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During development, axons of the chorda tympani nerve navigate to fungiform papillae where they penetrate the lingual epithelium, forming a neural bud. It is not known whether or not all chorda tympani axons initially innervate fungiform papillae correctly or if mistakes are made. Using a novel approach, we quantified the accuracy with which gustatory fibers successfully innervate fungiform papillae. Immediately following initial targeting (E14.5), innervation was found to be incredibly accurate: specifically, 94% of the fungiform papillae on the tongue are innervated. A mean of five papillae per tongue were uninnervated at E14.5, and the lingual tongue surface was innervated in 17 places that lack fungiform papillae. To determine if these initial errors in papillae innervation were later refined, innervation accuracy was quantified at E16.5 and E18.5. By E16.5 only two papillae per tongue remained uninnervated. Innervation to inappropriate regions was also removed, but not until later, between E16.5 and E18.5 of development. Therefore, even though gustatory fibers initially innervate fungiform papillae accurately, some errors in targeting do occur that are then refined during later embryonic periods. It is likely that trophic interactions between gustatory neurons and developing taste epithelium allow appropriate connections to be maintained and inappropriate ones to be eliminated.  相似文献   

Most fungiform taste buds fail to become innervated when BDNF or NT4 is overexpressed in the basal layer of tongue epithelium. Here, we examined when and how overexpression of BDNF and NT4 disrupt innervation to fungiform papillae. Overexpression of either factor disrupted chorda tympani innervation patterns either before or during the initial innervation of fungiform papillae. NT4 and BDNF overexpression each disrupted initial innervation by producing different gustatory axon morphologies that emerge at distinct times (E12.5 and E14.5, respectively). Chorda tympani nerve branching was reduced in NT4 overexpressing mice, and neuronal fibers in these mice were fasciculated and remained below the epithelial surface, as if repelled by NT4 overexpression. In contrast, many chorda tympani nerve branches were observed near the epithelial surface in mice overexpressing BDNF, and most were attracted to and invaded non-taste filiform papillae instead of gustatory papillae. These results suggest that BDNF, but not NT4, normally functions as a chemoattractant that allows chorda tympani fibers to distinguish their fungiform papillae targets from non-gustatory epithelium. Since BDNF and NT4 both signal through the p75 and TrkB receptors, trophin-specific activation of different internal signaling pathways must regulate the development of the distinct gustatory axon morphologies in neurotrophin-overexpressing mice.  相似文献   

Taste papillae are ectodermal specializations that serve to house and distribute the taste buds and their renewing cell populations in specific locations on the tongue. We previously showed that Sonic hedgehog (Shh) has a major role in regulating the number and spatial pattern of fungiform taste papillae on embryonic rat tongue, during a specific period of papilla formation from the prepapilla placode. Now we have immunolocalized the Shh protein and the Patched receptor protein (Ptc), and have tested potential roles for Shh in formation of the tongue, emergence of papilla placodes, development of papilla number and size, and maintenance of papillae after morphogenesis is advanced. Cultures of entire embryonic mandible or tongues from gestational days 12 to 18 [gestational or embryonic days (E)12-E18] were used, in which tongues and papillae develop with native spatial, temporal, and molecular characteristics. The Shh signaling pathway was disrupted with addition of cyclopamine, jervine, or the 5E1 blocking antibody. Shh and Ptc proteins are diffuse in prelingual tissue and early tongue swellings, and are progressively restricted to papilla placodes and then to regions of developing papillae. Ptc encircles the dense Shh immunoproduct in papillae at various stages. When the Shh signal is disrupted in cultures of E12 mandible, tongue formation is completely prevented. At later stages of tongue culture initiation, Shh signal disruption alters development of tongue shape (E13) and results in a repatterned fungiform papilla distribution that does not respect normally papilla-free tongue regions (E13-E14). Only a few hours of Shh signal disruption can irreversibly alter number and location of fungiform papillae on anterior tongue and elicit papilla formation on the intermolar eminence. However, once papillae are well formed (E16-E18), Shh apparently does not have a clear role in papilla maintenance, nor does the tongue retain competency to add fungiform papillae in atypical locations. Our data not only provide evidence for inductive and morphogenetic roles for Shh in tongue and fungiform papilla formation, but also suggest that Shh functions to maintain the interpapilla space and papilla-free lingual regions. We propose a model for Shh function at high concentration to form and maintain papillae and, at low concentration, to activate between-papilla genes that maintain a papilla-free epithelium.  相似文献   

