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陈娜  向辉  马伯  黎璟玉 《应用生态学报》2022,33(11):3137-3145
在中国洪涝灾害频发的背景下,海绵城市等雨洪管理实践有助于灾害的缓解,提高城市应对雨洪的“韧性”。韧性城市作为应对灾害风险的城市规划理念,已被应用于一些国家的雨洪风险管理中。本文基于韧性理念,运用科学计量分析工具CiteSpace梳理中国雨洪研究现状,从生态、工程、社会雨洪韧性3方面分析了雨洪管理热点与相关技术,发现在跨领域的雨洪系统管理、区域到街区间不同空间尺度用地调蓄管理方面存在不足,提出未来应构建以“生态-工程-社会”为核心,涵盖“区域-城市-街区”尺度,多技术集成为支撑的自适应韧性雨洪管理体系。  相似文献   

基于城市雨洪和中国郊野公园的发展概况与现状问题,结合国内外研究与实践阐述了郊野公园应对城市雨洪危机的必要性。以获得国际、国内多个奖项的烟台市夹河郊野公园项目为例,在剖析城市水问题的基础上确立设计目标与理念,提出了高效能应对城市雨洪与低成本建设郊野公园的营建策略,并从水资源、水安全、水环境和水生态方面总结了项目绩效。最后提出了新时代郊野公园建设的要求,以期为同类研究和项目实践提供有益借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

在雨洪灾害频发和存量规划的背景下,阐明不同尺度下城市绿地景观格局与雨洪滞蓄效能间的关系与机制,成为实现有限城市绿地的最大雨洪滞蓄效能并提高城市防洪能力的关键科学问题。本文系统归纳了城市和街区尺度下绿地景观格局对雨洪滞蓄效能的影响要素、作用机制和尺度差异。并基于研究结论差异致因和研究不足,指出未来应增加流域尺度研究、拓展三维绿地景观格局的研究,还应分别聚焦城市和城郊区域,针对不同雨洪敏感区和街区结构,建立具有雨洪过程指示意义的研究指数集合,以定量揭示城市和街区尺度的绿地景观格局对雨洪过程作用机理,为城市规划及城市雨洪安全格局构建提供理论指导。  相似文献   

著: 《生物信息学》2018,25(9):66-73
绿色屋顶是雨洪管理中一项重要的低影响开发(LID)措施。由于气候变化和城市快速发展,LID雨洪管理策略对于当下全球的城市设计都至关重要,尤其是在经济蓬勃发展历来又饱受洪水灾害的中国。气候变化导致降水事件及雨水径流峰值流速难以准确预测。面对建筑布局日益稠密、不透水下垫面日益增多的中国城市,设计师们需要随时做好应对城市雨洪问题的准备。2015年提出的“海绵城市”战略为在城市尺度下应用和监测绿色屋顶效益提供了机会。目前业内大多数国际性绿色屋顶的研究应用都局限于小型控制实验区,借海绵城市建设之东风有机会将应用实验扩展到城市规模。中国雨洪管理智慧的历史可以追溯至5 000年前,现今中国正处于成为大尺度绿色屋顶实践世界领先者的机遇期。因此,LID应是城市设计的驱动力量而非事后补救措施。景观设计师不仅能够从场地、城市和区域3个层面上对场地及其周围环境进行全面解读,而且对需要实施LID的其他因素也有全面认知。为探究中国雨洪管理结构提供了新的视角,对景观设计师如何参与LID实践提出了建议。  相似文献   

陈利顶 《生态学报》2016,36(16):4932-4934
针对频繁发生的城市洪涝,我国提出了建设海绵城市的策略,然而海绵城市建设能否解决当今城市面临的困境仍然存在许多不确定性。本文从城市雨洪的两面性、城市洪涝灾害形成之根源、城市规划者的责任、生态智慧在城市雨洪管控中的重要性和海绵城市建设等方面做了深入阐述,希望在海绵城市建设中运用生态智慧去实现管控城市洪涝和雨洪资源开发利用的目的。  相似文献   

