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In basal angiosperms (including ANITA grade, magnoliids, Choranthaceae, Ceratophyllaceae) almost all bisexual flowers are dichogamous (with male and female functions more or less separated in time), and nearly 100 per cent of those are protogynous (with female function before male function). Movements of floral parts and differential early abscission of stamens in the male phase are variously associated with protogyny. Evolution of synchronous dichogamy based on the day/night rhythm and anthesis lasting 2 days is common. In a few clades in Magnoliales and Laurales heterodichogamy has also evolved. Beetles, flies and thrips are the major pollinators, with various degrees of specialization up to large beetles and special flies in some large-flowered Nymphaeaceae, Magnoliaceae, Annonaceae and Aristolochiaceae. Unusual structural specializations are involved in floral biological adaptations (calyptras, inner staminodes, synandria and food bodies, and secretory structures on tepals, stamens and staminodes). Numerous specializations that are common in monocots and eudicots are absent in basal angiosperms. Several families are poorly known in their floral biology.  相似文献   

Hu J  Zhang J  Shan H  Chen Z 《Annals of botany》2012,110(1):57-69

Background and Aims

The perianths of the Lardizabalaceae are diverse. The second-whorl floral organs of Sinofranchetia chinensis (Lardizabalaceae) are nectar leaves. The aim of this study was to explore the nature of this type of floral organ, and to determine its relationship to nectar leaves in other Ranunculales species, and to other floral organs in Sinofranchetia chinensis.


Approaches of evolutionary developmental biology were used, including 3′ RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) for isolating floral MADS-box genes, phylogenetic analysis for reconstructing gene evolutionary history, in situ hybridization and tissue-specific RT-PCR for identifying gene expression patterns and SEM (scanning electron microscopy) for observing the epidermal cell morphology of floral organs.

Key Results

Fourteen new floral MADS-box genes were isolated from Sinofranchetia chinensis and from two other species of Lardizabalaceae, Holboellia grandiflora and Decaisnea insignis. The phylogenetic analysis of AP3-like genes in Ranunculales showed that three AP3 paralogues from Sinofranchetia chinensis belong to the AP3-I, -II and -III lineages. In situ hybridization results showed that SIchAP3-3 is significantly expressed only in nectar leaves at the late stages of floral development, and SIchAG, a C-class MADS-box gene, is expressed not only in stamens and carpels, but also in nectar leaves. SEM observation revealed that the adaxial surface of nectar leaves is covered with conical epidermal cells, a hallmark of petaloidy.


The gene expression data imply that the nectar leaves in S. chinensis might share a similar genetic regulatory code with other nectar leaves in Ranunculales species. Based on gene expression and morphological evidence, it is considered that the nectar leaves in S. chinensis could be referred to as petals. Furthermore, the study supports the hypothesis that the nectar leaves in some Ranunculales species might be derived from stamens.  相似文献   

Sequences from 14 slowly evolving chloroplast genes (including three highly conserved introns) were obtained for representative basal angiosperm and seed-plant taxa, using novel primers described here. These data were combined with published sequences from atpB, rbcL, and newly obtained sequences from ndhF. Combined data from these 17 genes permit sturdy, well-resolved inference of major aspects of basal angiosperm relationships, demonstrating that the new primers are valuable tools for sorting out the deepest events in flowering plant phylogeny. Sequences from the inverted repeat (IR) proved to be particularly reliable (low homoplasy, high retention index). Representatives of Cabomba and Illicium were the first two successive branches of the angiosperms in an initial sampling of 19 exemplar taxa. This result was strongly supported by bootstrap analysis and by two small insertion/deletion events in the slowly evolving introns. Several paleoherb groups (representatives of Piperales) formed a strongly supported clade with taxa representing core woody magnoliids (Laurales, Magnoliales, and Winteraceae). The monophyly of the sampled eudicots and monocots was also well supported. Analyses of three major partitions of the data showed many of the same clades and supported the rooting seen with all the data combined. While Amborella trichopoda was supported as the sister group of the remaining angiosperms when we added Amborella and Nymphaea odorata to the analysis, a strongly conflicting rooting was observed when Amborella alone was added.  相似文献   

