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In this paper the effects of changing the ion concentration in and around a sample of soft tissue are investigated. The triphasic theory developed by Laiet al. (1990,Biomechanics of Diarthrodial Joints, Vol. 1, Berlin, Springer-Verlag) is reduced to two coupled partial differential equations involving fluid ion concentration and tissue solid deformation. These equations are given in general form for Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical geometries. After solving the two equations quantities such as fluid velocity, fluid pressure, chemical potentials and chemical expansion stress may be easily calculated. In the Cartesian geometry comparison is made with the experimental and theoretical work of Myerset al. (1984,ASME J. biomech. Engng,106, 151–158). This dealt with changing the ion concentration of a salt shower on a strip of bovine articular cartilage. Results were obtained in both free swelling and isometric tension states, using an empirical formula to acount for ion induced deformation. The present theory predicts lower ion concentrations inside the tissue than this earlier work. A spherical sample of tissue subjected to a change in salt bath ion concentration is also considered. Numerical results are obtained for both hypertonic and hypotonic bathing solutions. Of particular interest is the finding that tissue may contract internally before reaching a final swollen equilibrium state or swell internally before finally contracting. By considering the relative magnitude, and also variation throughout the time course of terms in the governing equations, an even simpler system is deduced. As well as being linear the concentration equation in the new system is uncoupled. Results obtained from the linear system compare well with those from the spherical section. Thus, biological swelling situations may be modelled by a simple system of equations with the possibility, of approximate analytic solutions in certain cases.  相似文献   

Measurement of surface deformation of soft tissue   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A method is described for measuring the surface shape and deformations of soft tissue in three dimensions. The method uses close range stereophotogrammetry to record the three-dimensional locations of miniature optical targets applied to the tissue surface. This has been applied to study of human lumbar intervertebral disc. Measurements of the strain along surface annular fibers have been made under varying loads. In this case the maximum expected errors are about 0.15 mm, which corresponds to a strain of less than 1%. Preliminary findings have differed from predictions made in published mathematical models for the disc in that they show very little strain of the annulus in compression loading, but confirm axial torsional loading as liable to produce mechanical disruption of the disc annulus.  相似文献   

This article describes a series of contributions in the field of real-time simulation of soft tissue biomechanics. These contributions address various requirements for interactive simulation of complex surgical procedures. In particular, this article presents results in the areas of soft tissue deformation, contact modelling, simulation of cutting, and haptic rendering, which are all relevant to a variety of medical interventions. The contributions described in this article share a common underlying model of deformation and rely on GPU implementations to significantly improve computation times. This consistency in the modelling technique and computational approach ensures coherent results as well as efficient, robust and flexible solutions.  相似文献   

Comparison of models for flow induced deformation of soft biological tissue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The behaviour of a deformable porous medium during the flow of fluid under a pressure difference is examined for both infinitesimal and finite deformations. Models for both cases are solved for the problem of steady one-dimensional compression and compared with experimental data from Parker et al. (J. appl. Mech. 54, 794-800, 1987) for a polyurethane sponge. The purpose of this study is to identify a simple model which agrees qualitatively with these published results. To relate the stress relations for biological tissues to the data for polymer sponges (Parker et al., 1987) a translation of 1.1 kPa was introduced. This allows for some structural differences between the two media. It was found that the infinitesimal models were adequate up to 20% strain, but significant divergence occurred for higher strains. A finite deformation model with the permeability depending exponentially on the strain gave the most consistent results and required the fitting of only two parameters.  相似文献   

A finite element based method to determine the incremental elastic material properties of planar membranes was developed and evaluated. The method is applicable to tissues that exhibit inhomogeneity, geometric and material nonlinearity, and anisotropy. Markers are placed on the tissue to form a four-node quadrilateral element. The specimen is loaded to an initial reference state, then three incremental loading sets are applied and the nodal displacements recorded. One of these loadings must include shear. These data are used to solve an over-determined system of equations for the tangent stiffness matrix. The method was first verified using analytical data. Next, data obtained from a latex rubber sheet were used to evaluate experimental procedures. Finally, experiments conducted on preconditioned rat skin revealed nonlinear orthotropic behavior. The vector norm comparing the applied and calculated nodal force vectors was used to evaluate the accuracy of the solutions.  相似文献   

