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Previous drug selection experiments resulted in the isolation of a human cytomegalovirus (CMV) UL97 phosphotransferase mutant resistant to the benzimidazole compound maribavir (1263W94), reflecting the anti-UL97 effect of this drug. Three other CMV strains were plaque purified during these experiments. These strains showed lower-grade resistance to maribavir than the UL97 mutant. Extensive DNA sequence analyses showed no changes from the baseline strain AD169 in UL97, the genes involved in DNA replication, and most structural proteins. However, changes were identified in UL27 where each strain contained a different mutation (R233S, W362R, or a combination of A406V and a stop at codon 415). The mutation at codon 415 is predicted to truncate the expressed UL27 protein by 193 codons (32% of UL27) with a loss of nuclear localization. The expression of full-length UL27 as a green fluorescent fusion protein in uninfected fibroblasts resulted in nuclear and nucleolar fluorescence, whereas cytoplasmic localization was observed when codons 1 to 415 were similarly expressed. Viable UL27 deletion mutants were created by recombination and showed slight growth attenuation and maribavir resistance in cell culture. Marker transfer experiments confirmed that UL27 mutations conferred maribavir resistance. The UL27 sequence was well conserved in a sample of 16 diverse clinical isolates. Mutation in UL27, a betaherpesvirus-specific early gene of unknown biological function, may adapt the virus for growth in the absence of UL97 activity.  相似文献   

The benzimidazole D-ribonucleosides TCRB and BDCRB are potent and selective inhibitors of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) replication. Two HCMV strains resistant to these compounds were selected and had resistance mutations in genes UL89 and UL56. Proteins encoded by these two genes are the two subunits of the HCMV "terminase" and are necessary for cleavage and packaging of viral genomic DNA, a process inhibited by TCRB and BDCRB. We now report that both strains also have a previously unidentified mutation in UL104, the HCMV portal protein. This mutation, which results in L21F substitution, was introduced into the genome of wild-type HCMV by utilizing a recently cloned genome of HCMV as a bacterial artificial chromosome. The virus with this mutation alone was not resistant to BDCRB, suggesting that this site is not involved in binding benzimidazole nucleosides. As in previous proposals for mutations in UL104 of murine cytomegalovirus and HCMV strains resistant to BAY 38-4766, we hypothesize that this mutation could compensate for conformational changes in mutant UL89 and UL56 proteins, since the HCMV terminase is likely to interact with the portal protein during cleavage and packaging of genomic DNA.  相似文献   

Characterization of the human cytomegalovirus UL34 gene   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

The human cytomegalovirus UL97 protein is an unusual protein kinase that is able to autophosphorylate and to phosphorylate certain exogenous substrates, including nucleoside analogs such as ganciclovir. However, no natural substrate of UL97 in infected cells has been identified. We report here that recombinant UL44 protein became radiolabeled when incubated with recombinant UL97 and [(32)P]ATP and that both proteins could be coimmunoprecipitated by an antibody that recognizes either protein. Subsequent studies showed that highly purified, recombinant UL97 phosphorylated purified, recombinant UL44. This phosphorylation occurred on serine and threonine residues and was sensitive to inhibition by maribavir and to a mutation that inactivates UL97 catalytic activity. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed the absence of specific phosphorylated forms of UL44 in immunoprecipitates from lysates of cells infected with a UL97 null mutant virus or with wild-type virus in the presence of maribavir. The results indicate that UL97 is sufficient to phosphorylate UL44 in vitro and is necessary for the normal phosphorylation of UL44 in infected cells. This strongly suggests that UL44 is a natural substrate of UL97.  相似文献   

Processivity factors tether the catalytic subunits of DNA polymerases to DNA so that continuous synthesis of long DNA strands is possible. The human cytomegalovirus DNA polymerase subunit UL44 forms a C clamp-shaped dimer intermediate in structure between monomeric herpes simplex virus UL42, which binds DNA directly via a basic surface, and the trimeric sliding clamp PCNA, which encircles DNA. To investigate how UL44 interacts with DNA, calculations were performed in which a 12 bp DNA oligonucleotide was docked to UL44. The calculations suggested that UL44 encircles DNA, which interacts with basic residues both within the cavity of the C clamp and in flexible loops of UL44 that complete the "circle." The results of mutational and crosslinking studies were consistent with this model. Thus, UL44 is a "hybrid" of UL42 and PCNA: its structure is intermediate between the two and its mode of interaction with DNA has elements of both.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a herpesvirus associated with serious diseases in immunocompromised subjects. The region between ORF UL133 and UL151 from HCMV, named ULb' is frequently deleted in attenuated AD169 and in highly passaged laboratory strains. However, this region is conserved in low-passaged and more virulent HCMV, like the Toledo strain. The UL146 gene, which is located in the ULb' region, encodes a CXC-chemokine analogue. The diversity of UL146 gene was evaluated among fifty-six clinical isolates of HCMV from Japan. Results show that UL146 gene was successfully amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in only 17/56 strains (30%), while the success rate for UL145/UL147 gene was 18/56 strains (32%). After DNA sequencing, the 35 amplified strains were classified into 8 groups. When compared, variability of UL146 ranged from 25.1% to 52.9% at the DNA level and from 34.5% to 67% at the amino acid level. Seven groups had the interleukin-8 (IL-8) motif ERL (Glu-Leu-Arg) CXC and one group had only the CXC motif, suggesting the absence of the IL-8 function of UL146. In conclusion, we found that UL146 gene of HCMV is hyper-variable in clinical strains from Japan suggesting the possibility of a different function in each sequence group.  相似文献   

