrease in sexual behavior, testosterone and sperm quality, and apoptosis increased in testicular cells. All these effects were similar to those caused by daidzein. These results indicate that prenatal exposure to mesquite pod extract or daidzein, administered to females before and during pregnancy, can disrupt normal organizational-activational programming of reproductive physiology in female and male descendants.  相似文献   

Concerns have been raised regarding the potential for endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) to alter brain development and behavior. Developmental exposure to bisphenol A (BPA), a ubiquitous EDC, has been linked to altered sociosexual and mood-related behaviors in various animal models and children but effects are inconsistent across laboratories and animal models creating confusion about potential risk in humans. Exposure to endocrine active diets, such as soy, which is rich in phytoestrogens, may contribute to this variability. Here, we tested the individual and combined effects of low dose oral BPA and soy diet or the individual isoflavone genistein (GEN; administered as the aglycone genistin (GIN)) on rat sociosexual behaviors with the hypothesis that soy would obfuscate any BPA-related effects. Social and activity levels were unchanged by developmental exposure to BPA but soy diet had sex specific effects including suppressed novelty preference, and open field exploration in females. The data presented here reinforce that environmental factors, including anthropogenic chemical exposure and hormone active diets, can shape complex behaviors and even reverse expected sex differences.  相似文献   

Transmission mediated by gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors expressed within the medial preoptic area (mPOA) and the ventromedial nucleus (VMN) of the hypothalamus is known to play critical, but contrasting, roles in regulating steroid-dependent sexual behaviours in rats. Previous studies have demonstrated a striking dichotomy in receptor composition between the two regions with regard to gamma, but not alpha or beta, subunit expression. To test if gonadal steroids regulate the expression of the gamma subunit genes within the mPOA and the VMN, in situ hybridization analysis for messenger RNAs encoding the gamma 1, gamma 2Short (gamma 2S) and gamma 2Long (gamma 2L) subunits was done in gonadectomized male and female rats and in gonadally intact females over the oestrous cycle. No significant differences in the expression of the gamma subunit mRNAs were observed in gonadectomized male versus female rats. Significant effects of gonadal state in female rats were observed for gamma 1 mRNA levels in the mPOA and gamma 2L levels in the VMN. These data demonstrate that gonadal hormones exert activational control of expression of GABAA receptor gamma subunit mRNAs and suggest that differences in receptor structure may contribute to the functional modulation of female sexual behaviours mediated by GABAergic transmission in these regions.  相似文献   

Testosterone and oestradiol can modulate GABA synthesis in sexually regressed goldfish. Here we investigated their effects on the mRNA expression of two isoforms of the GABA synthesizing enzyme glutamate decarboxylase (GAD(65) and GAD(67), EC Full-length GAD clones were isolated from a goldfish cDNA library and sequenced. Goldfish GAD(65) encodes a polypeptide of 583 amino acid residues, which is 77% identical to human GAD(65). Goldfish GAD(67) encodes a polypeptide of 587 amino acid residues and is 82% identical to human GAD(67). Goldfish GAD(65) and GAD(67) are 63% identical. Sexually regressed male and female goldfish were implanted with solid silastic pellets containing testosterone, oestradiol or no steroid. Semiquantitative PCR analysis showed that oestradiol significantly increased GAD(65) mRNA expression in female hypothalamus and telencephalon, while testosterone resulted in a significant increase only in telencephalon. GAD(67) mRNA levels were not affected by steroids in females. In contrast, both steroids induced significant decreases of GAD(65) and GAD(67) mRNA levels in male hypothalamus, but had no effect on GAD mRNA expression in male telencephalon. Our results indicate that modulation of GAD mRNA expression is a possible mechanism for steroid action on GABA synthesis, which may have opposite effects in males and females.  相似文献   