Sequences of spacers and group I introns in plant chloroplast genomes have recently been shown to be very effective in phylogenetic reconstruction at higher taxonomic levels and not only for inferring relationships among species. Group II introns, being more frequent in those genomes than group I introns, may be further promising markers. Because group II introns are structurally constrained, we assumed that sequences of a group II intron should be alignable across seed plants. We designed universal amplification primers for the petD intron and sequenced this intron in a representative selection of 47 angiosperms and three gymnosperms. Our sampling of taxa is the most representative of major seed plant lineages to date for group II introns. Through differential analysis of structural partitions, we studied patterns of molecular evolution and their contribution to phylogenetic signal. Nonpairing stretches (loops, bulges, and interhelical nucleotides) were considerably more variable in both substitutions and indels than in helical elements. Differences among the domains are basically a function of their structural composition. After the exclusion of four mutational hotspots accounting for less than 18% of sequence length, which are located in loops of domains I and IV, all sequences could be aligned unambiguously across seed plants. Microstructural changes predominantly occurred in loop regions and are mostly simple sequence repeats. An indel matrix comprising 241 characters revealed microstructural changes to be of lower homoplasy than are substitutions. In showing Amborella first branching and providing support for a magnoliid clade through a synapomorphic indel, the petD data set proved effective in testing between alternative hypotheses on the basal nodes of the angiosperm tree. Within angiosperms, group II introns offer phylogenetic signal that is intermediate in information content between that of spacers and group I introns on the one hand and coding sequences on the other.  相似文献   



Recent studies of floral disparity in the asterid order Ericales have shown that flowers vary strongly among families and that disparity is unequally distributed between the three flower modules (perianth, androecium, gynoecium). However, it remains unknown whether these patterns are driven by heterogeneous rates of morphological evolution or other factors.


Here, we compiled a data set of 33 floral characters scored for 414 species of Ericales sampled from 346 genera and all 22 families. We conducted ancestral state reconstructions using an equal-rates Markov model for each character. We estimated rates of morphological evolution for Ericales and for a separate angiosperm-wide data set of 19 characters and 792 species, creating “rate profiles” for Ericales, angiosperms, and major angiosperm subclades. We compared morphological rates among flower modules within each data set separately and between data sets, and we compared rates among angiosperm subclades using the angiosperm data set.


The androecium exhibits the highest evolutionary rates across most characters, whereas most perianth and gynoecium characters evolve more slowly in both Ericales and angiosperms. Both high and low rates of morphological evolution can result in high floral disparity in Ericales. Analyses of an angiosperm-wide floral data set reveal that this pattern appears to be conserved across most major angiosperm clades.


Elevated rates of morphological evolution in the androecium of Ericales may explain the higher disparity reported for this floral module. Comparing rates of morphological evolution through rate profiles proves to be a powerful tool in understanding floral evolution.  相似文献   

The flowering plants--angiosperms--appeared during the Early Cretaceous period and within 10-30 Myr dominated the species composition of many floras worldwide. Emerging insights into the phylogenetics of development and discoveries of early angiosperm fossils are shedding increased light on the patterns and processes of early angiosperm evolution. However, we also need to integrate ecology, in particular how early angiosperms established a roothold in pre-existing Mesozoic plant communities. These events were critical in guiding subsequent waves of angiosperm diversification during the Aptian-Albian. Previous pictures of the early flowering plant ecology have been diverse, ranging from large tropical rainforest trees, weedy drought-adapted and colonizing shrubs, disturbance- and sun-loving rhizomatous herbs, and, more recently, aquatic herbs; however, none of these images were tethered to a robust hypothesis of angiosperm phylogeny. Here, we synthesize our current understanding of early angiosperm ecology, focusing on patterns of functional ecology, by merging recent molecular phylogenetic studies and functional studies on extant 'basal angiosperms' with the picture of early angiosperm evolution drawn by the fossil record.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Annonaceae are one of the largest families of Magnoliales. This study investigates the comparative floral development of 15 species to understand the basis for evolutionary changes in the perianth, androecium and carpels and to provide additional characters for phylogenetic investigation.


Floral ontogeny of 15 species from 12 genera is examined and described using scanning electron microscopy.

Key Results

Initiation of the three perianth whorls is either helical or unidirectional. Merism is mostly trimerous, occasionally tetramerous and the members of the inner perianth whorl may be missing or are in double position. The androecium and the gynoecium were found to be variable in organ numbers (from highly polymerous to a fixed number, six in the androecium and one or two in the gynoecium). Initiation of the androecium starts invariably with three pairs of stamen primordia along the sides of the hexagonal floral apex. Although inner staminodes were not observed, they were reported in other genera and other families of Magnoliales, except Magnoliaceae and Myristicaceae. Initiation of further organs is centripetal. Androecia with relatively low stamen numbers have a whorled phyllotaxis throughout, while phyllotaxis becomes irregular with higher stamen numbers. The limits between stamens and carpels are unstable and carpels continue the sequence of stamens with a similar variability.


