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Coral Reefs - Benthic cyanobacterial mats (BCMs) have increased in abundance on coral reefs worldwide. However, their species diversity and role in nitrogen fixation are poorly understood. We...  相似文献   

Fringing reefs along the southwestern shores of the Caribbean islands of Curaçao and Bonaire (12°N), located outside the most frequent hurricane tracks, are rarely affected by heavy wave-action and major storms, yet have experienced disturbances such as coral bleaching, coral diseases, and mass mortalities. The last major hurricane to hit these islands occurred over 100 yr ago. In November 1999, Hurricane Lenny took an unusual west-to-east track, bisecting the Caribbean Basin and passing approximately 200 miles north of Curaçao and Bonaire. The leeward shores of both islands were pounded for 24 h by heavy waves (~3–6 m) generated while the storm was centered far to the west. Reef damage surveys at 33 sites conducted between November 1999 to April 2000, following the storm, documented occurrences of toppling, fragmentation, tissue damage, bleaching, and smothering due to the storm. Reefs were severely damaged along westward-facing shores but less impacted where the reef front was tangential to the wave direction or was protected by offshore islands. At the most severely damaged sites, massive coral colonies 2–3-m high (older than 100 yr) were toppled or overturned, smaller corals were broken loose and tumbled across the shallow reef platform and either deposited on the shore or dropped onto the deeper forereef slope. Branching and plating growth forms suffered more damage than massive species and large colonies experienced greater damage than small colonies. Toppled massive corals have a high potential of preserving the event signature even if they survive and continue to grow. Reorientation of large, long-lived coralla may provide a unique indicator of disturbance in a reef system rarely affected by hurricanes. At some locations, wave scouring removed loose sediment to reveal a cemented framework of Acropora cervicornis rubble on the shallow platform above 10-m depth. This rubble was generated in situ, not by storm processes, but rather by an earlier mass mortality of thickets of staghorn coral that covered extensive areas of the shallow platform prior to the incidence of white band disease in the early 1980s.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are thought to be in worldwide decline but available data are practically limited to reefs shallower than 25 m. Zooxanthellate coral communities in deep reefs (30–40 m) are relatively unstudied. Our question is: what is happening in deep reefs in terms of coral cover and coral mortality? We compare changes in species composition, coral mortality, and coral cover at Caribbean (Curacao and Bonaire) deep (30–40 m) and shallow reefs (10–20 m) using long-term (1973–2002) data from permanent photo quadrats. About 20 zooxanthellate coral species are common in the deep-reef communities, dominated by Agaricia sp., with coral cover up to 60%. In contrast with shallow reefs, there is no decrease in coral cover or number of coral colonies in deep reefs over the last 30 years. In deep reefs, non-agaricid species are decreasing but agaricid domination will be interrupted by natural catastrophic mortality such as deep coral bleaching and storms. Temperature is a vastly fluctuating variable in the deep-reef environment with extremely low temperatures possibly related to deep-reef bleaching. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

We investigated the degree to which component grains vary with depositional environment in sediments from three reef habitats from the Pleistocene (125?ka) Hato Unit of the Lower Terrace, Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles: windward reef crest, windward back reef, and leeward reef crest. The windward reef crest sediment is the most distinctive, dominated by fragments of encrusting and branching coralline red algae, coral fragments and the encrusting foraminiferan Carpenteria sp. Windward back reef and leeward reef crest sediments are more similar compositionally, only showing significant differences in relative abundance of coral fragments and Homotrema rubrum. Although lacking high taxonomic resolution and subject to modification by transport, relative abundance of constituent grain types offers a way of assessing ancient skeletal reef community composition, and one which is not limited to a single taxonomic group. The strong correlation between grain type and environment we found in the Pleistocene of Curaçao suggests that constituent grain analysis may be an effective tool in delineating Pleistocene Caribbean reef environments. However, it will not be a sufficient indicator where communities vary significantly within reef environments or where evolutionary and/or biogeographical processes lead to different relationships between community composition and reef environment. Detailed interpretation of geological, biological, and physical characteristics of the Pleistocene reefs of Curaçao reveals that the abundance of the single coral species, Acropora palmata, is not a good predictor of the ecological structure of the ancient reef coral communities. This coral was the predominant species in two of the three reef habitats (windward and leeward reef crest), but the taxonomic composition (based on species relative abundance data) of the reef coral communities was substantially different in these two environments. We conclude that qualitative estimates of coral distribution patterns (presence of a key coral species or the use of a distinctive coral skeletal architecture), when used as a component in a multi-component analysis of ancient reef environments, probably introduces minimal circular reasoning into quantitative paleoecological studies of reef coral community structure.  相似文献   

