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Mouse embryos were exposed to all-trans-retinoic acid on day 11 or day 12 of development and the resulting skeletal pattern alterations compared with early effects on Hoxd-11 and Hoxd-13 expression domains and RAR-β2/β4 promoter activity. The effects on skeletal pattern showed a clear correlation between the timing of retinoic acid exposure and the sequence of mesenchymal condensation. Ectopic RAR-β2/β4 promoter activity was detected within 2 hr of exposure to retinoic acid, and was present throughout the limb bud after 5 hr; it remained high in the apical ectodermal ridge and proximal mesenchyme after 12 hr, by which time the abnormal digital pattern could be seen. HoxD gene expression domains in the distal handplate were narrowed by 5 hr after maternal retinoic acid administration on day 11. Following retinoic acid treatment on both day 11 and day 12, the normal downregulation of Hoxd-11 and Hoxd-13 in the digital mesenchymal condensations was retarded. There was no evidence to suggest that RAR-β2/β4 promoter activity mediates the effects of RA on HoxD gene expression, but ectopic promoter activity is a useful indicator of at least some of the sites in which RA levels are raised. We suggest (1) that the apical ectodermal ridge is the most functionally significant of these sites, (2) that raised retinoic acid levels in the ridge result in altered gene expression and/or altered cell proliferation within this epithelium, (3) that both altered HoxD gene expression domains and altered skeletal pattern formation are secondary to this effect. There was a good correlation between the effects of retinoic acid on Hoxd-11 and Hoxd-13 expression and delay of skeletal differentiation, suggesting that this may be a direct effect. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Members of the Wnt family are known to play diverse roles in the organogenesis of vertebrates. The full-coding sequences of chicken Wnt-5a were identified and the role it plays in limb development was examined by comparing its expression pattern with that of two other Wnt members, Wnt-4 and Wnt-11, and by misexpressing it with a retrovirus vector in the limb bud. Wnt-5a expression is detected in the limb-forming region at stage 14, and in the apical ectodermal ridge and distal mesenchyme of the limb bud. The signal was graded along the proximal-distal axis at stages 20-28 and also along the anterior-posterior axis during early stages. It disappeared in the cartilage-forming region after stage 26, and was restricted to the region surrounding the phalanges at stage 34. Wnt-4 and Wnt-11, other members of the Wnt-5a-subclass, were expressed with a distinct spatiotemporal pattern during the later phase. Wnt-4 was expressed in the articular structure and Wnt-11 was expressed in the dorsal and ventral mesenchyme adjacent to the ectoderm. Wnt-5a expression was partially reduced after apical ectodermal ridge removal, whereas Wnt-11 expression was down-regulated by dorsal ectoderm removal. Therefore, expression of these Wnt was differentially regulated by the ectodermal signal. Misexpression of Wnt-5a in the limb bud with the retrovirus resulted in truncation of long bones predominantly in the zeugopod because of retarded chondrogenic differentiation. Distal elements, such as the phalanges and metacarpals, were not significantly reduced in size. These results suggest that Wnt-5a is involved in pattern formation along the proximal-distal axis by regulation of chondrogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

