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Quantitative surveys of sessile benthos and fish populations associated with reef habitats across a 15–50 m depth gradient were performed by direct diver observations using rebreathers at Isla Desecheo, Puerto Rico. Statistically significant differences between depths were found for total live coral, total coral species, total benthic algae, total sponges and abiotic cover. Live coral cover was higher at the mid-shelf (20 m) and shelf-edge (25 m) stations, whereas benthic algae and sponges were the dominant sessile-benthic assemblage at mesophotic stations below 25 m. Marked shifts in the community structure of corals and benthic algae were observed across the depth gradient. A total of 119 diurnal, non-cryptic fish species were observed across the depth gradient, including 80 species distributed among 7,841 individuals counted within belt-transects. Fish species richness was positively correlated with live coral cover. However, the relationship between total fish abundance and live coral was weak. Abundance of several numerically dominant fish species varied independently from live coral cover and appeared to be more influenced by depth and/or habitat type. Statistically significant differences in the rank order of abundance of fish species at euphotic vs mesophotic stations were detected. A small assemblage of reef fishes that included the cherubfish, Centropyge argi, sunshine chromis, Chromis insolata, greenblotch parrotfish, Sparisoma atomarium, yellowcheek wrasse, Halichoeres cyanocephalus, sargassum triggerfish, Xanthichthys ringens, and the longsnout butterflyfish, Chaetodon aculeatus was most abundant or only present from stations deeper than 30 m, and thus appear to be indicator species of mesophotic habitats.  相似文献   

Acidic mining lakes (ML) in Lusatia (Germany) are characterised by their geogenically determined chemistry. The present study describes the structure, main components and relationships within the food webs of three acidic mining lakes with different pH values (ML 111: pH 2.6; ML 117: pH 2.8; ML Felix: pH 3.6) in order to show their typical characteristics. The investigation covered the period 1995–1997. The number of species and the biomass are both low, but increase with increasing pH. Planktonic components in the most acidic ML 111 (pH 2.6–2.9) comprise bacteria, Ochromonas spp. and Chlamydomonas spp. and a few rotifers (E. worallii, C. hoodi). Heliozoans are the top-predators. In ML 117 (pH 2.8–3) Gymnodinium sp., ciliates, the rotifer B. sericus and the pioneer crustacean Chydorus sphaericus join the pelagial community. Heliozoans were not found in ML 117 or ML Felix (pH 3.4–3.8). ML Felix had the most taxa. The benthic food chain of all three lakes includes phytobenthic algae as producers, chironomids as primary consumers and corixids as top predators in the profundal. Corixids predate on small cladocerans inhabiting the pelagial in lakes with a pH above 2.8 such as ML Felix. They invade the pelagial and act as a connecting link between the benthic and the pelagic food chains, which are isolated in lakes with a lower pH. Occasionally primary producers and consumers were abundant in all three lakes. These organisms do not depend on the degree of acidity, but on the availability of essential ressources. Mass variations covered up any seasonal variation in the extremely acidic ML 111 (0.9 mm3 l–1), while in the other two lakes seasonal patterns of biomass were found.  相似文献   

Despite much research on zoantharians, little work has been done on the abundance of these animals in depths greater than 5 m. In this study, we examined the abundance of zoantharian species and their associated fauna at four depths (5, 10, 20, and 30 m) at multiple sites on the leeward west side of Curaçao in the southern Caribbean in order to provide baseline data. We aimed to quantify zoantharian-host associations in Curaçao to examine if the associations present vary according to different sites and across depths. Results showed that zooxanthellate Palythoa and Zoanthus were most common in shallow waters (5 m), although perhaps less common than observed 35–45 years ago, while sponge-associated species of Macrocnemina were commonly observed at greater depths. There was increasing zoantharian abundance and diversity with greater depth, and two major clusters of zoantharian assemblages in multi-dimensional scaling analyses, one cluster of shallow 5-m datasets, and the other of the large majority of 10-, 20-, and 30-m datasets, demonstrating that assemblages differed significantly by depth (5 m vs. 10, 20, 30 m). In contrast, no significant differences in zoantharian abundance or assemblage were seen across different sites. The data from this study establish a baseline of zoantharian assemblage data that can be compared with other regions and to datasets from Curaçao in the future, which will be of importance in tracking ecological shifts in the face of on-going climate change.  相似文献   