Despite much research on zoantharians, little work has been done on the abundance of these animals in depths greater than 5 m. In this study, we examined the abundance of zoantharian species and their associated fauna at four depths (5, 10, 20, and 30 m) at multiple sites on the leeward west side of Curaçao in the southern Caribbean in order to provide baseline data. We aimed to quantify zoantharian-host associations in Curaçao to examine if the associations present vary according to different sites and across depths. Results showed that zooxanthellate Palythoa and Zoanthus were most common in shallow waters (5 m), although perhaps less common than observed 35–45 years ago, while sponge-associated species of Macrocnemina were commonly observed at greater depths. There was increasing zoantharian abundance and diversity with greater depth, and two major clusters of zoantharian assemblages in multi-dimensional scaling analyses, one cluster of shallow 5-m datasets, and the other of the large majority of 10-, 20-, and 30-m datasets, demonstrating that assemblages differed significantly by depth (5 m vs. 10, 20, 30 m). In contrast, no significant differences in zoantharian abundance or assemblage were seen across different sites. The data from this study establish a baseline of zoantharian assemblage data that can be compared with other regions and to datasets from Curaçao in the future, which will be of importance in tracking ecological shifts in the face of on-going climate change.  相似文献   

The authors studied removal rates of bacteria and the regeneration of inorganic nutrients in coral reef cavities in the reef slope of Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. We found that in cavities the hard substratum surface area (=ca 68% of cavity surface area) is 65% covered with sessile filter feeders. The cryptic cavity surface area exceeds the projected surface area of the reef by 1.5–8 times. Consequently, the organisms living in these cryptic habitats have potentially a large impact on pico- and nano-plankton densities and are important in reef water nutrient dynamics. We closed cavities (±70 l volume, 15 m depth) in seven experiments to study changes in bacterial densities and dissolved inorganic nutrients (DIN, DIP, and silicate) over time. Water samples were taken from the middle of the cavity at 5-min intervals, for 30 min, and analyzed for heterotrophic bacterial abundance and nutrient concentrations. After closure, bacterial abundance dropped rapidly. Of the initial bacterial concentration in the cavities, 50–60% had disappeared after 30 min, an average disappearance rate of 1.43×104 bacteria ml–1 min–1 (0.62 mg C l–1 d–1; or 30.1 mg C m–2 cavity surface area d–1). NOx concentrations increased significantly during the time of closure. Efflux rates varied between 1.02–9.77 mmol m–2 cavity surface area d–1. NH4+ and PO43– concentrations were variable and did not show a consistent change over time in the experiments. Comparison of bacterial organic nitrogen disappearance rates and DIN (NOx+NH4+) release rates suggests that on average only 30–40% of additional sources of N besides bacteria were required to balance the nitrogen budget. This highlights the importance of heterotrophic bacterioplankton as food for cryptic filter feeders on coral reefs. Silicate concentrations significantly decreased after closure with 0.50 mmol m–2 cavity surface area d–1, suggesting the net deposition of SiO42– in spicules of cryptic filter feeding sponges. We conclude that coral reef cavities are a major sink for heterotrophic bacteria, a sink for dissolved silicon (DSi), and a source for NOx. That reef cavities are a source for NOx suggests strong remineralization and nitrification in cavities with a potential role for sponge-symbiotic microbial nitrification.Communicated by K.S. Sealey  相似文献   

Lobophora variegata occurs in the eulittoral zone and in deep water on coral reefs in Curaçao. An analysis of the long-term (1979–2006) changes in the vertical distribution of the macroalga in permanent quadrats indicated a significant increase in cover of the deepwater community. In 1998, Lobophora covered 1 and 5% of the quadrats at 20 and 30 m, respectively. By 2006, these values had risen to 25 and 18%, precipitating a shift in abundance of corals and macroalgae at both depths. This increase coincided with losses in coral cover, possibly linked to bleaching, disease and storm-related mortality in deep water plating Agaricia corals. In contrast, macroalgae remained relatively rare (<6% cover) on shallower (10 m) and deeper (40 m) reefs despite declines in coral cover also occurring at these depths, illustrating the depth-dependent dynamics of coral reefs. Several hypotheses are suggested to explain these changes.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Corals from Hawaii (Montipora capitata) and the Caribbean (brown and orange morphs of Montastraea cavernosa) have previously been shown to harbor symbiotic bacteria capable of fixing...  相似文献   

