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Wings have evolved in phylogenetically distant organisms with morphologies that depend on the combined effects of diverse, potentially contrasting selective forces. In birds, long pointed wings boost speed and energetic efficiency during cruising flight but reduce manoeuvrability. Migratory behavior is believed to lead to the evolution of more pointed wings, but selection on pointedness has never been estimated. Because annual routines of migrants are tightly scheduled, wing pointedness may be selected for because it allows for earlier arrival to the breeding grounds. In long‐distance migratory barn swallows Hirundo rustica we showed that selection via breeding date and thus annual fecundity operates on wing pointedness, but not on other wing traits, among yearling females but not among older females or males. Selection on wing pointedness specifically in yearling females may result from climatic effects, which favour earlier arrival from migration, and from yearling females being the sex‐by‐age class with the latest migration and the smallest wing pointedness. Wing morphology differed between sexes and age classes because of change in size of the outermost but not the innermost wing feathers. Hence, sex‐ and age‐specific selection on wing pointedness operates in a species with sex‐ and age‐dependent variation in phenology and wing morphology.  相似文献   

Physiological trade-offs mediated by limiting energy, resources or time constrain the simultaneous expression of major functions and can lead to the evolution of temporal separation between demanding activities. In birds, plumage renewal is a demanding activity, which accomplishes fundamental functions, such as allowing thermal insulation, aerodynamics and socio-sexual signaling. Feather renewal is a very expensive and disabling process, and molt is often partitioned from breeding and migration. However, trade-offs between feather renewal and breeding have been only sparsely studied. In barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) breeding in Italy and undergoing molt during wintering in sub-Saharan Africa, we studied this trade-off by removing a tail feather from a large sample of individuals and analyzing growth bar width, reflecting feather growth rate, and length of the growing replacement feather in relation to the stage in the breeding cycle at removal and clutch size. Growth bar width of females and length of the growing replacement feather of both sexes were smaller when the original feather had been removed after clutch initiation. Importantly, in females both growth bar width and replacement feather length were negatively predicted by clutch size, and more strongly so for large clutches and when feather removal occurred immediately after clutch completion. Hence, we found strong, coherent evidence for a trade-off between reproduction, and laying effort in particular, and the ability to generate new feathers. These results support the hypothesis that the derived condition of molting during wintering in long-distance migrants is maintained by the costs of overlapping breeding and molt.  相似文献   

The ecological conditions that a bird experiences during any stage of its life cycle may have consequences that become manifested at later life stages, and these ‘carry‐over effects’ may be major components of variance in individual performance. Condition‐dependent feather growth rate, as assessed by growth bars width (GBW), provides a unique, though largely under‐exploited tool to investigate carry‐over effects of ecological conditions and individual physiological state during molt. In this study of breeding barn swallows Hirundo rustica, which undergo a single complete annual molt of tail and wing feathers during wintering in sub‐Saharan Africa, we first show that old (≥ 2 yr) females have larger GBW than old males and yearlings. GBW was smaller with larger infestations by common ectoparasites of barn swallows, independent of the swallows’ age or sex, and larger GBW was associated with a higher index of body condition during the breeding season in males. Larger GBW predicted higher seasonal reproductive output of older males, but not reproductive output of younger males or females of any age class, with this higher reproductive output of older males mediated by higher offspring fledging success. However, no relationship with GBW was observed for seasonal reproductive output of males in the spring preceding the winter when the feathers were grown. Hence, this study suggests that the analysis of the rate of feathers growth (‘ptilochronology’) has a larger potential to serve as a powerful tool in the study of carry‐over effects than has been appreciated to date. Specifically, the present results support the idea that conditions experienced during wintering in Africa and proximately reflected by GBW have carry‐over effects on body condition and breeding success. These effects are sex and age specific, being more pronounced in older males, possibly as a consequence of differences in annual time routines and susceptibility to extrinsic factors among sex and age classes.  相似文献   

