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The dexamethasone binding capacity of embryonal carcinoma cells and their differentiated derivatives was investigated. Manipulation of the embryonal carcinoma cell-culture conditions resulted in an unstable reversible expression of the glucocorticoid receptors. Stable expression of the receptors is observed when these cells are induced to differentiate. Cells grown under identical conditions were assayed for their ability to bind epidermal growth factor.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the patterns of the production of antimicrobial compounds by diverse collection of actinomycetes isolated from different geographies under alternative conditions of pH and salinity in the media. METHODS AND RESULTS: Actinomycetes were grouped based on their method of isolation and their phenotype diversity was determined by total fatty acid analysis. A total of 335 representative isolates, including 235 Streptomyces species and 100 actinomycetes from other taxa, were screened for the production of antimicrobial activities against a panel of bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeasts, including some of clinical relevance. Production of antimicrobial activities was detected in 230 strains. In the case of the genus Streptomyces, 181 antimicrobial activities (77% of the tested isolates) were recorded. The activities observed among the other actinomycetes taxa were lower (49% of the tested isolates). CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study support the idea that species of actinomycetes isolated in alternative selective conditions of pH and salinity present a significant capacity to produce compounds with antibacterial or antifungal activity. The best group of isolates in terms of production of active secondary metabolites was the one isolated in saline conditions. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The results demonstrate that these actinomycetes strains isolated in alternative selective conditions of pH and salinity and collected from diverse geographical locations present a significant capacity to produce compounds with antibacterial or antifungal activity.  相似文献   

The primary sequence of the genome is broadly constant and superimposed upon that constancy is the postreplicative modification of a small number of cytosine residues to 5-methylcytosine. The pattern of methylation is non-random; some sequence contexts are frequently methylated and some rarely methylated and some regions of the genome are highly methylated and some rarely methylated. Once established, methylation is not static: it can potentially change in response to developmental or environmental cues and this may result in correlated changes in gene expression. Changes can occur passively owing to a failure to maintain DNA methylation through rounds of DNA replication, or actively, through the action of enzymes with DNA glycosylase activity. Recent advances in genetic analyses and the generation of high resolution, genome-wide methylation maps are revealing in unprecedented detail the patterns and dynamic changes of DNA methylation in plants.  相似文献   

Antioxidative responses of Calendula officinalis under salinity conditions.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
To gain a better insight into long-term salt-induced oxidative stress, some physiological parameters in marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) under 0, 50 and 100 mM NaCl were investigated. Salinity affected most of the considered parameters. High salinity caused reduction in growth parameters, lipid peroxidation and hydrogen peroxide accumulation. Under high salinity stress, a decrease in total glutathione and an increase in total ascorbate (AsA + DHA), accompanied with enhanced glutathione reductase (GR, EC and ascorbate peroxidase (APX, EC activities, were observed in leaves. In addition, salinity induced a decrease in superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC and peroxidase (POX, EC activities. The decrease in dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR, EC and monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR, EC activities suggests that other mechanisms play a major role in the regeneration of reduced ascorbate. The changes in catalase (CAT, EC activities, both in roots and in leaves, may be important in H2O2 homeostasis.  相似文献   

核酸(DNA和RNA)甲基化/脱甲基是表观遗传调控的重要机制.甲醛参与DNA、RNA的甲基化/脱甲基过程,从而影响表观遗传的调节,包括学习记忆等认知功能.然而,甲醛代谢失调将影响核酸的甲基化与脱甲基,使动物的学习记忆能力下降,造成认知损伤.对北京地区604名老人(≥60岁)的调查显示,内源甲醛含量与被试受教育的年限相关,受教育程度越高,内源甲醛含量越低,反之亦然.这些结果表明,内源甲醛在人类学习记忆中扮演重要的角色,"活到老,学到老"可以延缓甲醛代谢失调引起的老年认知损伤.因此,研究内源甲醛代谢与核酸甲基化修饰之间的关系,对探索记忆储存及认知损伤等表观遗传学相关疾病的发生发展机制,具有一定的启示.  相似文献   