The time course of structural changes in fungiform papillae was analyzed in rats that received unilateral chorda tympani nerve transection at 10 days of age. Morphological differences between intact and denervated sides of the tongue were first observed at 8 days postsection, with an increase in the number of fungiform papillae that did not have a pore. In addition, the first papilla with a filiform-like appearance was noted on the denervated side at 8 days postsectioning. By 11 days after surgery, the total number of papillae and the number of papillae with a pore were significantly lower on the transected side of the tongue as compared to the intact side. At 50 days postsection, there was an average of 70.5 fungiform papillae on the intact side and a mean of only 20.8 fungiform papillae the denervated side. Of those few remaining papillae on the cut side, an average of 13.5 papillae were categorized as filiform-like, while no filiform-like papillae occurred on the intact side. Significant reduction in taste bud volume was noted at 4 days posttransection and further decrements in taste bud volume were noted at 8 and 30 days postsection. Electron microscopy of the lingual branch of the trigeminal nerve from adult rats that received neonatal chorda tympani transection showed normal numbers of both myelinated and unmyelinated fibers. Thus, in addition to the well-characterized dependence of taste bud maintenance on the chorda tympani nerve, the present study shows an additional role of the chorda tympani nerve in papilla maintenance during early postnatal development.  相似文献   

Restriction of dietary sodium during gestation has major effects on taste function and anatomy in the offspring. The chorda tympani nerve of offspring that are maintained on sodium-reduced chow throughout life (NaDep) has reduced neurophysiological responses to sodium and altered morphology of its terminal field in the nucleus of the solitary tract. There are many anatomical and physiological similarities between the chorda tympani nerve that innervates taste buds on the anterior tongue and the greater superficial petrosal nerve (GSP) that innervates taste buds on the palate. To determine if the GSP is similarly susceptible to the effects of dietary sodium restriction, the present study examined neurophysiological responses and the terminal field of the GSP in NaDep and control rats. Neurophysiological responses of the GSP to a variety of sodium and non-sodium stimuli did not differ between NaDep and control rats. Furthermore, the volume and shape of the GSP terminal field in the nucleus of the solitary tract did not differ between the groups. Therefore, despite the high degree of functional and anatomical correspondence between the chorda tympani nerve and the GSP, the GSP does not appear to be susceptible to the effects of lifelong dietary sodium restriction.  相似文献   

Immunoreactivity to neuron-specific enolase (NSE), a specific neuronal marker, and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) was localized in lingual taste papillae in the pigs. Sequential staining for NSE and CGRP by an elution technique allowed the identification of neuronal subpopulations. NSE-staining revealed a large neuronal network within the subepithelial layer of all taste papillae. NSE-positive fibers then penetrated the epithelium as isolated fibers, primarily in the foliate and circumvallate papillae, or as brush-shaped units formed by a multitude of fibers, especially in the fungiform papillae and in the apical epithelium of the circumvallate papilla. Taste buds of any type of taste papillae were found to express a dense subgemmal/intragemmal NSE-positive neuronal network. CGRP-positive nerve fibers were numerous in the subepithelial layer of all three types of taste papillae. In the foliate and circumvallate papillae, these fibers penetrated the epithelium to form extragemmal and intragemmal fibers, while in the fungiforms, they concentrated almost exclusively in the taste buds as intragemmal nerve fibers. Intragemmal NSE- and CGRP-positive fiber populations were not readily distinguishable by typical neural swellings as previously observed in the rat. The NSE-positive neuronal extragemmal brushes never expressed any CGRP-like immunoreactivity. Even more surprising, fungiform taste buds, whether richly innervated by or devoid of NSE-positive intragemmal fibers, always harboured numerous intragemmal CGRP-positive fibers. Consequently, NSE is not a general neuronal marker in porcine taste papillae. Our observations also suggest that subgemmal/intragemmal NSE-positive fibers are actively involved in synaptogenesis within taste buds. NSE-positive taste bud cells were found in all three types of taste papillae. CGRP-positive taste bud cells were never observed.  相似文献   

