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系统记述了广西崇左三合大洞巨猿动物群中的反刍类:湖麂(Muntiacus lacustris)、凤岐祖鹿(?)相似种(Cervavitus? cf.C.fenqii)、云南黑鹿(Cervus(R.)yunnanensis)、广西巨羊(Megalovis guangxiensis)、山羊亚科属种未定(Caprinae gen.et sp.indet.)和大额牛未定种(Bos(Bibos)sp.)。与其他相关的早更新世动物群中的反刍类相比, 它们与柳城巨猿洞和田东么会洞的最相似。三合大洞的反刍类在组合上反映早更新世的时代特征及湿热的森林-草丛生态环境。这种环境非常适宜诸如巨猿这类高等灵长类的栖息。  相似文献   

While a number of studies have documented the mandibular variations in hominoids, few focused on evaluating the variation of the whole outline of this structure. Using an efficient morphometrical approach, i.e. elliptical Fourier analysis, mandibular outlines in lateral view from 578 adult hominoids representing the genera Hylobates, Pongo, Gorilla, Pan, and Homo were quantified and compared. This study confirms that elliptical Fourier analysis provides an accurate characterization of the shape of the mandibular profile. Differences in mandibular shape between hominoid genera, species, subspecies, and to a lesser extent between sexes were demonstrated. Mandibles in great apes and hylobatids subspecies were generally less distinct from each other than were species. However, the magnitudes of differences among subspecies of Gorilla and Pongo approached or exceeded those between Pan troglodytes and P. paniscus. The powerful discrimination between taxa from the genus down to subspecific level associated to the relatively low level of intrageneric mandibular polymorphism in great apes provides strong evidences in support of the taxonomic utility of the shape of the mandibular profile in hominoids. In addition, morphological affinities between Pongo and Pan and the clear distinction between Homo and Pan suggest that the mandibular outline is a poor estimate of phylogenetic relationships in great apes and humans. The sexual dimorphism in mandibular shape exhibits two patterns of expression: a high degree of dimorphism in Gorilla, Pongo, and H. s. syndactylus and a relatively low one in modern humans and Pan. Besides, degree of mandibular shape dimorphism can vary considerably among closely related subspecies as observed in gorillas, arguing against the use of mandibular shape dimorphism patterns as characters in phylogenetic analyses. However, the quantification of the mandibular shape and of the variations among hominoids provides an interesting comparative framework that is likely to supply further arguments for a better understanding of the patterns of differentiation between living hominoids.  相似文献   

系统记述了自2001年以来从贵州省毕节扒耳岩洞穴堆积中出土的偶蹄目化石:最后"双齿尖河猪"("Dicoryphochoerus"ultimus)、麂(未定种)(Muntiacus sp.)、凤岐祖鹿(?)(Cervavitus?fenqii)、黑鹿(相似种)(Cervus(R.)cf C.(R.)unicolor)、羚牛(未定种)(Budorcas sp.)、山羊亚科(属种未定)(Caprinae gen.et sp.indet.)、羚羊(未定种)(Gazella sp.)、斯迈提丽牛(未定种)(Leptobos(Smertiobos)sp.)8个种类。毕节扒耳岩巨猿动物群中的偶蹄类与广西柳城巨猿洞和湖北建始龙骨洞的偶蹄类可比性最大。毕节偶蹄类含有较多的古老种类, 指示其地质时代为早更新世早期; 同时显示其生态环境为植被既有密集的丛林又有开阔的草地(或草坡), 局部镶嵌有半开阔树林,而附近分布有一定的水域, 气候温暖, 非常适合高等灵长类栖息。  相似文献   