作为水生态基础设施之一的城市人工湖,可以通过自身水量平衡的调节实现雨洪调蓄功能。但是当前城市人工湖规划建设普遍存在水量难以维持的矛盾。在厘清城市人工湖水量平衡基本原理与空间尺度的前提下,借助城市人工湖与自然湖泊水文循环过程的对比研究,构建出人工湖水量平衡过程,进而分析其8项水量平衡要素的影响因子及调控可行性,并从风景园林专业可控的视角,将城市人工湖水文循环过程与景观要素进行耦合,建立起以水量平衡为目标的城市人工湖景观设计导则,通过“空间结构对位”和“物质载体对应”2个设计步骤实现水量调控。以期为城市人工湖水量保持的现实问题提供普适性的规划设计方法体系,拓展水生态基础设施研究领域的范畴,为“海绵城市”的建设提供理论借鉴与实践参考。  相似文献   

颜文涛  王云才  象伟宁 《生态学报》2016,36(16):4926-4928
生态实践智慧是人类(个人、人群乃至社会)在对人与自然互利共生关系深刻感悟的基础上、成功从事生态实践的能力,是一种选择"正确的"生态知识成功进行"为善的"生态实践的能力。生态知识只有通过成功的生态实践,才可能转化为生态实践智慧。生态实践智慧通过巧妙连接各类生态知识与整体实践行动,不仅自古以来就引导着人类应对雨洪管理实践,还成就了众多造福万代的雨洪管理工程。在当下我国城市雨洪管理的实践中,它应该而且能够继续成为有效的引导者。  相似文献   

我国正通过海绵城市建设缓解城市“水浸街” 和内涝问题, 发达国家的雨洪管理经验对海绵城市建设的发展具有重要参考意义。通过文献查阅与实地调研相结合的方法对比我国与意大利若干城市的雨洪管理现状, 并讨论两地管理模式的相似性。在分析两地城市绿地空间布局差异的基础上, 归纳意大利雨洪管理实践中对海绵城市建设具有参考价值的经验和启示, 结合地区现状, 为海绵城市建设提供针对性建议。两国都主要采取由上至下的雨洪管理模式。意大利城市的分散式的绿地充分发挥了植物对雨水的吸纳功能, 其私人绿地占比较大的特点也能有效释放政府部门的维护压力。我国城市的绿地则相对集中, 住宅小区内海绵设施存在维护不足的问题。对此, 应因地制宜通过分散式绿色基础设施建设提高城市雨洪管理效率、积极鼓励公众在海绵城市建设过程中的参与, 并通过参考发达国家经验完善海绵城市建设的管理模式。  相似文献   

许萌  董潇楠  谢苗苗  王玉  仝徳 《生态学报》2021,41(15):6012-6023
城市空间普遍面临抵御灾害能力不足的问题。构建承灾脆弱性视角下的城市生态系统服务供需分析框架对提升国土空间抵御灾害的能力具有重要意义。以珠海市为例,选择与提升区域抵御自然灾害能力高度相关的生态系统服务类型,运用InVEST模型及遥感信息模型评估生态系统服务供给,构建承灾脆弱性评价模型评估需求,利用供需匹配分析识别亟需治理的风险区。研究结果表明:(1)珠海市生态系统服务有高供给高需求、高供给低需求、低供给高需求和低供给低需求4种供需匹配类型,各项服务供需失衡程度为土壤保持服务>水源涵养服务>台风灾害防护服务;(2)基于供需匹配类型和主导风险类型划分了四大类风险区,高危、中危、低危风险区和安全区面积占比为29.23%、21.70%、33.06%、16.01%,风险区等级与建设用地面积占比之间存在较好的对应关系;(3)根据风险区类别提出了多项风险综合治理区、双项风险复合治理区、主导风险专项治理区3种治理策略分区。生态系统服务供需匹配分析通过识别承灾脆弱性与承灾能力不匹配的热点区域,为区域/城市国土空间治理和增强国土空间抵御灾害的能力提供参考。  相似文献   