The same point mutation in the human cytomegalovirus UL97 open reading frame was found in three independently isolated ganciclovir-resistant mutants of strain AD169. Point mutations in the DNA polymerase genes of these strains have been previously identified (N.S. Lurain, K.D. Thompson, E.W. Holmes, and G.S. Read, J. Virol. 66:7146-7152, 1992). All three strains are, therefore, double mutants. To determine the contribution of the UL97 mutation to the high ganciclovir resistance of these mutants, the mutation from the ganciclovir-resistant strain D6/3/1 was transferred to the wild-type strain AD169 to produce the recombinant R6HS. The ganciclovir resistance of R6HS is 4-fold lower than that of D6/3/1 but 10-fold higher than that of AD169. R6HS, like AD169, is sensitive to the nucleotide analogs (S)-1-[(3-hydroxy-2-phosphonylmethoxy) propyl]adenine and (S)-1-[(3-hydroxy-2-phosphonylmethoxy)propyl]cytosine. Ganciclovir phosphorylation in R6HS-infected cells was at the same reduced level as that found in cells infected with the parental mutant D6/3/1. The same G-to-T transversion at nucleotide 1380 in the UL97 coding sequence is present in both R6HS and D6/3/1. This mutation results in the substitution of isoleucine for methionine at amino acid residue 460. In an alignment of the R6HS UL97 amino acid sequence with the amino acid sequences of a wide range of protein kinase family members, methionine 460 lies within a highly conserved region which may function in nucleotide binding and phosphate transfer.  相似文献   

Drug‐resistant cytomegalovirus appears during prolonged anti‐cytomegalovirus therapy. Assays for human cytomegalovirus viral protein kinase (UL97) and viral DNA polymerase (UL54) gene mutations conferring drug resistance have been used rather than susceptibility assays to assess clinical specimens. In this study a sensitive system for genotype assay of UL97 and UL54 in clinical specimens with as few as six copies/µg of DNA was developed.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus UL18, a MHC class I homologue, is known to serve as a natural killer cell (NK) decoy and to ligate NK inhibitory receptors to prevent lysis of an infected target cell. To explore whether the cell surface expression of UL18 represents a potential immune suppressive approach to evade NK-mediated cytotoxicity in the prevention of xenograft rejection, we examined the effect of the UL18 expression in vitro upon human NK-mediated cytotoxicity against swine endothelial cells (SECs). UL18 expression on SECs by a retroviral vector (PLNCX2) significantly suppressed NK-mediated SEC lysis by approximately 25-100%. The protective effect of UL18 could be mediated through ILT-2 inhibitory receptor on NKs. Additionally, the interaction between UL18 and NKs resulted in the significant reduction of IFN-gamma production. This study demonstrates that UL18 can serve as an effective tool for the evasion of NK-mediated cytotoxicity and for the inhibition of IFN-gamma production during xenograft rejection.  相似文献   

The glycoprotein (g) complex gH/gL represents an essential part of the herpesvirus fusion machinery mediating entry of cell-free virions and cell-associated viral spread. In some herpesviruses additional proteins are associated with gH/gL contributing to the cell tropism of the respective virus. Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) gH/gL forms complexes with either gO (UL74) or proteins of the UL128-131A gene locus. While a contribution of UL128-131A to endothelial cell tropism is known, the role of gO is less clear. We studied the role of gH/gL-associated proteins in HCMV replication in human foreskin fibroblasts (HFF) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). Deletions of UL74 alone or in combination with mutations of the UL128-131A gene region were introduced into bacterial artificial chromosome vectors derived from the endotheliotropic strain TB40/E. Deletion of UL74 caused a profound defect regarding virus release from infected HFF and HUVEC. Large numbers of capsids accumulated in the cytoplasm of infected HFF but failed to acquire an envelope. Clear cell type differences were observed in the cell-associated spread of the UL74-defective virus. In HFF, focal growth was severely impaired, whereas it was normal in HUVEC. Deletion of UL131A abolished focal growth in endothelial cells. UL74/UL128-131A dual mutants showed severely impaired reconstitution efficiency. Our data suggest that gO plays a critical role in secondary envelopment and release of cell-free virions independent of the cell type but affects cell-associated growth specifically in HFF, whereas UL128-131A contributes to cell-associated spread in HFF and HUVEC.  相似文献   

