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A locus for migraine without aura maps on chromosome 14q21.2-q22.3   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Migraine is a common and disabling neurological disease of unknown origin characterized by a remarkable clinical variability. It shows strong familial aggregation, suggesting that genetic factors are involved in its pathogenesis. Different approaches have been used to elucidate this hereditary component, but a unique transmission model and causative gene(s) have not yet been identified. We report clinical and molecular data from a large Italian pedigree in which migraine without aura (MO) segregates as an autosomal dominant trait. After exclusion of any association between MO and the known familial hemiplegic migraine and migraine with aura loci, we performed a genomewide linkage analysis using 482 polymorphic microsatellite markers. We obtained significant evidence of linkage between the MO phenotype and the marker D14S978 on 14q22.1 (maximum two-point LOD score of 3.70, at a recombination fraction of 0.01). Multipoint parametric analysis (maximum LOD score of 5.25 between markers D14S976 and D14S978) and haplotype construction showed strong evidence of linkage in a region of 10 cM flanked by markers D14S1027 and D14S980 on chromosome 14q21.2-q22.3. These results indicate the first evidence of a genetic locus associated with MO on chromosome 14.  相似文献   

Inherited dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a genetically and phenotypically very heterogeneous disease. DCM is caused by mutations in multiple genes encoding proteins that are involved in force generation, force transmission, energy production and several signalling pathways. Thus, the pathophysiology of heart failure is complex and not yet fully understood. Familial forms of DCM let the way to identify new key proteins by positional cloning and to study respective pathomechanisms that are critical for normal cardiac function, but may not have been correlated with heart disease before. Here we report a three-generation pedigree including 16 individuals affected by dilated cardiomyopathy without additional phenotypes. The pedigree is consistent with autosomal-dominant inheritance and age-related penetrance. A genome-wide linkage analysis excluded linkage to all known DCM genes and loci, whereas several close markers on chromosome 7q22.3-31.1 segregated with the disease (maximum logarithm of odds score, 4.20 at D7S471 and D7S501). The disease causing mutation lies in a 9.73 Mb interval between markers D7S2545 and D7S2554 that contains no known cytoskeletal genes. Coding exons of the candidate genes LAMB1, LAMB4 and PIK3CG were screened but no mutations were identified.Jost Schönberger, Leif Kühler, and Elisabete Martins authors contributed equally to the work  相似文献   

Bipolar affective disorder (BAD) affects approximately 1% of the population and shows strong heritability. To identify potential BAD susceptibility loci, we undertook a 15-cM genome screen, using 214 microsatellite markers on the 35 most informative individuals of a large, statistically powerful pedigree. Data were analyzed by parametric two-point linkage methods under several diagnostic models. LOD scores >1.00 were obtained for 21 markers, with four of these >2.00 for at least one model. The remaining 52 individuals in the family were genotyped with these four markers, and LOD scores remained positive for three markers. A more intensive screen was undertaken in these regions, with the most positive results being obtained for chromosome 4q35. Using a dominant model of inheritance with 90% maximum age-specific penetrance and including bipolar I, II, schizoaffective/mania, and unipolar individuals as affected, we obtained a maximum two-point LOD score of 2.20 (theta = .15) at D4S1652 and a maximum three-point LOD score of 3.19 between D4S408 and D4S2924. Nonparametric analyses further supported the presence of a locus on chromosome 4q35. A maximum score of 2.62 (P=.01) was obtained between D4S1652 and D4S171 by use of the GENEHUNTER program, and a maximum score of 3.57 (P=.0002) was obtained at D4S2924 using the affected pedigree member method. Analysis of a further 10 pedigrees suggests the presence of this locus in at least one additional family, indicating a possible predisposing locus and not a pedigree-specific mutation. Our results suggest the presence of a novel BAD susceptibility locus on chromosome 4q35.  相似文献   