Phenotypic quality may determine the development and expressionof secondary sexual characters. We studied the relationshipbetween molt and several measures of phenotypic quality in thesexually size-dimorphic barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) in itswinter quarters in Namibia. Males were in a more advanced stageof molt than females and juveniles, and the speed of molt asdetermined from the residual of the regression of the size ofthe gap in wings caused by missing and growing feathers on wingmolt score (residual wing raggedness) was also higher in malesthan in females and juveniles. Male barn swallows with longand symmetric tail feathers had a more advanced stage of moltand molted at a higher speed than males with short and asymmetrictails. Long-tailed females had a delayed molt, and females withasymmetric tails had less advanced molt and lower rates of feathergrowth than females with symmetric tails. Molt of secondariesin juveniles also appeared to be less advanced if they had longtails. Adult barn swallows molted their tail feathers in anirregular sequence with the longest, outermost tail featherusually replaced before the second or the third outermost feathers.Good body condition was positively associated with a high moltscore for some feather tracts and a rapid wing molt in adultfemales and tail molt in juveniles. Mallophaga were only weaklynegatively associated with primary and secondary molt scorein adult females and speed of wing molt in adult males. In conclusion,phenotypic quality of adult male barn swallows as reflectedby the expression of their secondary sexual character duringthe previous molt reliably reflected stage and speed of currentmolt.  相似文献   

Molt strategies have received relatively little attention in current ornithology, and knowledge concerning the evolution, variability and extent of molt is sparse in many bird species. This is especially true for East Asian Locustella species where assumptions on molt patterns are based on incomplete information. We provide evidence indicating a complex postbreeding molt strategy and variable molt extent among the Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler Locustella certhiola, based on data from six ringing sites situated along its flyway from the breeding grounds to the wintering areas. Detailed study revealed for the first time that in most individuals wing feather molt proceeds from the center both toward the body and the wing‐tip, a molt pattern known as divergent molt (which is rare among Palearctic passerines). In the Russian Far East, where both breeding birds and passage migrants occur, a third of the adult birds were molting in late summer. In Central Siberia, at the northwestern limit of its distribution, adult individuals commenced their primary molt partly divergently and partly with unknown sequence. During migration in Mongolia, only descendantly (i.e., from the body toward the wing‐tip) molting birds were observed, while further south in Korea, Hong Kong, and Thailand the proportion of potential eccentric and divergent feather renewal was not identifiable since the renewed feathers were already fully grown as expected. We found an increase in the mean number of molted primaries during the progress of the autumn migration. Moderate body mass levels and low‐fat and muscle scores were observed in molting adult birds, without any remarkable increase in the later season. According to optimality models, we suggest that an extremely short season of high food abundance in tall grass habitats and a largely overland route allow autumn migration with low fuel loads combined with molt migration in at least a part of the population. This study highlights the importance of further studying molt strategy as well as stopover behavior decisions and the trade‐offs among migratory birds that are now facing a panoply of anthropogenic threats along their flyways.  相似文献   

Secondary sexual characters are assumed to be costly to produce and maintain, and this will select for morphological modifications that reduce the magnitude of such costs. Here we test whether a feather ornament, the sexually exaggerated outermost tail feathers of male barn swallows Hirundo rustica, a trait currently subject to a directional female mate preference, and other aspects of the morphology used for flight have been modified to increase aerodynamic performance. This was done by making comparisons among sexes within populations, among individuals varying in tail length within populations, and among populations from different parts of Europe. Male barn swallows experienced reduced drag from their elongated tail feathers by morphological modifications of the ornamental feathers as compared to females. Morphological features of the outermost tail feathers were unrelated to tail length in both males and females within populations. Wing and tail morphology (length of central tail feathers and wings, wing span, wing area, wing loading, and aspect ratio) was modified in males compared to females. Barn swallows with long tails had morphological tail and wing modifications that reduced the cost of a large ornament, and similar modifications were seen among populations. The costs of the exaggerated secondary sexual character were therefore reduced by the presence of cost-reducing morphological modifications. The assumptions of reliable signalling theory, that signals should be costly, but more so to low than to high quality individuals, were not violated because long-tailed male barn swallows had the largest cost-reducing morphological characters.  相似文献   

Scaly‐sided Mergansers Mergus squamatus breed on freshwater rivers in far eastern Russia, Korea and China, wintering in similar habitats in China and Korea, but nothing was known of their moulting habitat. To investigate the moult strategies of this species, we combined wing feather stable isotope ratios (males and females) with geolocator data (nesting females) to establish major habitat types (freshwater, brackish or saltwater) used by both sexes during wing moult. Although most Scaly‐sided Mergansers of both sexes probably moult on freshwater, some males and non‐breeding and failed breeding females appeared to undertake moult migration to brackish and marine waters. Given the previous lack of any surveys of coastal or estuarine waters for this species during the moult period, these findings suggest important survey needs for the effective conservation of the species during the flightless moult period.  相似文献   

