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To examine the synergism of high temperature and sulfide on two dominant tropical seagrass species, a large-scale mesocosm experiment was conducted in which sulfide accumulation rates (SAR) were increased by adding labile carbon (glucose) to intact seagrass sediment cores across a range of temperatures. During the initial 10 d of the 38 d experiment, porewater SAR in cores increased 2- to 3-fold from 44 and 136 μmol L− 1 d− 1 at 28-29 °C to 80 and 308 μmol L− 1 d− 1 at 34-35 °C in Halodule wrightii and Thalassia testudinum cores, respectively. Labile C additions to the sediment resulted in SAR of 443 and 601 μmol L− 1 d− 1 at 28-29 °C and 758 to 1,557 μmol L− 1 d− 1 at 34-35 °C in H. wrightii and T. testudinum cores, respectively. Both T. testudinum and H. wrightii were highly thermal tolerant, demonstrating their tropical affinities and potential to adapt to high temperatures. While plants survived the 38 d temperature treatments, there was a clear thermal threshold above 33 °C where T. testudinum growth declined and leaf quantum efficiencies (Fv/Fm) fell below 0.7. At this threshold temperature, H. wrightii maintained shoot densities and leaf quantum efficiencies. Although H. wrightii showed a greater tolerance to high temperature, T. testudinum had a greater capacity to sustain biomass and short shoots under thermal stress with labile C enrichment, regardless of the fact that sulfide levels in the T. testudinum cores were 2 times higher than in the H. wrightii cores. Tropical seagrass tolerance to elevated temperatures, predicted in the future with global warming, should be considered in the context of the sediment-plant complex which incorporates the synergism of plant physiological responses and shifts in sulfur biogeochemistry leading to increased plant exposure to sulfides, a known toxin.  相似文献   

We examined C:N:P ratios of seagrass leaves and epiphytic algae from the eastern shoreline of Grand Bay (Alabama, USA) and the entire shoreline of Big Lagoon (Florida, USA) during the summer of 2001 and March 2003, and used contour plotting of N:P ratios in both locations to examine spatial trends in our data. Results indicated phosphorus limitation for seagrass and epiphytes in each bay. In addition, C:N, C:P, and N:P ratios in both locations showed differences between summer and wintertime values for seagrasses; however, the only epiphytic elemental ratios to differ were C:P and N:P ratios in Grand Bay. Within Grand Bay, phosphorus limitation was stronger in epiphytes than seagrasses, with the largest amount of variation in N:P ratios occurring adjacent to the only developed land on the shoreline. In Big Lagoon, two distinct areas were present in N:P contour plots: the eastern end of the bay that was influenced by water from the Gulf of Mexico and Santa Rosa Sound, and the western end of the bay that was most influenced by Perdido Bay and a developed area along the northern shoreline. Detection of phosphorus limitation within Big Lagoon was not surprising, as both input sources to Big Lagoon are known to be low in phosphorus. However, phosphorus limitation in Grand Bay was unexpected, as both “feeder systems” (Mobile Bay and the Mississippi Sound) have high ambient phosphorus levels. As a result, C:N:P ratios from seagrasses and epiphytes may not accurately reflect ambient nutrient levels in Grand Bay due to decreased availability of some forms of phosphorus or increased competition for the uptake of phosphorus. Overall, our C:N:P analysis suggested that not only was P limitation greater than N limitation in Grand Bay and Big Lagoon, but patterns of nutrient limitation varied both temporally and geographically for inter- and intra-bay comparisons.  相似文献   

In a survey of the Myeik Archipelago, we documented seven seagrass species in the southern region. Three seagrass species (Cymodocea rotundata, Enhalus acoroides, and Halophila ovalis) have previously been reported in the Myeik Archipelago; three species (Halodule pinifolia, Halodule uninervis, Syringodium isoetifolium) are new reports for the archipelago; and one species (Thalassia hemprichii) is a new report for Myanmar.  相似文献   