Microindentation methods are commonly used to determine material properties of soft tissues at the cell or even sub-cellular level. In determining properties from force-displacement (FD) data, it is often assumed that the tissue is initially a stress-free, homogeneous, linear elastic half-space. Residual stress, however, can strongly influence such results. In this paper, we present a new microindentation method for determining both elastic properties and residual stress in soft tissues that, to a first approximation, can be regarded as a pre-stressed layer embedded in or adhered to an underlying relatively soft, elastic foundation. The effects of residual stress are shown using two linear elastic models that approximate specific biological structures. The first model is an axially loaded beam on a relatively soft, elastic foundation (i.e., stress-fiber embedded in cytoplasm), while the second is a radially loaded plate on a foundation (e.g., cell membrane or epithelium). To illustrate our method, we use a nonlinear finite element (FE) model and experimental FD and surface contour data to find elastic properties and residual stress in the early embryonic chick heart, which, in the region near the indenter tip, is approximated as an isotropic circular plate under tension on a foundation. It is shown that the deformation of the surface in a microindentation test can be used along with FD data to estimate material properties, as well as residual stress, in soft tissue structures that can be regarded as a plate under tension on an elastic foundation. This method may not be as useful, however, for structures that behave as a beam on a foundation.  相似文献   

The dynamic finite deformational behavior of a biphasic model for soft hydrated tissue is examined. In the case of uni-axial confined compression the displacement and stress fields are derived for steady-state permeation, creep, and stress-relaxation. It is shown how to use the results of this analysis to obtain the constitutive relations, as well as the associated material parameters, from the corresponding experiments. It is also shown that the solutions from the theory go much farther, giving a detailed account of the deformation and interaction of the fluid and solid phases in the tissue.  相似文献   

It has been observed in load controlled laboratory tests of myocardium and skin that the tissues can exhibit a decrease in nonlinear stiffness with an increase in loading rate: the faster a test is performed, the more compliant is the preconditioned material behavior. This response seems to conflict with what is generally expected of soft tissues based on stretch or strain controlled tests, in which an increased rate of deformation results in a stiffer material response. It is hypothesized that this anomalous behavior has not been observed previously due to the small number of cyclic load controlled mechanical characterization tests that are geared specifically towards viscoelastic tissue response. The goal of this paper is to examine the preconditioned response of soft tissue to load controlled deformation using nonlinear viscoelastic material models including quasi-linear viscoelasticity, and to determine under what conditions this anomalous behavior becomes apparent. Results from this study suggest that this behavior is a true phenomenon unique to load controlled deformations that results from the interplay of nonlinear effects and creep behavior. These results call for increased attention to experimental parameters when testing and modeling nonlinear viscoelastic material behavior.  相似文献   

Frictionless specimen/platen contact in unconfined compression tests has traditionally been assumed in determining material properties of soft tissues via an analytical solution. In the present study, the suitability of this assumption was examined using a finite element method. The effect of the specimen/platen friction on the mechanical characteristics of soft tissues in unconfined compression was analyzed based on the published experimental data of three different materials (pigskin, pig brain, and human calcaneal fat). The soft tissues were considered to be nonlinear and viscoelastic; the friction coefficient at the contact interface between the specimens and platens was assumed to vary from 0.0 to 0.5. Our numerical simulations show that the tissue specimens are, due to the specimen/platen friction, not compressed in a uniform stress/strain state, as has been traditionally assumed in analytical analysis. The stress of the specimens obtained with the specimen/platen friction can be greater than those with the frictionless specimen/platen contact by more than 50%, even in well-controlled test conditions.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - The acquisition of insights concerning the mechanobiology of aneurysmatic aortic tissues is an important field of investigation. The complete...  相似文献   

The nonlinearity of plantar soft tissue is seldom examined because of the small extent of deformation induced during indentation for measurement purposes. Furthermore, in most indentation experiments, the metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) angle is not well controlled, although it has been proven to have a significant stiffening effect on sub-metatarsal head (MTH) pads. Hence, the study aims to quantify changes in the mechanical properties of plantar soft tissue due to aging under an experimental condition which is similar to walking. This is done by subjecting the tissue to an appropriate level of deformation at various MTPJ angles. A custom-made in vivo tissue indenter was used to measure directly the force-indentation response of the plantar tissue of two healthy groups: “Young” (n=25, mean age 22) and “Elderly” (n=25, mean age 67) subjects. Tests were performed on the 2nd sub-MTH pad at angles of 0°, 20°, 40° MTPJ dorsiflexion, as well as at the hallux and heel pad at 0° MTPJ angle. At all three plantar sites tested, elderly subjects showed significantly higher tissue stiffness than the young (p<0.05). However, the stiffening effect of MTPJ angle was not notably influenced by aging. In this work, tissue stiffness is quantified in stiffness constant (K) based on the proposed indentation technique. It is hypothesized that the increase in stiffness with age observed is probably due to compositional change in the plantar soft tissue.  相似文献   