This study aimed at describing the phytoplankton dynamics and structure in a shallow eutrophic reservoir, the Garças Pond, located in the Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga (23°38′40.6′′ S, 46°37′28.0′′ W), in the Municipality of São Paulo, southeast Brazil. Samples were collected monthly from January to December 1997 in five depths (subsurface, 1 m, 2 m, 3 m, and 20 cm above the bottom) in the pelagic zone (Z max = 4.7 m). Abiotic variables studied were: water temperature, turbidity, transparency, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, inorganic carbon, and N and P dissolved and total forms. Altogether 236 phytoplankton taxa distributed among 10 classes were identified. Phytoplankton seasonal and vertical variation was related to shifts in the water chemical features as a consequence of a warm-wet season with stratified water column (phase 1, January–March and September–December) alternating with a cool-dry season with mixed water column (phase 2, April–August). There were shifts in cyanobacterial dominance over the entire year. During phase 1, Raphidiopsis/Cylindrospermopsis was one of the most important taxon. During phase 2, Raphidiopsis/Cylindrospermopsis biomass decreased, whereas richness and diversity increased and diatoms were relatively abundant. In September, when the water column was markedly stratified, a cyanobacterial bloom (Sphaerocavum brasiliense) occurred. Changes in water chemical variables caused by the bloom allowed recognition of a phase 3, in which pH and chlorophyll a, TP and CO3 2? concentration reached their highest values. According to Reynolds and collaborators’ functional groups approach, phase 1 was marked by groups S/W1/W2/H1/Y, phase 2 by groups K/L M /L O /D/P/X1/F, and phase 3 by group M. This sequence was corroborated by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) results.  相似文献   

The shallow-water nematodes of the White Sea are relatively well studied; however, information on the nematode fauna inhabiting the deepest part of this sea is very scarce. The composition of the nematode assemblages (at species and genus level) was studied in samples collected during four sampling occasions in the deepest part of the Kandalaksha Depression (the White Sea) in July 1998, October 1998, May 1999, and November 1999. Samples were collected from a depth of 251–288 m with the aid of a multicorer. In total, 59 nematode morphotypes belonging to 37 genera and 18 families were distinguished. The genera Sabatieria and Filipjeva dominated at all stations, followed by Aponema, Desmoscolex, and Quadricoma. The composition of the dominant genera can be considered typical for this depth range in temperate and Arctic waters, although Filipjeva and Aponema were among the dominant genera for the first time. The most abundant species were Sabatieria ornata, Aponema bathyalis, and Filipjeva filipjevi. In general, diversity of the nematode assemblages was lower than in the temperate and Arctic continental shelf and slope with reduced evenness and species richness. The evenness of nematode assemblages and other diversity indices decreased with increasing sediment depth. Based on the valid species and genera recorded, the nematode fauna of the Kandalaksha Depression showed a higher resemblance to that found in the shallow waters of Kandalaksha Bay.  相似文献   

gaMS-2 is a gametophytic male-sterile mutant of maize, with sterile pollen grains developmentally blocked at the binucleate stage. To characterise differentially expressed proteins in gaMS-2 pollen, we compared protein profiles of anthers and mature pollen from heterozygous GaMS-2/gaMS-2 plants and wild type (wt) plants by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE). A basic protein present at a greatly reduced level in GaMS-2/gaMS-2 anthers was subsequently identified by tandem mass spectrometry as Zea m 1 (a glycoprotein of 31 kDa), the major group-1 allergen of maize pollen and a member of the -expansin 1 family. Moreover, we show that Zea m 1 can be deglycosylated by peptide N-glycosidase F. After deglycosylation, four major isoforms—Zea m 1a (more acetic), Zea m 1b, Zea m1c and Zea m 1d (more basic)—can be discriminated in wt anther in 2-DE immunoblots probed with a monoclonal antibody against the group-1 pollen allergen, whereas all the isoforms, especially Zea m 1a, exist at reduced levels in GaMS-2/gaMS-2 anthers. Furthermore, the reduced Zea m 1 accumulation in the mutant appears to occur in immature pollen but not in anther sporophytic tissues. Finally, we separated sterile pollen grains (at the mononucleate stage) from fertile ones using 42% Percoll solution, and found that Zea m 1 is barely detectable in sterile pollen grains. Together, our results indicate that a reduced Zea m 1 level is associated with the sterile phenotype of gaMS-2.W. Wang and M. Scali contributed equally to this study  相似文献   