The sea urchin,Tripneustes gratilla, which feeds mainly on living leaves of the seagrass,Thalassia hemprichii, was studied in its habitat on the southern coast of Papua New Guinea, and its roles in decomposition and nutrient cycling in a seagrass bed were assessed through the excretion of ammonium and metabolism of feces produced by the sea urchin. Carbon content of the fresh feces (21% of dry weight) was similar to that of intact dead leaves of the same species (22–23%). Carbon/nitrogen and carbon/phosphorus ratios of the feces (21.7 and 466, respectively), however, were significantly lower than those of the dead leaves (25.9–27.7 and 656–804, respectively), indicating that the feces retain more nitrogen and phosphorus in comparison with carbon. Net consumption of ammonium and orthophosphate typically concurred with oxygen consumption during dark incubation of both the dead leaves and the sea urchin feces. Compared with the same oxygen consumption rate, however, the dead leaves consumed more orthophosphate than the feces. Under sunlight, dead leaves showed a net accumulation of carbon by epiphytic algae, while the feces showed a carbon loss. Ammonium excretion by this sea urchin (1.7–5.4 mg nitrogen/individual/day) would thus appear to make a significant contribution to nitrogen recycling since biological communities associated with dead leaves and sea urchin feces tend to demand an external supply of nitrogen, such as ammonium.  相似文献   

The interactive effects of light, nutrients, and simulated herbivory on the structure and functioning of a subtropical turtlegrass bed were analyzed monthly from May to October 2001 in Perdido Bay, FL. For each of the three factors, two levels were evaluated in a factorial design with four replicates per treatment. The variables included: light, at ambient and 40% reduction; nutrients, at ambient and 2× ambient concentrations; and herbivory, with no herbivory and simulated effects of a density of 15 sea urchins/m2. In practice, light levels turned out to be 40% of surface PAR for ambient conditions, and 16% for shaded plots. Biomass removed as herbivory represented, on average, slightly less than 20% of the above-ground biomass. Separate three-way ANOVAs found no significant three-way interactions for any of the response variables, and few two-way interactions. There were no significant nutrient effects on turtlegrass above-ground biomass, although nutrient additions produced significant decreases in epibiont biomass, and net above-ground primary production (NAPP); significant increases in below-ground biomass during the peak of the growing season. Shoot density and average number of leaves per shoot increased significantly, while the C/N ratio of the oldest leaf in the enriched plots decreased significantly. Light reduction significantly negatively affected all response variables, except below-ground biomass, shoot density and leaf length. Herbivory had isolated and inconsistent significant effects on below-ground biomass, shoot density, average number of leaves per shoot, and leaf length and width. Overall, our results indicate that nutrients are not limiting in Perdido Bay, and that nutrient additions had mostly detrimental effects. Light appeared to be the most important variable limiting seagrasses growth and abundance, and as with terrestrial plants, seagrasses seemed to respond more to light and nutrients than to herbivory. However, it is essential that additional tests of the single and interactive effects of the three key factors of light, nutrients and herbivory be done to evaluate the generality of our work, since our study is the first of its kind in seagrass meadows.  相似文献   

Seagrass leaves are often densely covered by epiphytic algae which can suppress seagrass productivity and has been implicated in declines of seagrass meadows worldwide. The net effect of epiphytes on seagrass growth and morphology depends on the independent and interactive effects of a variety of factors, including nutrient availability and the intensity of grazing on epiphytes. Here I report the results of a mesocosm experiment designed to test the effects of nutrient addition and within-functional group variation (grazer species composition and the source population of seagrass) on the strength of the interactions among grazers, epiphytes, and turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum). Turtle grass ramets from two sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico were cleared of epiphytes and transplanted into common-garden mesocosms. Replicate ramets were grown in a split-split plot design with two levels of dissolved nutrients and four different grazer species combinations (Tozeuma carolinense alone, Pagurus maclaughlinae alone, both species together, and no grazers present). As expected, grazers had a significant negative effect on epiphyte biomass/leaf area and a significant positive effect on turtle grass growth in the mesocosms. The two species were more similar in their direct effects on epiphyte biomass than in their indirect effects on turtle grass growth; this may reflect differences in epiphyte community composition under different grazer treatments. The effect of nutrient addition on turtle grass growth depended critically on the intensity of grazing: in the presence of grazers, turtle grass tended to produce a greater biomass of new leaf tissue in the tanks with nutrients added than in the control tanks. However, when grazers were absent, the direction of the effect was reversed, and plants with nutrients added grew less than the control plants. The two source populations of turtle grass differed significantly in epiphyte biomass/leaf area accrued in the mesocosms as well as in the strength of the effect of grazers on turtle grass growth. This suggests that population differentiation in seagrass interactions with epiphytes, as well as spatial and temporal variation in resources and grazer community composition, can greatly effect the role of epiphytes in limiting seagrass productivity.  相似文献   