基于GISP模型的城市绿色基础设施多功能性评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
顾康康  程帆  杨倩倩 《生态学报》2018,38(19):7113-7119
绿色基础设施建设是加强城市生态弹性力的重要手段之一。绿色基础设施多功能性是实现城市生态系统服务功能综合效益最大化的前提,这一点已被众多学者认可。构建绿色基础设施规划(GISP,Green Infrastructure Spatial Planning)模型,基于绿色基础设施的雨洪管理、绿色空间可达性、净化空气、缓解热岛效应、景观连通性五大功能指标,开展城市绿色基础设施多功能性评估,明确合肥市绿色基础设施的高需求地区,探讨绿色基础设施不同功能之间的权衡和协同关系。结果表明:合肥市东北部对于绿色基础设施缓解城市热岛效应、净化空气的需求最强烈,城市一环区域对于绿色基础设施的雨洪管理需求最为强烈,城市东部、南部对于绿色基础设施的绿色空间可达性需求显著;总体而言,绿色基础设施选址的热点区域为城市一环内及东北区域;绿色基础设施的雨洪管理、缓解城市热岛和净化空气间存在着协同关系,与景观连通性之间存在着权衡关系;运用GISP模型评估合肥生态空间体系控制规划以及合肥市域空间绿道网络系统建设总体规划,规划中绿地选址不在绿色基础设施的高需求区域,也没有在战略上整合绿地多功能的生态系统服务、获得更大的生态弹性力。  相似文献   

我国灾难医学科研管理中科学问题的思考和建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔越 《生物技术通讯》2009,20(3):380-382
针对灾难医学的研究特点,结合国内外有关灾难医学救治的研究资料,梳理灾难医学的主要研究方向,同时通过总结分析现有灾难医学科研管理的策略、具体做法及其问题,提出适合我国现状的灾难医学科研管理的建议。  相似文献   

水稻抗灾减灾应用技术研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
采用人工气候模拟和特殊自然胁迫相结合的方法,筛选出了一批耐旱、耐涝、耐寒的水稻品种(组合),并分析了这些品种的抗性生理特点,在此基础上研究出了抗逆栽培技术和减灾技术。  相似文献   

The sinking of the Sewol ferry on April 16, 2014, in Korea, the deadliest peacetime maritime accident in decades, was caused by a variety of factors, including human error and institutional and legal deficiencies. This article reviews the incident and its consequences.  相似文献   


Providing emergency relief to the victims of natural disasters is a hugely complex process fraught with many challenging aspects: multiple uncertainties, little reliable information, scarcity of resources, a variety of involved entities, and so on. Nowadays there is a lot of information that could be used to improve decision-making in disaster management, but usually it is not available at the right moment, in the right way, or it is partially known or vague. In this article we analyze the decision-making process for disaster management from the general view of intelligent decision-making to the specific characteristics of this context. This specificity deals with a new kind of logistics, and it is shown how this humanitarian logistics, specifically designed with the aim of alleviating suffering of vulnerable people, is a growing new research area to develop new decision aid models for disaster management, identifying new and relevant differences with other types of logistics. To illustrate these claims, two models are introduced, one for assessment of consequences in the earlier stage after a disaster (focused on the unknown, one of the main characteristics in disaster management), and another one for last mile distribution of humanitarian aid (focused on the multicriteria nature of decision-making on disaster management).  相似文献   


Large-scale disasters cause enormous damage to people living in the affected areas. Providing relief quickly to the affected is a critical issue in recovering the effects of a disaster. Pre-disaster planning has an important role on reducing the arrival time of relief items to the affected areas and efficiently allocating them. In this study, a mixed integer programming model is proposed in order to pre-position warehouses throughout a potential affected area and determine the amount of relief items to be held in those warehouses. Time between the strike of the disaster and arrival of relief items at the affected areas is aimed to be minimized. In addition, using probabilistic constraints, the model ensures that relief items arrive at affected areas within a certain time window with certain reliability. Considering instable fault lines on which Istanbul is located, the proposed model is applied to the Istanbul case for pre-positioning warehouses a priori to the possible expected large-scale earthquake.  相似文献   

福建东山岛灾害生态风险的时空演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将福建省东山岛作为灾害的承灾系统,以1994年、2003年及2011年3期遥感影像为基础,选择暴雨和大风作为东山岛主要灾害,从承灾系统脆弱性、承灾系统应灾力、承灾系统恢复力3个方面选择指标构建东山岛灾害生态风险评估指标体系,分别获得东山岛1994年、2003年和2011年3期暴雨和大风灾害生态风险图,结果表明:东山岛1994、2003、2011年暴雨和大风灾害生态风险格局均随时间出现明显变化;总体来看,东山岛西北部主要低山森林地带风险值较低,整体生态环境和抗灾能力较好,东北部城镇集中区和沿海地带风险值较高,生态环境质量和抗灾能力较低;东山岛17a来的人为干扰存在正负效应,长期生态建设使得东山岛西北部主要低山森林地带风险值下降,但大规模的城镇建设,旅游、养殖、房地产等对沿海地带的干扰,造成东北部城镇集中区及东部沿海地带风险值上升。  相似文献   


