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Site-directed mutagenesis was used to create four mutant versions of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamylase at three positions in the catalytic chain of the enzyme. The location of all the amino acid substitutions was near the carbamyl phosphate binding site as previously determined by X-ray crystallography. Arg-54, which interacts with both the anhydride oxygen and a phosphate oxygen of carbamyl phosphate, was replaced by alanine. This mutant enzyme was approximately 17,000-fold less active than the wild type, although the binding of substrates and substrate analogues was not altered substantially. Arg-105, which interacts with both the carbonyl oxygen and a phosphate oxygen of carbamyl phosphate, was replaced by alanine. This mutant enzyme exhibited an approximate 1000-fold loss of activity, while the activity of catalytic subunit isolated from this mutant enzyme was reduced by 170-fold compared to the wild-type catalytic subunit. The KD of carbamyl phosphate and the inhibition constants for acetyl phosphate and N-(phosphono-acetyl)-L-aspartate (PALA) were increased substantially by this amino acid substitution. Furthermore, this loss in substrate and substrate analogue binding can be correlated with the large increases in the aspartate and carbamyl phosphate concentrations at half of the maximum observed specific activity, [S]0.5. Gln-137, which interacts with the amino group of carbamyl phosphate, was replaced by both asparagine and alanine. The asparagine mutant exhibited only a small reduction in activity while the alanine mutant was approximately 50-fold less active than the wild type. The catalytic subunits of both these mutant enzymes were substantially more active than the corresponding holoenzymes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Regulation of Escherichia coli carbamyl phosphate synthetase by UMP and IMP was examined in studies with various analogs of these nucleotides. Whereas UMP inhibits enzyme activity, the arabinose analog of UMP was found to be an activator. dUMP neither activates nor inhibits, but binds to the enzyme in a manner similar to UMP as evaluated by direct binding studies, sedimentation behavior, and ultraviolet difference spectral measurements. dUMP decreases inhibition by UMP and activation by IMP, but has no effect on activation by L-ornithine. The findings are in accord with the view that IMP and UMP bind to the same region of the enzyme; a possible general model for such overlapping binding sites is considered. Additional evidence is presented that inorganic phosphate can modulate regulation of the activity by nucleotides. Phosphate (and arsenate) markedly increase inhibition by UMP, decrease activation by IMP, but do not affect activation by L-ornithine. The extent of activation by IMP and by L-ornithine and that of inhibition by UMP are decreased when Mg2+ concentrations are increased relative to a fixed concentration of ATP. The findings suggest that the allosteric effectors may affect affinity of the enzyme for divalent metal ions as well as, as previously shown, the affinity of the enzyme for Mg-ATP.  相似文献   

We present evidence that cysteine 269 of the small subunit of Escherichia coli carbamyl phosphate synthetase is essential for the hydrolysis of glutamine. When cysteine 269 is replaced with glycine or with serine by site-directed mutagenesis of the carA gene, the resulting enzymes are unable to catalyze carbamyl phosphate synthesis with glutamine as nitrogen donor. Even though the glycine 269, and particularly the serine 269 enzyme bind significant amounts of glutamine, neither glycine 269 nor serine 269 can hydrolyze glutamine. The mutations at cysteine 269 do not affect carbamyl phosphate synthesis with NH3 as substrate. The NH3-dependent activity of the mutant enzymes was equal to that of wild-type. Measurements of Km indicate that the enzyme uses unionized NH3 rather than ammonium ion as substrate. The apparent Km for NH3 of the wild-type enzyme is calculated to be about 5 mM, independent of pH. The substitution of cysteine 269 with glycine or with serine results in a decrease of the apparent Km value for NH3 from 5 mM with the wild-type to 3.9 mM with the glycine, and 2.9 mM with the serine enzyme. Neither the glycine nor the serine mutation at position 269 affects the ability of the enzyme to catalyze ATP synthesis from ADP and carbamyl phosphate. Allosteric properties of the large subunit are also unaffected. However, substitution of cysteine 269 with glycine or with serine causes an 8- and 18-fold stimulation of HCO-3 -dependent ATPase activity, respectively. The increase in ATPase activity and the decrease in apparent Km for NH3 provide additional evidence for an interaction of the glutamine binding domain of the small subunit with one of the two known ATP sites of the large subunit.  相似文献   

The cloned carAB operon of Escherichia coli coding for the small and large subunits of carbamyl phosphate synthetase has been used to construct a recombinant plasmid with a 4.16 kilobase ClaI fragment of the car operon that lacks the major promoters, P1 and P2. The plasmid, pHN12, carries a functional carB gene. A mutant E. coli strain lacking both subunits of carbamyl phosphate synthetase when transformed with pHN12 overproduces the large subunit by 200-fold (8-10% of the cellular protein). The elevated levels of the large subunit enable the transformed cells to utilize NH3 but not glutamine as nitrogen donor for carbamyl phosphate synthesis. The large subunit has been purified from the overexpressing strain. The purified native large subunit is capable of synthesizing carbamyl phosphate from ammonia, HCO-3, and ATP. The kinetic properties of the large subunit compared with the holoenzyme indicate that the Michaelis constants of the large subunit for HCO-3 and ATP are modulated by its association with the small glutamine binding subunit.  相似文献   

