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Krill occupy critical positions in a many marine ecosystems and have been the subject of a number of concerted studies yet there are large areas of their biology that still remain a mystery. Most species of krill are open ocean animals, which makes direct observation and sampling difficult. Krill also exhibit a number of physiological and behavioural attributes which frustrate attempts to understand their life history. Krill are conceptually difficult to come to terms with; they are obviously different from larger marine organisms such as squid, fish, whales and fish yet they are also quite distinct from those animals classed as zooplankton such as copepods. Despite these differences they have most often been grouped with zooplankton and have been studied using techniques developed for animals which are orders of magnitude smaller than they. This mismatch has affected our view of their interactions with the physical world and also affects their perceived trophic interactions. Their size and mobility also interferes with our ability to sample them effectively and thus to develop our appreciation of their true role in the marine ecosystem. Understanding how intermediate-sized animals, such as krill, function in aquatic ecosystem is critical to better management of the marine environment.  相似文献   

Krill in captivity endure spatial restrictions, regardless of the size or shape of tank used. Visual inspection of freshly caught and captive animals suggests that their appendages, particularly the antennae and antennules, are often subject to injury. We have developed a novel method for reducing physical damage to captive krill based on their reported reaction to feeding whales. This method involves creating a bubble curtain that keeps the krill in the centre of the tank and away from potentially damaging hard surfaces. There was no difference in the length of the antennae between any of the captive animals. Trends in the data suggest that the antennules of krill maintained in a 200 L bubble curtain tank and a1000 L holding tank, were longer and less variable in length, than for krill in a 200 L tank with no bubble curtain. Freshly caught krill from the field were found to have damage to both antennae and antennules. The implications of these findings for husbandry of krill and for behavioural studies in the laboratory are discussed.  相似文献   

Krill in captivity endure spatial restrictions, regardless of the size or shape of tank used. Visual inspection of freshly caught and captive animals suggests that their appendages, particularly the antennae and antennules, are often subject to injury. We have developed a novel method for reducing physical damage to captive krill based on their reported reaction to feeding whales. This method involves creating a bubble curtain that keeps the krill in the centre of the tank and away from potentially damaging hard surfaces. There was no difference in the length of the antennae between any of the captive animals. Trends in the data suggest that the antennules of krill maintained in a 200?L bubble curtain tank and a1000?L holding tank, were longer and less variable in length, than for krill in a 200?L tank with no bubble curtain. Freshly caught krill from the field were found to have damage to both antennae and antennules. The implications of these findings for husbandry of krill and for behavioural studies in the laboratory are discussed.  相似文献   

The fascination of Antarctic scientists with Antarctic krill and their capabilities has a long and varied history, and prompted many scientists to maintain and manipulate krill under laboratory conditions. Starting in the Discovery era with Mackintosh at the King Edward Point labs on South Georgia, 1930, scientists have collected krill from sailing vessels, small boats, inflatable zodiacs and large ice-breaking vessels. Krill have been maintained in small and large jars, deep rectangular tanks, large round tanks and in flow-through and recycling systems. They have been maintained both on board research vessels and in laboratories, in flowing seawater systems at ambient conditions and in temperature-controlled environmental rooms. A few researchers have transported living krill back to their home laboratories, for example tropical laboratories in Japan (Murano) and Australia (Ikeda), temperate laboratories (Nicol) in Australia, a northern European laboratory in Germany (Marschall) and a sunny maritime laboratory in California (Ross and Quetin). The goals have been varied: short-term experiments to understand in situ physiological rates, long-term experiments to test the effects of manipulations or controlled changes in environmental conditions, and behavioral responses. We take you on a brief historical tour as we trace the lineage of modern day research on living Antarctic krill.  相似文献   

Understanding aggregation dynamics of forage species is important for evaluating biophysical scaling in marine ecosystems and heterogeneity of trophic interactions. In particular, zooplankton aggregations are fundamental units of many pelagic systems, but are difficult to observe continuously through space and time. Using an established modeling framework that encompasses a coupled regional oceanographic and individual‐based modeling system, we test the hypothesis that persistence (duration) of krill aggregations is dependent on their size, intensity, and location of formation within the coastal upwelling region of the California Current. In support of this hypothesis, we found that aggregation size is positively related to intensity, whereas persistence has a parabolic response to aggregation size and intensity, indicating the likelihood that large and highly persistent aggregations are rare. Persistence of krill aggregations also depends on formation location within coastal upwelling areas. We found that krill aggregations were more likely to form near a major seabird colony and that some coastal upwelling areas act as sources of aggregations for other areas. Observations of seabird aggregations were used to evaluate the potential structural realism of predicted krill aggregations. Seabird aggregations displayed marked coherence with predicted krill aggregations in space, providing important criteria on the scaling and availability of krill aggregations to breeding and migratory species. Predicting scales of krill aggregation dynamics will benefit ecosystem assessments, and numerical modeling of predator foraging and marine spatial management aimed at ensuring protection of ecologically important areas.  相似文献   

Antarctic fishes and invertebrates, including Antarctic krill, are generally stenothermal, and it is necessary to maintain water temperature about 0°C to keep them in good condition. Because the effects of nitrifying bacteria are limited by the extremely low temperature of about 0°C, biological filtration does not keep up with the deterioration of water quality resulting from the excrement of animals and un-eaten food. It is therefore necessary to exchange seawater frequently in our present cold-water aquarium.