We previously described a novel genetic locus within the ULb' region of the human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) genome that, while dispensable for replication in fibroblasts, suppresses replication in hematopoietic progenitors and augments replication in endothelial cells. This locus, referred to as the UL133-UL138 locus, encodes four proteins, pUL133, pUL135, pUL136, and pUL138. In this work, we have mapped the interactions among these proteins. An analysis of all pairwise interactions during transient expression revealed a robust interaction between pUL133 and pUL138. Potential interactions between pUL136 and both pUL133 and pUL138 were also revealed. In addition, each of the UL133-UL138 locus proteins self-associated, suggesting a potential to form higher-order homomeric complexes. As both pUL133 and pUL138 function in promoting viral latency in CD34(+) hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) infected in vitro, we further focused on this interaction. pUL133 and pUL138 are the predominant complex detected when all proteins are expressed together and require no other proteins in the locus for their association. During infection, the interaction between pUL133 and pUL138 or pUL136 can be detected. A recombinant virus that fails to express both pUL133 and pUL138 exhibited a latency phenotype similar to that of viruses that fail to express either pUL133 or pUL138, indicating that these proteins function cooperatively in latency and do not have independent functions that additively contribute to HCMV latency. These studies identify protein interactions among proteins encoded by the UL133-UL138 locus and demonstrate an important interaction impacting the outcome of HCMV infection.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) UL37 glycoprotein (gpUL37) is internally cleaved and its products divergently traffic to mitochondria or are retained in the secretory pathway. To define the requirements for gpUL37 cleavage, residues -1 and -3 of the consensus endoplasmic reticulum (ER) signal peptidase I site within exon 3 (UL37x3) were replaced by bulky tyrosines (gpUL37 cleavage site mutant I). Internal cleavage of this UL37x3 mutant was inhibited, verifying usage of the consensus site at amino acids (aa) 193/194. The full-length mitochondrial species of gpUL37 cleavage site mutant I was N glycosylated and endoglycosidase H sensitive, indicating that ER translocation and processing took place prior to its mitochondrial importation. Moreover, these results suggest that internal cleavage of gpUL37 is not necessary for its N glycosylation. Partial deletion or disruption of the UL37 hydrophobic core immediately upstream of the cleavage site resulted in decreased protein abundance, suggesting that the UL37x3 hydrophobic alpha-helix contributes to either correct folding or stability of gpUL37. Insertion of the UL37x3 hydrophobic core and cleavage site into pUL37(M), a splice variant of gpUL37 which lacks these sequences and is neither proteolytically cleaved nor N glycosylated, resulted in its internal cleavage and N glycosylation. Its NH(2)-terminal fragment, pUL37(M-NH2), was detected more abundantly in mitochondria, while its N-glycosylated C-terminal fragment, gpUL37(M-COOH), was detected predominantly in the ER in a manner analogous to that of gpUL37 cleavage products. These results indicate that UL37x3 aa 178 to 205 are prerequisite for gpUL37 internal cleavage and alter UL37 protein topology allowing N glycosylation of its C-terminal sequences. In contrast, the NH(2)-terminal UL37x1 hydrophobic leader, present in pUL37x1, pUL37(M), and gpUL37, is not cleaved from mature UL37 protein, retaining a membrane anchor for UL37 isoforms during trafficking. Taken together, these results suggest that HCMV gpUL37 undergoes sequential trafficking, during which it is ER translocated, processed, and then mitochondrially imported.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) encodes UL18, a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I homologue that binds to the leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor (LIR)-1 (also called ILT2/CD85j/LILRB1), an inhibitory receptor expressed on myeloid and lymphoid immune cells. The molecular basis underlying the high affinity binding of UL18 to LIR-1, compared to MHC class I molecules (MHC-I), is unclear. Based on a comparative structural analysis of a molecular model of UL18 with the crystal structure of the HLA-A2/LIR-1 complex, we identified three regions in UL18 influencing interaction with LIR-1. Comparison of the relative binding affinities of mutated UL18 proteins to LIR-1 demonstrated the importance of specific residues in each region. Substitution of residues K42/A43 and Q202, localized in the alpha1 and alpha3 domains, respectively, reduced binding affinity to LIR-1 nearly by half. The model also suggested the formation of an additional disulfide bridge in the alpha3 domain of UL18 between residues C240 and C255, not present in MHC-I. Substitution of either cysteine residue prevented association of UL18 to beta2m, abolishing binding to LIR-1. All observed differences in binding affinities translated directly into functional consequences in terms of inhibition of IFN-gamma production by T cells, mediated through the UL18-LIR-1 interaction. The larger amount of interacting regions, combined with an increased stability of the alpha3 and beta2m domains allow a higher recognition affinity of UL18 by LIR-1.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus UL80 open reading frame encodes protease and assembly protein from its N- and C-terminal regions, respectively. We reported previously that a 30-kDa protease is derived by autoproteolytic processing of a polyprotein which is the translation product of the entire UL80 open reading frame (E. Z. Baum, G. A. Bebernitz, J. D. Hulmes, V. P. Muzithras, T. R. Jones, and Y. Gluzman, J. Virol. 67:497-506, 1993). Three autoproteolytic cleavage sites within the UL80 polyprotein were characterized; site 143 is within the protease domain and inactivates the protease. In this article, we report (i) expression analyses of UL80 in infected cells, including the processing kinetics of the UL80 polyprotein; (ii) the existence of an additional cleavage site (site 209) within the protease domain of the UL80 polyprotein; and (iii) the effect of mutagenesis at each of the cleavage sites upon proteolytic activity and steady-state levels of the UL80 processing products. During the course of infection, UL80 polyprotein processing begins at cleavage site 643 and follows at sites 256 and 143. Cleavage at site 643 and/or 256 within the polyprotein is not a prerequisite for efficient protease activity, since all three proteases (85-, 80-, and 30-kDa proteins) were equally active in cleaving the assembly protein precursor to its mature form. Inhibition of cleavage at site 143 resulted in a three- to sixfold increase in the steady-state level of the 30-kDa protease, supporting the hypothesis that cleavage at this site may represent a mechanism by which cytomegalovirus regulates the level of active protease.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus infections involve the extensive modification of host cell pathways, including cell cycle control, the regulation of the DNA damage response, and averting promyelocytic leukemia (PML)-mediated antiviral responses. The UL35 gene from human cytomegalovirus is important for viral gene expression and efficient replication and encodes two proteins, UL35 and UL35a, whose mechanism of action is not well understood. Here, affinity purification coupled with mass spectrometry was used to identify previously unknown human cellular targets of UL35 and UL35a. We demonstrate that both viral proteins interact with the ubiquitin-specific protease USP7, and that UL35 expression can alter USP7 subcellular localization. In addition, UL35 (but not UL35a) was found to associate with three components of the Cul4(DCAF1) E3 ubiquitin ligase complex (DCAF1, DDB1, and DDA1) previously shown to be targeted by the HIV-1 Vpr protein. The coimmunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence microscopy of DCAF1 mutants revealed that the C-terminal region of DCAF1 is required for association with UL35 and mediates the dramatic relocalization of DCAF1 to UL35 nuclear bodies, which also contain conjugated ubiquitin. As previously reported for the Vpr-DCAF1 interaction, UL35 (but not UL35a) expression resulted in the accumulation of cells in the G(2) phase of the cell cycle, which is typical of a DNA damage response, and activated the G(2) checkpoint in a DCAF1-dependent manner. In addition, UL35 (but not UL35a) induced γ-H2AX and 53BP1 foci, indicating the activation of DNA damage and repair responses. Therefore, the identified interactions suggest that UL35 can contribute to viral replication through the manipulation of host responses.  相似文献   