Hypospadias is a common malformation (1/300 boys) where the urethra opens on the ventral side of the penis. It is considered a complex disorder with both genetic and environmental factors involved in the pathogenesis. To identify the chromosomal loci involved in the pathogenesis of hypospadias, we performed a genome-wide linkage analysis in a three-generational family showing autosomal dominant inheritance of hypospadias. Fifteen individuals, whereof seven affected, were genotyped within a total of 426 microsatellite markers and the genotyping results were analyzed using parametric and non-parametric linkage analyses. The genome-wide linkage analysis and subsequent fine mapping gave a maximum linkage in both parametric (LOD score 2.71) and non-parametric (NPL score 5.01) single-point analyses for marker D7S640. A susceptibility haplotype shared by all affected boys was identified with the centromeric and telomeric boundaries defined by markers D7S2519 and D7S2442, respectively. This suggests a novel hypospadias locus at chromosome 7q32.2-q36.1 that encompasses 18.2 Mb (25 cM) and harbors hundreds of genes. Mutation analysis of two genes within the region, the AKR1D1 (aldo-keto reductase family 1, member D1) gene involved in the androgen pathway and the PTN gene coding for pleiotrophin, an embryonic differentiation and growth factor, was performed but without putative findings.  相似文献   

A susceptibility locus for migraine with aura, on chromosome 4q24   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Migraine is a complex neurovascular disorder with substantial evidence supporting a genetic contribution. Prior attempts to localize susceptibility loci for common forms of migraine have not produced conclusive evidence of linkage or association. To date, no genomewide screen for migraine has been published. We report results from a genomewide screen of 50 multigenerational, clinically well-defined Finnish families showing intergenerational transmission of migraine with aura (MA). The families were screened using 350 polymorphic microsatellite markers, with an average intermarker distance of 11 cM. Significant evidence of linkage was found between the MA phenotype and marker D4S1647 on 4q24. Using parametric two-point linkage analysis and assuming a dominant mode of inheritance, we found for this marker a maximum LOD score of 4.20 under locus homogeneity (P=.000006) or locus heterogeneity (P=.000011). Multipoint parametric (HLOD = 4.45; P=.0000058) and nonparametric (NPL(all) = 3.43; P=.0007) analyses support linkage in this region. Statistically significant linkage was not observed in any other chromosomal region.  相似文献   

Fine mapping of the schizophrenia susceptibility locus on chromosome 1q22   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Schizophrenia is a serious neuropsychiatric illness estimated to affect approximately 1% of the general population. As part of a genome scan for schizophrenia susceptibility loci, we have previously reported a maximum heterogeneity four-point lod score of 6.50 on chromosome 1q21-22 in a group of 22 medium-sized Canadian families, selected for study because multiple relatives were clinically diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. We have now conducted fine mapping of this locus in the same set of individuals using 15 genetic markers spanning an approximately 15-cM interval. Parametric linkage analysis with GENEHUNTER v2.1 and VITESSE v2.0 produced a maximum multipoint heterogeneity lod score of 6.50, with a Zmax-1 support interval of <3 cM, corresponding to approximately 1 Mb. Physical mapping and sequence analysis from this region confirmed the presence of an approximately 81-kb tandem duplication, containing low-affinity IgG receptor genes and heat shock protein genes. The sequences of the two copies of this duplication are approximately 97% identical, which has led to the collapse of the two copies into one in the June 2002 NCBI Build 30 of the Human Genome. This duplication may be involved in genomic instability, leading to gene deletion, and so presents an intriguing candidate locus for schizophrenia susceptibility.  相似文献   

Graves disease (GD) is a common autoimmune thyroid disorder that is inherited as a complex multigenic trait. By using a single microsatellite marker at each locus, we screened the type 1 diabetes loci IDDM4, IDDM5, IDDM6, IDDM8, and IDDM10 and the fucosyltransferase-2 locus for linkage in sib pairs with GD. This showed a two-point nonparametric linkage (NPL) score of 1.57 (P=.06) at the IDDM6 marker D18S41, but NPL scores were <1.0 at the other five loci. Thus, the investigation of the IDDM6 locus was extended by genotyping 11 microsatellite markers spanning 48 cM across chromosome 18q12-q22 in 81 sib pairs affected with autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD). Multipoint analysis, designating all AITD sib pairs as affected, showed a peak NPL score of 3.46 (P=.0003), at the marker D18S487. Designation of only GD cases as affected (74 sib pairs) showed a peak NPL score of 3.09 (P=.001). Linkage to this region has been demonstrated in type 1 diabetes (IDDM6), rheumatoid arthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus, which suggests that this locus may have a role in several forms of autoimmunity.  相似文献   