We developed a new system at Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium (PNPA) that keeps Antarctic marine animals in good condition. The improved system increases the temperature of sea water to 10°C prior to biological filtration and thereby increases the effectiveness of the biological filter. The krill-rearing container was constructed inside the main tank so that the water flow inside the rearing container could be stopped. This avoids a rapid reduction of phytoplankton feed due to turnover of the seawater in the system while krill were fed. As a result of these improvements, long-term rearing, mass culture and reproduction of Antarctic krill are possible. We have exhibited Antarctic marine animals since the opening of PNPA in 1992, and we have exhibited Antarctic krill continuously since 1997. In this article, we detail the Antarctic krill breeding facilities at PNPA.  相似文献   

The ecosystem approach to fisheries recognises the interdependence between harvested species and other ecosystem components. It aims to account for the propagation of the effects of harvesting through the food-web. The formulation and evaluation of ecosystem-based management strategies requires reliable models of ecosystem dynamics to predict these effects. The krill-based system in the Southern Ocean was the focus of some of the earliest models exploring such effects. It is also a suitable example for the development of models to support the ecosystem approach to fisheries because it has a relatively simple food-web structure and progress has been made in developing models of the key species and interactions, some of which has been motivated by the need to develop ecosystem-based management. Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, is the main target species for the fishery and the main prey of many top predators. It is therefore critical to capture the processes affecting the dynamics and distribution of krill in ecosystem dynamics models. These processes include environmental influences on recruitment and the spatially variable influence of advection. Models must also capture the interactions between krill and its consumers, which are mediated by the spatial structure of the environment. Various models have explored predator-prey population dynamics with simplistic representations of these interactions, while others have focused on specific details of the interactions. There is now a pressing need to develop plausible and practical models of ecosystem dynamics that link processes occurring at these different scales. Many studies have highlighted uncertainties in our understanding of the system, which indicates future priorities in terms of both data collection and developing methods to evaluate the effects of these uncertainties on model predictions. We propose a modelling approach that focuses on harvested species and their monitored consumers and that evaluates model uncertainty by using alternative structures and functional forms in a Monte Carlo framework.  相似文献   

Summary The foraging behaviour of fur seals and two species of surface feeding seabirds was observed over swarms of vertically migrating krill along the Antarctic Peninsula in July 1987. Fur Seal haul out patterns were correlated with krill in the upper 30 m of the water column. Krill moved to the surface at night; seals subsequently foraged from 1400-0700 hours before returning to floes. Foraging was continuous through the night. Dive duration decreased as krill moved up to the surface; shorter dives may have been more successful than longer ones. It is possible that very deep dives, which occur early in a foraging bout, represent more of an attempt to assess krill depth and distribution rather than being a genuine foraging effort. Seabirds responded to the presence of a surface krill swarm by circling over it and foraging; krill at depths greater than 30 m elicited directional flight and low frequencies of prey capture attempts. Both Snow Petrels and Antarctic Terns preyed on krill, but each species approached the swarms from different habitats. Snow Petrels primarily overflew areas covered by ice; terns preferred open water. This suggested that prey encounters are essentially opportunistic, although the search for prey is limited to rather specific marine habitats. This feature may be important to our understanding of the factors that determine the pelagic distribution of seabirds.  相似文献   

Physiological data are needed for life history studies on krill, and as parameters for input into energy budgets and models. In conjunction with moult and growth data, these may also prove useful for assessing the fishable biomass of krill. Here, the development of physiological concepts in experimental krill research is briefly evaluated, with emphasis on the gaps to be filled. Krill growth is very flexible, as well as strongly temperature and nutrition dependent. The polar Antarctic krill Euphausia superba grows as fast as the boreal species Meganyctiphanes norvegica, at least during the first 2.5 years, and the species are comparable in terms of physiological plasticity. Accordingly, as krill appear to adjust quickly to specific laboratory conditions, short-term experiments are essential if field conditions are to be reflected as closely as possible. Furthermore, direct comparisons between laboratory experiments and swarming studies in the field are advantageous. For these, M. norvegica is particularly well-suited, as swarms can be followed over longer times and more easily than in E. superba. For example, processes of moult and reproduction were found to be highly coordinated in swarms and populations of Northern krill. For this species a conceptual model of reproduction was developed based on a combination of short-term laboratory observations coupled with field data on moult and ovary stages. In further physiological experiments krill should be studied as groups when swarming. Using proxies, that is applying physiological and/or biochemical methods side by side, is a promising way to enhance the reliability of life history data.  相似文献   