Sea ducks exhibit complex movement patterns throughout their annual cycle; most species use distinct molting and staging sites during migration and disjunct breeding and wintering sites. Although research on black scoters (Melanitta americana) has investigated movements and habitat selection during winter, little is known about their annual-cycle movements. We used satellite telemetry to identify individual variation in migratory routes and breeding areas for black scoters wintering along the Atlantic Coast, to assess migratory connectivity among wintering, staging, breeding, and molt sites, and to examine effects of breeding site attendance on movement patterns and phenology. Black scoters occupied wintering areas from Canadian Maritime provinces to the southeastern United States. Males used an average of 2.5 distinct winter areas compared to 1.1 areas for females, and within-winter movements averaged 1,256 km/individual. Individuals used an average of 2.1 staging sites during the 45-day pre-breeding migration period, and almost all were detected in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Males spent less time at breeding sites and departed them earlier than females. During post-breeding migration, females took approximately 25 fewer days than males to migrate from breeding sites to molt and staging sites, and then wintering areas. Most individuals used molt sites in James and Hudson bays before migrating directly to coastal wintering sites, which took approximately 11 days and covered 1,524 km. Males tended to arrive at wintering areas 10 days earlier than females. Individuals wintering near one another did not breed closer together than expected by chance, suggesting weak spatial structuring of the Atlantic population. Females exhibited greater fidelity (4.5 km) to previously used breeding sites compared to males (60 km). A substantial number of birds bred west of Hudson Bay in the Barrenlands, suggesting this area is used more widely than believed previously. Hudson and James bays provided key habitat for black scoters that winter along the Atlantic Coast, with most individuals residing for >30% of their annual cycle in these bays. Relative to other species of sea duck along the Atlantic Coast, the Atlantic population of black scoter is more dispersed and mobile during winter but is more concentrated during migration. These results could have implications for future survey efforts designed to assess population trends of black scoters. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

To understand the consequences of ever‐changing environment on the dynamics of phenotypic traits, distinguishing between selection processes and individual plasticity is crucial. We examined individual consistency/plasticity in several male secondary sexual traits expressed during the breeding season (white wing and forehead patch size, UV reflectance of white wing patch and dorsal melanin coloration) in a migratory pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) population over an 11‐year period. Furthermore, we studied carry‐over effects of three environmental variables (NAO, a climatic index; NDVI, a vegetation index; and rainfall) at the wintering grounds (during prebreeding moult) on the expression of these breeding plumage traits of pied flycatcher males at individual and population levels. Whereas NAO correlates negatively with moisture in West Africa, NDVI correlates positively with primary production. Forehead patch size and melanin coloration were highly consistent within individuals among years, whereas the consistency of the other two traits was moderate. Wing patch size decreased with higher NAO and increased with higher rainfall and NDVI at the individual level. Interestingly, small‐patched males suffered lower survival during high NAO winters than large‐patched males, and vice versa during low NAO winters. These counteracting processes meant that the individual‐level change was masked at the population level where no relationship was found. Our results provide a good example of how variation in the phenotypic composition of a natural population can be a result of both environment‐dependent individual plasticity and short‐term microevolution. Moreover, when plasticity and viability selection operate simultaneously, their impacts on population composition may not be evident.  相似文献   

The blackcap Sylvia atricapilla shows a complex migratory pattern and is a suitable species for the studies of morphological migratory syndrome, including adaptations of wing shape to different migratory performance. Obligate migrants of this species that breed in northern, central, and Eastern Europe differ by migration distance and some cover shorter distance to the wintering grounds in the southern part of Europe/North Africa or the British Isles, although others migrate to sub-Saharan Africa. Based on ˃40 years of ringing data on blackcaps captured during autumn migration in the Southern Baltic region, we studied age- and sex-related correlations in wing pointedness and wing length of obligate blackcap migrants to understand the differences in migratory behavior of this species. Even though the recoveries of blackcaps were scarce, we reported some evidence that individuals which differ in migration distance differed also in wing length. We found that wing pointedness significantly increased with an increasing wing length of migrating birds, and adults had longer and more pointed wings than juvenile birds. This indicates stronger antipredator adaptation in juvenile blackcaps than selection on flight efficiency, which is particularly important during migration. Moreover, we documented more pronounced differences in wing length between adult and juvenile males and females. Such differences in wing length may enhance a faster speed of adult male blackcaps along the spring migration route and may be adaptive when taking into account climatic effects, which favor earlier arrival from migration to the breeding grounds.  相似文献   

