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The SNARE protein vti1a is proposed to drive fusion of intracellular organelles, but recent data also implicated vti1a in exocytosis. Here we show that vti1a is absent from mature secretory vesicles in adrenal chromaffin cells, but localizes to a compartment near the trans‐Golgi network, partially overlapping with syntaxin‐6. Exocytosis is impaired in vti1a null cells, partly due to fewer Ca2+‐channels at the plasma membrane, partly due to fewer vesicles of reduced size and synaptobrevin‐2 content. In contrast, release kinetics and Ca2+‐sensitivity remain unchanged, indicating that the final fusion reaction leading to transmitter release is unperturbed. Additional deletion of the closest related SNARE, vti1b, does not exacerbate the vti1a phenotype, and vti1b null cells show no secretion defects, indicating that vti1b does not participate in exocytosis. Long‐term re‐expression of vti1a (days) was necessary for restoration of secretory capacity, whereas strong short‐term expression (hours) was ineffective, consistent with vti1a involvement in an upstream step related to vesicle generation, rather than in fusion. We conclude that vti1a functions in vesicle generation and Ca2+‐channel trafficking, but is dispensable for transmitter release.  相似文献   

DC‐UbP/UBTD2 is a ubiquitin (Ub) domain‐containing protein first identified from dendritic cells, and is implicated in ubiquitination pathway. The solution structure and backbone dynamics of the C‐terminal Ub‐like (UbL) domain were elucidated in our previous work. To further understand the biological function of DC‐UbP, we then solved the solution structure of the N‐terminal domain of DC‐UbP (DC‐UbP_N) and studied its Ub binding properties by NMR techniques. The results show that DC‐UbP_N holds a novel structural fold and acts as a Ub‐binding domain (UBD) but with low affinity. This implies that the DC‐UbP protein, composing of a combination of both UbL and UBD domains, might play an important role in regulating protein ubiquitination and delivery of ubiquitinated substrates in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

A family of six genes encoding acyl‐CoA‐binding proteins (ACBPs), ACBP1–ACBP6, has been characterized in Arabidopsis thaliana. In this study, we demonstrate that ACBP1 promotes abscisic acid (ABA) signaling during germination and seedling development. ACBP1 was induced by ABA, and transgenic Arabidopsis ACBP1‐over‐expressors showed increased sensitivity to ABA during germination and seedling development, whereas the acbp1 mutant showed decreased ABA sensitivity during these processes. Subsequent RNA assays showed that ACBP1 over‐production in 12‐day‐old seedlings up‐regulated the expression of PHOSPHOLIPASE Dα1 (PLDα1) and three ABA/stress‐responsive genes: ABA‐RESPONSIVE ELEMENT BINDING PROTEIN1 (AREB1), RESPONSE TO DESICCATION29A (RD29A) and bHLH‐TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR MYC2 (MYC2). The expression of AREB1 and PLDα1 was suppressed in the acbp1 mutant in comparison with the wild type following ABA treatment. PLDα1 has been reported to promote ABA signal transduction by producing phosphatidic acid, an important lipid messenger in ABA signaling. Using lipid profiling, seeds and 12‐day‐old seedlings of ACBP1‐over‐expressing lines were shown to accumulate more phosphatidic acid after ABA treatment, in contrast to lower phosphatidic acid in the acbp1 mutant. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays indicated that ACBP1 interacts with PLDα1 at the plasma membrane. Their interaction was further confirmed by yeast two‐hybrid analysis. As recombinant ACBP1 binds phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylcholine, ACBP1 probably promotes PLDα1 action. Taken together, these results suggest that ACBP1 participates in ABA‐mediated seed germination and seedling development.  相似文献   

Human guanylate binding protein‐1 (GBP‐1) belongs to the family of large GTPases. The expression of GBP‐1 is inducible by inflammatory cytokines, and the protein is involved in inflammatory processes and host defence against cellular pathogens. GBP‐1 is the first GTPase which was described to be secreted by eukaryotic cells. Here, we report that precipitation of GBP‐1 with GMP‐agarose from cell culture supernatants co‐purified a 47‐kD fragment of GBP‐1 (p47‐GBP‐1) in addition to the 67‐kD full‐length form. MALDI‐TOF sequencing revealed that p47‐GBP‐1 corresponds to the C‐terminal helical part of GBP‐1 and lacks most of the globular GTPase domain. In silico analyses of protease target sites, together with cleavage experiments in vitro and in vivo, showed that p67‐GBP‐1 is cleaved by the inflammatory caspases 1 and 5, leading to the formation of p47‐GBP‐1. Furthermore, the secretion of p47‐GBP‐1 was found to occur via a non‐classical secretion pathway and to be dependent on caspase‐1 activity but independent of inflammasome activation. Finally, we showed that p47‐GBP‐1 represents the predominant form of secreted GBP‐1, both in cell culture supernatants and, in vivo, in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with bacterial meningitis, indicating that it may represent the biologically active form of extracellular GBP‐1. These findings confirm the involvement of caspase‐1 in non‐classical secretion mechanisms and open novel perspectives for the extracellular function of secreted GBP‐1.  相似文献   

