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Plasmatocytes are a class of insect hemocytes important in the cellular defense response. In some species, they are phagocytic, protecting the insect from smaller pathogens. In many insects, they work in concert with other hemocytes (particularly other plasmatocytes and granular cells) to form nodules and to encapsulate foreign material. To perform these functions, plasmatocytes attach to, spread on, and surround suitable targets. Because of their importance, because we had previously observed that prolonged incubation of hemocytes in solutions containing the divalent cation chelator ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) inhibited plasmatocyte spreading, and because of the importance of divalent cations in many immune-related functions, we investigated the effect of calcium and magnesium on spreading of plasmatocytes from fifth instar Manduca sexta larvae. On glass slides, plasmatocytes spread more quickly and elongated in Grace's medium containing 5 mM calcium, compared to calcium-free medium. In the presence of calcium, plasmatocyte adhesion, spreading, and network formation were not visibly different in magnesium-free and magnesium-containing Grace's medium. Using immunomicroscopy with a monoclonal antibody specific for plasmatocytes, we measured the length and width of plasmatocytes incubated with several different concentrations of calcium. Plasmatocyte length positively correlated with calcium concentration to 5 mM (maximum concentration tested and approximately the hemolymph concentration). Mean plasmatocyte width was less in 0 and 5 mM calcium than in 0.05 or 0.5 mM calcium. On plastic, hemocytes survived longer than on glass (they survived beyond 24 h) and, in 5 mM calcium, formed an extensive network readily visible by phase-contrast microscopy. This network was never as extensive in the absence of calcium. Network formation in the absence of magnesium, but presence of calcium, resembled network formation in standard Grace's medium.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of degradation of juvenile hormone esterase (JHE) were investigated in larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. JHE is removed from the hemolymph by the pericardial cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis and is ultimately degraded in the lysosomes. Immunoprecipitation experiments and native PAGE followed by Western blotting showed that JHE associates with a putative heat shock cognate protein (Hsp). Approximately 25% of the active JHE in the pericardial cell complex is associated with the putative Hsp 1 h postinjection of affinity purified JHE. Electron microscope analysis revealed that the putative Hsp is located in the trans-Golgi network of pericardial cells, where it is hypothesized to be involved in sorting of proteins destined for the lysosomes, from those destined for the cell membrane. Data acquired from immunoprecipitation and Western blotting experiments argue against the involvement of ubiquitin in the degradation of JHE. Injection of radiolabeled JHE into larvae of M. sexta followed by SDS-PAGE of pericardial cell homogenates revealed covalent binding of an unidentified protein to JHE in the pericardial cell complex. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 34:275–286, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In Manduca sexta larvae, radioactive free cholesterol is absorbed directly from the midgut into mucosal cells where it is stored both in the free form (87% in males and 93% in females) and esterified form (13% in males and 7% in females). Subsequently, cholesterol is transported to fat body via lipophorin in the hemolymph exclusively in the free form. In fat body, the distribution of cholesterol between the free and esterified form varied significantly between genders and developmental stages. Except for the larval stage, males and females were able to store cholesterol in both free and esterified forms in the fat body and in the adult stage cholesterol ester accounted for more than 75% of the stored cholesterol. Placement of radioactive cholesterol at different locations in the gut-foregut, midgut, and hindgut-demonstrated that the midgut is the site where cholesterol is absorbed and released into the hemolymph. Cholesterol-labeled lipophorin injected into larval hemolymph was cleared from the hemolymph with a half-life of 10.2 h. After 17 h, most of the cleared radioactivity was recovered in the fat body (38%). Arch.  相似文献   