Understanding the annual cycle of migratory birds is imperative for evaluating the evolution of life‐history strategies and developing effective conservation strategies. Yet, we still know little about the annual cycle of migratory birds that breed at south‐temperate latitudes of South America. We aged, sexed, and determined the progression and intensity of body, remige, and rectrix molt of migratory Fork‐tailed Flycatchers (Tyrannus s. savana) at breeding sites in southern South America and at wintering sites in northern South America. Molt of both body and flight feathers occurred primarily during the winter. In early winter, a similar proportion of young and adult flycatchers molted remiges and rectrices, but remige molt intensity (number of remiges molting) was greater and primary molt progression (mean primary feather molting) more advanced in adults. In late winter, remige molt intensity and primary molt progression did not differ between age groups. We found no difference between males and females either in the proportion of individuals molting in winter or in the intensity or progress of remige molt. Our results suggest that the nominate subspecies of Fork‐tailed Flycatcher undergoes one complete, annual molt on the wintering grounds, and represents the first comprehensive evaluation of molt timing of a migratory New World flycatcher that overwinters in the tropics. Given that breeding, molt, and migration represent three key events in the annual cycle of migratory birds, knowledge of the timing of these events is the first step toward understanding the possible tradeoffs migratory birds face throughout the year.  相似文献   

On the basis of correlation analyses between annual Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values in Africa and the annual survival rate estimated for a breeding population of barn swallows Hirundo rustica from Denmark, we identified potential wintering and migration areas in South Africa during December–February and March–May, when barn swallows commonly occur in South Africa. During December–February we identified potential wintering areas only in the western part of South Africa, in the Karoo. Potential areas in the central and eastern parts of the country were only identified during March–May. NDVI values in the Karoo during March–May explained most of the variance in annual adult survival rate of the population. The high ratio of European ringed barn swallows among controlled individuals in the Karoo was similar to the ratio that would be expected based on the number of ringed barn swallows and the population sizes of barn swallows in north-western European breeding populations. The level of this ratio in the Karoo was higher than in any other locality in the central and eastern parts of South Africa and Botswana, indicating that ringed birds from the eastern flyway are absent to a much smaller extent than ringed birds from the western flyway. This approach shows that the NDVI and survival method can focus ringing efforts to regions and areas that are likely to harbour specific breeding populations, thereby helping to identify potential wintering and migration areas for breeding populations of migratory birds.  相似文献   

Molt is energetically demanding and various molt strategies (i.e., molt series, duration, intensity, timing, and location) have evolved to reduce the negative fitness consequences of this process. As such, molt varies considerably among species. Identifying where and when specific feathers are molted is also crucial to inform species‐specific studies using stable isotope markers to assign individuals to geographical regions where they molt. Using museum specimens, we examined the molt of three species of migratory swallows in the Americas: Bank Swallows (Riparia riparia), Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica), and Cliff Swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota). All three species have one primary and two secondary molt series. Bank and Cliff swallows had one rectrix molt series, and Barn Swallows molted the outer rectrix (R6) separately from the inner five rectrices (R1‐5). All three species have a relatively long flight feather molt duration (i.e., 140–183 days) and low molt intensity. Barn Swallows initiated flight feather molt in the fall, about 2 months later than Bank and Cliff swallows. Barn Swallows likely delay molt because of constraints associated with double brooding. For all three species, molt started with the primaries and inner secondaries and was closely followed by the rectrices and, finally, the outer secondaries. For those that began and then interrupted molt either in breeding areas or during fall migration, the first feathers molted were predominantly S8 and P1. All three species underwent body molt throughout the year, but most individuals molted their body plumage in wintering areas. We recommend that the most appropriate feathers for stable isotope research examining migratory connectivity and habitat use are either R2‐R4 or S2‐S4.  相似文献   

