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Summary Ecological divergences in two congeneric sympatric woodland rodents, Akodon olivaceus brachiotis and Akodon longipilis apta (Family Cricetidae) was demonstrated from determination of energetic bud gets and food preferences. It was found that each species posseses a different bioenergetic strategy. The heavier (A. longipilis) species has a larger daily energetic budget as compared to the lighter one (A. olivaceus). This phenomenon can be partially explained by their differential selection of seeds.Finally, it is hypothesized that these ecological differences could be important in enabling the coexistence for these species.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(5):313-317
Coexistence has been widely studied in small mammals and frequently is assumed to be facilitated by habitat segregation. Using live trapping and spool-and-line experiments, we analyzed habitat selection and segregation across multiples scales for Peromyscus leucopus and Ochrotomys nuttalli. At the habitat scale of a forest stand (∼1–100s ha) P. leucopus co-occurred at all sites where O. nuttalli was found, and we did not detect evidence of positive or negative associations or habitat segregation. However, O. nuttalli was restricted to early successional forests, and P. leucopus had significantly lower abundances in early successional forests than in other habitats. We found similar patterns at the mesohabitat scale of the study site (400 m2). O. nuttalli abundance increased with increasing shrub and tree densities, while increases in P. leucopus abundance were associated with open understories. At the microhabitat scale of the individual movement trail, we found vertical segregation. Movement trails for O. nuttalli were at significantly higher elevation (mean height = 142.93 ± 37.10 cm) than P. leucopus trails (mean height = 15.4 ± 4.98 cm; F-value = 35.29, p < 0.001). We concluded that microhabitat segregation was driven by differential use of vertical space for movement and foraging. We suggest O. nuttalli is superior to P. leucopus in its ability to acquire food especially in shrubby subcanopies where few acorns are available. However, P. leucopus is superior in its ability to forage and avoid predators.  相似文献   

The possibility of different refuge strategies resulting in habitat segregation in two sympatric rodents, the bush Karoo rat, O. unisulcatus and the whistling rat, P. brantsii was investigated. The rodents' habitats were characterized by using the multivariate analysis procedures: ordination diagrams and hierarchical classification. The most important environmental variables were identified.
Otomys unisulcatus was restricted to areas with high percentage plant cover (60.6%) and dense foliage compared to P. brantsii habitat (plant cover=34.8%). The high percentage plant cover is necessary for nest construction. Parotomys brantsii habitat was characterized by deep Soil (76.9+15cm) with larger soil particles (0.31+0.2mm) compared to 47.5+30.3 cm soil depth and 0.15+0.1 mm soil particles in O. unisulcatus habitat. A suitable substratum therefore determines distribution of P. brantsii .
The different refuge strategies result in habitat segregation and may be an important means of partitioning resources between these two sympatric rodents which have comparable body sizes, adtivitym dietary and thermoregulatory patterns.  相似文献   

Summary A discriminant analysis on vegetational variables was performed in order to determine differences in habitat utilization by two sympatric Chilean rodents. Akodon olivaceus brachiotis is associated with vegetational variables that provide greater cover from above. Oryzomys longicaudatus philippii, on the other hand, is related with structural variables such as foliage density, which provide dense areas with thick understory that offer protection from a horizontal viewing. A clear relationship was found between shrub and herbaceous cover and length of species hindfoot.  相似文献   

The ecological environment of three aquatic rodents was studied in the French Ardennes region. Two species, the coypu (Myocastor coypus) and the common muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus), are invasive. By contrast the native European beaver (Castor fiber) was extirpated from the region, subsequently reintroduced, and currently is protected. The aim of this study was to compare the ecological requirements of these three species and predict their future range distributions. We studied the relationship between the species and describe the characteristics of waterways and riparian vegetation in 29 sampling sites. Coypus and muskrats were observed in a variety of riparian habitats and their probability of detection appeared to be independent of waterway width, bank height or bank slope. The availability of numerous herbaceous plants, known to be consumed by these species, may facilitate their settlement. Muskrats are widespread on the French Ardennes waterways, but coypus have not yet colonised the northern part of the region. On the other hand, the beaver was observed primarily in the widest waterways with high banks, where woody plant species, such as Betula, Carpinus and Fraxinus, are found in abundance. Potentially favourable sites for beaver and coypu settlement were analysed to suggest appropriate management according to each species’ status. However, the number of sample sites is weak, especially for sites with beaver, limiting our conclusion.  相似文献   