This article aims to examine the implications of improving urban resilience that emerge from Chinese practices for reducing urban disaster risk. First, the concept of urban resilience is discussed, the goal of which is to shape a “culture of resilience” to the largest extent possible in order to reduce urban risk. Urban resilience encompasses broad and diverse areas, and thus can be improved in many ways. This article primarily discusses the planning process. Second, the main focus of the discussion on planning process to improve urban resilience is that of the urban risk management planning of Shenzhen, China. This was the first local urban government project in China to have comprehensively and broadly assessed and reduced urban risk, and it is covered along with the Chinese legislation system and current urban resilience programs in China. The findings show that both the Chinese central government and local governments are paying more and more attention to urban resilience through various legislation and programs, even if they are not using the same terminology as other countries.  相似文献   


International practices of disaster preparedness presume human agency, particularly at the household level, as an important pre-emptive response to anticipated natural hazards. Our analysis of Fijian responses to Tropical Cyclone Winston indicates that preparedness is also regarded as important by cyclone survivors but has a moral dimension that can be used to assign blame to underprepared members of the community. However, Fijian villagers’ experiences of terror and awe during Tropical Cyclone Winston also make them aware of the limits of human agency, prompting them to reflect on God’s role in the cyclone and the need for collective repentance and renewed Christian commitment. The effectiveness of disaster preparedness and climate change adaptation efforts can only be enhanced by a better understanding of the values of affected communities, including religious and spiritual values. We seek to contribute to this knowledge by showing how disaster preparedness both converges with and diverges from Fijian Christian practices.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide a quantitative assessment of the spatial placement characteristics of temporary disaster relief facilities that were built after the Sewol ferry disaster. Among space syntax analysis indicators, we selected control value, global real relation asymmetry (RRA), local RRA, and intelligibility to use in this study. We also assessed each relief facility's accessibility by facility type and use of spatial openness. As a result of our analysis of 193 relief facilities that were classified into 9 facility types, we discovered that the types requiring control over who could access them due to their facility characteristics had RRA values confirming that such facilities used space appropriately. Furthermore, most of the facility types, including the types needing openness or awareness, showed results that were appropriate for each assessment indicator. Our study is the first to examine relief facilities, whose placements are often temporary and expedient in response to large-scale disasters, with the lens of spatial characteristics analysis. The assessment methodology used in this study can be generalized, applied regardless of region, and used as a placement plan for future temporary relief facilities.  相似文献   


In this paper, I examine the disconnect between government and NGO responses to Cyclone Pam, and previous healthy food initiatives in Port Vila, Vanuatu. Decades of nutrition education programs across Vanuatu have urged families to limit their consumption of tinned meat and imported food in favour of locally grown fruits and vegetables. These dietary guidelines call on families to watch their food consumption in order to raise healthy children and avoid serious non-communicable diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. In spite of these guidelines, the food aid offered after Cyclone Pam, on which many ni-Vanuatu depended, consisted primarily of imported white rice, tinned meat, and instant noodles – foods previously labelled unhealthy in nutrition education campaigns. Humanitarian agencies often envision disaster relief as a short-term intervention. However, the cyclone exacerbated inequality across Port Vila, magnifying socioeconomic disparities and associated food insecurity that existed before the cyclone, forcing many families to rely reluctantly on unhealthy food aid. Drawing on research conducted over several fieldwork trips from 2010 to 2016, I discuss food security and nutrition programs in Vanuatu and how ni-Vanuatu families interpreted disaster relief efforts in the context of existing nutrition programming. I argue that disaster preparedness has not accounted for the values promoted in nutrition education programs, the health needs of the community, or food preferences. I conclude with a call for the creation of culturally appropriate responses to natural disaster relief efforts so as to promote sustainable food security measures.  相似文献   

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