Structure-activity studies were performed for adipokinetic hormone (AKH) in Manduca sexta. Seven naturally occurring and four synthetic peptides of the red pigment concentrating hormone (RPCH)/AKH family were tested in larvae of M. sexta for activation of glycogen phosphorylase in fat body. pGlu at the N-terminal was found to be important for activity of peptides; however, Manduca AcGly1AKH is partially active. The amino acids at all positions appear to be of importance for activity, with the possible exception of the two serine residues in positions six and seven. Generally, the more amino acids are exchanged, the less the peptide will bind to the receptor. In M. sexta a beta-bend appears not to be important for the binding of peptides. Peptides ten amino acids long appear to be more active than shorter ones.  相似文献   

The role of phosphorus (P) in numerous important biological structures, coupled with the observation that P-content of many insect foods is disproportionately low, suggests that P may be a critical nutrient for growing insects — however, the few studies examining the effects of dietary P on insect performance have generally found only weak relationships. This mismatch may be reconciled by understanding the physiological mechanisms by which insects handle P. Here we describe P processing by larvae of Manduca sexta. When given un-manipulated leaves of a common host plant, Datura wrightii, fifth-instar larvae retained about 85% of P consumed; when given P-enriched leaves larvae retained only 25% of P consumed. Analysis of gut concentrations of P at four sites along the digestive tract, and in leaves and feces, indicates that the rectum is the primary site of P transport between the gut and body and that differences in P retention may be accounted for by differential rates of rectal P transport. Larvae given P-enriched leaves also showed an eightfold increase in the concentration of P in the hemolymph, primarily as α-glycerophosphate — but only a 12% increase in the concentration of P in body tissues, suggesting that hemolymph plays a central role in storage and buffering of P.  相似文献   

In Manduca sexta the major size increase of ovarian follicles is accomplished by two processes: (1) vitellogenesis in which follicular volume and dry weight increase simultaneously, and (2) hydration in which absorption of water by the oocyte accounts for an 80% increase in volume prior to chorion formation. Vitellogenic growth occurs in both a slow and rapid phase. Rapid vitellogenic growth is initiated only by follicles of a threshold size (1 mm) and is a juvenile hormone (JH)-dependent event. In the absence of JH follicles grow to 1 mm and then degenerate.  相似文献   

Abstract. Fifth stadium larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta (L.), ate larger meals than usual when they had been deprived of food for periods of time longer than the usual intermeal interval (c. 45 min). Meal size increased with time since the last meal until 180 min, when it was about 3 times normal. There was no evidence of a role for volumetric feedback from the gut in controlling meal size. Injections of a paraffin oil/wax mixture, or of petroleum jelly (Vaseline) into the foregut, midgut or rectum failed to decrease meal size. Cutting the recurrent nerve failed to alter meal size compared to sham-operated controls (although both groups took smaller meals than unoperated controls). By contrast, injections of an extract of soluble nutrients from the diet into the midgut inhibited feeding in some insects and reduced subsequent meal size in others. Appropriate controls showed that these effects were not due to the volumetric or osmotic effects of the injections. These results imply that nutrient feedback plays an important role in controlling meal size in Manduca caterpillars, while volumetric feedback is probably unimportant.  相似文献   

The immune protein, scolexin, a bacteria-induced, larva-specific protein from Manduca sexta, was shown to exist in the hemolymph in two isoelectric forms designated herein as scolexin-1 and scolexin-2 (native Mr ~ 72 kd). These two charge isomers appeared to share the same amino acid composition. Scolexin is composed of two subunits (peptide Mr ~ 36 kd) that possess the same N-terminus. Scolexin-2 was subjected to glycosyl composition analysis, revealing the presence of galactose, glucose, mannose, xylose, and sialic acid residues. Hybridization of epidermal RNA with oligonucleotides deduced from the scolexin N-terminal sequence showed a continuous decline in mRNA following day 0 of the 5th larval instar. By employing in vitro protein labelling, it was found that organ cultures of the epidermis from immune larvae showed a greater ability over that of naive epidermal cultures to synthesize scolexin; these data reflected the inducible response seen in the hemolymph, and confirm other data indicating that the epidermis is an important site of scolexin biosynthesis. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The identification, purification and characterization of a new postlarval specific hemolymph protein from Manduca sexta is described. Incorporation of [35S]methionine into Manduca sexta hemolymph proteins in vivo was investigated as a function of development. A major protein band of Mr ≈ 50,000 was highly labeled during the prepupal and adult stage but not in feeding larvae. This postlarval protein (PLP) was isolated from adult male hemolymph and its chemical and immunological properties determined. PLP is a basic protein (pI ~8.6). Electrophoresis under denaturing conditions reveals a subunit Mr ≈ 50,000 while the native protein has an apparent Mr ~ 85,000 by gel permeation chromatography. Anti-PLP serum recognized PLP but not other hemolymph proteins on immunoblots. In vitro translation of fat body mRNA followed by immunoprecipitation revealed that fat body is the site of PLP synthesis. Quantitation of PLP levels in hemolymph throughout development was performed and suggests PLP may play a role in adult development of M. sexta.  相似文献   