Long-term data of large felids is important to understand their reproductive biology and behavior for effective conservation planning. We used camera trap data and direct sightings from 2005 to 2013 to estimate the age of the first parturition of Bengal tigers (Panthera tigris) in a semi-arid habitat in India. We monitored 11 females in the Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve (RTR) from when they were 2–6 months old. The mean age at first reproduction (impregnation leading to cubs) was 51.3?±?(SE) 4.5 months. The tiger population in RTR is an important source population and genetic pool in the western most distribution of tiger. Thus, continuous monitoring of tiger populations is important to develop an understanding of reproductive biology.  相似文献   

The diet and mouth growth rates of three Gerreidae species (Eugerres brasilianus, Eucinostomus melanopterus and Diapterus rhombeus) were assessed at different ontogenetic phases (juveniles, sub‐adults and adults) in order to detect allometric growth, and whether they are related to habitat and seasonal changes in the Goiana Estuary, north‐east Brazil. The importance of each prey for each ontogenetic phase was described using the index of relative importance. The three species showed seasonal ontogenetic shifts in diet and allometric growth of mouth morphology. They also had an exclusively zoobenthic diet, comprising mainly Polychaeta, Copepoda, Ostracoda, Gastropoda and Bivalvia. Mouth development showed a possible influence on diet changes for E. melanopterus. Significant interactions (P < 0·01) were detected among seasons, areas and ontogenetic phases for the most important prey for E. brasilianus and E. melanopterus. Diet overlaps are evidence of intra and interspecific competition among gerreids for specific prey. A conceptual model of the competition and seasonal diet shifts among ontogenetic phases of gerreids is given. The sediment ingested due to the feeding mechanisms of Gerreidae species could also partially explain the ingestion of synthetic items observed for all ontogenetic phases, which indicates one of a myriad effects of human activities (e.g. artisanal fishery) in this estuary.  相似文献   

Bats in hot roosts experience some of the most thermally challenging environments of any endotherms, but little is known about how heat tolerance and evaporative cooling capacity vary among species. We investigated thermoregulation in three sympatric species (Nycteris thebaica, Taphozous mauritianus and Sauromys petrophilus) in a hot, semi-arid environment by measuring body temperature (T b), metabolic rate and evaporative water loss (EWL) at air temperatures (T a) of 10?C42?°C. S. petrophilus was highly heterothermic with no clear thermoneutral zone, and exhibited rapid increases in EWL at high T a to a maximum of 23.7?±?7.4?mg?g?1?h?1 at T a????42?°C, with a concomitant maximum T b of 43.7?±?1.0?°C. T. mauritianus remained largely normothermic at T as below thermoneutrality and increased EWL to 14.7?±?1.3?mg?g?1?h?1 at T a????42?°C, with a maximum T b of 42.9?±?1.6?°C. In N. thebaica, EWL began increasing at lower T a than in either of the other species and reached a maximum of 18.6?±?2.1?mg?g?1?h?1 at T a?=?39.4?°C, with comparatively high maximum T b values of 45.0?±?0.9?°C. Under the conditions of our study, N. thebaica was considerably less heat tolerant than the other two species. Among seven species of bats for which data on T b as well as roost temperatures in comparison to outside T a are available, we found limited evidence for a correlation between overall heat tolerance and the extent to which roosts are buffered from high T a.  相似文献   

Golden spiny mice ( Acomys russatus ) and common spiny mice ( Acomys cahirinus ) are omnivorous rodents that are sympatric in many rocky areas in Israeli deserts. They are similar in body size and diet habits. They differ in that A. cahirinus are nocturnal whereas A. russatus are diurnal and A. russatus inhabit extremely arid areas where A. cahirinus are absent. These differences led us to hypothesix that A. russatus are more conservative in their water needs and thererore are ahle to consumc a drier diet than A. chairinus. To test this hypothesis we oikrcd both species a dry ration and different numbers of snails and measured their energy and water intakes and their body mass changes.
Acomys russatus were capable of maintaining body mass on a much drier diet than A. cahirinus and therefore our hypothesis was supported. In order to maintain body mass A. cahirinus required about 2·1 ml/day (or about 4·7% body mass) preformed water, about twice the volume required by A. russatus. They also required a diet that had a water content of 48·3%, of the fresh matter, which was about 20% higher than that of A. russatus. The main reason why A. russatus needed less water was that they losl less by evaporation than A. cahirinus did. We suggest that the lower preformed water needs of A. russatus and their ability to consume a drier diet allom them to tolerate higher air temperatures and to inhabit extreme deserts where A. cahirinus are absent.  相似文献   

