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A change in natural killer (NK) cell activity can be conditioned with one trial learning when conditioned stimulus (CS) precedes the unconditioned stimulus (US). To avoid the problems associated with two reexposures in our earlier studies, we have developed a reliable and simple conditioning protocol utilizing the one trial learning and one reexposure to the odor CS. The conditioned change in NK cell activity was significantly different (P less than 0.05) from the control groups of mice. The paradigm is short and simple in that the conditioned change could be demonstrated within 3 days. We have also compared the effects of temporal association of CS and US on conditioned increase in NK cell activity. Forward conditioning (CS preceded the US) demonstrated a conditioned change, but the backward conditioning protocol did not. The paradigm provides a reliable approach to the study of mechanisms of the phenomenon of odor-NK conditioning.  相似文献   

Adult Lepidoptera are capable of associative learning. This helps them to forage flowers or to find suitable oviposition sites. Larval learning has never been seriously considered because they have limited foraging capabilities and usually depend on adults as concerns their food choices. We tested if Spodoptera littoralis larvae can learn to associate an odor with a tastant using a new classical conditioning paradigm. Groups of larvae were exposed to an unconditioned stimulus (US: fructose or quinine mixed with agar) paired with a conditioned stimulus (CS: hexanol, geraniol or pentyl acetate) in a petri dish. Their reaction to CS was subsequently tested in a petri dish at different time intervals after conditioning. Trained larvae showed a significant preference or avoidance to CS when paired with US depending on the reinforcer used. The training was more efficient when larvae were given a choice between an area where CS-US was paired and an area with no CS (or another odor). In these conditions, the memory formed could be recalled at least 24 h after pairing with an aversive stimulus and only 5 min after pairing with an appetitive stimulus. This learning was specific to CS because trained larvae were able to discriminate CS from another odor that was present during the training but unrewarded. These results suggest that Lepidoptera larvae exhibit more behavioral plasticity than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

Injection of mice with 20 micrograms polyinosinic: polycytidylic acid (Poly I:C) after exposure to camphor odor results in a conditioned augmentation of natural killer cell (NK) activity. In this study, we show that the conditioned response is not the result of nociceptive stimulation and that interferon-beta (IFN), but not IFN-alpha can replace Poly I:C as the unconditioned stimulus (US). Two conditioned stimuli (CS) were used with equivalent results. A combination CS consisting of a novel taste (saccharin) and a 125 mg/kg injection of LiCl that induces gastric upset was paired with a Poly I:C or IFN-beta (1 X 10(4) IU) injection. This resulted in an augmentation of NK activity when the conditioned animals were reexposed to the saccharin-LiCl CS. In addition, an identical conditioned response was elicited when a camphor odor CS was paired with either of these US. To test whether the conditioned response might be an artifact not detected by our controls, a mock conditioning experiment was performed, which assessed the differential effect of multiple exposures to the saccharin-LiCl CS without a CS/US pairing. The mock conditioned group was significantly suppressed relative to saline treated controls, whereas the mock nonconditioned group and the mock conditioned group that was not reexposed to the CS after conditioning did not show significant suppression. This indicates that the augmentation observed in the conditioned group after CS/US pairing was not the result of exposure to the CS itself. Small doses of Poly I:C (5 micrograms or 2.5 micrograms) given on days 3 and 5 (or on day 5 only) to boost NK activity had the effect of increasing the magnitude of the conditioned response measured on day 6. In addition, an identical conditioned response was observed when the interval between the CS/US pairing and the later CS exposures was changed, which places the test for the conditioned response either on day 6 (CS given on days 3 and 5) or day 10 (CS given on days 7 and 9). These results show that the observed conditioned enhancement of NK activity in conditioned animals is not caused by any nociceptive properties of the CS itself and is dependent on the IFN-beta produced after Poly I:C injection in the conditioned paradigm.  相似文献   