Since the nineteenth century, researchers have noted that Neandertal and modern human adults differ in mental foramen position, although the ontogenetic changes in the position of this feature have only recently come under the scrutiny of paleoanthropologists. Research on mental foramen position has focused on whether this feature is inferior to a particular tooth. However, tooth position may not be a reliable indicator of mental foramen position because of variability in tooth size within and between taxa and during eruption events. As opposed to observing the mental foramen with respect to the postcanine teeth, we examined linear distances from the mental foramen to other mandibular landmarks. Modern human adults may appear truncated, or paedomorphic, in mental foramen position with respect to Neandertal adults. However, infants of the two taxa differ substantially in anterior mandibular form. The initial differences in the shape of the mental region may be related to the embryological position of the mental foramen in modern humans and its role in the development of the mental trigone. The shape changes that accrue thereafter, possibly from faster mandibular growth rates in Neandertals, further distinguish the adults from one another. Although mandibular shape differences exist from early infancy onwards, adults of the two taxa are broadly similar in bi-mental foramen breadth with respect to mandibular size. For this reason, qualitative assessments of mental foramen position may provide less taxonomic information than previously thought.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is an important source of morphological variation, and species differences in dimorphism may be reflected in magnitude, pattern, or both. While the extant great apes are commonly used as a reference sample for distinguishing between sexual dimorphism and intertaxic variation in the fossil record, few studies have evaluated mandibular dimorphism in these taxa. In this study, percentage, degree, and pattern of mandibular dimorphism are evaluated in Pongo, Gorilla, and Pan. Mandibular dimorphism patterns are explored to determine the extent to which such patterns accurately track great ape phylogeny. Pattern stability is assessed to determine whether there are stable patterns of mandibular size and shape dimorphism that may be usefully applied to hominoid or hominid fossil species recognition studies. Finally, the established patterns of dimorphism are used to address recent debates surrounding great ape taxonomy. Results demonstrate that mandibular dimorphism is universally expressed in size, but only Pongo and Gorilla exhibit shape dimorphism. Pattern similarity tends to be greater between subspecies of the same species than between higher-order taxa, suggesting that within the great apes, there is a relationship between dimorphism pattern and phylogeny. However, this relationship is not exact, given that dimorphism patterns are weakly correlated between some closely related taxa, while great ape subspecies may be highly correlated with taxa belonging to other species or genera. Furthermore, dimorphism patterns are not significantly correlated between great ape genera, even between Gorilla and Pan. Dimorphism patterns are more stable in Gorilla and Pongo as compared to Pan, but there is little pattern stability between species or genera. Importantly, few variables differ significantly between taxa that simultaneously show consistently relatively low levels of dimorphism and low levels of variation within taxa. Combined, these findings indicate that mandibular dimorphism patterns can and do vary considerably, even among closely related species, and suggest that it would be difficult to employ great ape mandibular dimorphism patterns for purposes of distinguishing between intra- and interspecies variation in fossil samples. Finally, the degree of pattern similarity in mandibular dimorphism is lower than previously observed by others for craniofacial dimorphism. Thus, the possibility cannot be ruled out that patterns of craniofacial dimorphism in great apes may be associated with a stronger phylogenetic signal than are patterns of mandibular dimorphism.  相似文献   

岩亮洞是广西扶绥地区最近新发现的早更新世巨猿化石点,经过初步发掘,采集到了丰富的巨猿材料及大量伴生的哺乳动物化石。引人注目的是其中犀类化石居多,包括146颗完整的牙齿及十多件头后骨骼化石,从形态特征判断,这些犀类化石应属于独角犀的一新种Rhinoceros fusuiensis。岩亮洞巨猿动物群中的独角犀以种群丰度最大而不同于其他已知东亚地区的巨猿动物群中的独角犀类材料。本文从犀类牙齿的主尖釉质层、齿质暴露程度、咀嚼面的磨蚀程度等方面对岩亮洞独角犀的年龄结构进行了研究。该死亡群中至少有4头幼年个体、5头青年个体、5头成年个体和1头老年个体。依据牙齿磨蚀程度和牙齿萌出顺序对年龄结构的分析及统计显示,其中青年个体和成年个体最多,幼年个体次之,老年个体最少,其死亡的原因不是通常意义上磨耗型死亡,突发性的灾害可能是造成这种死亡年龄分布的主要原因。  相似文献   

