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Normative amplitude values of brain-stem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) components are given for normally hearing subjects at 1, 10, 30, 50 and 70 years of age, with an intragroup age variation of only ±6 months. Under these circumstances amplitude standard deviations decreased to less than 20% of the mean values. In contrast with the reduced evolution of latency with age, BAEP amplitude (for components I–V) undergoes a greater oscillation during ontogeny. With the exception of component I, it increased markedly from 1 year to 10 years of age and decreased thereafter constantly up to 50 years, with a mean rate of 10 nV yearly. The decrease slowed down between 50 and 70 years. The amplitude differences between the subgroups are highly significant statistically (P < 0.01). Possible reasons for these changes are discussed.  相似文献   

Evoked potential audiometry and brain-stem auditory evoked potentials were evaluated in 15 patients with systemic brucellosis in whom brucella meningitis was suspected clinically. In 8 patients cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was abnormal with high brucella titre, and evoked potentials were abnormal in all of them. In 7 patients the CSF was normal and evoked potentials were also normal. Brain-stem auditory evoked potential abnormalities were categorised into 4 types: (1) abnormal wave I, (2) abnormal wave V, both irreversible, (3) prolonged I–III interpeak latencies, and (4) prolonged I–V interpeak latencies, both reversible. These findings are of important diagnostic value and correlate well with the clinical features, aetiopathogenesis and final outcome.  相似文献   

A syntactic pattern recognition procedure for classification of brain-stem auditory evoked potential (BSAEP) is presented. A pre-processing stage of zero-phase bandpass filtering enhances the peaks and suppresses the noise. A finite-state grammar was designed to identify the peaks. Attributes of the peaks (latencies and amplitudes) that are identified are checked for their acceptability. A training run in 70 subjects of known diagnosis was perfomed finr-tune the system and build up necessary acceptance criteria. Peak latency differences are used for the classification rather than absolute peak latencies. Acceptance criteria for peak latency differences were empirically optimized. A data base of normal BSAEPs, created during the training run, was updated and used during the test run. Test of the classifier using 60 subjects yielded a classification accuracy of 83%. The classifier has acceptable accuracy and can be modified for other evoked potentials such as visual and somatosensory by establishing relevant attribute tables.  相似文献   

Dynamic time warping is a procedure whereby portions of a temporal sequence of values are stretched or shrunk to make it similar to another sequence. This procedure can be used to align the brain-stem auditory evoked potentials recorded from different subjects prior to averaging. The resultant warp-average more closely resembles the wave form of a typical subject than the conventional average. Dynamic time warping can also be used to compare one brain-stem auditory evoked potential to another. This comparison can show the differences that result from changes in a stimulus parameter such as intensity or repetition rate. When a patient's wave form is compared to a normal template, warping can identify the peaks in the patient's wave form that correspond most closely to the peaks in the normal template. Compared to an experienced human interpreter, warping is very accurate in identifying the waves of normal brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (error rate between 0 and 4%) and reasonably accurate in identifying the peaks in abnormal wave forms (error rate between 3 and 18%).  相似文献   

The effects of phenytoin (PHT) on brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) were studied in 65 epileptic patients who received long-term PHT monotherapy at therapeutic and supra-therapeutic levels with no clinical evidence of brain-stem toxicity. Abnormal BAEPs were found in 7.5% and 33.3% of patients with therapeutic and supra-therapeutic PHT levels respectively. Serum PHT levels had a trend towards a positive relationship with the I–V interpeak latency (IPL), and a significant negative relationship with the amplitudes of waves I and V. at supra-therapeutic levels, both I–V and I–III IPLs were significantly prolonged while at therapeutic evels onl I–III IPLs were prolonged. The absolute latency of wave I was prolonged in both the therapeutic and the supra-therapeutic groups. These results suggest that PHT acts both peripherally on either the auditory nerve or the cochlea, and centrally on brain-stem conduction.  相似文献   