The functional life span of feathers is always much less than the potential life span of birds, so feathers must be renewed regularly. But feather renewal entails important energetic, time and performance costs that must be integrated into the annual cycle. Across species the time required to replace flight feather increases disproportionately with body size, resulting in complex, multiple waves of feather replacement in the primaries of many large birds. We describe the rules of flight feather replacement for Hemiprocne mystacea, a small, 60g tree swift from the New Guinea region. This species breeds and molts in all months of the year, and flight feather molt occurs during breeding in some individuals. H. mystacea is one to be the smallest species for which stepwise replacement of the primaries and secondaries has been documented; yet, primary replacement is extremely slow in this aerial forager, requiring more than 300 days if molt is not interrupted. We used growth bands to show that primaries grow at an average rate of 2.86 mm/d. The 10 primaries are a single molt series, while the 11 secondaries and five rectrices are each broken into two molt series. In large birds stepwise replacement of the primaries serves to increase the rate of primary replacement while minimizing gaps in the wing. But stepwise replacement of the wing quills in H. mystacea proceeds so slowly that it may be a consequence of the ontogeny of stepwise molting, rather than an adaptation, because the average number of growing primaries is probably lower than 1.14 feathers per wing.  相似文献   

Understanding connections between breeding, stopover and wintering grounds for long‐distance migratory birds can provide important insight into factors influencing demography and the strength of carry‐over effects among various periods of the annual cycle. Using previously described, multi‐isotope (δ13C, δ15N, δ2H) feather isoscapes for Africa, we identified the most probable wintering areas for house martins Delichon urbica breeding at Badajoz in southwestern Spain. We identified two most‐probable wintering areas differing in isotopic signature in west Africa. We found that the probability to winter in the isotopic cluster two was related to age and sex of individuals. Specifically, experienced males (i.e. two years or older) winter in the isotopic cluster two with a greater probability than experienced females, whereas first‐year females winter in the isotopic cluster two with a greater probability than first‐year males. In addition, wintering area was correlated with breeding phenology, with individuals wintering in the isotopic cluster two initiating their clutches earlier than those wintering in the isotopic cluster one. For birds wintering in the isotopic cluster two, there was no relationship between age and clutch initiation date. In contrast, young birds wintering in the isotopic cluster one initiated their clutches earlier than experienced birds wintering in this area. There was no significant correlation between wintering area and clutch size or the number of fledglings produced. We hypothesize that the relationship among social status, population density and winter habitat quality should be the most important driver of the carry‐over effect we found for this population.  相似文献   

Many organisms show well‐defined latitudinal clines in morphology, which appear to be caused by spatially varying natural selection, resulting in different optimal phenotypes in each location. Such spatial variability raises an interesting question, with different prospects for the action of sexual selection on characters that have a dual purpose, such as locomotion and sexual attraction. The outermost tail feathers of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) represent one such character, and their evolution has been a classic model subject to intense debate. In the present study, we examined individuals from four European populations to analyze geographical variation in the length and mass of tail feathers in relation to body size and wing size. Tail feather length differed between sexes and populations, and such variation was a result of the effects of natural selection, acting through differences in body size and wing size, as well as the effects of sexual selection that favours longer tails. The extra enlargement of the tail promoted by sexual selection (i.e. beyond the natural selection optimum) could be achieved by increasing investment in ornaments, and by modifying feather structure to produce longer feathers of lower density. These two separate processes accounting for the production of longer and more costly tail feathers and less dense feathers, respectively, are consistent with the hypothesis that both Zahavian and Fisherian mechanisms may be involved in the evolution of the long tails of male barn swallows. We hypothesize that the strength of sexual selection increases with latitude because of the need for rapid mating as a result of the short duration of the breeding season at high latitudes. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 925–936.  相似文献   

Wing design in birds is subject to a suite of interacting selective pressures. As different performance traits are favoured in different ecological settings, a tight link is generally expected between variation in wing morphology and variation in ecological parameters. In the present study, we document aspects of variation in wing morphology in the medium ground finch ( Geospiza fortis ) on Isla Santa Cruz in the Galápagos. We compare variation in body size, simple morphometric traits (body mass, last primary length, wing length, wing chord, and wing area) and functional traits (wing loading, aspect ratio and wing pointedness) across years, among populations, and between sexes. Functional traits are found to covary across years with differences in climatic conditions, and to covary among populations with differences in habitat structure. In dry years and arid locations, wing aspect ratios are highest and wings are more pointed, consistent with a need for a low cost of transport. In wet years and cluttered habitats, wing loading is lowest and wings are more rounded, suggesting enhanced capabilities for manoeuvrability. Sexes differ in wing loading, with males having lower wing loadings than females. Superior manoeverability might be favoured in males for efficient territory maintenance. Lastly, in contrast to functional traits, we found little consistent inter-annual or inter-site variation in simple morphometric traits.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 129–138.  相似文献   

