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血管内皮细胞的激活   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
血管内皮细胞被多种炎症介质激活后,主要表现为3个方面的变化:(1)细胞收缩变圆,细胞连续间出现裂隙,内皮层通透性增高;(2)细胞膜表面表达一些新的蛋白质抗原,如主要组织相容性抗原和多种细胞粘附分子,影响炎症、免疫和肿瘤转移过程;(3)细胞合成分泌对凝血、纤溶系统和血管张力有调节作用的活性因子以及多种炎症介质,影响机体内环境的稳定,参与某些疾病的发病过程。  相似文献   

钙激活氯通道电生理特性及调节机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钙激活氯通道(Calcium-activated Chloride Channels,CaCC)在许多生理过程中起着重要作用,如分泌蛋白及盐的跨上皮转运、神经元兴奋、平滑肌生理特性的维持、卵母细胞受精和心脏动作电位的复极化等.CaCC电生理特性较复杂,其全细胞电流随胞内钙离子浓度和刺激电压的不同而表现出不同整流特性和时间电压依赖性,不同组织的单通道电导有很大差异,大小介于1~70pS.CaCC可被NFA、9-AC、DPC、DIDS所阻断.目前CaCC通道蛋白的分子结构还不清楚,已克隆的两种蛋白家族CLCA和Bestrophin可作为其候选分子.本文综述了CaCC的电生理特性、调节机制、分子结构和生理功能.  相似文献   

细菌内毒素以血管内皮细胞的激活损伤作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细菌内毒素可激活、损伤血管内皮细胞,引起机体产生局部炎症反应和弥散性血管内凝血(DIC)等病理反庆,甚至导致机休我、死亡。内毒素激活血管内皮细胞有两条途径:其一是与LPS结合蛋白、LPS/LPS结合蛋白复合物受体结合后,直接激活血管内皮细胞;其二是先激活单核细胞、T细胞等免疫活性细胞,使其释放TNF-α、IFN和IL-1β等细胞因子,间接激活血管内皮细胞。两条激活途径关系密切,以间接激活途径为主。  相似文献   

Wu P  Wang MX  Luan HY 《生理科学进展》2011,42(4):296-298
Cl-通道参与许多生理过程,包括跨上皮细胞的离子吸收与分泌、平滑肌与骨骼肌收缩、神经元兴奋性、器官感知功能及细胞容积调节等.目前对于许多类型Cl-通道的分子构型尚不清楚.新近三个独立的研究小组同时发现Ano1是一种与钙离子激活氯通道(calcium-activated chloridechannels,CaCCs)活性密切相关的膜蛋白.Ano1与其它9个成员共同组成Anoctamin家族.所有Anoctamin蛋白都具有类似结构,推测含8个跨膜结构域以及胞质N-末端和C-末端.Ano1和Ano2的表达都与CaCCs类似,但其它Anoctamin蛋白的作用仍然未知.  相似文献   

跨膜蛋白16A:钙激活氯通道的最新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钙激活氯离子通道(calcium-activated chloride channels,CaCCs)介导了众多生理过程,包括跨上皮离子与液体分泌、心肌和神经兴奋、感觉传导、平滑肌收缩和受精过程等,但目前对于其分子基础等重要问题尚未研究清楚.综述了最新报道的CaCCs分子基础跨膜蛋白16A(TMEM16A)的发现过程、基因结构和功能、离子通道电生理特性、相关病理与药理功能的一些热点问题,并展望了该研究领域的发展趋势.  相似文献   

氯通道:在心脏中起何作用?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Zhou SS 《生理学报》2006,58(2):104-109
在心脏中发现氯通道已有十余年,目前已知氯通道是一类成员较多的离子通道超家族。心肌氯通道的作用可能是多重的,由于阻断氯通道或Cl^-替代对心肌的电特性产生明显影响,而心肌氯通道的种类和分布又存在明显的种属差异,提示心肌氯通道的主要作用可能在于调控阳离子通道,或为阳离子通道的正常活动提供一个合适的离子环境。因此,研究氯通道与阳离子通道之间的关系可能有重要的生理和病理生理学意义。  相似文献   

血管内皮细胞介导的纤溶作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
血管内皮细胞可合成和释放tPA、uPA和PAI-1,也提供纤溶成份之间相互作用的活性表面,在纤溶的启动和调节中起重要作用。内皮细胞介导的纤溶作用受到神经激素,生长因子、血浆成份、血细胞、血管壁基质和许多外源性物质的调控。  相似文献   

目的:研究多巴胺对血管平滑肌细胞大电流、钙激活钾(BKca)通道的影响及其信息传递机制。方法用膜片钳细胞贴附式技术,记录细胞能液内灌流多巴胺受体激动剂、阻断剂以及第二信使及相关蛋白激酶拮机剂对猪冠状动脉血管平滑肌细胞BKca 爱道活动的影响。结果:多巴胺增加BKca通道活性(P〈0.01),并可被CA-1受体阻断剂SCH23390完全阻断,但不受β2受体阻断剂普藉洛尔的影响。腺苷酸环化酶抑制剂SO  相似文献   