Intraoperative recordings obtained from electrodes placed on the scalp (vertex and earlobe or ear canal) in response to click stimulation were compared with recordings made directly from the auditory nerve in patients undergoing microvascular decompression (MVD) operations to relieve hemifacial spasm (HFS) and disabling positional vertigo (DPV). The results support earlier findings that show that the auditory nerve is the generator of both peak I and peak II in man, and that it is the intracranial portion of the auditory nerve that generates peak II. The results indicate that the second negative peak in the potentials recorded from the earlobe is generated by the auditory nerve where it passes through the porus acusticus into the skull cavity, and that the proximal portion of the intracranial portion of the auditory nerve generates a positive peak in the potentials that are recorded from the vertex. This peak appears with a latency that is slightly longer than that of the second negative peak in the potentials recorded from the earlobe (or ear canal). The second negative peak in the recording from the ear canal and the positive peak in the vertex recording contribute to peak II in the differentially recorded BAEP. Since our results indicate that the difference in the latency of the second negative peak in the recording from the earlobe and that of the positive peak in the vertex recording represents the neural travel time in the intracranial portion of the auditory nerve, this measure may be valuable in the differential diagnosis of eighth nerve disorders such as vascular compression syndrome.  相似文献   

The 3-channel Lissajous' trajectory (3-CLT) of the binaural interaction components (BI) in auditory brain-stem evoked potentials (ABEPs) was derived from 17 normally hearing adults by subtracting the response to binaural clicks (B) from the algebraic sum of monaural responses (L + R). ABEPs were recorded in response to 65 dB nHL, alternating polarity clicks, presented at a rate of 11/sec. A normative set of BI 3-CLT measures was calculated and compared with the corresponding measures of simultaneously recorded, single-channel vertex-left mastoid and vertex-neck derivations of BI and of ABEP L+R and B. 3-CLT measures included: apex latency, amplitude and orientation, as well as planar segment duration and orientation.The results showed 3 apices and associated planar segments (“BdII,” “Be” and “Bf”) in the 3-CLT of BI which corresponded in latency to the vertex-mastoid and vertex-neck peaks IIIn, V and VI of ABEP L + R and B. These apices corresponded in latency and orientation to apices of the 3-CLT of ABEP L + R and ABEP B. This correspondence suggests generators of the BI components between the trapezoid body and the inferior colliculus output. Durations of BI planar segments were approximately 1.0 msec. Apex amplitudes of BI 3-CLT were larger than the respective peak amplitudes of the vertex-mastoid and vertex-neck recorded BI, while their intersubject variabilities were comparable.  相似文献   

The relative prognostic value of short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) and brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) was assessed in 35 patients with post-traumatic coma. Analysis of the evoked potentials was restricted to those recorded within the first 4 days following head injury. Abnormal SEPs were defined as an increase in central somatosensory conduction time or an absence of the initial cortical potential following stimulation of either median nerve. Abnormal BAEPs were classified as an increase in the wave I–V interval or the loss of any or all of its 3 most stable components (waves I, III and V) following stimulation of either ear. SEPs reliably both good and bad outcomes. All 17 patients in whom SEPs were graded as normal had a favourable outcome and 15 of 18 patients in whom SEPs were abnormal had an unfavourable outcome. Although abnormal BAEPs were associated with an unfavourable outcome in almost all patients (6 of 7), only 19 of 28 patients with normal BAEPs had a favourable outcome. The finding of normal BAEPs was therefore of little prognostic significance. These results confirm the superiority and greater sensitivity of the SEP in detecting abnormalities of brain function shortly after severe head trauma.  相似文献   

Objectives and mehtods: Four sets of measurements were obtained from 11 patients (44–80 years old) with small, localized pontine lesions due to vascular disease: (1) Monaural auditory brain-stem evoked potentials (ABEPs; peaks I to VI); (2) Binaural ABEPs processed for their binaural interaction components (BICs) in the latency range of peaks IV to VI; (3) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain-stem; and (4) psychoacoustics of interaural time disparity measures of binaural localization. ABEPs and BICs were analyzed for peak latencies and interpeak latency differences. Three-channel Lissajous' trajectories (3-CLTs) were derived for ABEPs and BICs and the latencies and orientations of the equivalent dipoles of ABEP and BICs were inferred from them.Results: Intercomponent latency measures of monaurally evoked ABEPs were abnormal in only 3 of the 11 patients. Consistent correlations between sites of lesion and neurophysiological abnormality were obtained in 9 of the 11 patients using 3-CLT measures of BICs. Six of the 11 patients had absence of one or more BIC components. Seven of the 11 had BICs orientation abnormality and 3 had latency abnormalities. Trapezoid body (TB) lesions (6 patients) were associated with an absent (two patients with ventral-caudal lesions) or abnormal (one patient with ventral-rostral lesions) dipole orientation of the first component (at the time of ABEPs IV), and sparing of this component with midline ventral TB lesions (two patients). A deviant orientation of the second BICs component (at the time of ABEPs V) was observed with ventral TB lesions. Psychoacoustic lateralization in these patients was biased toward the center. Rostral lateral lemniscus (LL) lesions (3 patients) were associated with absent (one patient) or abnormal (two patients) orientation of the third BICs component (at the time of ABEPs VI); and a side-biased lateralization with behavioral testing.Conclusions: These results indicate that: (1) the BICs component occurring at the time of ABEPs peak IV is dependent on ventral-caudal TB integrity; (2) the ventral TB contributes to the BICs component at the time of ABEPs peak V; and (3) the rostral LL is a contributing generator of the BICs component occurring at the time of ABEP peak VI.  相似文献   

