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Abstract The lacticin 481-producer (Lct+), L. lactis subsp. lactis (L. lactis ) CNRZ 481 harbours 5 plasmids of 6.5, 7.5, 20, 37 and 69 kb. Novobiocin treatment of L. lactis 481 led to the appearance of lacticin 481 deficient variants which had all lost the 69 kb plasmid. Conjugal transfer of the lacticin 481 structural gene ( lct ) into the plasmid free strain L. lactis IL1441 yielded Lct+ transconjugants at a 10−4 frequency, which carried a plasmid with an apparent size of 120–130 kb. Southern hybridization analyses showed that the lct gene was located on the 69 kb plasmid in L. lactis 481 and on the 120–130 kb plasmid in the transconjugants. The lct gene was in higher copy number in transconjugants than in the parental strain resulting in two-fold higher lacticin 481 production in the former strain.  相似文献   

A new lanthionine-containing bacteriocin, variacin, displaying a broad host range of inhibition against gram-positive food spoilage bacteria, has been identified from two strains of Micrococcus varians isolated from meat fermentations. The new bacteriocin was purified, and its amino-terminal end and total amino acid composition were determined. The structural gene was isolated and analyzed. Variacin is resistant to heat and pH conditions from 2 to 10. Its primary sequence shows significant homology to lacticin 481 to Lactococcus lactis, which is more pronounced for the probacteriocin than for the leader sequence. Variacin, like lacticin 481, contains lanthionine and beta-methyllanthionine residues, but its leader sequence clearly resembles nonlantibiotic leader sequences. In particular, the prepeptide contains glycine residues at positions -1 and -2 of the processing site.  相似文献   

A novel bacteriocin, lacticin Z, produced by Lactococcus lactis QU 14 isolated from a horse's intestinal tract was identified. Lacticin Z was purified through a three step procedure comprised of hydrophobic-interaction, cation-exchange chromatography, and reverse-phase HPLC. ESI-TOF MS determined the molecular mass of lacticin Z to be 5,968.9 Da. The primary structure of lacticin Z was found to consist of 53 amino acid residues without any leader sequence or signal peptide. Lacticin Z showed homology to lacticin Q from L. lactis QU 5, aureocin A53 from Staphylococcus aureus A53, and mutacin BHT-B from Streptococcus rattus strain BHT. It exhibited a nanomolar range of MICs against various Gram-positive bacteria, and the activity was completely stable up to 100 degrees C. Unlike many of other LAB bacteriocins, the stability of lacticin Z was emphasized under alkaline conditions rather than acidic conditions. All the results indicated that lacticin Z belongs to a novel type of bacteriocin.  相似文献   

Lacticin 481, a bacteriocin produced during the growth of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis CNRZ 481, was purified sequentially by ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration, and preparative and analytical reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography. Ammonium sulfate precipitations resulted in a 455-fold increase in total lacticin 481 activity. The entire purification protocol led to a 107, 506-fold increase in the specific activity of lacticin 481. On the basis of its electrophoretic pattern in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, lacticin 481 appeared as a single peptide band of 1.7 kDa. However, dimers of 3.4 kDa also exhibiting lacticin activity were detected. Derivatives of the lacticin-producing strain which did not produce lacticin 481 (Bac-) were sensitive to this bacteriocin (Bacs) and failed to produce the 1.7-kDa band. Amino acid composition analysis of purified lacticin 481 revealed the presence of lanthionine residues, suggesting that lacticin 481 is a member of the lantibiotic family of antimicrobial peptides. Seven residues (K G G S G V I) were sequenced from the N-terminal portion of lacticin 481, and these did not shown any homology with nisin or other known bacteriocin sequences.  相似文献   