In order to clarify developmental changing of gustatory system, histological and electrophysiological experiments were performed in the rat. Histological examination on the anterior tongue innervated by chorda tympani nerve showed that the ratio of matured taste buds which possess a taste pore were only 9% of all taste buds observed at 1 week of postnatal age, and 81.3% at 3 weeks of age. Recording integrated responses from the chorda tympani nerve reveals that taste buds with a pore at 1 week of age responded to NaCl, HCl, and quinine-HCl as well as in adult rats, which suggests that these relatively young taste buds are matured functionally for these three stimuli. However, the response magnitudes for various sugars at 1 week of age were smaller compared to those in the adult rat, reached to the maximum at 3 weeks of age, then decreased gradually with age. Also, results from the experiment of cross-adaptation among different sugars, effects of pronase-E treatment of the tongue, analysis of correlation between on- and off-responses to sugars, showed that qualitative changes for sugar responses continues after 3 weeks of age. These results suggest that functional changes occur in the gustatory processing of sugars during postnatal development in the rat chorda tympani nerve.  相似文献   

We previously have published data detailing the time course of taste bud regeneration in the anterior tongue following transection of the chorda tympani (CT) nerve in the rat. This study extends the prior work by determining the time course of taste bud regeneration in the vallate papilla, soft palate and nasoincisor ducts (NID) following transection of either the glossopharyngeal (GL) or greater superficial petrosal (GSP) nerve. Following GL transection in rats (n = 6 per time point), taste buds reappeared in the vallate papilla between 15 and 28 days after surgery, and returned to 80.3% of control levels (n = 12) of taste buds by 70 days postsurgery. The first appearance and the final percentage of the normal complement of regenerated vallate taste buds after GL transection resembled that seen previously in the anterior tongue after CT transection. However, in the latter case, regenerated taste buds reached asymptotic levels by 42 days after surgery, whereas within the time frame of the present study, a clear asymptotic return of vallate taste buds was not observed. In contrast to the posterior (and anterior) tongue, only 25% of the normal complement of palatal taste buds regenerated by 112 days and 224 days after GSP transection (n = 9). The difference in regenerative capacity might relate to the surgical approach used to transect the GSP. These experiments provide useful parametric data for investigators studying the functional consequences of gustatory nerve transection and regeneration.  相似文献   

The structure of catecholamine-containing dumb-bell shaped cells of the taste buds was studied by luminescent microscopy in the epithelial layer of the frog's tongue (Rana temporaria). On the unilateral section of the lingual nerve, a maintained adrenergic innervation of vessels and of the epithelium was observed, a decreased number of dumb-bell shaped cells in the taste bud, and their significant enlargement, and increased cathecholamine luminescence. With desympathization, no adrenergic nerves were observed on the vessels and the epithelium of the tongue. The size of the taste buds in desympathized cells of the tongue is sharply decreased and their number is increased. There is a tendency to grouping of the dumbbell shaped cells into 3--4 taste buds in one fungiform papillina. The experiments with sensory and sympathetic denervation of the frog tongue distinctly showed the trophic action of sensory and sympathetic nerves on the taste organ of the frog.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins, neurotrophin receptors and sensory neurons are required for the development of lingual sense organs. For example, neurotrophin 3 sustains lingual somatosensory neurons. In the traditional view, sensory axons will terminate where neurotrophin expression is most pronounced. Yet, lingual somatosensory axons characteristically terminate in each filiform papilla and in each somatosensory prominence within a cluster of cells expressing the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR), rather than terminating among the adjacent cells that secrete neurotrophin 3. The p75NTR on special specialized clusters of epithelial cells may promote axonal arborization in vivo since its over-expression by fibroblasts enhances neurite outgrowth from overlying somatosensory neurons in vitro. Two classical observations have implicated gustatory neurons in the development and maintenance of mammalian taste buds—the early arrival times of embryonic innervation and the loss of taste buds after their denervation in adults. In the modern era more than a dozen experimental studies have used early denervation or neurotrophin gene mutations to evaluate mammalian gustatory organ development. Necessary for taste organ development, brain-derived neurotrophic factor sustains developing gustatory neurons. The cardinal conclusion is readily summarized: taste buds in the palate and tongue are induced by innervation. Taste buds are unstable: the death and birth of taste receptor cells relentlessly remodels synaptic connections. As receptor cells turn over, the sensory code for taste quality is probably stabilized by selective synapse formation between each type of gustatory axon and its matching taste receptor cell. We anticipate important new discoveries of molecular interactions among the epithelium, the underlying mesenchyme and gustatory innervation that build the gustatory papillae, their specialized epithelial cells, and the resulting taste buds.  相似文献   