Wetlands Ecology and Management - The introduction of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) into North American waterways has led to widespread alteration of aquatic ecosystems. Control of this invader has...  相似文献   

Qu  Wenchuan  Morrison  R. J.  West  R. J. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,492(1-3):119-127
Rates of inorganic nutrient and oxygen fluxes, and gross community primary productivity were investigated using incubated cores in July, August and September 2001, in a seagrass meadow of Lake Illawarra, a barrier estuary in New South Wales, Australia. The results indicated that rates of gross primary productivity were high, varying from C = 0.62 to 1.89 g m–2 d–1; low P/R ratios of 0.28–0.48 define the system as heterotrophic and indicate that more carbon is respired than is produced. In order to determine the effect of macroalgae on O2 and nutrient fluxes, measurements were also conducted on cores from which the macroalgae had been removed. The results showed that the O2 fluxes during light incubations were significantly lower in the cores without macroalgae (P<0.01), indicating that macroalgae could be a significant contributor to the primary production in the lake. In general, nutrient fluxes showed a typical diurnal variation with an efflux from sediments in the dark and a reduced efflux (or uptake) in the light. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (NO2 + NO3 +NH4 +) net fluxes were directed from the sediments towards the water column and dominated by the NH4 + fluxes (>80%). NO2 + NO3 and o-P fluxes were always very low during the sampling period. The increasing tendency of net nutrient effluxes, especially NH4 + from July to September, is consistent with the increase of the water temperature and seagrass biomasses. However, in September, significantly lower light, dark and net NH4 + effluxes were found in the cores with macroalgae (SA-sediments) compared with the cores without macroalgae (S-sediments). These results support the hypothesis that actively-growing dense macroalgal mats (i.e., algal blooms in September) may act as a filter reducing the flux of nutrients to the water column.  相似文献   

Summary Human duodenal endocrine cells reactive with antibodies to cholecystokinin (CCK) 33 (10–20) and/or gastrin 34 (1–15) were studied by a combination of immunohistochemical and electron-microscopic methods. By immunohistochemistry, three types of endocrine cells were distinguished in human duodenal mucosa, i.e., those only positive for only CCK, those positive for both CCK and gastrin and those only positive for only gastrin. Ultrastructurally, the first cell type is characterized by many secretory granules with an eccentric dense core (mean diameter; 271+-74 nm). The second cell type, which was less frequent than the other two, has ultrastructural features that resemble type-I cells. The last cell type was composed of two types of cells containing small secretory granules identical to those of IG cells (mean diameter; 171+-31 nm) or large secretory granules indistinguishable from those of I cells (mean diameter; 286+-50 nm).  相似文献   

Plant adaptations to fire often display spatial heterogeneity associated with geographical variation in fire regime. We examined whether populations of the Tecate cypress (Hesperocyparis forbesii Adams) in southern California and northern Baja, Mexico, exhibited spatial heterogeneity in cone serotiny, in other life history traits associated with fire-adaptation, and in population demographic structure, to assess a putative difference in fire regime across the USA–Mexico border. Demographic data, tree life history data, and tree ring series were used to compare the demographic structure and life history traits of three populations in southern California with three populations in northern Baja California. In Baja populations, a greater number of tree size classes were present (χ 2 = 12,589; P < 0.05), cone serotiny was more facultative (Mann–Whitney U = 58, P < 0.05), and young adult trees had a higher reproductive output (Mann–Whitney U = 2.65, P < 0.05), suggesting that a difference in fire regime between southern California and northern Baja has existed long enough (ca 8000 years) to drive microevolutionary divergence between the two sets of populations, and is not solely the result of 20th century differences in fire management policies across the international border. The transitional area between the two different fire regimes does not appear to coincide with the border itself but may lie in a zone of ecological transition south of Ensenada. The range of phenotypic variation observed within the Tecate cypress metapopulation suggests this species has the capacity to adapt to future environmental changes.  相似文献   

