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The phylogeny of the mainly Australian nepticulid genus Pectinivalva Scoble, 1983 is investigated on the basis of morphology, and a division into three monophyletic subgenera is proposed on the basis of these results. These subgenera (Pectinivalva, Casanovula Hoare, subgen. n. and Menurella Hoare, subgen. n. ) are described and diagnosed, the described species of Pectinivalva are assigned to them, and representative new species are described in each: Pectinivalva (Pectinivalva) mystaconota Hoare, sp. n., Pectinivalva (Casanovula) brevipalpa Hoare, sp. n., Pectinivalva (Casanovula) minotaurus Hoare, sp. n., Pectinivalva (Menurella) scotodes Hoare, sp. n., Pectinivalva (Menurella) acmenae Hoare, sp. n., Pectinivalva (Menurella) xenadelpha Van Nieukerken & Hoare, sp. n., Pectinivalva (Menurella) quintiniae Hoare & Van Nieukerken, sp. n., and Pectinivalva (Menurella) tribulatrix Van Nieukerken & Hoare, sp. n. Pectinivalva (Menurella) quintiniae (from Quintinia verdonii, Paracryphiaceae) is the first known member of the genus with a host-plant not belonging to Myrtaceae. Pectinivalva (Menurella) xenadelpha from Mt Gunung Lumut, Kalimantan, Borneo, is the first pectinivalvine reported from outside Australia. Keys to the subgenera of Nepticulidae known from Australia, based on adults, male and female genitalia, and larvae, are presented. Host-plant relationships of Pectinivalva are discussed with relation to the phylogeny, and a list of known host-plants of Pectinivalva, including hosts of undescribed species, is presented. DNA barcodes are provided for most of the new and several unnamed species.  相似文献   

Niveas Rota, new genus, and its two new species, N. agassizi Rota, new species, and N. kone Rota, new species, are described and illustrated. Niveas is assigned to the subfamily Choreutinae based on morphological and molecular data. Niveas agassizi is currently known only from Kenya and only from female specimens. Niveas kone has been found on the Solomon Islands and in Papua New Guinea (PNG). In PNG, larvae of this species have been reared from several species of Ficus (Moraceae). The two species are superficially quite dissimilar from each other. However, they share features in wing pattern and venation, as well as female genitalia, and the molecular data strongly support the monophyly of Niveas.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of the butterfly genera Araschnia, Mynes, Symbrenthia and Brensymthia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Nymphalini) is reconstructed, based on 140 morphological and ecological characters. The resulting tree shows that Araschnia is a sister group of the clade including Symbrenthia, Mynes and Brensymthia (Symbrenthia is paraphyletic in the respect of remaining genera; Symbrenthia hippalus is a derived species of Mynes). The species-level relationships within Araschnia are robustly supported as follows: (A. davidis (prorsoides ((zhangi doris) (dohertyi (levana burejana))))). Analysis of the wing colour-pattern characters linked with the seasonal polyphenism in the Araschnia species suggests that the black and white coloration of the long-day (summer) generation is apomorphic. Biogeographically, the origin of polyphenism in Araschnia predates the dispersal of some Araschnia species towards the Palaearctic temperate zone, and the ecological cause of the polyphenism itself is then probably not linked with thermoregulation. The possible mimetic/cryptic scenarios for the origin of Araschnia polyphenism are discussed.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of nuclear gene EF-1α were determined for 49 species of Lasiocampidae from Eurasia and Africa. Based on these data, the phylogeny of the family was reconstructed using the minimum evolution, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference methods. The molecular genetic research confirms the monophyly of Malacosominae which is treated as a separate subfamily. The genus Euthrix appears to be paraphyletic. The group of genera similar to Arguda, previously united with Odonestis in the tribe Odonestini, proved to be a separate lineage; contrary to the earlier assumption, the genera do not seem to be related. On the other hand, the genera Argonestis and Odonestis were found to be closely related and therefore were placed in the same tribe. The position of the genus Macrothylacia remains obscure. The genus Stoermeriana de Fr. et Witt is also para- or polyphyletic and consists of several independent lineages whose status remains to be determined. The new classification supports synonymization of Pinarinae with Lasiocampinae. The rank of subfamily is not supported for the Neotropical Macromphaliinae, which is downgraded to a tribe, Macromphaliini stat. n., within Poecilocampinae. The genus Hypopacha, previously considered within Macromphaliinae, is transferred to Poecilocampini; the close relation between Poecilocampini and Macromphaliini is additionally supported by the presence of a member of Poecilocampini in the New World. A new tribe, Argudini Zolotuhin trib. n., is established.  相似文献   