Mammalian molluscivores feed mainly by shell-crushing or suction-feeding. The extinct marine arctoid, Kolponomos, has been interpreted as an otter-like shell-crusher based on similar dentitions. However, neither the masticatory biomechanics of the shell-crushing adaptation nor the way Kolponomos may have captured hard-shelled prey have been tested. Based on mandibular symphyseal morphology shared by Kolponomos and sabre-toothed carnivores, we hypothesize a sabretooth-like mechanism for Kolponomos prey-capture, whereby the mandible functioned as an anchor. Torque generated from jaw closure and head flexion was used to dislodge prey by prying, with prey then crushed using cheek teeth. We test this hypothesized feeding sequence using phylogenetically informed biomechanical simulations and shape analyses, and find a strongly supported, shared high mandibular stiffness in simulated prey-capture bites and mandibular shape in Kolponomos and the sabre-toothed cat Smilodon. These two distantly related taxa converged on using mandibles to anchor cranial torqueing forces when prying substrate-bound prey in the former and sabre-driving forces during prey-killing in the latter. Simulated prey-crushing bites indicate that Kolponomos and sea otters exhibit alternative structural stiffness-bite efficiency combinations in mandibular biomechanical adaptation for shell-crushing. This unique feeding system of Kolponomos exemplifies a mosaic of form-function convergence relative to other Carnivora.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that patterns of craniodental variation in living hominids (Gorilla, Homo, Pan, and Pongo) may be useful for evaluating variation in fossil hominid assemblages. Using this approach, a fossil sample exhibiting a pattern of variation that deviates from one shared among living taxa would be regarded as taxonomically heterogeneous. Here we examine patterns of tooth crown size and shape variation in great apes and humans to determine 1) if these taxa share a pattern of dental variation, and 2) if such a pattern can reliably discriminate between samples that contain single species and those that contain multiple species. We use parametric and nonparametric correlation methods to establish the degree of pattern similarity among taxa, and randomization tests to assess their statistical significance. The results of this study show that extant hominids do not share a pattern of dental size variation, and thus these taxa cannot be used to generate expectations for patterns of size variation in fossil hominid species. The hominines (Gorilla, Homo, and Pan) do share a pattern of shape variation in the mandibular dentition; however, Pongo is distinct, and thus it is unclear which, if either, pattern should be expected in fossil hominids. Moreover, in this case, most combined-species samples exhibit patterns of shape variation that are similar to those for single hominine species samples. Thus, although a common pattern of shape variation is present in the mandibular dentition, it is not useful for recognizing taxonomically mixed paleontological samples.  相似文献   

湖北巨猿牙齿化石龋病观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文共调查了267枚从鄂西山区收集的巨猿牙齿化石现发生情况,发现其中有52枚(占19.5%)的颊齿有程度不同的龋蚀现象,其患龋率显著高于古人类,同时也高于广西巨猿的患龋率。巨猿牙齿的这种高频率龋蚀现象,除牙齿结构因素外,可能与该物种食性的狭窄化和营养贫乏导致牙齿不良钙化有关,是伴随巨猿体型的巨型化而趋向该物种衰退和绝灭的病理表征之一。  相似文献   

A ground section was prepared from a lower right M3 attributed to Gigantopithecus blacki as close as possible to axial plane of the mesial cusps. Daily cross striations were imaged, measured and counted in each cusp using polarised light microscopy. Long-period striae of Retzius were counted in the lateral enamel and their periodicity determined from counts and measurements of daily cross striations between adjacent striae. Cross striation spacings in the cusps were between 3.8 microm at the enamel dentine junction and 6 microm close to the enamel surface. Cuspal enamel formation times were long (800 days in the protoconid and 620 days in the metaconid). Linear enamel thickness was as much as 3.75 mm in the protoconid. There were 63 and 61 long-period striae of Retzius in the mesial aspects of the lateral enamel and the periodicity was 11 days. Lateral enamel formation took 1493 and 1291 days and when summed with cuspal enamel formation times totalled 4 years in the protoconid and 3.5 in the metaconid. Relative enamel thickness was 23, calculated through the mesial cusps. This falls short of that in the so-called 'thick hyper-thick' enamel described in 'robust' australopithecines to which Gigantopithecus blacki has previously been compared in both its dental and mandibular morphology. With respect to enamel thickness, therefore, Gigantopithecus blacki falls squarely among an increasingly large number of Miocene hominoids that can all be described as having 'thick enamel'.  相似文献   