Patterns of distribution and abundance of species are dependent on their particular ecological requirements. Taking specialisation into account is important for interpreting population parameters. Here, we evaluate population parameters of an endangered habitat specialist, the forty‐spotted pardalote (Pardalotus quadragintus; dependent on white gum Eucalyptus viminalis in south‐eastern Tasmania), and a sympatric congeneric habitat generalist, the striated pardalote (Pardalotus striatus). We used occupancy models to estimate occupancy of both species, and distance sampling models to estimate population density and size on North Bruny Island. Within their shared habitat (i.e. white gum forest), we also fitted hierarchical distance sampling models to estimate density in relation to fine‐scale habitat features. We show that forty‐spotted pardalotes only occurred in forests where white gums were present, with a mean density of 2.7 birds per hectare. The density of forty‐spotted pardalotes decreased in areas with abundant small trees and trees with dead crowns, but they increased in areas where larger white gums were abundant. The striated pardalote was widespread, but where white gums were present, they occurred at 2.1 birds per hectare, compared to 0.6 birds per hectare in forests where white gums were absent. Within white gum habitat, the relative abundance of forty‐spotted pardalotes and dead trees had a positive effect on the density of striated pardalotes while small trees had a negative effect. Our study reveals that although widespread, the generalist is most abundant in the limited areas of habitat suitable for the specialist, and this indicates the need of future research to look at whether this pattern of occurrence exacerbates competition in resource depleted habitats.  相似文献   

Understanding which environmental variables and traits underlie adaptation to harsh environments is difficult because many traits evolve simultaneously as populations or species diverge. Here, we investigate the ecological variables and traits that underlie Mimulus laciniatus’ adaptation to granite outcrops compared to its sympatric, mesic‐adapted progenitor, Mimulus guttatus. We use fine‐scale measurements of soil moisture and herbivory to examine differences in selective forces between the species’ habitats, and measure selection on flowering time, flower size, plant height, and leaf shape in a reciprocal transplant using M. laciniatus × M. guttatus F4 hybrids. We find that differences in drought and herbivory drive survival differences between habitats, that M. laciniatus and M. guttatus are each better adapted to their native habitat, and differential habitat selection on flowering time, plant stature, and leaf shape. Although early flowering time, small stature, and lobed leaf shape underlie plant fitness in M. laciniatus’ seasonally dry environment, increased plant size is advantageous in a competitive mesic environment replete with herbivores like M. guttatus’. Given that we observed divergent selection between habitats in the direction of species differences, we conclude that adaptation to different microhabitats is an important component of reproductive isolation in this sympatric species pair.  相似文献   

Diet composition and habitat selection of eland in semi-arid shrubland   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This study investigated the diet composition and habitat selection of eland in semi-arid shrubland, dominated by microphyllous and leptophyllous browse species offering low leaf: stem ratios. Browse (succulent, forb and woody species) contributed 94% to the annual diet of eland. The annual proportion of grass in eland diet was low (6%), even though palatable grass species were abundant in habitats favoured by eland. Most grass was eaten in the early wet season when grasses offered young green foliage. Woody species comprising dwarf shrubs and shrubs made up the bulk of the food eaten by eland. In each season, favoured woody species contributed substantial proportions to the diet of eland. Eland used the plateau habitats in the early wet season, but valleys and slopes in the late wet and dry seasons. Habitats favoured by eland contained high abundances of plants of woody species favoured by eland. Chemical analysis indicated that woody species favoured by eland offered lower total fibre contents than other woody species available to eland. The results of the study indicated that eland are browsers that select browse of low fibre content.  相似文献   

Here, we present analysis of data on comparative chromosome painting produced using various chromosome-specific libraries for members of different Glires groups. Based on the results of comparative cytogenetic and molecular studies, the modern rodents can be conventionally classified into two groups with sharply differing directions and tempos of karyotypic evolution. One group (suborders Sciuromorpha, Castorimorpha, and Anomaluromorpha) preserved conserved genomes, which are probably close in structure to the genome of the ancestor of all mammals. The genomes of the other group (suborder Myomorpha) underwent “catastrophic evolution,” which resulted in numerous breaks and fusions of the ancient chromosomes. The current data do not allow unambiguously assigning the order Hystricomorpha to any of these groups.  相似文献   

