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When cells enzymatically isolated from fetal rat calvaria (RC cells) are cultured in vitro in the presence of ascorbic acid and Na beta-glycerophosphate, discrete three-dimensional nodules form with the histologic, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural characteristics of bone (Bellows et al; Calcified Tissue International 38:143-154, 1986; Bhargava et al., Bone, 9:155-163, 1988). Quantitation of the number of bone nodules that forms provides a colony assay for osteoprogenitor cells present in the RC population (Bellows and Aubin, Develop. Biol., 133:8-13, 1989). Continuous culture with either epidermal growth factor (EGF) or transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) results in dose-dependent inhibition of bone nodule formation; however, the former causes increased proliferation and saturation density, while the latter reduces both parameters. Addition of EGF (48 h pulse, 2-200 ng/ml) to RC cells at day 1 after plating results in increased proliferation and population saturation density and an increased number of bone nodules formed. Similar pulses at confluence and in postconfluent multilayered cultures when nodules first begin forming (approx. day 11) inhibited bone nodule formation and resulted in a smaller stimulation of cell proliferation. Forty-eight hour pulses of TGF-beta (0.01-1 ng/ml) reduced bone nodule formation and proliferation at all times examined, with pulses on day 1 causing maximum inhibition. The effects of pulses with TGF-beta and EGF on inhibition of nodule formation are independent of the presence of serum in the culture medium during the pulse. The data suggest that whereas EGF can either stimulate or inhibit the formation of bone nodules depending upon the time and duration of exposure, TGF-B inhibits bone nodule formation under all conditions tested. Moreover, these effects on osteoprogenitor cell differentiation do not always correlate with the effects of the growth factors on RC cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Human epithelial cells that had grown out from a maxillary carcinoma were examined for their responsiveness to putative growth-controlling factors in a serum-free medium. Among the factors examined, bovine brain acidic fibroblast growth factor (FGF) at 1 to 10 ng/ml significantly promoted DNA synthesis of the cells in the presence of 5 U/ml heparin, whereas type beta transforming growth factor inhibited it in a dose-dependent manner. Fetal bovine serum at 0.6% inhibited DNA synthesis of the cells by approximately 15%, but no significant influence was observed at higher concentrations up to 10%. Epidermal growth factor, bovine pituitary gland FGF and basic FGF exhibited no significant effect on DNA synthesis of the cells. The present result suggests that acidic FGF, a known mitogen for endothelial cells, is also mitogenic for human epithelial cells derived from maxillary carcinoma.  相似文献   

We compared the effects of three growth factors, acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), and thrombin, on rat astroblast proliferation, morphology, glutamine synthetase-specific activity, and phenotypic expression of proteins. In vitro experiments were made on 20-day-old primary cultures. Astroblast proliferation was stimulated transiently (after 48 h treatment) by the three growth factors, while the cell glutamine synthetase activity began to increase significantly only after 3 days of treatment. Acidic FGF and EGF, but not thrombin, modified the cell morphology. The effects on phenotypic expression were first determined after 5 days of treatment to minimize the mitogenic effect of the factors. Proteins synthesized during the last 18 h of the treatments were separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. About 600 spots were compared, 54 were modulated by the various treatments, 13 were altered similarly by all three factors, 28 by aFGF and EGF, 7 by only aFGF, 3 by only EGF, and 3 by only thrombin. These results indicate a large similarity of effects between aFGF and EGF (41 proteins) and show that these factors elicit a more extended modulation of the phenotypic expression than thrombin (13 proteins). Each of the three factors has a few specific effects, which suggests that even for aFGF and EGF, which are supposed to elicit their effects through membrane receptor-associated tyrosine kinase activity, some specificity appears in their mechanism of action. A model is proposed to suggest that cell maturation is characterized by the modulation of the synthesis of many proteins which can be grouped into classes. Each class appears to be under the control of one regulatory element. The specificity of the effect of a growth factor should result from the activation of a specific combination of such regulatory elements. Analysis of the proteins after only 18 h of treatment, when neither proliferation nor maturation were significantly affected, showed that 11 proteins were regulated only at that time. These proteins could be related to intermediate steps of the growth factor signal transduction.  相似文献   

Acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) stimulated DNA synthesis in primary rat hepatocyte cultures in a dose-dependent manner with maximal effect at 10-50 ng ml-1. This activity was dependent on the presence of heparin at a concentration of 10-50 micrograms.ml-1. Insulin interacted synergistically with aFGF, as it did with epidermal growth factor (EGF). The response to aFGF was only 50% that found with EGF. The disparity was not due to different kinetics of DNA synthesis, since the peak response for both growth factors occurred at 36-72 hr after plating of the hepatocytes. The potential relevance of this novel hepatocyte mitogen to normal and pathological liver growth is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The ex vivo establishment, expansion, transduction, and reintroduction of autologous bone marrow stromal cells offers a potential efficacious system for somatic cell gene therapy. It is likely that any ex vivo system will require the use of large numbers of cells which express high levels of transgene products. We present a method for routine expansion of canine bone marrow stromal cells, established from initial 10–20 ml marrow aspirates, to greater than 109 cells. This high level expansion of cell cultures uses the stimulatory effect of acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) and heparin. In the absence of these factors, stromal cell cultures grow actively for only 1 to 2 passages, become flattened in morphology, and expand to only 108 cells. In the presence of heparin (5 U/ml), aFGF exerts its effect over a wide range of concentrations (0.1–10 ng/ml) in a dose-dependent manner. The stimulatory effect is dependent on the presence of both aFGF and heparin. Immunocytochemical and cytochemical analyses phenotypically characterize these stromal cells as bone marrow stromal myofibroblasts. Stromal cells grown in the presence of aFGF and heparin grow actively and maintain a fibroblast-like morphology for a number of passages, transduce efficiently with a human growth hormone (hGH) expression vector, and express and secrete high levels of hGH. Human marrow stromal cells were also established and expanded by the same culture method. This culture method should be of great value in somatic cell gene therapy for the delivery of secreted gene products to the plasma of large mammals.  相似文献   

Summary The somatomedin-like growth factors cartilage-derived factor (CDF) and multiplication-stimulating activity (MSA) stimulate DNA synthesis and proliferation of rabbit costal chondrocytes under serum-free conditions. Previously, we suggeted that CDF and MSA act on chondrocytes in an early G1 phase to stimulate DNA synthesis. CDF and MSA have synergistic effects with epidermal growth factor (EGF) or fibroblast growth factor (FGF) in stimulating DNA synthesis of the cells. The mode of combined action of CDF or MSA with EGF or FGF in chondrocytes was studied by sequential treatments with these agents. EGF or FGF had synergistic effects with CDF or MSA in stimulating DNA synthesis, even when added 10 h after the latter. Synergism was also observed in cells pretreated with CDF or MSA; That is, the cultures were treated for 5 h with CDF or MSA and then washed, and treated with FGF or EGF. However, when CDF or MSA was added more than 5 h after EGF or FGF, no synergism of effects was observed. These findings suggest that the cultured chondrocytes become activated to interact with FGF or EGF for commitment to DNA synthesis when they are exposed to somatomedin-like growth factors at an early stage in the G1 phase. Thus chondrocytes are under a different mechanism of growth control from fibroblastic cells.Abbreviations CDF cartilage-derived factor - MSA multiplication-stimulating activity - EGF epidermal growth factor - FGF fibroblast growth factor  相似文献   

The bone marrow microenvironment consists of stromal cells and extracellular matrix components which act in concert to regulate the growth and differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells. There is little understanding of the mechanisms which modulate the regulatory role of stromal cells. This study examined the hypothesis that mesenchymal growth factors such as basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) modulate stromal cell activities and thereby influence the course of hematopoiesis. Both bFGF and EGF were potent mitogens for marrow stroma. However, both factors proved to be inhibitory to hematopoiesis in primary log-term marrow cultures. Inhibition was also observed when hematopoietic cells and bFGF or EGF were added to subconfluent irradiated stromal layers, demonstrating that the decline of hematopoiesis was not due to overgrowth of the stromal layer. Loss of hematopoietic support in bFGF and EGF was dose-dependent. Removal of bFGF and EGF permitted stromal layers to regain their normal capacity to support hematopoiesis. In stroma-free long-term cultures, neither factor affected CFU-GM expansion. Basic FGF slightly enhanced granulocyte-macrophage colony forming unit (CFU-GM) cloning efficiency in short-term agarose culture. Basic FGF did not reduce the levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6), GM-CSF, or G-CSF released by steady state or IL-1-stimulated stroma. Similarly, the constitutive levels of steel factor (SF) mRNA and protein were not affected by bFGF. Basic FGF did not alter the level of TGF-β1 in stromal cultures. We conclude that bFGF and EGF can act as indirect negative modulators of hematopoietic growth in stromal cultures. The actual mediators of regulation, whether bound or soluble, remain to be identified. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of transferrin was tested on osteoblastic cells (clone MC3T3-E1) cultured in serum-free medium containing 1% bovine serum albumin (BSA). Transferrin (Tf) stimulated increases of protein content and protein synthesis, but not of DNA content and cell number, in the cells. This protein also increased alkaline phosphatase activity and collagen synthesis in combination with 1% BSA. Actinomycin D and cycloheximide inhibited alkaline phosphatase activity induced by Tf, suggesting that Tf may enhance de novo synthesis of the enzyme. These results indicate that Tf may be involved in differentiation of osteoblastic cells, but not in their proliferation, in vitro.  相似文献   