<正> Bayes判别分析是多元分析中的方法之一。多元分析是用数理统计的理论研究多项指标问题的一种方法,它的理论在本世纪30年代就得到相当完整的发展。最早用于考古学和古生物学的研究之中,后来应用面越来越广,目前已广泛地应用于地质、医学、心理学、行为科学、标准化、经济、海洋、农业等方面,并取得了很好的效果。通过电子计算机的运算,采用数学方法进行分类,已成为当代生物分类的三个主要流派(综合学派、分支学派和表现型学派)之一,数量分类即是表现型学派据以分类的实质内容。就世界范围而言,数量分类方法已经进入了生物各大门类的分类之中,甚至于渗透到生物学的其他领域。多元分析是数量分类中目前比较理想的方法。  相似文献   

Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) were used to examine the phylogeny of East Asian aconites. Individual aconites were discovered to contain as many as eight different ITS sequences after cloning and PCR-SSCP (single-stranded conformational polymorphisms) analysis. We identified eight putative ITS pseudogenes from four taxa with low predicted secondary structure stability and high substitution rates. Maximum likelihood (ML) and neighbor-joining (NJ) methods were used for phylogenetic reconstruction. The ITS trees agree with the previous chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) tree for the vast majority of the taxa. We found two East Asian clades in the ITS trees: 1) a clade with the Chinese diploid,Aconitum volubile and East Asian tetraploids, and 2) a clade of East Asian diploids and Siberian tetraploids. In the former clade, most tetraploid taxa appear to be polyphyletic; sequences from individual plants did not correspond to recognized taxonomic units. This indicates a recent divergence of the East Asian tetraploids.  相似文献   

Molars are highly integrated biological structures that have been used for inferring evolutionary relationships among taxa. However, parallel and convergent morphological traits can be affected by developmental and functional constraints. Here, we analyze molar shapes of platyrrhines in order to explore if platyrrhine molar diversity reflects homogeneous patterns of molar variation and covariation. We digitized 30 landmarks on mandibular first and second molars of 418 extant and 11 fossil platyrrhine specimens to determine the degree of integration of both molars when treated as a single module. We combined morphological and phylogenetic data to investigate the phylogenetic signal and to visualize the history of molar shape changes. All platyrrhine taxa show a common shape pattern suggesting that a relatively low degree of phenotypic variation is caused by convergent evolution, although molar shape carries significant phylogenetic signal. Atelidae and Pitheciidae show high levels of integration with low variation between the two molars, whereas the Cebinae/Saimiriinae, and especially Callitrichinae, show greater variation between molars and trend toward a modular organization. We hypothesize that biomechanical constraints of the masticatory apparatus, and the dietary profile of each taxon are the main factors that determine high covariation in molars. In contrast, low molar shape covariation may result from the fact that each molar exhibits a distinct ecological signal, as molars can be exposed to distinct occlusal loadings during food processing, suggesting that different selective pressures on molars can reduce overall molar integration.  相似文献   

In the course of our palynological study on the Chinese Lilium, pollen tetrads are found in two taxa of the genus: L. sempervivoideum and L. amoenum. The latter is distributed in NW. and S. Yunnan Province. It was established by Wilson, but reduced later by himself to a synonym of L. sempervivoideum which occurs from S. Sichuan to C. Yunnan. However, it is regarded as a species distinct from the former by many authors, such as Sealy (1949), Woodcock and Stearn (1950) and S. Y. Liang (1980). Their pollen tetrads are similar in aperture appearance and sexine patterns, but different in the shape, size and arrangement of sculptural elements, as shown by LM and SEM examination. Their leaf shape and flower colour are different, though there are some transitions between them. Based on the facts mentioned above, it is reasonable to regard the two taxa as two subspecies in L. sempervivoideum.  相似文献   

The hominoid mandibular symphysis has received a great deal of attention from anatomists, human biologists, and paleontologists. Much of this research has focused on functional interpretations of symphyseal shape variation. Here, we examine the two-dimensional cross-sectional shape of the adult mandibular symphysis for 45 humans, 42 chimpanzees, 37 gorillas, and 51 orangutans using eigenshape analysis, an outline-based morphometric approach. Our results demonstrate that a large proportion of the variation described by the first eigenshape correlates with proposed functional adaptations to counteract stresses at the mandibular midline during mastication. Subsequent eigenshapes describe subtle aspects of shape variation in the mandibular symphysis. The morphology associated with these eigenshapes does not conform with functional predictions, nor does it show a relationship with sexual dimorphism. However, eigenshapes provide for considerable taxonomic discrimination between the four taxa studied and may consequently prove useful in the analysis of fossil material. Comparison with elliptical Fourier analysis of the mandibular symphysis identifies eigenshape analysis as providing superior taxonomic discrimination. The results presented here demonstrate that the cross-sectional shape of the mandibular symphysis results from a complex interplay of functional and nonfunctional influences and for the first time identifies and quantifies the specific aspects of variation attributable to these factors.  相似文献   