Manduca sexta (tobacco hornworm) chitinase is a molting enzyme that contains several domains including a catalytic domain, a serine/threonine-rich region, and a C-terminal cysteine-rich domain. Previously we showed that this chitinase acts as a biopesticide in transgenic plants where it disrupts gut physiology. To delineate the role of these domains further and to identify and characterize some of the multiple forms produced in molting fluid and in transgenic plants, three different forms with variable lengths of C-terminal deletions were generated. Appropriately truncated forms of the M. sexta chitinase cDNA were generated, introduced into a baculovirus vector, and expressed in insect cells. Two of the truncated chitinases (Chi 1-407 and Chi 1-477) were secreted into the medium, whereas the one with the longest deletion (Chi 1-376) was retained inside the insect cells. The two larger truncated chitinases and the full-length enzyme (Chi 1-535) were purified and their properties were compared. Differences in carbohydrate compositions, pH–activity profiles, and kinetic constants were observed among the different forms of chitinases. All three of these chitinases had some affinity for chitin, and they also exhibited differences in their ability to hydrolyze colloidal chitin. The results support the hypothesis that multiple forms of this enzyme occur in vivo due to proteolytic processing at the C-terminal end and differential glycosylation.  相似文献   

During metamorphosis in the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, the abdominal body-wall muscle DEO1 is remodeled to form the adult muscle DE5. The degeneration of muscle DEO1 involves the dismantling of its contractile apparatus followed by the degeneration of muscle nuclei. As some nuclei are degenerating, others begin to incorporate 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), indicating the onset of nuclear proliferation. This proliferation is initially most evident at the site where the motoneuron contacts the muscle remnant. The developmental events involved in muscle remodeling are under the control of the steroid hormones, the ecdysteroids. The loss of the contractile elements of the larval muscle requires the rise and fall of the prepupal peak of ecdysteroids, whereas the subsequent loss of muscle nuclei is influenced by the slight rise in ecdysteroids seen after pupal ecdysis. Incorporation of BrdU by muscle nuclei depends on both the adult peak of the ecdysteroids and contact with the motoneuron. Unilateral axotomy blocks proliferation within the rudiment, but it does not block its subsequent differentiation into a very thin muscle in the adult. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Manduca sexta, commonly known as the tobacco hornworm, is considered a significant agricultural pest, feeding on solanaceous plants including tobacco and tomato. The susceptibility of M. sexta larvae to a variety of entomopathogenic bacterial species1-5, as well as the wealth of information available regarding the insect''s immune system6-8, and the pending genome sequence9 make it a good model organism for use in studying host-microbe interactions during pathogenesis. In addition, M. sexta larvae are relatively large and easy to manipulate and maintain in the laboratory relative to other susceptible insect species. Their large size also facilitates efficient tissue/hemolymph extraction for analysis of the host response to infection.The method presented here describes the direct injection of bacteria into the hemocoel (blood cavity) of M. sexta larvae. This approach can be used to analyze and compare the virulence characteristics of various bacterial species, strains, or mutants by simply monitoring the time to insect death after injection. This method was developed to study the pathogenicity of Xenorhabdus and Photorhabdus species, which typically associate with nematode vectors as a means to gain entry into the insect. Entomopathogenic nematodes typically infect larvae via natural digestive or respiratory openings, and release their symbiotic bacterial contents into the insect hemolymph (blood) shortly thereafter10. The injection method described here bypasses the need for a nematode vector, thus uncoupling the effects of bacteria and nematode on the insect. This method allows for accurate enumeration of infectious material (cells or protein) within the inoculum, which is not possible using other existing methods for analyzing entomopathogenesis, including nicking11 and oral toxicity assays12. Also, oral toxicity assays address the virulence of secreted toxins introduced into the digestive system of larvae, whereas the direct injection method addresses the virulence of whole-cell inocula.The utility of the direct injection method as described here is to analyze bacterial pathogenesis by monitoring insect mortality. However, this method can easily be expanded for use in studying the effects of infection on the M. sexta immune system. The insect responds to infection via both humoral and cellular responses. The humoral response includes recognition of bacterial-associated patterns and subsequent production of various antimicrobial peptides7; the expression of genes encoding these peptides can be monitored subsequent to direct infection via RNA extraction and quantitative PCR13. The cellular response to infection involves nodulation, encapsulation, and phagocytosis of infectious agents by hemocytes6. To analyze these responses, injected insects can be dissected and visualized by microscopy13, 14.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT ABSTRACT During the pupal and adult stages, the JHBP levels displayed a sex-related difference, with females showing higher levels than males. A sharp increase in JHBP levels was observed at day 2 of the pupal stage. After day 2 the JHBP titer declined precipitously, and then remained unchanged until day 12 in males. JHBP titers in females decreased slightly after day 2 and then remained relatively constant until day 12. In both sexes, the JHBP levels showed a steep increase and peaked around day 15. During the previtellogenic period, the JHBP titers declined dramatically until adult ecdysis. During early adult stage, JHBP titiers in the female remained constant at preecdysis level. This information could broaden our understanding of pest physiology during adult metamorphosis, and could have extensive implications for developing insect growth regulators to control agricultural pests.  相似文献   

