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“对立统一规律是宇宙的根本规律。”动物体是完整统一的有机体,其各系统、各器官的机能活动是矛盾的,对立的,同时又是统一的。心脏的跳动,肺脏的呼吸,肌肉的伸缩,胃肠的蠕动等,都是由相互联系、相互制约的对立统一的活动完成的。在这些活动当中,神经系统起着主要的调节作用。中枢神经系统是支配全身活动的中枢,而内脏器官的活动是由相对自主的植  相似文献   

本文采用双积分球测量系统和Inverse Add ing-Doub ling方法,研究了自然和热凝固的人肝组织对532nm的KTP激光和1 064 nm的Nd:YAG激光的光学特性。结果表明:热凝固的人肝组织对532 nm的KTP激光的吸收系数较自然的肝组织的吸收系数增大了23.5%(P<0.05),热凝固的肝组织对1 064 nm的Nd:YAG激光的吸收系数较自然的肝组织的吸收系数减小了34.3%(P<0.05)。热凝固的人肝组织对532 nm的KTP激光的散射系数较自然的肝组织的散射系数增大了4.50倍(P<0.05),热凝固的肝组织对1 064 nm的Nd:YAG激光的散射系数较自然的肝组织的散射系数增大了6.41倍(P<0.05)。热凝固的人肝组织对532 nm的KTP激光的各向异性因子较自然的肝组织的各向异性因子减小了5.47%,热凝固的肝组织对1 064 nm的Nd:YAG激光的各向异性因子较自然的肝组织的各向异性因子减小了1.95%。  相似文献   

制作学案的过程,就是老师理解通透所传授的知识的前提下,阅读大量的相关的资料,根据学生的认知水平与知识的积累能力,为指导学生进行主动的知识建构而编制的学习方案,以便积极引导和帮助学生的自主学习的能力进行探究思索的方案。高中生物的教学研究问题,通过学案的方式向学生传授知识,是教师在教学理论与学习标准的指导下对高中生物的教学所提高的一个新层次。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展经济的进步我国在各个领域的发展上都得到了相应的提升,从农业的发展情况来看,由于我国在科学技术上进步故此在农业的发展上也取得了重大的成效,但是在农业发展的过程中也出现了一些严重的问题,就是对于化学药品的使用所造成的农产品的污染以及环境的污染。本文主要针对当前的一些植物保护的现状进行阐述,并对植物保护和农业的可持续发展间的关系进行了详细的分析探究,希望能够在此领域的学术发展起到一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

在当前的形势下,我国的林业建设工作也是需要及时的调整发展方案,以此来适应新时代的发展的,要由传统的林业建设模式逐渐的向现代化的方向发展。从某种程度上来说,基层林业站的微观变化也会对林业建设的发展方向的宏观调整产生直接的影响,因此,要结合科学发展的建设理念,来指导林业站的工作,以此来促进林业的健康建设。文章主要阐述基层林业站的作用,主要是为更好的发挥基层林业站的效用服务的。  相似文献   

一、植物生理学面临的挑战作为植物学的一个重要分支的植物生理学经过百余年的发展对植物生命活动的基本规律及其与环境的关系的了解取得了长足的进展,也对人类的生产活动起了巨大的促进作用。例如化学肥料及生长调节剂与除草剂的大规模应用,细胞全能性的发现及利用等。但与现代自然科学体系日新月异的进步相比植物生理学则象百舸竞渡中的一叶扁舟,面临着严峻的挑战。近年分子生物学和遗传学的飞速进步,各种物理化学检测手段的应用及检测精度的提高,使植物生理学的机理的探索必须建立在分子生物学的基础上并相应地使用精确的检测手段,例如植物激素乙烯的发现及其生物合成与作用机理的研究,就是建  相似文献   

生理生态学的原则是随着纬度的升高,物种分布的海拔高度将随之降低。但是,云南一些植物特征成分的分布却与之相反,它们的分布与云南残留的古夷平面的分布相似,即随着纬度的升高,其分布的海拔高度也随之升高。二者的区别是云南古夷平面分布的趋势线的仰角大于那些特征成分分布的趋势线的仰角。可能的原因是:相对于剧烈的地质运动,物种的适应能力总是相对滞后的,并且物种的分布也受到其生长特性的制约;根据分布区形成的原则,这些成分的发生应早于夷平面的隆起。  相似文献   