To identify genetic loci for autism-spectrum disorders, we have performed a two-stage genomewide scan in 38 Finnish families. The detailed clinical examination of all family members revealed infantile autism, but also Asperger syndrome (AS) and developmental dysphasia, in the same set of families. The most significant evidence for linkage was found on chromosome 3q25-27, with a maximum two-point LOD score of 4.31 (Z(max )(dom)) for D3S3037, using infantile autism and AS as an affection status. Six markers flanking over a 5-cM region on 3q gave Z(max dom) >3, and a maximum parametric multipoint LOD score (MLS) of 4.81 was obtained in the vicinity of D3S3715 and D3S3037. Association, linkage disequilibrium, and haplotype analyses provided some evidence for shared ancestor alleles on this chromosomal region among affected individuals, especially in the regional subisolate. Additional potential susceptibility loci with two-point LOD scores >2 were observed on chromosomes 1q21-22 and 7q. The region on 1q21-22 overlaps with the previously reported candidate region for infantile autism and schizophrenia, whereas the region on chromosome 7q provided evidence for linkage 58 cM distally from the previously described autism susceptibility locus (AUTS1).  相似文献   

A set of 87 multicase families with systemic lupus erythemathosus (SLE) from European (Iceland, Sweden, England, Norway, Italy, and Greece) and recently admixed (Mexico, Colombia, and the United States) populations were genotyped and analyzed for 62 microsatellite markers on chromosome 1. By parametric two-point linkage analysis, six regions (1p36, 1p21, 1q23, 1q25, 1q31, and 1q43) were identified that have LOD scores of Z>or=1.50, with different contributions, depending on the population of origin of the families (European or admixed American). All of the regions have been described previously and have therefore been confirmed in this analysis. The locus at 1q31 showed a significant three-point LOD score of Z=3.79 and was contributed by families from all populations, with several markers and under the same parametric model. Analysis of a known mutation in the CD45 gene did not support the role that this mutation plays in disease. We conclude that the locus at 1q31 contains a major susceptibility gene, important to SLE in general populations.  相似文献   

Hot water epilepsy (HWE) is a form of reflex or sensory epilepsy wherein seizures are precipitated by an unusual stimulus, the contact of hot water over the head and body. Genome-wide linkage analysis of a large family with ten affected members, provided evidence of linkage (Z max = 3.17 at θ = 0 for D10S412) to chromosome 10q21. Analysis of five additional HWE families, for markers on chromosome 10, further strengthened the evidence of linkage to the same chromosomal region with three out of five families showing concordance for the disease haplotype and providing a two-point LOD score of 4.86 at θ = 0 and 60% penetrance for D10S412. The centromere-proximal and -distal boundaries of the critical genetic interval of about 15 Mb at 10q21.3-q22.3 were defined by D10S581 and D10S201, respectively. Sequence analysis of a group of functional candidate genes, the ion channels KCNMA1, VDAC2 and solute carriers SLC25A16, SLC29A3 revealed no potentially pathogenic mutation. We propose to carry out further analysis of positional candidate genes from this region to identify the gene responsible for this unusual neurobehavioral phenotype.  相似文献   