The incorporation of3H-thymidine into DNA in the brains of the 17-day and 20-day old rat fetuses was significantly reduced by maternal zinc restriction during pregnancy. The activity of the enzyme thymidine kinase (EC was similarly reduced in the zine-deprived fetal brains on days 14 and 20 of gestation, but not on day 17. Fetal brain alkaline phosphatase (EC was significantly depressed by maternal zinc deprivation on days 17 and 20 of pregnancy. The data suggest an association between thymidine kinase and the reduced incorporation of3H-thymidine into DNA in the brains of 20-day old fetuses but not in animals on day 17. Alkaline phosphatase was however depressed at this stage. The suggestion is made that because of the complexity of brain development, future biochemical studies in this area should concern specific structures in the brain at particular critical stages during neurogenesis.  相似文献   

We have previously reported on the development and use of synthetic hydrogel extracellular matrix (ECM) analogues that can be used to study the mechanisms of migration. These biomimetic hydrogels consist of bioinert poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate derivatives with proteolytically degradable peptide sequences included in the backbone of the polymer and adhesion peptide sequences grafted into the network. Cells adhere to the hydrogel via interaction between the grafted adhesion ligands and receptors on the cell surface. The cells migrate through the three-dimensional system by secreting the appropriate proteolytic enzymes, which are involved in cell migration and are targeted to the peptide sequences incorporated in the backbone of the polymer. It was observed that cell migration has a biphasic dependence on adhesion ligand concentration, with optimal migration at intermediate ligand levels. In this study, we demonstrate that we can covalently attach epidermal growth factor (EGF) to PEG and graft them into the hydrogels. It was observed that EGF when tethered maintained mitogenic activity. It was also observed that fibroblast migration significantly increased in the presence of the grafted EGF through the collagenase-sensitive hydrogels. In addition, the increase in migration was found to be independent from the proliferative response of the cells. These synthetic ECM analogues allow one to systematically control identities and concentrations of biomolecules and are useful tools to study mechanisms of cell migration.  相似文献   

Oligomerization of fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) induced on binding to heparin or heparan sulfate proteoglycan is considered to be crucial for receptor activation and initiation of biological responses. To gain insight into the mechanism of activation of the receptor by FGFs, in the present study we investigate the effect(s) of interaction of a heparin analog, sucrose octasulfate (SOS), on the structure, stability, and biological activities of a recombinant acidic FGF from Notophthalmus viridescens (nFGF-1). SOS is found to bind to nFGF-1 and significantly increase the thermodynamic stability of the protein. Using a variety of techniques such as size-exclusion chromatography, sedimentation velocity, and multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, it is shown that binding of SOS to nFGF-1 retains the protein in its monomeric state. In its monomeric state (complexed to SOS), n-FGF-1 shows significant cell proliferation activity. (15)N and (1)H chemical shift perturbation and the intermolecular nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs) between SOS and nFGF-1 reveal that the ligand binds to the dense, positively charged cluster located in the groove enclosed by beta-strands 10 and 11. In addition, molecular modeling based on the NOEs observed for the SOS-nFGF-1 complex, indicates that SOS and heparin share a common binding site on the protein. In conclusion, the results of the present study clearly show that heparin-induced oligomerization of nFGF-1 is not mandatory for its cell proliferation activity.  相似文献   

Summary Ethanolamine (Etn) stimulates hepatocyte proliferation in vivo and in vitro; however, the physiological function of Etn in hepatocytes has yet to be elucidated. In the present study, we examined the effect of Etn using a primary culture of rat hepatocytes. The level of membrane phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) significantly decreased when the hepatocytes were cultured without Etn but increased to the level found in the liver when the culture medium was supplemented with 20–50 μM Etn. Moreover, Etn stimulated DNA synthesis in a dose-dependent manner and had a synergistic effect with epidermal growth factor (EGF). A binding assay and Western blotting showed that the number of EGF receptors was 22–30% lower in cells grown in the absence of Etn compared to those grown in its presence, but the respective Kd values were almost the same. Furthermore, tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGF receptor was significantly lower in cells grown without Etn. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) synthesis in the liver is unique in that it occurs via stepwise methylation of PE. We found that without Etn supplementation, bezafibrate-induced inhibition of PE methylation increased the level of PE by decreasing its conversion to PC and stimulated DNA synthesis. Moreover, the function of EGF in stimulating DNA synthesis was significantly enhanced under Etn-sufficient conditions. These data suggest that Etn is a nutritional factor required for synthesis of adequate PE, levels of which are important for hepatocyte proliferation.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor, a potent mitrogen for granulosa cells produced a three-fold stimulation of ornithine decarboxylase activity in porcine granulose cells in vitro. Fibroblast growth factor, another compound with mitogenic activity for granulose cells, did not stimulate ornithine decarboxylase. Maximally effective concentrations of a commercial preparation of bovine serum albumin equalled the maximal effect of epidermal growth factor on this enzyme activity. The dominant stimulator(s) in the albumin preparation eluted after bovine serum albumin in gel filtration. At maximally effective concentrations, luteinizing hormone produced substantially greater stimulation than either epidermal growth factor or the bovine albumin preparation. Combinations of saturating doses of any two of these stimulators produced additive effects on enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The effect of various growth regulators including epidermal growth factor and transforming growth factor-beta on the alkaline phosphatase activity of rabbit renal cortical tubular cells has been investigated in a serum-free culture. As a result, it was found that transforming growth factor-beta, known to be a growth inhibitor of renal tubular cells, increased the alkaline phosphatase activity of the tubular cells dose-dependently and that cycloheximide blocked any increase in the activity of this factor. In contrast, epidermal growth factor decreased the alkaline phosphatase activity in the tubular cells.  相似文献   