Plant adaptations to the environment are limited, and therefore plants in similar environments may display similar functional and physiological traits, a pattern termed functional convergence. Evidence was examined for functional convergence among 28 evergreen woody shrubs from three plant communities of the semi-arid winter rainfall region of southern California. Both leaf and water relations traits were examined, including seasonal stomatal conductance (gs), specific leaf area (SLA), leaf specific conductivity (Kl), seasonal water potential (Psi w), stem cavitation resistance (Psi 50), and xylem density. Species display community-specific suites of xylem and leaf traits consistent with different patterns of water use among communities, with coastal sage scrub species utilizing shallow pulses of water, Mojave Desert scrub species relying on deeper water reserves, and chaparral species utilizing both shallow and deep moisture reserves. Communities displayed similar degrees of water stress, with a community-level minimum Psi w (Psi wmin) of c. -4.6 Mpa, similar to other arid communities. Pooled across sites, there was a strong correlation between Psi wmin and xylem density, suggesting that these traits are broadly related and predictive of one another. This comparative community physiology approach may be useful in testing hypotheses of functional convergence across structurally similar semi-arid communities.  相似文献   

Rodents from arid and semi-arid habitats live under conditions where the spatial and temporal availability of free water is limited, or scarce, thus forcing these rodents to deal with the problem of water conservation. The response of rodents to unproductive desert environments and water deficits has been intensively investigated in many deserts of the world. However, current understanding of the cellular, systemic and organismal physiology of water economy relies heavily on short-term, laboratory-oriented experiments, which usually focus on responses at isolated levels of biological organization. In addition, studies in small South American mammals are scarce. Indeed xeric habitats have existed in South America for a long time and it is intriguing why present day South American desert rodents do not show the wide array of adaptive traits to desert life observed for rodents on other continents. Several authors have pointed out that South American desert rodents lack physiological and energetic specialization for energy and water conservation, hypothesizing that their success is based more on behavioral and ecological strategies. We review phenotypic flexibility and physiological diversity in water flux rate, urine osmolality, and expression of water channels in South American desert-dwelling rodents. As far as we know, this is the first review of integrative studies at cellular, systemic and organismal levels. Our main conclusion is that South American desert rodents possess structural as well as physiological systems for water conservation, which are as remarkable as those found in "classical" rodents inhabiting other desert areas of the world.  相似文献   

Feeding habits of free-ranging wildebeest and zebra were monitored in a semi-arid nature reserve, bordering the southwestern part of Kruger National Park, South Africa. The purpose of study was to distinguish and define the feeding niches of two roughage grazers that occur in similar habitat types. The monthly compositions of diets were evaluated by direct observations of feeding bouts over a period of two years when rainfall patterns were average and animal populations were stable. Other analyses evaluated the standing biomass of grass species in the reserve during the wet summer and dry winter seasons. A considerable overlap of grass species composition was found in the diets of wildebeest and zebra. Ordination of bi-monthly records of the diet composition showed greater variations in scores of grasses in zebra diet in comparison to wildebeest. Seasonal patterns were more apparent in the wildebeest diet. Preference ranking of grass species indicated that zebra diet remained constant in winter and summer. Wildebeest diet however, alternated with seasons, showing high preferences during the winter months for grass species which were rejected during summer. The combined assessment of results from three separate statistical methods analysing temporal patterns and preferences in diet composition revealed contradictory trends. The solution, however, relied on the initial assumptions posed. Hence, wildebeest and zebra are essentially generalist feeders which show a limited amount of preference in their choice of diet.  相似文献   

Relative abundance of two sympatric tortoise beetles varies between drought and 'wet' years. Differing abilities to conserve water may influence beetle survival in changing environments. Cuticular permeability (CP), percentage of total body water (%TBW), rate of water loss and percentage of body lipid content were determined for five juvenile stages and female and male adults of two sympatric species of chrysomelid beetles, the golden tortoise beetle, Charidotella bicolor (F.) and the mottled tortoise beetle, Deloyala guttata (Olivier). There were significant differences in %TBW and lipid content among juvenile stages. Second instars had the greatest difference in CP (37.98 and 11.13 microgcm(-2)h(-1)mmHg(-1) for golden and mottled tortoise beetles, respectively). Mottled tortoise beetles had lower CP and greater %TBW compared with golden tortoise beetles, suggesting that they can conserve a greater amount of water and may tolerate drier environmental conditions. This study suggests that juvenile response to environmental water stress may differentially affect the survival of early instars and thus affect the relative abundance of adult beetles in the field. This is supported by the low relative abundance of golden tortoise beetle larvae in a drought year and the higher abundance in two 'wet' years.  相似文献   

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