Calcium is one of the essential nutrients for growth and development of plants. It is an important component of various structures in cell wall and membranes. Besides some fundamental roles under normal condition, calcium functions as a major secondary-messenger molecule in plants under different developmental cues and various stress conditions including salinity stress. Also changes in cytosolic pH, pHcyt, either individually, or in coordination with changes in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, [Ca2+]cyt, evoke a wide range of cellular functions in plants including signal transduction in plant-defense responses against stresses. It is believed that salinity stress, like other stresses, is perceived at cell membrane, either extra cellular or intracellular, which then triggers an intracellular-signaling cascade including the generation of secondary messenger molecules like Ca2+ and protons. The variety and complexity of Ca2+ and pH signaling result from the nature of the stresses as well as the tolerance level of the plant species against that specific stress. The nature of changes in [Ca2+]cyt concentration, in terms of amplitude, frequency and duration, is likely very important for decoding the specific downstream responses for salinity stress tolerance in planta. It has been observed that the signatures of [Ca2+]cyt and pH differ in various studies reported so far depending on the techniques used to measure them, and also depending on the plant organs where they are measured, such as root, shoot tissues or cells. This review describes the recent advances about the changes in [Ca2+]cyt and pHcyt at both cellular and whole-plant levels under salinity stress condition, and in various salinity-tolerant and -sensitive plant species.Key words: cytosolic calcium, ionic toxicity, osmotic stress, pH, salinity stress, salt tolerance, signaling  相似文献   

One-electron reduction of quinones (Q) by ascorbate (AscH ); (1) AscH + Q --> Q*- + Asc*- + H+, followed by the oxidation of semiquinone (Q*-) by molecular oxygen; (2) Q*- + O2 --> Q + O2*-, results in the catalytic oxidation of ascorbate (with Q as a catalyst) and formation of active forms of oxygen. Along with enzymatic redox cycling of Q. this process may be related to Q cytotoxicity and underlie an antitumor activity of some Qs. In this work, the kinetics of oxygen consumption accompanied the interaction of ascorbate with 55 Qs including substituted 1,4- and 1,2-benzoquinones, naphthoquinones and other quinoid compounds were studied in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.40, at 37 degrees C by using the Clark electrode technique. The capability of Q to catalyze ascorbate oxidation was characterized by the effective value of kEFF calculated from the initial rate of oxygen consumption (R(OX)) by the equation R(OX) = kEFF[Q][AscH-] as well as by a temporary change in R(OX). The correlation of kEFF with one-electron reduction potential, E(Q/Q*-), showed a sigma-like plot, the same for different kinds of Qs. Only the Qs which reduction potential E(Q/Q*-) ranged from nearly -250 to + 50 mV displayed a pronounced catalytic activity, kEFF increased with shifting E(Q/Q*-) to positive values. The following linear correlation between kEFF (in M (-1) s(-1)) and E(Q/Q*-) (in mV) might be suggested for these Qs: lg(kEFF)= 3.91 + 0.0143E(Q/Q*-). In contrast, Qs with E(Q/Q*-) < - 250 mV and E(Q/Q*-) > + 50 mV showed no measurable catalytic activity. The Qs studied displayed a wide variety in the kinetic regularities of oxygen consumption. When E(Q/Q*-) was more negative than - 100 mV, Q displayed a simple ('standard') kinetic behavior--R(OX) was proportional to [AscH-][Q] independently of concentration of individual reagents, [AscH-] and [Q]; R(OX) did not decrease with time if [AscH-] was held constant: Q recycling was almost reversible. Meanwhile, Qs with E(Q/Q*-) > - 100 mV demonstrated a dramatic deviation from the 'standard' behavior that was manifested by the fast decrease in R(OX) with time and non-linear dependence of even starting values of R(OX) on [Q] and [AscH-]. These deviations were caused basically by the participation of Q*- in side reactions different from (2). The above findings were confirmed by kinetic computer simulations. Some biological implications of Q-AscH- interaction were discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of experimental acidification on mercury methylation, demethylation, and volatilization was examined in surficial sediment samples from a weakly buffered northern Wisconsin lake. All mercury transformations were measured with radioisotopic tracers. Acidification of sediment pH with H2SO4, HCl, or HNO3 significantly decreased 203Hg(II) methylation. Acidification of pH 6.1 (ambient) sediments to pH 4.5 with either H2SO4 or HCl inhibited methylation by over 65%. The decreased methylation was due to the increased hydrogen ion concentration because methylation was not affected by concentrations of Na2SO4 or NaCl equimolar to the amount of acid added. Inhibition of methylation was observed even after prolonged acidification of sediments to pH 5.0 for up to 74 days. Acidification of sediments to pH 5.5, 4.5, and 3.5 with HNO3 resulted in a near complete inhibition of methylation at each pH. Similarly, the addition of equimolar amounts of NaNO3 resulted in a near complete inhibition of methylation, indicating that the inhibition was due to the nitrate ion rather than to the acidity. Demethylation of methyl mercury was not affected by pHs between 8.0 and 4.4, but sharply decreased below pH 4.4. Volatilization of 203Hg(II) from surface sediments was less than 2% of methylation activity and was not significantly different from that in killed sediments. This study indicated that acidification of sediments inhibits mercury methylation and that the observed increase in the mercury burdens in fish from low pH lakes is not due to increased production of methylmercury in sediments.  相似文献   

Methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs) were solubilized from the membrane of thermophilic bacterium PS-3 in the presence of Triton X-100. The solubilized MCPs could be methylated and demethylated. Methylation of the solubilized MCPs reached a steady state, at which the methylation and demethylation rates were equal. The solubilized MCPs were purified by anti-MCPs Sepharose 4B column chromatography. The purified MCPs could also be methylated and demethylated without reconstituting them into liposomes. As suggested by the results of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified MCPs, ion-exchange chromatography showed that MCPs consisted of at least two components. Each component appeared on SDS gel electrophoresis as multiple bands in the 64K to 70K dalton range or in the 70K to 84K dalton range. The initial rate and level of methylation of the solubilized MCPs were increased by the addition of attractants: glutamate, L-serine, L-aspartate, D-glucose, etc. The threshold of the glutamate concentration for this increase was about 10(-7) M. The rate of demethylation was also increased by attractants.  相似文献   

Bacteria have evolved a diverse potential to transform and even mineralize numerous organic compounds of both natural and xenobiotic origin. This article describes the occurrence of N-heteroaromatic compounds and presents a review of the bacterial degradation of pyridine and its derivatives, indole, isoquinoline, and quinoline and its derivatives. The bacterial metabolism of these compounds under different redox conditions – by aerobic, nitrate-reducing, sulfate-reducing and methanogenic bacteria – is discussed. However, in natural habitats, various environmental factors, such as sorption phenomena, also influence bacterial conversion processes. Thus, both laboratory and field studies are necessary to aid our understanding of biodegradation in natural ecosystems and assist the development of strategies for bioremediation of polluted sites. Occurring predominantly near (former) wood-treatment facilities, creosote is a frequent contaminant of soil, subsoil, groundwater, and aquifer sediments. In situ as well as withdrawal-and-treatment techniques have been designed to remediate such sites, which are polluted with complex mixtures of aromatic and heterocyclic compounds. Received: 26 September 1997 / Received revision: 23 December 1997 / Accepted: 27 December 1997  相似文献   

Gametogenesis in the oyster under conditions of depressed salinity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Methylation of mercury compounds by methylcobalamin   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
L Bertilsson  H Y Neujahr 《Biochemistry》1971,10(14):2805-2808