Starch grains are a ubiquitous component of plants that have been used in tandem with phytoliths, pollen, and macrofossils to reconstruct past floral diversity. This tool has yet to be fully explored for aquatic plants, specifically seagrasses, which lack phytoliths and are rarely preserved as macrofossils or pollen. If starch grains in seagrasses are morphologically distinct, this method has the potential to improve seagrass identification in the fossil record in such cases where its starch is preserved (e.g. scratches and occlusal surfaces of tooth enamel from seagrass consumers). The goals of this study were twofold: (1) to determine if starch is present in seagrass material and (2) to assess how starch grain morphology differs between different seagrasses.This study focused on four abundant and ecologically distinct seagrasses from the Caribbean: Halodule wrightii, Ruppia maritima, Syringodium filiforme, and Thalassia testudinum. Starch grains were observed in all species except S. filiforme. Grains from H. wrightii are typically observed in side-on orientation, are sub-round to angular, and are fairly small (3-19 μm, end-on). Grains of R. maritima are small spherical grains (4-8 μm) that have a centric hilum and a straight extinction cross with a median angle between the arms of 90°. Grains from T. testudinum are large (9-31 μm, end-on), conical in side-on and round/sub-round in end-on orientation, have a slightly eccentric hilum with an obvious particle, and prominent lamellae.Visual assessment and comparative statistics demonstrate that the morphology of starch grains from T. testudinum, R. maritima, and H. wrightii are significantly different. With more extensive research, there is potential for the positive identification of starch grains from an unknown seagrass. The ability to identify seagrass from starch grains could facilitate the identification of seagrasses in the fossil record and supply information on seagrass evolution and distribution, climate effects on seagrass distribution, and the diets of seagrass consumers.  相似文献   

Tropical turtle grass beds (Thalassia testudinum) were investigated in an UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in St. Johns Island, United States Virgin Islands. Four coastal bays were studied to assess floral characteristics, benthic invertebrate density and secondary production. These bays varied with respect to oceanic exposure and anthropogenic stresses. Results indicate that Coral Bay Harbor, the most anthropogenetically impacted site, had the highest T. testudinum biomass, but the lowest floral diversity. Its faunal community was dominated by small polychaetes with significantly lower secondary production. The most protected site (Hurricane Hole) maintained the highest floral and faunal species richness, faunal density, faunal diversity, and secondary production. The other two bays, Great Lameshur and Little Lameshur, demonstrated intermediate plant biomass and species richness, faunal density and secondary production. Each of these bays, however, had high oceanic exposure due to their orientation which also demonstrated a sediment size shift to larger particles compared to the other sites. One unique finding was a significant increase in the shoot:root ratio in Little Lameshur where green turtle (Chelonia mydas) grazing was frequently observed, suggesting a potential top-down structuring force in this bay.  相似文献   

The effects of 16 years of continuous browsing by goats in a South African savanna at stocking rates intended for bush control were compared with plots unbrowsed for the same period of time. Differences in bush-clump density, structure and species composition were recorded. Bush-clump density did not differ between browsed and unbrowsed plots. Within individual bush-clumps, browsing was shown to impact more on structure than species composition, with smaller, shorter bush-clumps, containing fewer species but much greater stem-densities. Although species presence/absence was little affected by browsing, many species showed differences in abundance, growth and location within browsed and unbrowsed bush-clumps. Species reduced in abundance in browsed plots included Cussonia spicata, Ehretia rigida, Grewia occidentalis, Jasminum angulare and Senecio linifolius. Several species showed reduced growth in browsed plots, particularly those located at bush-clump edges. The relatively unpreferred Aloe ferox was a notable exception. Although browsing had little effect on the composition of the main clump founding species, emergents or late arrivals, there were twice as many single plants in browsed plots and emergence of several species was restricted to the middle of bush-clumps. Comparison of our findings with aerial photographic evidence and other literature suggest that browsing alone is unlikely to significantly reduce scrub cover, although it can clearly control further expansion. Combinations of fire and browsing, rather than one factor alone, are considered likely to act fastest and most effectively to significantly reduce or remove scrub cover altogether.  相似文献   