浅谈果树病虫害综合防治技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在我国的农业生产的过程中,对于果树的病虫害综合防治是农业生产效益的根本保障,我国是一个农业大国,尤其是在我国的北方,果树的栽培更是有着悠久的历史,在近些年中由于技术的进步果树的品种更新的速度也在不断的加快,但是随之而来的就是果树的病虫害的问题,它对于果树的影响非常的大,直接在经济上给果农带来严重的损失,为了能够让果农的经济效益得到保障,对于果树的病虫害防治就显得极为重要。本文主要是对东北地区的果树病虫害的现状进行简要的分析,并对果树病虫害的综合防治技术进行研究找出适当的对策,希望能有所裨益。  相似文献   

环境状况的好与坏通常决定着一个国家的综合国力的强与弱。近几年来,随着社会的发展,环境方面的问题越来越多,各个国家对于环境问题的解决方法以及管理方式各有千秋,同时各个国家对于环境问题的管理也都十分的重视。而其中,日本环境的管理是开始于20世纪中期的,从20世纪中期到现在,短短的这一段时间中,日本的环境管理出现出人意料的成功,不仅创造了防治产业污染的奇迹,同时也形成了一套相对完成的管理体制以及丰富多彩的管理模式。与日本不同的是,我国的环境管理方面尚且存在一定的问题。本文将结合中日环境管理方面存在的差异探讨中国的环境管理存在的问题的解决对策。  相似文献   

正常微生物群是一个新的人体生理学系统   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15  
1 前言微生态学的发展 ,现在已把微生物的作用 ,从主要是致病作用的观点转移到主要是生理作用的观点。这种观点的转变是经过 10 0多年的学术研究和科学发展才取得的。在 2 0世纪经过无菌动物的饲养、厌氧培养技术的进步和现代分子生物学、基因工程学的研究终于完成了微生态学向新的更高阶段的转变。这就是微生物的研究以致病性为主的时代转向以生理性为主的时代。要确定一门新学科的诞生日期是很难的。一门新学科的定义也是逐渐形成的 ,要经过科研成果不断积累才能逐渐完善。正常微生物群的生理作用的提出是很早的 ,至少要推衍到 19世纪的…  相似文献   

Vaccarino AL  Olson GA  Olson RD  Kastin AJ 《Peptides》1999,20(12):219-1574
This paper is the twenty-first installment of our annual review of research concerning the opiate system. It summarizes papers published during 1998 that studied the behavioral effects of the opiate peptides and antagonists, excluding the purely analgesic effects, although stress-induced analgesia is included. The specific topics covered this year include stress; tolerance and dependence; eating and drinking; alcohol; gastrointestinal, renal, and hepatic function; mental illness and mood; learning, memory, and reward; cardiovascular responses; respiration and thermoregulation; seizures and other neurologic disorders; electrical-related activity; general activity and locomotion; sex, pregnancy, and development; immunologic responses; and other behaviors.  相似文献   

This paper is the fifteenth installment of our annual review of research concerning the opiate system. It includes papers published during 1992 involving the behavioral, nonanalgesic, effects of the endogenous opiate peptides. The specific topics this year include stress; tolerance and dependence; eating; drinking; gastrointestinal and renal function; mental illness and mood; learning, memory, and reward; cardiovascular responses; respiration and thermoregulation; seizures and other neurological disorders; electrical-related activity; general activity and locomotion; sex, pregnancy, and development; immunological responses; and other behaviors.  相似文献   

Vaccarino AL  Kastin AJ 《Peptides》2000,21(12):1975-2034
This paper is the twenty-second installment of the annual review of research concerning the opiate system. It summarizes papers published during 1999 that studied the behavioral effects of the opiate peptides and antagonists, excluding the purely analgesic effects, although stress-induced analgesia is included. The specific topics covered this year include stress; tolerance and dependence; learning, memory, and reward; eating and drinking; alcohol and other drugs of abuse; sexual activity, pregnancy, and development; mental illness and mood; seizures and other neurologic disorders; electrical-related activity; general activity and locomotion; gastrointestinal, renal, and hepatic function; cardiovascular responses; respiration and thermoregulation; and immunologic responses.  相似文献   