X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) is an essential mechanism in females that compensates for the genome imbalance between females and males. It is known that XCI can spread into an autosome of patients with X;autosome translocations. The subject was a 5-year-old boy with Prader?CWilli syndrome (PWS)-like features including hypotonia, hypo-genitalism, hypo-pigmentation, and developmental delay. G-banding, fluorescent in situ hybridization, BrdU-incorporated replication, human androgen receptor gene locus assay, SNP microarrays, ChIP-on-chip assay, bisulfite sequencing, and real-time RT-PCR were performed. Cytogenetic analyses revealed that the karyotype was 46,XY,der(X)t(X;15)(p21.1;q11.2),?15. In the derivative chromosome, the X and half of the chromosome 15 segments showed late replication. The X segment was maternal, and the chromosome 15 region was paternal, indicating its post-zygotic origin. The two chromosome 15s had a biparental origin. The DNA methylation level was relatively high in the region proximal from the breakpoint, and the level decreased toward the middle of the chromosome 15 region; however, scattered areas of hypermethylation were found in the distal region. The promoter regions of the imprinted SNRPN and the non-imprinted OCA2 genes were completely and half methylated, respectively. However, no methylation was found in the adjacent imprinted gene UBE3A, which contained a lower density of LINE1 repeats. Our findings suggest that XCI spread into the paternal chromosome 15 led to the aberrant hypermethylation of SNRPN and OCA2 and their decreased expression, which contributes to the PWS-like features and hypo-pigmentation of the patient. To our knowledge, this is the first chromosome-wide methylation study in which the DNA methylation level is demonstrated in an autosome subject to XCI.  相似文献   

The sulfonylurea receptor (SUR1) of the pancreatic beta-cell ATP-sensitive potassium channel plays a key role in glucose-induced insulin secretion. The A-allele of a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in exon 31 of the SUR1 gene (AGG-->AGA; Arg1273Arg) has previously been shown to be associated with hyperinsulinemia in nondiabetic Mexican-American subjects. Here, we have investigated the association of this SNP with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in French Caucasian subjects. We have observed an increased frequency of the A allele (37.1% vs 27.6%, P=0.0048; odds ratio 1.54), of the AA genotype (15.7% vs 9.8%; P=0.025), and of the combined AA/AG genotypes (58.5% vs 45.5%, P=0.0098; odds ratio 1.69) in patients compared with controls. This association is stronger in the subgroup of patients with age of diagnosis of diabetes equal to or less than 45 years: A allele 43.2% (P=0.0003 compared with controls; odds ratio 1.99), AA genotype 21.4% (P=0.0032), and combined AA/AG genotypes 65.1% (P=0.0022; odds ratio 2.23). Unexpectedly, the G allele is strongly associated with arterial hypertension in obese diabetic subjects (GG vs AA odds ratio 19.97). In conclusion, we have observed an association of an SNP in exon 31 of the SUR1 gene with T2DM. These data reinforce the hypothesis that insulin secretion defects in T2DM might be at least partially related to allelic variations in the SUR1 gene.  相似文献   

To investigate the phylogenetic position of Blakiston’s fish owl (Bubo blakistoni), we sequenced the mitochondrial (mt) DNA control region and cytochrome b (cyt b) for nine Bubo species. Maximum-likelihood analyses of combined control region and cyt b sequences, and cyt b sequences alone, showed that species formerly placed in genus Ketupa comprise a monophyletic group. Unexpectedly, we discovered a long cluster of 20–25 tandem repeat units 77 or 78 bp long in the third control region domain in four of the nine Bubo species for which the control region was sequenced (B. blakistoni, B. flavipes, and B. ketupu in the Ketupa clade; B. lacteus), leading to overall control region lengths of 3.0–3.8 kpb estimated from agarose gel electrophoresis. The control region in B. lacteus is the longest (3.8 kbp) reported to date in vertebrates. Sequencing of eight repeat units at each end of the cluster in 20 B. blakistoni individuals detected several types of repeat units 77 or 78 bp long, and six patterns in the order of unit types. The occurrence of a repeat cluster in all three species examined in the Ketupa clade suggests their common ancestor also had a cluster, whereas a maximum parsimony tree showed repeat-unit types grouping by species, rather than by paralog groups, suggesting independent origins of the clusters. We reconcile these results with a turnover model, in which the range in cluster-length variation and unit types at the 5′ end are hypothetically functionally constrained by the protein-binding function of the control region, but otherwise there is a continual turnover of units in evolutionary time, with new unit types arising through mutations, proliferating by duplication of single and double repeat blocks, and being lost through deletion. Estimated free energies for reconstructed secondary structures of single and especially pairs of repeat units were higher than for homologous single-unit blocks in species lacking a repeat cluster, supporting slipped-strand mispairing as the mechanism of cluster turnover.  相似文献   