In common with other herpesviruses, the human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) DNA polymerase contains a catalytic subunit (Pol or UL54) and an accessory protein (UL44) that is thought to increase the processivity of the enzyme. The observation that antisense inhibition of UL44 synthesis in HCMV-infected cells strongly inhibits viral DNA replication, together with the structural similarity predicted for the herpesvirus processivity subunits, highlights the importance of the accessory protein for virus growth and raises the possibility that the UL54/UL44 interaction might be a valid target for antiviral drugs. To investigate this possibility, overlapping peptides spanning residues 1161 to 1242 of UL54 were synthesized and tested for inhibition of the interaction between purified UL54 and UL44 proteins. A peptide, LPRRLHLEPAFLPYSVKAHECC, corresponding to residues 1221 to 1242 at the very C terminus of UL54, disrupted both the physical interaction between the two proteins and specifically inhibited the stimulation of UL54 by UL44. A mutant peptide lacking the two carboxy-terminal cysteines was markedly less inhibitory, suggesting a role for these residues in the UL54/UL44 interaction. Circular dichroism spectroscopy indicated that the UL54 C-terminal peptide can adopt a partially alpha-helical structure. Taken together, these results indicate that the two subunits of HCMV DNA polymerase most likely interact in a way which is analogous to that of the two subunits of herpes simplex virus DNA polymerase, even though there is no sequence homology in the binding site, and suggest that the UL54 peptide, or derivatives thereof, could form the basis for developing a new class of anti-HCMV inhibitors that act by disrupting the UL54/UL44 interaction.  相似文献   

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