海蛎是一种营养和医药价值较高的咸水双壳类动物,在世界各地被广泛养殖。海蛎壳副产品是一种天然生物质资源,由95%的碳酸钙和5%的有机基质组成。海蛎壳的多尺度、多层次“砖-泥”独特结构,使其具有良好的机械稳定性、生物相容性、可降解性和优异的吸附特性。首先,介绍了海蛎壳生物质的理化性质和天然独特微纳米结构,总结了海蛎壳在农业、工业、生物医药领域的研究现状,详细阐述了其在污水治理、土壤改良、天然抗菌剂(食品工业和生物医药)、骨组织工程、医药原料、生物填料、工业催化剂及分散载体、建筑工业填料、功能化涂料等领域的研究现状。其次,概述了利用生物转化技术将海蛎壳转化为生物能源、新型生物质材料等方面的研究进展。最后,展望了海蛎壳生物质资源及其衍生物未来在工业、农业、医药领域的潜在应用。  相似文献   

Meristematic cells of Vicia faba L. were labeled with rabbit anti-actin antibody and FITC-conjugated goat anti-rabbit lgG antibody and observed with fluorescence microscopy. Both the nuclei and chromosomes sent forth distinctive fluorescence, indicating that actin is present in the nuclei and chromosomes. Sections were reacted with the anti-actin antibody and protein A-colloidal gold and observed with transmission electron microscopy. Gold particles were found over the whole nuclei, and a lot of particles were concentrated in condensed chromatin areas and nucleoli, confirming the observations with the fluorescence microscopy. V. faba nuclei and chromosomes were treated with DNase Ⅰ and 2 mol/L NaC1, and DNA and histone-depleted nuclei and chromosomes were obtained. Indirect immunofluorescence tests showed that the DNA and histone-depleted nuclei and chromosomes reacted positively with the anti-actin antibody. These results demonstrated that actin exists not only in intact nuclei and chromosomes but also in DNA and histone-depleted nuclei and chromosomes of V. faba. In addition, the authors' results indicate that tropomyosin is present in the nuclei and chromosomes of V. faba. Presence of actin in nuclei and chromosomes as well as in DNA and histone-depleted nuclei and chromosomes of higher plants is discussed.  相似文献   

Olive (Olea europaea L.) is one of the most important crop plants grown in the Mediterranean region. Varying levels of hormones, sugars and mineral nutrient are thought to influence flower bud formation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes in endogenous sugar, mineral nutrition and hormone levels in leaf, node and fruit samples of Memecik olive during the induction, initiation and differentiation periods in on (bearing) and off (non-bearing) years. Leaf, node and fruit samples of mature 15-year-old Memecik olive were used. The samples were taken during the induction, initiation and differentiation periods of olive in on (2000) and off (2001) years. Sugar (glucose, fructose and sucrose), mineral nutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu) and hormone [abscisic acid (ABA), indole acetic acid (IAA), gibberellic acid (GA3, GA4) and zeatin (Z)] levels were determined in on and off years. Hormone and sugar levels were measured by gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. The K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu levels were quantified by an atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Nitrogen was determined by the Kjeldahl procedure, and P by a spectrophotometric method. The differences in any of the sugar concentrations, with the exception of fructose, were not significant in on and off years. Hormone levels, however, were significantly different in on and off years. Glucose had the highest concentrations in both years, followed by sucrose and fructose, respectively. The highest macro and micro element concentrations were found to be Ca and Fe, respectively. Thus, the results suggest that carbohydrates and mineral nutrients may not have a direct effect to induce flower initiation. However, high GA3 level exhibited an inhibitory effect on floral formation during the induction and initiation periods. On the other hand, the high concentrations of GA4, ABA and certain cytokinin levels may have a positive effect on flower formation in olive during the induction and initiation periods.  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2020,20(2):254-258
We examined the effects of metabolic hormones leptin and ghrelin, and the oil-related environmental contaminants toluene and xylene on the release of ovarian hormones by gravid and non-gravid cats, as well as the functional interrelationships between metabolic hormones and contaminants. Ovarian fragments of non-gravid cats were cultured with and without leptin and toluene. Next, ovarian fragments of either non-gravid or gravid animals were cultured with and without ghrelin and xylene. Oxytocin (OT) and prostaglandin F (PGF) release was measured using ELISA.We confirm ovarian OT and PGF production by feline ovary, demonstrate the involvement of leptin and ghrelin in controlling OT and PGF release, show the direct influence of toluene and xylene on feline ovarian secretory activity, indicate the ability of leptin and ghrelin to mimic and promote the main contaminant effects, demonstrate that oil-related contaminants can prevent and even invert the effects of leptin and ghrelin on the ovary, and suggest the gravidity-associated changes in ability of ghrelin to promote xylene action on PGF (but not to OT), but not in basic ovarian OT and PGF release and their response to ghrelin or xylene.  相似文献   