In the pure stand of tropical seagrass,Syringodium isoetifolium, in a small oceanic island, Fiji, grazing effects of the seagrass-associated gammarid,Ampithoe sp., on seagrass and epiphytes were assessed in October 1989, November 1991, November 1992. Density of the gammarid was estimated with two methods, mesh bag method and tuft method. During the three years surveyed the density of the gammarid increased remarkably from 1989 to 1991, with heavy epiphytism. Gut contents of the gammarid were examined. Grazing rates on seagrass leaf with and without epiphytic blue-green algae were measured in a bottle experiment. Litter bag experiments were conducted using different mesh sizes each containing seagrass only and seagrass and gammarids. The seagrass leaf biomass in the litter bag reduced abruptly in both bags. After one week, 78–86% of seagrass biomass disappeared from the bags. Enhancement of decomposition of seagrass leaf by the gammarid grazing was observed. Oxygen consumption and ammonium excretion rates were measured simultaneously in bottle experiments. Carbon budget in the seagrass bed was estimated as follows: 0.9 gC m−2 day−1 in seagrass growth, gammarid grazing was about a half of it and further assimilated a half of it, about 0.1 gC m−2 day−1, and more than half of it become CO2 by respiration. Grazing effects on epiphyte and seagrass growth and production were discussed through the carbon budget and indirect interactions between seagrass, epiphytes and associated gammarids to explain the temporal change of seagrass and epiphyte dynamics.  相似文献   

Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth and Atriplex hortensis (L.) were grown on quartz sand or in liquid culture in the presence of varied concentrations of NaCl. Xylem sap was collected as (a) root pressure exudate, in L. fusca even at 100 mM NaCl, (b) by applying pressure to excised roots of L. fusca and (c) from leaves of the whole plant growing in quartz sand by pressurizing the root system. The latter procedure failed in L. fusca due to the passage of air and soil solution into the leaves. This was caused by an extensive aerenchyma in root cortex. In Atriplex hortensis remarkably high pressures were required to induce a flow of sap. The mineral cation and anion and the amino acid composition of the xylem sap obtained by the different methods was measured and is examined in view of using it for determining the flows of minerals in the whole plant and in relation to the effects of salinity. The spacious aerenchyma in roots of L. fusca has been found to persist also after prolonged exposure to dry air.Presented at the Fourth International Symposium on Structure and Function of Roots, Starà lesna, Slovak Republic. See also PLSO 167/1 (1994).  相似文献   

To clarify differences in community structures and habitat utilization patterns of fishes in Enhalus acoroides- and Thalassia hemprichii-dominated seagrass beds on fringing coral reefs, visual censuses were conducted at Iriomote and Ishigaki islands, southern Japan. The numbers of fish species and individuals were significantly higher in the E. acoroides bed than in the T. hemprichii bed, although the 15 most dominant fishes in each seagrass bed were similar. Cluster and ordination analyses based on the number of individuals of each fish species also demonstrated that fish community structures were similar in the two seagrass beds. Species and individual numbers of coral reef fishes which utilized the seagrass beds numbered less than about 15% of whole coral reef fish numbers, although they comprised about half of the seagrass bed fishes. Of the 15 most dominant species, 5 occurred only in the two seagrass beds, including seagrass feeders. Ten other species were reef species, their habitat utilization patterns not differing greatly between the two seagrass beds. Some reef species, such as Lethrinus atkinsoni and L. obsoletus, showed ontogenetic habitat shifts with growth, from the seagrass beds to the coral areas. These results indicate that community structures and habitat utilization patterns of fishes were similar between E. acoroides- and T. hemprichii-dominated seagrass beds, whereas many coral reef fishes hardly utilized the seagrass beds.  相似文献   

The banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar), is an important pest of bananas. Predatory ants are increasingly being viewed as possible biological control agents of this pest because they are capable of entering banana plants and soil in search of prey. We studied ant predation on banana weevil in Uganda in crop residues and live plants in both laboratory and field experiments. Field studies with live plants used chemical ant exclusion in some plots and ant enhancement via colony transfer in others to measure effects of Pheidole sp. 2 and Odontomachus troglodytes Santschi on plant damage and densities of immature banana weevils.In crop residues, an important pest breeding site, twice as many larvae were removed from ant-enhanced plots as in control plots. In young (2 month) potted suckers held in shade houses, ant ability to reduce densities of banana weevil life stages varied with the weevil inoculation rate. At the lowest density (2 female weevils per pot), densities of eggs, larvae, and pupae were reduced by ants. At higher rates there was no effect. In older suckers (5–11 months) grown in larger containers, banana weevil densities were not affected by ants, but damage levels were reduced. In a field trial lasting a full crop cycle (30 months), we found that the ants tested reduced the density of banana weevil eggs in suckers during the crop, but did not affect larval densities in the sampled suckers. However, most larvae occur in the main banana plants, rather than associated suckers. Nevertheless, levels of damage in mature plants at harvest did not differ between Amdro-treated and ant-enhanced plots, suggesting the ant species studied were not able to provide economic control of banana weevil under our test conditions.  相似文献   

ACladosporium species produced large amounts of cellulase enzyme components when grown in shake-culture with medium containing carboxymethylcellulose. There was significantly less activity when Avicel, filter paper or cotton were used as substrates. KNO3 was better than NH4Cl or urea for the production of cellulase. Tween 80 at 0.1% (w/v) increased the production of cellulase by 1.5 to 4.5-fold. All the cellulase components were optimally active in the assay at pH 5.0 and 60°C.  相似文献   

The epiphytic algae on surfaces of the macrophyte Ranunculus penicillatus (Dumort.) Bab. var. calcareus (R. W. Butcher) C. D. K. Cook and on Cladophora glomerata (L.) Kütz growing in the River Itchen at Otterbourne near Southampton were studied between February 1984 and June 1985. The river at this site has a mean flow rate of 0.33 m s–1, and is about 16 m wide and on average 20 cm deep, with a discharge ranging through the year between 0.34 and 2.46 m3 s–1. The pH of the river varies little around 8.2, with a mean alkalinity of 236 mg HCO inf3 sup1 l–1, because of its origin from chalk springs. Ranunculus grows throughout the year, with peaks of biomass in spring and autumn. It forms a very large surface for attachment of epiphytes, and covers on average 40% of the stream bed. Numbers of epiphyte cells removed from Ranunculus ranged through the year between 52 × 103 and 271 × 103 cells mm–2 stream floor, with maximum numbers in April, and a secondary peak in October. This pattern partly reflects fluctuations in the biomass of Ranunculus; the number of cells per unit area of plant surface showed a broader spring peak and lower fluctuations in other seasons. Diatoms formed 65 to 98% of these epiphyte cells, with chlorophytes reaching their peak (10%) in summer and cyanophytes (25%) in autumn. Estimates of biomass of these epiphytic forms, derived from measurements of chlorophyll c, indicate a range between 30 and 100 g dry weight m–2 of weed bed. Colonisation studies showed that the algae grow and reproduce throughout the year, with a mean generation time of about 5 days, suggesting an annual production of about 3 kg dry weight m–2 of weed bed, which makes epiphytic algae the principal primary producers in the stream. The numbers and biomass of epiphytic algae on Cladophora are considerably less.The species of epiphytic algae found on Ranunculus were generally similar to those growing on Cladophora, and to epilithic algae on pebbles of the stream bed, but different species were dominant on the different substrata. Algal cells in the water column were all derived from benthic habitats, although their relative abundance was very different.  相似文献   