目的 调查皮肤软组织感染病原菌的种类及耐药性,为临床合理使用抗菌药物提供科学依据.方法 利用WHONET 5.6对2009年1月至2011年12月皮肤软组织感染患者脓液或分泌物细菌培养及药敏试验结果进行回顾性分析.结果 共分离菌株444株,金黄色葡萄球菌(SAU)分离率居第1位,171株占38.5%;表皮葡萄球菌居第2位,54株占12.2%;铜绿假单胞菌第3位,43株占9.7%;头孢哌酮/舒巴坦、哌拉西林/他唑巴坦、阿米卡星、亚胺培南和美罗培南对革兰阴性杆菌有较好的抗菌活性(耐药率≤3.3%);金黄色葡萄球菌对青霉素和红霉素的耐药率为93.6%和65.0%,对呋喃妥因、利奈唑胺、利福平、莫西沙星和左旋氧氟沙星耐药率为0%、0%、1.4%、2.2%和9.3%,未检出万古霉素耐药株;耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)检出率25.7% (44/171);MRSA和甲氧西林敏感金黄色葡萄球菌(MSSA)对氨苄西林/舒巴坦、利福平、莫西沙星三种药物的敏感性差异有统计学意义.结论 引起皮肤软组织感染病原菌以阳性球菌尤其是金黄色葡萄球菌为主,临床上应尽量根据药敏试验结果选用抗生素,合理用药.  相似文献   

The simple shear test may provide unique information regarding the material response of parallel-fibered soft tissues because it allows the elimination of the dominant fiber material response from the overall stresses. However, inhomogeneities in the strain field due to clamping and free edge effects have not been documented. The finite element method was used to study finite simple shear of simulated ligament material parallel to the fiber direction. The effects of aspect ratio, clamping prestrain, and bulk modulus were assessed using a transversely isotropic, hyperelastic material model. For certain geometries, there was a central area of uniform strain. An aspect ratio of 1:2 for the fiber to cross-fiber directions provided the largest region of uniform strain. The deformation was nearly isochoric for all bulk moduli indicating this test may be useful for isolating solid viscoelasticity from interstitial flow effects. Results suggest this test can be used to characterize the matrix properties for the type of materials examined in this study, and that planar measurements will suffice to characterize the strain. The test configuration may be useful for the study of matrix, fiber-matrix, and fiber-fiber material response in other types of parallel-fibered transversely isotropic soft tissues.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a surgical tissue expansion procedure on the biomechanical features of the expanded soft tissues. In this procedure a silicone balloon “expander” is surgically inserted into a tissue and inflated. The tissue mass increases under the stretch of the expander. The increased tissue can then be used as an autologous source for the surgical reconstruction of organs. In this article, dog saphenous neurovascular bundle was used. Expanded saphenous nerves, arteries and veins were harvested and their biomechanical features and ultrastructural, histological changes were studied. The stress relaxation features, the continuous spectrum of relaxation time, and the stress-strain relationship of expanded and control specimens were measured. Results show that within two or three weeks after placement of the expanders, the biomechanical properties of expanded saphenous nerves, arteries and veins began to deviate from those of their controls, and the differences between them were proportional to the volume of inflation; but when the expanding period was 15 weeks or longer, the properties of expanded specimens and their controls became close again. Histological study showed that the content of collagenous fibers in blood vessel walls decreased after expansion. The content of elastic fibers in blood vessel walls first increased, then returned to normal, and finally decreased. Ultrastructural studies showed that when elongated by 25–40%, the expanded nerves had well preserved axons and showed fewer smooth myelin sheaths only in the middle and distal part of the expansion.  相似文献   