It has now been over twenty years since a novel herpesviral genome was identified in Kaposi's sarcoma biopsies. Since then, the cumulative research effort by molecular biologists, virologists, clinicians, and epidemiologists alike has led to the extensive characterization of this tumor virus, Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus(KSHV; also known as human herpesvirus 8(HHV-8)), and its associated diseases. Here we review the current knowledge of KSHV biology and pathogenesis, with a particular emphasis on new and exciting advances in the field of epigenetics. We also discuss the development and practicality of various cell culture and animal model systems to study KSHV replication and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Patterns of reproductive strategy parameters in some marine teleost fishes   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The development of ideas and methods in the quantitative study of the patterns of growth, maturation and longevity in fish is reviewed. Earlier studies on length and age at maturity, von Bertalanffy growth formula parameters, natural mortality and maximum age for clupeiformes, pleuronectiformes, gadiformes and Sebastes spp. are up-dated and extended. The concept of the Growth-Maturity-Longevity (GML) plot is developed and applied. GML plots for the gadiformes and pleuronectiformes occupy the same two-dimensional space, but those for clupeiformes and Sebastes are located differently from them and from each other. The GML parameter suite for long-lived Sebastes spp. is similar to that of certain higher vertebrates of comparable longevity (minke whale and African elephant). It is suggested that the conventional distinction between the growth of fish being indeterminate and that for higher vertebrates determinate is inappropriate; the main difference is whether the approach to the characteristic maximum size is asymptotic , as in fish and some higher vertebrates, or abrupt as in others, including man.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The two closely related subtribes Bifrenariinae Dressler and Maxillariinae Benth. are easily distinguished on morphological grounds. Recently, however, molecular techniques have supported the inclusion of Bifrenariinae within a more broadly defined Maxillariinae. The present paper describes the diverse labellar micromorphology found amongst representatives of Bifrenariinae (Bifrenaria Lindl., Rudolfiella Hoehne, Teuscheria Garay and Xylobium Lindl.) and compares it with that found in Maxillaria Pabst & Dungs and Mormolyca Fenzl (Maxillariinae). METHODS: The labella of 35 specimens representing 22 species of Bifrenariinae were examined by means of light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy and their micromorphology compared with that of Maxillaria sensu stricto and Mormolyca spp. The labellar epidermis of representatives of Bifrenaria, Xylobium and Mormolyca was tested for protein, starch and lipids in order to ascertain whether this tissue is involved in the rewarding of pollinators. KEY RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The labella of Bifrenaria spp. and Mormolyca spp. are densely pubescent but those of Xylobium, Teuscheria and Rudolfiella are generally papillose. However, whereas the trichomes of Bifrenaria and Mormolyca are unicellular, those found in the other three genera are multicellular. Hitherto, no unicellular trichomes have been described for Maxillaria, although the labella of a number of species secrete a viscid substance or bear moniliform, pseudopollen-producing hairs. Moniliform hairs and secretory material also occur in certain species of Xylobium and Teuscheria and these genera, together with Maxillaria, are thought to be pollinated by stingless bees (Meliponini). Differences in the labellar micromorphology of Bifrenaria and Mormolyca are perhaps related to Euglossine- and/ or bumble bee-mediated pollination and pseudocopulation, respectively. Although Xylobium and Teuscheria share a number of labellar features with Maxillaria sensu stricto, this does not necessarily reflect taxonomic relationships but may be indicative of convergence in response to similar pollinator pressures.  相似文献   

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