根据齿冠长度或宽度单一性状很难区分巨猿第一臼齿与第二臼齿。本文采用主成分分析方法,综合第一和第二上臼齿的齿冠长度、齿冠宽度和原尖长指数(新定义)等三个性状,显示存在有两个类型。合理的解释是它们分别代表第一上臼齿和第二上臼齿。下臼齿的分辨基于齿冠长度和齿冠宽度两个性状。在此二性状构成的坐标系中,第一与第二下臼齿各自的一系列椭圆代表一定比例的样本分布的范围。在此基础上得到区分此两种牙齿的判别直线。  相似文献   

邢松  周蜜  潘雷 《人类学学报》2020,39(4):521-531
东亚中更新世古人类在头骨、下颌骨、牙齿等解剖部位表现出不同程度的形态多样性,中期成员代表为直立人,而晚期成员的演化地位具有较大争议。为进一步了解东亚中更新世古人类内部的形态变异特点和为东亚中更新世晚期古人类分类提供依据,本文使用微分同胚的表面匹配(Diffeomorphic Surface Matching, DSM)和形态测量图(Morphometric map)对下颌第二臼齿(M2)釉质-齿质连接面的形状和齿冠侧面釉质厚度分布模式进行了量化分析。结果显示:1)东亚中更新世古人类与晚期人属成员(尼安德特人和现代人)存在较明显的形态差别;2)该时段晚期的东亚古人类相对中期直立人在侧面釉质厚度分布规律上具有独特性,并在釉质-齿质连接面的三维形状上与晚期人属成员更加接近。本文在以往对东亚中更新世古人类牙齿内外结构单个性状研究的基础上,使用三维形态测量方法进一步量化了M2釉质-齿质连接面三维形状和侧面釉质厚度分布模式两项重要特征的变异特点,这对未来该时段同类型牙齿的形态鉴定以及解决东亚中更新世晚期古人类的分类地位具有一定意义。  相似文献   

The extinct great ape Gigantopithecus blacki from the middle Pleistocene of China and Vietnam is known only from dental and mandibular remains, and its dietary specializations remain contentious. Here, for the first time, we describe the root morphology in G. blacki using computed tomography and three-dimensional image processing. We quantify the tooth root lengths and surface areas of the female G. blacki mandible No. 1 from the Liucheng Cave and compare it to a sample of extant great apes and humans, as well as the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) and the American black bear (Ursus americanus). The results show that, in G. blacki, the pattern of mandibular root numbers-particularly that of the premolars-corresponds with that of Gorilla gorilla, Pan troglodytes, and Pongo pygmaeus. However, G. blacki can be distinguished from the extant hominids by having relatively higher values for postcanine root length and surface area, both absolutely and relative to mandibular size (except for premolar root lengths of humans). The relatively large postcanine root surface areas, which are most similar to A. melanoleuca, suggest that the dentition of G. blacki was adapted to sustaining relatively large occlusal forces needed to fracture mechanically resistant foods such as bamboo.  相似文献   

The influence of hard-object feeding on the size and shape of the mandibular corpus was investigated through a comparative biomechanical analysis of the jaws of adult femaleCebus apella andCebus capucinus. Computed tomography (CT) was used to discern the amount and distribution of cortical bone at M2 and symphyseal cross sections. From these data, the biomechanical properties of the mandibular corpus were determined to assess the structural rigidity of the jaw with respect to the bending, torsional, and shear stresses that occur during mastication and incision. The mandibles ofC. apella are demonstrably more robust than those ofC. capucinus in terms of biomechanical rigidity; differences in corporeal size rather than shape largely account for the enhanced robusticity in the sample ofC. apella. The differences that separate the two taxa probably represent a structural response to the mechanical demands of durophagy inC. apella. These observations suggest that specialization on a diet of hard objects may be expected to result in an overall hypertrophy of bony contours throughout the mandibular corpus.  相似文献   

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