A Pavlovian conditioning paradigm was used to induce a connection between a conditioned stimulus, light (CS), associated with an unconditioned stimulus, confinement (US) in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus , which resulted in a conditioned endocrine response (CR) to the CS alone manifested as an increase in plasma cortisol. Individual isolated Nile tilapia were submitted for 10 days to the conditioning treatment consisting of turning on a light (CS) for 1 min with subsequent 30 min confinement (US). On the 10th day of the experiment, plasma cortisol was not increased when fish were subjected to no handling at all, or only light, or even a daily stressor for the 9 days. On the other hand, at the 10th day cortisol was significantly increased only when light was presented either with or without pairing with the stressor. These results confirmed that the cue, light (CS), was not stressful in itself, but when given as the CS in the absence of the US post conditioning the hypothalamus–pituitary–interrenal axis was activated. Therefore, it was concluded that memory of a previous experience with a stressor can be recalled by a conditioned stimulus and induce stress, which is the first demonstration of a memory‐induced stress in fishes.  相似文献   

Pedreira ME  Maldonado H 《Neuron》2003,38(6):863-869
When learned associations are recalled from long-term memory stores by presentation of an unreinforced conditioned stimulus (CS), two processes are initiated. One, termed reconsolidation, re-activates the association between the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli and transfers it from a stable protein synthesis-independent form of storage to a more labile protein-dependent state. The other is an extinction process in which presentation of the CS alone degrades the association between CS and US. To address the mechanistic relationship between reconsolidation and extinction, we have used an invertebrate model of contextual memory, which involves an association between the learning context and a visual danger stimulus. Here, we show that re-exposure duration to the learning context acts as a switch guiding the memory course toward reconsolidation or extinction, each depending on protein synthesis. Manipulation of this variable allows findings of impaired extinction to be discriminated from those of disrupted reconsolidation.  相似文献   

Studies utilizing general learning and memory tasks have suggested the importance of neocortical structural plasticity for memory consolidation. However, these learning tasks typically result in learning of multiple different tasks over several days of training, making it difficult to determine the synaptic time course mediating each learning event. The current study used trace-eyeblink conditioning to determine the time course for neocortical spine modification during learning. With eyeblink conditioning, subjects are presented with a neutral, conditioned stimulus (CS) paired with a salient, unconditioned stimulus (US) to elicit an unconditioned response (UR). With multiple CS-US pairings, subjects learn to associate the CS with the US and exhibit a conditioned response (CR) when presented with the CS. Trace conditioning is when there is a stimulus free interval between the CS and the US. Utilizing trace-eyeblink conditioning with whisker stimulation as the CS (whisker-trace-eyeblink: WTEB), previous findings have shown that primary somatosensory (barrel) cortex is required for both acquisition and retention of the trace-association. Additionally, prior findings demonstrated that WTEB acquisition results in an expansion of the cytochrome oxidase whisker representation and synaptic modification in layer IV of barrel cortex. To further explore these findings and determine the time course for neocortical learning-induced spine modification, the present study utilized WTEB conditioning to examine Golgi-Cox stained neurons in layer IV of barrel cortex. Findings from this study demonstrated a training-dependent spine proliferation in layer IV of barrel cortex during trace associative learning. Furthermore, findings from this study showing that filopodia-like spines exhibited a similar pattern to the overall spine density further suggests that reorganization of synaptic contacts set the foundation for learning-induced neocortical modifications through the different neocortical layers.  相似文献   

Hermissenda CNS, immunolabeled for the memory protein calexcitin showed significant immunostaining over background in the B-photoreceptor cells of the eye. The degree of staining correlated positively with the number of Pavlovian training events experienced by the animals and the degree of Pavlovian conditioning induced. The training regime consisted of exposing animals to light (conditioned stimulus, CS) paired with orbital rotation (unconditioned stimulus, US). In animals that exhibited the conditioned response, calexcitin immunolabeling was more intense than was found for naive (unconditioned) animals or animals given the CS and US in random sequence. Animals exposed to lead (maintained in 1.2 ppm lead acetate) at a dosage known to impair learning in children, showed reduced learning and less intense calexcitin staining whether the CS and US were paired or given randomly. However, the levels were still higher than that of naive animals. Immuno-electron microscopy indicated that the labeling was predominantly within calcium sequestering organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum, and to lesser extent within mitochondria, and photopigments. The calexcitin density after a short-term memory (STM) regime was the same whether measured 5 minutes after conditioning (when STM was evidenced by foot contraction) or 90 minutes later when no recall was detected. The staining density was also similar to the levels found 5 minutes after long-term memory (LTM) conditioning. However, the LTM regime produced a greater calexcitin intensity at 90 minutes when the memory had been consolidated. This learning-specific increase in calexcitin is consistent with the previously implicated sequence of molecular events that are associated with progressively longer time domains of memory storage.  相似文献   