It was found that merism of flowers is often variable in some species with fluctuations between trimery and tetramery. Doubling of inner perianth parts is caused by (unequal) splitting of primordia, contrary to the androecium, and is independent of changes of merism. Derived features, such as a variable merism, absence of the inner perianth and inner staminodes, fixed numbers of stamen and carpels, and capitate or elongate styles are distributed in different clades and evolved independently. The evolution of the androecium is discussed in the context of basal angiosperms: paired outer stamens are the consequence of the transition between the larger perianth parts and much smaller stamens, and not the result of splitting. An increase in stamen number is correlated with their smaller size at initiation, while limits between stamens and carpels are unclear with easy transitions of one organ type into another in some genera, or the complete replacement of carpels by stamens in unisexual flowers.  相似文献   

Flowering plant diversity now far exceeds the combined diversity of all other plant groups. Recently identified extant remnants of the earliest-diverging lines suggest that the first angiosperms may have lived in shady, disturbed, and moist understory habitats, and that the aquatic habit also arose early. This would have required the capacity to begin life in dimly lit environments. If so, evolution in light-sensing mechanisms may have been crucial to their success. The photoreceptor phytochrome A is unique among angiosperm phytochromes in its capacity to serve a transient role under conditions where an extremely high sensitivity is required. We present evidence of altered functional constraints between phytochrome A (PHYA) and its paralog, PHYC. Tests for selection suggest that an elevation in nonsynonymous rates resulted from an episode of selection along the branch leading to all angiosperm PHYA sequences. Most nucleotide sites (95%) are selectively constrained, and the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions on branches within the PHYA clade does not differ from the ratio on the branches in the PHYC clade. Thus, positive selection at a handful of sites, rather than relaxation of selective constraints, apparently has played a major role in the evolution of the photosensory domain of phytochrome A. The episode of selection occurred very early in the history of flowering plants, suggesting that innovation in phyA may have given the first angiosperms some adaptive advantage.  相似文献   

Physical maps of the 18S–5.8S–26S ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) were generated by fluorescent in situ hybridization for five diploid Paeonia species, P. delavayi and P. rockii of section Moutan, and P. emodi, P. tenuifolia, and P. veitchii of section Paeonia. Of five pairs of mitotic chromosomes, rDNA loci were mapped near the telomeres of chromosomes 3, 4, and 5 of P. rockii and P. tenuifolia, chromosomes 2, 3, 4, and 5 of P. delavayi, and all five pairs of chromosomes of P. emodi and P. veitchii. Combining this information with the previously obtained rDNA maps of P. brownii and P. californica of section Oneapia, we hypothesized that the most recent common ancestor of extant peony species had three rDNA loci located on chromosomes 3, 4, and 5. Increase in number of rDNA loci occurred later in each of the three sections, and the increase from three to four loci represents a parallel gain of an rDNA locus on chromosome 2 in P. delavayi of section Moutan and P. brownii of section Oneapia. The increase in number of rDNA loci likely resulted from the translocation of rDNA repeats from chromosomes bearing rDNA loci to chromosomes without them; such translocation is probably facilitated by the telomeric location of rDNA loci. For allotetraploid peony species lacking polymorphism in sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of rDNA, the rDNAs derived from divergent diploid parents may have been homogenized through concerted evolution among at least six rDNA loci in the allotetraploids. Chromosomal location of rDNA loci has a more substantial impact on the tempo of concerted evolution than the number of loci.  相似文献   

The Norway spruce MADS-box genes DAL11, DAL12 and DAL13 are phylogenetically related to the angiosperm B-function MADS-box genes: genes that act together with A-function genes in specifying petal identity and with C-function genes in specifying stamen identity to floral organs. In this report we present evidence to suggest that the B-gene function in the specification of identity of the pollen-bearing organs has been conserved between conifers and angiosperms. Expression of DAL11 or DAL12 in transgenic Arabidopsis causes phenotypic changes which partly resemble those caused by ectopic expression of the endogenous B-genes. In similar experiments, flowers of Arabidopsis plants expressing DAL13 showed a different homeotic change in that they formed ectopic anthers in whorls one, two or four. We also demonstrate the capacity of the spruce gene products to form homodimers, and that DAL11 and DAL13 may form heterodimers with each other and with the Arabidopsis B-protein AP3, but not with PI, the second B-gene product in Arabidopsis. In situ hybridization experiments show that the conifer B-like genes are expressed specifically in developing pollen cones, but differ in both temporal and spatial distribution patterns. These results suggest that the B-function in conifers is dual and is separated into a meristem identity and an organ identity function, the latter function possibly being independent of an interaction with the C-function. Thus, even though an ancestral B-function may have acted in combination with C to specify micro- and megasporangia, the B-function has evolved differently in conifers and angiosperms.  相似文献   