Decaying wood is an important structural and functional component of forests: it contributes to generate habitat diversity, acts as either sink or source of nutrients, and plays a preponderant role in soil formation. Thus, decaying wood might likely have measurable effects on chemical properties of the underlying soil. We hypothesized that decaying wood would have a stronger effect on soil as decomposition advances and that such effect would vary according to wood quality. Twenty logs from two species with contrasting wood properties (Dacryodes excelsa Vahl. and Swietenia macrophylla King) and at two different decay stages (6 and 15 years after falling) were selected, and soil under and 50 cm away from decaying logs was sampled for soil organic matter (SOM) fractions [NaOH-extractable and water-extractable organic matter -(WEOM)] and properties (WEOM aromaticity). NaOH-extractable C and WEOM were higher in the soil influenced by 15-year-old logs, while the degree of aromaticity of WEOM was higher in the soil influenced by the 6-year-old logs. Decaying logs did influence properties of the underlying soil with differing effects according to the species since there was more NaOH-extractable C in the soil associated to D. excelsa logs and more WEOM in the soil associated to S. macrophylla older logs. It is proposed that such effects occurred through changes in the relative quantity and quality of different SOM fractions, as influenced by species and advancement in decomposition. Through its effect on SOM and nutrient dynamics, decaying wood can contribute to the spatial heterogeneity of soil properties, and can affect process of soil formation and nutrient cycling. Responsible Editor: Barbara Wick.  相似文献   

The responses of Gracilaria lemaneiformis, an easily epiphytized host,and the relatively resistant G. cornea mutant, to the green alga Ulva lactuca were studied using biculture experiments with and withoutantibiotics. Both Gracilaria species grown with and without U.lactuca showed different levels of growth rate, release of hydrogenperoxide and of halogenated hydrocarbons. These quantitative differencesled to a successful response against Ulva lactuca in the case of G.cornea mutant and to a failure in response in the case of G.lemaneiformis. The response of each Gracilaria species to U.lactuca was qualitatively similar to its response to bacteria. This suggeststhe involvement of oligosaccharide elicitors produced in the presence ofepiphytes and bacteria. A clear Gracilaria inhibition was demonstratedwith extracts of the culture medium. It appears that hydrogen peroxide,halogenated hydrocarbons and oligosaccharides may be components of theinhibitory activity of the extracts. The responses of Gracilaria speciesto the presence of U. lactuca suggest the characterization of adefence response.  相似文献   

We present here a 4-year dataset (2001–2004) on the spatial and temporal patterns of aboveground net primary production (ANPP) by dominant primary producers (sawgrass, periphyton, mangroves, and seagrasses) along two transects in the oligotrophic Florida Everglades coastal landscape. The 17 sites of the Florida Coastal Everglades Long Term Ecological Research (FCE LTER) program are located along fresh-estuarine gradients in Shark River Slough (SRS) and Taylor River/C-111/Florida Bay (TS/Ph) basins that drain the western and southern Everglades, respectively. Within the SRS basin, sawgrass and periphyton ANPP did not differ significantly among sites but mangrove ANPP was highest at the site nearest the Gulf of Mexico. In the southern Everglades transect, there was a productivity peak in sawgrass and periphyton at the upper estuarine ecotone within Taylor River but no trends were observed in the C-111 Basin for either primary producer. Over the 4 years, average sawgrass ANPP in both basins ranged from 255 to 606 g m−2 year−1. Average periphyton productivity at SRS and TS/Ph was 17–68 g C m−2 year−1 and 342–10371 g C m−2 year−1, respectively. Mangrove productivity ranged from 340 g m−2 year−1 at Taylor River to 2208 g m−2 year−1 at the lower estuarine Shark River site. Average Thalassia testudinum productivity ranged from 91 to 396 g m−2 year−1 and was 4-fold greater at the site nearest the Gulf of Mexico than in eastern Florida Bay. There were no differences in periphyton productivity at Florida Bay. Interannual comparisons revealed no significant differences within each primary producer at either SRS or TS/Ph with the exception of sawgrass at SRS and the C−111 Basin. Future research will address difficulties in assessing and comparing ANPP of different primary producers along gradients as well as the significance of belowground production to the total productivity of this ecosystem.  相似文献   

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