Anita Kiss 《Hydrobiologia》2007,585(1):89-98
Spatial and temporal distribution, abundance and habitat preferences of ostracod assemblages were studied in various habitats of Lake Fehér in Hungary. Of the 20 species Fabaeformiscandona hyalina and Cypridopsis hartwigi are new to Hungary. Significant spatial differences were recorded in the composition and abundance of the Ostracoda assemblages in the different habitats. The most diverse and abundant assemblages were found in the reed-belt, however, the mean abundance of the species differed in the different macrophyte communities of the reed-belt. The species richness and abundance were considerably lower in disturbed sites than in the other habitats. Most of the 20 species showed distinct habitat preferences and ecological tolerances. Especially the presence and coverage of the vegetation and the dissolved oxygen content influenced the distribution and abundance of the species.  相似文献   

Current knowledge about the abundance, growth, and primary production of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson is biased towards shallow (depth <3 m) meadows although this species also forms extensive meadows at larger depths along the coastlines. The biomass and primary production of a C. nodosa meadow located at a depth of 8–11 m was estimated at the time of maximum annual vegetative development (summer) using reconstruction techniques, and compared with those available from shallow meadows of this species. A depth-referenced data base of values at the time of maximum annual development was compiled to that end. The vegetative development of C. nodosa at 8–11 m depth was not different from that achieved by shallow (depth <3 m) meadows of this species. Only shoot density, which decreased from 1637 to 605 shoots m−2, and the annual rate of elongation of the horizontal rhizome, which increased from 23 to 71 cm apex−1 year−1, were different as depth increased from <3 to 8–11 m. Depth was a poor predictor of the vegetative development and primary production of C. nodosa. The biomass of rhizomes and roots decreased with depth (g DW m−2 = 480 (±53, S.E.) − 32 (±15, S.E.) depth (in m); R2 = 0.12, F = 4.65, d.f. = 35, P = 0.0381) which made total biomass of the meadow to show a trend of decrease with depth but the variance of biomass data explained by depth was low. The annual rate of elongation of the horizontal rhizome showed a significant positive relationship with depth (cm apex−1 year−1 = 18 (±5.1, S.E.) + 5.0 (±1.33, S.E.) depth (in m); R2 = 0.50, F = 14.07, d.f. = 14, P = 0.0021). As shoot size and growth did not change significantly with depth, the reduction of shoot density should drive any changes of biomass and productivity of C. nodosa as depth increases. The processes by which this reduction of C. nodosa abundance with depth occur remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Dung beetles (Scarabaeinae y Aphodiinae) were used to evaluate the effects of human activities in the area surrounding La Planada Natural Reserve, southwestern Colombia. During 1993 we monitored three habitats: primary and secondary forest, and open fields used for cattle grazing. A total of 55,296 trap/hours, evenly distributed among the three habitat types, captured 9,115 individuals (18 species, 11 genera). There were differences in species richness between habitats (F2,9 = 29.88; P < 0.001), an in number of individuals (F 2,9 = 36.22; P < 0.001). Collecting sites differed within habitats. Cluster analyses show that species composition differs between habitats with and without tree cover. Open areas act as barriers for movements of forest species. Differences between habitats and collecting sites may reflect high environmental heterogeneity, land use history of the sites or the influence of nearby disturbance. Some of the species found in open fields come from lower elevations and are usually associated with intense human disturbance. The proportion of digging and rolling species is similar in both primary and secondary forest, nocturnal species are more abundant; in open areas rolling species are absent and the number of diurnal species increases. We found no relationship between rainfall and species richness (r2 = 0.26; P = 0.41), nor between rainfall and number of individuals collected throughout the year (r2 = 0.07; P = 0.84). For all species the number of individuals collected decreased during dry season and during the onset of the rainy season.  相似文献   

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