Krill (family Euphausiidae) represent some of the most abundant organisms in the both northern and southern oceanic environments and provide food for various animals including humans. Despite their importance, little is known about krill from a genomic standpoint, even with regard to basic properties such as total genome size. This study provides genome size estimates for six species of krill from both the North Atlantic and Southern Oceans which are the first such estimates for any species of euphausiid. Genome size estimates were obtained using both flow cytometry and Feulgen image analysis densitometry with chicken and trout blood as internal standards. Haploid genome sizes ranged from 12.77 to 48.53 pg, providing roughly fourfold variation within these six species alone. With such large estimates, sequencing of a krill genome will currently be costly and laborious, but further studies should be conducted to determine the composition of these exceptionally large genomes.  相似文献   

The effect of solar ultraviolet radiation on the survival rate of Antarctic zooplankton was examined in February–March in 2002. We investigated survival rate of calyptopis larvae of Euphausia superba and late copepodite stages (IV and V) of large dominant calanoid species, Calanoides acutus and Calanus propinquus reared in quartz jars with three different radiation regimes (total radiation, exclusion of UVB, exclusion of UVA and UVB) and a dark control. The survival rates of the krill larvae decreased after 3 days from start of the experiment, being below 50% at 4 days in the treatments with total radiation and exclusion of UVB, although most individuals could survive until the end of the experiments in the treatments with exclusion of both UVA and UVB and dark control. The calanoid juveniles showed almost same pattern of survival curves as the krill larvae did, but survived slightly longer. Although >10% of surface UVA radiation at 340 and 380 nm penetrated down to 30 m, both C. acutus and C. propinquus were mostly distributed above 20 m. Surface swarm of the krill larvae can be often recognized in the previous studies. These results suggest that not only solar UVB but also UVA radiation potentially lower the survival rate of Antarctic zooplankton at depth less than 20 m.  相似文献   

Accurate identification of species that are consumed by vertebrate predators is necessary for understanding marine food webs. Morphological methods for identifying prey components after consumption often fail to make accurate identifications of invertebrates because prey morphology becomes damaged during capture, ingestion and digestion. Another disadvantage of morphological methods for prey identification is that they often involve sampling procedures that are disruptive for the predator, such as stomach flushing or lethal collection. We have developed a DNA-based method for identifying species of krill (Crustacea: Malacostraca), an enormously abundant group of invertebrates that are directly consumed by many groups of marine vertebrates. The DNA-based approach allows identification of krill species present in samples of vertebrate stomach contents, vomit, and, more importantly, faeces. Utilizing samples of faeces from vertebrate predators minimizes the impact of dietary studies on the subject animals. We demonstrate our method first on samples of Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) stomach contents, where DNA-based species identification can be confirmed by prey morphology. We then apply the method to faeces of Adelie penguins and to faeces of the endangered pygmy blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda). In each of these cases, krill species consumed by the predators could be identified from their DNA present in faeces or stomach contents.  相似文献   

Early events in the speciation history of krill (Malacostraca: Euphausiacea), an abundant group of extant pelagic crustaceans, were studied with slowly evolving nuclear DNA sequences (large subunit ribosomal DNA, 28S rDNA). Krill have no fossil record, so very little is known about their paleobiology. The timing of past speciation events in krill was estimated by comparing change in their 28S rDNA to change in the 28S rDNA of their close relatives that do have a fossil record. Relationships between krill genera were also studied by phylogenetic analysis of partial 28S rDNA sequences. The analyses estimated the time that the last common ancestor of the krill family Euphausiidae lived to be the lower Cretaceous about 130 million years ago (Mya). Two lineages of krill survived the end Cretaceous extinctions 65 Mya and the modern genera of krill were established before the end of the Palaeogene 23 Mya.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid contents of tissue were determined from field-caught Antarctic krill to determine whether they could be used as an alternative estimator of individual growth rates which can currently only be obtained by labour intensive on-board incubations. Krill from contrasting growth regimes from early and late summer exhibited differences in RNA-based indices. There was a significant correlation between the independently measured individual growth rates and the RNA : DNA ratio and also the RNA concentration of krill tissue, although the strength of the relationship was only modest. DNA concentration, on average, was relatively constant, irrespective of the growth rates. The moult stage did not appear to have a significant effect on the nucleic acid contents of tissue. Overall, the amount of both nucleic acids varied considerably between individuals. Nucleic acid-based indicators may provide information concerning the recent growth and nutritional status of krill and further experimentation under controlled conditions is warranted. They are, however, reasonably costly and time-consuming measurements.  相似文献   