In a group of 134 consecutive patients with brainstem symptomatology wave IV was bilaterally absent in 69%. Bilateral absence of this wave can be considered as a normal state. Only absence of wave IV on one side with its presence on the other side was appraised as pathologic. Asymmetries of the latency and amplitude could not be taken into consideration because of the lack of normative data for this wave. Computer tomography showed in our pathologic cases lesions in the pons, oblongata and cerebellum. The clinical semiology was extensive and multiform pointing in 84% to a pontine origin, in 16% to a lesion of the midbrain or oblongata. A possible lesion of the pons was in accordance with its functional anatomy as well as with the supposed origin of wave IV (superior olivar complex, lateral lemniscal nucleus). In 62% of cases the pathology of wave IV was present without impairment of auditory functions. The pathology of wave IV was considered as little sensitive and little specific.  相似文献   

Brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) have been used to gauge effects of brain-stem dysfunction in humans and animal models. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of BAEP in monitoring patients undergoing decompressive surgery of the posterior fossa for space occupying cerebellar infarcts.We report on serial BAEP recordings in 11 comatose patients with space occupying cerebellar infarcts undergoing decompressive craniotomy. BAEP studies were performed within 12 h after admission, 24 h following surgery and prior to extubation. BAEP signals were analyzed using latency determination and cross-correlation.Following surgery, 9 patients regained consciousness; 2 patients persisted in a comatose state and died subsequently.BAEP interpeak latency (IPL) I-V assessed prior to surgery exceeded normal values in all patients in whom it could be reliably measured (N = 9). Following decompressive surgery BAEP wave I-V IPL normalized in 5 patients, but remained prolonged despite dramtic clinical improvement in 4 patients. We prospectively computed the coefficient of cross-correlation (MCC) of combined ipsilateral BAEP trials after right and left ear stimulation. In all patients increasing MCC was associated with clinical improvement. Unchanging or decreasing MCC indicated poor outcome.We conclude that serial BAEP studies are an appropriate perioperative monitoring modality in patients with space occupying cerebellar infarcts undergoing decompressive surgery of the posterior fossa.Our study suggests advantages of cross-correlation analysis as an objective signal processing strategy; relevant information can be extracted even if BAEP wave discrimination is impossible due to severe brain-stem dysfunction.  相似文献   

In a group of 195 consecutively examined patients with brainstem neurological symptomatology parameters of the wave III BAEPs were pathological in 20 patients. In 70% of them the clinical symptomatology and/or the cranial computed tomography examination results pointed to a lesion at the level of pontomedullary junction and lower pons Varoli where according to the recent opinion the possible generators of this BAEP wave are situated (superior olivary complex, nuclei cochleares, corpus trapezoideum). These results support the supposed localization of possible generators of the wave III BAEPs.  相似文献   

Auditory brain-stem responses (ABRs) were recorded from human subjects undergoing neurosurgical procedures which exposed the auditory nerve. Scalp recordings indicated that the latency of the negativity between waves (In) and II (In) and the latency of positive peak II (IIp) were shorter when the nerve was suspended in air than when the nerve was submerged in cerebrospinal fluid or saline, while earlier and later waves remained unaffected. These results could not be attributed to changes in stimulus or recording parameters or conduction velocity. Computational and somatosensory experimental evidence of stationary potentials generated by physical properties of the volume conductor, including changes in conductivity or geometry, are presented to develop a model of wave IIp generation. The results of this study suggest that wave IIp (and probably In) are manifestations of current flux asymmetries across conductivity boundaries created by the temporal bone-cerebrospinal fluid intradural space-brain-stem interfaces. The current flux asymmetries are generated as the propagating auditory nerve action potential crosses the conductivity boundaries. These results also indicate that the physical characteristics of the volume conductor and neural pathways must be considered when interpreting surface recorded evoked potentials.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to investigate the neuroanatomic correlations of the late waves (VI–VIII) of the BAEP. Patients (N = 55) with clinical evidence of a CVA were compared to a normal control group (N = 85). Latencies of > 3 S.D. from the means of the normal group were considered abnormal. CT and MRI scans provided evidence of the lesions. For the 14 patients who had normal BAEPs, the sizes of lesions were significantly smaller than for those with abnormal tests. Evidence shows that an abnormal wave VI was related to an ipsilateral cortical lesion and an abnormal wave VIII was related to a lesion in the internal capsule-corpus striatum.  相似文献   