RG13 is a 72 kDa engineered allosteric enzyme comprised of a fusion between maltose binding protein (MBP) and TEM1 β‐lactamase (BLA) for which maltose is a positive effector of BLA activity. We have used NMR spectroscopy to acquire [15N, 1H]‐TROSY‐HSQC spectra of RG13 in the presence and absence of maltose. The RG13 chemical shift data was compared to the published chemical shift data of MBP and BLA. The spectra are consistent with the expectation that the individual domain structures of RG13 are substantially conserved from MBP and BLA. Differences in the spectra are consistent with the fusion geometry of MBP and BLA and the maltose‐dependent differences in the kinetics of RG13 enzyme activity. In particular, the spectra provide evidence for a maltose‐dependent conformational change of a key active site glutamate involved in deacylation of the enzyme‐substrate intermediate. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A 20‐residue peptide, IG(42–61), derived from the C‐terminal β‐hairpin of the B3 domain of the immunoglobulin binding protein G from Streptoccocus was studied using circular dichroism, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy at various temperatures and by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Unlike other related peptides studied so far, this peptide displays two heat capacity peaks in DSC measurements (at a scanning rate of 1.5 deg/min at a peptide concentration of 0.07 mM), which suggests a three‐state folding/unfolding process. The results from DSC and NMR measurements suggest the formation of a dynamic network of hydrophobic interactions stabilizing the structure, which resembles a β‐hairpin shape over a wide range of temperatures (283–313 K). Our results show that IG (42–61) possesses a well‐organized three‐dimensional structure stabilized by long‐range hydrophobic interactions (Tyr50 ··· Phe57 and Trp48 ··· Val59) at T = 283 K and (Trp48 ··· Val59) at 305 and 313 K. The mechanism of β‐hairpin folding and unfolding, as well as the influence of peptide length on its conformational properties, are also discussed. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Swiprosin‐1 exhibits the highest expression in CD8+ T cells and immature B cells and has been thought to play a role in lymphocyte physiology. Here we report that swiprosin‐1 is also expressed in mast cells and up‐regulated in both in vitro cultured mast cells by phorbol ester and in vivo model tissues of passive cutaneous anaphylaxis and atopic dermatitis. Targeted inhibition of the specific protein kinase C (PKC) isotypes by siRNA revealed that PKC‐βI/η are involved in the expression of swiprosin‐1 in the human mast cell line HMC‐1. In contrast, down‐regulation of swiprosin‐1 by A23187 or ionomycin suggests that calcium‐signaling plays a negative role. The ectopic expression of swiprosin‐1 augmented PMA/A23187‐induced NF‐κB promoter activity, and resulted in increased expression of cytokines. Moreover, knock‐down of swiprosin‐1 attenuated PMA/A23187‐induced cytokine expression. Collectively, these results suggest that swiprosin‐1 is a PKC‐βI/η‐inducible gene and it modulates mast cell activation through NF‐κB‐dependent pathway. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 705–715, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two peptides, corresponding to the turn region of the C‐terminal β‐hairpin of the B3 domain of the immunoglobulin binding protein G from Streptococcus, consisting of residues 51–56 [IG(51–56)] and 50–57 [IG(50–57)], respectively, were studied by circular dichroism and NMR spectroscopy at various temperatures and by differential scanning calorimetry. Our results show that the part of the sequence corresponding to the β‐turn in the native structure (DDATKT) of the B3 domain forms bent conformations similar to those observed in the native protein. The formation of a turn is observed for both peptides in a broad range of temperatures (T = 283–323 K), which confirms the conclusion drawn from our previous studies of longer sequences from the C‐terminal β‐hairpin of the B3 domain of the immunoglobulin binding protein G (16, 14, and 12 residues), that the DDATKT sequence forms a nucleation site for formation of the β‐hairpin structure of peptides corresponding to the C‐terminal part of all the B domains of the immunoglobulin binding protein G. We also show and discuss the role of long‐range hydrophobic interactions as well as local conformational properties of polypeptide chains in the mechanism of formation of the β‐hairpin structure. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]cyt) and heterotrimeric G‐proteins are universal eukaryotic signaling elements. In plant guard cells, extracellular calcium (Cao) is as strong a stimulus for stomatal closure as the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA), but underlying mechanisms remain elusive. Here, we report that the sole Arabidopsis heterotrimeric Gβ subunit, AGB1, is required for four guard cell Cao responses: induction of stomatal closure; inhibition of stomatal opening; [Ca2+]cyt oscillation; and inositol 1,4,5‐trisphosphate (InsP3) production. Stomata in wild‐type Arabidopsis (Col) and in mutants of the canonical Gα subunit, GPA1, showed inhibition of stomatal opening and promotion of stomatal closure by Cao. By contrast, stomatal movements of agb1 mutants and agb1/gpa1 double‐mutants, as well as those of the agg1agg2 Gγ double‐mutant, were insensitive to Cao. These behaviors contrast with ABA‐regulated stomatal movements, which involve GPA1 and AGB1/AGG3 dimers, illustrating differential partitioning of G‐protein subunits among stimuli with similar ultimate impacts, which may facilitate stimulus‐specific encoding. AGB1 knockouts retained reactive oxygen species and NO production, but lost YC3.6‐detected [Ca2+]cyt oscillations in response to Cao, initiating only a single [Ca2+]cyt spike. Experimentally imposed [Ca2+]cyt oscillations restored stomatal closure in agb1. Yeast two‐hybrid and bimolecular complementation fluorescence experiments revealed that AGB1 interacts with phospholipase Cs (PLCs), and Cao induced InsP3 production in Col but not in agb1. In sum, G‐protein signaling via AGB1/AGG1/AGG2 is essential for Cao‐regulation of stomatal apertures, and stomatal movements in response to Cao apparently require Ca2+‐induced Ca2+ release that is likely dependent on Gβγ interaction with PLCs leading to InsP3 production.  相似文献   