目的: 研究钙激活氯通道蛋白ANO1在心肌成纤维细胞(CFs)向成肌纤维细胞(MFs)分化过程中的表达规律及其电生理特性,探索ANO1在心肌纤维化进程中的作用。方法: 以刚分离贴壁的大鼠原代CFs及其分化的MFs为研究对象,利用全细胞膜片钳检测钙激活氯通道电流变化,采用免疫荧光标记技术和Western blot检测ANO1、α-SMA和vimentin在CFs和MFs细胞中的表达特征。结果: 刚贴壁培养的CFs钙激活氯通道电流密度远高于MFs;ANO1主要表达于CFs和MFs的细胞核周围及细胞核上,少量表达于细胞膜;ANO1在刚贴壁的CFs中表达较弱,而在有分裂增殖趋向的MFs细胞中表达较为明显。结论: ANO1的表达与MFs的分化过程密切相关,提示其可能参与调节心肌纤维化进程。  相似文献   

植物中的氯、氯通道和耐氯性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
於丙军  刘友良 《植物学报》2004,21(4):402-410
本文介绍了氯(Cl)在自然界的存在形式,Cl与植物生长发育的关系及植物对Cl-的吸收和运输机制。概述了Cl-通道和Cl-通道蛋白(CLCs)的种类与特点。探讨了不同植物对Cl-亏缺、过量的不同响应及植物耐Cl-的可能生理和分子生物学机制。  相似文献   

Extracellular acidic pH-activated chloride channel ICl, acid, has been characterized in HEK 293 cells and mammalian cardiac myocytes. This study was designed to characterize ICl,acid in human umbilical vein endothelial cells(HUVECs). The activation and deactivation of the current rapidly and repeatedly follows the change of the extracellular solution at pH 4.3, with the threshold pH 5.3. In addition, at very positive potentials, the current displays a time-dependent facilitation. pH-response relationship for ICl,acid revealed that EC50 is pH 4.764 with a threshold pH value of pH 5.3 and nH of 14.545. The current can be blocked by the Cl channel inhibitor DIDS (100 μM). In summary, for the first time we report the presence of proton-activated, outwardly rectifying chloride channel in HUVECs. Because an acidic environment can develop in local myocardium under pathological conditions such as myocardial ischemia, ICl,acid would play a role in regulation of EC function under these pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of volume-activated chloride channels has been examined in neuroblastoma C1300 cells using the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. Chloride channels could not be detected under isotonic conditions. However, hypotonic challenge induced slowly developed inward and outward anionic currents that exhibited outward rectification and inactivation at the most depolarizing potentials, features that were similar to the currents described in other cell preparations where volume-activated Cl channels have been associated with the expression of P-glycoprotein. This hypotonicity-activated Cl currents could be reversibly blocked by extracellular exposure to toremifene, a novel synthetic antioestrogen. The fact that toremifene and its analog tamoxifen, have been shown to block P-glycoprotein-associated chloride channels and to reverse P-glycoprotein associated multidrug resistance in a number of cell lines suggest that P-glycoprotein could be involved in the generation of hypotomic-induced chloride conductance in neuroblastoma cells.  相似文献   

This study focused on the differential expression levels of proteins that may exist between bone-derived and marrow-derived vascular endothelial cells (BVEC and MVEC). The vascular cells were isolated from trabecular bone regions and central marrow cavity regions of mouse long bones. Cells were cultured for 1 week to expand the population then separated from non-vascular cells using biotinylated isolectin B4, streptavidin-coated metallic microbeads, and a magnetic column. After an additional week of culture time, RNA was isolated from both cell types and compared using microarray analysis. RT-PCR was used to confirm and relatively quantitate the RNA messages. The bone-derived cells expressed more aldehyde dehydrogenase 3A1 (ALDH3A1), Secreted Modular Calcium-2 (SMOC-2), CCAAT enhancer binding protein (C/EBP-beta), matrix metalloproteinase 13 (MMP-13), and annexin 8 (ANX8) than the marrow-derived cells. Spalpha and matrix GLA-protein (MGP) were produced in greater abundance by the marrow-derived cells. This study reveals that there are profound and unique differences between the vasculature of the metaphysis as compared to that of the central marrow cavity. The unique array of proteins expressed by the bone-derived endothelial cells may support growth of tumors from cancer cells that frequently metastasize and lodge in the trabecular bone regions.  相似文献   