Wave III of the BAEP was analysed both with 3-channel Lissajous' trajectory (3-CLT) and a dipole localization method. The experiments were performed on 5 normally hearing subjects. The dipole analysis used an iterative algorithm assuming a spherical head model and homogeneous media. 3-CLT planar analysis was performed with a laboratory system. The parameters of plane C (azimuth and elevation) corresponding to wave III and those of the equivalent dipole showed a similar orientation of the plane and the dipole. This result is in agreement with previous investigations and confirms the interest of 3-CLT in far-field analysis and, at the same time, validates the dipole localization model used in this study, at least for BAEP analysis.  相似文献   

Brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) were evaluated over a 39 day period in a patient with a unilateral pontine-midbrain lesion verified by CAT scan and autopsy. Waves I, II and III were present on the side of lesion, whereas all 5 waves were present on the side opposite the lesion. The findings suggest that the BAEPs may be obtained with only an intact ipsilateral auditory pathway. Crossing fibers in the trapezoid body also appear to make contributions to the normal generation of wave V.  相似文献   

Latency and interpeak interval of the brain-stem auditory evoked potentials at different click rates were measured in 80 healthy children from birth to 6 years, and 21 adults. Clicks were presented at 10, 30, 50, 70 and 90/sec, and 70, 40 and 20 db HL. At high stimulus intensity (70 dB SL), all latencies of waves I, III and V and the I–V, I–III and III–V intervals showed a progressive prolongation with increasing repetition rate. The latency- and the interval-rate functions were similar for all age groups but their slopes were slightly steeper in younger than in older. As click rate increased from 10/sec to 90/sec, the latencies of waves I, III and V at different age groups were prolonged by 4–10%, 9–13% and 12–15% respectively, and the intervals of I–V, I–III and III–V were prolonged by 15–16%, 8–16% and 14–24% respectively. The mean increments of wave V latency and I–V interval in different age groups were 0.404–0.575 and 0.332–0.526 msec respectively with increasing click rate from 10 to 50/sec, and 0.697–1.009 and 0.629–0.776 msec respectively with increasing click rate from 10 to 90/sec. The younger the age the larger the absolute increments for all these BAEP parameters, but the increasing rates for a BAEP measure were similar among different age groups, exhibiting no age-dependent differences. The III–V/I–III interval ration in most age groups was increased by 3–10% with increasing click rate from 10 to 90/sec, suggesting that the III–V interval was affected by stimulus rate slightly more than I–III interval.At moderate (40 dB HL) and low (20 dB SL) intensity, all waves and intervals showed similar latency- and interval-rate functions to those at high intensity. This demonstrates that the shifting latencies and interpeak intervals with increasing click rate appeared to be independent of the stimulus intensities.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of an acute psychoactive dose of cocaine hydrochloride (HCl) in the rat, using the brain-stem auditory potential (BAEP) as an objective, quantitative measure of this substance's effects on brain and auditory electrophysiology. The animals were 8 adult Long-Evans rats (4 female, 4 male). BAEPs were recorded from skull screw electrodes during a baseline period as well as 30–90 min after cocaine HCl treatment (10 mg/kg, i.p.). Normothermia was maintained to control for possible temperature-related effects. Cocaine's effects on the BAEP were examined over a broad range of stimulus intensities (intensity profiles) and repetition rates (rate profiles). Cocaine prolonged latencies of several BAEP components at low stimulus intensities and shortened these latencies at high stimulus intensities. The average BAEP threshold was alos increased by cocaine treatment. These results were not strong, but were suggestive of a recruitment type change in auditory function. Cocaine treatment had no convincing effects on the BAEP as a function of stimulus repetition rate.  相似文献   

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