Two‐component signaling systems are the primary means by which bacteria, archaea, and certain plants and fungi react to their environments. The model yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, uses the Sln1 signaling pathway to respond to hyperosmotic stress. This pathway contains a hybrid histidine kinase (Sln1) that autophosphorylates and transfers a phosphoryl group to its own receiver domain (R1). The phosphoryl group is then transferred to a histidine phosphotransfer protein (Ypd1) that finally passes it to the receiver domain (R2) of a downstream response regulator (Ssk1). Under normal conditions, Ssk1 is constitutively and preferentially phosphorylated in the phosphorelay. Upon detecting hyperosmotic stress, Ssk1 rapidly dephosphorylates and activates the high‐osmolarity glycerol (HOG) pathway, initiating a response. Despite their distinct physiological roles, both Sln1 and Ssk1 bind to Ypd1 at a common docking site. Co‐crystal structures of response regulators in complex with their phosphorelay partners are scarce, leaving many mechanistic and structural details uncharacterized for systems like the Sln1 pathway. In this work, we present the co‐crystal structure of Ypd1 and a near wild‐type variant of the receiver domain of Ssk1 (Ssk1‐R2‐W638A) at a resolution of 2.80 Å. Our structural analyses of Ypd1‐receiver domain complexes, biochemical determination of binding affinities for Ssk1‐R2 variants, in silico free energy estimates, and sequence comparisons reveal distinctive electrostatic properties of the Ypd1/Ssk1‐R2‐W638A complex that may provide insight into the regulation of the Sln1 pathway as a function of dynamic osmolyte concentration.  相似文献   

The sucrose non‐fermenting‐1‐related protein kinase 2 (SnRK2) family represents a unique family of plant‐specific protein kinases implicated in cellular signalling in response to osmotic stress. In our studies, we observed that two class 1 SnRK2 kinases, SnRK2.4 and SnRK2.10, are rapidly and transiently activated in Arabidopsis roots after exposure to salt. Under saline conditions, snrk2.4 knockout mutants had a reduced primary root length, while snrk2.10 mutants exhibited a reduction in the number of lateral roots. The reduced lateral root density was found to be a combinatory effect of a decrease in the number of lateral root primordia and an increase in the number of arrested lateral root primordia. The phenotypes were in agreement with the observed expression patterns of genomic yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) fusions of SnRK2.10 and ‐2.4, under control of their native promoter sequences. SnRK2.10 was found to be expressed in the vascular tissue at the base of a developing lateral root, whereas SnRK2.4 was expressed throughout the root, with higher expression in the vascular system. Salt stress triggered a rapid re‐localization of SnRK2.4–YFP from the cytosol to punctate structures in root epidermal cells. Differential centrifugation experiments of isolated Arabidopsis root proteins confirmed recruitment of endogenous SnRK2.4/2.10 to membranes upon exposure to salt, supporting their observed binding affinity for the phospholipid phosphatidic acid. Together, our results reveal a role for SnRK2.4 and ‐2.10 in root growth and architecture in saline conditions.  相似文献   

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《Journal of neurochemistry》2002,83(6):1543-1546

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《Journal of neurochemistry》2003,87(6):1579-1582

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