The Coccinellidae (ladybirds) is a highly speciose family of the Coleoptera. Ladybirds are well known because of their use as biocontrol agents, and are the subject of many ecological studies. However, little is known about phylogenetic relationships of the Coccinellidae, and a precise evolutionary framework is needed for the family. This paper provides the first phylogenetic reconstruction of the relationships within the Coccinellidae based on analysis of five genes: the 18S and 28S rRNA nuclear genes and the mitochondrial 12S, 16S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) genes. The phylogenetic relationships of 67 terminal taxa, representative of all the subfamilies of the Coccinellidae (61 species, 37 genera), and relevant outgroups, were reconstructed using multiple approaches, including Bayesian inference with partitioning strategies. The recovered phylogenies are congruent and show that the Coccinellinae is monophyletic but the Coccidulinae, Epilachninae, Scymninae and Chilocorinae are paraphyletic. The tribe Chilocorini is identified as the sister-group of the Coccinellinae for the first time.  相似文献   

Butterflies in the large Palearctic genus Agrodiaetus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) are extremely uniform and exhibit few distinguishing morphological characters. However, these insects are distinctive in one respect: as a group they possess among the greatest interspecific karyotype diversity in the animal kingdom, with chromosome numbers (n) ranging from 10 to 125. The monophyly of Agrodiaetus and its systematic position relative to other groups within the section Polyommatus have been controversial. Characters from the mitochondrial genes for cytochrome oxidases I and II and from the nuclear gene for elongation factor 1 alpha were used to reconstruct the phylogeny of Agrodiaetus using maximum parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic methods. Ninety-one individuals, encompassing most of the taxonomic diversity of Agrodiaetus, and representatives of 14 related genera were included in this analysis. Our data indicate that Agrodiaetus is monophyletic. Representatives of the genus Polyommatus (sensu stricto) are the closest relatives. The sequences of the Agrodiaetus taxa in this analysis are tentatively arranged into 12 clades, only 1 of which corresponds to a species group traditionally recognized in Agrodiaetus. Heterogeneous substitution rates across a recovered topology were homogenized with a nonparametric rate-smoothing algorithm before the application of a molecular clock. Two published estimates of substitution rates dated the origin of Agrodiaetus between 2.51 and 3.85 million years ago. During this time, there was heterogeneity in the rate and direction of karyotype evolution among lineages within the genus. Karyotype instability has evolved independently three times in the section Polyommatus, within the lineages Agrodiaetus, Lysandra, and Plebicula. Rapid karyotype diversification may have played a significant role in the radiation of the genus Agrodiaetus.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Research - Plant cell and tissue responses to the attack of mining herbivores may be diagnosed by anatomical and histochemical analyses, herein investigated regarding the mining...  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of the early branching lineages of the monocotyledons is performed using data from two plastid genes (rbcL and matK), five mitochondrial genes (atp1, ccmB, cob, mttB and nad5) and morphology. The complete matrix includes 93 terminals representing Acorus, the 14 families currently recognized within Alismatales, and numerous lineages of monocotyledons and other angiosperms. Total evidence analysis results in an almost completely resolved strict consensus tree, but all data partitions, genomic as well as morphological, are incongruent. The effects of RNA editing and potentially processed paralogous sequences are explored and discussed. Despite a decrease in incongruence length differences after exclusion of edited sites, the major data partitions remain significantly incongruent. The 14 families of Alismatales are all found to be monophyletic, but Acorus is found to be included in Alismatales rather than being the sister group to all other monocotyledons. The placement is strongly supported by the mitochondrial data, atp1 in particular, but it cannot be explained as an artifact caused by patterns of editing or by sampling of processed paralogues.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of bacterial evolutionary relationships has proven to be a daunting task because variable mutation rates and horizontal gene transfer (HGT) among species can cause grave incongruities between phylogenetic trees based on single genes. Recently, a highly robust phylogenetic tree was constructed for 13 gamma-proteobacteria using the combined alignments of 205 conserved orthologous proteins.1 Only two proteins had incongruent tree topologies, which were attributed to HGT between Pseudomonas species and Vibrio cholerae or enterics. While the evolutionary relationships among these species appears to be resolved, further analysis suggests that HGT events with other bacterial partners likely occurred; this alters the implicit assumption of gamma-proteobacteria monophyly. Thus, any thorough reconstruction of bacterial evolution must not only choose a suitable set of molecular markers but also strive to reduce potential bias in the selection of species.  相似文献   