Fungiform papillae are epithelial specializations that develop in a linear pattern on the anterior mammalian tongue and differentiate to eventually contain taste buds. Little is known about morphogenetic and pattern regulation of these crucial taste organs. We used embryonic rat tongue, organ cultures to test roles for bone morphogenetic proteins, BMP2, 4 and 7, and antagonists noggin and follistatin, in development of papillae from a stage before morphological initiation (E13) or from a stage after the pre-papilla placodes have formed (E14). BMPs and noggin proteins become progressively restricted to papilla locations during tongue development. In E13 cultures, exogenous BMPs or noggin induce increased numbers of fungiform papillae, in a concentration-dependent manner, compared to standard tongue cultures; BMPs, but not noggin, lead to a decreased tongue size at this stage. In E14 cultures, however, exogenous BMP2, 4 or 7 each inhibits papilla formation so that there is a decrease in papilla number. Noggin substantially increases number of papillae in E14 cultures. Using beads for a highly localized protein delivery, papillae are inhibited in the surround of BMP-soaked beads and induced in large clusters around noggin-soaked beads. Follistatin, presented in culture medium or by bead, does not alter papilla formation or number. In all fungiform papillae that form under various culture conditions, the molecular marker, sonic hedgehog, is within each papilla. However, the BMP inhibitory effect on papillae is not prevented by disrupting sonic hedgehog signaling through addition of cyclopamine to cultures. BMPs and noggin alter cell proliferation in tongue epithelium in opposite ways, demonstrated with Ki67 immunostaining. We propose that the BMPs and noggin, colocalized within papilla placodes and the fungiform papillae per se, have opposing inhibitory and activating or inducing roles in papilla development in linear patterns. We present a model for these effects.  相似文献   

1. The lingual treatment of 1% procaine for 10 min selectively suppressed responses of the rat chorda tympani nerve to anodal current applied to the tongue with NaCl in the bathing medium to about 50% of control but the drug produced no significant suppression in responses to chemical taste stimuli. 2. The magnitude of suppression of response to anodal current varied with concentration of procaine and kind of bathing medium for the current stimulation (larger in the order of NaCl greater than KCl greater than CaCl2 greater than HCl). 3. Such ion specificity in procaine suppression suggests that responses of the chorda tympani nerve to anodal current are provoked through the taste cell (not direct action on the taste nerve), and that the receptor mechanisms for anodal current are at least partly different from that for chemical taste stimuli.  相似文献   

Few sensory modalities appear to engage in cross‐modal interactions within the peripheral nervous system, making the integrated relationship between the peripheral gustatory and trigeminal systems an ideal model for investigating cross‐sensory support. The present study examined taste system anatomy following unilateral transection of the trigeminal lingual nerve (LX) while leaving the gustatory chorda tympani intact. At 10, 25, or 65 days of age, rats underwent LX with outcomes assessed following various survival times. Fungiform papillae were classified by morphological feature using surface analysis. Taste bud volumes were calculated from histological sections of the anterior tongue. Differences in papillae morphology were evident by 2 days post‐transection of P10 rats and by 8 days post in P25 rats. When transected at P65, animals never exhibited statistically significant morphological changes. After LX at P10, fewer taste buds were present on the transected side following 16 and 24 days survival time and remaining taste buds were smaller than on the intact side. In P25 and P65 animals, taste bud volumes were reduced on the denervated side by 8 and 16 days postsurgery, respectively. By 50 days post‐transection, taste buds of P10 animals had not recovered in size; however, all observed changes in papillae morphology and taste buds subsided in P25 and P65 rats. Results indicate that LX impacts taste receptor cells and alters epithelial morphology of fungiform papillae, particularly during early development. These findings highlight dual roles for the lingual nerve in the maintenance of both gustatory and non‐gustatory tissues on the anterior tongue. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 626–641, 2016  相似文献   

Chorda tympani nerve transection (CTX) results in morphological changes to fungiform papillae and associated taste buds. When transection occurs during neonatal development in the rat, the effects on fungiform taste bud and papillae structure are markedly more severe than observed following a comparable surgery in the adult rat. The present study examined the potential "sensitive period" for morphological modifications to tongue epithelium following CTX. Rats received unilateral transection at 65, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, or 5 days of age. With each descending age at the time of transection, the effects on the structural integrity of fungiform papillae were more severe. Significant losses in total number of taste buds and filiform-like papillae were observed when transection occurred 5-30 days of age. Significant reduction in the number of taste pores was indicated at every age of transection. Another group of rats received chorda tympani transection at 10, 25, or 65 days of age to determine if the time course of taste bud degeneration differed depending on the age of the rat at the time of transection. Taste bud volumes differed significantly from intact sides of the tongue at 2, 8, and 50 days post-transection after CTX at 65 days of age. Volume measurements did not differ 2 days post-transection after CTX at 10 or 25 days of age, but were significantly reduced at the other time points. Findings demonstrate a transitional period throughout development wherein fungiform papillae are highly dependent upon the chorda tympani for maintenance of morphological integrity.  相似文献   