Fan B  Wang YX  Yao T  Zhu YC 《生理学报》2005,57(1):13-20
血管内皮细胞中血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growthfactor,VEGF)的合成增加在促进血管新生的过程中起着非常重要的作用.然而低氧诱导VEGF分泌的细胞内信号转导机制还不是很清楚.人脐静脉内皮细胞系(ECV304)在低氧或常氧的状态下培养12~24 h后分别用实时定量PCR和Western blot的方法来检测VEGF mRNA的表达及ERK1/2和p38激酶的磷酸化水平.分泌到培养液中的VEGF蛋白用酶联免疫吸附(ELISA)的方法来检测.业已报道,ERK的抑制剂PD98059能够抑制低氧诱导的VEGF基因的表达,根据这个报道,我们发现在低氧情况下,ECV304细胞的ERK1/2磷酸化水平增高以及VEGF的合成增加等这些变化也能被PD98059所抑制.本次实验的新发现是p38激酶的激活在低氧诱导VEGF合成增加中的作用.p38激酶的抑制剂SB202190能抑制低氧诱导的VEGF合成增加.这些数据首次直接证实了p38激酶在低氧诱导人内皮细胞分泌VEGF增加过程中的作用.  相似文献   

In the vascular endothelium of human beings, telomere length is negatively related while the frequency of aneuploidy is positively related to donor age. Both in culture and in vivo the frequency of aneuploidy increases as telomere length is shortened. In this study we explored the relation between telomere length and aneuploidy in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) by: (a) karyotype analysis and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), (b) measurement of the terminal restriction fragments (TRF), and (c) assessment of replicative senescence by the expression of beta-galactosidase. Of 8 HUVEC strains, 7 cell strains lost chromosome 13, as shown by metaphase analysis and FISH of interphase cells. Five strains gained chromosome 11. In addition, five HUVEC strains became hypotetraploid shortly after the loss of chromosome 13. The loss of chromosome 13 was observed as early as PD 20, when mean TRF length was greater than 9 kb and the percentage of cells positive for beta-galactosidase was relatively low. The almost uniform loss of chromosome 13 suggests that this unique type of aneuploidy of HUVEC is the result of a progressive expression of clones with survival advantage.  相似文献   

In this short review we describe the observations which have led us to conclude that one of the most important components involved in modulating cell proliferation in vitro, and probably in vivo as well, may be the extrac-cellular matrix upon which cells rest.  相似文献   

原代培养大鼠血管内皮细胞,将培养箱内通入5%CO2-95%N2混合气体(氧分压为18.3 mmHg)并培养大鼠血管内皮细胞12、24h,使用MTT法、LDH活力测定及细胞骨架染色对低氧细胞模型鉴定,研究大鼠血管内皮细胞低氧模型的建立条件及其形态学特点。在低氧12h条件下,血管内皮细胞存活率降低、LDH释放增加,但细胞骨架保持完整;在低氧24h条件下,血管内皮细胞存活率降低、LDH释放增加,细胞骨架破碎。结果表明在低氧(氧分压为18.3 mmHg)24h条件下,可以建立大鼠血管内皮细胞低氧模型。  相似文献   

The balance between lesion and regeneration of the endothelium is critical for the maintenance of vessel integrity. Exposure to cardiovascular risk factors (CRF) alters the regulatory functions of the endothelium that progresses from a quiescent state to activation, apoptosis and death. In the last 10 years, identification of circulating endothelial cells (CEC) and endothelial-derived microparticles (EMP) in the circulation has raised considerable interest as non-invasive markers of vascular dysfunction. Indeed, these endothelial-derived biomarkers were associated with most of the CRFs, were indicative of a poor clinical outcome in atherothrombotic disorders and correlated with established parameters of endothelial dysfunction. CEC and EMP also behave as potential pathogenic vectors able to accelerate endothelial dysfunction and promote disease progression. The endothelial response to injury has been enlarged by the discovery of a powerful physiological repair process based on the recruitment of circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) from the bone marrow. Recent studies indicate that reduction of EPC number and function by CRF plays a critical role in the progression of cardiovascular diseases. This EPC-mediated repair to injury response can be integrated into a clinical endothelial phenotype defining the 'vascular competence' of each individual. In the future, provided that standardization of available methodologies could be achieved, multimarker strategies combining CEC, EMP and EPC levels as integrative markers of 'vascular competence' may offer new perspectives to assess vascular risk and to monitor treatment efficacy.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor‐D (VEGF‐D) is an angiogenic and lymphangiogenic glycoprotein that facilitates tumour growth and distant organ metastasis. Our previous studies showed that VEGF‐D stimulates the expression of proteins involved in cell–matrix interactions and promoting the migration of endothelial cells. In this study, we focused on the redox homoeostasis of endothelial cells, which is significantly altered in the process of tumour angiogenesis. Our analysis revealed up‐regulated expression of proteins that form the antioxidant barrier of the cell in VEGF‐D‐treated human umbilical endothelial cells and increased production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in addition to a transient elevation in the total thiol group content. Despite a lack of changes in the total antioxidant capacity, modification of the antioxidant barrier induced by VEGF‐D was sufficient to protect cells against the oxidative stress caused by hypochlorite and paraquat. These results suggest that exogenous stimulation of endothelial cells with VEGF‐D induces an antioxidant response of cells that maintains the redox balance. Additionally, VEGF‐D‐induced changes in serine/threonine kinase mTOR shuttling between the cytosol and nucleus and its increased phosphorylation at Ser‐2448, lead us to the conclusion that the observed shift in redox balance is regulated via mTOR kinase signalling.  相似文献   

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