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报道中国杰氏涡虫属1新种:丽杰氏涡虫Gieysztoria pulchra sp.nov.,标本采于广东省梅州市郊区鱼塘,对新种涡虫的形态特征作了详细描述,并与杰氏涡虫属所有物种进行了比较;中国1新纪录亚种:大变杰氏涡虫九刺亚种Gieysztoria macrovariata 9-spinosa Luther,1955,标本分别采自安徽芜湖市和湖北省武汉市东湖.所有标本保存在深圳大学生命科学学院形态学研究室.  相似文献   

小达氏涡虫属一新种(扁形动物门,单肠目,达氏科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
报道中国小达氏涡虫属1新种:湖南小达氏涡虫Microdalyellia humanensis nov.sp.,模式标本采集于湖南新宁县莨山镇黄背村(26°44′N,110°84′E),对新种涡虫的形态特征作了详细描述,所有标本保存在深圳大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

报道了单肠目达氏亚目达氏科涡虫中国1新纪录属,杰氏涡虫属及1新种:深圳杰氏涡虫Gieysztoria shenzhensis sp.nov..对其形态特征作了详细描述,并与近似种进行了比较.  相似文献   

本文报道了采自江西省九江市武宁县花棚村池塘的中国淡水扁彤动物单肠目达氏科小达氏涡虫属1新纪录种,即褐小达氏涡虫Microdalyellia fusca Fuhrmann,1894;详细描述了涡虫的形态特征,介绍了整装片标本的制作方法;同时比较了中国标本与产自德国的模式标本间的异同,其关键分类性状骨质阴茎的大体形态一致,但阴茎长度及其未端各分支的大小存在明显差异,推测是地理分布产生的品系间差别.所有标本保存在深圳大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

报道淡水扁形动物中国1新纪录属--小达氏涡虫属及3新种:木鱼小达氏涡虫Microdalyellia muyuensissp.nov.,神农架小达氏涡虫M.shennongjiae sp nov.,中国小达氏涡虫M sinensis sp.nov..前2种标本采于湖北省神农架木鱼镇的溪流,后1种采于广东汕头市郊区小河;对3新种涡虫的形态特征作了详细描述和比较,并与近似种进行了比较.  相似文献   

杰氏涡虫属一新种(扁形动物门,单肠目,达氏科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道单肠目达氏科杰氏涡虫属1新种,武夷山杰氏涡虫Gieysztoria wuyishanensis Wang et Lai,sp.nov.,隶属于杰氏涡虫属异刺群钩刺亚群,该亚群涡虫在中国属首次报道.标本由张宇于2005年5月6日采自福建省南平市武夷山九曲溪(27°45′N,118°1′E)的溪边水草间,水温18℃,pH7.8.详细描述了新种形态特征,所有标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所.  相似文献   

中国涡虫一新纪录科达氏涡虫属一新种(单肠目,达氏科)   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1  
记述了中国涡虫纲单肠目1新纪录科达氏科达氏涡虫属1新种,即中国达氏涡虫Dalyellia sinensis sp.nov..新种的主要鉴别特征是:表皮下有许多单细胞绿藻Chlorella sp.,体表呈绿色;体长2 200 μm,体中部宽475μm,几丁质阴茎长178 μm,柄2根,柄长100μm,柄宽13~15 μm,两柄间距188 μm,分支2条,呈心形排列,阴茎上有几丁质刺22根,分支末端的刺长是基部刺长的1/5.标本保存在深圳大学生命科学学院形态学研究室.  相似文献   

记述了中国涡虫单肠目1新纪录科背睾涡虫属1新种,即中国背睾涡虫Phaenocor asinensis sp.nov.。新种的主要鉴别特征是:外轮廓呈长子弹形,后缘呈刀切状;精巢长度占体长的2/3,位于卵黄腺的背部。阴茎表面小刺呈犬牙状,其内折部中段具4个矩形的粗刺。子宫有2个开口,一端连接卵巢,另一端连接生殖腔。卵黄腺呈条形,具短分支,左右卵黄腺无衔接。生活于淡水。标本保存在深圳大学生命科学学院形态学研究室。  相似文献   

中国大口涡虫属三新种(扁形动物门,大口虫目,大口虫科)   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
报道中国广东地区生活于淡水的大口涡虫属3新种:即中国大口涡虫Macrostomum sinensis sp.nov.;针大口涡虫M.acus sp.nov.;钝大口涡虫M.obtusa sp.nov..对其形态特征作了详细描述,并与近似种进行了比较.所有标本保存在深圳大学生命科学学院实验室.  相似文献   

本文记述枝肠涡虫属2新种,即中华枝肠涡虫和绥芬河枝肠涡虫。前者标本采自黑龙江省德都县,孙吴县和逊克县,后者标本采自黑龙江省绥芬河市。  相似文献   

Two new turbellarian species, Gieysztoria shantouensis Zhang, Li Wang, sp. nov. and G. huizhouensis Zhang, Wu Wang, sp. nov. are described, which were collected from ditches in Shantou and Dongjiang River, Huizhou of Guangdong Province, respectively. G. macrovariata(Weise, 1942) was firstly recorded in China. All specimens examined were deposited in National Zoological Museum, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.  相似文献   

A new species of Aequales group,namely Gieysztoria shiyanensis Wang Xia,sp.nov.,is described from China.The new species is diagnosed by a sclerotic stylet with a belt attaching 15 fang-like spines.A worldwide list of Aequales group and a key to species of Gieysztoria in China are provided.  相似文献   