Summary The Seroe Domi Formation is a 350 m-thick sequence of Neogene marine limestones and silicilastic sandstones cropping out on the leeward coast of Cura?ao, Netherlands Antilles. Integrated analyses of lithofacies, biostratigraphy, geochemistry and Sr isotope model age analyses indicate that Seroe Domi Formation has experienced three major episodes of limestone diagenesis and dolomitization (Dolomites I, I′, and II) that have taken place after successive Mio-Plio-Pleistocene depositional and subaerial exposure events (Subunits 1, 2, and 3). Subunit 1, the lowermost 30 to 100 m of the Seroe Domi Formation, is composed of interbedded coralgal grainstone gravity flows, pelagic wackestones, and allochthonous blocks deposited in Middle Miocene deep-water (>500 m) fore-reef and carbonate slope environments. Subunit 2, the uppermost 250 m of the Seroe Domi Formation, consists of coralgal packstones with basement-derived siliciclastic sands that were deposted in shallowing fore-reef to reef-front environments during the Late Miocene to Pliocene. Subunit 3 siliciclastic sandstones were deposited during the Early Pleistocene within erosional cavities in the Subunit 2 limestones, and are overlain by Late Pleistocene Quaternary Limestone Terraces. The petrography, distribution and geochemistry of Dolomites I, I′ and II indicate that they were precipitated from seawater-freshwater mixing zone fluid environments. Dolomite rhombs and meteoric calcite cements within biomolds illustrate that the host Seroe Domi Formation limestones were subaerially exposed prior to each dolomitization event. Dolomite I (δ18O = +1.04 to +2.46% PDB; δ13C = −2.55 to −6.79 PDB;87Sr/86Sr=0.708866 to 0.708915; Zn=0 ppm; Cu=0 ppm) was precipitated from mixtures of seawater with isotopically-depleted freshwater during the late Middle Miocene. Dolomite I′ (δ18O = +2.08 to +3.55 PDB, δ13C = −1.53 to 1.69 PDB,87Sr/86Sr=0.708981−0.709030; Zn=0 ppm; Cu=0 ppm) was also precipitated from mixtures of seawater with isotopically-depleted freshwater, but during late Late Miocene. In contrast, Dolomite II (δ18O = +2.69 to +3.51 PDB; δ13C = −0.34 to +1.53 PDB;87Sr/86Sr=0.708954 to 0.709088; Zn=20 ppm; Cu=20 ppm) precipitated from late Early Pliocene mixtures of seawater with isotopically-depleted freshwater that had derived Zn, Cu, and less-radiogenic Sr from basalts comprising the Cura?ao basement.  相似文献   

Collecting reef-fish specimens using a manned submersible diving to 300 m off Curaçao, southern Caribbean, is resulting in the discovery of numerous new fish species. The new Liopropoma sea bass described here differs from other western Atlantic members of the genus in having VIII, 13 dorsal-fin rays; a moderately indented dorsal-fin margin; a yellow-orange stripe along the entire upper lip; a series of approximately 13 white, chevron-shaped markings on the ventral portion of the trunk; and a reddish-black blotch on the tip of the lower caudal-fin lobe. The new species, with predominantly yellow body and fins, closely resembles the other two “golden basses” found together with it at Curaçao: L. aberrans and L. olneyi. It also shares morphological features with the other western Atlantic liopropomin genus, Bathyanthias. Preliminary phylogenetic data suggest that western Atlantic liopropomins, including Bathyanthias, are monophyletic with respect to Indo-Pacific Liopropoma, and that Bathyanthias is nested within Liopropoma, indicating a need for further study of the generic limits of Liopropoma. The phylogenetic data also suggest that western Atlantic liopropomins comprise three monophyletic clades that have overlapping depth distributions but different depth maxima (3–135 m, 30–150 m, 133–411 m). The new species has the deepest depth range (182–241 m) of any known western Atlantic Liopropoma species. Both allopatric and depth-mediated ecological speciation may have contributed to the evolution of western Atlantic Liopropomini.  相似文献   

The Serre Ponçon reservoir, in the southern French alps, filled when the dam was completed in 1960. It has meso-eutrophic characteristics. Two hydrobiological studies carried out in 1980 and in 1996 showed interspecific variation in zooplankton and fish communities. A strong development of B. longirostris, D. brachyurum and C. pulchella, characteristic of eutrophic environments, was apparent in 1996, while the population of Daphnia longispina, which was dominant in 1980, had declined. At the same time, strong growth of the bleak Alburnus alburnus, was observed. Research into prey selection over several seasons showed that prey size and density were often a determining factor for capture, e.g., in C. pulchella, D. longispina and C.v. vicinus. However, some small sized rare species such as B. longirostris were also much sought after.  相似文献   