In teleosts, the distribution of neurons in the preoptic-hypothalamic region and their associated neurohypophysial hormones, such as vasotocin (VT), appears to be different among species. This differential distribution is thought to reflect the social and/or sexual status of individuals within a species. In the present study, we analyzed the number, size and the distribution of vasotocin/isotocin (VT/IT) neurons in the brains of both male and female medaka (Oryzias latipes) using immunohistochemistry. VT/IT neurons were similarly located in an inverted L-shape in the nucleus preopticus in both gender, as has been already reported in salmonids. However, computer-assisted image analysis revealed sexual dimorphism in the number of VT/IT-immunoreactive (ir) neurons, with greater numbers found in males as compared to females. Further, in the female brain, the number of VT/IT-ir neurons decreased significantly after spawning. In pre-spawning compared to post-spawning females, the small-sized VT/IT-ir neurons dominated. Sexual differentiation of the medaka is fully dependent upon the steroid status during the early developmental stages and steroids are also known to trigger gender-specific behavior in the adult medaka. Our findings strongly suggest that VT and/or IT neurons may be functionally related to ovulation and/or the reproductive axes through connections to their steroidal status.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated the presence of endogenous opioid peptides (EOP) in the ovary and suggested their implication in local interactions within ovarian structures. Nevertheless, data pertaining to the expression of genes, coding for the opioid precursors, in ovarian cells are still rudimentary and not available for the pig. The study was undertaken to test whether genes of the opioid precursors - proopiomelanocortin (POMC), proenkephalin (PENK) and prodynorphin (PDYN) - are expressed in non-treated and gonadotropin-treated theca and granulosa cells isolated from ovarian follicles of the pig. The cells were isolated from small (days 15-16 of the estrous cycle) and large (days 19-20) porcine follicles. Dispersed cells were cultured in Eagle's medium under the water saturated atmosphere of 95% air and 5% CO(2), in the presence or absence of respective gonadotropin; theca cells with LH (100 ng/ml) and granulosa cells with FSH (100 ng/ml). Following 24h-incubation, the cells were harvested and the total RNA was isolated. The expression of genes coding for opioid precursors was estimated by the semi-quantitative RT-PCR technique involving co-amplification of the target cDNA (POMC, PENK or PDYN) and control cDNA (beta-actin or 18S rRNA). Specificities of PCR products were confirmed by Southern analysis and sequencing. In theca cells the expression of opioid precursors appeared to be gonadotropin-dependent except for PENK in the cells isolated from large follicles. In turn, granulosa cells exhibited the expression of POMC and PENK genes independently on treatment with FSH. This gonadotropin induced the expression of PDYN gene in granulosa cells isolated from small and large follicles and significantly increased POMC mRNA content in the cells from the large ones. The present studies indicate that porcine follicular cells (especially granulosa cells) may produce opioid peptides and that gonadotropins may modulate gene expression of their precursors in these cells. Moreover, our results support a participation of opioid peptides in the local regulations within ovarian follicle.  相似文献   

Female choice and male-male competition are traditionally considered to act in concert, with male competition facilitating female choice. This situation would enforce the strength of directional selection, which could reduce genetic variation and thus the benefits of choice. Here I show that in a water boatman, Sigara falleni, the direction of selection through female choice and male competition vary among traits under laboratory conditions. The two forces were mutually enforcive in acting on body size but exerted opposing selection on a sexually selected trait, male foreleg pala size. Female choice favored large palae, whereas male competition favored smaller palae, suggesting that large palae are costly in competition. This conflicting selection through female choice and male competition could be one of the forces that contribute to the maintenance of genetic variation in sexually selected traits.  相似文献   

Das A  Dikshit M  Nath C 《Life sciences》2001,68(13):1545-1555
Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE)-metabolizing enzyme of acetylcholine, is presently the most important therapeutic target for development of cognitive enhancers. However, AChE activity in brain has not been properly evaluated on the basis of age and sex. In the present study, AChE activity was investigated in different brain areas in male and female Sprague-Dawley rats of adult (3 months) and old (18-22 months) age. AChE was assayed spectrophotometrically by modified Ellman's method. Specific activity (micromoles/min/mg of protein) of AChE was assayed in salt soluble (SS) and detergent soluble (DS) fractions of various brain areas, which consists of predominantly G1 and G4 molecular isoforms of AChE respectively. The old male rats showed a decrease (40-55%) in AChE activity in frontal cortex, striatum, hypothalamus and pons in DS fraction and there was no change in SS fraction in comparison to adult rats. In the old female rats the activity was decreased (25-40%) in frontal cortex, cerebral cortex, striatum, thalamus, cerebellum and medulla in DS fraction whereas in SS fraction the activity was decreased only in hypothalamus as compared to adult. On comparing with old male rats, old female rats showed increase in AChE activity in cerebral cortex, hippocampus and hypothalamus of DS fraction and decrease in hypothalamus of SS fraction. There was a significant increase in AChE activity in DS fraction of cerebral cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus, thalamus and cerebellum in female as compared to male adult rats. However, no significant change in AChE activity was found in the SS fraction, except hypothalamus between these groups. Thus it appears that age alters AChE activity in different brain regions predominantly in DS fraction (G4 isoform) that may vary in male and female. These observations have significant relevance to age related cognitive deficits and its pharmacotherapy.  相似文献   