The history of the study on the woodsiodes is briefly surveyed in the paper. The family Woodsiaceae is recognized by the present author. The relationships among the species and the probable evolution of the family are discussed based on author's cytological and comparative morphological studies, and are indicated by Wagner's method, with numerical values as the indices. Woodsiaceae may have originated from the common ancestor of modern Dicranopteris and Sticherus of Gleicheniaceae, and evolved from it into two main branches, i.e., Woodsia and Protowoodsia. The origin of species through polyploid series are discussed, and W. andersonii, W. subcordata, W. alpina and Cheilanthopsis indosiosa considered as fertile allopolyploids; the probable way of speciation is also suggested for these species.  相似文献   

Dillman, C.B., Bergstrom, D.E., Noltie, D.B., Holtsford, T.P. & Mayden, R.L. (2010). Regressive progression, progressive regression or neither? Phylogeny and evolution of the Percopsiformes (Teleostei, Paracanthopterygii). —Zoologica Scripta, 40, 45–60. Cave animals have fascinated scientists for centuries, and clades consisting primarily of cave‐adapted species are even more intriguing. The percopsiforms are an enigmatic group of fishes comprised of nine species in seven genera, with four species in three genera exhibiting characteristic troglomorphic features, such as a lack of pigmentation and eyes. Nucleotide characters presented here provide the first test of monophyly for both the Percopsiformes and Amblyopsidae with this character type and taxonomic completeness. Characters of ND2 support a monophyletic Percopsiformes and Amblyopsidae and further document phylogeographic subdivision in two stygobitic genera, Amblyopsis and Typhlichthys, in Amblyopsidae. Age estimates from time‐calibrated branch lengths utilizing two independent intra‐lineage fossils indicate that the ancestor to amblyopsids is Eocene in age, and that phylogeographic subdivision in both Amblyopsis and Typhlichthys occurred primarily in the Miocene. Interestingly, ancestral character state reconstruction for the amblyopsids strongly supports the re‐evolution of eyes and body pigment. While certainly unconventional, but supported with this character set, the hypothesis provides continued challenge to Dollo’s Law.  相似文献   

Rhododendron subgenus Hymenanthes comprises >200 highly interfertile species in SE Asia (mainly Himalayas and southern China) plus the 10–11 members of subsection Pontica (excluding R. hyperythrum) distributed outside SE Asia. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses of cpDNA matK and trnL-F sequence data divided Hymenanthes into two clades: clade H, in which two Pontica species and the SE Asian R. adenopodum were sister to a clade of 60 SE Asian species, and clade P comprising eight Pontica species plus R. praevernum, R. calophytum, and R. insigne from SE Asia. If these three species belong in Pontica, they expand its range substantially. However, as they have no morphological links to Pontica, they might descend from clade H species that captured chloroplasts from a now extinct species of Pontica. Either way, their distribution within the Chinese/Himalayan range of Rhododendron indicates an ancestor that came from the north or east to meet the diversifying group of Hymenanthes in the Himalayas, making the SE Asian members of Hymenanthes a polyphyletic group.  相似文献   

Beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua (Hübner)) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is the most economically important sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) pest worldwide. In this study, a comparison was made between two different diets: one was based on Merkx diet (Holidic diet) and the other was based on sugar beet leaf (Oligidic diet). Results showed that the whole development time from larvae to adult between two diets (Merkx and leaf) was not significantly different. For example, developmental time from first instar larvae to adult in Merkx diet was 11.33?days, whilst developmental time of larvae to adult when larvae fed with sugar beet leaf was 10.33?days. However, analysis of variance showed that in some cases like development time of the first instar, third instar and fifth instar larvae and pupae was significantly different between two treatments (p?<?0.05). Larval weight showed differences when larvae fed on Merkx diet and sugar beet leaves. For example, significant differences were shown between first, third and fourth instar larvae weight when larvae fed on Merkx diet and sugar beet leaves (p?<?0.05). However, significant differences were not observed between weight of second and fifth instar as well as pupae weight when larvae fed on Merkx diet and sugar beet leaves (p?>?0.05).  相似文献   

Impact of some insecticides and their mixtures (Emamectin benzoate, Imidaclopride, Chlorfenapyr, Indoxacarb, Profenofos, Pyridalyl, Methomyl and Teflubenzuron) were evaluated against the tomato borers, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) and Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) population in tomato crop at Upper Egypt. Results of LC50 values indicated that Emamectin benzoate was the most toxic compound (LC50 0.461%) against T. absoluta, larvae. The carbamate insecticide, Methomyl, followed this descending order, showing almost similar toxicity, while Teflubenzuron and Chlorfenapyr were less effective (LC50 1.054 and 3.165%, respectively). Pyridalyl was found to be the most effective insecticide against larval stage of H. armigera. (LC50 0.513%). The corresponding toxicities of the other tested insecticides, arranged according to their LC50 values in descending order were as follow: Methomyl, Emamectin benzoate, Profenofos, Imidaclopride, Teflubenzuron, Indoxacarb and Chlorfenapyr. Their LC50 values were ranged between (0.513 and 0.872%). While, their toxicity indexes were ranged between (92.432 and 58.830%, respectively). On the other hand, there were no differences occurred among the treatments. Mean of percent infestation was decreased six weeks after six sprayings, and the per cent reduction in infestation was 79.73, 80.22, 78.41, 80.88, 80.50, 78.30, 79.64 and 78.25% using Emamectin benzoate, Methomyl, Imidaclopride, Pyridalyl, Profenofos, Indoxacarb, Teflubenzuron and Chlorfenapyr, respectively. The efficiency of the tested insecticides was increased with increasing the number of sprays from two to six causing reduction in insect borer infestation ranged between 68.02 and 80.88%, respectively. Generally, the tested insecticides and their mixtures achieved a considerable reduction in T. absoluta and H. armigera population.  相似文献   

Theory and recent literature suggest strong effects of induced plant defences in some plant herbivore systems. Few have studied behavioural effects on intact plants. Differences in foraging behaviour as well as weight gain were determined for first instar Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (Brassicaceae) mutant and wild type plants, non‐primed, or primed by herbivore feeding or methyl jasmonate. The differences in feeding were primarily in the length of feeding time as opposed to the area fed on, feeding location, or frequency. More larvae dispersed from plants after priming by mite feeding than dispersed after caterpillar feeding. Other behavioural activities such as resting were not significantly affected. Early instars gained less weight feeding on ein2 (ethylene insensitive) mutant, but there was no difference in weight gain between larvae feeding on induced and non‐induced plants of the same type. We concluded that there are fitness consequences for neonates of the generalist H. armigera after feeding on induced plant tissues in some cases, and that distinct changes in behaviour are recognisable both at the fine scale and at grosser levels (dispersal). However, these changes are more subtle than might be expected.  相似文献   

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