A Lactococcus strain with strong antimicrobial activity was isolated from raw milk Manchego cheese during a survey on the production of bacteriocins by lactic acid bacteria present in raw milk cheeses. It was identified as Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, phenotypically by its morphological and physiological characteristics and genotypically by a PCR technique. When tested for tolerance to known bacteriocins produced by lactococci, it was shown to be resistant to nisin A and nisin Z. The presence of genes encoding nisin and lacticin 481 was revealed by PCR techniques with specific probes. Sequences of the respective PCR amplified fragments matched sequences reported for nisin Z and lacticin 481.  相似文献   

M P Ryan  M C Rea  C Hill    R P Ross 《Applied microbiology》1996,62(2):612-619
Lactococcus lactis DPC3147, a strain isolated from an Irish kefir grain, produces a bacteriocin with a broad spectrum of inhibition. The bacteriocin produced is heat stable, particularly at a low pH, and inhibits nisin-producing (Nip+) lactococci. On the basis of the observation that the nisin structural gene (nisA) does not hybridize to DPC3147 genomic DNA, the bacteriocin produced was considered novel and designated lacticin 3147. The genetic determinants which encode lacticin 3147 are contained on a 63-kb plasmid, which was conjugally mobilized to a commercial cheese starter, L. lactis subsp. cremoris DPC4268. The resultant transconjugant, DPC4275, both produces and is immune to lacticin 3147. The ability of lacticin 3147-producing lactococci to perform as cheddar cheese starters was subsequently investigated in cheesemaking trials. Bacteriocin-producing starters (which included the transconjugant strain DPC4275) produced acid at rates similar to those of commercial strains. The level of lacticin 3147 produced in cheese remained constant over 6 months of ripening and correlated with a significant reduction in the levels of nonstarter lactic acid bacteria. Such results suggest that these starters provide a means of controlling developing microflora in ripened fermented products.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance (MDR)-type transporters mediate the active extrusion of structurally and functionally dissimilar compounds from the cells, thereby rendering cells resistant to a range of drugs. The ydaG and ydbA genes of Lactococcus lactis encode two ATP-binding cassette half-transporters, which both share homology with MDR proteins such as LmrA from L. lactis or the mammalian P-glycoprotein. The ydaG/ydbA genes were cloned and expressed separately and jointly in L. lactis using the nisin-inducible system. When both proteins are co-expressed, several structurally dissimilar drugs such as ethidium, daunomycin, and BCECF-AM are extruded from the cell. YdaG and YdbA could be co-purified as a stable heterodimer. ATPase activity was found to be associated with the YdaG/YdbA heterodimer only and not with the individual subunits. Both the ydaG and ydbA genes are up-regulated in multidrug-resistant L. lactis strains selected for growth in the presence of a variety of toxic compounds. This is the first demonstration of a functional heterodimeric ATP-binding cassette-type MDR transporter.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of the lantibiotic peptide nisin by Lactococcus lactis NIZO R5 relies on the presence of the conjugative transposon Tn5276 in the chromosome. A 12-kb DNA fragment of Tn5276 including the nisA gene and about 10 kb of downstream DNA was cloned in L. lactis, resulting in the production of an extracellular nisin precursor peptide. This peptide reacted with antibodies against either nisin A or the synthetic leader peptide, suggesting that it consisted of a fully modified nisin with the nisin leader sequence still attached to it. This structure was confirmed by N-terminal sequencing and 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of the purified peptide. Deletion studies showed that the nisR gene is essential for the production of this intermediate. The deduced amino acid sequence of the nisR gene product indicated that the protein belongs to the family of two-component regulators. The deduced amino acid sequence of NisP, the putative product of the gene upstream of nisR, showed an N-terminal signal sequence, a catalytic domain with a high degree of similarity to those of subtilisin-like serine proteases, and a putative C-terminal membrane anchor. Cell extracts of Escherichia coli overexpressing nisP were able to cleave the nisin precursor peptide, producing active, mature nisin. A similar activation was obtained with whole cells but not with membrane-free extracts of L. lactis strains carrying Tn5276 in which the nisA gene had been inactivated. The results indicate that the penultimate step in nisin biosynthesis is secretion of precursor nisin without cleavage of the leader peptide, whereas the last step is the cleavage of the leader peptide sequence from the fully maturated nisin peptide.  相似文献   