Previous pKa determinations indicated that histidine 134, present in the catalytic site of aspartate transcarbamylase, might be the group involved in the binding of the substrate carbamyl phosphate and, possibly, in the catalytic efficiency of this enzyme. In the present work, this residue was replaced by an asparagine through site-directed mutagenesis. The results obtained show that histidine 134 is indeed the group of the enzyme whose deprotonation increases the affinity of the catalytic site for carbamyl phosphate. In the wild-type enzyme this group can be titrated only by those carbamyl phosphate analogues that bear the carbonyl group. In the modified enzyme the group whose deprotonation increases the catalytic efficiency is still present, indicating that this group is not the imidazole ring of histidine 134 (pKa = 6.3). In addition, the pKa of the still unknown group involved in aspartate binding is shifted by one unit in the mutant as compared to the wild type.  相似文献   

An unusual Escherichia coli K12 mutant for carbamyl phosphate synthetase is described. The mutation was generated by bacteriophage MUI insertion and left a 5% residual activity of the enzyme using either ammonia or glutamine as donors. The mutation is recessive to the wild-type allele and maps at or near the pyrA gene, but the mutant requires only arginine and not uracil for growth. By a second block in the pyrB gene it was possible to shift the accumulated carbamyl phosphate to arginine biosynthesis. The Km values and the levels of ornithine activation and inhibition by UMP were normal in the mutant enzyme.  相似文献   

During translational initiation in prokaryotes, the 3' end of the 16S rRNA binds to a region just upstream of the initiation codon. The relationship between this Shine-Dalgarno (SD) region and the binding of ribosomes to translation start-points has been well studied, but a unified mathematical connection between the SD, the initiation codon and the spacing between them has been lacking. Using information theory, we constructed a model that treats these three components uniformly by assigning to the SD and the initiation region (IR) conservations in bits of information, and by assigning to the spacing an uncertainty, also in bits. To build the model, we first aligned the SD region by maximizing the information content there. The ease of this process confirmed the existence of the SD pattern within a set of 4122 reviewed and revised Escherichia coli gene starts. This large data set allowed us to show graphically, by sequence logos, that the spacing between the SD and the initiation region affects both the SD site conservation and its pattern. We used the aligned SD, the spacing, and the initiation region to model ribosome binding and to identify gene starts that do not conform to the ribosome binding site model. A total of 569 experimentally proven starts are more conserved (have higher information content) than the full set of revised starts, which probably reflects an experimental bias against the detection of gene products that have inefficient ribosome binding sites. Models were refined cyclically by removing non-conforming weak sites. After this procedure, models derived from either the original or the revised gene start annotation were similar. Therefore, this information theory-based technique provides a method for easily constructing biologically sensible ribosome binding site models. Such models should be useful for refining gene-start predictions of any sequenced bacterial genome.  相似文献   

Huang J  Lipscomb WN 《Biochemistry》2004,43(21):6415-6421
Structures of the R-state of Escherichia coli ATCase maintained with carbamyl phosphate and succinate, phosphonoacetamide and malonate, or N-phosphonacetyl-l-aspartate (PALA) have previously been made in the space group P321, in which the two independent r (regulatory) and two independent c (catalytic) chains are repeated by crystallographic symmetry to yield the holoenzyme c(6)r(6), ((c(3))(2)(r(2))(3)). The exploration of a new crystalline R-state P2(1)2(1)2(1) was undertaken to examine the c(3).c(3) expansion of 11 A in the T-to-R transition, and to further test whether intermolecular contacts influence the binding of PALA. The results show that the expansion along the 3-fold axis is 10 A, and that the binding modes of the six crystallographic independent PALA molecules are virtually identical to one another, and to modes described previously. As further test, the PALA, a bisubstrate analogue, was displaced by citrate and phosphate, where citrate is an analogue of product carbamylaspartate. The results support the conclusions about the binding of the three previously studied analogues, and further support, within about 0.5 A, the structure proposed for the transition state [Gouaux, J. E., Krause, K. L., and Lipscomb, W. N. (1987) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 142, 893-897; Jin, L., Stec, B., Lipscomb, W. N., and Kantrowitz, E. R. (1999) Proteins: Struct., Funct., Genet. 37, 729-742].  相似文献   

In mice infected with mouse-adapted influenza A/PR/8/34, hepatic carbamyl phosphate synthetase (CPS) activity was reduced to 88%, and ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) was reduced to 83% of control values. In mice infected with mouse-adapted B/Lee/40, CPS activity was 98% was 94% of control values. These limited reductions in enzyme activity were attributed to a nonspecific debilitating effect of acute influenzal pneumonia. These findings suggest that the pronounced reduction of CPS and OTC activities reported in Reye's syndrome in man are not a general manifestation of the severity of influenza infection.  相似文献   

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