The process of endochondral ossification in which the bones of the limb are formed after generation of cartilage models is dependent on a precisely regulated program of chondrocyte maturation. Here, we show that the homeobox-containing gene Dlx5 is expressed at the onset of chondrocyte maturation during the conversion of immature proliferating chondrocytes into postmitotic hypertrophying chondrocytes, a critical step in the maturation process. Moreover, retroviral misexpression of Dlx5 during differentiation of the skeletal elements of the chick limb in vivo results in the formation of severely shortened skeletal elements that contain excessive numbers of hypertrophying chondrocytes which extend into ectopic regions, including sites normally occupied by immature chondrocytes. The expansion in the extent of hypertrophic maturation detectable histologically is accompanied by expanded and upregulated domains of expression of molecular markers of chondrocyte maturation, particularly type X collagen and osteopontin, and by expansion of mineralized cartilage matrix, which is characteristic of terminal hypertrophic differentiation. Furthermore, Dlx5 misexpression markedly reduces chondrocyte proliferation concomitant with promoting hypertrophic maturation. Taken together, these results indicate that Dlx5 is a positive regulator of chondrocyte maturation and suggest that it regulates the process at least in part by promoting conversion of immature proliferating chondrocytes into hypertrophying chondrocytes. Retroviral misexpression of Dlx5 also enhances formation of periosteal bone, which is derived from the Dlx5-expressing perichondrium that surrounds the diaphyses of the cartilage models. This suggests that Dlx5 may be involved in regulating osteoblast differentiation, as well as chondrocyte maturation, during endochondral ossification.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins `BMPs' are polypeptide signaling molecules, belonging to the TGF-β superfamily. They were originally identified by their ability to induce ectopic bone formation, but their expression patterns in embryos suggest multiple functions. BMP-7-deficient mice show among other mesodermal and skeletal patterning defects, polydactyly in the hindlimbs `Luo G, Hofmann C, Bronckers ALJJ, Sohocki M, Bradley A, Karsenty G `1995': Genes Dev 9:2808-2820; Dudley AT, Lyons KM, Robertson EJ `1995': Genes Dev 9:2795-2807'. Here we report a more detailed analysis of the limb phenotype in BMP-7-deficient mice using in situ hybridization to monitor expression of molecules implicated in patterning processes of the developing vertebrate limb. In previous studies we showed that Sonic hedgehog (Shh) was expressed normally, but Hoxd-13 expression in limb mesenchyme was lower in BMP-7 mutant limbs. Here we show that Hoxd-11 expression domains are also contracted and decreased in intensity in mutant limbs, suggesting that 5′ genes of the Hoxd cluster are coordinately downregulated, while another Bmp, Bmp-2, which can be activated by Shh, is similarly expressed. The mutant limb buds are broader than normal buds, and fibroblast growth factor Fgf-8 is expressed throughout the extended ridge. However, expression of the homeobox gene Msx-1, which has been shown to be involved in epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during limb development, was decreased in the mesenchyme of BMP-7 mutant limbs. Taken together, our data suggest that BMP-7 is involved in regulating proliferation and/or epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in the developing limb. © 1996 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

We investigated expression of mouse macrophage galactose/N-acetylgalactosamine-specific calcium-type lectin (MMGL) in mouse embryos using a rat monoclonal antibody (mAb) LOM-14 that we previously developed. Immunoblot analysis revealed that a significant expression of MMGL was first detected in detergent extracts of whole embryos of 11 days post coitus (dpc) and the level of its expression increased during further fetal development (examined up to 18-dpc embryos). Tissue sections of 12, 14, 16, and 18-dpc embryos, newborn and adult mice were investigated by immunohistochemical staining. In embryos of 12-dpc and later stages, mesenchymal cells (typically distributed in the embryonic skin) exhibited positive signals for MMGL. Interestingly, a conspicuous staining was observed during endochondral ossification in temporary cartilage tissue, in which chondroblasts were transiently positive for MMGL. The staining intensity for the chondroblasts peaked in 14-dpc embryos and then gradually decreased. The staining was diminished while hypertrophy and maturation of chondrocytes proceeded, and was eliminated in areas with calcification. Immunoelectron microscopic study demonstrated the presence of MMGL in rough endoplasmic reticulum in the chondroblasts in the temporary cartilage tissue in 14-dpc embryos. These results provide first evidence showing the expression of MMGL in cells other than macrophages. © 1998 Rapid Science Ltd  相似文献   

To examine the possibility of a difference in cell adhesiveness along the developing Xenopus hind limb bud axes, single mesenchymal cells from developing hind limb buds were cultured, allowing them to form an aggregate in a gyratory culture system. By observing the distribution of cells within aggregates, it was found that sorting-out occurred between cells from different positions and different stages. Cells derived from more distal positions tended to be situated interiorly in the aggregates. According to Steinberg's differential adhesion hypothesis, these results support the idea that there is a graded difference in cell adhesiveness along the proximo-distal axis of the developing limb, with adhesiveness increasing distally. Although similar sorting-out was observed between anterior and posterior cell populations, it could not be determined which cell populations were definitely more cohesive. These properties may be correlated with the experimentally demonstrated 'positional value', which should be different among cells located at different positions along the axes of the developing vertebrate limb bud.  相似文献   