Effects of chorda tympani nerve anesthesia on taste responses in the NST   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dinkins  ME; Travers  SP 《Chemical senses》1998,23(6):661-673
Human clinical and psychophysical observations suggest that the taste system is able to compensate for losses in peripheral nerve input, since patients do not commonly report decrements in whole mouth taste following chorda tympani nerve damage or anesthesia. Indeed, neurophysiological data from the rat nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) suggests that a release of inhibition (disinhibition) may occur centrally following chorda tympani nerve anesthesia. Our purpose was to study this possibility further. We recorded from 59 multi- and single- unit taste-responsive sites in the rat NST before, during and after recovery from chorda tympani nerve anesthesia. During anesthesia, average anterior tongue responses were eliminated but no compensatory increases in palatal or posterior tongue responses were observed. However, six individual sites displayed increased taste responsiveness during anesthesia. The average increase was 32.9%. Therefore, disinhibition of taste responses was observed, but infrequently and to a small degree in the NST At a subset of sites, chorda tympani-mediated responses decreased while greater superficial petrosal-mediated responses remained the same during anesthesia. Since this effect was accompanied by a decrease in spontaneous activity, we propose that taste compensation may result in part by a change in signal-to-noise ratio at a subset of sites.   相似文献   

The effects of the sweet taste inhibitor methyl 4,6-dichloro-4,6-dideoxy--D-galactopyranoside(MAD-diCl-Gal) and a few disaccharides, on the electrophysiologicalresponses of the chorda tympani nerve and on adenylate cyclasein membranes prepared from the anterior tongue epithelium, werestudied in rats. MAD-diCl-Gal inhibited the sucrose stimulationof whole chords tympani responses, and this inhibition was reversible.In addition, MAD-diCl-Gal inhibited the sucrose stimulationof adenylate cyclase activity in lingual (gustatory) membranesin a dose-dependent manner. High concentrations of MAD-diCl-Galabolished the sucrose induced adenylate cyclase activity. Thedisaccharides sucrose, maltose, trehalose and melibiose stimulatedboth chords tympani nerve responses and adenylate cyclase activity.These stimulations were dose dependent. Sucrose was the mostpotent stimulator of the chorda tympani nerve. Other disaccharidesresulted in lower responses than sucrose. Sucrose was also amore effective stimulus than maltose for adenylate cyclase activity.In contrast to electrophysiological data, trehalose and melibiosestimulated the adenylate cyclase activity to the same extentas sucrose. The results of this study support the suggestionof cAMP involvement in the cellular transduction of sweet tastein the rat.  相似文献   

For most species and gustatory papillae denervation resultsin a virtual disappearance of taste buds. This is not the casefor hamster fungiform papillae, which contain taste buds thatsurvive denervation. To characterize these taste buds, in thisstudy, counts and measurements were made of all buds on theanterior 3 mm of the hamster tongue at 36 or 91 days after resectingthe chorda/lingual nerve. Taste bud numbers were, at both timeperiods, unaffected by denervation. However, bud dimensionswere affected with denervated buds 25–30% smaller thancontrol ones. Counts of taste bud cells indicated that decreasesin bud size may result from shrinkage, but not a loss of cells.Tritiated thymidine autoradiography was used to evaluate whetherdenervation influences the mitotic activity or the migratorypattern of bud cells. For every animal, the average number oflabelled cells per bud was slightly lower on the denervatedthan the control side of the tongue. However, when labelledcell positions were evaluated at 0.25, 3 and 6 days after thymidine,the distances from the sides of the bud increased at increasingtimes after injection for both the innervated and the denervatedbuds. Stem cells were located laterally or basally in the bud.Labelled cells that migrated into the centers of the buds werefew and seen only at 6 days post-injection time in both controland experimental buds. The moderate effects of denervation ontaste bud sizes and mitotic activities may indicate a generalizedatrophy. Remarkably intact were taste bud numbers and the migratorypatterns of cells, features of anterior tongue taste buds inthe hamster that are relatively invulnerable to resection ofthe chorda /lingual nerve.  相似文献   

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