A sexually dimorphic male nucleus (MN) is present in Nissl-stained sections through the dorsal (d) preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus (POA/AH) of male ferrets. The MN-POA/AH is composed of a cluster of large cells which is organized in males by the action of estradiol, formed via the neural aromatization of circulating testosterone (T), during the last quarter of a 41-day gestation. Several recent studies using rodent species have raised the possibility that the hormone-induced masculinization of POA/AH morphology is mediated at least in part by a perinatal modulation of cell death. We asked whether a perinatal reduction in cell death contributes to the differentiation of the MN-POA/AH in the male ferret, which is a carnivore species. The appearance of internucleosomal DNA fragmentation, detected by in situ end labeling (ISEL) using the ApopTag™ kit (Oncor Corp.) and of pyknotic cell nuclei in Nissl-stained sections were used to estimate the occurrence of cell death. Male and female ferret kits were killed at four different ages spanning the perinatal period during which the MN-POA/AH is organized and assumes an adult phenotype. A peak density of dying cells was present in both sexes at postnatal day (P) 2, which is nearly 1 week after the age, embryonic day (E) 37, when the MN-POA/AH is first visible in male ferrets using Nissl stains. The density of cells in the sexually dimorphic dPOA/AH which were either ISEL-positive or pyknotic was similar in males and females on E34, as well as on P2, 10, and 20. In the nondimorphic ventral POA/AH, the highest density of dying cells was present in both sexes at E34, and there were significantly more ISEL-positive cells present in males than females at this particular age. In contrast to previous studies using rodents, our results suggest that in fetal male ferrets a modulation of the incidence of cell death contributes little to estradiol's organizational action in the dPOA/AH. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 34: 242–252, 1998  相似文献   

In rats, motoneurons of the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) innervate the bulbocavernosus (BC) muscle, which surrounds the base of the penis. The SNB/BC is a sexually dimorphic, steroid-sensitive neuromuscular system, which is critically important in male reproductive behavior. Androgens are necessary for the development, morphology, and function of the SNB/BC system. However, estradiol (E) is also necessary for the development of the SNB/BC system, and E is capable of maintaining BC EMG activity in adulthood. In this study, we used electrophysiological and anatomical methods to examine estrogenic effects on BC EMG activity. We used a modified H-reflex testing method to investigate polysynaptic reflex characteristics in intact males, castrates, and castrates treated short term with estradiol benzoate (EB). Measures of EMG activity, response latency, and spike count were altered in castrates, but maintained in EB-treated castrates to the levels of intact males. Furthermore, estrogenic effects were found in EMG activity that could be isolated to the periphery of the SNB/BC system. BC NMJ size and muscle fiber area have been demonstrated to be hormone sensitive, and we examined these for possible correlates of E's effects on BC EMG activity. BC muscles of intact males, castrates, and short-term EB-treated castrates were fixed and stained with zinc iodide and osmium tetroxide. NMJ size and muscle fiber area did not differ between groups. Together, these data suggest that E treatment results in changes in the neuromuscular periphery that maintain BC EMG activity, but this effect cannot be accounted for by changes in NMJ size or muscle fiber area.  相似文献   

Animal genitalia often show distinct developmental and evolutionary relationships with other parts of the body. Morphological observations of 29 sexually dimorphic and monomorphic beetle species in 16 genera of families Scarabaeidae and Lucanidae, Coleoptera, in 53 locations revealed that male genitalia size was consistently and distinctly less variable than that of other body parts within the same population, while it differentiated more readily among different populations than other body parts. The most noticeable genitalia size differentiation occurred in populations that coexisted with morphologically and ecologically similar congeneric species. Such differentiation may indicate selection for reproductive isolation. These characteristics of genitalia morphology may have been instrumental in generating the speciation pattern seen in most beetles.  相似文献   

We have reported that dietary inorganic phosphate (Pi) deprivation induces a Pi-seeking behavior in juvenile male rats. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether the Pi appetite is present in adult animals, and if so, whether it is altered during times of increased demand for Pi, such as pregnancy and lactation. Both male and female animals fed a low-phosphate diet (LPD) ingested significantly greater amounts of PiH(2)O daily than their normal phosphate diet (NPD) controls, and per 100 g of body weight (BW), the female animals fed LPD tended to ingest greater amounts of PiH(2)O than male rats fed LPD. Pregnant and lactating rats fed LPD ingested significantly more PiH(2)O than those fed NPD, however, neither group displayed a Pi appetite different than virgin females. However, lactation further reduced Pi levels in plasma and cerebral spinal fluid compared with control values. Despite the additional Pi from the PiH(2)O in the mothers fed LPD, pup birth weight was significantly lower than in NPD litters, and this was exacerbated 9 days after birth. This attenuated BW gain was associated with lower plasma Pi levels in the pups. In conclusion, a mild but consistent Pi-seeking behavior is induced in adult male and female rats after only 2 days of dietary Pi restriction. On a relative basis, the amount of PiH(2)O ingested is greater in female than in male animals, but does not increase further during pregnancy and lactation.  相似文献   

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