To examine the role of climatic extremes in structuring reef fish communities in the Arabian region, reef fish communities were visually surveyed at four sites within the southern Persian Gulf (also known as the Arabian Gulf and The Gulf), where sea-surface temperatures are extreme (range: 12-35° C annually), and these were compared with communities at four latitudinally similar sites in the biogeographically connected Gulf of Oman, where conditions are more moderate (range: 22-31° C annually). Although sites were relatively similar in the cover and composition of coral communities, substantial differences in the structure and composition of associated fish assemblages were apparent. Fish assemblages in the southern Persian Gulf held significantly lower estimates of abundance, richness and biomass, with significantly higher abundances of smaller sized individuals than Gulf of Oman assemblages. Functionally, southern Persian Gulf sites held significantly lower abundances of nearly all the common fish trophic guilds found on Gulf of Oman sites, although higher abundances of herbivorous grazers were apparent. These results suggest the potential for substantial changes in the structure of reef-associated fish communities, independent of changes in habitat within an environment of increasing fluctuations in oceanic climate.  相似文献   

Forty years after its formulation, the hypothesis of the RNA-World remains rather controversial even though studies of RNA catalysis in cellular processes (for example, in the ubiquitous ribosomal peptide-bond formation) have clearly lent increased plausibility to the idea that an RNA-World existed at some point in the evolution leading to the emergence of cellular life. Indeed, several issues remain that weaken the concept: the synthesis of the RNA monomers under prebiotic conditions, their subsequent, efficient polymerization to yield ribozymes that specifically catalyze their own replication. This communication summarizes existing studies of the RNA polymerization from monomers. In our opinion, the recent developments show that given time plausible answers to some of the issues facing the RNA-World hypothesis will be found. Presented at: International School of Complexity – 4th Course: Basic Questions on the Origins of Life; “Ettore Majorana” Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy, 1–6 October 2006.  相似文献   

Three field predator exclusion experiments were conducted in 1992 on a lagoonal muddy pan of the Bay of Cádiz to measure the effects of large epibenthic predators (fish and crustacean decapods) on the benthic macroinvertebrate community at different periods of the year (May–June, August–September, November–December). At the end of each field experiment (30–31 days), benthic macrofaunal communities within exclosures and control plots (three replicates for each treatment) were compared. There were no considerable exclosure artifacts in all three experiments, but a great heterogenity in the spatial macrofaunal distribution was observed especially in the late autumn experiment. No systematic change in overall faunal characteristics was observed with the exclusion of epibenthic predators, except significantly greater mean individual sizes (all experiments) and lower total densities (June and December) within exclosures. For several benthic species, a statistically detectable increased density and larger mean individual size were also observed within exclosures in May–June and August–September experiments but not in December, probably related to the higher predatory activity during the warm season. Conversely, the amphipod Microdeutopus gryllotalpa showed lower density but also larger mean size when epibenthic predators were excluded. An algal cover (Ulva) was present at three field experiments and had a mixed effect on the density of benthic macrofauna. Some epifaunal species (or epifaunal stages) were positively affected by the algal biomass, while some infaunal species were negatively affected.  相似文献   

The impact of climate change on fungal growth and spore production is less well documented than for allergenic pollen grains, although similar implications for respiratory tract diseases in humans occur. Fungal spores are commonly described as either “dry” or “wet” according to the type of weather associated with their occurrence in the air. This study examined the distribution of selected fungal spores (Alternaria spp., Cladosporium spp., Didymella spp., Epicoccum spp., Leptosphaeria spp. and rusts) occurring in the West Midlands of UK during 2 years of contrasting weather. Spore specimens were collected using a 7-day volumetric air sampler and then analysed with the aid of light microscopy. Distributions of spores were then studied using normality tests and Mann–Whitney U test, while relationships with meteorological parameters were investigated using Spearman’s rank test and angular-linear correlation for wind direction analysis. Our results showed that so-called wet spores were more sensitive to the weather changes showing statistically significant differences between the 2 years of study, in contrast to “dry” spores. We predict that in following years we will observe accelerated levels in allergenic fungal spore production as well as changes in species diversity. This study could be a starting point to revise the grouping system of fungal spores as either “dry” or “wet” types and their response to climate change.  相似文献   

Although coral declines have been reported from major reefs of the world, region-specific trends still remain unclear, particularly in areas with high diversity such as the Philippines. We assessed the temporal patterns of the magnitude and trajectory of coral cover change in the Philippines using survey data collected from 317 sites. We examined the rate of change in coral cover in relation to time, effects of bleaching and protection against fishing and assessed the efficacy of marine protected areas (MPAs) using meta-analysis. Results showed an overall increase in coral cover in the Philippines from 1981 to 2010. Protection from fishing contributed to the overall increase in the mean annual rate of change as the coral cover significantly increased within MPAs than outside. The significant differences in the rate of coral cover change through time were influenced by chronic anthropogenic stresses, coinciding with the timing of thermal stress and the establishment of MPAs. The rate of change in coral cover was independent of the level of protection and the age and size of MPA.  相似文献   

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