Lactococcin, a bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis ADRIA 85LO30, was purified as a 2.3-2.4 kDa peptide. Six non-bacteriocin-producing (Bac-) and non-immune (Imm-) strains were isolated after curing experiments. These strains had in common the loss or modification of two plasmids: pOS4 (32 kb) and pOS5 (70 kb). By comparing pOS5 and several modified plasmids, a DNA region from pOS5 of about 10 kb, which was necessary for wild-type bacteriocin production and immunity, was identified.  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis CRL 1584 isolated from a Lithobates catesbeianus hatchery inhibits the growth of Citrobacter freundii (a bullfrog pathogen) and Listeria monocytogenes by a synergistic effect between lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide and a bacteriocin-like molecule. The chemical characterization of the bacteriocin in cell-free supernatants indicates that it has a proteinaceous nature. Hexadecane and ethyl acetate did not modify the bacteriocin activity, while 10 and 20 % (v/v) chloroform decreased the activity by 29 and 43 %, respectively. The antimicrobial peptide was heat stable since 85 % of residual activity was detected when neutralized supernatants were heated at 80 °C for 30 min. Moreover, no bacteriocin inactivation was observed when supernatants were kept at ?20 °C for 3 months. The synthesis of the bacteriocin was associated with bacterial growth, highest production (2,100 AU/ml) being detected at the end of the exponential growth phase. At pH ranges of 5–6.5 and 5.0–5.5 the inhibitory molecule was stable when stored for 2 days at 4 and 25 °C, respectively. Moreover, it had a bactericidal effect on L. monocytogenes and the ultrastructural studies of pathogenic cells revealed clumping of the cytoplasmic material, increased periplasmic space and cell wall modifications. The deduced amino acid sequence of the bacteriocin was identical to nisin Z and the genetic determinants for its production are harbored in the chromosome. These results, described for the first time in L. lactis from a bullfrog hatchery, will increase knowledge of the bacteriocin under study with a view to its potential inclusion in probiotics for raniculture or biopreservatives.  相似文献   

Plasmid-specified traits like lactose metabolism and bacteriocin production could be eliminated from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis 484 culture during production and regeneration of protoplasts with lysozyme at the concentration of 300 μg/ml after 3 h treatment. Plasmid-free strains and cured derivatives harbouring only a single plasmid (2 MDa) were also obtained. Loss of high molecular weight (65 MDa) low copy number Lac plasmid occurred more frequently compared with low molecular weight (2 MDa) high copy number plasmid. Treatment of L. lactis subsp. lactis 484 cells with lysozyme at concentrations of 1000 μg/ml could produce a large number of Lac Bac variants at a very high frequency (94%). The curing data confirmed the linkage of Lac and Bac phenotypes to 65 and 2 MDa plasmids, respectively.  相似文献   

Phage bIL66 is unable to grow on Lactococcus lactis cells harboring the abortive infection gene abiD1. Spontaneous phage mutants able to grow on AbiD1 cells were used to study phage-Abi interaction. A 1.33-kb DNA segment of a mutant phage allowed growth of AbiD1s phages in AbiD1 cells when present in trans. Sequence analysis of this segment revealed an operon composed of four open reading frames, designated orf1 to orf4. The operon is transcribed 10 min after infection from a promoter presenting an extended -10 consensus sequence but no -35 sequence. Analysis of four independent AbiD1r mutants revealed a different point mutation localized in orf1, implying that this open reading frame is needed for sensitivity to AbiD1. However, the sensitivity is partly suppressed when orf3 is expressed in trans on a high-copy-number plasmid, suggesting that AbiD1 acts by decreasing the concentration of an available orf3 product.  相似文献   