A detailed knowledge of the habitat requirements of steppe birds living in farmland habitats is necessary to identify agricultural practices compatible with their conservation. The globally threatened Great Bustard Otis tarda is a partial migrant in central Iberia, but factors affecting its winter habitat use have not been identified. We assessed habitat differences between breeding and wintering areas and winter habitat selection of radiotagged migrant female Great Bustards in central Spain. Of 68 tagged females, 35% moved to wintering areas located 64.3 ± 24.0 km south of their breeding areas, and 80% wintered in a single area of c. 236 km2. A census of the population in this area identified it as one of the most important wintering areas of this species in the world, holding c. 1500 individuals. There were significant differences between breeding and wintering habitats of individually marked migrant females. Compared with breeding areas, wintering areas of migrant females were located further from roads and urban nuclei, had lower human population densities and area of urban developments, and a higher diversity of land‐use types, with less cover of cereals and more vineyards and olive groves. Within this area, radiotracked migrant females preferred sites with more vineyards and a lower land‐use diversity. Our results highlight the importance of traditional Mediterranean dry farmland mosaics, and suggest that different conservation strategies are needed for migrant and resident populations in winter to secure the conservation of suitable wintering habitat for Great Bustards in the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   

The scheduling of molt in migratory birds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary We model the yearly cycle of small migratory birds to explain the variation in scheduling of complete molt, in particular why some birds molt immediately after breeding on the breeding grounds (summer molt) whereas others migrate to their wintering grounds before molt is initiated (winter molt). We employ the method of dynamic programming, because of its suitability for modelling life history traits. Feather quality and latitude entered the model as state variables and were assumed to affect survival rate and reproductive success. Migration and molt were assumed to be associated with increased mortality risks. By changing the parameters in the model we were able to generate most existing molt patterns, including summer and winter molt, biannual (summer and winter) molt, and molt migration. Our model suggests that the scheduling of molt is basically a result of a trade-off between having a high feather quality during breeding versus during the non-breeding period. A high impact of feather quality on survival rate in combination with low costs of molt resulted in biannual molt. Winter molt became more likely as the survival rateper se increased. A low seasonal amplitude in survival rate is a prerequisite for the occurrence of molt migration. Molt duration, migration costs and reproductive successper se were found to have no impact on the timing of molt. We also investigated the effect of benefits from prior occupancy at breeding and winter grounds.  相似文献   

Abstract: Information on spring migration routes, geographic linkages among winter, spring, and breeding locations, and potential geographic effects on arrival body condition of northern pintails (Anas acuta) are currently unknown. Through a combination of stable-isotope measurements of tissues representing different periods of dietary integration and body composition analyses, we examined these linkages for pintails breeding in Alaska, USA. We collected 77 females at 4 locations upon spring arrival. We performed carbon (δ13C), nitrogen (δ15N), and hydrogen (δD) isotope measurements on flight feathers, breast feathers, and whole blood, and we conducted body composition analyses. Inference based on stable-isotope values in pintail tissues suggests that philopatry to Alaska was strong, as most of the collected females had stable-isotope values consistent with the boreal forest of Canada or western Alaska and most spring migrating females had whole-blood values indicating use of a food web in the boreal forest before collection. These patterns highlight the importance of the boreal forest for production and staging of pintails. Breast feather isotope values grown during prealternate molt were variable and covered the currently documented distribution of wintering pintails. Our results indicate associations among specific geographic areas, habitat use, and arrival condition of female pintails settling in Alaska. Females that wintered or staged in coastal habitat (as indicated by elevated δ13C values) arrived with less body fat compared to those that we inferred to have wintered or staged on inland freshwater habitat. Those females we inferred to use coastal areas appeared to rely more heavily on agricultural fields for nutrient acquisition (as indicated by elevated δ15N but low δ13C values). Our results provide the first link between low-condition females and inferred use of specific geographic areas before arrival. Conservation on wintering grounds should focus on restoration and protection of wetland complexes that provide adequate natural food resources in proximity to coastal systems that are heavily used by wintering pintails. Conservation efforts should also focus on the boreal forest, not only for pintail, but for other boreal-dependent species such as lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):715–725; 2008)  相似文献   

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