本文对分布于广东省深圳市侨城湿地(113°58'E,22°31'N)咸淡水的一种单肠目Rhabdocoel涡虫进行了形态、发育及18S r DNA与28S r DNA分子系统学的分析与比较。结果表明,此涡虫为达氏科Dalyelliidae铲形杰氏涡虫Gieysztoria knipovici Beklemischev,1953,为中国新纪录种。该物种模式标本分布于欧洲黑海近岸。本研究详细描述了其外部形态与内部结构特征,首次发现该涡虫精巢超长,前端达咽部,后端至腹侧,呈长条形(该属涡虫2个精巢呈球形或椭圆形,位于肠后腹侧);除了骨质阴茎之外还具有可再生的骨质阴茎鞘。阴茎鞘位于骨质阴茎外侧,半包裹骨质阴茎,呈长条形骨质结构。交配后的个体常在交配囊内发现阴茎鞘1~5个。鉴于该物种特殊的形态学特征,其分类地位还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

The sperm morphology of five species of the Pterastericolidae was studied with transmission electron microscopy. The spermatozoa of all species have two axoncmes, which are incorporated in the sperm cell body for most of their length. The axonemes arc of the'9 + 1'pattern characteristic of the flatworm taxon Trepaxonemata. Outer dynein arms are absent from the microtubule doublets in the axonemes. Dense bodies are few, and occur only in the distal part of the spermatozoa, but small electron dense granules are numerous. A sister group of the Neodermata consisting of the Pterastericolidae and the Fecampidae is proposed. The monophyly of the taxon Dalyellioida is discussed  相似文献   

Two ncw species of the family Pterastericolidae which inhabit starfish arc dcscribcd. Pterastericola bergensis sp.n. from thc oesophagus and cardiac stomach of Psilaster andromecla has posterior gonopore and lateral vitellaria. Pterastericola asamushii sp.n. from the pyloric caeca of Astropecren scopurius has unciliated epithelium postcriorly and an anterior gonopore. A cladistic analysis of thc phylogcny of the Pterastcricolidae is presented. The withdrawal of the genus Trilohorhynchus is proposed.  相似文献   

Two new species of Dalyellidae, Dalyellia callvucurai n. sp. and Gieysztoria namuncurai n. sp., are described from temporary freshwater environments in central Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The ultrastructure of the stylets of both species is also described. The new species of the genus Dalyellia is the second species of the genus found in the neotropics and the first whose stylet has been studied with scanning electron microscopy. Gieysztoria namuncurai n. sp. joins the seven species of the genus known in Argentina. The ultrastructural characteristics of the stylet place it in the Inaequales group, with complex stylets.  相似文献   

The unified theory of evolution is an expansion of Darwinian theory that asserts that evolution is driven by entropic accumulation of genetic information that is constrained and organized primarily by the genealogical effects of phylogenetic history and developmental integration, and secondarily by ecological effects, or natural selection in its classical mode. Phylogenetic systematic analysis of the 8 major groups of parasitic rhabdocoelous platyhelminths permits empirical macroevolutionary evaluation of these postulates. Of the 131 characters considered, 127 are phylogenetically constrained, and 4 show evidence of 1 case of convergence each. Data from different developmental stages are phylogenetically congruent, despite differences in ecology among those stages. Ecological diversification, indicated by phylogenetic association of definitive hosts and parasites, and by changes in ecological components of life cycle patterns, is more conservative evolutionarily than diversification in developmental patterns, indicated by the appearance of unique larval stages, asexual proliferation of larvae, polyembryony, and heterochronic changes. These observations support the macroevolutionary postulates of the unified theory.  相似文献   

本研究报道单肠目Rhabdocoela斯库台科Scutariellidae斯库台涡虫属Scutariella新种:中国斯库台涡虫,新种Scutariella sinensis sp.nov.,对其进行了形态学、分子系统学等研究。新种的主要鉴别特征:(1)二支卵黄腺在背部两侧沿肠管分布,在近肠后部愈合,整体呈"U"型;(2)生殖孔位于肠前端腹侧;(3)咽腺丰富,位于咽肠交界处的两侧;(4)精巢、卵巢位于肠道前1/3腹侧。新种的18S rDNA和28S rDNA分子系统发生研究首次提供了切头类斯库台科的分子数据,确定切头亚目Temnocephalida的分类地位及该亚目与吸虫类的进化关系。  相似文献   

Falleni  Alessandra  Lucchesi  Paolo  Gremigni  Vittorio 《Hydrobiologia》1998,383(1-3):215-226
The female gonad of Temnocephala dendyi and T. minor consists of a single germarium and two rows of vitellaria. It is enveloped by an extracellular lamina and accessory cells. Accessory cells are only peripherally located in the germarium while their cytoplasmic projections also fill the spaces between vitellocytes in the vitellarium. The main feature of oocyte maturation is the appearance of chromatoid bodies and the development of rough endoplasmic reticulum (R.E.R.) and Golgi complexes which appear to be correlated with the production of double-structured egg granules. The egg granules, which are localized in the cortical cytoplasm of mature oocytes, contain glycoproteins, are devoid of polyphenols and are similar in structure and composition to the cortical granules observed in some Digenea and Monogenea. Vitellocytes are typical secretory cells with well-developed R.E.R. and Golgi complexes which are involved in the production of shell globules and yolk. The multigranular pattern and the polyphenolic composition of the shell globules of the temnocephalids investigated are similar to those observed in other rhabdocoels, and in some Prolecithophora and Neodermata. This feature may represent a synapomorphy shared by these taxa. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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