In two heteroploid cell lines synchronized with thymidine double block, activity of alkaline phosphatase decreased during the 12 hour period preceding mitotic peak. A return to high values was observed during the next 12 hours of synchronous cycle. Prednisolone (11β, 17α, 21-trihydroxy-1,4-pregnadiene-3,20-dione), when added to such cell cultures increased alkaline phosphatase activity in one of the cell lines (Henle embryonic intestine) but had the opposite effect on another line (HeLa-S3) in which the enzyme activity was decreased. Neither effect could be demonstrated if the hormone was added at the end of S phase or if cells were arrested in metaphase by vinblastine sulfate.  相似文献   

Recombinant human acidic fibroblast growth factor has been produced in E. coli cells at a level of at least 50 mg/l culture. The recombinant and natural acidic fibroblast growth factors are almost identical to one another when tested on rat mammary fibroblasts for their ability to stimulate DNA synthesis, to bind to the high-affinity surface receptors of the cells and to inhibit DNA synthesis when present in the culture medium at high concentrations. The recombinant acidic fibroblast growth factor binds to two cell-surface polypeptides of molecular masses 160 kDa and 140 kDa, which are the same size as the receptors for basic fibroblast growth factor, and it binds preferentially to the smaller polypeptide.  相似文献   

Effect of epidermal growth factor on rat pleural mesothelial cell growth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We recently reported that the growth of normal rat pleural mesothelial cells (RPMCs) is inhibited by conditioned media from either in vivo or in vitro transformed RPMCs. In this study we report that the growth of normal RPMCs is inhibited by epidermal growth factor (EGF). This was demonstrated by using three methods of investigation. Two types of studies were carried out with growing cells. First, cell counts indicated that the number of cells was reduced in EGF-treated cultures when compared with untreated cultures. Second, the percentage of S cells detected by flow cytometry following treatment with EGF was lower than without EGF. In other experiments, incorporation of tritiated thymidine in confluent cells was decreased by EGF treatment, either in the presence or absence of fetal calf serum; these effects were dose dependent and were observed from 2 ng/ml EGF. Lower EGF concentrations did not significantly modify thymidine incorporation when compared with untreated cells. Analysis of 125I EGF binding experiments by the Scatchard method indicated that RPMCs posses EGF receptors (about 10(5) per cell) with low ligand binding affinity (Kd = 1.7 +/- 0.4 nM). These results indicate that EGF might modulate the growth of RPMCs.  相似文献   

Endocytic uptake and intracellular transport of acidic FGF was studied in cells transfected with FGF receptor 4 (FGFR4). Acidification of the cytosol to block endocytic uptake from coated pits did not inhibit endocytosis of the growth factor in COS cells transfected with FGFR4, indicating that it is to a large extent taken up by an alternative endocytic pathway. Fractionation of the cells demonstrated that part of the growth factor receptor was present in a low-density, caveolin-containing fraction, but we were unable to demonstrate binding to caveolin in immunoprecipitation studies. Upon treatment of the cells with acidic FGF, the activated receptor, together with the growth factor, moved to a juxtanuclear compartment, which was identified as the recycling endosome compartment. When the cells were lysed with Triton X-100, 3-([3-chloramidopropyl]dimethylammonio)-2-hydroxy-1-propanesulfona te, or 2-octyl glucoside, almost all surface-exposed and endocytosed FGFR4 was solubilized, but only a minor fraction of the total FGFR4 in the cells was found in the soluble fraction. The data indicate that the major part of FGFR4 is anchored to detergent-insoluble structures, presumably cytoskeletal elements associated with the recycling endosome compartment.  相似文献   

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