Objective: Obesity is a growing and important public health problem in Western countries and worldwide. There is ample evidence that both environmental and genetic factors influence the risk of developing obesity. Although a number of genes influencing obesity and obesity‐related measures have been localized, it is clear that others remain to be identified. The rate of obesity is particularly high in American Indian populations. This study reports the results of a genome‐wide scan for loci influencing BMI and weight in 963 individuals in 58 families from three American Indian populations in Arizona, Oklahoma, and North and South Dakota participating in the Strong Heart Family Study. Research Methods and Procedures: Short tandem repeat markers were genotyped, resulting in a marker map with an average spacing of 10 centimorgans. Standard multipoint variance component linkage methods were used. Results: Significant evidence of linkage was observed in the overall sample, including all three study sites, for a locus on chromosome 4q35 [logarithm of the odds (LOD) = 5.17 for weight, 5.08 for BMI]. Analyses of the three study sites individually showed that the greatest linkage support for the chromosome 4 locus came from Arizona (LOD = 2.6 for BMI), but that LOD scores for weight were >1 in all three samples. Suggestive linkage signals (LOD >2) were also observed on chromosomes 5, 7, 8, and 10. Discussion: The chromosome 4 locus detected in this scan is in a region lacking any obvious positional candidate genes with known functions related to obesity. This locus may represent a novel obesity gene.  相似文献   

Measurements of serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) protein levels form the basis for a widely used test to screen men for prostate cancer. Germline variants in the gene that encodes the PSA protein (KLK3) have been shown to be associated with both serum PSA levels and prostate cancer. Based on a resequencing analysis of a 56?kb region on chromosome 19q13.33, centered on the KLK3 gene, we fine mapped this locus by genotyping tag SNPs in 3,522 prostate cancer cases and 3,338 controls from five case?Ccontrol studies. We did not observe a strong association with the KLK3 variant, reported in previous studies to confer risk for prostate cancer (rs2735839; P?=?0.20) but did observe three highly correlated SNPs (rs17632542, rs62113212 and rs62113214) associated with prostate cancer [P?=?3.41?×?10?4, per-allele trend odds ratio (OR)?=?0.77, 95% CI?=?0.67?C0.89]. The signal was apparent only for nonaggressive prostate cancer cases with Gleason score <7 and disease stage <III (P?=?4.72?×?10?5, per-allele trend OR?=?0.68, 95% CI?=?0.57?C0.82) and not for advanced cases with Gleason score >8 or stage ??III (P?=?0.31, per-allele trend OR?=?1.12, 95% CI?=?0.90?C1.40). One of the three highly correlated SNPs, rs17632542, introduces a non-synonymous amino acid change in the KLK3 protein with a predicted benign or neutral functional impact. Baseline PSA levels were 43.7% higher in control subjects with no minor alleles (1.61?ng/ml, 95% CI?=?1.49?C1.72) than in those with one or more minor alleles at any one of the three SNPs (1.12?ng/ml, 95% CI?=?0.96?C1.28) (P?=?9.70?×?10?5). Together our results suggest that germline KLK3 variants could influence the diagnosis of nonaggressive prostate cancer by influencing the likelihood of biopsy.  相似文献   

Essential hypertension, defined as elevated levels of blood pressure (BP) without any obvious cause, is a major risk factor for coronary heart disease, stroke, and renal disease. BP levels and susceptibility to development of essential hypertension are partially determined by genetic factors that are poorly understood. Similar to other efforts to understand complex, non-Mendelian phenotypes, genetic dissection of hypertension-related traits employs genomewide linkage analyses of families and association studies of patient cohorts, to uncover rare and common disease alleles, respectively. Family-based mapping studies of elevated BP cover the large intermediate ground for identification of genes with common variants of significant effect. Our genomewide linkage and candidate-gene-based association studies demonstrate that a replicated linkage peak for BP regulation on human chromosome 1q, homologous to mouse and rat quantitative trait loci for BP, contains at least three genes associated with BP levels in multiple samples: ATP1B1, RGS5, and SELE. Individual variants in these three genes account for 2-5-mm Hg differences in mean systolic BP levels, and the cumulative effect reaches 8-10 mm Hg. Because the associated alleles in these genes are relatively common (frequency >5%), these three genes are important contributors to elevated BP in the population at large.  相似文献   

