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Astaxanthin production is commonly induced under stress conditions such as nutrient deficiency (N or P), high light stress, and variations of temperature, high NaCl concentrations, and other factors. The objective of the present study is the analysis of the effect of oxidative stress by sodium orthovanadate (SOV), a nonspecific inhibitor of protein tyrosine phosphatases, on the cells growth and astaxanthin production of H. lacustris. In the presence of SOV (lower than 5.0 mM), maximum growth of H. lacustris obtained was 2.4 × 105 cells/mL in MBBM medium at 24°C under continuous illumination (40 μE/m2/s) of white fluorescent light, with continuous aeration of CO2 (0.2 vvm). Total carotenoids accumulated per cell biomass unit treated with 2.5 mM SOV has approximately shown 2.5 folds higher than the control after short period of SOV induction time as 2 days, despite that cells were grown under normal light. Meanwhile, maximal astaxanthin production from H. lacustris was 10.7 mg/g biomass in MBBM with 5 days of continuous illumination at 40 μE/m2/s, which has been established as optimal light intensity for the control culture of H. lacustris. Treating algae H. lacustris with sodium orthovanadate showed promoting the accumulation of astaxanthin by advancing either the inhibition of dephosphorylation or synthesis of ATP. Its potential role of PTPases in microalgae H. lacustris is discussed. The first two authors are equally contributed to this work.  相似文献   

Miao F  Lu D  Li Y  Zeng M 《Analytical biochemistry》2006,352(2):176-181
After first being analyzed by HPLC, 4 free carotenoids, 15 astaxanthin monoesters, 12 astaxanthin diesters, and 3 astacin monoesters in Haematococcus pluvialis were identified by liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (LC-(APCI)MS). Identification of each compound was based on the characteristic fragment ions of the positive ion mode, negative ion mode, and MS(2). Astaxanthin esters were identified based on the loss of one or two fatty acids. In a positive ion mode, astaxanthin monoesters had characteristic fragment ions at m/z 597 [M+H-fatty acid](+) and m/z 579 and 561 that resulted from a continuous loss of water. The relative intensity of m/z 579 in MS(2) amounted to more than 80% of that of the molecular ion. In astaxanthin diesters, the intensity of m/z 561 occasionally was equal to that of m/z 579, but in general the former, amounting to 50 to 60% or more of the molecular ion, was stronger than the latter, which decreased to 20 to 30% of the molecular ion. In addition, a set of compounds with maximum absorbance at 400 nm, detected by high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector (HPLC-DAD), had strong characteristic fragment ions at m/z 871 and 593 in the positive ion mode MS(2). They were presumed to be linolenic acid or an isomer of omega-6-gamma-linolenic acid esters of astacin.  相似文献   

The singlet oxygen quenching activities of carotenoids, -carotene, free astaxanthin, its monoester and its diester, were examined in vitro by a simple and rapid method for the measurement of Methylene Blue-sensitized photooxidation of linoleic acid in the hexane/ethanol solvent system. The concentrations of carotenoids, -carotene, free astaxanthin, its mono- and di-ester, required for 50% inhibition of lipid oxidation were 40, 8, 9, and 0 M in 100% ethanol and, 14, 16, 10, and 7 M in 50% (v/v) hexane in ethanol, respectively. Astaxanthin esters function as powerful antioxidant agents under both hydrophobic and hydrophilic conditions.  相似文献   