Tracking tissue deformation is often hampered by material inhomogeneity, so local measurements tend to be insufficient thus lending to the necessity of full-field optical measurements. This study presents a novel approach to factoring heterogeneous deformation of soft and hard tissues in a fracture callus by introducing an anisotropic metric derived from the deformation gradient tensor (F). The deformation gradient tensor contains all the information available in a Green–Lagrange strain tensor, plus the rigid-body rotational components. A recent study [Bottlang et al., Journal of Biomechanics 41(3), 2008] produced full-field strains within ovine fracture calluses acquired through the application of electronic speckle pattern interferometery (ESPI). The technique is based on infinitesimal strain approximation (Engineering Strain) whose scheme is not independent of rigid-body rotation. In this work, for rotation extraction, the stretch and rotation tensors were separately determined from F by the polar decomposition theorem. Interfragmentary motions in a fracture gap were characterized by the two distinct mechanical factors (stretch and rotation) at each material point through full-field mapping. In the composite nature of bone and soft tissue, collagen arrangements are hypothesized such that fibers locally aligned with principal directions will stretch and fibers not aligned with the principal direction will rotate and stretch. This approach has revealed the deformation gradient tensor as an appropriate quantification of strain within callus bony and fibrous tissue via optical measurements.  相似文献   

Skovorda AR 《Biofizika》2000,45(4):723-729
The present work continues theoretical investigations on developing new noninvasive methods for diagnostics of tissue pathologies. These methods are based on tissue elasticity reconstruction using the measured internal displacements occurring due to the deformation of the object under study. Dynamic loading of the object is considered. The robustness of the proposed elasticity reconstruction procedure is demonstrated using numerical modeling of the displacement fields inside the nonhomogeneous object.  相似文献   

This study used a single-subject design to establish a valid and reliable protocol for monitoring soft tissue motion under compression garments during drop landings. One male participant performed six 40 cm drop landings onto a force platform, in three compression conditions (none, medium high). Five reflective markers placed on the thigh under the compression garment and five over the garment were filmed using two cameras (1000 Hz). Following manual digitisation, marker coordinates were reconstructed and their resultant displacements and maximum change in separation distance between skin and garment markers were calculated. To determine reliability of marker application, 35 markers were attached to the thigh over the high compression garment and filmed. Markers were then removed and re-applied on three occasions; marker separation and distance to thigh centre of gravity were calculated. Results showed similar ground reaction forces during landing trials. Significant reductions in the maximum change in separation distance between markers from no compression to high compression landings were reported. Typical errors in marker movement under and over the garment were 0.1mm in medium and high compression landings. Re-application of markers showed mean typical errors of 1mm in marker separation and <3mm relative to thigh centre of gravity. This paper presents a novel protocol that demonstrates sufficient sensitivity to detect reductions in soft tissue motion during landings in high compression garments compared to no compression. Additionally, markers placed under or over the garment demonstrate low variance in movement, and the protocol reports good reliability in marker re-application.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - Many computer vision algorithms have been presented to track surface deformations, but few have provided a direct comparison of measurements with other...  相似文献   

The requirements for the development of a general potential function describing the behavior of homogeneous, isotropic biological tissue are discussed and such a function is proposed. It is shown that this function yields both tensile and torsional results compatible with existing data.  相似文献   

M. Bezabih 《Cytopathology》2001,12(3):177-183
Cytological diagnosis of soft tissue tumours The aims of this study were to determine the patterns of soft tissue tumours and also to try to assess the utility of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in diagnosing soft tissue tumours. Of 15 361 patients who visited the cytology diagnostic service of the Pathology Department, Medical Faculty, Addis Ababa University, 623 (4.1%) cases with a diagnosis of soft tissue tumours were retrieved from the department's records for the years 1991-96. Fifty-three soft tissue tumours (25 benign and 28 malignant tumours) with combined FNAC and surgical biopsy results were traced for cyto-histological correlations. Twenty-two out of 25 benign soft tissue tumours were correctly diagnosed, with three false cytologic diagnoses where one mesenchmal neoplasm, one haemangioma, and one haemorragic lesion were identified; and out of 28 malignant soft tissue, 23 were correctly diagnosed however, the five false cytological diagnoses were one soft tissue sarcoma, one dermatofibrosarcoma, one malignant mesenchymal neoplasm, one spindle cell neoplasm and one menechymal neoplasm. Thus, in this study a sensitivity and specificity of 88.5% and 81.5% respectively for the diagnosis of soft tissue tumours were reported. In conclusion, FNAC of soft tissue tumours is a fast, effective and reliable diagnostic tool that may help in categorizing soft tissue tumours into benign and malignant groups for clinical management.  相似文献   

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