Despite recent advances in the molecular genetics of type 2 diabetes, the majority of susceptibility genes in humans remain to be identified. We therefore conducted a 10-cM genomewide search (401 microsatellite markers) for type 2 diabetes-related traits in 637 members of 143 French pedigrees ascertained through multiple diabetic siblings, to map such genes in the white population. Nonparametric two-point and multipoint linkage analyzes-using the MAPMAKER-SIBS (MLS) and MAXIMUM-BINOMIAL-LIKELIHOOD (MLB) programs for autosomal markers and the ASPEX program for chromosome X markers-were performed with six diabetic phenotypes: diabetes and diabetes or glucose intolerance (GI), as well as with each of the two phenotypes associated with normal body weight (body-mass index<27 kg/m(2)) or early age at diagnosis (<45 years). In a second step, high-resolution genetic mapping ( approximately 2 cM) was performed in regions on chromosomes 1 and 3 loci showing the strongest linkage to diabetic traits. We found evidence for linkage with diabetes or GI diagnosed at age <45 years in 92 affected sib pairs from 55 families at the D3S1580 locus on chromosome 3q27-qter using MAPMAKER-SIBS (MLS = 4.67, P=.000004), supported by the MLB statistic (MLB-LOD=3.43, P=.00003). We also found suggestive linkage between the lean diabetic status and markers APOA2-D1S484 (MLS = 3. 04, P=.00018; MLB-LOD=2.99, P=.00010) on chromosome 1q21-q24. Several other chromosomal regions showed indication of linkage with diabetic traits, including markers on chromosome 2p21-p16, 10q26, 20p, and 20q. These results (a) showed evidence for a novel susceptibility locus for type 2 diabetes in French whites on chromosome 3q27-qter and (b) confirmed the previously reported diabetes-susceptibility locus on chromosome 1q21-q24. Saturation on both chromosomes narrowed the regions of interest down to an interval of <7 cM.  相似文献   

Lung cancer is a major cause of death in the United States and other countries. The risk of lung cancer is greatly increased by cigarette smoking and by certain occupational exposures, but familial factors also clearly play a major role. To identify susceptibility genes for familial lung cancer, we conducted a genomewide linkage analysis of 52 extended pedigrees ascertained through probands with lung cancer who had several first-degree relatives with the same disease. Multipoint linkage analysis, under a simple autosomal dominant model, of all 52 families with three or more individuals affected by lung, throat, or laryngeal cancer, yielded a maximum heterogeneity LOD score (HLOD) of 2.79 at 155 cM on chromosome 6q (marker D6S2436). A subset of 38 pedigrees with four or more affected individuals yielded a multipoint HLOD of 3.47 at 155 cM. Analysis of a further subset of 23 multigenerational pedigrees with five or more affected individuals yielded a multipoint HLOD score of 4.26 at the same position. The 14 families with only three affected relatives yielded negative LOD scores in this region. A predivided samples test for heterogeneity comparing the LOD scores from the 23 multigenerational families with those from the remaining families was significant (P=.007). The 1-HLOD multipoint support interval from the multigenerational families extends from C6S1848 at 146 cM to 164 cM near D6S1035, overlapping a genomic region that is deleted in sporadic lung cancers as well as numerous other cancer types. Parametric linkage and variance-components analysis that incorporated effects of age and personal smoking also supported linkage in this region, but with somewhat diminished support. These results localize a major susceptibility locus influencing lung cancer risk to 6q23-25.  相似文献   

Capillary malformations (port-wine stains) are the most common vascular malformations occurring in 0.3% of live births. Most capillary malformations occur sporadically and present as a solitary lesion. Capillary malformations can also occur as a component of well-described syndromes. Familial occurrence of multiple capillary malformations has been described in the literature, suggesting autosomal dominant inheritance with variable expression in this subgroup. A hereditary basis underlying the development of solitary capillary malformations has not been found, but may well be possible. We have mapped a locus for an autosomal dominant disorder in a three-generation family that manifested itself with multiple cutaneous capillary malformations to chromosome 5q13-22. This locus spans 48 cM between the markers D5S647 and D5S659 and harbours several candidate genes. By defining the gene(s) responsible for capillary malformations, we will gain more insight in the pathogenesis of this disorder. It is likely that genes implicated in these familial cases may be involved in the more sporadic cases.  相似文献   

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