The partial nucleotide sequence of a Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis ADRIA 85LO30 bacteriocin-producing operon was determined. The first two open reading frames of the operon are necessary to get bacteriocin expression in L. lactis IL1403R.  相似文献   

A cluster containing five similarly oriented genes involved in the metabolism of galactose via the Leloir pathway in Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris MG1363 was cloned and characterized. The order of the genes is galPMKTE, and these genes encode a galactose permease (GalP), an aldose 1-epimerase (GalM), a galactokinase (GalK), a hexose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (GalT), and a UDP-glucose 4-epimerase (GalE), respectively. This genetic organization reflects the order of the metabolic conversions during galactose utilization via the Leloir pathway. The functionality of the galP, galK, galT, and galE genes was shown by complementation studies performed with both Escherichia coli and L. lactis mutants. The GalP permease is a new member of the galactoside-pentose-hexuronide family of transporters. The capacity of GalP to transport galactose was demonstrated by using galP disruption mutant strains of L. lactis MG1363. A galK deletion was constructed by replacement recombination, and the mutant strain was not able to ferment galactose. Disruption of the galE gene resulted in a deficiency in cell separation along with the appearance of a long-chain phenotype when cells were grown on glucose as the sole carbon source. Recovery of the wild-type phenotype for the galE mutant was obtained either by genetic complementation or by addition of galactose to the growth medium.  相似文献   

The fluorescent compound Hoechst 33342 is a substrate for many multidrug resistance (MDR) transporters and is widely used to characterize their transport activity. We have constructed mutants of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) binding cassette (ABC)-type MDR transporter LmrA of Lactococcus lactis that are defective in ATP hydrolysis. These mutants and wild-type LmrA exhibited an atypical behavior in the Hoechst 33342 transport assay. In membrane vesicles, Hoechst 33342 transport was shown to be independent of the ATPase activity of LmrA, and it was not inhibited by orthovanadate but sensitive to uncouplers that collapse the proton gradient and to N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, an inhibitor of the F0F1-ATPase. In contrast, transport of Hoechst 33342 by the homologous, heterodimeric MDR transporter LmrCD showed a normal ATP dependence and was insensitive to uncouplers of the proton gradient. With intact cells, expression of LmrA resulted in an increased rate of Hoechst 33342 influx while LmrCD caused a decrease in the rate of Hoechst 33342 influx. Cellular toxicity assays using a triple knockout strain, i.e., L. lactis delta lmrA delta lmrCD, demonstrate that expression of LmrCD protects cells against the growth inhibitory effects of Hoechst 33342, while in the presence of LmrA, cells are more susceptible to Hoechst 33342. Our data demonstrate that the LmrA-mediated Hoechst 33342 transport in membrane vesicles is influenced by the transmembrane pH gradient due to a pH-dependent partitioning of Hoechst 33342 into the membrane.  相似文献   

A 55 kilobase (kb) plasmid (pOZS550) in the non-clumping Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis strain OZS1 carrying genes for lactose metabolism was characterised. A mobilizable cointegrate plasmid which is formed between pOZS550 and pOZS448 carries the necessary information for conjugation and transfer. Cointegrate formation was found to involve an insertional element located on pOZS550. The insertion sequence was found to be identical to ISS1 located on pSK08 in the clumping L. lactis subsp. lactis strain ML3. Restriction maps of pOZS550 and pSK08 were similar suggesting a close ancestral relationship, although pSK08, in addition to the lactose metabolism genes, expressed genes for proteinase activity and cell clumping, which were not expressed by pOZS550, and carried two copies of ISS1 compared to one on pOZS550. Furthermore, hybridization of the 18 base pair inverted repeat, of the insertion sequence, with various L. lactis subsp. lactis strains and two L. lactis subsp. cremoris strains showed moderate to strong hybridization to one plasmid in each organism.  相似文献   

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