We hypothesised that Antarctic krill acquire UV-absorbing mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) from dietary algae, which produce MAAs in response to ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. To test this hypothesis, we grew cultures of Phaeocystis antarctica that had been grown under either photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400-750 nm) plus UV irradiation (UVR, 280-400 nm), or else PAR-only. Algae grown under PAR-only produced high concentrations of porphyra-334, whereas additional UVR caused formation of high concentrations of mycosporine-glycine:valine and lower concentrations of porphyra-334. Krill were fed with either of these two cultures on eight occasions over 63 days. A third group was starved for the duration of the experiment. Animals were analysed after 36 and 63 days for MAA content. Remaining animals from all treatments were starved for a further 35 days and analysed to examine MAA retention characteristics. Our findings are that krill acquired different MAAs from dietary algae depending on the light conditions under which the algae were grown. Specifically, krill fed algae grown under PAR-only had higher concentrations of porphyra-334 than starved krill. Conversely, krill fed algae grown under PAR with additional UVR had high body concentrations of mycosporine-glycine:valine. MAA concentrations in starved krill remained static throughout the experiment. However, long term starvation (35 days) caused levels of certain acquired MAAs to decline. From this we can infer that MAA concentrations in krill are dependent on the MAA content of phytoplankton, and therefore the algae's response to UV exposure. This has implications for transfer of MAAs through marine trophic webs.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid contents of tissue were determined from field-caught Antarctic krill to determine whether they could be used as an alternative estimator of individual growth rates which can currently only be obtained by labour intensive on-board incubations. Krill from contrasting growth regimes from early and late summer exhibited differences in RNA-based indices. There was a significant correlation between the independently measured individual growth rates and the RNA?:?DNA ratio and also the RNA concentration of krill tissue, although the strength of the relationship was only modest. DNA concentration, on average, was relatively constant, irrespective of the growth rates. The moult stage did not appear to have a significant effect on the nucleic acid contents of tissue. Overall, the amount of both nucleic acids varied considerably between individuals. Nucleic acid-based indicators may provide information concerning the recent growth and nutritional status of krill and further experimentation under controlled conditions is warranted. They are, however, reasonably costly and time-consuming measurements.  相似文献   

The fascination of Antarctic scientists with Antarctic krill and their capabilities has a long and varied history, and prompted many scientists to maintain and manipulate krill under laboratory conditions. Starting in the Discovery era with Mackintosh at the King Edward Point labs on South Georgia, 1930, scientists have collected krill from sailing vessels, small boats, inflatable zodiacs and large ice-breaking vessels. Krill have been maintained in small and large jars, deep rectangular tanks, large round tanks and in flow-through and recycling systems. They have been maintained both on board research vessels and in laboratories, in flowing seawater systems at ambient conditions and in temperature-controlled environmental rooms. A few researchers have transported living krill back to their home laboratories, for example tropical laboratories in Japan (Murano) and Australia (Ikeda), temperate laboratories (Nicol) in Australia, a northern European laboratory in Germany (Marschall) and a sunny maritime laboratory in California (Ross and Quetin). The goals have been varied: short-term experiments to understand in situ physiological rates, long-term experiments to test the effects of manipulations or controlled changes in environmental conditions, and behavioral responses. We take you on a brief historical tour as we trace the lineage of modern day research on living Antarctic krill.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of feeding on the metabolic activity of juvenile krill was assessed from 24h experiments in which krill were incubated with various concentrations of diatoms (Chaetoceros calcitrans, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Thalassiosira eccentrica, Fragilariopsis vanheurkii), newly hatched Artemia nauplii and latex beads. Krill fed on the larger food more efficiently, with reluctant feeding on latex beads. Feeding of krill expressed as clearance rates was poorly correlated with their oxygen uptake rates. Instead, a positive correlation was found between the oxygen uptake rates and ingestion rate (except for latex beads). The result implies that the specific dynamic action is the major cause of the increased oxygen uptake of krill. Krill fed diatoms increased both ammonia and phosphate excretion with increasing ingestion rate, but only phosphate excretion was increased in parallel with ingestion rate for those fed Artemia nauplii. Assuming the daily ration of krill in the field is 5% of the body weight, and the major food source is phytoplankton, oxygen uptake, ammonia excretion and phosphate excretion rates of wild krill are estimated to be 1.6, 4.5 and 7.8, respectively, times the rates of non-feeding krill in 24h laboratory experiments. Krill offered various kinds of food showed different metabolic quotients (O/N, N/P and O/P ratios). While no functional relationship was seen between the metabolic quotient and the ingestion rate of krill fed Artemia nauplii, those fed Fragilariopsis showed a progressive decrease in O/N, N/P, and O/P ratios as their ingestion rates increased.  相似文献   

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