Aerobic conditions proved to be best for the microbiol conversion of alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha-HCH) in a soil slurry. The dry soil contained 400 mg of alpha-HCH per kg. This xenobiotic compound was mineralized within about 18 days at an initial rate of 23 mg/kg of soil per day by the mixed native microbial population of the soil. The only intermediate that was detected during breakdown was pentachlorocyclohexene, which was detected at very small concentrations. Alpha-HCH was also bioconverted under methanogenic conditions. However, a rather long acclimation period (about 30 days) was necessary before degradation started, at a rate of 13 mg/kg of soil per day. Mass balance calculations showed that about 85% of the initial alpha-HCH that was present was converted to monochlorobenzene, 3,5-dichlorophenol, and a trichlorophenol isomer, possibly 2,4,5-trichlorophenol. Under both denitrifying and sulfate-reducing conditions, no significant bioconversion of alpha-HCH was observed. The beta isomer of HCH was recalcitrant at all of the four redox conditions studied. We propose that the specific spatial chloride arrangement of the beta isomer is responsible for its stability. The results reported here with complex soil slurry systems showed that alpha-HCH is, in contrast to the existing data in the literature, best degraded biologically in the presence of oxygen.  相似文献   

Summary Sediments of the rivers Rhine and Yssel and sewage sludge samples showed high mercury contents (5–30 ppm). Usually less than 1% — in one sludge sample 5% — of the mercury was in the form of methylmercury. Incubation of these samples, under varied aerobic and anaerobic conditions, with or without HgCl2 or phenylmercuryacetate added, gave no or only very slight formation of methylmercury.Most agricultural soils have a mercury content below 0.1 ppm and methylation will be no problem.  相似文献   

Salinity affects water availability in the soil and subsequently the plant uptake capacity. Upon exposure to salt stress, leaf growth in monocot plants has been shown to be reduced instantaneously, followed by a gradual acclimation. The growth reactions are caused by an initial water deficit and an accompanied osmotic effect, followed by an IAA-induced sequestration of protons into the apoplast that increases leaf growth again as explained by the acid growth theory. In this study, we investigated the dynamics of growth reactions and apoplastic pH in leaves of the dicot Vicia faba in the presence of NaCl during the initiation of salt stress. Concurrent changes in apoplastic pH were detected by ratiometric fluorescence microscopy using the fluorescent dye fluorescein tetramethylrhodamine dextran. To elucidate the possible relation between the dynamics of leaf growth and apoplastic pH, results of the ratio imaging technique were combined with an in vivo growth analysis imaging approach. Leaf growth rate of V. faba was highest in the dusk and the early night phase; at this time a concomitant decrease of the apoplastic pH was observed. Under salinity, the apoplastic pH in leaves of V. faba increased with a simultaneous decrease of leaf growth towards increasing developmental stages, but with complex aberrations in the 24-h-leaf-growth pattern compared to control leaves. In conclusion, these results show that salt stress leads to an increase in apoplastic pH and to a declined leaf growth activity with complex 24-h-interactions of growth and pH in V. faba.  相似文献   


Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon is a toxic recalcitrant environmental pollutant and its removal from the environment is very essential. In this study, a novel S1 strain isolated from the tropical rain forest was identified as Candida species based on 18S rRNA. The pyrene biodegradation was performed by Candida sp. S1. Pyrene was 35% degraded in 15 days. The percentage of pyrene biodegradation increased up to 75% with 24 g L−1 of sodium chloride and decreased along with increasing salinity. Under the acidic condition, the biodegradation was increased up to 60% at pH 5. It was also found that the increasing glucose concentration of more than 10 g L−1 had no significant effect on pyrene biodegradation, while agitation proved to have greater influence. There was a positive relationship between biomass growth and biodegradation rate of pyrene. One pyrene metabolite was identified from the extract solution and analyzed by a thin-layer chromatography, UV–visible absorption and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The metabolite found in the pyrene degradation was benzoic acid. Suitable conditions must be found to promote a successful microbial augmentation in liquid culture.