A gradient reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method using a C30 column was developed for the simultaneous determination of astaxanthin, astaxanthin monoesters and astaxanthin diesters in the green algae Chlorococcum sp., Chlorella zofingiensis, Haematococcus pluvialis and the mutant E1, which was obtained from the mutagenesis of H. pluvialis by exposure to UV-irradiation and ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS) with subsequent screening using nicotine. The results showed that the contents of total astaxanthins including free astaxanthin and astaxanthin esters ranged from 1.4 to 30.9 mg/g dry biomass in these green algae. The lower total astaxanthin levels (< 2 mg/g dry biomass) were detected in the green algae Chlorococcum sp. and C. zofingiensis. The higher total astaxanthin levels (>16 mg/g dry biomass) were found in the green alga H. pluvialis and its mutant E1. It is notable that the mutant E1 is found to have considerably higher amounts of total astaxanthin (30.9 mg/g) as compared to the wild strain of H. pluvialis (16.1 mg/g). This indicates that UV-irradiation and EMS compound mutagenesis with subsequent screening using nicotine is an effective method for breeding of a high-producing astaxanthin strain of H. pluvialis. In addition, the green alga C. zofingiensis had a remarkably higher percentage of astaxanthin diesters (76.3% of total astaxanthins) and a remarkably lower percentage of astaxanthin monoesters (18.0% of total astaxanthins) in comparison with H. pluvialis (35.5% for diesters and 60.9% for monoesters), the mutant E1 (49.1% and 48.1%) and Chlorococcum sp. (18.0% and 58.6%). Supported by the Frontier Research Grant of the SCSIO, the Hundred Talents program of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and National Natural Sciences of China projects (Grant No. 40776087)  相似文献   

A gradient reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method using a C30 col-umn was developed for the simultaneous determination of astaxanthin, astaxanthin monoesters and astaxanthin diesters in the green algae Chlorococcum sp., Chlorella zofingiensis, Haematococcus plu-vialis and the mutant E1, which was obtained from the mutagenesis of H. pluvialis by exposure to UV-irradiation and ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS) with subsequent screening using nicotine. The re-sults showed that the contents of total astaxanthins including free astaxanthin and astaxanthin esters ranged from 1.4 to 30.9 mg/g dry biomass in these green algae. The lower total astaxanthin levels (< 2 mg/g dry biomass) were detected in the green algae Chlorococcum sp. and C. zofingiensis. The higher total astaxanthin levels (>16 mg/g dry biomass) were found in the green alga H. pluvialis and its mutant E1. It is notable that the mutant E1 is found to have considerably higher amounts of total astaxanthin (30.9 mg/g) as compared to the wild strain of H. pluvialis (16.1 mg/g). This indicates that UV-irradiation and EMS compound mutagenesis with subsequent screening using nicotine is an effective method for breeding of a high-producing astaxanthin strain of H. pluvialis. In addition, the green alga C. zofingien-sis had a remarkably higher percentage of astaxanthin diesters (76.3% of total astaxanthins) and a re-markably lower percentage of astaxanthin monoesters (18.0% of total astaxanthins) in comparison with H. pluvialis (35.5% for diesters and 60.9% for monoesters), the mutant E1 (49.1% and 48.1%) and Chlorococcum sp. (18.0% and 58.6%).  相似文献   

雨生红球藻虾青素合成研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虾青素是一种重要的次级类胡萝卜素,具有高活性的抗氧化功能,广泛应用于食品保健、医药、水产养殖等领域。雨生红球藻是一种在胁迫条件下能够大量积累虾青素的微藻。文中回顾了雨生红球藻虾青素的生物合成研究的进展,包括虾青素生物合成的诱导与调控、虾青素合成与光合作用及脂类代谢的关系等研究现状。  相似文献   

We succeeded in isolating a novel cDNA involved in astaxanthin biosynthesis from the green alga Haematococcus pluvialis, by an expression cloning method using an Escherichia coli transformant as a host that synthesizes -carotene due to the Erwinia uredovora carotenoid biosynthesis genes. The cloned cDNA was shown to encode a novel enzyme, -carotene ketolase (-carotene oxygenase), which converted -carotene to canthaxanthin via echinenone, through chromatographic and spectroscopic analysis of the pigments accumulated in an E. coli transformant. This indicates that the encoded enzyme is responsible for the direct conversion of methylene to keto groups, a mechanism that usually requires two different enzymatic reactions proceeding via a hydroxy intermediate. Northern blot analysis showed that the mRNA was synthesized only in the cyst cells of H. pluvialis. E. coli carrying the H. pluvialis cDNA and the E. uredovora genes required for zeaxanthin biosynthesis was also found to synthesize astaxanthin (3S, 3S), which was identified after purification by a variety of spectroscopic methods.  相似文献   