【目的】为了探究桔小实蝇 Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)雄成虫的嗅觉学习能力。【方法】本研究采用经典性嗅觉条件反射训练法(classical olfactory conditioning)在室内对固定的羽化后14-17日龄的桔小实蝇雄成虫进行气味与食物的联合学习训练, 即薄荷精油和10%蔗糖溶液联合的奖赏性训练(appetitive conditioning)以及甲基丁香酚(methyl eugenol, ME)和饱和盐溶液联合的惩罚性训练(aversive conditioning),并以伸喙反射行为(proboscis extension reflex, PER)作为学习与否的判定标准。【结果】经过奖赏性训练后,桔小实蝇雄成虫对薄荷精油的伸喙反射率可从0%增加至68%;而经过惩罚性训练后,桔小实蝇对甲基丁香酚的伸喙反射率可从100%降低至36.54%,且这种伸喙反射率的变化是通过气味条件刺激(conditioned stimulus)和食物非条件刺激(unconditioned stimulus)的对称性联合而产生的。【结论】结果表明,桔小实蝇雄性成虫具有较强的联系性嗅觉学习能力,并且两种刺激的联合是形成学习记忆的必要条件。  相似文献   

In Pavlovian conditioning, animals learn to associate initially neutral stimuli with positive or negative outcomes, leading to appetitive and aversive learning respectively. The honeybee (Apis mellifera) is a prominent invertebrate model for studying both versions of olfactory learning and for unraveling the influence of genotype. As a queen bee mates with about 15 males, her worker offspring belong to as many, genetically-different patrilines. While the genetic dependency of appetitive learning is well established in bees, it is not the case for aversive learning, as a robust protocol was only developed recently. In the original conditioning of the sting extension response (SER), bees learn to associate an odor (conditioned stimulus - CS) with an electric shock (unconditioned stimulus - US). This US is however not a natural stimulus for bees, which may represent a potential caveat for dissecting the genetics underlying aversive learning. We thus first tested heat as a potential new US for SER conditioning. We show that thermal stimulation of several sensory structures on the bee’s body triggers the SER, in a temperature-dependent manner. Moreover, heat applied to the antennae, mouthparts or legs is an efficient US for SER conditioning. Then, using microsatellite analysis, we analyzed heat sensitivity and aversive learning performances in ten worker patrilines issued from a naturally inseminated queen. We demonstrate a strong influence of genotype on aversive learning, possibly indicating the existence of a genetic determinism of this capacity. Such determinism could be instrumental for efficient task partitioning within the hive.  相似文献   

Research on the inhibition of learned fear currently relies almost exclusively on one specific procedure, namely extinction of the conditioned stimulus (CS). Importantly, however, learned fear responses can be reduced by a number of other procedures, including habituation of the unconditioned stimulus (US). We recently demonstrated that reductions in learned fear following US habituation, like CS extinction, were subject to both renewal and reinstatement (Storsve et al., 2010). The present study further investigates the associative and non-associative processes shared between habituation and extinction. Given that habituation is typically context-independent (Mackintosh, 1987), in the present study we directly compared renewal and reinstatement of both a conditioned response (CR; freezing) and an unconditioned response (UR; startle) following habituation. It was found that the reduction in conditioned freezing resulting from habituation was context specific (i.e., a change in context led to a renewal of the conditioned fear response; Experiment 1) and was attenuated when a pre-test shock was given (i.e., reinstatement of conditioned fear was observed; Experiment 2). In contrast, habituation of an unconditioned response elicited by the US (i.e., a startle response) was unaffected by either a change in test context or administration of a pre-test shock. This dissociation in the effects of habituation on learned and unlearned responses is discussed in relation to theories of fear extinction.  相似文献   