To clarify the roles of fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in limb cartilage pattern formation, the effects of various FGF on recombinant limbs that were composed of dissociated and reaggregated mesoderm and ectodermal jackets were examined. Fibroblast growth factor-soaked beads were inserted just under the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) of recombinant limbs and the recombinant limbs were grafted and allowed to develop. Control recombinant limbs without FGF beads formed one or two cartilage elements. Recombinants with FGF-4 beads formed up to five cartilage elements, which were aligned along the anteroposterior (AP) axis. Each cartilage element showed digit-like segmentation. In contrast, recombinants with FGF-2 beads showed formation of multiple thick and unsegmented cartilage rods, which elongated inside and outside the AP plane from the distal end of the recombinants. Recombinants with FGF-8 beads formed a truncated cartilage pattern and recombinants with FGF-10 beads formed a cartilage pattern similar to that of the control recombinants. The expression of the Fgf-8, Msx-1 and Hoxa-13 genes in the developing recombinant limbs were examined. FGF-4 induced extension of the length of the Fgf-8-positive epidermis, or AER, along the AP axis 5 days after grafting, at which time the digits are specified. FGF-2 induced expansion of the Msx-1-positive area, first in the proximal direction and then along the dorsoventral axis. The functions of these FGF in recombinant and normal limb patterning are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The expressions of the c- and N- myc proto-oncogenes during oral development of midgestational mouse embryos were examined by in situ hybridization in order to analyze their roles. In the mandibular rudiment, c- myc RNA was strongly expressed in the mesenchymal condensation around the ossification center in which high-level expression of 2 ar (osteopontin) was detected. In tooth germs, c- myc was strongly expressed in the epithelia at the bud stage, and its expression gradually became restricted to the inner enamel epithelia from the cap to bell stages. In contrast, N- myc expression was detected in the undifferentiated mesenchymal cells of the dental papilla. Incorporation of BrdU was examined immunohistochemically to study the relationship between the expressions of c- and N- myc and cell proliferation. Unexpectedly, the distribution of BrdU labelled regions was not coincident with the expressions of c- and N- myc . These results suggest that the level of myc expression is not necessarily related to cell proliferation.  相似文献   

目的:探讨小鼠胚胎发育过程中Ypel3基因的时空特异性表达与调控,为后续功能研究奠定基础。方法:选取胎龄(E)10.5、12.5、14.5、16.5和18.5 d的小鼠胚胎,利用荧光定量RT-PCR技术研究Ypel3基因mRNA的时序性动态表达谱;采用原位杂交技术观察Ypel3基因mRNA在胚胎发育E11.5和E15.5的空间表达谱;应用定量RT-PCR技术检测表观遗传学修饰对Ypel3基因mRNA表达丰度的影响。结果:定量RT-PCR表明该基因从胚胎发育的早中期开始表达,到出生前表达量呈逐渐升高趋势;原位杂交显示E11.5信号出现在脑和心脏中,E15.5信号在脑、舌、心、肺、胸腺、肝、肾等主要脏器中均有表达;甲基化转移酶抑制剂5-氮胞苷(5-Aza)处理的Neuro-2a(N2a)细胞中,Ypel3的表达水平未产生显著变化,而去乙酰化酶抑制剂4-苯丁酸(4-PBA)处理后该基因表达显著升高,5-Aza和4-PBA联合处理后表达水平进一步升高。结论:Ypel3基因在小鼠胚胎发育各阶段有广泛的表达,提示其具有重要作用,且该基因的表达可能受到组蛋白乙酰化的调控。  相似文献   

Summary Forelimbs of Day 11 and Day 12 embryonic mice were excised and cultured for 3 d in the presence of either 0.25 μg (8×10−7 M), 0.5 μg(1.7×10−6 M), or 1.0 μg (3.3×10−6 M) of all-rans retinoic acid (RA) per milliliter of culture medium. Cultured limbs were fixed, stained, and mounted whole on glass slides and evaluated with computerized optical image analysis for RA-induced effects on the area and shape of the total limb and individual bone anlagen. Relative effects of RA on total bone, soft tissue, long bone, and paw regions were also examined. With Day 11 forelimbs total bone area was increased by 10.5% by the low dose of RA. The increase was mostly in long bones and at the expense of soft tissue. Total bone area was increased 9.3% with Day 12 forelimbs. This increase was primarily in the paw. The high dose of RA decreased Day 11 forelimb area, primarily affecting long bones. Day 12 forelimbs were not significantly affected by the high dose of RA. Effects of the imtermediate dose were primarily limited to reduction in soft tissue area. Long bone:paw and soft tissue: bone ratios reflected these effects. The high dose produced a consistent rounding or shortening of Day 11 forelimb bones. On Day 12 0.5 μg/ml RA produced an inconsistent pattern of rounding of bone anlagen. Treatment with the high dose on Day 12 produced angular rather than rounded contours in many cases, as indicated by shape factor values closer to zero than obtained with controls. These data show that direct exposure to RA can affect both the size and shape of bone anlagen of the developing limb; the low dose enhances and the high dose depresses development. The results support previous studies which suggest that RA may play a critical role in the control of cell activities such as cell migration, proliferation, and cytodifferentiation in the development of the cartilaginous bone anlagen.  相似文献   