Haematococcus pluvialis was cultured under N– and Mg+2-deficient conditions with two light intensities: 40 and 230 mol m2 s–1. Highest astaxanthin concentration, 49.5 g·ml–1, was obtained when high light was applied under N-deficient conditions. N-deficiency has a greater effect than high light intensity on astaxanthin synthesis by exerting a stronger blocking effect on cell division. The effect of high light was synergetic with the other stress conditions in stimulating the synthesis of astaxanthin. Mg+2 deficiency also stimulated the synthesis of astaxanthin but produced lower concentrations: 7 and 26 g·ml–1 for low and high light intensities respectively. When both N and Mg+2 were absent from the culture media the concentration of astaxanthin was lower than with N-deficiency alone but higher than with Mg+2-deficiency. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

The green microalga Haematococcus pluvialis was cultured with different concentrations of NaNO(3) to determine the effect on cell growth and astaxanthin accumulation. The optimum nitrate concentration to obtain astaxanthin and to avoid the cessation of cell division was 0.15 g/l NaNO(3). The ratio chlorophyll a/total carotenoids proved a good physiological indicator of nitrogen deficiency in the cell. The effect of different carbon sources, malonate and acetate, on astaxanthin accumulation was also studied; up to 13 times more carotenoids per cell were accumulated in cultures with malonate than in cultures without this compound. The pigment analysis was performed by a new low toxicity HPLC method capable of separating chlorophylls a and b, carotenes and xanthophylls in a short-period of time, using low volumes of solvents and with an economical price. With this method even echinenone was separated, which had been unsuccessful by any other method.  相似文献   

Production of astaxanthin by sequential heterotrophic-photoautotrophiccultivation of a green alga, Haematococcus pluvialis was investigated.This involved cultivating the cells heterotrophically to high cellconcentration, followed by illumination of the culture for astaxanthinaccumulation. The optimum pH and temperature for heterotrophic biomassproduction were 8 and 25 °C, respectively. There was no significantdifference in the specific growth rate of the cells when acetateconcentration was varied between 10 mM and 30 mM. However, cellgrowth was inhibited at higher acetate concentrations. A pH stat methodwas then used for fed-batch heterotrophic culture, using acetate as theorganic carbon source. A cell concentration of 7 g L-1 wasobtained. Higher cell concentration could not be obtained because the cellschanged from vegetative to cyst forms during the heterotrophic cultivation.However, by using repeated fed-batch processes, the cells could bemaintained in the vegetative form, leading to more than two times increasein cell number output rate. When the vegetative cells were transferred tophotoautotrophic phase, there was a sharp decrease in the cell number andonly very few cells encysted and accumulated astaxanthin. On the otherhand, when the shift from heterotrophic to photoautotrophic condition wasdone when most of the cells had encysted, there was still a decrease in cellnumber but astaxanthin accumulation was very high. The astaxanthinconcentration (114 mg L-1) and productivity (4.4 mg L-1d-1) obtained by this sequential heterotrophic-photoautotrophiccultivation method are very high compared to the data in the literature.  相似文献   

Astaxanthin (AXN) is known to have health benefits by epidemiological studies. Therefore, it is of interest to assess the effect of AXN (derived from indigenous unicellular green alga Haematococcus lacustris) to modulate cell cycle arrest, lysosomal acidification and eventually apoptosis using in vitro in A549 lung cancer cells. Natural extracts of astaxanthin were obtained by standardized methods as reported earlier and characterized by standard HPLC and MS. Treatment of A549 cells with AXN (purified fraction) showed significant reduction in cell viability (about 50%) as compared to crude extract at 50µM concentration. Thus, we show the anticancer effects and lysosomal acidification in A549 cells by Astaxanthin from Haematococcus lacustris for further consideration. Together, our results demonstrated the anticancer potential of AXN from Haematococcus lacustris, which is found to be mediated via its ability to induce cell cycle arrest, lysosomal acidification and apoptotic induction.  相似文献   