This study investigated the ability of the dusky damselfish Stegastes fuscus to associate conditioned and unconditioned stimuli (single CS–US) and to find a specific place in a clueless ambiece (spatial learning). After tested for colour preference and showing no specific colour attractively, the fish were trained to associate a colour cue with a stimulus fish (conspecific). Fish were then challenged to locate the exact place where the stimulus fish was presented. Stegastes fuscus spent most time close to the zone where stimulus was presented, even without obvious marks for orientation. The results confirm that S. fuscus show single CS–US learning and suggest the fish ability for spatial orientation. Stegastes fuscus appears to use multiple senses (sight and lateral line) for cues association and recall, and appear to perform relational learning similar to mammals. These data suggest the importance of cognitive skill for reef fishes that may have contributed to their establishment and evolutionary success in such complex environment.  相似文献   

Five experiments were conducted in which the onset of a tone conditioned stimulus (CS) preceded the unconditioned stimulus (US) by 500 ms. Across experiments, the offset of the CS was extended past the offset of the US by values ranging from 0 ms to 40000 ms. Extensions of the CS of 2000 ms or greater produced acquisition of a conditioned response (CR) that was as fast or faster than in the no-extension condition (0 ms). While extension of a forward tone CS after the US enhanced excitatory conditioning, insertion of another CS (light) in a purely backward relationship with the US passed only a retardation test, indicative of latent inhibition, and not a summation test needed for conditioned inhibition. The results add to the evidence that excitatory and inhibitory processes are both engaged following US offset. Alternative theories of CS processing are discussed.  相似文献   

The housefly, Musca domestica, was conditioned to odours using the proboscis extension response to labellar stimulation with sucrose solution as an unconditioned response and the properties of conditioning were investigated. Among trials including forward pairing of the conditioned stimulus (CS) with the unconditioned stimulus (US), backward pairing and isolated presentations of CS and US, only forward pairing is effective on the acquisition of conditioning. Backward pairing combined with forward pairing does not influence the effectiveness of the forward pairing. CS given overlapping with a US presentation permits only weak conditioning. The acquisition of conditioning decreases with increase of the CS-US interval. In the differential conditioning situation to two odours, discriminative responses are observed. In the flies conditioned with one antenna, the conditioned response is elicited not only by stimulation of the antenna used for conditioning but also by stimulation of the antenna not used for conditioning, although the response using the former is higher than with the latter. The ability to be conditioned is reduced immediately after fastening on a clay bed and increases with time. Ability can also be improved by transection of the ventral nerve cord.  相似文献   