In several insect species, serum lysozyme and antibacterial peptide concentration increases after injection of bacteria and other foreign substances. The purpose of this study was to characterize the specificity of this induction in the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. By 48 h after injection of killed bacteria, lysozyme activity was approximately tenfold greater than in untreated insects. This maximal response was observed after injection of every bacterial species tested and after injection of purified cell walls of Micrococcus luteus. A variety of acellular particles, soluble molecules, and bacterial cell wall components were either poor lysozyme inducers or elicited no change in lysozyme concentration. The polysaccharide zymosan from yeast cell walls was a moderate lysozyme inducer. Peptidoglycan from M. luteus cell walls was found to induce lysozyme to a level as great or greater than whole cell walls. Small fragments of peptidoglycan generated by hen egg white lysozyme digestion were isolated, partially characterized, and shown to be good inducers of lysozyme as well as other antibacterial peptides. It appears that peptidoglycan provides a signal that initiates antibacterial responses in the insect.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, directed against an H+ translocating V-ATPase of the midgut of Manduca sexta, has been used for immunolocalization studies in ovarian follicles and testes of Manduca sexta. In testes, no distinct staining above background levels was observed. In vitellogenic follicles, V-ATPase immunoreactivity first appears in the cytoplasm of the trophocytes and then in the oocyte, but by far the strongest reaction is present in the region of the oolemma during endocytosis. All types of follicle cells surrounding both the oocyte and the trophocyte compartments show a distinct positive reaction. In the cylindrical follicle cells surrounding the oocyte, the immunoreactivity is clearly restricted to the basal part. Our results suggest an important role for V-ATPase in vitellogenin uptake in Manduca, similar to that suggested on electro-physiological grounds in Hyalophora cecropia. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We report on phospholipase A2 (PLA2) activity in homogenates prepared from fat bodies of the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta. PLA2 activity is responsible for hydrolyzing fatty acids from the sn-2 position of phospholipids. The rate of hydrolysis increased with increasing homogenate protein concentration up to ~? 320 μg protein/ml reaction volume. Higher protein concentrations did not appreciably increase the rate of PLA2 activity. As seen in some, but not all PLA2s from mammalian sources, hydrolyzing activity increased linearly with time. The fat body activity was sensitive to pH (optimal activity at pH 8–9) and temperature (optimal activity at ~?40°C). The activity was associated with fat body rather than hemolymph, because no activity was detected in cell-free serum. The fat body PLA2 activity differs from the majority of PLA2s with respect to calcium requirements. Whereas most PLA2s are calcium-independent. A few others are known to require submicromolar calcium concentrations. The fat body activity appears to be calcium independent. These data show that a PLA2 activity that can hydrolyze arachidonic acid from the sn-2 position of phospholipids is associated with the tobacco hornworm fat body. The biological significance of this activity relates to biosynthesis of eicosanoids. Pharmacological inhibition of PLA2 impairs the ability of this insect to respond to bacterial infections. Since the impairment can be reversed by treatment with exogenous arachidonic acid, the PLA2 activity may be an important step in eicosanoid biosynthesis. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The heterotrimeric G proteins are a conserved family of guanyl nucleotide-binding proteins that appear in all eukaryotic cells but whose developmental functions are largely unknown. We have examined the developmental expression of representative G proteins in the developing nervous system of the moth Manduca sexta. Using affinity-purified antisera against different Gα subunits, we found that each of the G proteins exhibited distinctive patterns of expression within the developing central nervous system (CNS), and that these patterns underwent progressive phases of spatial and temporal regulation that corresponded to specific aspects of neuronal differentiation. Several of the G proteins examined (including Gsα and Goα) were expressed in an apparently ubiquitous manner in all neurons, but other proteins (including Giα) were ultimately confined to a more restricted subset of cells in the mature CNS. Although most of the G proteins examined could be detected within the central ganglia, only Goα-related proteins were seen in the developing peripheral nerves; manipulations of G protein activity in cultured embryos suggested that this class of G protein may contribute to the regulation of neuronal motility during axonal outgrowth. Goα-related protein were also localized to the developing axons and terminals of the developing adult limb during metamorphosis. These intracellular signaling molecules may, therefore, play similar developmental roles in both the embryonic and postembryonic nervous system. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Midgut mitochondria from fifth larval instar Manduca sexta exhibited a transhydrogenase that catalyzes the following reversible reaction: NADPH + NAD(+) <--> NADP(+) + NADH. The NADPH-forming transhydrogenation occurred as a nonenergy- and energy-linked activity. Energy for the latter was derived from the electron transport-dependent utilization of NADH or succinate, or from Mg++-dependent ATP hydrolysis by ATPase. The NADH-forming and all of the NADPH-forming reactions appeared optimal at pH 7.5, were stable to prolonged dialysis, and displayed thermal lability. N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) inhibited the NADPH --> NAD(+) and energy-linked NADH --> NADP(+) transhydrogenations, but not the nonenergy-linked NADH --> NADP(+) reaction. Oligomycin only inhibited the ATP-dependent energy-linked activity. The NADH-forming, nonenergy-linked NADPH-forming, and the energy-linked NADPH-forming activities were membrane-associated in M. sexta mitochondria. This is the first demonstration of the reversibility of the M. sexta mitochondrial transhydrogenase and, more importantly, the occurrence of nonenergy-linked and energy-linked NADH --> NADP(+) transhydrogenations. The potential relationship of the transhydrogenase to the mitochondrial, NADPH-utilizing ecdysone-20 monooxygenase of M. sexta is considered.  相似文献   

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