Journal of Applied Phycology - Astaxanthin, a carotenoid with potent antioxidant effects, is produced by the green alga Haematococcus pluvialis in response to stressful environmental conditions....  相似文献   

During light induction for astaxanthin formation in Haematococcus pluvialis, we substituted photoautotrophic induction for heterotrophic induction using acetate, both to prevent contamination by heterotrophs due to addition of organic carbon and to enhance carbon assimilation in the induced cells. Strong photoautotrophic induction was performed by N-deprivation of photoautotrophically grown Haematococcus cells followed by supplementation with bicarbonate (HCO3) or CO2. Bicarbonate-induced cells contained more astaxanthin than acetate-induced cells, and even further enhancement of astaxanthin accumulation was achieved by continuous CO2 supply. The maximum astaxanthin content (77.2 mg g–1 biomass, 3.4-fold higher than with heterotrophic induction) was obtained under conditions of 5% CO2, yielding astaxanthin concentration and productivity of 175.7 mg l–1 and 6.25 mg l–1 day–1, respectively. The results indicate that photoautotrophic induction is more effective than heterotrophic induction for astaxanthin synthesis in H. pluvialis.  相似文献   

The influence of mercury ions (Hg2+, 10 μM) on photosynthesis was investigated in flagellates and aplanospores of Haematococcus lacustris. Hg2+ stress resulted in a fast decrease of chlorophyll fluorescence yield. This was initially caused by an increase in reversible non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence. During further exposure to Hg2+, an increasing contribution of pH independent non-photochemical quenching and a parallel rise in the content of the xanthophyll cycle pigment zeaxanthin was detected. An increase of the initial chlorophyll fluorescence as a final sign of Hg2+ induced adverse effects on photosynthesis supports our hypothesis that mercury ions predispose to non-reversible, “chronic” photoinhibition.  相似文献   

Cultures of Haematococcus pluvialis were exposed to mutagens like u.v. and EMS (ethyl methanesulphonate). The results showed that the survival rate decreased with the increase in u.v. exposure time and increase in EMS concentration. These mutants were further screened using inhibitors of the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway viz. diphenylamine (15–90 M), nicotine (160–320 M) and compactin (1.5–3.0 M). The mutants thus obtained showed early enhanced (2.2–3.2-fold) astaxanthin accumulation and also exhibited higher lycopene cyclase activity.  相似文献   

Haematococcus astaxanthin: applications for human health and nutrition   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
The carotenoid pigment astaxanthin has important applications in the nutraceutical, cosmetics, food and feed industries. Haematococcus pluvialis is the richest source of natural astaxanthin and is now cultivated at industrial scale. Astaxanthin is a strong coloring agent and a potent antioxidant - its strong antioxidant activity points to its potential to target several health conditions. This article covers the antioxidant, UV-light protection, anti-inflammatory and other properties of astaxanthin and its possible role in many human health problems. The research reviewed supports the assumption that protecting body tissues from oxidative damage with daily ingestion of natural astaxanthin might be a practical and beneficial strategy in health management.  相似文献   