Matrix GLA protein (MGP), a gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (GLA)-rich, vitamin K-dependent and apatite-binding protein, is a regulator of hypertrophic cartilage mineralization during development. However, MGP is produced by both hypertrophic and immature chondrocytes, suggesting that MGP's role in mineralization is cell stage-dependent, and that MGP may have other roles in immature cells. It is also unclear whether MGP regulates the quantity of mineral or mineral nature and quality as well. To address these issues, we determined the effects of manipulations of MGP synthesis and expression in (a) immature and hypertrophic chondrocyte cultures and (b) the chick limb bud in vivo. The two chondrocyte cultures displayed comparable levels of MGP gene expression. Yet, treatment with warfarin, a gamma-carboxylase inhibitor and vitamin K antagonist, triggered mineralization in hypertrophic but not immature cultures. Warfarin effects on mineralization were highly selective, were accompanied by no appreciable changes in MGP expression, alkaline phosphatase activity, or cell number, and were counteracted by vitamin K cotreatment. Scanning electron microscopy, x-ray microanalysis, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy revealed that mineral forming in control and warfarin-treated hypertrophic cell cultures was similar and represented stoichiometric apatite. Virally driven MGP overexpression in cultured chondrocytes greatly decreased mineralization. Surprisingly, MGP overexpression in the developing limb not only inhibited cartilage mineralization, but also delayed chondrocyte maturation and blocked endochondral ossification and formation of a diaphyseal intramembranous bone collar. The results show that MGP is a powerful but developmentally regulated inhibitor of cartilage mineralization, controls mineral quantity but not type, and appears to have a previously unsuspected role in regulating chondrocyte maturation and ossification processes.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized a cDNA clone corresponding to a new member of bep (butanol, extracted, proteins) Paracentrotus lividus multigene family coding for cell surface proteins. The cDNA, called bep3, encodes a 370 amino acid protein and shares the same structural organization in the coding region with other members of the same gene family already characterized. Expression of this clone studied by Northern blot and by whole mount hybridization shows that the bep3 messenger is transcribed during oogenesis and utilized till the gastrula stage, whereas at the prism stage, unlike other members of the same gene family, new synthesis of messenger occurs. By whole mount hybridization spatial distribution of bep3 messenger in egg and embryos is established. This messenger appears located in the animal half of the unfertilized egg and moves to the cortical zone after fertilization; it is not present in the structures derived by the vegetal part of the embryo, such as the micromeres of the 16-cell stage, the primary mesenchyme cells of the blastula, and the primary intestine of the gastrula. At the prism stage instead, hybridization of bep3 messenger is restricted to the part of the embryo that will give origin to the oral region as successively confirmed by hybridization at the pluteus stage. The result of whole mount hybridization was confirmed by Northern blot hybridization of separated meso-macromere and micromere RNAs. A Southern blot experiment demonstrates that bep3 is codified by a single copy gene. Conservation of the bep multigene family in several Mediterranean and Japanese sea urchin species has also been analyzed. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In developing follicles, cellular coupling within cumulus–oocyte complexes (COCs) creates a functional syncytium allowing for the passage of small molecules. In many species, intercellular coupling between granulosa cells results from the expression of connexin 43 (CX43 or Gja1) and the formation of gap junctional plaques. Previously, our lab has shown that oocytes with a higher developmental potential had higher CX43 expression in their cumulus cells compared with developmentally incompetent oocytes. All‐trans retinoic acid (ATRA) has been shown to increase CX43 expression in several different cell types. In this study we investigated the effect of ATRA treatment, during maturation, on CX43 expression and localization in cumulus cells and the developmental competence of bovine oocytes. COCs and granulosa cells exposed to ATRA during maturation had significantly higher CX43 expression and increased gap junctional coupling, respectively. In addition, there was a significant increase in the maturation, cleavage, and blastocyst rates in ATRA treated COCs. Data from these studies suggest that not only can CX43 be used as a biomarker for oocyte health, it can also potentially be manipulated using ATRA to increase the number of oocytes achieving developmental competence.  相似文献   

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