The trefoil factor (TFF) family, which comprises TFF1, TFF2 and TFF3, plays an essential role in epithelial regeneration within the gastrointestinal tract. All three TFFs are present in human saliva; TFF3 is the predominant trefoil peptide. Little is known about the expression and tissue distribution of TFFs in rats, which are commonly used as a model system for human studies. We investigated the localization of the TFF genes that encode secretory peptides in rat submandibular glands (SMG). All three TFFs were expressed in rat SMG, although their location varied. Substantial amounts of TFF1 were detected only in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells in the SMG granular convoluted tubules (GCT), while TFF2 and TFF3 were widely distributed in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells of intercalated ducts (ID), striated ducts (SD) and interlobular ducts (ILD). The three TFFs also were detected especially in the lumens of the SD and ILD. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR and in situ hybridization experiments confirmed TFF1, TFF2 and TFF3 mRNA expressions in the SMG. Greater expression of TFF peptides and mRNA was observed in male rats than in females. The broad expression of TFFs in rat SMG cells and lumens suggests that TFFs function in this organ by their secretion into the duct lumens. We also found differences in TFF expression profiles between rat and human SMG; therefore, caution should be exercised when using rats as a model for human TFF studies.  相似文献   

人DDX36和小鼠Ddx36基因在成年睾丸组织中的表达研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
果蝇是结构基因组学和功能基因组学研究的最为理想的一种模式生物,采用同源克隆的策略,应用生物信息学分析和实验技术相结合的方法分别从人和小鼠中克隆了同源于果蝇MLE蛋白的新基因DDX36和Ddx36。为进一步研究DDX36和Ddx36基因与精子发生的关系,再应用Northrn blotting,RT-PCR和组织原位杂交技术探讨了DDX36和Ddx36基因的表达情况,结果发现人DDX36和小鼠Ddx36基因在成年睾丸组织中高表达。初步证明DDX36和Ddx36基因在精子发生中亦可能发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

We isolated genomic clones containing sequences encoding globins I and IA from a Chironomus thummi thummi genomic library. Three clones contain globin IA (ctt-1A) genes, while one contains a globin I (ctt-1) gene. The coding regions of the four genes are identical except for the single base substitution accounting for the globin I/IA polymorphism. The noncoding DNA flanking the coding region is more than 98% similar, confirming a previous hypothesis that the globin ctt-1 and ctt-1A genes are alleles. Hemoglobins I and IA are monomeric in the insect hemolymph. Earlier in situ hybridization studies suggested that monomeric and dimeric globin genes are clustered at different chromosomal loci. In situ hybridization of ctt-1 DNA to polytene salivary gland chromosomes places the ctt-1 gene on the same band as genes for the dimeric globins II and VIIB, forcing revision of the earlier hypothesis that genes for monomeric and dimeric globin genes are at different loci. The evolution of the ctt-1 and ctt-1A alleles and of the two globin gene loci are discussed. Correspondence to: G. Bergtrom  相似文献   

In this study, bioinformatics analysis, tissue distribution and developmental expression pattern of lipoprotein lipase (lpl) and hepatic lipase (lipc) in zebrafish Danio rerio are reported. In adult D. rerio, lpl was highly expressed in liver. This is remarkably different from the tissue expression pattern of LPL in mammals, which is not detected in the adult liver. The expression of lipc was liver specific, which is consistent with that in mammals. During embryogenesis, lpl mRNA was increased gradually in concentration from 0·5 hpf (hour post fertilization) to 6 dpf (days post fertilization), but lipc was not expressed at the early stage of the embryo until 3 dpf. In situ hybridization further displayed the expression pattern of lpl mainly restricted to the head region including cells surrounding the mouth opening, branchial arches, pectoral fin and lateral line neuromast, whereas lipc was mainly restricted to the liver and part of head regions including lens. This lays a foundation for further investigation of lpl or lipc function and evolution in fishes.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that the genus Magnolia is characterised by an undifferentiated perianth, typically organised into three whorls of nearly identical tepals. In some species, however, we encountered interesting and significant perianth modifications. In Magnolia acuminata, M. liliiflora and M. stellata the perianth elements of the first whorl are visually different from the others. In M. stellata the additional, spirally arranged perianth elements are present above the first three whorls, which suggests that they have been formed within the domain of stamen primordia. In these three species, we analysed expression patterns of the key flower genes (AP1, AGL6, AP3, PI, AG) responsible for the identity of flower elements and correlated them with results of morphological and anatomical investigations. In all studied species the elements of the first whorl lacked the identity of petals (lack of AP3 and PI expression) but also that of leaves (presence of AGL6 expression), and this seems to prove their sepal character. The analysis of additional perianth elements of M. stellata, spirally arranged on the elongated floral axis, revealed overlapping and reduced activity of genes involved in specification of the identity of the perianth (AGL6) but also of generative parts (AG), even though no clear gradient of morphological changes could be observed. In conclusion, Magnolia genus is capable of forming, in some species, a perianth differentiated into a calyx (sepals) and corolla (petals). Spirally arranged, additional perianth elements of M. stellata, despite activity of AG falling basipetally, resemble petals.  相似文献   

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