Summary By changing the conditioned discrimination paradigm of Quinn et al. (1974) from an instrumental procedure to a classical (Pavlovian) one, we have demonstrated strong learning in type flies. About 150 flies were sequestered in a closed chamber and trained by explosing them sequentially to two odors in air currents. Flies received twelve electric shock pulses in the presence of the first odor (CS+) but not in the presence of the second odor (CS–). To test for conditioned avoidance responses, flies were transported to a Tmaze choice point, between converging currents of the two odors. Typically, 95% of trained flies avoided the shock-associated odor (CS+).Acquisition of learning was a function of the number of shock pulses received during CS+ presentation and was asymptotic within one training cycle. Conditioned avoidance increased with increasing shock intensity or odor concentration and was very resistant to extinction. Learning was best when CS+ presentations overlap shock (delay conditioning) and then decreased with increasing CS-US interstimulus intervals. Shocking flies immediately before CS+ presentation (backward conditioning) produced no learning. Nonassociative control procedures (CS Alone, US Alone and Explicitly Unpaired) produced slight decreases in avoidance responses, but these affected both odors equally and did not alter our associative learning index (A).Memory in wild-type flies decayed gradually over the first seven hours after training and still was present 24 h later. The mutantsamnesiac, rutabaga anddunce showed appreciable learning acquisition, but their memories decayed very rapidly during the first 30 min. After this, the rates of decay slowed sharply; conditioned avoidance still was measurable at least three hours after training.Abbreviations OCT 3-octanol - MCH 4-methylcyclohexanol - C-S Canton-Special - CS conditioned stimulus - US unconditioned stimulus  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to examine appetitive backward conditioning in a conditioned reinforcement preparation. In all experiments, off-line classical conditioning was conducted following lever-press training on two levers. Presentations of a sucrose solution by a liquid dipper served as an unconditioned stimulus (US) and two auditory stimuli served as conditioned stimuli (CSs); one was paired with the US in either a forward (Experiment 1a) or a backward (Experiments 1b, 2, and 3) relationship, and the other served as a control CS, which was not paired with the US. In testing, each lever-press response produced a presentation of one of the CSs instead of appetitive reinforcers. The response to a lever was facilitated, compared to the response to another lever, when the response produced the backward CS presentation as well as when it produced the forward CS presentation; that is, the backward CS served as an excitatory conditioned reinforcer.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the interoceptive nicotine conditional stimulus (CS) functions similarly to exteroceptive CSs such as lights or environments. For instance, the appetitive conditioned response (CR) evoked when nicotine is repeatedly paired with sucrose presentations (the unconditioned stimulus; US) is sensitive to changes in training dose (CS salience) and the contiguity between the CS effects and sucrose. The current study was conducted to extend this research by examining the possible role of US intensity in CR acquisition and maintenance. Rats were trained using one of four sucrose concentrations: 0, 4, 16, or 32% (w/v). On nicotine sessions (0.4 mg base/kg), rats received 36 deliveries (4 s each) of their assigned concentration intermittently throughout the session; sucrose was withheld on saline sessions. In all groups, an appetitive goal-tracking CR was acquired at a similar rate. However, the asymptotic CR level varied with sucrose concentration. The magnitude of the CR was increased in rats trained with higher sucrose US concentrations. These findings are consistent with previous Pavlovian conditioning research, and extend the conditions under which the nicotine state functions as an interoceptive conditional stimulus.  相似文献   

Hsu YC  Yu L  Chen HI  Lee HL  Kuo YM  Jen CJ 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e32855
The conditioned fear learning and memory occurs when a neutral conditioned stimulus (CS) is paired with an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US). This process is critically dependent on the amygdala and inevitably involves blood pressure (BP) alterations. We hypothesized that BP variations could instantaneously reveal individual steps during conditioned fear learning and memory. An implanted telemetric probe was used to monitor the BP real-time in rats during training and testing sessions of the fear-potentiated startle. Our results showed that (i) the conditioned fear learning during the training sessions was reflected by light (CS)-induced rapid BP elevations and by electric shock (US)-evoked sympathetic tone elevations; (ii) these two BP-related parameters were not only negatively correlated with each other but also coupled to each other in the training session trials; (iii) both parameters closely predicted the performance of fear-potentiated startle on the next day; and (iv) although local blocking of one of the two fear-conditioned pathways in the training session partially inhibited fear learning, the fear memory retrieval still used both pathways. Altogether, real-time blood pressure variations faithfully revealed the critical steps involved in conditioned fear learning and memory, and our results supported a coupling between the cued learning and the post-shock calmness.  相似文献   

The present experiments were designed to determine if repeated presentations of an empty sipper tube (the conditioned stimulus or CS) with the response-independent delivery of a sucrose solution (the unconditioned stimulus or US) from a second spout results in the development of Pavlovian conditioned responding. In Experiment 1, rats in the experimental condition received paired CS-US presentations whereas subjects in the control condition were exposed to random presentations of CS and US. In Experiment 2, an additional control condition (CS alone) was included and, to encourage generalized responding between the US and CS, the CS tube was filled with water for all groups. The results of both experiments indicate that the CS-directed responding in the paired CS-US condition was Pavlovian in nature. Thus, the present procedure serves as an autoshaping task in which conditioned licking is generated.  相似文献   

Griffith LC 《Neuron》2006,49(2):171-174
The peptidergic dorsal paired medial (DPM) neurons, which innervate the mushroom bodies in Drosophila, have been widely hypothesized to be part of the unconditioned stimulus (US) pathway of odor-shock classical conditioning. In the December 2 issue of Cell, Yu et al., using functional imaging techniques, report the surprising finding that DPMs contain odor-specific memory traces and send integrated information about the conditioned stimulus (CS) to the mushroom bodies. These findings provide important new insight into the circuitry of learning in Drosophila.  相似文献   

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