Summary Aerosol survival of a genetically engineered strain ofEscherichia coli demonstrated a more rapid die-off (i.e., death rate) compared to its parental wildtype. Up to 77% of a freeze dried and air-exposed genetically engineered microorganism (GEM) and wildtype bacteria could be resuscitated by the amendment of the dilution medium with catalase or bovine serum albumin (BSA). Rehydration temperature was found to effect survival of freeze dried and air-exposedE. coli, cold shock and rehydration caused 97% loss in viability, while trehalose treatment was found enhance survival by 5 to 10 fold for the wildtype and GEM, respectively.  相似文献   

The moulting of MYZUS PERSICAE under constant conditions of temperature, light (200 w filament light-bulb, d.c.) and almost constant relative humidity was studied. Maxima of moulting, counted at one-hour intervals between 12:00 and 15:00 hr under shielded conditions, could be traced more clearly when the air exchange in the shielded room was avoided. In electrical fields, to which the populations were exposed for 15–20 min, depressions of moulting numbers could be observed with relatively high electrical intensities (10 v),an increase, with medium electrical intensities (1 v), and a delayed increase of moulting with low intensities (0.1 v).Increases of moulting figures in comparison to the daily mean were also found in air negatively ionized (10–20 min application) by means of both high voltage corona discharge and radioactive tritium. It was found, that activity changes in the aphids (increase of moulting) often took place with a sudden rise of negative air ion density or with a drastic reduction of high positive air ion concentration.
Zusammenfassung MYZUS PERSICAE-HÄutungen in konstantem Licht (200 Watt-Glühbirne,Gleichstrom),konstanter Temperatur und annÄhernd konstanter relativer Luftfeuchtigkeit wurden stündlich ausgezÄhlt.Die unter verschieden abgeschirmten Bedingungen festgestellten HÄutungsmaxima zwischen 12:00–15:00 h traten klarer zutage,wenn die abgeschirmte Kabine hermetisch geschlossen wurde. In künstlich erzeugten elektrischen Feldern schienen höhere elektrische IntensitÄten (10 v) eine Depression, mittlere (1 v)HÄutungszunahme zu ergeben, die bei niedrigen FeldstÄrken (0,1 v) mit einstündiger VerspÄtung in Erscheinung trat. Relative HÄutungszunahmen (Mittelwertgegenüberstellungen) waren auch nach künstlicher negativer Ionisation der Luft mit Hilfe der stillen Corona-Entladung oder einer radioaktiven Tritium-Quelle festzustellen.Die beobachteten HÄutungsanstiege fielen dabei zeitlich sowohl mit plötzlichem, starkem Ansteigen negativer als auch mit drastischer Verminderung hoher positiver Ionenkonzentrationen zusammen.

Résumé Les mues de MYZUS PERSICAE en lumière (ampoule electrique, courant continu, 200 Watt), temperature constante et humidité relative de l'air approximativement constante ont été comptées une fois par heure.Les maximas de midi entre 12.00–15.00 h, constatés sous des conditions d'écran differents se montraient plus nettes si la cabine écran était hermetiquement fermé. Il semblait que dans des champs électriques artificiels des intensités de champ plus grandes (10 v) provoquent une dépression, des intensités moyennes (1 v) par contre une augmentation du nombre de mues — qui ne se montraient qu'après une heure de retard si l'intensité du champ était petite (0,1 v).De mÊme on constatait souvent une augmentation relative des mues (comparaison des valeurs moyennes) après une ionisation négative artificielle de l'air à l'aide d'une décharge corona,ainsi qu'à l'aide d'une source radioactive de Tritium. Les augmentation du nombre de mues observées coÏncidaient aussi bien avec une augmentation abrupte et forte de la concentration d'ions négatifs qu'avec une diminution frappante de la concentration d'ions positifs.

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