Luminescence of microalgae cultures is a valuable property for the fast diagnostics of their physiological state; however, it has been rarely used in algaculture practice. In this work, luminescence spectrum characteristics of two-stage batch cultures of the green carotenogenic microalga Haematococcus lacustris (Girod-Chantrans) Rostafinski 1875 (Chlorophyceae, Chlamydomonadales) under conditions of autotrophic and mixotrophic growth were investigated. The dynamics of the heterotrophy indices in cultures at different stages of their development in different growth media was determined. The transition of H. lacustris cultures from the initially autotrophic to mixotrophic growth regime was registered during the induction of the astaxanthin biosynthesis by complex physicochemical stressing, including nutritional deficiencies, exposure to high concentrations of sodium acetate and chloride and increased illuminance and temperature. The applicability of luminescence spectrometry in vivo for a rapid assessment of the state of H. lacustris cultures in various growth media and with different methods of secondary carotenogenesis induction was shown. The results obtained can be used in experimental studies on optimizing cultivation methods for this species, as well as for the express control of the physiological state of its industrial cultures.  相似文献   

The performance of Haematococcus pluvialis in continuous photoautotrophic culture has been analyzed, especially from the viewpoint of astaxanthin production. To this end, chemostat cultures of Haematococcus pluvialis were carried out at constant light irradiance, 1,220 microE/m2.s, and dilution rate, 0.9/d, but varying the nitrate concentration in the feed medium reaching the reactor, from 1.7 to 20.7 mM. Both growth and biomass composition were affected by the nitrate supply. With saturating nitrate, the biomass productivity was high, 1.2 g/L.d, but astaxanthin accumulation did not take place, the C/N ratio of the biomass being 5.7. Under moderate nitrate limitation, biomass productivity was decreased, as also did biomass concentration at steady state, whereas accumulation of astaxanthin developed and the C/N ratio of the biomass increased markedly. Astaxanthin accumulation took place in cells growing and dividing actively, and its extent was enhanced in response to the limitation in nitrate availability, with a recorded maximum for astaxanthin cellular level of 0.8% of dry biomass and of 5.6 mg/L.d for astaxanthin productivity. The viability of a significant continued generation of astaxanthin-rich H. pluvialis cells becomes thus demonstrated, as also does the continuous culture option as an alternative to current procedures for the production of astaxanthin using this microalga. The intensive variable controlling the behavior of the system has been identified as the specific nitrate input, and a mathematical model developed that links growth rate with both irradiance and specific nitrate input. Moreover, a second model for astaxanthin accumulation, also as a function of irradiance and specific nitrate input, was derived. The latter model takes into account that accumulation of astaxanthin is only partially linked to growth, being besides inhibited by excess nitrate. Simulations performed fit experimental data and emphasize the contention that astaxanthin can be efficiently produced under continuous mode by adjustment of the specific nitrate input, predicting even higher values for astaxanthin productivity. The developed models represent a powerful tool for management of such an astaxanthin-generating continuous process, and could allow the development of improved systems for the production of astaxanthin-rich Haematococcus cells.  相似文献   

The feasibility of a one-step method for the continuous production of astaxanthin by the microalga Haematococcus pluvialis has been verified outdoors. To this end, influence of dilution rate, nitrate concentration in the feed medium, and irradiance on the performance of continuous cultures of H. pluvialis was firstly analyzed indoors in bubble column reactors under daylight cycles, and then outdoors, using a tubular photobioreactor. At the laboratory scale, the behavior of the cultures agreed with that previously recorded in continuous illumination experiences, and attested that the major factors determining biomass and astaxanthin productivity were average irradiance and specific nitrate supply. The rate of astaxanthin accumulation was proportional to the average irradiance inside the culture, provided that a nitrate limiting situation had been established. The accumulation of astaxanthin under daylight cycles was maximal for a specific nitrate input of 0.5 mmol/g day. The recorded performance has been modeled on the basis of previously developed equations, and the validity of the model checked under outdoor conditions. Productivity values for biomass and astaxanthin of 0.7 g/L day and 8.0 mg/L day respectively, were obtained in a pilot scale tubular photobioreactor operating under continuous conditions outdoors. The magnitude of the experimental values, which matched those simulated from the obtained model, demonstrate that astaxanthin can be efficiently produced outdoors in continuous mode through a precise dosage of the specific nitrate input, taking also into consideration the average irradiance inside the culture.  相似文献   

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